The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 16, 1906, Image 4

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R. Field k Co., tbe real estate firm,
have moved into tbeir new ottloe.
Mr. Evans, formerly of Ooldeudale,
liaa moved his family to Wblte Salmon
and will ereot and couduot a photo
graph gallery here.
Tbe White Salmon Water company
is expected to toon start work on tbe
laying of water pipe from Big Duck
creek to Wblte Salmon.
Fred Peck, manager of the tele
pbone line at White Salmon, has
moved here and will take charge of
tbe central exchange. An office for
the telephone company will be Utted
op in his residence and several im
provments made In tbe service.
A new real estate Arm bai com
menced business at White Salmon un
der the name of the Wblte Salmon
Kealty Co. This will make nine firms
that are iu tbe real estate business
here now.
Ranohers have been shipping peach
es for some time ud are getting good
Erloes, many of them reoeiving as
igb as a dollar a box. Tbe tomato
crop is light tbis year, tbe tomatoes
being small and imperfect. Tbe hot
weather seems to have had a bad
effect on them.
C. M. Wolfard and family have been
camping oa Big liuolc oreek for a
week or ten days and aro enjoying
themselves wltb fishing and other re
creations to be found in an out door
Three new families have moved to
Whblta Salmon from LaC'rosse,
Wash., In tbe past week and will
make their homes here.
Xbe foundation is laid for tbe new
addition to tbe school bouse and
work has been commenced on it. it
is possible that school may not com
luetics quite so early this year owing
to tbe fact that the school bouse may
not be onlsbed.
From tbe Enterprise:
R. Field k Co. have their oHIoe
building on Jewettt avenue about
completed. It is neat little build
The deposits of the White Salmon
Valley bank passed tbe 120,000 mark
eany in Aogusc
J. P. Egan's fine new residence un
dor the hill la now oompleted. It is
a nine room house, with a pantry,
batb rooms and closet and is bard
finished throughout. Mr. Egau and
hit family now have a very beautiful
ana comfortable nome.
Truman Butler, of tbe Uutler Hank
ing Co., of Hood River, was in town
yesterday doing business and inter
viewing old friends. Mr. Butler states
that the deposits in his bank now
amounts to more than .'XJ0.000 and
that the depostis in tbe two banks of
Hood Kiver it very nearly half a mil
lion. Tbe biggest danot) tbat was ever
held In White Salmon will take place
Thursday sight August 23 in tbe new
Odd Fellows hall. The musio will be
tbe best that can be bad In tbe coun
try. No expense will be spared to
make tbit tbe grandest opening of
the big hall tbat wat ever held in
White Salmon. Every body invited
to attend and have a good time.
Tbe concert at the church Wednes
day evening wat one of tbe most de
lightful aifalu tbat bat taken place
Id White Salmon for many a long
day. It wat unique in that tbe par
ticipant wer? from different lections
of our oountry. 'I here were those
from Oregon City, Portland, Hood
Kiver, The Dulles and Cincinnati,
Ohio. Tbe vocal and instrumental
piece showed a high order of talent.
Tbe church wat filled to listen to this
splendid program.
L. J. Wolfard found a long black
ting working on his trues on the in
side of the limb, boring into it, and
be oallod tbe attention of Fruit In
spector Ingram to it. Mr. Ingram
procured a specimen and sent it to
the State Agricultural Experiment
station at Pullman, aud has reoieved
tbe following reply from A. L. Me
lander, assistant eutomolgist. "The
insect you have sent Is a oliok beetle, i
known as corymhitea liinoniforniiH,
These insects live in their earlier
stages as wire worms feeding on tool
of grass. When adult, however, they
are prone to II y to blossoms of fruit
trees which they eat and destroy."
There has been a Law and Older
League organized in the town, the ob
ject ot which is to aee tbat the laws oi
the oommonweatlii are enforced. It
will take coginzanoe of any infringe
ment of these laws and seek to bring
the matter before the attention of the
proper authorities. When an Individ
ual member bus to sign a complaint,
as the law requires, be has the sup
port ot the league. This league is
composed of citizens who have tbe
best interest of the couimuity at
heart. Their chief desire is to see a
clean town ami to develop a public
opinion or law and civic improve
ment. ODELL.
Mrs. Crookettt and Mrs. Bowermau
went to 1'illta Jane last Thursday to
pick blackberries and returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. aud Mrs.
Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. Kuches, Miss
Ktbel Wood and Miss K slier were up
at (Ireeu Point last week aftor hucklo
berries. Mra. Stella lioardman returned to
ber home at (Jreeu Point Friday after
several days' visit with Mends and
relatives about Udell. Mrs. lioard
man was suU'oriug from a badly ulcer
ated tooth and came down to Hood
Kiver to a dentist for treatment com
ing out to Odell while it was neces
sary for her to go often tnlioud Kiver
ami the dentist, during the absence
from home of Mrs. lioardman the
woman who was acting as cook was
culled home liv sieknom and Mr.
Board man was obliged to take charge
or attairs in tbe kitchen. It is said
Bert was equal to the emergency and
that bis cooking would have done hon
or to one of greater experience.
Mr. Hunter has a neat new barn al
most completed on laud purchased
from E. L. Smith several mouths
L. A. E. Clark went to Portland
and St. Johns Saturday returning
home Sunday. Tbe Odell party in
camp at Lost Lake came borne Satur
day. Mrs. Pole is sick. We hope ber ill
ness may be of short duration and
that she may soon enjoy the great
Homing health.
Ellen Shelley invited a number of
friends to go to a place near ber borne
lasl Wednesday for a day's picnic. A
pleasant time was had.
O. S. Olsen and Denver Wilson are
digging a well for Edward Klemm.
Trie school house well gives promise
of plenty of water at no great depth.
Mr. Ehrck's house Is building rap
idly under the direction of Contract
or Wallein.
A substantial hrdlge has been built
in front ot Win, Hubbard's bouse pre
paratory to opening the road on the
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Anders left
Hood Kiver Monday afternoon expect
ing to start from Portland Tuesday
morning via the Northern Pacific for
their journey east. No preventing
Providence they will reach Chicago,
111., Saturday and will go to the home
of Mr. Anders' p .rents a short dis
tance from Chicago for a visit, return
ing to Chicago about September 1st.
Udell would have been pleased to
count these young people among her
residents but bids them tiod speed
believing that they deserve and will
reoeive tbe many blessings of life and
hoping they will visit here iu tbe fu
A cousin of J. W. Strong. Mr.
Strong, is bore from Coos county vis
iting J. W. titrong aud tamillv He
has a dairy ranch there.
Frank Neff is home from (iolile
where ho iiiit been for some timo.
Ulva Collins, 'of Rupert, Idaho. U
visiting friends and relatives ntiar
J. P. Thompson and Thue Olsvu
wore down from The Dulles. Sndnay,
leturniug home iu the evening. Kuth
Ulseu accompanied them and will vis
it relatives iu The Dalles. Mrs. Olsen
Kev. Woods preached in the chinch J
at Odell Kuridav iiioiiiini Mid i veil Q
The C. E. of Udell bud for a subject
Sunday eveninig: "My favorite pitia
ble and bow it helps rue." J. M. Shel
ley, leader.
Mr. ii. '. ilel, mndpted by I.. M.
Wilson, I. unit ill!) slutliing Satin lay.
Mr. Xabel will finish r'eari ,g the 1 ud
and plaut it to fruit tr.'os i:s auuii uu
L. Couiii.i, 'f The Dalles MuMu
Works, was in the vicinity I it vtol;.
Mra. Cut-minn mid sons vibitod at
the Pine Urine .lore Eriduy nt lal
week, the oii-hhiou being Urandj a
Wilson's Willi i) Tib ay. Me wi.h Ix.rn
in Kockiriliiui) county, N. C , but w.w
taken to Indiana when only ix weeks
old, Here he remained until 'id yt-nr.-of
age, whi n he then moved to Mer
cer count, Misvnuii, being one of
the pion' ei 4 ol I ha m et ion, Here he
married Iviiy Itogeri mid to them
were bum nine children, eight of
which are living. Kilteen years ago
he aud his wife, uccompauicd ly
their youngt.-l. daughter, cumo to
Chohalie, VVan. . where two other
children were living. Here, on a
small farm, the two old folks lived
untl. tin 'o years ago when deulli
claimed the faithful wile at tho ago
of 74 yenns. . i.e then Grandpa
bas with Mr. and Mr-.
L. M. Wilson, the latter being hit
eldest daughter. All hough he ii
blind and very feeble, his geuernl
health is very good and as he comes
of sturdy Irish stock we may cele.
brute several inure birthdays with
Last week Mrs. Cruso, who lives (in
the (iiliiiore place, sent the little giil
over to tbe Pine (J rove btoie hi a r u.-li
with tbe startling news that the bahy
watj lost. Mr. Wilson hastened uvi i,
searched the yaid, the bam and vi
cinity aud looked iu the well. All
this time th searchers were becom
ing more ahumed. Finally the moth
ei looked intothebed room and, there
on the bed last atleep, lay the mi-sing
The Infant child of Elmer W lis,
who bas been very ill for two weeka,
died at i'l o'clock Fridafy night at
tbe Hood Kiver hospital, where it wat.
taken Wednesday night for treatment.
The little fellow was almost a year
old. The services were held at the
Pine Uiove church Saturday after
noon and he was laid by the side of
his mother in the Pino Urove ceuie
(Jims. Wells aud wife returned Sun
day from au outing on 1 illy Jai i
whole tbey have bceu bUr.kbni ryim;.
Pete and Mike'Mohr, iiccoii.pauicd
by two other gentlemen, spent hint
week at Badger Luke. They report
Hulling good.
"Uncle Oeorgo" Wells hits been
very sick, but is reported better.
Mrs. Hill returned to her home at
Dufur last week. Mrs. Hill has been
visitiug her sister, Mrs. I.. E Clink.
L. E. Clark is building a new pack
ing house.
C. D. Morgan and son Douglas were
passengers ou Thurdsay's local for
the Dulles,
iiavin sp nt a week's vacution on
his farm, Dr, Macrum returned to
Portland on Thursday.
Mrs. C. J. Phillips came up from
Portland on Thursday last, and le
turued ou Saturday.
After having boon confined for n
month nr slsr nnnks in I.Iih Pnrtlttiol
hospital from havinir a serious ouein
tlou performed, Mrs. Jacobs is now
with hoi daughter, Mis. C. D. Mor
uun tl-ith Mid hnttn nf vnnu narnl i n (?
siiliit ienlly to return to her home in
noire i uy, nmnu,
Denny 4 (Irene are eiiKiiged in in
stalling machinery iu tiieir now mill
near the box factory.
C. I). Morgan made a business trip
to Portland ou Wednesdy of lin-t
A claim agent, representing the 0.
15. & N. Railroad company, was in
Mosior Fiiday adjusting tire damage
MV ill J
ring them Here
He wants you to have it filled at a reliable store, when! the jipplinnceN are
modern and up-to-date and the drugs are Pure aud Fresh. We make this
line a upeeialty, and we assure you
What the Doctor puts on the Paper We put in the Medicine
No More Watch Worries
When the
Hair Falls
Then it's time to act No fime
to study, to read, to experi
ment! You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, too!
So make up your mind this
very minute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. It cannot do any
thing else. It's nature's way.
The beit kind of a testimonial
" Sold for over sixty years."
MU Dy J. Aer Co., Lowell, mm-
Alo mauulMturera of
el m i in h which (iamae was wrought
ill. nut July Int.
Mitig Lottio McDonald Las gone to
Tin Pallia to he gone for an indefi
nite period of timo.
Mrs, Junniti Wulrt, of Fortlland, who
Iirh bfuri viiting relatives and friends
in Mottier for tlm mat week, returned
on Sunday's local.
Mr. and Mrs. Macey were passen
gers on Wednesday's train for Hood
Mr. J. K. McGregor came up from
Portland on Saturday.
K. U. Pbillips and wife, of Port
land, 8t'tniMiin by Mr. Morrison,
of Chicago, came up on Saturday's
truiu frm. i Porlliind.
Mr. anil Mrs. Amos Iioot are at
Collins HpringH, at which place tbey
expent lo rein'iin for come time, with
tin i npo rf i.i'if't' Mr". For!'
he.- :t
M..-s i'.i'i.a l.ut t, wno i stoppiug iu
The I) II -. ; .d .. v. it t.j iii. p.rentb
liii-t . . i
Mr. L
Suturi; .-, .
Ou Fi'i.: u
Craft, re ..
with h It;
Input by
i;rooin. M.'
. ii.(i In. I
te iifeor i n
l.r i'Li
o filing tr. in Mr. Mike
eii from Irih euiience
Tl.ry were me at he
iiH.-t III t'.fljils of trip
i Mil. I. n id a inoi 08-
i.inialii lutly, in il.n daughter of D. 3:
(Joopr.i', i.. ;l. I 'il,.i. a v oil known
pioneer of Ci-c-ji n. . Mr. !r;dt Is i.
w i 1 1 nmi law u.hlj known icnideut ul
Moider, and the corronpoDdeut joins
with his many friends iu wishing the
Imppy couple a peaceful sail on life's
matrimonial noil.
I i the recent school meeting held
for ttio purpose of determining by
vote whether or not the present
scliuol site should remain or be
tthaiwd, the vote in favor of change
of t-ilo carried 'M to 4. It is to be
hoped now that the lionil will soon be
untied nmi Hiimcieut funds raised to
elect a school building which will
4'ind as an impoHing monument to
the posterltfy of Moaier In years to
The telephone system iu Mosier In
iiiitniiir completion, and it will not
lie long until .MoHier will he iu speak
ing instance with the world.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy btokep, Roy
CliiiiimH and the MiHses Irene Stokts
.iml Maignret Uohortson, of Portland,
left Monday for a trip to Uadger
La He.
Mr. (Ii orgo Chamberlain wont on a
Imi-iiiesH trip to Portland last Wedues
day to puchnso some mill nmchino.
Mr. C. 1). Morgan and daughter
were shopping in Hood Hirer last
A very pretty nome wedding was
solemnized last Wodnosdy evening at
the home of Mr. mid Mrs. W. T. Mc-
tluio when their daughter, JeBsiw,
as nulled in murrige to Mr. Thel
Winnns, iu the pretence of many
guests ami relatives. The Hev. I1.
.lolins iilllciated. The bride looked
very win-nine In a go. u of white or
gundy. Miss Amelia McClnre, sister
of tho bride, was brides-maid and Mr.
William MoClure best man. After tie
ceremony an elaborate supper was
served. The happy young people were
the recipients of many valuable and
useful presents. Mr. and Mrs SViu-
uns will reside on Mr. McClure's
I.. Dart has been packing and ship
ping some choice apples to Portland
this week. He had them wrapped in
neper, with nioe piuk paper lining
i ue mix so tney were set oir vry nice
ly. We hope L. I). will get a good
pi ice lor them.
We notice 1. Weeloy is now home
from the range and we are informed
that he has bought 10 acres of land
iidimiiing A. J. Emerson which he
n ill improve.
Mrs. K. ,l. lngnlls was a caller at
tbe Uockford notary's olllce last week
and made the transfer of her property
by deed tor the considertion of fl.tkiO
io ,i. ii. droit or Upper Mount Hood.
h. Krnytord brought the buyer.
More land buyers were in ournaieh-
biii hood hut week. It seems as though
they have found out that we have just
about the best land for apple raiding
in the valley, as several tracts have
cliiuiL,'iil hands during the last few
week, some we have failed to uote in
our liiurctt items.
We noticed the Up-to-Date store
limn, witn his wife and family, pass
inrongii our streets ou Sunday nud
uiiuld s y it l riuik is seeking a loca
tiini for funning, come this way, we
run in you out in a very short time.
Kemi'iiil'cr we are on a rolid founda
tion at liockfoid.
Andy 1'nttey Itss been kept busy foi
a few days driving into town to meet
every tr:iin eonujig from the Hast, ex
pe. ting to meet his parents but Andy
nits sorely disappointed, as they hail
not arrived at tho time of our going
to tint i I.
.1. .1. (iiblmus is kept quite busy
with Hie other members of the school
board n they are now putting forth
every ellort to get the school in the part built rend) or the next
term ot school.
1. l.abbey, with his family, moved
on Saturday, August A, to Portland
and is now occupying h e new home
tuiion in exch.iiigri for his twenty acre
ranch in liairett, near the Hockford.
We are sorry t i lose Mr. Lahbey, as
be was quite a good neighbor, very
iieeomr.ioilauiig and had a very agree
able lamily.
My nume is i'riskeyand I am called
in I he dog lino a fox-terrier. Von
will l.'moiiiber some ten weeks ago 1
tol I you about my trip to Portlaud
an 1 that 1 was awarded the first prize
Extraordinary Low Price for August
Clearing Sale of Seasonable Goods
If you don't investigate this you will miss a golden
opportunity to clothe yourself and family for a very lit
tle money. Included in this Bargain Sale is
Boys' and Men's Suits, Ladies' Skirts,
Underwear for Men, Women and Chil
dren, Dress Goods Suitable for all Sea
sons, Hats and Caps for Men, Women
and children, Hosiery, Shoes, Gloves and
Hosts of Other Articles too Numerous to Mention
50 Suits for Boys from 5 to 1 1 years at HALF Price,
ranging from 75c up. 125 pairs of Shoes, almost all
kinds and sizes for men, women and Children. This
is your grand opportunity. Summer Underwear, the
10c kind for 5c, 15c kind for 10c, 25c kind for 18c, 35c
and 40c kind 25c, 50c and 75c kind for 40c.
IOO Shirts for Men
Worth from 50c to $1.00. Your choice
Forty Cents
Dress Goods. In this will be included "Ginghams,
Lawns, Suitings, Percales, at such rediculously low
prices that you cant help but see its a bargain. Men's
Hats for $1.00 that are worth from $1.50 to $3.00.
All Straw hats HALF Price Don't miss this sale. It
costs nothing to look and not much to buy
in uiy class, and now 1 must tell you
about my puppies. I have six of the
very fluest marked puppies you ever
saw, and will make prize winners,
and like all mammy dons, I am veiy
fond of my puppies, hi t f mpr -so
my master will sell them and l. ive
shall be parted. Ton bad to si p ile
ua, for we have a very good tiuii-together.
Notice to Property Owners
All property owners in the ci v lim
it are hereby notified to cut down
and remOVA nil nnvinna a-naila Ihia-
tlea, etc., from the street adjoining !
iiieir property, ac once.
By order of the Common Council.
Wm. (lauger, Marshal.
Advertised Letter List.
Advertised letter list for week end
ing August l:i, I'JiKJ: Anderson, Mrs.
II. T. ; llroeder, Mrs. Lizzie; Carson,
Mr. Minnie; Ilynes, Claire; Heeb
ner, Mr. J. V ; Tumptleman, Essie;
llyrne, J. A ; Knnis, Prof. S. J.;
Frederick. I oy ; Joneg, E. R. ; Mine
hart, Wm. :Porter, Fides (iinj : Prioh
ard, : Tate, Albert; Truitt,
Maurice; Tuiiit,. Morris, L ; Whetz
el, Charles. Win. M. Yates, P. M.
Prof. T.vler, of Amherst college, said
recently: "A man can live comfortably
without brains: no man ever existed
without a digestive system. The dys
peptic has neither faith, hope or char
ity." Day by day people realize tho
importance of curing for their digestion;
realize the need of the use of a little
corrective after overeating. A correc
tive like K'-dol For Hvspepsin. It di
gests what you eat. Sold by Williams'
We have just received a car load of
ater Pipe
Direct from tho factory. We are selling it at wholesale
prices. We can save you money. Also have a full line of
fittings and the largest stock of garden hose in the city.
Reduction In Flour and Feed.
Special cash price on Flour and Feed
at warehouse, llran $1 1 pe.-ton; shirts,
$16 per ton; Hour, $4 per barrel. D.
Not for your dealer' sake, nor for
Henson's Pake but (r vonr own uiU
LTCt Some of IVnxnn'a Vniiou .......
potatoes. They will mak you sinile.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
...Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Dry Goods " Ammunition r,oors aml shoes
Hardware Cranitt-ware
Hay Oram Fom Fe( Fl1 litl(M)f (;rom-s
Box Wood
Box Factory
Phone 71.
GINGNARD t ROGER. Local Agents, Rood River
We have ofl.OOO Yellow Newtown rip-
pen a:d fpitistibniy Apples for the
coniint! season. Aim nil thn
utandard varieties of Apple?, Pears,
num. rrune, reach, Cherrv and Knit-li-h
Wall. nl tree. O
Shrubs and Uo?e.. Call or address X.
B Harvey or August Ginsrnard, Hood
Kiver, Ore. f rhone 1259.
..Livery, Feed and Drayino-..
oixwuiAiiAflK & JRATHBUN.
Hood River, Ore. tf
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
I'lea.-ure parties can secure flrst-cl'ass rigs.
Special attention given to niovinR furniture ana
We everything horses can do.
Steam and.Hot Water Heating
Ail jobbing promptly attend to.