HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THUMDAY, AUGUST 23, 1906 EXPERIMENT WITH OIL ON STREETS Sulum Is experimenting with oiling tin- .-tieula to lay the dust, and is well bHllMiwl Willi Uio letiilLa. ilia Stutes nitiii KHys : The udvoratea of an experiment with oil on the etreeU derlare that there in no ground for opposition to it on the Hcoro ot diHHgreeable grnoll lesultiiiK, or of the oil being tracked into the LuiidiugB, or dresses being injured on the crossings. 1'be sug gestinu U made that the crossinga should not be oiled, or that the streets for two or three feet on either side of the crossings ; also that some attention should be given to keeping the main crossings swept, and these precautious would leave no possibility of disagreeable experience. Auotlicr point in favor of extensive use of oil upon the streets is that it would destroy all the growth of grass and weeds, leaving the entire surface clean, which of itself would add much to tho beauty of the oity. Witb the purpose of obtaining direct informa tion on the subject, a Statesman re porter interviewed some of the Salem citizens who have had personal obser vation of roads and streets where oil is used. Ueorge W. Johnson, the clothing merchant, who spent last winter iu Los Angeles and Long Beach, Cal, said on the suiect: "They use a great deal of oil on tbe streets and roads down there and the effect is to make good solid roads without any dust, it forms a tough flexible surface similar in appearance to asDhult. so that vehicles run over it without noise. 1 u tioed iuo com plaint whatever on account of smell. Immediately after being put on, 01 for three or tour days, theie is a lia ility ot adhering to the shoes and be ing tracked into buildings, but that liabilitv passes away and there is no trouble. "The character of the soil in that ((iniitrv is a sandy mixture, but I can not see but the nutuie of our soil would insure even better results. There is more body and substance to our soil and it ought to make a more compact surface. The country roads there are all oiled and give tbe best satisfaction. I think only one appli cation of oil each year is necessary, thoiiL'h I am not positive on this nnint. "I did not learn the actual oost of tbe oiling but am iufoimed that it is not expensive. I am not informed, either, of the best arrangements for applying it. An oiled roadway makes hard liding for bicyclists. The soft rubber tire seems to hing to the springy, tiexbile coating and it is very dittimilt to "nuiup" with speed. Hard rubber bugy tires, however, are nut nilm ted bv it. "1 believe the oiliug experiment is worth trying in Salem and that if tried it would be brought into .'PTipral use. " K. (look Puttun. the stationery chant, who returned a short time ago from an extended tour of South ern California. Bald: "by all means give us oiled streets. From my ob servation while in Southern Cnflifor- ii m raion tlv. 1 imiil a treat deal of at tention to the oil streets there and they certainly looked goi.d to me. They bad tbe appearance of asphalt. 1 did not notice any disagreeable smell, and I rode over places that were freshly sprinkled. Of course v.hen tbe oil is first applied, tbe (streets do look rather sticky, but this appearance soon becomes changed. Why, do you know, the Pacific Kloc tric Railway Co. sp'inkle all of their out-of-town liues witb oii, and tell you it's mighty flue for their passen gers, for it gives a cooling look and there's not a bit of dusty atmosphere to breath. 1 would like to see Snlem give it a trial. We are willing to stand our share of the expense iu the try-out. So let's pull together like our sister state of CalifomU and give us better streots and a Greater Salem. Amen!" orchard after oichard, at 75 oenU per barrel for tbe fruit. Western New York operators are alow to get started but a few contracts have already been made. Several orchards have been sold for 11.50 per barrel for the fruit. This, of course, means number Is. How ever, this price cannot be taken as a standard. Operators and growers alike have been widely apart in their views and wbile some buyers are talk ing "5 cents and 81, tbe growers Have tbe 12 and S3 idea buzzing in their bonnets. The Packer trnn heard of one buyer who got. uarreis oi Baldwins fot $1.7u f. o. b. shipping station. lie beaid ot mother con tact made at 11.65 for 1,500 barrels. One big apple packer offered an ex porter 10,1X0 barrels of number la at 12 f. o. b. New York The exporter said bo would think it over, lie de cided to take the stock but when he went to look for tbe seller be oould not And " him and did not succeed in making the oontract. Packer. Use Coal For Fuel in Crook County. If contemplated plana of the Hay Creek Coal Mine company are not forestalled bv unforeseen accidents, Prinevillle's offices and stores will burn ooal this winter instead of juni ner cord wood. If these plans can be carried out. Hay Creek ooal mines will be a Godsend to the people of this oity, as coal is always preferable to wood for otllco fuel. The matter of auailtv of tbe ooal has already been settled. Tbe Hay Creek ooal is so much like the Rock Snrings. Wyo.. product that tbe two cannot be told apart except by an ex pert, tbe seams being exactly tbe same even to tbe small stratum oi aninra nite at the base of each vein.. The Hav Cieek seam is a true bituminous, of a very cleau texture and about three feet in thickness. Tbeoompany has drifted a 100-foot tunnel under neath the vein, tapping tbe same 1(30 feet from the oronninv. and drifting an extension of 100 feet, following tbe vein this t'tne, is now under way. A larue bunker has beeu competed on the ground in which several tons are constantly keot for looal delivery Farmers come from many miles lound to pay $3 per ton of coal at the mines and then haul it themselves to their homes for their parloi use. Review, Trust to Nature. A great many Americans, both mm and women, are thin, pale and puny, with nr circulation, because they have 111 ited their stomachs by hasty eating or too much eating, by consuming alco holic beverages, or by too close confine ment to home, office or factory, and in consequence the stomach must be treated in a natural way before they can rectify their earlier mistakes. The muscles in many such people, in fact In every weary, thin and thin-blooded person, do their work with great difficulty. As a result fatigue comes early, is extreme and taste long. The demand for nutritive aid Is ahead of the supply. To insure perfect health every tissue, bone, nerve and muscle should take from the blood cer tain materials and return to It certain other. It is necessary to prepare the stomach for the work of taking up from the food what is necessary to make good, rich, red blood. We must go to Nature for the remedy. There were certain roots known to the Indians of this country before the advent of the whites which later came to the knowledge of the settlers and which are now growing rapidly in professional favor for the cure of obstinate stomach and liver troubles. These are found to be safe and yet cer tain In their cleansing and invigorating e fleet upon the stomach, liver and blood. These are: Golden Seal root. Queen's root, Stone root, Blocxlroot, Mandrake i-nnt. Than them la Black Cherry bark. The medicinal principles residing in these native roots when extracted with glyc erine as a solvent make the most reliable and efficient stomach tonic and liver in vlnorator. when combined In Just the rifht proportions, as in Vr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Where there Is bankrupt vitality such as nervous exhaustion, bad nutrition and thin blood, the body acquires vigor and the serves, blood and all the tissues feel tho favorable effect of this sovereign remedy. Although soma nhvslclans nave been aware of the high medicinal value of the above mentioned olants. -yet few have naMi mir irlvntrlnA as a solvent and usually the doctors' prescriptions called for the Ingredients In varying amounts, with awuhtil. The "Golden Medical Discovery" u a scientific preparation compounded of the glyceric extracts ot tne above mentionea vegetable Ingredients and contains no alcohol or harmful habit-forming drugs. SCOWS. charge. lours. Prof. Tyler, of Amherst college, said recently : "A man can live comfortably without brains: no man ever existed without a dicestive system. The dyS' nentic has neither faith, hope or char ity." Day bv day people realize the importance ot caring lor tneir digestion; realize the need of the use of a little corrective after overeating. A correc tive like Kodol For Dyspepsia. It di gests what you eat. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy Reduction In Flour and Feed. Special cash price on Flour and Feed at warehouse. Bran $11 per ton; shirts, $16 per ton; (lour, $4 per barrel. I). McDonald. C. P. R. Next Door to McGuire Brothers, Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired All work done with Electric I ron and guaranteed SEE Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Why does the sun burn? Why does a mosquito sting? Why do feel un happy in the Good Old Summer Time? Answer; we don't. We use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, and these little ills don't bother us. Learn to: look for the name on the box to get ine genuine. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy. A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodic attacks of biliousness and habitual conetipation was a mystery that Dr. King's New Life Pills solved tor me," writes jonn n. Pleasant, of Magnolia , Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect it.is action to every nony or money ri- ftimled. Only 25c at Clias. . Clarke's drug store. Not for your dealer's sake, nor for Benson's fiake but fr your own sake get some of lienson's fancy new potatoes. They will maun you smiie. .Must Xotirv Land Ofllce. Kelm. Or.. August 20. Tbe noticei rriren tv registered mail to boiue- .tnnilarB nn ndil numbered sections of the Nortbom Pacific lieu lands to notlj Ify the and o ce that tliey aesne to retain their tilings and to do so with in (SO days are piling up iu the post orltce here. The binds are claimed by the North urn W.iritie. and the recent act of con the railroads tbe lands where the settler does not notify the government that be desires to com nletn his Drools. This will work i hardship on some who uie away at nrnrlt in the harvest fields and who will not receive their notices in time to comply with the instructions. Many of the settlers in tbe dry por tions of the Umatilla county are uu ui.iu in mukn a livine on tbe lauds, but have loeii holding oil in the hopes f vurimiM unvernment and private ir rigation projects being ultimately completed. These men during bur ido. some of them be ing in British Columbia and others iu California, trying to make a living and obtain means to uiuae iminuvo mini ta in the winter, puts in crops. etc. Many of them are careless as to their addresses and mail reaches them iKPuipnlui Irr Others, of course, are not bona fide settlers, but are speculators awaiting n Minn ichnn t in claims win ue vaiu . ahl The oood with tbe bad will be swept out. May Overestimate the Crop. i. Vn,-if Aiioiist 21. Not a few itoriu(t t.hn convention of iTbe vvunmil Annie ShitmerB' Association at Niagara Falls tgree with the crop r,t thn committee. W niie it known that the apple crop tbis year is much lamer than a year ago an ,,.. n, mmlitv of tbe fruit is very n u . . J 1.1.... ,-Vw.t.t. fine, it has Ueen remarseu iu. is some fear of over estimating the crop The executive committee did not see fit to give out tbe crop esti mate by states this year because they thought the groweis would I'pmedi teh accuse them of withholding tbe report in the Bbortorop year and mak ing it public in the large crop year. This year's crop is a very hard one to estimate. Several apple growers from Missouii and Aikausas at tbe ,-onvention did not mince matters when they said they bad an enormous crop out there. It is known the crop in the uppei part of New Vork state is verv large, but tbe crop along tbe Hudson rivei will not run 50 per oent of last year and the quality is very nn, a that the Hudson river dis trict ean be counted out of the game so far as cutting Buy great figure in .L.. -.f Hnn fruit. Prices are tbe all absorbing topic of t;.,n umnno annle men now and cousideiable gossip was going the lounda of the hotel corridor at the v oti,u W week. It n known h,,-,,,! ! S.-' o- p. the big St. Louis opei. tor, is g'-ing into tbe deal this "ear up to bis ears and is buying Missouri, Illinois and Arkansas fruit, 0sUm. Board! DC mnd day chool for young iai. Uutlc (Leachttsky method). Art; Complct Academic Course; iperlal Inducement, For Information addraai Slater 6uparlrr. Pacific 13 til versity fopest grove, oregon, high-grade College with superior equipment. Beautifully located iwonty-six miles from Portland Full regular college courses. Academy gives s'.rone preparatory and Hrgh SchM.l courses. Conservatory of J.im and chool of. Art, with ni;cr;or instructors. Business branch tnrht Gymnasium a-.l I k ..i .Uhlctics under a Physical Director Well-equipped Laboratories. Library of 13,nw Volumes. Healthful soc.al life: lehtfious influences. All student enterpr.scs active. THE SCHOOL THAT H NDS FOR THC BEST IN rot'CATION WRITE FOR C.mT ALCQUc CHICAGO AND THC EAST o Chi-1 kir When Durchasinz ticket t cago and the East, see that it reads via the Chicago & North western Railway. Choice of outes via Omaha or via St. Paul and Minneapolis. It is the route of The Overland Limited and the direct line to Chicago from the U Coist Four fast daily Chicago trains make connections witn an wtumcwum nental trains at St. Paul and Minne apolis. The Vest of Everything. All agents sell tickets via this line. For further information apply to a. euwsi Aawrt. e. a. a.-w. i tt TMrtf si., PORTLAND, 0f. White Salinon-llood Kivcr two Two biir sail boat.- C"t r perfectly safe asoline aunclies nml two iMji' terry Expert sailors in Boats leave tit all DEAN & PEARSON Licensed Ferrymen. Wood For Sale All Kinds f-f -est Market Price. Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay. RALPH REED Best line of Cigars in tho City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle Leave Hood River 8:00 a. m. Leave Dee 4:00 p. m. On June iOth, and each Sunday there after, Mount Hood Railroad will run an Excursion Train between Hood R iver and Dee. A more pleasant trip than a few hours ride through the Beautiful Hood River Valley cannot be taken and the Fishing' in immediate vicinity of Dee is unsur passed. Round Trip $1 Round Trip $1 Tickets on Sale at Office, Mount Hood Hotel. Hunts Paint ($X Wail Paper Co. WllOUCKAI.K RUT AIL THE DALLES NURSERIES R. 11. WF.BHR, rrop. DALLES. OREGON. f TAINTS, OILS, VAI1MS1I-; ifiill i Through Utah and Colorado Castlf (into, Canon of the Giaml, Black Canon, Marshall and Ton neBeee I'bhl-ch, unci the World Famous Royal tiorge. Pordeaciipiive and llliislrnted pamph letK, wrlt lo W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent 124 Third mrerl, PORTLAND, OK. Have arflt'l a complete lim ESand brushes: HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. Our stock of paper inelmles latest designs in Planks, (iil and high (trades, From Kc up. A lull slock of room molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of uoveltieHin Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the latest thing in room tint ing, mixed to order. Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc. Phone (',71. First and Oak Streets. THE FRUIT, SHADE AND GROWER AND DKALRR IN GRAPE VINES SMALL FRUITS Rose and Shrubbery. TREES ts ORNAMENTAL Evergreen Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. Houses and Lots THEIR POI Arrival and Departure of Mails. HOOD RIVER. The Domofflee Is open dally between 8 a. ni. and 7 p. ni.; Sunday Iror 12 to 1 o clock. Mall" ror me iuihi ciom at ii.a u m., o.iu p. m. uu . m.; for the Went, at ' so p. m. ana p. m. he can-lent on U. K. 1. routes No. 1 and!! leave the Kwtottlce at 8.31) a. m. Mall leaven ror flu. tioou, uany ai la ui.; nrrivea iu.-u For Underwood, Wash., dally.Texcept Sun day, at 12 in., arrives at Ham. For White Halmon, Wash., dally at 12 m.; arrives at 11 a. ni. WHITE SALMON. For Hood Klver, dailyat9a. ra.; arrives at p. m. For llusmii. Trout Ijike and Oilier, Wash., dally at 7.;) a. in.; arrives 5 p. m. For (iienwooa, ruiua ana uiiiner, nunu., dally at 7.30 a. in.; arrives at 6 p. in. ror rine riaiinu nutiwuuu, n p. m. Tuesaaya una Saturdays; arrives same days at 12 m. I M ...... r. rfullu at A IK n m arrives nt .45 a. IU. ' OF SUPERIORITY ai'emany.tooinaiiy to print here, hut if you are interested in having the BEST get acquainted with Oliver Steel and Chilled Plows Moline Orchard Disc Buckeye Cider Mill Sharpels Tubular Cream Seperator Kimball Cultivator peon Rnvnv PiiTnn. Aermoter Wind Mill Syracuse Spring Tooth Acme Harrow Buckeye Force Pump Vehicles and Farm Machinery (EXCLUSIVELY) J. R. N1CKELSEN IN- i Coe's A ddition Now Cheap for Cash or on your own terms. is the Time to Buy. Phone Farmers 1233. H. C. COE. JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Phone 031 HOOD UIVEK, OR. O. R. & N East bound TIME TABLE. No. 2, Chleauo Hpecial, 11:45 a. m. No. 8, 10:33 a. in. No mall No. t. Hpokane Flyer, S::io No. 8, Mail and Kxpress, :io p. r i, 10:42 p. m. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:15 p. ra. No. 22. Fast Kreliiht, 4:06 a. ra. West bound- No. l, Portlana Hperiai. z:; p. m. No. 8, Portland Flyer, 6:f a. m. No. 5, Mall and Ex press. 4:42 a. in. No. 7, 8:40 p. m. No mail. No. ti. Way Frelglit, :i' a. m. No. 66, Fast K refill, lrt p. m. Union Depot- Iave. Arrive. 'hitMivu.Porilund Rneclal for he Kant via Huntington, dally B::tf)am !M pin Hpokane Flyer for Kastern Washington. Walla Walla, ljewlHIon, oeur u Aiene mm Great Noil hern points, dally li:lft pin :() am A I luii tic- Express lorinerjwi via Huntington, dally 8:15 pin 7:15 am Poriland-lliggs local, lor an points between Ulggs and Portland, daily.. 8:15 am 6:00 pm OREGON Shout Line and union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Through Pullman standards and tonrisl leeplmr cars daily to Omaha. Chicago, Hkv kunc; tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas ("lly: through Pullman tourist sleeping car liersonsaiiv conanctea) weemy 10 inrmio. Declining chair cars (Heats free) to the Kust dally. KIVEK SCHEDULE lummer Outings IN Yellowstone Park The Finest Place in America for a vacation of a week, a month or the season. Special Kxeiirsion Kales Hast, in .Inly, Auust and September during Park season. Tickets will permit of Stopovers, nfrordinj;' an opportunity to visit the Park at u slight additional nxpense. THE REGULAR ROUTE IS VIA ! FOR" ASTOKIA wav points, connecting. Pally with sleamer for ll'taco except and North Beach steam-' Hnnday, er Hassalo, Ash street Hat nrday. dock (waU-r per.) . iHMO P. M. and IWO P. M. 6:11 P. M Pally except Hunday. 7:30 P. M Dally except Hunday. VMn, Oregon 7 flf) A. M. Cttj and Yamhill Klv-i lially er point. Ah street except dock (water per.) nunoay. KOR LEW ISTON, 1:40 A. M.4.) P. M. Idaho, and way point,; Dally j Daily from Hiparta, Wash. I except except j Haturday Friday OKKICE HOVKS Freight House 8 a. m. to 12 noon; 1 to 5 p. ro. No freight received or delivered after 6 p in. Passenger Depot Hours for delivery of ex press and bag-gate will be 8 a.m. till Up. ni. WM. McMURRAY. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. II. W. BOYLE, Agent, Hood Blver. TWO TRAINS DAILY TWO St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, and the East. ftp?) TWO TRAINS DAILY TWO Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Joseph and the Hast. Livingston and Gardner Gateway is the Government Official Entrance Send Six Cents for Wonderland, 1906 Full particulars on Application at Ticket Office 255 Morrison Street, Corner Third Or by Letter to A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON