The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 23, 1906, Image 2

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AklHUtt P. MOB, PuMUfc.
tmrmt it Mkaortviloa II.M a nat fMi rid
Tb leoond number of "Belter
Fruit" ii out, and if anything 1b bet
ter than the first number,. Tbe front
cover ia a reproduction of Dr. Lura
way'a famous "Two-year-olda," Id
colors, the two-year-old apple tree
having half-dozen 4 tier, rod, ?:s
Sp'tzeobergg. The number la Oiled
with good timely ai tides and fully
manintains the promise made i'l the
first number of an excellent publioa
Tbe high prices paid for the best
grade of Hood River apples In a year
of plenty, demonstrates that tbe world
Is ready to pay a good price for a su
perlor article, regardless of the supply
of tbe common grades. It settles tbe
future of the apple business in Hood
River valley ax nothing else could
Those who have good Spitzenbergt
and Newtowns this year will make big
profits, and even other standurd var
ietles will be profitable. It is a oon
vinolng argument that the present
prloes of orchard land are not high
but rather an lndioation of an ad
vance all along tbe line.
Considerable interest is manifested
in the swimming match next Hutur
day between John Leland Henderson
and young llyrnes. The manager oi
tbe Oaks at Portland bas put up:
purse of 100, to go to the Portland
Swimming Baths, and the winner will
be accorded tbe honors. Ilia race
will be from Oregon City to the Oaks,
distance ol ten miles in tbe Willain
ette river, and will probably tiike six
or seven hours to make the trip. II
will be test of endurauce. The stait
will be made at eight o'clock in tbe
morning. Judge Henderson bas ben
practicing some, having spent some
time on tbe beach swimming In tbe
ocean, and last Bumiay swam aoiost
the Columbia four times without rent
log, a distance of six miles. One trip
aoross took only 15 minutes. He wui
aooompauied in this swim by Willie
Chandler, Louis Henderson and C. D,
Uuyer, who made one round trip.
The swimmers will be accompanied
Dy row-boats to guard against ucol
dent, while the judges will make the
trip In launches. Louis Henderson
will row one of tbe boats.
A good many people intend to be
on hand to see tbe race, and will uo
doubt take considerable money alonif
While Mr. Henderson is a much older
man than his competitor, he bas
fear of losiug tbe race.
Valparaiso, Chile, August 20. -At
7:15 last Thursday evening Valparaiso
experienced an earthquake or great
severity and during tbe night b'2
shocks were felt.
Most of the buildings of the city
are eithet burned or damaged. Tbe
loss will be enormous, probably reach
ing I'm 000, 000. Five hundred per
sous killed Is considered to be a fair
estimate of the casualties.
Vina del Mar, three miles from
Valparaiso, and having a population
of over 10,000; Quirihu, 225 miles to
tbe southward, with a population oi
25,000; Hauta Llmacho, 15 miles to
toe nortnwest, witn a population ol
u,ouu; uuiuota, 'lb miles to tbe north
west, with a population of 10,000,
and villages all around were destroyed,
Most ot the damage was due to tire,
which started immediately aftei the
first shook. The whole population is
sleeping in tbe hills, tbe parks or ' be
Pood Is very soaroe. Milk oosts
two Chilean dollars a liter, and It Ih
almost Impossible to obtain meat,
even at high prices.
Tbe railroads are all destroyed.
The nights are very cold and windy
and the people sleeping in the open
are suffering greatly.
Tbe captain of a steamship which
has arrived from Ban Francisco, says
tbe situation here is worse than that
following tbe disaster at Ban FranoU
Only now oan the extent of the
earthquake damaue be appreciated
The majority ot the modern linuses of
this city bave unsaie foundations.
Special oorps was organized to raise
all tottering structures. It la uutiafe
to walk on most of the streets on ao
count of tbe falling debris.
Advloea from Valparaiso indicate
tbe dead at 2,000. On the night of
tbe August 1(1, all was rendered bale
ful by tbe flashing of lightning, the
driving rain, wires and cables snap
plog as the result of tbe constant
earthquakes wbioh followed each
other in rapid suoeeHsion.
Hunter's JJreiiHe
D. MoDonald has made arrange
meats to receive money for hunters'
licenses and give receipt therefore, to
those who oaunot wait until they get
a regular license from Tbe Dalies and
receipt given by bim will be re
spected by Deputy (Jama Warduu
Roberts, until the regular license ar
rives. Many are not familiar with
the requirements, and wbeu they get
ready to so buntiug. Hud that tlicv
must get a liuense. Mauy also do not
know just bow to apply. Mi. Mo Don
ald has bolped out several while ut
camp, where it would be vnry inoou
venient to go to towu and wait for a
Let Loose, Portland
The Register is always Interested hi
the suooess of our worthy townsmen
and we should be plesed to see Hon
J. M. Shelley, who aspires to be eel
lector of customs at Portlaud, land
the plum. We undoistaud tbe pres
sure brought to bear In liehalf of other
candidates, more especially in Multno
mah county, but it would seem that
as tbe metropolis already bas the col
lector ot internal revenue. U. S. mar
shal, district attorney, governor, sup.
erlntendeut of public Instruction and
state treasurer, Portlaud ought to lie
willing to allow the outsiders an tic
caslonal chance. So far as Seuatoi
Pulton ia oonoerned we kuow he is
veiy friendly to Mi. Shelley's candi
dacy but even a man In Mr. Fulton '
fiosltion cannot always do as he would
ike. At any rate, Portland should
let loose on this matter and let Wil
lamette valley bave a peep in. Ku
gene Register. e
Ul lUUtllJ
The fseconil minimi picnic of tbe
Iowa residents of Hood River and vie.
Initv was held on the grounds of
Robt. Hand's grove, surrounding the
Wau-Uuiu-Uuin hotel, Ihursday after
noon. Annum 10. There was a good
turnout, nearly every one who at one
time lived Hi Iowa being present,
There are probably more here from
that state than from any other am
the showing made was very good.
i,'i'lie grounds were fixed up in nice
shape. A grand stand for speakers
was erected, and there were pleasant
seats provided, while a faucet at
tacbed to the water pipe that supplies
tbe hotel with cool spring water, made
the place very desirable for a picnic
ground. Apples were fastened to
some of the oaks, and they bad the
appearance of growing reui live ap
'ftie meeting was called to order by
President Laraway, shortly before
noon, who made a short address of
welcome, followe l by M. P. Isenberg,
Then followed a poem by Mrs. Hattie
Harrison Miner, written for the occa
si n, which was a gem, and road by
the author iu a very impressive man
ner. After a recitation by Mis Em
ma Noble, an adjournment was taken
for lunch. After enjoying the flue
picnic lunches which were brought,
tbe program was continued.
Alter lunch Mr. iioyulon was called
to tbe plutforin as the oldest llawkeye
in tbe valley, Ins residence in lue
state dating to 1811. Mrs. Lara
way was called next as having lived
tbe louuett in the state, a period ol
over 50 years. A recitation Ly Mist
Leach followed. W. (J. Martin then
made an address, stating that he tvat
blown out of the state by tbe bliz
zardds. Jasper Wickliam told won
derful tale of the corn crops there,
when they had to pick corn from lad
ders. Dr. Noyce, of Milwaukee, paid
a tribute to the state, having entered
the army Iroui there at the age ot 15,
and told the story of the dieain where
tie saw lowans on a fiirm by them
selves beyond the Pearly (Jatet, the
only colony guarded by ttt. Petei who
oould be trusted. Rev. Rigby guvt
an Interestlngs account of his earn
travels through the state. Rev. llray-
(ord made an interesting talk. Dr.
Uooper also alluded to the big coin,
wnere ears grew two teet long. Hog
well Shelley closed the exercises by a
talk, but could not refrain from i eld
ing a boost for Hood Klver.
ibe ollioers fur the ensuing vear
weie then elected, President Laraway
entering upon bis third term, as lol
Piesldeut. W. I"'. Laraway; Vice
President, M. M. Hill; Secretary,
Airs, llattie U. Miner; executive
board. M. R. Noble, Mis. M. M. Hill
and Rev. J. W. Rigby.
I'he Iowa picnic is one of the avunU
or tbe summer season, since its in
auguratlou last year, and the list ot
Iowa residents of the valley who have
registered bas exceeded 3(10. This is
probably the largest number who live
iu the valley who have lived lu any
other one state. Xhu idea of au an
uual gathering where old times can be
talked over, it a good one, and it wtu
veiy union eujoyed liy every one pies
eut. It was proposed to bave the
baud for the occasion, but at the last
minute it was found the boys could
not all get away, so that pait ot the
program had to be dispensed with,
ill ore was no lack of enjoyment, how
ever. It was principally a social af
fair, and old neighbors and friends
iiad new things to talk about, swapped
stories ot old piouoer days iu Iowa,
many of them happenings among the
scenes ot childhood. There were those
among them who let tjlowa lu the owl
grant wagon mauy years ago, tor the
lar west, and not a few of tliuui re
called events in the now large citiu
when they were piouoer villages.
Ibe dale and place of holding the
next annual gathering have not been
decided, but will be llxed to suit next
year a conditions, llie growth of (lit
society and the assuruuee of a good
time, will guarantee a good atteud
a ucu.
Hack through the vista of yearn Itil us pass
1 o llioae Uavs 111 Llie II (1 llawkevu SLale.
When wu welcomed Dame. Nut u i' In all her
And courted hur early and late.
Iu lancy we wander again down the lane
Aim us en (o I he whin-noor will sum:
While from thedlstant tall stecpled lowers
w e near me eiiurcu unus ring
lly the hi renin Hint flows Oironijh llie mead.
OWN tf reell
We have sal ihrniurh lonir aunnv hours.
TalkittK wllh playmates wu loved ho we!
w nose graves are uow covered wun llowern.
In autumn we wandered through forest and
When the nuts were beulmiinit lo fall:
Or leathered the fruit from the old annle trees.
W lille the aoutu birds were repealing their
The aelKHil house stands where It did yeara
11 ut how haltered unit worn and old.
With IIn rusty old latch and many .scratch
liy knives whoHe owners were bold.
The door wllh a panel or two broken through,
w line ine windows hold iiniautiiss:
The broken down bench that stood by the
l Hir
Where wo sal with our tit nr old class..
The bell cannot ring with its merry old tuns,
for it nanus lu lis place no more.
The master who held both the rod and the
Has bussed tolhe other shore.
an you see the old home as It atoo.l long ago
vt i n the n v and u hi-ashamed iiowera:
The stream running by and the woods quite
Where we played 'mid the shady bowers.
The birds ami the bees, 1 tie tall elm trees
here buns Iheold rustle swing;
The boys and ihu girls n ull their suit brown
And the sougsthey used to slug.
Twss the corn husking bco, or the bright
l hilstiiuia tree
Thst called tor much laughter and fun.
OrlheoUt spelling match, where the b.lght
WU could culoh,
Thai charmed when the day's work was
We have left that old home In the w ostlo
To climb Hie wild mountain trail.
or IIohi in a skill' through the Oregon mist
Willi s spirit that tloes not fall.
Why do we long for Iheold llawkeyegong
to souiul for the friends wc know.
Tin when we grow grey In fancy we plsy.
aiiiiii inc scenes ol long ago.
Drink health to our Irlcnds who are still In
Wllh proHitc I v may they be blot.
We honor tlt m, loe ihuiu. cherish them All
And advise them ui come Ui the west,
Mill Hose OMce I nlilOct. 1.
lr. II. I). V. I'ineo announces
he will close his dental olliee in tlili-
city until Oetobler 1, at which time
there will be a meeting of tbe ttate
board. Dr. Piueo has two diplomat
from colleges and holds certificates
from two eastern states, eutitling him
to practice his profession.
lie took bis examination before the
Oregon hoard iu June, but the board
has uot issued any certificates since
that time, as far as can be learned,
and applicants will hare to await the
October meeting. Dr. Piueo left for
Portlaud yesterday morning and will
go from tlieio to Seaside tor au out
I AGentsfor mi v rj Agents for the j
I The New Ideal g P 8FIS ifllF Hamilton-Brown
In ;i, li tter front our buyer, Mr. M. K. MeCurty, lie states that the styles
for tlii.s Fall in LadicV Suits ami Shirt Waists are very neat and effective.
Also that he has ln el a lare order for them which we expect to arrive
Mion. We apprecial.) the liberal patronage of our many patrons during the
hea.vy tnide of Sprii iiinl tSuminer months, and assure you that you will "'
receive the same sati -faction in buying your Kali Suits here in the future
as you have in the p ist.
It S'as to
1 I pnfiY nan A ,lrNl l'llU8' r,'liill,lu lauiry Infante' Hnco in''n fine cottou iio-e, su-
LtilUA jUup. ,,,,. HupiTior to all otlior 111101113 IIU3C. ,.rior finish, fsst liluck. These
latin. liy simps. H ecu I 7 Bars, 25c hose are seamless anil are a good wearer. Social
j price, the pair 5c
TaJI Cinn Myra soap is a pure toilet soap,
I I OUCl 30dp. wflrrante.1 to he free from all MpJ ' TjC Abont 200 P,,ern ,0 n tfom-
I aiiimul giwc, Lather, freely in ht, cold, hard or soft IV" J ' 'VJ Prlce ra"gB tr"m 3 to ea(:h
1 water- A k"1"1 val"t! Ht ir'c'- "r 'iri('c 7c ivipn'c hirtc 0(1,18 and e,1(U Me"'H Fre"dl
I . ' t" Madras ehirls.- Most all sizes,
Lad cs G oves i - ;,r y imn , fld ' p
LUullJ UiUVVJ. me lvni gloves in all sines )ce r ' 1q I
I and shades. Kenhir priee f 1.IHI Kpecial pi ice. .50c
Mpn'c HftCt Mt'n's Hull lloso, fancy patterns,
I Fp'l CIqCC Tumbler jelly glasses, large or me- I'ICH J IIUjC. LjHe Thread, a t;ood hhs Timent of
tlvllUIUJJi din m size with a fancy bordered colors and a splendid wearing material, a hai-gain for
fr n;e aroiinil the top, ilh or without lids, do.. 35c 35c. Special price, the pair 17c
Treed Uy a f oimar.
P. M. Hall-Lewis had an exciting
experience the Hist of the week while
KiirveyuiK f(" the new ditch t f the
Ulaoier Irrigation (lo. on tho of
Mount Hood. While uoikintf in llie
brush he beaid the hii)in of Home
mil nml, and on looking into a cluuip
of brushes, discovered a couple of
young cougars. Not (Mi intf to molest
them, he kept on with his work. In
a few minutes us he was looking
ItuouKU his nii'veyinK iiistruiuuiit, he
discovered the mother of the cubs
crawliuK aloiiK in bis diiootion. He
did not wuit for a foriiuil inlroiliio
tiou, but made for a linckuictiick tree
that was close by and iu less tiino
thuu it takes to tell it he win up tu
the first limb, about CO feet from the
ground. Tho oougai stopped alter
rcachinx the tree slid sat I here look
ing up ut blui. Tho other men iu the
patty who were some distance away
discovered bim going up the tree,
and then caught sight of the cougar
at tbe bottom, i'liey then scattered,
some of them running two union he
tore looking around. They allot yards
explained that they went slier n gun.
Hull L.e wis yelled nlniBulf liouit. , anil
with a Hag pole that he grabbi.d in
his Ulght stood ready to defend him
self, lie had several hours' time ( so
he thinks) in viewing the scenery
from tbe top ot a tree, und thinks it
the finest observation tower in the
world under similar ciicuuistaucea.
lie says that the feeling of exhiliaru-
i i mi experienced lu viewing the iiiag-
uillcient glaciers of Mount Hood and
the surrounding mouutuiiis, with a
0 foot cougar standing guard helow
li in), cannot be described, lie if sure
the cougar was ;!0 feet Jong, us the
first glimpse of the beast measured at
least 15 iobt, and only bait the body
was vlstDie.
After the lupte of several hours, the
men came back cautiously with rilles
and clubs, but as soon as the cougar
discovered the reinforcements, she
made off through the brush, followed
by the cubs.
Mr. Hall-Lewts says that they saw
mauy bear tracks, and several bear,
hut did uot get very ueal to them.
The party were surveying the route
of the Glacier irrigating ditch.
There will be sin miles of the ditch.
over three miles of which will he lu
tbe reserve. The water will be takeu
out of Kail Cieek. otherwise known
as Cold Hpring creek, Hand ciei k unit
iillle Jane, there will be .1,000 inch
es of water available, and will be the
highest elevation of any ditch iu the
valley. The ditch will be compara
tively easy to ou Id, with the excep
tion of one or two spots. This dilcli
will take the place of the Mountain
View ditch, which will have to he
abuudoued iu all probabiity owing to
uot sutlloieut IhII and luck of water.
In this state it is not nccesnarv to
serve a live davs' notice for eviction of
a cold. Use tiie original laxative eolith
Hvrup, Kennedy s Laxative Honey ami
lar. iso opiates. Sold by Minima
Death of Albert It. Koplln.
Albert R. Konlin, uuoii 'J.'! yeurs.
son of Mr. and Mis. S. K. K plin, on
the river road, died Tuesduy at the
residence ot his parents, two tuiies
west of towu. lie came homo several
weeks ago from Chicago nullering
from a complication of which
culminated in his death.
lhe funeral will be held at the resi
dence Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.
Uev. Y. U. Uilmore will conduct the
Hood ItlverUnip So. 7 702, M. W-ofA.
Kesulutious ot condolence.
Whereas, The Great and Huiueiiin
Uuler of the L'uiverse. lias in ills in-
lluite wisdom, removed from ho
family of our worthy and esteemed
neighbor, 1'. C. llrosius, his inlaid
son, Kraiiiptou ; we therefore the olli
oers and members ot Camp No. '70'.', i
.Modern vtoodmen or America, desiie
to record au expression of sympathy
for the bereaved family; theretoie
Kesolred, That with deep sympa
thy with the relatives of the deceased
Lohild, we reverently hope that ereu so
sad a loss to them may bo recompens
ed by Him who doeth all things utli.
Kt solved. That a copy of these res
olutions lie spread upon the records
of Camp No. 77ti'2, Modearn Woodmen
of America, a copy furnished the
Hood Klvre papers for pul'licatioii,
ami a copy forwarded to tho bereaved
family. Sigued,
V. V. Pakin,
K. llrosius,
10. S. Mayes,
Men's Shoes and Oxfords
Men's Tan and Russian Calf shoes, made from fine soft
leather, (Joodyear welt sole, regular values from
2.7." to $4.00. To close out
,2.49 AU S"es
Trade at 1"3a.
Wholesale and Retail
Lath, vShingles, Etc
Lumber Delivered to
A net Inn Sale,
Mrs. L. S. Rhoades will sell farm
ing implements, stock, household fur
niture, "aimed fruit, wood, etc., at
her residence August 2M. The sale
will commence at 10 o'clock a. m.
This will be a Kood cbanoe to et bar
gains, and should not be overlooked.
See sale bills for particulars.
Stomach Troubles and Constipation.
No one can reasonably hope for good
digestion when the bowels are consti
pated. Mr. ('has. Baldwin, of Kd
wardsvillv, III., says: "I suffered from
chronic constipation and stomach
troubles for several years, but, thanks
lo Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets, am almost cured." Why not
act. a pHi kage of these tablets and pet
well ami stay well? Price 25 cents.
Samples free. For sale by Keir &
True-to-Name Nursery.
Have for the coming reason's plant
ing a few thousand choice NewtowiiB,
SpiUcnhtirg and a few other leading
varieties for poleuizers. Cherry, pear,
and pencil of the leading varieties,
adapted to this locality. All buds and
scions used in propoguting carefully
selected from vigorous, prolific trees.
Past seasons have been unable to supply
the demand and our stock for this sea
son is limited. Would therefore sug
gest you tile your orders at an early date
to get choice stock. 11. S. Oalligan.
Phone farmers 1141).
No! Ice In hereby ulvenMiutat Hpctnl mtmt
liitf of the HHirt1of lHrrtHoTOorthtt Hood Ktver
Imgntinii piNtrifl. held Ht tl r oflliw lu tad
iHKtrii'ton Momluy, the iIKh dny of AitKUnt,
VM, it witn (stitnHtuil aud determined by the
Mount ot Directum of the Ktthl Irrigation Din
diet that It Ih nrct-hsnry to mlw $10,otH.HJU f r
the ptii nHeof complying the neeewwry Irr -Rutin
canals und wcrks, mid acqti ring the
necessary properly auu rliihln therefor, and
otherwise curry in out the pro vt ft Ions of the
act under uhtch miiil Ii.strlet was organized.
shUI Honnl of Itireetom at the Maui time
and place alM called a speeUI Kleetutn lo be
held t thCMtim- lime mid place hereinafter
mention! d, ut whh h slmll b- submitted to
tlie electors of said IrrlKHtion District the
H motion whether or not the bontla of aid
Distrlcl In the ttmounliihnve mentioned hui
b tMMied, and the Hoitrd dlreeiei tnat notice
1'ieieot tc Kivt-n in the mannrr provided by
, .said notice to be sigued by lue (sectetary
t l the Hoard of (M rectors.
It was also estimated and determined that
it In necessary to ia S3 Thres Thousand l)ol.
hu'H t,W,tKK)) by h pec la I asttetMinent for t lie pui
p se oi puviiitf the luieteston bontlj and other
ii'Vessiiry ex p-uses eonueeted with the atoa.
iiii tit and collectuu ol lhe lame.
Now, therefore, In purnuauce of the lore
poiiiij authority, notice Id hereby (tlven that
h pt'cmi heiittn will be held at the Barrett
school House in the Hood Klver irrigtuiou
iMstrt-'i in Wasco t'ounly, Oregon, on Satur.
dny, the IMh day of M'ptemtH-r, IWi, at which
stittll be submitted to the electors of waid Irri.
tf Mum Dittiici the question whether or kot
ttic bt'iittsot said Dlsinct Mhall be IhsuwI Iu
the sum ol $ HUM,' tor the purMie above men
tun u'tl Hiitl (he special Hswwtueut Mhall be
made for the sum ol 1.0 0 an above stated.
The polls at said elect tou will bo opened at
the hour of h o'clock A. M , and will be elooed
at the hour of 7 n ctock I'. M., and said elec
tion will he held and the reuil theml Uetr
niim d and d-vlaieo In all ret peas innrly
us pra t cable In coulormlty with lhe require
ments ol the Inw coiiceruintc the election of
oilUe ol Mtid DiMnet.
Noikv is inrther given that J. J, Jordan,
Ino, A. Wtlson and J. Wickhain were regu.
lurly appointed Judges ol said election aud t.
11. Anu-sou und 1. Sargent t'lerkM thereof,
H order ot tbe Hoard of Directum of ttM
Hook Hiver Irnauou In strict.
J. 11. sliuKMAKKK,
Stvretry ol the lioard.
Dated at 1I"h1 Klver, Oregon, thin 30tu day
ol August, hi.. mlM.i
arls rai:
Lumber Co.
Any Part of the Valley
Mra. L. A. Smith reiurued to
home iu Waaco Mouiluy nUnr r.u
teoded viait iu Hoed Kim.
Aithur P. Titft, ot Portland, went
to The Dulles Monday to prov i up on
a tltubet claim near the MkimmI
SpilogB. Frank Chandler i.tni Will
fiaud acoompanied him aa witnessep.
On Slate ltoad Hill, out of Hood
Hiver, one new o-rinir ualUT with rope
ateiii. aiho one plain carriage blanket
Under will be paid 7fo by leaving at
thetilaeierolheeorat Butler Hanking
"Make Hay While the Sun Shine
There is a lesson in the work of the
thrilly farmer, lie knows that the
briitht sunshine mav last but a dav and
he prepare- hr the hnwers -whiuh are
so liabl f.'llow. So it Bhould be with
every i.. ui. hold. Dysentry, d arrhoea
and ch"lera morbus may nttact vonie
lueml" r of the home without warning
Chanioer aiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Ki - l , which is the liett known
medic'' ful the.e difleasea, should al
ways ou Kept at hand, as immediate
treatment is necessarv, and delay mav
prove fatal, tor sale by Keir and
Why buy them from agents or com
mission men aud pay $75 to liA) more
when you oan buy direct from our
firm In Hood River, where we have a
branch store, which contains a huge
assortment of nigh grade instruments.
including the great Apollo Interior
Piano player. This Is the onlr in
strument iu the world which plays the
enure Key-ooara or toe piano, ami
also tbe only one having tbe transpos
ing scale by whiob tbe performer can
play in any key and accompany the
voice or any instrument. Pianos aud
orgaus sold on time or for cash. Sec
ond hand instruments taken in ex
change and also several for sale.
Pianos tuned and repaired.
Silas II. Soule.
Phono Main 1123. flood Hirer.
E. 0. DUTRO, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Olliceand Residence over Kind National
Bank, Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Phone Main 871
Cider, Champagne Cider, Genuine
Champagne, Vinegar, Wines
from gmpea and t-mall t'ruiiH. AUvlml
from cereals, vegetable, plant, fruit.
and wood and vuiuaUta ivoi(n. Semi
l for book giving prai'ticl information
how to make them. l.KO ZABKI,,
P. O. Box tM, Portland, On?.
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Ptiblio
J. M. KCHMELTZEIi, See.-Treas.
Notary Public
L.Hood River Land..
Real Estate Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
We are prepared in a special manner to handle all
kinds of business in any of the above lines and have
a large list of improved lands and city property
from which to make your selection for a fruit much,
a stock farm or a home in the city.
With an Extensive Correspondence
We are able to handle your prop
erty advantageously and will be
pleased to have you list saint; with us
The president of the company is the city engineer,
and is prepared to do surveying and civil engineer
ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
opinions given on property titles.
Collections a Specialty. Plume Main 141 .
Is now located in ('has. Clarke's Drug Store, next
door to the pontoftice. A full lino of
Watches, ClocRs, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures
Don't forget the name
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Phone 1313
For Sale
For Hale Korty thoroughbred Hrown Leg
horn UfciiH. J. L. Carter Kust Hide. Phone
121(7. ViV
For Hale 10 airre traetH tn Monut Hood Het-
tlemenl, nn main road. Timber on iome
IracU, also water. Price 87&'Xt to $l& per
hp re. HhIi down, oainnce o per rem, tietri
title to every tract. AdriredH A. K. elt;utli. !
Ml Sherlock liuilUinv. Portlaud, UreM ownerl
n23-m. I
ForHnle Meltable family buy hnrne, broke
lo work, rlita (ir ilrlve Kindle or ilonble. Also
barnesM and two-Henlecl rl. Will take cow,
Iih.v or fiirm wo 'k In exclmnif. Apnly by
nitiil or In iiiornlnH Ht fHrm on Krrrctt road.
Mi Mrs. I. H. Mercer.
For Hale Only tiO mtnuteH walk from pout
ottlce.lK iwri'M or kooiI rich bind, fine vtew,
living uprtngH ou place, (iood new lioiiMe.
some land cleared. AM for JIHOO. Kany
ternia. Knqntre at llils ottli-e.
I.OKt Wuhln the pat Ibreeor four monlbs
a pair of go ld-rl mined upertacleH In a dark
red cane. 1'leane leave al tbia otIWre and re
ceive reward. mi
Kor Hale Team of niarra. New harneHa
and heavy hack, eneap. Apply at Transfer
A Livery ham or w II. McLuuKblin. Wi
Kor Sale Hed loom auit, coo'i Hbive, chafrH,
MaNon fruit jam, hack and harnrNH good as
new. Call or write Henry KUuiim, liavvn
port lower planer, Kutliton" ai
For Hale Heuvy wagon In good condition,
will trade for light wagon. Slnifle harness
taken in part payment. H. p. Kolph, H. F. I.
No. 1. l'hone iJtW. a'Jsli
For Sale One of tlie bent paying mlllluerv
stores In Kaatern Oregon. If sold williln :)
days will go at a bargan. Wrlle for particu
lars. K. J. Uorinan A Co., J10 Second St., Tlie
Dalles. a'.isrt
F'or Sale Fresh cow. II. erigc.
For Sale Three cows, two Iresh and one
will he freuli Id February. J. H. Thomas,
Dee, Or. a'2:i
For Sale-A lot of fine, young, ( lark's seed
urawlierry plants tor sale Mrs. F. W Me
lt. F. u. No. s, Hood Ki
For Sale Cucumbers for pickling. Can
furnish any slr.e wanted. luopergHl., If you
do your own picking. Albert Vauglian, i'ur
adlse Farm, H'.;
F'or Kale Two fine parlor lamps, fancy
wroug'it iron standard, miind burner, fancy
globes. Will be sold cheap. Apply at Olacler
For Sale One black Jersey cow, one woik
horse and single harness, one pump and pipe
for a '.Vi axil well. Cheap If taken statu,
ail James A. Cook.
For Hale-A perfeet horse, a nice briirhi
bay, clean legs and sound ft-et a fine dis.
position driver, either double or single, in
fact you cannot put film in tbe work he can
not do. We ttuarantee satisfaction. Theonlv
reason for disposing of hi in is because 1 have
bought a niaiched team to run our waeon.
csll at Kockford store, H. F. D. No. Food
Kiver. ..:)
If you have a watch that oihers tiave failed i
to mskegive satisfaetloD brunr it to me 'r I
s. Weekley, the leweler. JJslm .
ForSah1 One team of horses, weimit mil!
isnindseach. well broken, single or donni !
'.' and 1'.' years old. (iood harness and I
Ham warou, wide tires, with rack Price 4rt: a
Terms. Will take two or Hire, triuel mili-h I
cows as part payment. Write to or inquire of'
w . t ear.ons. t iu'ks, oie. jistf i
. .
Hulls lor Service-I keen two bolls t ,.,
nlsee fhr service Anv nno .t.hin. .1... '.
same must nay at the timeseiviiv is rend,r..,i
Service, l. 1 also do dehorning at i c ixi
Iiuii1 Uriim. brut,. Xrili llul....... ..- ....... i
w. ....... ..... ... .... k.mhivi. '
Parties wishing to buy land in Wind
River valley would !o well to call on C t
Wetlierell, i arson, Wash. JyV.-nai
j. n. Fiiuajsox,
Vice 1'iesident and Manager.
I rwiiv'.Bi:jqisnry;aLBga5a;!qg?
Clarke, the Jeweler j
For Hale Klht aereH or land, V mil'-w frotn
H(Hd Hiver on liflinont road;;') anres in
Htrawberrles, (io fruit trees, part full hear! hit
and part one year; balance In eluver, pot HtocH
and vegetables, blni'kberriea, red raspiterries
and black caps on place. Tliree room bouse,
packing house lltxa), barn llxl( and
buiidtugs. fall ut place for ImUier paitU-u-lars.
j-Jti tf 1- J. MiiiUin.-.
Only a few more of those splendid lit-m-re
trm-tH nnsold on the M. H. I'ottcr lunn iu
Hood Kiver viillcy, ueur tiie city. Suiltible
lor apples and strawberries. Prices are
placed below regulai' nites on siiuilur piMp
erty In this vicinity. No better npp'e hind
can be found, Look at it personally for tho
proof. Write Frank McKarlnml, lMi i:tih st.,
Pmtland, or ee Mrs. M. ii. Potter on the
farm. tuiOti'
Wanted-F'arm hand, single man preferred.
Steady job. l'hone Farmera 431. C T. Hobeila
Wanted A cookforthe flub, at
the Warm Spnnj; Iiulian School. For fur
ther Infor ration' call on or nildresa W. H.
IllKhop, Box 7S, City. a2i.-l l
Wanted Horse, harness and 1'4 Inch tire
waijou. C. 1). N Ickelsen.
Wanted Prune packers ami pickers, good
campinKurouiKl, two weeks worx. Apply in
1'. lleiliniiKSen, at tlie Dryer, Miislvr, Ore. a
Wanted-I'ickera in tbe irune nrchnrda at,
Dundee, Ore., 29 miles soutll of I'orllaml.
Season hetlns early in Sept. und liists '.S da- .
Karly api llcants will secure iilaces. Address
Dundee Orchard & racking Co., Dundee,
Oregon. mi
If. von want a square deal
T. S. Weekly, the Jeweler,
rallied, i'riccs talk.
then deal with
All work war
j.'H lm
Wanted In Sell or Trade-Two lots. 5 ixiu;l
and KixKx), one six-room house and lour-rooni
collage wllh fruit on place, llox ,"nis, Hood
Hiver, Oregon.
Wanted Mentlenien or lady with -ooil
reterence, to travel by rail or with a riii, lor a
firm of f-.tlil.tHKUH) capital. Salary SI p-r
year and expenses: salary paid weekly anil
expenses advanced. Address Willi stamp,
Jos. A. Alexander, Hood Ulver, Oregon.
June H.
I'ound-l'uir of baby's white wool bootee
t nil at (jiueier otiice.
t or Rent
For rent, lower .lory i.fii rooms mid hatli
Willi nii'delll impiovellients, i:,,. i,.r ,,,
lilimers Ailditlon. Call on Onlnunk ut'len.
Not ce is hereby given that the underslgnel
bas duly iiuiilitied as executor oi ihc la-i will
and tesiam. nt ol IoUis s. Hlnmdi oeo ,,s d
and all pvisons having claims iiaain-t sn-.i
estate are riqllesled to proem lhe same (Imv ihe olhee of A. A. .laxne, Hood
Klver. Oh ., wiihin six umnllis from ihe iIB
1 e :"1- , ,, , O. H. ItllOADKs.
August n.i a-.'tsai
A variety rf aural u-si.H'iice property
ty at prioes and terms to suit.
(iooil liiy9 for $,-)tK, $IKK), If700. (S."nl,
l,0tjtl, fl.'.'.-.(), l,;i(lO, il,-M), ifl.noo,
fl;..)ll, fl.HOOor any price vmi want.
Ti.-stnry house iieur 1 1 fell school ,ir
only $l,o()0.
Several goo,l ivs;.leniV9 close lo l.n-i-tii'ss
for sale cheap.
Kilie, two-ftory' residence wjil, two
lots, choice location, onlv ifL'.Cotl.
N'ew two-s!(irv house", s:x rooms lit
anies pantry and Imlh, onlv if.KXI.
I u iiiiir liincks mil ;icrr;tL' i r( r'v f..f
! ..I- ... . ''"'"M nll Mr
i ... ". lemis.
' rlnest resilience lots in t!
v cheap.
ioiil investment.
urnu n.i I I . f.. , .
from, i
V'ood ..ichanl land ami farm pi
oine ami soe u.
j Onthank ti Otta
Hood River Oregon