o ! I f&J' &p J 5 HOOD RIVER, OREGON, AUGUST 16, 1906. VOL. XVIII. I 14 dBOCIETlES. HOOD K1VKR OOMMERCIALCLUB Mnll every second Monday 111 each month at I p. iu In the club room over Jackaou't more. H. f. Daviddom, rraa. A. D. Mok, Secretary. HOODRIVEKLolHlliNO. 105, A. F. and. A. M. Meets Maturday evening on or before each full moon. A. 8. Blowkks, W. U. D. McDonald, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. tl. R. A. M. Meeu a rat and third Friday night or each month D. McDonald, H. P. A. D. Moa, Secretary.' HOOD RIVKR CHAPTER NO. 8, O. E. 8. Metts second and fourth Tuedy evenluf of each month. Visitors oordiRliy welcomed. Mux. T. J. Kihnaihd, W. M. ' MK8.TUKKKHA UAaTjtaa, Secretary. IDLEWU.DE LODUE NO. 107, I. O. O. K. Meeu In Fraternal hall, every Thursday night. K. O. P ABBOTT, N. . Ali.bh NBAi., Secretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48, L O. O. K Regnlar meeting iecond and fourth Monday! oieacb mouth. H. C. Coo,C r . H C. Smith, Hcrlbe. LAUREL REHEKAH DEGREE IjODUE NO. (I I o O. K.-MeeUj Bret and third Krtduya ,,,'each nth.MR8 E w. Udell, N. Q. Mas. Dora Thomson, Secretary. WAUCOMA LODGE NO. SO K. OK P. Meeu In K. of P. hall every Tuesday night. . THoa. F. Johnson, O. C. V. C. Brock, K. of R. and 8. UOOD RIVER CAMP. NO. 7,108, M. W. A. Meets lu K. ol P. hall every Wednesday nlKlU, E. S. MAYEs, V. C C. U. DAKIN, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. W, WOMEN OF Wooucmfl-Meels at K. ol P. ball on tu Hint and Third Fridays of each month. Lou McKKYHOLDS, U. N, F. W. McRbynolds, Clerk. RIVEUHIDEIAJIKJENO. t A. O. U. W. Meeis first and third Saturdays of each month. M. BLAUU, M. w. E. K. Hbaui.bv, Financier CukmtkbShutb. Recorder. OLETA ASSEMBLY NO. 103, UNITED ART-iian.-Meellhetlrl and third .Wed,"". days, work; second and lourth Wedneedaya Artisans' hall, u. W. THojmKiM, M. A. C. D. Hbnbkh, Secretary. COURT HOOD HIVER .No. 43, ORESTEKS of America,-Meew second and fourth Mon days lu eucn mouii in a.. ."" ' SKNKCA F. tOUTS, C, R. F. C. Ilaosius, r . C. PAN BY POST, NO. 16. tl. A. R. MEETS AT A o. U. W. hull, secou.l and lourth Satur ilayn ol each muiitli at i o'clock p. hi. All U A. R. uiciiioeis invited lo meet with us. S. A. skinnkr, Commander. Thomas Uosh. .aujiiiiiui. CAN BY W. K. C., No. 16-MEETS SECOND Hud touilliMiluruHjsul each Month lu A. O. U. to. hall al p. m. , Ki.i.kn Blount, President. Okkikl dk B. InuLks, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 34H9, R. N. A. Aims at the K. of P. Hall ob the aeoond and fourth Fridays ol eaeh mouth. MBS. CAHBIB BBOSIU8, O. Mas. Ella Dabin, Recorder. jTfTwatt, m. d. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Offloe, 281; realdence, Nil. BUKOEON O. R. AN. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answer id in town or country, r K " Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 61L- Office, 611. Office in the llroalua Building. DR. J. EDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 143;!. lies, phone 78X1, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. MB. DR. M. H. SHARP DB. EDNA B. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of tlie American School ol Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office and Residence Huxley Cottage, Kiver street. Plione 25 H"D RlvliB- C. BUOS1US, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 131. Olllce Hours: 10 to 11 A. and6to7P. M. M.; 2 to 3 H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Ckown Bbidob Work a Specialty. Office over First National Bank Telephone Main 311 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones : Office 283 ; residence 1045 Office over Butler Bank, Hood Kivkb, Ukk. W. E. WELCH LICENSED VETERINARY Sl'BGEOS i. .,0r.,i . ln inv work In the veterln- ry Iltie. He can be found by calling, at or ary pb-nlnif to Clarke druK store. A.JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYEll. Will Practice In All Courts Offlp wlrh Oeo. D. Cnlbertaon A Co. IhHoiik. Altrct. Htleineiit of Katalfn. HOOD KIVER. OKE- SENECA F. FUUTS" Attorney at Law Broslus Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOHN LKLAND HENDERSON AriOKNEir-AT LAW, ABSTRACTER. NO- TAY PUBLIC nnrt RKA EHTATE AOKNT. For St years a res'.dentoro eatin and Wash Ington. Iliu had many jrean eerlence In , Kest riate niawaww, n .'-'rM-u,r, nn.n-nr.w titles Hnt aaeut. misractlon anarnnteed r no rhme H. SEYMOUR HALL, Snivel u I sm qnalldrd and prepared In do all kinds of ttinl claw land surveying. Accuracy fusr-amei-t. liKsas to wis fir -elans work done addrew B. P. Hood ftimr. fhona ioxl. SEE J.H. HEILBRONNER & CO. FOR Fruit Lands, City Property, Investments, Fire Insurance. Burglar Insurance Accident Insurance Our LiHt of Bargains in real estate will interest vou J. 11 Heilbronner & Company ; Fruit Lands, Seal Estate and Insurance Ground floor new Davidson Bltlg. . HOOD RIVER and PORT1DND, ORg. Hood River Studio -FOR- First-Class Photographs We have the latest In mounts and can en large your Phobia III Crayon, Platinoid or Kepla. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection 0. B. GRAY, 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEEK. j'R.JONES,Dentist Crawn and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. TiHttiueiit of diaeaaed teeth and gums. tllll.-e llroelua Builditie. Phone 1033. Eureka Meat Market MeOUIRE BROS., Propa. LValera in Freeh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruita and Vegetablea. Vtw Deliwry. Pbone Main 35. F. G. 002 Carpentering Phone 671 r.8. Stan ley, K. UHmith, E.O. Bi.anchah i re.. vice-rrea. lasuier. V. C. Brock, Asst. Catdiier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital and Surplus, $30,000. P. H. HALL-LEWIS 4 CO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors ' Mak. (urvays, plans and estimate for sew ir. Hunt and nower and railway plants, and furnish, nuhjeot u approval, plans, specifica tions and ast I mates for all classes of bulletin! public, private and mercantile. Hpeclal at Untlon given to economic and slow-burning construction. Accuracy and economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. sThTcox Contractor and Builder fuurt a Xmihatm rnwiu, FREDERICK & ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS KtUaatM (nralihad ea til klndiof work SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Itocorative Fainting; and Paper Hanging Plans furnished. Estimates care fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect Having had several years' experience in drafting and bulldlnir. I would respectfully illicit s part of the patrouaire of the peop'eof Hood itiver wno anui-ips"- uuuuiua. reasonable, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of- flos at residence on Heights. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 769 Figure! and eetimatei furnished on all kinds of building and contracting. ASSOCIATION of McMluuvllle. Oregon, will insure your property at BO per cent less cost man any other institution. C. P. K0SS, 8peelar Agent, Hood Rlrer, Oregon GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands and tlmqer claims; also relinquishment and land to script. Call on or address, wm. f. hand, Rea. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. Hood. River Dairy Delivered Morning and Eveding Can supply all orders from now on ; BRUNO TRANZ Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of the United rv.atea anu are in goou post tion to fell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orderH for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. Dodge & Reid Carpenters, Cabinet Makers and Repairers We do repairing In wood and metal. Furnl- lure making a specialty, duns, blcvclea. etc.. renal red Pbone 651 HOOD KIVER, ORE. WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds ol wood. have a new ateam wood aaw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. "hone 121. McDEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION OtHANTS IVompt sales a nd i.uick returns holesale dealers In all kinds of First .nd frodui-e. VoiiHiaiunenia aollciu 129 Front Sttree, Portland, Ore. Timber l4ind, Act June 8, 1h7K. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The lalli , Oregon, June 15, UMi. Notice is ticrchy alveu that In compliance with the provisions . . . IS-s ....till...! I ipe w l "i nmnrtw ui .iuiip , .1-1... ..I. An act for the sale of tiinluT liuids In the stales of California, Oreson, Ncvndii umi WanhinKUin Territory," ss exicnuitt w an the public land states by act of August , ISsrj, PAiri. v. Mit'l'l.l.Y. ofrortlsnd, county of Multnomah, state oil uimmi, nss men in nun uuht umn,M u s,otr nient No. Sftft, for the purchase of the lot 4. section 4, lots 1 and 4 and HlA4iv or section o. S, In township No. IN,. Kanne so. nr.., v. . M. and will otter proof to snow Unit the lands somtlit are more valuable tor t lie lim ber or stone thereon than lor lurricultuiHi loses, and lo esuionsn nis claims to said land before the Keiflstcr and Kcocivcr al the land office In The halles, Oreaon, on the totli day of August, IIKW. He uamesHs witnesses: rni n.uitu, oi Hood Kiver, Oregon, and JNIIs c. Olsen, ol Portland, Oregon. . Anv and all neranna claiming adversely anyot the above-described lanitH are reiiuest ed to tile their claims 111 tills oificr on or bu lore thesaid "tli d.iy of August, 1HH. Mll'HAKI'Tul.AN, 21 ltegisl'r. NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. It the County Court of Whsio County, state of Oregon. , In the mutteroi tneesiaicui uroige tiwcu. eceascd. Notice Is hereby given linn me tiinn r- signert, the artmlnistialor ot tin- state oi wtrge Owen, ueceuseu, nss uim, oieoHim it- clerk of the County Court, for Wasco ontitv nreirou. bis Tlnal aceoufit anil report n said estate: and that the Judge nt the above entitled court, has duly fixed Ihurs.iay, the Mh day of September, A. !., !("', ai li o'clock M. of said day s tnc tune, linn iiici'oiiniy ourt rKitn In the t onniy i ouri uousu in lalles City, Wasco Cotinly, Oregon, as the place lor hearing said nnai account and re port. All persons Interested In said esiate, ate hereuy notitiea to appear ai sani mum nd pliwe, and show cause, n tiny mere oe why said final account and report should not in all things be allowed, raniled and ap oroved. and an order made, duly discharging said administrator from flintier acting in said trust, and exonornllng Hi mi "trom Cur lier liability thereunder.. I tils notice is pun shed bv order of the county Judte of said court, dated the Dili day of Aiutusi, A. !.. tssOii. the Itrst publication or this nntn-e Is .lined ie9tli day Ol AUgUSl, A. J'., i"-. aim me XT In which said nonce is nmcreci putt ied is The Hood Klver Ulaclcr, ubllshei1 weekly in said county of Wasco. In the cily of HiHid River. luted lloou Hlver, Oregon, August i.in, it. KDWARIi COOK, Administrator of the estate oUieurge Owen, deceased. JoltS I.KLANI) It KNPKttMON, alMi Attorney for s:tlil estate. NOT1CK 1'OU PUBLICATION t'niled Ststes l.iinil otllce, The linlles, o in. Muv nth, lno-i. Notice is lu'ivhy ulven that In comi'liuiM e with the piovi-itins oi ilie t olvonnte ol June ,i, i.s,h. entilletl Act tor the sale ol 1 1 loiter iini m i ue slit tesui t'alit'ttrnin, tin koii, rscvatla, slul asliliiiiuui Territory, '' as extended lo ail Hie piililic Ian l stales by act of Auutisl. 4, IS'.l:;, jmi ,n a. i'ii vv i'. i , of Pendleton, county of Umatilla, state of dri'- ni, has this day tiled In thiNoihiv Ins sworn alcmeut No. .nr,', for the purchase ol" the i.SW'i KW'iNK'i, sect Inn ai tux) sliNH', ot seetutu No. :I, in township ,n, l N., lanm- No. 11 K., . M , ami will otliT prnoi to slimv that the land sought Is more valualtle lor the tllnher ttr slum liiereoli hmm lor agri cultural purpuses, and to estal'il-li Ins claim to'salu laiKls before the Keulsler aim tteeeiver at I lie Dalles, oreaon, on Uie iHli iluj ol An. ist, lisji. lie names lis witnesses: John I'. I'oley, lan Foley ami t'lytle K.Taylor, of roiilainl, .ore- in, and llllain IHvvla, ol mam tuver, uie n. Anv and all persons clalnilnc adversely any of the above described hinds are reiticsted to file llielr clulnis In tills olllce on or neloic the said 20th day of August, lwiti. Mit-iiAr.t, 'i. jsiti,:-., JI411I6 llculslor. " notice FOR l'Uaijklu iON Department of t lie Interior, Land ulliee tit 'Cl.- Ilxlluu II......II1 IlllL' IS II. hi Notice Is hereby given that F. KOY JACKSON, of Hood Kiver, oretfon has tiled notice of his Inlantioti to nmke final flve.year proof lu support of his claim, viz: Homestead entry .mi. '.'-c.'h, mane .tunc -1 l'.KII, lor the HijSW'i, and H.'jSW'1', secilou :u, towushli 2noi ih, rane II cast, w. M , alio that sahl ttroof will tie tnailc before tint Itci4- Isteruiul Receiver at 1 1tu Hallcs, Oieiiou, on August 27th, PKHi. ie names as witnesses to prove 111s cittiiinu. oils res'ilence upon and eultlvalion ol the land, viz: Omar M. new lit, Albert Mictiiicr, Harry Keui, Howard Hoover, all of HimhI Uiver, Oregon, MICHAia T. Nol.AN, yxitti Keg later NOTIC!-; FOR 1'l llLlCATION. United Htates I.iind otllec, The Dalles, Ore gon, May , I'.Hiii.-NolIre is hereby given thai 11 compliance Willi me pio isiiiuh 01 itiein-i ii tngreas 01 .nine ;i, is,s, eiiuiieu -ah aei lor the sale ol timber lands lu I he Hiatus ol Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter ritory," us extended lo all tlie Public Ijind Slates by act of Migust I, lsir' Alt i ll u it l'. 1 1 r r i , of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day tiled In tills oiliee his sworn statement No. 21U1, for the purchase of the ots 2. . 4 and 0. ol section no. i, in town ship No. 1 N., range No. 9 K, W. M., and will oiler prtatf to slu w ttiat the land sought Is more vailtaoie lor lis nuna-r or Miotic man tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his aim to said land helore the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, un the 2UUi day of August, HHHi. Ie names as witnesses: iwis r,. Morse, Frank Chandler. Charles L. Morse aittl Wil liam K. Rand, all of Hood River, Oregon. Anv and all persona claiming adversely me above-described lands are reiiicsteit to tile their claims 111 this oince 011 or neiore saiu 20th day of August, IIKii. JTalB MICHAI'XT. NOI.AN, Itegisler. 8UM.MOXS. In the t:ircult Court of the Slate of Oregon, fot Wasco county. Thomas Hcnnlngseii, Plaintiff vs. Alfreda Hrnningseti. Ilclendsnt. To Allreda llennliigseu, tlie ulaive lialind iiefendnni:- In tlie name of tlie state of Oregon, you are hereby required to Hpiicnr anil answer the complaint tiled against, you 111 the attove en- lll.leu court on or oeiore ugusi ,it 11, i:i, anu If you fall ho to appeur nuil answer, for want thereof the plH 1 11 1 1 II will apply to the court for the relict priLveu tor in ineconipiaini, 11 wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of in it rtmony now existing between you and plain till', and for such other ami further relief as tt the court inav Neelu meet ana ettuilable. fills publication ol sinomons ts made by order of Hon. W. L. ilraitstiaw, Judge ol tlie ataive entitled court, duly tnailc and enteri oil the I :t 1 1 day ol July. llki, directing this .summons to be published once each week fi six eniisceultve weeks In tlie Hood Ittvt Glacier, a weekly ncwspuar ol general clreu iation 111 wasco t ouni.y, tn-gou. Hale of first publication July null, pn;. A. J. DKUIIY JlB-a: Atty. for iilalulill i Combleic c.y. 1 M''j '4 SUMMER SPECIAL To tdvcrtiw our stamped linmiwewill sell centcrpiecH likecut stamped on tun Utun complete with Hom to etntroider. Regular value 90c Special 50C In ordering by mail seed post office or ex press moner order and mttittm thu paptr 'She NeedlecrdtYhob Uzez WASH. 3T-,PQWrUaD OK-J I LaMlUWsVafteAa SOLD FOR SEWER TAX STORE BUILDING SELLS FOR $60 Sale of Diliiiiiuent I'miiert)' Com- iiii iic tl AinriiHt 1(1 mill ( (inlln ueil I mil Sultl. Lant Friday niiiniiui at teu o'clock the property adrertUed to lie sold for eliutiiiunt fewer ast-ennttient, was olteied at aiictitm to the hit; beet liid- r by Marshal ISitniier. Not a tirent eal ot iuteiest was talen by tlie pub- 10, but a tew bultlera beiiiK present, ami but a eiiiti'tir,itivoly tew cured to itveHt, owiiil' lo iiiiiity not lituni; i ei- tain hm to the oiitciinio. Several whose property wits adver ted n it the nsscHsnioiils Friday niorimiK betoru thu mile, antl a con lerablti wiiu wa cullected in this iiiaiintr. At lti o clock tlie ntle was eoniinencetl, V. U. Iiapkin acting as erk. The tlrHt piece of property olfered hh the sttirr titiililiiii' occupied by notli's store nnil oivned by J, 11. idilleton. The first bid was cICi by A. Dano tollowetl by ?:iti by J. Otten niiit was tlniilly knocked down V. K. Sheets for Ml. Thou followed stiles us lull nvs: Li till and Hi, block M, Hood Kiver roper, solil to M. 1j. llowattl fl.i. Lots 1 ami '2, block .1, Watiooma ark audition, sold to W. K. fShoetn !0. Lots (j and 2,"i, block 5, Riverview ink uddition, Clias. Dano, Lots 1 and 'i, block '2, Idlewilde ad- ition, C. Diiito $40. Lota 1, ', 3 and 4, block ,), l'urk- tit st addition, SV. F, Slioeta, fltlo. Jjot ,1, lilock 1, Wuiiooinu I'aik ad- ilion, A. . Ontlmiik, U. Lot Zi, block .1, Strtinithun s nildi- on, .1. It. Dukes, 10. Lot 111, block SI, Hull a 'dition, W. , Sheets, UJO. . C. Wi. I. li, urn's tract, W. 10. icets, 2t1. Houlh Imll of block 4, liivotviow i.rk iiiMlliuii, J. J. Meats, i?-'1!!. .Nnrtli Imll ot block 4, liiverviow ink iidilltiun, Cliiiiles Diino, $70, ot U, bio k f, Kivtrview Fark ad- ition, C. Dano, 10. Lot .i, block o, Ki vet view l in k ud ition, t!. Diino, if: III. Lets U.i, -M, 2! I, mid HO, block liiverrictt i'ark addiliou, O. A. lino, UriO. Lots :i, 4, o, d air! i, block b, Riv- tviow 1 ark addition, r. li. Knvdor, 10. Lots lo, 11, I'iiintl Kl, block ti, Riv- rv-iew I'aik udtlllion, I'. 11. hnyder, :."i. Lots 14 ami lo, block li, Riverview Park addition, J. J. Mears, $20. Lots Hi. 17. 18. 1!) ami 20. lilock 0. Riverviow Fark addition, J. J. Motifs, 10. AC this lime nu adjournment was taken to Utittiiduy morning- at teu clock. 'J liis couiprised t he sales of the first ay. Marshal (iiiiiL'cr will udiouru he sale trom day to day until all the roiierty is sold, (lu Monday tho lol iiwiiitf s tle whh mad o : Lois 1 antl 1, block 0, Fai khuist ad itioti, John Mint', $5:i. H,. Daily of Iron hi il Man Fount! Here The body of a man supposed to huvu I ecu li'oi noil was discovered near the bout landing lust Thursday atternou. It wits lying on the beuoh whero it hud been wkhIiuiI by the .lives and was 1 u u ml by Ihe foreman of tho O. li. .V. N. section gang. City Marnlnil (iauger was notified ml hid tlie b tily brought to this city and placed in cliarnu of Undci taker liui'tmesa. 1 he body was d rut-sod in course liliiek shiit, overalls and log era shoes and Ihe contents ot the ockels revealed nothing but a bail una handkerchief and a shoestring. Hit) corpse was examined by a pby iman who could llud no evidence ol 1 1 in i v enlllcient to cause death and said he thought it had been in the water about teu days. The man was about 40 years ot age, had dark Half, mustache and chin beard and was & feet. II inches in height. The coroner, who was notified, re tuned to hold an intpiest as there was nr) identification, and the body was Inn led here Thursday evening. It is said that passengers on an up-river steamer several days ago reported see ng a mini who was working on the North liana roail blown into the river by a blast and it is thought the body may have been his. Advantage of Oregon. If the people living in the far mint only realized what they are missing try not residing in this part ol tlie world the railroads would not be able to accommodate the travel coming this way. I hit idea seems to bo prev alent in thu east Unit Oregon is a cold, rainy state and a disagreeable pi ice In much to live. Xhe exposi tion dissiptiled thin idea to a cei tain extent, but it was principally the wealthier class that was able to enjoy tliti trip t i t.liu coast. The greet niid- ilu cIhns is slow to believe the tales told them ol Oregon's glorious climate and woiideifol possil, mill's by the re cent expoeilion visitors. Many also dislike to leave their It lends: and liieitk the social ties at home. The idea of going so far away when they are not tin tneiully uble to return u thev Hud Ihiucs not as represented keeps a huge percentiige away. Uth- ers iiclinve in tue oin atiuge mat, u rolling stone gathers no moss, but tail to note the fact that a stone on a graveling side bill likewise accumu lates none of the green. If they hear ol a person "going west" and doing well they Hscrilio it to luck, ami claim that wheto one may succeed others are just us liable to fail. Hut if they just knew of the delight fnl, etpiilal Ic climate, the good water, the tine ti n it, the beautiful scenery and the letllle soil we cannot hell bt.t think that they would cast nil ob st icles aside and make it the gol ol ili-sir lives to reach Oregon. Ho .there you wid and talk with whom you may in wet-tern Oregon and with one accord all will say thev are more than glad to be heie, and many will i I'll you they havo only one thing to be sorry for M l that is tint they did not come years ago. Where a sun stroke is somethiug nnknown, where snow is a luxury and zero weather unusual, where lightning never strikes and thunder la seldom heard, where the grass la green all winter and rosea bloom in December, where labor la never Idle and with fruit the Quest ,in the world we can not help feel proud of our Oregon, and sorry for sun-eticken and frost bitten cistern residents, wbooauuotor will not ret lize that Oregou la a coun try similar to ' what Moaea led the ohildreu of Israel to only better. So if our eastern brethren are de sirous of bettering their condition lu life, if they want to go where oppor tunities abound on every aide, not where it is a pleasure just to be alive, we advise them to come to Oregon. St. Johns Keview. Hill Cut Out Dalles Stopover, liiggs will soon again lie a place of mportance. in. MoMurray, gener al passenger agent for the O. K. it N., s now working out a schedule for the HIl'Ks Portland local to run to Arling ton and there transfer passengers ami express to the local fot Portland. By this menus all local O. K. & N. points will be given a qtiiok service to Pott- and and return, regardleaa ot the lateness of the through eastern trains. When this schedule la In elieet pas sengers will not have a choice as now, of going to The Dalle) and there wait ing until ready to continue their trip. Observer. V 111 Form a Wheat Pool. The farmers of Whitman oontty, Wash., aie taking steps towards the forming of a wheat pool on similar lines to those associations formed in Umatilla antl Wasco counties lu this state. The only notable dilferenoe in tho organization ia that in Whitman tho wheatgrowera advocate holding their wheat until the market advauoes to 70 ueuta a bushel. The farmers leclare that their yield of griiiu is lower than last year and the sacks are tour rents higher and thieshlng one cent higher than at this time last year. In the meantime fanners from the other ooutiea of the states will .valeli with great interest the result if the wheat pool, If the plan should result in any advauce in the market price no doubt all counties in the states of Oregon and Washington ill follow the methods adopted by the farmers of Umatilla, Wasco aud Whitman. lleppuer Times. la You Pallry (itiml ( It ia estimated that ton million dollars worth of lire insurance poli cies are held in the Btate of Oregon that Is practically worthless. This fact la known to leading insurance men, to the largest policy holders, and to others, yet Otegon'a Insurance commissioner is not reported to have done anything for protection of the prospective sutleiers. four ot the large oompanlea formerly doing bus iness in the Btate, the Hume f ire 4 Marine Insurance company, the Fire men 'a Fund Insurance company, the traders' Insurance company and the Pacific Underwriters' company, be came insolvent as a reai.lt ol the Ban Francisco fire. Their Oiegon policies at the data of the liXlii report of Com missioucr Dtiubai were materially above 10.000.000, and are probably higher at tbis time. Each of these four companies has jtM.OOO to deposit with the state oltlcera to protect local policyholders, making a total or f 200, UK) as the maximum assets to cover more than $10, 000, 000 of possible llao bilities. It appears that Mr. Dun- bur'a successor has opportunity to d something in the line of duty and that the boasted virtue ot our state insurance regulations will be put to the tott. Moro Observer. 011 On Salem Streets. Snriiikling the Salem atraeti with o l has actually begun, says the Balem journal Portions of Court itreet and Liberty street, in fiout of the nronerty of Dr. J. II. biewer, was treated to a coating of crude petrole um this morning. Ho far, the indications are that It ia a success. The work attracted a great deal of Interest aud hundreds of - oitizena passed around that way lo watch the men lav the dust aud grease the road The experiment may aolve the prob lem of Htilem'a dusty streets, and the success of thia morning's effort will lead other property ownera to adopt the same methods. The oil was spread by meana ot the water sin inkier, and did not spread as it will when a regulai sprinkler ia constructed for for the experiment to be conducted around the court houae property tomorrow. The oil was forced directly onto the street by the snrinkler. and then the road was raked an as to spreud the oil in better shape. The experiment was made on an area ot 30x21 feet on one street (jOxW feet on the other. Dr. Ilrewer baa estiuiaated that it wen d cost about ill) to thoroughly sprinkle tho distance of one block and that an application of three bar rels of oil would do the work on the streets adjoin'ng his property. Judge Scott, too, is optlmistlo at the Inter est mnuifut led. There is nothing so pleasant as that biiabt,clieeiful,at-pcacc-with-tht-world feeling when you sit down to your breakfast. There is nothing so conduc ive to good work and good results. The healthy man with a Healthy mind and body is a better fellow, bettjr work man, a belter citizen than the man or unman who is handicapped by some disability, however slight. A alight dis order ol the stomach will derange your body, vour thoughts and your disposi tion, lint away Iroiir the morbidness and the blues. Keep your stomach in J tune and both vour brain and body will respond. Little indiscretions of over eating can be easily corrected and you will lie surprised to see how much bet ter man you are. Try a little Kodnl For DvHpepsia after your meals. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy. Hoard of Ennalizatlon. Notice ia hereby given that the Poaid of KqualizatiioD of Wasco county, Oregon, will meet at the court house in Dulles City on the last Monday iu August, l'JOti, aud remain in session one week, tor the purpose of examining and equalizing the ea st ssmettt roll for the year l'.Wti, as by It.w provided. All peraons desiring to ( pear before auid Hoard will please take notioe. Dated at Dttljea City, Or-gon, this 31st day of July, FX. A. O. SIOObDILL, Aaseasor. HIGH PRICES ARE EXPECTED BIDS TO BE OPENED THIS MONTH Keview of the Apple Situation by Prominent Hood Hlver (irower. The following Intel view in the Port land Journal from O, L. Vanderhilt, ia timely and reviews the apple aitua tiou : From offers already received the impression prevails at Hood Kiver that prices for Oregou apples thia year will be about the same aa last year, when the highest prices ever known were paid and the entire Hood Kiver crop was shipped to Knstern and European markets. The crop in the valley thia year is variously esti mated fiotn 100,000 to i:i0,000 boxes, nearly double the amount ot IhsI year'a crop. Already eastern and European buyers have visited the valley. The Apple Growers' association has not made any contracts aud bus fixed up on August '20 as the date when tho orop will be sold to the highest bid der. Healed bids will be received by the cashier of the First National bank of Hood Kiver aud opened by the batik's directors. The association represents 90 per octtt of the apple growers of the val ley and numbers about 12K men. .No grower is allowed, under the rigidly euforced rules, to pack his own appea. Tbis work la done by experts em- poyed by the association. A orew oousista of four packera aud an in spector. Every apple ia inspected be fore being placed in the box. An as sociation wrapper and box label naa been copyrighted and ia used exclus ively by the organization for protec tion ot buyers and consumers from apples that are grown elsewhere ami labeled Hood liiver apples. This year for the first tune the Hotnl River valley growei has sold his tlrav- ansteins, Kiugs and Wealthles, eaily varieties, to the European market. Of these there will be seven oarlosde trom thia valley. Two oara are from ueiilahland, the largest apple ram.u in the valley, Oscar Vanderbilt. own er of lieultiblaud, who waa iu Port land today, eaid : 'Conditions in the valley at pres ent are almost perfect for the apple business. The three early varletlea uow gold to Europe will be picked and shipped in a boot three weeks. Picking ot other varieties will begin iu October. Thia year ia the third in which the association has followed the plan of selling the Hood River ap ple orop to the highest bidder. It baa worked successfully aau this year the growera will realize the benedta ot both a large crop and a good price. Mr. Vanderbilt said tho increased aoreage planted thia year 1b not large, but number of good sales have been made. Home of these are at prices that people might regal d aa fancy. Hut when compared with prices aud earnings capacity of Colorado or chards, and elsewhere, Hood Kiver prices are still conservative-- Colora do apple orchards bring from 11,000 to 1:1,000 per acre, while the Hood Klver prices do not range at half those liguies, although the latter or chards have shown the greater earn ing power. In a number ot Hood Kiver oroharda a single acre has been known to yield as much aa $1,000 gross in a year. Mr. Vauderbllt has purchased du aores known as the Valhalla orchard, now in full bearing, and added it to his lleulahland. This farm now con sists of about 115 aores, aud ita bear ing acreage is the largest in the val ley. Last year the original farm yielded between 4, (HI) and 6,000 boxes. The ranch ia oultivateed to a high de gree, bearing trees loaded with per fectly formed apples, tne young tiees looking thrifty. Every tree is trimmed and sprayed scrupulously. The land is cultivated anil harrowed, and not a weed to be seen between all the long rows of trees. This year's crop of Keulahland is estimated at 14,000 boxea. The ap ples from this farm sold last year at tl. 75 as the lowest aud $3 the highest price per box. These prices amaze eastern apple growera, most of whom get less money for a barrel than Hood River growers receive for a bushel of apples. With the acreage of young trees that will come into bearing n the next two or three yeara the yield of Ueulahland will be increased to hi wards of '2f,000 boxes auuually. Ihe entire farm ia ausoeptlble of irriga tion, aud has water at hand, but irri gation la little utilized at the present time. Drugs, Codfish and Peek-a-Boo Waists. The city drug store has just layed In a stock ot fine lady's uuderware and millinery, including bate and bonnets. Allso some of the latest Peekaboo wastes. The wastes are im ported direct from Poitulnd and are very swell aud very stylish. Hut tlu nriceB aie not two high, being from 31) cents up to (18 cents. A new ahip- . ...iHul, lust- receeved. and limit, oi , . ,7 n ...... j,... . plenty of augai on baud, also flower and meel, from the W. W. M. Co. in The Dalles. Hut do not falo to try ono of our new porscriptions, me Hooicides Delight." They are very restful ,not to say exilortiug.-Rab. Ittville correspondence iu wpmu in necessary Kxpenstf. Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea come on without warning and prompt reliof must lie obtained. There is no s,,..!!. of iiicurrinir tlie exiiense of a ..i, ;i,' service in eueli cases if Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedv is at hand. A dose ol this remedy will relieve the patient be fore a docter could arrive. It has never been known to fail, even in the most severe and dangerous cases and no fam ily should be without it. For sale by Keir&Casa. ' For Kent. For a long term of years, south bulf of Block 8, Park hurst, and three acr eartof Parkhurat. W.J. BakerACw. A (iennine Clearance Hale for the utat sixty days of all Summer Millinery, w gardleitoCeoBt, at " , , MME. ABBOTT, 'y J Hi I '0V v (S. I