0 wj.WBWll HOOD RIVER, OREGON, AUGUST 23, 1006. VOL. XVIII. 15 SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVKB COMMERCIAL. CLUB Meet every second Monday fu eai'b montb at 8 p. in., Id Uie club rooms over Jseknon'i tare. H.F. Uaviiwon, I'ros. A. D. Mok, secretary. minii RIVKIt UllKiE NO. KB. A. K. and M. Meets Halurday evening on or before each run moon. A. s. hlowkks, w . m. II. McDonald, Secretary. HiKIII UIVKRl H A1TKR NO 27. R. A. M. Meets Urst and third Krlday nlglils of eack month, u. Mt'UONALU, i. r. A. 1. MOB, Secretary. HOOD KIVKR CHAPTKR NO. t. O. E. 8. Meets second and fourtb Tnesdty ventut of each uumth. Visitors ooramiiy weioomea. MKH. T, J. KINNAIHD, W. Ot. Mas. Thkkesa uastnkk, Secretary. mi k-wif.nif IIMIR no. 107. I. O. O. K. Meet la Fraternal ball, every Thursday night. R. ti. f ABBOTT, N. u. Ali.bm Neal, Secretary rilKN RMCAMPMKNT. NO. 48. I. O. O. K. Heimlar meeting second and fourtb Mondays ...r...... u i ' rwiv n P 01 eaou muutu. i ... - . H U. smith, Scribe. I.IIIIH'I Rt.HKKAH IIKOHEE LOlKiK NO. 81, 1, o. O. K.-Meet llrstand third Fridays in each month. Mrs. E. W. Udmj N. 0. Mas. Dora Thomson. Secretary. WAUOOMA LODGE NO. 30, K. OF P. Meels in K. of P. hall every T nesday nijjht. '1 HUH. t. JU1IWWH, V. V. V. C. Bkock, K. of r. and 8. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,708, M. W. A. Meets In K. of P. hall every Wednesday light. K.S.MAYEH, V.U HU. Uakin, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. Sit, WOMEN OF Woodcrat'l-Alecl at K. of P. hall on the first and Third Fridays or eaeb raontu. LOU MCKKYMOI.US, (i. N, F. W. McRbynolus, Clerk. UIVl.'HHIllli'. I.IUHiKNO. IIS A. O. U. W. Meets tlrst and third Saturdays of each mouth. F. H. ULAUO, M. W K. R. Hkadlky, Financier Ch khtkk bll utb. Recorder. m.KTA AHSKMBLY NO. 103. UNITED ART- Isaus.-Meel i tie Urst aud third Wednes days, work; secoad and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' ball. U. W. IHosrauB, m. a. C. U. Ubn Kit H, Seen lary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. it, FORESTERS of America, Meets second and fourtb Mou. days lu each mouth In K. ot r. ball. SSKnkoa F, Foura, C. B. F. C. Hkobius, F. C. CANBY POST, NO. 16, G. A. R. MEETS AT A. O. U. W. ball, secoDd aud lourlb Satur days or each mouth at i ockk-k v. iu. U. A. U. numbers invited to meet with us. S. A. SKI nnku, commauuer, Thomas Uoss, Adjulunt. L'AMIY V. li. l, No. I0-MKET8 SECOND ami Iniiitli iiiiiruitsof each Montb in A. o. I . . Hall at i' p. in. Ki.i.kn Hlount, President. Gkiitkuuk Li. InuLks, Secrewry MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 34U9. R. N. A. Meets al the K.ot P. Hall on thesecoud aud fourth Fridays ol each month. Mas. Cahkib Bbosius, 0. Mrs. El.i.A Dakin, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Ofilce, 281; residence, 811. SIJKUEON O. R. AN. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, 1'HYtSlClAN AND fc'UKGEON. successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answer ,-d In town or country Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, Bll: Office, 613. Olllce lu the HroBiiu Building. DR. J. EDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 1433. Res. phone 7fXl, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Otlice in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1171. Residence, No. &HS. Dr. M. ll.SHAKi' Db. Edna B. Sharp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates uf the Aiueriean School of Osteopathy, KirkBville, Mo. Ollice and Kesidence Huxley Cottage, Kiver street. Phone 25 Hood Rivkr. F. C. 1SI10SIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 t and C to 7 P. M. H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Crown Bhiihik Wokk a Specialty. Ollice over i-ii'dt National Bank Telephone Main 311 C H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones: 0lIice2K3; residence 1045 Ollk'e over Buller Bank, Hood Rivkk, Okk. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SURGEON Is prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He cau be found by callins; at or pti ' n i uf to I larke s druK store. A. JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Fnrnished. Money leaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will 1'ractloe In All Oonrts. (ifflce wlrh (jeo. I). Culbertson Co. If-rltons. AritractH. Hettlement of Katates. HiXIH K1VKK. OKKi. SENECA F. FOUTS Attorney at Law liroKius Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOHN LKLAND HENDERSON AITollXKY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO TAKY FUHI.lt' and ItKAL ESTATE AGENT. For 23 yean resident of O egon and Wasb Inu'iin. lias had many year experience Is Kent Kstate niHttertt, iu ariairaetor, searcher of lilies unit agent. Satisfaction guaranteed 'r uu I'imrife H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. j I sm qualified and prepared to do all kinds of tlrst class land surveylos;. Accuracy guar anteed. Thoae who wis1 first-lass work dune 1 address K. t D. i.. Hood River. Fbona Wxl. EE J. II. HEILBRONNER &C0. FOR Fruit Lands, City Property, Investments, Fire Insurance, Burglar Insurance Accident Insurance Our List of Bargains in real estate will interest yon J. II. Heilbronner & Company ruit Lands, Real Estate and Insurance Ground floor new Davidson Hldg. HOOD RIVER and PORTLDND, ORE Hood River Studio -FoR- irst-Class Photographs We have the tatewt In uiounta and can en- Hepla. aatisfactlon guaranteed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. BON TON .Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection 0. B. QRAY. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEEK. iR. JONES, Dentist Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. I'm atnietit of diaeaned teetb aud gums, otth-e Hrosius Building. Pbone 1033. Eureka Meat Market McUUIRE BR08., Prop. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. Free Delivery. Phone Mala 35. F. G. COE Carpentering Pbone (71 FABtaklby, E.L.Smith, E.O. Hiancbar Pres. Vloe-Pres. cesiner. V. C. Bbock, Asst. Casliier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital and Surplus, $30,000. P. M. HALL-LEWIS & CO Civil and Architectural ; Engineers and Surveyors Maka snrveva. nlans and estimates for sew er. Unlit and oower and railway olanta, and furnish, subject to approval, plans, specifica tions and estimates for all clauses of bulldinKs public, private and mercantile. Wperlal at tention (Ivan to economic snd slow-Durning construction. Accuracy and economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder Ham A EannATM JvajruiiD. FREDERICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS ItilmaUi fnralihsd oa all klnrliof work Phnnoa- Arnold, Mala M. SIM0NT0N & SONS Architects and Builders Itoooratire Painting and Paper llaiinriiijf Plans fumlnhed. KatimateR carp, full v made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect Having had several years' experience in drafting snd building. I would respectfully solicits part of I he patnmaaeof the people ol Hood Klver who antlclpste bulldliitr. Terms reanuhle, a id satiHfactlon guaranteed. Of- Qce at residence on Heights. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER l'hone 7() . tnruree and estimates furnished on all kinds of building and contntctin?. ill ASSOCIATION of Mt'Miniivllle. Oregon, will insure your property at 00 per cent less cost man auy other institution. U. r. KUSft, special Agent Hood River, Oregon GOVER. ftlENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands and tlinqer claims: also relinquishment and land to script. Call on or address. Wm. f. rand, Res. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. Hood River Dairy Delivered Morning and Eveding Can supply all orders from now on BRUNO TRANZ Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all partB of the United rvates and are in good posi. tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. Dodge & Reid Carpenters, Cabinet Makers and Repairers v ili repairing In wood and metal. Kurul lure making; a sjieclalty. tiuns, bicycles, etc., repaired l'hone 651 HOOD KIVER, ORE. WOOD FOR SALE. I hiu prepared to furniHu mill and slab wrvxl, aUo other kioda of wood. I liav a new a team wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do genera) team work. FRED HOWE. I'hoiw. 121. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt ralea and quick returns Wholesale dealer in all kimla of Firxl and Produce. Coimittnment solicited 139 Fnw KUree, PgrUMtd, Ore. ITlmber Land, Act June H, WT8.J NOTICE FOR riT.LlCATlON. llnlled Htatca Land (ifflcc. The 1hIIik. Oregon, June IS, HM. - Notice Is hereiiy alven that In compllant-i- witii t lie iM'iivtsuiii. of the net of congress ol.hiin- :i, ls;S, entltlcil 41 An act for the sale ol tiinbiT Uuuis In tin states of California, Oivmm, Nevada an I Wanhtngton Territory," us cxteiiiieil u ait the public land states by act ol August 4, ISirj, PAl Lf. Mri'l'U.Y. ofPortlsnd, county of MultiHniiiiii, state of Oregon, hss niea in uus unirc nissworii siiih nient No. !!. lor Iho purchase of the lot 4 section 4, lota 1 and i ami .'. NK'i ol sivtion No. 5, In township No. IN,, liiinic No. UK., W. M. aud will oiler proof to show that the lands soughtare more valuable tor the tim ber or stone Ihereon than for agriiiiltuial purposes, and to eMiihiish his claims to said land before the Register and Keet'tver at the land ortte. In The Dalles, Oregon, on the iith day of August, IHOii. Heuaniea as witnesses: Fred Kriutschy, ot Hood River, Oregon, snd Mis i oIm ii, of Portland, oregou. Any and all persons claiming adverscly anvol the above-deiM'iltiiMl liuiils arc iviiutM- ed to tile their claims in this ottice on or he- lore the said anlh day ot August, Mlc'HAKl.T. Nol.AN, J21 Kcgisler. NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLF.M KM. li tlie County Court of Wasco t'oiint. (State of Oregon. in the matter oi incesiaieoi ueoige uweu, dtn;eaed. Notice is hereby given thai the inider- signed, the adiiiinislmior ol the estate . . t George Owen, deceased, hus duly tlleil Willi the clerk of the t'ounly Court, lor VVhmh Countv, Oregon, his rimtl iieeoiiht mitl ri'imri in said es ate: and uiai tne iiiigc ui t lie aiiuve entitled court, has duly ti.t-d TJiiirs.iiv, the nth (lay ot Kepieuiuer. a ii jii, hi u o vioi-k A. M. ol ksiu uay as uie nine, nun uie iiiinl rouri riMiin in me ouniy i ourt uuiise iJullea t'llv. Wasco linlnlx'. Oivmill. as the plaee for hearing said hu.tl lu-cuuiit uiul i IKirl. All iwrsons liiui'i'sh j in said estate aie heretiy notjtied to ujnn'iir at said tliu,i snd place, and ahotr eioise, it Hliy there In wliy snld tlnal accotini and repurt shmil. not In all things be allowed, rulilteij iiml ni proved, mid an order iiuide. duly disi-liHrgiug saia Bdminisirator ii'miii itirtner siiin,; n said trust, and exon.ir.n in linn 'troin tin ther liahility ttieieiinder. 1 nis imtlee is pull. Ilslied tiv orihT of the emiiitv iiniiie ot said cxiiirt. dated l in- im n uay in iieiisi, A. 1 .. I'.o Ihu tllsl kilioiicalion ol nils iinlli-e is ilaleil the 9lli nay nf August, A ).., ink,, aud tu mper In winch sum nntu'c Is uniereii pui ished Is The Hood River 1 1 lacier, published weekly in sum county in usi o. in tiiecii v ot noon lliver. luted lioou Klver, Oregon, Angus! illli, I901 KliWARDi'ooK, Administrator of the estate ot tiemae Owen deceased. IOIIN I.KI.ANl) IlKNIIK.HSnN, alisti Alioruey lor said cMnte. NOTICE FOR ITliLlCATION Drpnrlment or I he Inlt i lor, Litntl Oltlt The uuliCH, urt'Kuu, July is, r.u,. Notlw Is hereby Riven thai K. HOY JArKSO.V, of I loud Ui '!. orctui has tl It'it noltci1 ol hiH int ;iti! ion in irmlir linn I nvi'.ytar hruul In supfi",'! iI his clniin, iz: llorin'sl'-aii enlry Na '.'l.'s, ni;t'lr .lutic IWi, for Uv HjNW' an,l h1 .S wviu.n .., luvviiship 2 niii tli, raiiK' II t.avi, , m,, nn.l Llui I. sjtiit nniui' will in- iliiuli' tK lnlr tin- Ki :;. ihtcr iiml Receiver atTlic hnlU s, Oivutm. on lie naiiH'N HH vi itnensis to ;rovi' Ills "nniimi 11 s u's ili'iii'tf U'-tm ami cult i vui uni ul tin- Itiii'.l, viz : thuar iM. 1'i W'iM, Airier! .ItMiller. Hurry Kemp, Jiuward HmAe,, ;:il ot tloDil Hiver, Oretron. MU'i E A KI. T. Nol.AN, Ki'KlMer In the ('11011U Coui'tof the Shite nf Ore , fur w lisco county. ThoitiiiN (ieitnlngsun, l'laiiiiiil' vs. Allreiia Hi i.tilnifseii, iH-h uilHtit. To Aifretla lienniiigheii, the al-uve iiumed DeleTiuaii!:- I11 (he imine uf the state of Oret'on. yoii hi-c herehy icquireii io unpear aiui tuiMVerlhi compiHint lileit a4'UL yoi in Ihe almve en- (ii lea court on or lm-huc Atiueit,.(Uiu, idini, umi ifyoufitilso tt npi-eiu ud nimwtjr, for want thereotihe Hlahuul' will aj:ply to the court for (he relief piayed fur in the complaint, to wit: for a ueciie itii-sotvin 1 he noiiiiN ot m t riinnny now existing heiueen yoti umi philn till, and lor stu-u oi ner ami tur f her relict a ( the t'Oiirl may h-cm i meet una eiiiiUiile. Ihts puhlieiitlou 01 Mimnioiis im inane hv order of lion. W. I.. Ihaiisliaw, ,lmlre of (he above enlitleil euuri, duty made and eutereu on the i:ith day ot July, r.Hh, tiirectlut; II 1 1 r suiunioiiM to te puiih-hed once each veek toi six conseeiiltve wreus in the Mood liivei tJlHcier. h wecklj new-ipiiper ni'Keneral ciivti lutlon in Wasco 1 oiaily, uieniin. Date ol II rsl pttlua atiou J uly I'ftli, 1 ih;. A. J. I'KIUIY. JIM-h.'IO AUy. for planum. A I) M I N I sT U ATO K'iS NOT1CK. Notice Ik lien hv L'tven that the uiidei'Hiifned han heen duly appointed hy the hotionthle 'ounty t'inirt ui tlie h(at ol Oreiron for W ns- ti County to he administrator ul the estate o enry stetlanson, (leectwd, and all persons iiaviuK claims ai;ninst said estate are heieh notified to present Uie same, duly verille , to the undersigned at the oilteeof A. A. Javia in H'd River, nriyon, within hx motithh from the date of Ihe first publleutloii tl t Ji uotieu. JOHN HAKKL. J lil-alt Admliiistriiior. SliKKIi r'S SAI.K State of Oregon, J iA)Uiity ol S asco ! Notice Is herehy iriven that I will on Mon. day, theith day of AukunI, . 1). lUki, sell to the highest ilihlcr, lor custi in liand.all prop erly subject lo deed, owned hy Wasco county, hy virtue of the diftereiit tax sales. In witness tlienof I iiave hereunto set m hand this IHth day of July, A. I). l'KMV. I.KVI I H ItlSM AN. fjfi Hlierill'of Wasco 4 'mi my, Oregon NOTICE. To Youiik Men And Women. (treat opimi t unities tire awuitMit; ou in tin Business World. Hundreds of younif men and women Hie wanted In and around oak land and San Kianeisco, lo take iHisitlouK a HtenoKiaplierM. hookkeepcrw, leieifraphers. of. ee assistauis, tic, at msxt Haltiries. The Polytechnic iiuHinesH ('olleve. of Oak land, the leading Hchoo of its kind lu the West, indorsed ty tliethainh r ot t 'ominerct and leadint? ediieaiors, ollent except louai op porttinities to those who can enter college ai ouee ami prepare for positions. 1'hls kcIkmiI consiiiej-eii ny many to be the (he busi iiiipped busiuehN college In America. It i uinjucstionubly superior lo any other slmllai niroi wrsi oi i iiicayo. au expenses low. tune intluenceK Individual Inst ruction. Address I'olyteenie Uusmess ( olUet Kept. Oakland, i hi,, lor iree eataloKue sliowih seleKant iillenors and spletiried facilltieh Iliis Hi-hool, which I mi live times nii.tv money invcslcd In equipro.-nl than any other Hchoot In tlie West. New buildtnic lu oerli-ci condition. 9 M Combine, ma .'Ira, -' A. i SUMMER SPECIAL To advert i"-nurf tamped linrna we will srll centerpier like cut tamred on Pure Unen coinplctc with (loss to embroider. Regular value 90c Special 50c In ortfrine by mail lend post office or ei press money order and mention thu paptr 'Ske Needlecraffhob Ii8a2 VASH.aT.,T0RJLAHD01 1 PREDICTS RECORD APPLE CROP HOOD RIVER'S BEST IN THE WORLD Tli Ih U the Oiilimm tif (iconro I the Xew Xork Appfo KXKTt. (.ioorno Kho, uf line & lliittield, the iNeiv ioik uiilo ilimlots, an i ved iu Portlitnd liibt weult, ami came up to Hood Hivev Mutiduy to bo prununt. hI tlio iiiu'Iiiiil' of the bids fur the liloti crop of I loud Kiver apples, controlled by the II nod Uiver Apple urowors Union, in au iiilerviutv iu the Ore goniini, .Mr. Uuu aul : luo tt-iiit etoi; of the United Sstutet ot I'A'tj mil pi'ubulily be thu imxeut iu the history of the country. But iu spile of thu enormous output, there will be H mai'Ket tur the products and it is piobul'iu thut goiHl prices will prevail. ihls is the opinion of (ieoigo Kae, of .Ncmv Viii k, uiuiulior uf the linn ol Kite .V liuiiii'lii, one uf thu Jaixesl uouiiulKriiuu hoiieos in the country, wno la a uueHt al llio llotol t'orthiuu, Since relirunry Air. Kho has trav eled mum limn tiJ,iM) tuilus, abroad and iu this country, especially for the piiipiu of studying tiuit conditions. Aot only is i lie Lniloil btates par ticiilaily i roaporous with its liuit uioii, but ihe vvliolu ot .orth AmcriCH tvln'ie fruit is raised is enjoying tin smiiiu results. And according to Air. line, Kurupo will liitvu iimcli liugui 1 1 uit titan ordinal ily. lint le dues tint believe this will tilr'cct the fruii ami kel ul tin conn ry in any way. Ahmad they have not the culd stor age facilities which are used here on a scale, ttud us it result Hie European fruits will hure been harvested 11.111 consumed almost at thu time out crop is at its best. At the convention uf the lutcrtiu tiou Asniciiitiuiuil uf Fruit Shippcis, iie'ii Bevel ul f.rilis ago lit Ni.igtira, rrporlH truni all over the I nilod blulcs were eoiii'iui:l anil It w.'in es tili! .ted that tlii'ie noiild be i2, lKH, - iKi ' iiiiitel . ol ..ppliM pi. I on I lie mark els mis l.ui. luiiiiih I lie year 1 M Mi, lliu giciiU rt ll .iit yei.r in the histury ul llio ciitiiil.iy, the ii pie oiup iiinuuu..eil io 7 lu. till, I mi I barrels. l'he i oils at the Niagara cunveu- tiuu mo ei.uhei vatlte, and it is the guiifial o I u i uu ot llui li'uittiieu ot ihts country 1 hat more hint will be grown, picked, shipped und put ou llio market ui thu world and eaten than tuts ever before been known. With the laigu li'tiil output even ivlirio there has been an increase in the demand whieli, it is Mguied, will keep up the price tu tuch nil extent that 1 lie growers, commission men uxl retail dealers will all prollt ac cordingly. Moie trull is being eaten in this country, us wull us in thu for eign count i icx, than ever befoiu. Ueruiany will take much of the fruit from .... the ...Lulled Status thit yeiir, iiiitwitnstMuiiing tti it Jiift spring a law ahm passed putting a duty on all such products hum this cuuutry. Aud I be wiiuie ul liui upe w ill import pro oi Unnately. this increased demand tor Ameri ca's Iruits abroad is largely due to the fact that the people, as in thir country, liave been Hocking to the cities and niu leaving the furtns hiii) the orcliaids negleclod. Couseipient ly, there has been a shortage uf men to till the soil and attend the trees in the dilloiotit Kuropeau countries and a falling oil ot the Unit yields is the lesult. ihe enormous fruit crop of the Quito J States this year can best be es timated by taking the apple as an ex ample. l.-t seaHtin the orchards ol this country produced l III, lllMJ bui- 1h, while this season the products will be much more than doubled. All other truits will bear piopurliunately. Last year the average prico per barrel was &t .l0, while this season her price will prububly be about tl less. I'l'tilt-eiitiiig is no longer a luxury, as it was com-inered some years ago. ft is now a necessity." Air. Hue said last evening. "Ihe great development of thu industry, the scientiliu ways in which fruit is laisud uml the tre mendous crops which are put on the market have all helped tlie people to realize and Kppreuiate the honollts de rived ft otn eating fruit. It is not on ly a healthful food In every way, but is reasonable In pi Ice, easily obtaina ble and to be found on thu markets ol our cities nt all seasons of the year. the fruit crops of the country this year are simply gigantic. 1 never saw anything like it. 1 have traveled from one end of the United Stales to the other, made two (rips to the fa ille count, visited thu Hudson nvei oiinti'V this slimmer, and am utterly astonished at the great possibilities uf this year's harvest. And not alone is the fruit gi nwth to be one of the largest seasons on record, but all oth er crops are eipially huge, especially cereals. "Nature bus been more than kind to the people this year, liut with all this fruit we expect to lind a market for every bit uf it. Thut w hich w ill not be consumed at home will be shipped abroad. Aly Him will do one uf tlio lnrge:t exporting businesses HiiB year in its history. Ibecuiintiy h prosperous in evi ry way and alto getehr 1 am miro that this year will be uie (if tlie gi eiitet-l in the fruit line ever experienced. "l'he gtcatii-t liuit in thin countiy more espM ialy the apple, is giottn west uf tli" M jHsii-sippi. I here is uu question about this I threw a bomb shell into i be convent inn at Niagara, made up Jarg.dy of Kastern fruitgrow i'ts, when iu nn address 1 told them that the apples raised east uf the Alis siHsir.pl vr.liey were not lit to be put into boxes. " .Mr. line wes quest ioned as to what ho thought . f tlie Iruil, purlieuhrly the apples, of this state. 'O'regnn raises the greatest New tuns and Spiteu'erg tipples in the world," bo sail "Washington rdses these Hume products, but on an aver age tbey an not as good as those of Oregon. The Newtuwns and the Spitzenbergs Irnin Washiutgnu are, as a rule, larger Hum those lrom here, and consequently they will nut krop as well. Ibis is an impni tatit item in tiwjrii fruit business. season the firm of Kuj & Jlat- ileld handled the entire output of ap ples from the Hood Kiver district controlled by tbe Apple Urowem' Un ion. Mr. Kae is of tbe opinion that the fruit grown In tbe vicinity of Hood Kiver is the greatest iu the world. He has no hesitancy whatever in making this statement. Air. Kae a tra.els since l ebrtiHiy collecting data concerning the fruit industry amount to considerably more than it be bad twioe encircled the globe. He baa been traveling almost continually, aud in addition to the different countries of hurope wbioh ho visited hag been iu ueaily every fruit-raising section of any conse quence in the United States. Air. Kae claims tbe distinction of having beeu the brst man to intro duce the Western apple into the markets uf tbe East. Ibis was twenty years ago. At that time be was em ployed by Potter liros., of Chicago. Several years ago tbia firm tailed and he was appointed receiver. Ulti mate! v he organized tbe lit in of Kae & Hatfield aud took up the former cuinpuuy's business In JNew York. Air. Kae la one of toe best informed men iu tbe world ou tbe question ot fruit. He is a close observer, aud the minutest details of fruit allairs are noted by bitn and assist materially iu iu making bitu the successful business man that be la today. He will remaiu in Portland iu Port laud several days. From here he will reiuru to Mow lork, with the hope ot being able lo take a lest after com pteiiug one ot r tie longest tours ou reootu whore a man baa traveled ex ulusively tor the puiposo of studying trim conditluus. Market M osier Prune Crop. Pete Heiiuitigseu was iu Hood iilcui Saturday for piune pickeia and pack- els. 1 lo inteuds to manage the suu- oiug uf prunes for other parties at the M osier drier tills year, and needs about fifteen more bands. Help is scarcer than ever bet ore this year. and he hopes to get some fruiu lloou Kiver. 'There will te about twelve cars ol prunes ft otn Alosier this year," aaid Mr. llennlngsen," "aud 1 have al ready coutraoted for seven cars, 'l'he crop is very good thia year. We were not butt much by the freeze, although i undestaud tlie orop around The Dalles is badly Injured. 1 intend to pack them iu crateg and ship green ibis year, aud will piolmbly not put auy iu tlie drier. There is more mon ey shipping them out green, aud be sides the quality is above Ihe average. liiey are ot large alze and should sell readily ou the eastern markets. 1 believe there is as much money to be made ou prunes in Alosier aa iu apples, and for myself, prefer the prunes to tho tipples. They bear full every year, and require very little work. There ia no spraying, pruning r thinning of the tiuit. The only work required is cultivation of the orchard and picking the fruit. The crop cau be turued into cash as soon as gathered, aud that euds tbe mattet until the next season. 1 estimate tbat the Alosier or chards wilt average ten tons ot prunes to the acre, whicti will bring f'20 a tun at the driur, or 17 ou the treea. Tbe bulk of tbia Is prollt. t J the glower. There were a few years when primes were very low aud growers were dis pendent, but the average baa been good, and 1 would prefer 40 acres ol bearing prunes to 41) acres of apples." (ieniiany H ants Our Apples. New York, August 22. There has been considerable talk about high du ty ou American fruit going to (Jor uiauy, and a misunderstanding of the situation seems to prevail iu some quarters. Tho duty is not prohibito ry. On the other baud (Jerniauy wants our fruit. Speaking of the prosepeta for Amer ican apples In (ierinany this coming season, P. W. Duncan, apple export er, aud agent of Trinim & Gersten koru, of Hamburg, tbe largest fruit salesmen in Clermany, says: "Not withstanding the fact that Germany this season lias a lair orop of fruit, there will be a large demand fur American apples. During seven years, from lH'Jil to HHi'2 -Oil, Hamburg took P. !'.!,;"! d barrels of American apples, while in three years, llHUi-l to 1U05-U, Hamburg took (U'2,175 barels, when (ierinany iu l!)o:t-4, bud one ot tbe laigest crops ot apples ever grown. Hamburg will pay more for a first class batrel ol tipples than any other foreign market iu tbe world, aud this season we have just the quality of fruit Ihe (ioniums want." As to the duty of fXJ cents per bur ial, Air. Duncan saya he doea not think this will alToct tbe business iu the least, as the duty of l.u7 ou Canadian apples, shuts out a veiy large Canadian export to Germany, which, as a result, will make the de mand lor Atnorioa.i apples all the greater. Hoard of Hiiiallzatlon. Notice is hereby giveu that the lioatd of Kqiializatlion of Wasco county, Oregon, will meet at the court house in Dalles City on the last Monday in August, l!KXi, and remain in session one week, tor the puiposo of examining and equalizing thu as sessment roll fur the year l'.XMi, as by law provided. All persons desiring to appear before said Hoard will please take notice. Dated at Dalles City, Or 'gon, this oMst day uf .1 ul v, l!HXi. A. (i. SIOGSDILI,, Assessor. There i" nothing so pleasant lis that brig lit, cheerful, tit-peace-willi-thu-world I. cling when you sit down to your I'l-ciikhisi. Then- is nothing so e (indue i e lo goiMl woik and good results. The healthy until w it h a healthy mind and body is a better fellow, a bcttnr work man, a better citizen than the mail or woman who is handicapped by some disability, however slight. Aslightdis nrder uf the stoiuReli w ill derange your hoilv, vetif lliuiigl.ts and ;-our disposi tion. i i L away lioin the morbidness and the blues. Keep your stomach in tune and both yimr brain and body will respond l.ittie indiscretions of over-: eating i nn be easily corrected and you w ill lie surprised to see how much bet l. T man you are. Try a little Kodol For Dvspopsi afler your tneuls. Sold byj illianis' Pharmacy. for Hint. For a long term of years, south half of Block 8, I'arkhurst, and three acres i ihI of Parkbnrst. W. J. linker & Co. MoGuire lltos. make their own lard under their own brand. leaf BIG PRICES FOR WINTER APPLES GREAT CROP DOES NOT AFFECT US Average Price This Year May JJo High er Than I, ant Union's Sales Are Very Satisfactory. Tbe superiority of the Hood River apple over tbat of other fruit baa keen fully demonstrated by the sales of Hood Kiver fruit which have taken place here in the last lew days. While buyers who have beeu here t i bid on Hood Kiver fruit have bought flue quality lieu Haris apples iu Alissunii which they say cau be delivered iu Uurope this year for $2 a barrel a three bushel barrel at that Hood Kiv er fruit has sold tor more thau that for box fruit containing one bushel. Iluyers who have traveled the oountiy ovei from oast to coast estimate the crop this year at 72,UOU,0OU barrels as aguiust 2h,(.KH.),aKI last year. 1-mrgor they say than the famous crop of lH!Hi, which year previous to this oue broke all records for apples. Still tbey have come west for apples and have paid for them prices tiuit exceeded the ex pectations ot the must sanguine. While it cannot be learned exactly what was paid tor the crop of apples disposed of by the Apple Grow rs' Uuiou Monday, those in a position to kuow say that it will average higher thau last yeai " hich was the highest knowu iu tho history of apple grow ing iu Hood Kiver. Purchases made by buyers independent of Ihe uuiuti in the last few days brought the top notch price of d per box for Spilzen bergs aud 2,"i for Newtowns and it is said thut the uuiou has received a higher price than this fur these varie ties of upplus. The union's truit was bought by tho firm ot K. P. Loom is & Co., who were the highest bidders, winning out over Kae & Hatfield, who last year bandied tho product of the uuiuu. The purchase of the Loom is company will include about Ou ours of 10,0(iU boxes and is the largest pur chase ot apples ever made by one 11 nil at Hood Kiver. This does not include the entire product of Hie Apple Grow ers' Uuiou, but when it Is knuwu thut the entire production uf the valley last year was only 00,000 boxes, it will readily be seen how lunch In uie fruit will be shipped from Hood Kiver this year thau last and how much greater tbe leturus will be to growers. In la'rt it is estimated at double or about 120,000 boxes fur all varieties. Without the increase la prico which growers uie said to have received thia year, and taking the average price per box for Instyear's fruit tho tipple crop of Hood Kiver should bo woitb IfTOO,- 000 more than it was then. Any increase added to tbia will make the figures run up vory rapidly and show u marked increase iu the valley's revenue. While the olllcers of tho uuiou will out at present make any statemeut us to tbe exuet prices received they say thut tbe sale has been a most natisfao- tory one, but that fur business reas ons they do not care to announce them us yet, but will do so later. Tbe bidders will nut in alto any statement iu regaid to theii bids us some of the unsuccessful oues are still iu the market fur some of tho Hood Uiver fruit aud naturally consider it bad business policy to make known tho amount of their bids when tbey are still trying to purchase from itide pedeut growers. It can be stated however, on the authority of oue of Hood Kiver's most astute apple men thut when the prico is known it will be tbe most conclusive evidence of the superiority of Hood Kiver apples that has ever been given and settles, be says, for all time the question as to the future ot Hood Kivui apples. Kals Us Stepmother. Tho icnneuinon fly Is very small, hut is capable of compassing tbe de struction "of many a caterpiliar.thongh not one-thousaudtb part of the size of a single victim. This fly perches ou the back ot the grub, pierces its skin with a sharp hollow noodle where with it is furnished, and the force nf tho stub projects an egg under the skiu into the llesh. As each wound is made tbe cater pillar shows a certain amount of un easiness, but dues not intermit its eating. The eggs uf the ichneumon are speedily hatched within the body of the grub, and they devour the fatly portions of the caterpillar, shrewdly leaving the vital organs untouched. When the time arrives for the cater pillar to change into chrysalis the ich neumon grubs eat their way out of their foster mother and tit once spin for themselves a number of yellow cocoons, aiming which the dying cut erpillar is often hopelessly entuuged and where it expires. Itutause They Are the Hi st, "lietter Fruit" in an exoellent pub liuatiou by Air. Shepard and All. Franz, at Hood Kiver, and no doubt its readers will be pleased to learn from it how to grow better fruit. Hut what Air. Shepard should tell them is bow bo makes the Hood Kiver- ap ples sell for 10 cents npioco in New York and for lii cents in Kuropo, with mighty few for sale at any prico lie ti home. The Oregon orchardist knows how to grow and spray, but bo's a weak b.other at tbe commer cial end. Oregonian. Suspends Pacillc Coast undoes. Manchester, N. II., August '2'-'. The New Hampshire Kirn Insurance company states that the ( or, pany has suspended business nn tiro Pacific, coast. The suspension is due tu the unsettled cond iliotis, aud tbey desire time to readjust their affniis before resinning business. 'Tho state ment given un says that the cor -pany's Sun Francisco liabilities will bo settled fur about (mOO, Oi !., Notice lo Contractor. Kor the construction of a bridge across the West Fork of Hood Ri er near the Punch Howl, The stringers and abutments tube constructed of the standing timber in the vicinity. Work must be commenced within ten days of date. Plans and H)ieciticntions fur nished and bids received by J. H. Shoe maker, Secretary of Hood Kiver lrriirtp tiuti District. a'J 'i 0