The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 16, 1906, Image 2

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Issued everr Tnarsday bf
AW 1 HUH D. MOB. PiiMUbar.
farms af nkMrltloa a raw waaa pelt
Tbe completion of the new lrrignt
log ditch will BHBuie tbe developtnont
of neary 4,000 ooret of land on tbe
west aide of tbe valley, and the
money needed to complete the ditch
ahould be voted without question.
Sunday aftenoon tbere will be
partial eclipse of tbe sun which will
be visible In Washington, Oregon and
Idaho, and In portions of Montana at
sunset. Only a small portion of tbe
northern edge of the aun will be ob
A movement is on foot to provide a
pension to W. II. Laid law, tbe
"human Jtibiald" who saved tbe life
of Kuasell Bage fifteen years ago. He
is a helpless orlpple, and by his act
added fifteen years of life and thereby
many millions to the Wall street
pawnbroker, yet Sage did nothing
but leave him a comparatively small
legacy. Tha heirs will ask tbe widow
for an appropilation suf&oieut to make
Laidlaw comfortable for life.
Tha forest tires that are now doing
ao much damage in this state and in
Washington emphasize tbe ned of
greater preoaulton against tbe yearly
occurrence of these disasters. It
said that the damage already done In
Oregon exceeds the loss at San Fian-
cisoo by the earthquake and fire, yet
but little fuss is being made about It
Tha rapid depletion of our forests
from all sources is causing apprehou
sion, and tbe end of the vast tracts
of timber is already In sight. Hotter
precautions and 'better pi election la
needed to make the timlior last
long as possible.
The opening of the wagon road to
Lost Laka will be the means of mak
ing it one of tbe attractions of Hood
River's many places for tourists. The
laka is fine body of water nestiod
among the mountains, with the finest
scenery of tbe Cascade surrounding
it. Tbe water la warm for bathing,
tbe beaches fine, and iu addition to
good fishing, combines tbe attractions
of a lake rest. Pleasure boats could
be put on tbe lake, permanent oablns
built, and woud be the means of
bringing hundreds of tourists into
tbe valley to spend a few days or
weeks. Tbe Mount Hood railroad
runa half way to the lake, and the
uther half will be a grand scenic rldo,
most of the way In the shade of the
forest, with glimpses of mountain and
stream constantly changing to add to
tbe pleasures of the trip.
t 1 i
Yakima Indian Lauds to lie Nold,
Tbe unallotted tribal lands of tbe
Yakima Indian reservation are to tie
thrown open to settlement under the
Jones bill as soon as the surveys are
completed and the land classified and
appraised. The United States alloting
agent, W. E. (Jasson, is now ou the
reservation and will join Superinten
dent Jar Lyuoh on a tour of invent!
nation. The commission, composed of
himself, Mr. Lynch, T. A. Noble, of
tbe reclamation service, and Engineer
W. II. Kedman. will on August 23
meet and then adopt a report which
will be forwarded to the department
for approval. The land is now being
surveyed. There are 000,000 aoreB ot
land, which will be appraised and sold
at from 25 oeuts to 15 per acre. It in
most valuable for grazing and timber,
none ot it coming under any of the
government or Indian irrigation
ditches. Tbe land is tha unallotted
lands of tbe Indians.
liirrned Engines Repaired.
Engineer Pete Theiseu of the Ijh
Urande-Uniatila passenger division of
the U. K. A passed down the line
this morning to bring engine 1!HI,
which was damaged in the Umatilla
roundhouse fire a month ago, to Ls
Urande to be placed in tbe paNsenger
aervioe agalu.
AU the eugluea which were burned
at that time are now ready for ser
vice, including tbe following num
bers: I'M, 101, 44, 1H4, l;i7. Some
slight repairs will yet be made to the
10'j, the lust one to he taken to Al
blua. Engines 100, 101 and l!f will
be returned to the La Urande -Umatilla
passenger runs. East Oregouinu.
Completing Signal System.
The block signal system betweeu
Huntington and linker City ou the
O. R. N. is now complete and iu
working order.
Tbe gap between llaker City and la
(Irando, a distance ot (i2 miles, will
now be closed with all poasible speed,
when tbe entire system from Pendle
ton east to Huutlugton will be sup
plied with the signals.
A large oiew of men is at woik at
llalnra now, worpking westward on
the ayetom and it ia hoped to Unlab
the work between that place and La
Orande within the next six weeks.
East Oregon inn.
Fish Trap Destroyed.
John Atkinson, the local game and
fish warden, destroyed the famous
trap on the upper Deschutes river
west of RosWnd last week. Man, He-
slut ed by nature, had contrived i
trap at the foot of a fall where hukii
lly large number of fish were cap
tured. Mr. Atkinson destroyed the
slats at the top of the falls and en
larged it somewhat so that it carrier
a greater volume of water, which will
furnish an easier ascent to the Hah.
Why Wormy Applet.
Prof. Hall savs that the cost of
properly spraying and handling a tree
eight or ten years old slionM not ex
ceed 21 oeuts unless it lie an old,
long-neglected tree, whou it may be
as bigb as .li cents, ihe cost need
not be greater than II oeuts per bushel
of apples, and tbe value of the orop
may be increased from 25 cents to i
per bushel. With the facts but ore us,
' why continue to grow wormy apples?
sirs the Deseret Farmer.
To Mr. and Mis. Alexauder Martin,
Thursday, August 9, a boy.
If your bouse office or funiture
needs repair, call up Dodge tiros. &
Held, phone 65L
Monday night some one entered
Cram's atom and fitted himself nut
with new wearing apparel and silently
departed, leaving lint a solitary sock
as an acknowledgement of bis visit.
The burglar entered the building by
prying olf the iron flie door in the
rear, smashing out a pane of glass in
the inside door, 'and then reaching
through and releasing Xlie catch, lie
then mounted the Imaement stairs and
broke through the door, which is
fastened by a Hinall catch. Au Invest
igation showed that a suit of clothes,
two pairs of shoes, a bat, tie and
socks were inisHiug. Ills selection was
one that would be made by a geutlo
man ot tantc The goods in tbe store
wero not disarranged, and tbe robber
appeared to know jiiat where to look
for the gnoda, and evidently did not
take much time. 11) then departed
tbe way he had coino, and the theft
was not discovered until tbe store was
opened in the morning.
A aock that had been worn but
day or two was found on tbe floor,
and Indicated that it bud Uen ex
changed for new ones, and then
dropped In making the exit. The oil
oumstancen Biiriounding the al! air in
dicate that it was not a common bobo
who did the jolt, but some one fatnil
lar with the premises, and not engag
ed In doing common unor.
Death (if Oliver ( rein well Martinet)
"Uncle Oliver" Hartmesa was
found dead In his lied by bis son, 8,
E. liaitinaoH, at the residence of tbe
latter. Ihmtday eveuing, August 0,
1000. There was no one home at the
time, all of the faml'y except S, K.
and his father being out at the ranch
of Earl Jjai'tmers, in West Crapper,
leather and son had been sleeping in
the bouse, lint took their meals nut,
"Uncle Oliver" bad his dinner
usual and in the afternoon went II
lng, a favorite pastime of his. He
was noticed to go home late iu the
afternoon ami whs walking as spry as
usual. H. I'i. took liia supper down
town and did not reach home until
about eleven o'clock, when he found
bis futher dead in bed. He i mined I
ately summoned a phvslciau, who
was of the opinion that lfe had been
extinct for two or three hours. Old
age and heart failure are given as tbe
cause of death. He had been as wall
as usual, and there was no intimation
of anything particularly tbe matter
for some time past. Tbe deceased
was subject to dizzy spells occasion
ally, when over exerted, but they
have not been of very reue'it occur
Short services were held at the
bouse Friday afternoon, Kev. Sprech
er officiating, and the body was taken
to Dayton, Ohio, that eveuing, for
burial beside his wife, the remains
being aooompauied by his son, S. K
Hart mess.
Oliver Ciomwell Itartmess was born
October 1. lain, lu Utilo, and was
tbe aon of Jacob and Sophia liartmeas,
both of Maryland. Whon a young
boy be moved with his parents to in
dina, where he resided until the death
of His wife 1.1 years ago, residing on
a farm near I lay ton for nearly fill
years. Ho was married to Miss Hal nil
Clark, Jauntily 4, 1814. Of t his union
there were tlx children, ot whom
throe are living and three dead. The
children who survive aro Samuel K.
linitiiiesH, of Hood River, Or., Wil
liam llartmetis. of Frankfort, lad
and Mrs. Martha Htrother, of Nowata,
Ind. Tor. Ho was au earnest and
faithful member of tbe United lireth
ren church, and Binoiig bis greatest
pleasures was to bo doing something
In the interest of the church, lie
was naturally of an active and Indus
triou, disposition, and to keep cu
gaged at some klud of work, did ion
siderable work around the church
building, even to haid labor that
would be considered a hard task for a
much younger man. He was fond
of tiding the bicycle, and often made
quite long trips on the wheel.
Mr. llartmess was an emmisinstk
woiker in the cause of temperance,
and considered It bis duty to leave
nothing undone that would be for the
good of the cause.
After the death of his wife 1.1 years
ago, lie came to Hood iilver to visit
his son, and never returned until last
year, when he made a trip back to I lie
old home and spout several months
with relatives and old friends.
"Undo Oliver," as he was familiar
ly knowu here, was well known in
Hood Kivcr, and held in high esteem
He was unusually active, both in
mind and body, for one of his ad
vauoed jears. and his sudden death
was a great surprise and shook to the
family as well as his friends, lint
his life work Is finished, and he has
gone to his reward tor a long, useful
and well spent life.
Death of Utile Jr'riiiiintim llresliis
At five o'clock yesterday morning,
little Krampton, the three year-old
boy of Dr. and Mrs. P. O. Urosiim,
died of convulsions, caused by acute
liowel trouble. He was taken ill last
Friday night, so that the doctor de
layed is trio to American Lake, but
was ho well improved that he thought
it safe to leave, but was wired on
l'liesdnv to return. He reached here
esterduy forenoon. The funeral will
le held either Saturday or Sunday,
from the residence, after the arrival
of relatives from the east. The familv
have the sympathy of the community
In their bereavement.
One Fare lor Irrigation Congress,
The O. K A N. and Oregon Short
Line will assist iu arousing interest
in the National Irrigation congress to
be held in Boise September 3 to H, by
giving a one-tare round tiip rate to
delegates and visitors to the congress.
A large number ot Interested irri
gators, aside fioni the regular dele
gates, expect to attend the congress,
All tbe lending public men of the
western states will be present as well
as irrigation experts, foreign irrlga
tionisls, government officials, recla
niation otllcials, and many prominent
people from all parts of the United
Hie program of five days promises
to be highly entertaining. It will in
clude au address by Vice President
Fairbanks, Secretary Wilson of the
agricultural department and several
leading journalists of the west.
An elaborate agricultural and hor
ticultural display will be seen and the
rivalry between Idaho, Colorado and
Utah for the sugar beet and fruit sil
ver cups will lie sharp. Iloise is pre
paring to entertain at least 2,000 vis
itors. 'Ihe irrigation crops of Idaho
will be seen in their highest period of
Notice to Contractors.
For tha construction of a bridge
across Ilia Yiest rorn or nocxi ruver
near the Punch Howl, The stringers
and abutments to lie constructed of the
standing timber in tbe vicinity. Work
must be commenced within ten days ot
date. Plans and specifications fur
nished and bids received by J. II. Shoe
maker, Secretary of Hood Kivcr Irrita
tion District. aU
i A l 71
i The Paris Fair
littd a, in
line of '.
sell (XT)
htiii t we
iviiIh win
many pi
FrtuoinNttiMAba '
Fnnrv Corduroy suits, just
: i Iiool. Iloulile breasted,
2-pieee suit. I'rice
All-Wool 2-pieee suit. Double
lesigned in plaid and stripped
A Few Specials from the Dry Goods Department
Our selections of Ladies', Misses' and Children's hose are unsur
passed Iroth in quantity and quality. We have a splendid assort
ment of Children's White Lace and Plain White hose that are made
from a superior quality of Kyptian Lisle thread, with a double knee
These hose are very durable and the price is only
Ladies' Gowns
Made from pure white Sheer
Lawn, trimmed with luce, and
dainty pattern embroidery, extra
lorn? and all hIzcs. Price 50c
to $MO
Nothing like licinu comfortable
these wann days, and its bard to
be otherwise if you have one of
our hummocks. We have a large
selection to e house from, made of
double warp thread. Head rest
and fringed borders. 50c to $3
Work For ( hllilren.
Not many towns of the same size
go ahead ol MtiuDoygan lor piinitc
."pint," said .lames ). Hokum, of
Ohlnago, to a correspondent of (lie
Milwaukee Sentinel. "1 rocently re
turned from my l'rst visit to the city,
and it was a revelation.
"The school children nil went green
buttons, and after 1 had toen several
hundred (if these about the streets 1
asked a merchant what they siKiiilii d.
lie said that the children had all
been handed into a society to keep
the city neat and clean. Each child
who joins is given a button, and from
then on it is his duty to keop tbe
streets and yards cleared uf the little
bits of paper and oilier waste muter
In! which pr sent mch an unsightly
lho youngsters have entered
tliuroliKhly into the spit it of the
tliiiiu. Ihev hne collet -tod more
than HW by popular sulisci iptiun,
and with this money they are plan
ning to purchase paper tiuxes to ho
put ou the dillereni; stieet corners. "
At the ( hiirches.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. in. and
8 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. in.; Ep-
worth lA'injue i p. in. l ruycr iin'clui)'
Thursday evening. All cordially invit
ed, V. I'. Evans, pastor.-
St Mark's Episcopal Church, lie ly
Communion at K o clock ; morning
praver at 11, and evening prayer m
7 ::)(").
U. H. Church Sabbath school, 10 a.
in.; preaching, n a. in.; r. i .
MIS ii. ni. ; preaching, S p. m. I'raier
meeting at H p. Ml. Wednesday. All are
irdiallv invited to attend all or anv nt
these services. Pastor, J. V. Sprecher.
Christian Church. Services at K. 'of
P. hall the first, third, fourth and tilth
Sundays of each iih nth. Services at
Odell the Hccond Sundiiv of each month,
W. A. WOOD. Piisi or.
llaptist church Sunday school 10
a. ni. ; preaching 11 a. in.; Junior l.
V.P. U., 11 p. in. ; evening service, 7. ISO. j
Riverside Oiugiegalional Church,
W. O Oilinore, pastor. Services Sun-i
day nt 11 a, in., Christian Endeavor i
at 7 p. in., evening worship at 8 p. in.
Rolmont M. K. Church. 11. C. Clark, !
pastor. Services, lxdmout: Sund iv i
school at 10 a. m. ; ('lass meeting at 1 1
a. m. ; Kpworth League 7 p. in. ; preach-1
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun- j
.i.... i.. i. ... it .. ...
liny in iiiiiiiiii in it n. in. , i i i i im-i i-
ing Thursday 7:30 P. ni. Services ,u i
I raver meet- !
Pine Grove same as above except prenc1 -
ing, which mon 1st and .id Sumluys al
11 a. in. I rapper 1st and .id Miiulays
at 8::i0; Sunday school at i;'M. Mourn
Hood. The 4th Sunday at 11 a.nt.;
Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Stomach Troubles and Constipatiiin
No one can reasonably hope for g,
ligestion when the bowels are eoie-ti
pated. Mr. (.'has. Haldwin, of l.d-
wardsvillc, 111., says: "1 stitterctt li'"in
hronic constipation and sionich
troubles fur several years, but, thanks
to Chamberlain's Stomach and l.iver
Tablets, am almost cured." Why not
get a package of these tablets and get
well and stay well'.' Price 2." cents.
aniples tree, lor sale by Keir
True-to-Name Nursery.
Have for the coining k'umiii's plum
ing a lew thousand choice .Newto ns,
piUonliiirg and a few other leaning
varieties lor poleniers. Cherry, pear,
and peach of the leading varietus,
adapted to this locality. All buds and
Ions used in propogating can lu Iv
loetcd from vigorous, prolific trees.
Past seasons have been unable to supply
t ie demand and our stock for this scn-
in is limited. Would therefore sui-
gest you tile your orders at an curly date
to get choice stock. H. S. Oaiiigau.
Phone farmers M'.K
Fresh fish halibut,
smells, at McOuire lirus.
salnu n and
S I" sT
i nv
have wo
1111(1 tis
For Man ,
about tn
mpe the pu-
jrrusp this
ity to clothe
lien. Space
but for
tbe thing for dura-
liovs' All-Wool
and Plaid cloth,
the arm, a very
lireustcd, square
effect. J
(r'nil"'t of -i lit
. Ill ' t,of S;l Hi
(Iicur, with rui-
.li ..
li ...I
I nlt'm
t. V
li ili.r.tbe iiiul u
in', fr, ill. 30c
d I
Figured Lawn
Thirty inch loured Ibwii, with
a v rv i . li' i ii'te n of vi lets or
climbii ir MSi s, comb nnlioii cnl
ors of tree, i I ion. Vt r,. nIi" t,
and a splendid wearing fabric.
Regular price 1 Ic. Special price,
lire ut Cascade Leeks..
People, coming up from Cascade
Locks tell ni n Hie there which de
stroyed the house of A. L, Mattoon.
The campe's there are particularly
sorry for the Mattoon family, who
have been w:ork'ng hard during the
year to impiovo their place and wore
ready to have it painted. Now noth
ing remains but smoulde'.ing ruins.
Ihe lire caught from the stove pipe
In this statu it is not necessary t"
serve a live days' notice for eviction of
a cold. Use the original laxative cough
syrup, Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
Tar. No opiates. Sold by William:!
On Slate Koud Hill, out of Hood
River, one new (i-ring halter with rope
stem. Also one plaid carriage blanket.
Kinder will be paid 75k by leaving at
the Glacier ollice or at Itutler Ranking
Chambermaid and Dinning Room
Girl Wanted at Hotel Waucoma
To fruit growers aud dealers. I find
that there is fruit offered for sale in
Hood Rievr that is infected with both
San Josh scale and worms. I wish to
give notice that hereafter all Hich
fruit will hceoudomued and distroyed
and it this will not stop the olferng of
it for sale, action will be taken ac
cording to law, as it Is unlawful and
punishable by a tine of not less than
25 or more than 100.
(). R. Castner,
County Emit Inspector.
A variety of good residence property
tv at prices and terms to suit,
"(bind boys lor $500, IhH), $700, HS0,
$1,000, $1250, ,m $1,400, 11,500,
$1,750, $1,800 or any price you want.
Two-story house near high school for
only $1,000.
Several good residences close to busi
ness for sale ( heap.
Fine two-story residence with two
lots, choice location, only $2,000.
New two-story house, six rooms be-
, . ,- , , ,uv,v
sides l:u, ry ami bath, only $!KK),
Whole blocks and acreage proiierty for
sale on easy terms.
I I 'i nest residence lots in the city cheap.
I (iood investment.
j Large list to select from, including
i gnud orchard hind and farm property,
j Come and p,e us.
I Onthank 5l Otten
1 1 Hood River Oregon
Physician and Surgeon
Ollice and Kcfidence over First National
I'niiik, Hood River, Oregon.
Plume Main S71
Cider, Champagne Cider, Genuine
Champagne, Vinegar, Wines
from grapes and small fruits. Alcohol
liou, c ri als, vegetables, plants, li inl
and ivood and valuable recin-s. Send
VI lor bonk giving practical information
Imw to make tliem. l.KO ZAHKI.,
1. tl. Ho (M, Portland, Ore.
l i.
Agents for
Hats for Men
is n good sales-
is a better one
We can
any one in
Serge Blouse suits, made
from Plain
trimmed with anchor on
neat, servicab'o suit. Price. .
l Usi A
Roys' 2-piecesuit, cotton warp, double breasted, Square
cut witli sailor collar, trimmed with red and or
white finishing braid, regular price $1.00 Ot)
Dress. Ginghams
Our showing of Dress Ginghams
arethestrongC8tin Ihe town. Over
250 different patterns in all the
latc-t shade to select Irom, with
prices from 7c, 9c, 12c to 25c
Figured Lawn
Twenty eight inch Sheer Lawn,
with patterns of climbing roses
and 'eive- to match. All the
patterns are u good combimi.iou.
Regular price 10c. Our Special
price only 7c.
A meeting of the Hood River Irri
gating District wil be held at the Bar
rett sohool bouse Thursday, August
10, at 2 p. m., to discuss the question
of the further bonding of the district,
to complete the ditch between Dead
Point nd Green Point. A full attend-,
a nee is desired.
Ry order of the Hoaril of Directors.
J. H. SHOEMAKER, Secretary.
All property owners who bave con
nected with the sewer are hereby noti
bed to remove their outbuildings and
n u ma valine ac once.
lly order of the Common Council.
WM. GANGER, City Marshaf.
".Make Hay While tin S n Shlae,
lhereisa lesson in the tn 't of the
thrifty farmer He knows tbit Ihe
bright sunshine may last but a i y and
ne prepares ror i ne snowera win. mi are
so liable to follow. So it should be with
every household. D sentry, d arrhoea
and cholera morbus may ui tact some
member of the home without warning,
l namneriain 8 (Jolie, Oho era and IJiarr
hoea Remedy, which is the best known
meuiciue tor these diseases, should al
ways be kept at hand, as immediate
treatment is necessary, and delay may
prove fatal. Kor sale by Keir and
Why buy tbem from agents or com
mission men and pay $75 to f 100 more
when yon can buy direct Irom our
firm in Hood River, where we have a
brauob store, which contains a large
assortu in i ui high crude instruments.
includ :
i nu ureal, .v polio interior
Piano pi - i. It is is the
i. It is is the only in
strumci ; ,i, the noild whioh plays the
enure ot tLe piano, and
also the only one having the transpos
ing scaie oy wnion tne performer can
play in any key and accompany the
voioe or any instrument. Pianos and
organs sold on time or for oash. Sec
ond hand instruments taken iu ex
change and also several for sale.
flanos tuned and repaired.
Silas It. Soule.
Pbone Main 142:1 Hood River.
To Young Men Ainl.Wimen.
Ureal opportunities are rwiiIUiis you In the
DiiMut-r worm, nunariias or young men
and women r wanted in and urniind Oak
land and San Francisco, to lake iMmltlons us
stenographers, biMikkeepers, teleiraptiers, of.
Hi Hsslslanis, He, at (rood salaries.
The 1'olyteohnle Hiislness Cnllnrn. nf nnk.
land. Hie leading school of iu kind in the
West, Indorsed by ihet'liunib r ol Commerce
sad leading educators, oilers exceptional oiv
ixii Innltlea to those who can enter college al
unco and pieeure lor posit. ons. mis school
Is i-onsidered by many 10 be the the bet
t-ipilppt-d business college III Ainerira. It is
unquestionably superior to any othr
Mlmil west or Chicago. All entwines low
Home Intluenoes Individual Instruction.
Address l'oi iccnlc IUisnit-NS l.'ollive, lepi.
A , Onklund, I'Kl., tor fr catalogue show lnu
invelrKunt Interiors and splinl iiiciiiti.s
or this school, which lias five times mure
money Invented In eonipiinMit than nnv other
school In the West. New building In perfect
Notice is hereby given that the iimlerslgnri
ha been duly fpolii!ed by the bono able
County Court of the State of orecon for Wm.
co County to be administrator 01 the eMutc o
Henry siteflanson, deceased, and all persons
having claims airslust said esinte are hcteln
nolltted to present the same, ,iulv verirte tii
Ihe undersigned at the oitlee of A. A. Jn'nc
In Hood River, Oregon, witbiu , uiouilis
frem the date of the first publloirtlon ol this.
t?HEKH'F'3 SAW-: ..
Htate of Oregon, ' .."
County of Wasco j ' . '
Notice Ic hereby given that I will nn u.n
day, the SOth day or Augimi.-A D lb, sell m
the htghet bidder, lor cashin hand, all prni .
rty subject to deed, Owned bv Wa'C
county, hy virtue of the ttlft'erent taxu-.
In witness thereof 1 have hereunto set my
hand this l!Hh day of Julv, li-.TM.k ,
I.EV1 OlKlsUN. i
J SberlffofWaM-o County, oi-egon
Attorney-at-Lw and Notary Public
. J. M. SCH.M ELTZEB, Sec.-Treas.
Notary Public
..Hood River Land..
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
We are prepared in a special "manner to handle all
kinds of business in any of the above lines and ha,ve
a large list of improved lands and city property
from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch,
a stock farm or a home in the city.'
With an Extensive Correspondence
We are able to handle your prop
erty advantageously and will be
pleased to have you list same with us
The president of the company is the city engineer,
and is prepared to do surveying and civil engiueer
ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
opinions given on property titles.
Collections a Specialty. Phone Main 141.
Is now located in Clias. Clarke's Drug Store, next
door to the postoftlce. A full line of
Watches, ClocRs, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures
Don't forget the name
Clarke, the Jeweler
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Phone 1313
Jot Sale
Kor Walekeltabie family bay borne, tiioke
to work, rld, or drive Hinif le or double Also
harness and two-seated i-Ik. Wilt take eow,
lety or faun wo k In exebantte. Apply by
mall or In uioriitiiKN at farm on B 'rrett road.
sti Mm. I. B. Mercer.
Kor Pale Only yO minutes wultt from post
ottlee, IK acres of good rich land, fine view,
living sprtiiKH on place, tlood new house,
some land cleared. All tor JISII0. Kaxy
terms. Knquireat this oltlce.
Ist Within the pait three or four months
apsirof gold-rlmmed sieetacles In a dark
red case. Please leave ut this office and re
celve reward. s6
Kor Sale Team of mares. New harness
and heavy hack, cueap. Apply at Transfer
& Livery Dim or w H. McLaughlin. s6
Kor Sale Bed mom suit, coo t stove, chairs,
Mason fruit jars, hack and harness good as
new. can or write Henry Kumm, uavwu.
port tower pinner, iiutiiuiii; so
For Sale Heavy watton In good condition,
will trade for light wagon. Himiie harness
niKen in part payment, n. p. Kolph, K. r . 1).
ino. i. rnone u-w. aush
Kor Kale One of the best navlni-mllllnorv
stores In Eastern Oregon. If sold within ;)
duya will go at a bargan. Write for nartlcu
nils. k. j. uortnan iv Co., 210 second l The
I in ill. auso
Kor Hale Fresh cow. ll. vrlgge.
W. A
Kor Bale PI rat-claw familv cow.
Jlai ' W. C. Dodge.
Kor Sale-Three cows, two fresh and one
will be fresh In Kebruary. J. H. Thomas.
Dee, Or.
Kor Hale-A lot of tine, young, (lark's seed-
strawberry plants lor sale Mrs. K. W Me-
une, U.K. V. No. , Hood River. a8
Kor Hale Cucumbers for nlckllmr. fan
furnish any aim wantd. 10c per gal., If you
do yourowu'Dlcklug. Albert Vauuhun. 1'nr.
adise Karm. a
Kor Hale Two tine parlor Isintii. ftmcv
wrong'it Iron standard, round burner, fancy
globes. Will be sold cheD. Annlv hi ijluei..-
Kor Hale On black Jersev now. on nrt
horse and single harness, one pump and pipe
for a & foot well. Chap If taken soon.
-J James A, Cook.
Kor Hale-A perfect horse, a nine hrhrhi
h.iy, clean legs and sound feet a flue dls.
position driver, either double or simile, lu
l you cannot put him In the work hccan-l'1"1
not do, w e guarantee satisfaci Ion Theoniv
reason for disposing of him Is because I have
ougni a maicneu team lo run our wagon,
nil at ltockfora store. R. K. li. No. tn.i
River. h2)
Kor Hnle-Kivemllch eows, part .lerscv; also
hull, 'i, Jersey, cheap. D. K Cooner Mt
HcsMl, Or.
. slii
Kor Male Hiileil hay at fti.oi) and iinnn
bin. Also strawlien v plums for August sel
ling, at Riverside Kami. Thus. Calkins.
J"1-"! Hho,e4U
If yen have a wntch that others have failed
i mskegive satlmciloii bring It to me T
. Weekley, theleweler. J'Jtlm
pounds each, w.. bn.ken. single or. t,Te
ror Male -tins team of horses, weight iji.i
Biiln wagon, wide (Ires, with rack. Price b!
hiiu Y rears o n. liooo iiuruM a, -
erms. v 10 iase two nr 1 nen ano.1 ,il..h
i cows as part payment. Write to or Inquire of
" . rrwrons, i swaiie Ixa-ks, o . J'.'IMf
Hulls tor Servlee-I keep two bulls hi mv
pls.wfir servl.-e. Any one wih!ng then ol
Si'i'vice. St
i .... . j . . - '
he id. Bruno Kmnl North llelmont
V." "nr.rnin al s ih-i I
' ii . to. j boy land In Wind
wismnsr ta;bnv land
...... -irtim iu eu io call on ( c
Wetherell, Carson, Wash, Jr.1i.itKi
Vice President and Manager.
For Sale-KlKht acres of land, miles from
Hond River on Belmont rosd ; fi acres in
strawberries, 68 fruit trees, part, full bearliu;
and part one year: balance In clover, ixiMIoch
and vegetables, blneklierrles, red raspberries
and black caps on place. Three room house,
packing house jtlxso, ham 14xlil and other
buildings. (Jail at place for further particu
lars, jaitf 1,. J. Mulkins.
Only a few more or those splendid Ift-scra
tracts unsold on the M. B. rotter farm in
Hood River vslley, near the city. (Suitable
lor apples and strawberries. Prices are
pluced below reijiilar rates on similar prop
erty In this vicinity. No better apple land
can be found. Look at It personally for the
prooi. write f rank McKarland, lsa lllili st.,
rooiianu, or see Mrs. M. B.
Potter on the
far in.
n i 101 f
Wanted Horse, harness and V,i Inch tire
wagon. U. I). Nlckelaen. ai!3
Wanted A light two seated hack In good
condition. Address A. N., care Glacier. al
Wanted Medium slsed farm team.
Leland Henderson.
Wanted-Ptekers In the prune orchards at
Dundee, ore., 2 miles south of Portland.
Heason begins eartv In Hem nH iuut. .n
Karly ap Meant will secure places. Address
Dundee Orchard
& Packing Co.,
Wanted-Inor near Hood River, position
with mill or lumber yard by all round lum
berman. Experienced side track loading
foreman, order clerk, estnert. tuienniu.. ,,3
general timber surveyor. Married and do
not gamble or drink. Best ot rvin.r,. a....
3a. Address O. K. Buck. Care (Under 'tin u
If VOll Want A Rlinuro tout
T. H. Weekljy, the Jeweler.
then deal with
All work war-J-'S
1 111
lauieu. rrites IttlK.
Wanted to Sell or Tm.iTti,r. in.a a. ......
and4tlxlOU, one six-room house and loiir-room
cjmage with trult on place. Boi m, Hisid
invcr, wrcgou.
Wanted Gentlemen nr lorfw m, ..i
reference Uo travel by rail or with a rig, for a
Arm of saoo.oisi.oo c-mtili K.,ir i !
year and extwnsesj salury paid weekly anil
expenses advanced. Address with stamp,
Jos. A. Alexander. Hood ktimp ii... ri
June 14. ,v...B....
Konnd l'alr of hnhv'a wihi. u,i i. t
Call at Ulacier office. ...
For Rent
obrm'"V.1""''r','ry of r"om" " D"'-
modein improvements, free wuter
Blowers Addition Call on outhank A otten.
In the county Court of the Htate of oiejron Tor
Wasco county. 1 '
In the matter of the estate of Roba. J. Tucker
deceased. '
Notice is hereby given that under and by
virtue of section 11:18 of Bellinger (yttori-s
Codes and statutes of Oregon. I shall a ply
lo he above named court to grant my wig
nation from the otlice of admlnlstra" ,? erfthe
-o,V,e "."'"I n'1 t said applicat "
wlllbeheaidin the above entitled mor a
'U"lv.cour, "H"" lu T,'e I'all-'S cltv
Wesco county, Oregon, on the rib dav of
. "l ,lK' ",mr "f ,,ne 'k p m!
Hied' o.T.7. L ";.TJ.n. t"'"'in been duly
- -ijr,",t"n mm mill wil hti- ttt.
said admlntstnitor. John H, Frarv. heriliihe.
fore duly file.1. will l l,e.,.i iV . '
nZr,.,n'h.",r,d PP".. frreslg-
. ai' persons li.u-rested In -jild esiate are
hf" - by "titled lo ,rr . Ume n,i
Plai - e.nd show nn. tr .. ' '"Jf
" " " I"'" ana n-.i account In all rMo-i.
. " ' ""J inncw. wnv
m.nrip....! t
J . "eaiioaeo. ralihe l aouro e I Hn.i
........ ,, r.xeetiiop it. ........ .... ... .
reslgnetloo snd dual uiwharge anlhls l-olnd"
men be wholly exhnnor.iXi h .
Dated at Hood River. nin iVi. Z1;
day of July, a. II. law;.
a ii i ,u,ww,u