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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1906)
HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1906 e Srocepies at Cost Owing to our limited store room we have descided to Close out our Stock of Groceries at Cost to make room for our large stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Shoes, Furnishings, Etc., soon to arrive Commencing Monday, Aug. 6, we will close out our entire stock of grocerH, which is fresh and clean, at cost. The sale will continue until the entire stock is disposed of L. H. MUGGINS CO. v PIONEER PREDICTS MO MORE HIGH WATER The fuot tlmt there ha tmet no high water In the Columbia river now for two ueuoiiH Iho&uhIuk plonour runi dentg who have boeu familiar with taie of water iu the river for iiihiij veam to reinluince. "The weather ain't what it hhhi! to be an' the auaaona ia cbaiinii) ," tliey lay. '"Why," aald one old fellow, "thin la the it rut time In iW yeara to my knowledge that the boata have not beou able to laud for two years In duo oeaaion rinlit over there, pointing to epot about 100 yards from the Mount Hood hotel. "Why," he con tinued, "there wasn't water .inonilh tula year to Hood the bottom lamia aornsg the river, "The hlh water la atfolnter quit oomlnii', 1 KueBM, aaine aa the lue did, We youator not toe In iilouty here yeara ago. The river lister friw.e over moat every winter, yea, air. lint you can't get uo Ice here now In the win ter. Look at them loehouaea down 'long the river falilu' to plucioa. Ain't been any ioe In them for yeara. "It'll be the aame way with the high water, 1 tell yer; it'll quit ooiu lu', like the lee." While not taking the poHHimiHtle view of the pioneer above quutod In regard to the failure of high water to come for the paat two soiihoih, many puraona who nave retdded along the Columbia for goodly portion of tlutlr lives, lubatautlate hie atutemout and aay that they have never known high water to lull fur two yeara in aminos Ion. Old rlvermnn and lUlierinun attribute the poor Hulling thia aeuon to the lank ot high water ami any that the Huh whola along the Columbia between heu and Portland have made the amalleat ontch In yeara. They ttn couut for thia by the fact tlmt wlimi , the water ia low the Huh have to fol low the channel, which ia neoBUHiirily In midatreaiu or uear It, ami do not get into the eddlea where the whoeln are looted. They alao aay that when the watei ia low the Hah will nit come up atream In aa great mimbura at when it ia at a high atage. The failure of the water to roncb fouie of the bottom Innda along tin river haa oauaed a partial loaa of aomo oropi which required Irrigation early in the "eason aud upon which water cannot be got In any other way. Thia ia laid to be the ouae with the toma to crop on the Waahlugtu aide of the river. Moat resident! do not, now ever, beileve that high water haa topped coming aud look for it uext y ear optlmiatiolly. Journal. Oregon's First Fair. A bit of Interesting hiatory III con nection with the early daya of Sulmii waa brought to light yeaterday In the ottloe ot F. W. hurhiu.e eorutaiy ol the Oregon state board of agriculture, aaya the Hale in Htateaman. Wille making an examination of the oouteuta of an old client which com priaea a part of the paiapheanalia of that otllce, the aaiataut aeorelary, K A. Wetoh, diacovered an old book whiob had been uhI for the keeping of the record of the "Marloon Coun ty Agricultural Hocloty of Kiiltim, (). T.," which whh oiganized during I lie year 1854, while Oregon wa still a ter ritory. The fliat step toward the formation ot that society waa taken on the titli day of April that year, when a meet ing of the "farmera of Marion coun ty was held at the court house "to perfect arrangements foi the complete organization of an agricultural associ ation,." The minutes of the meeting show that Governor John K. Dsvis was chosen temporary ohairmau ami J. (1. Wilson seoretry pro tern. On motion of J. C. Ueer, jr., a committee of six was appointed to draft a constitution aud by-laws for the "government of an agricultural association." No records of the awards aud the business of the first fair is to be found in the book, and the next minutes are those of the regular annual montlni; of the society which waa held on Mon day, April t, lHiVi. A 11 1 if Missouri Apple County. A statement of the apple grow ing Industry in the vicinity of Chi toll! on, Mo., which is located on the Santa l'v line about sixty miles east of Kansas City, was issued this week by the freight department of the Santa IV Railroad company. From figures com plied by agents of thisj company the oiop of apples around Carrolltou prom ises to amount to 51, 500 barrels. Cai rollton Is on the mail) line of the San ta Fe miming from Kansas City to Chicago, which will enable people who banudle the apples to secure tkvt-rliiss transportation facilities. Th& Kant Fe's circular is as follows: "The preseut outlook points lo the largest yield and beet quality of en- ton Mo., has evei known. A peisomil visit to the orchard disclosed almost no woricy 'ruit and tournuly a blemish of any chaiacter. Unless the unex pected happens, tho percentage of firsts will run exceedingly high and the statement of old orchard ists ot thirty years' experience, that this is tho II nest crop Carroll county mm had, will be tully substantiated i lie growers already have about 50 er cent of the barrel stock necessary tu care fur the crop on hand and tl.e.v intend bringing the supply up to I i.n full amount required before harvest " Spi ny i a Man. County Kin It Inspector Ingram le turned Saturday I'riiui a business ti'; to the White Sulmmi neighborhood! In an lutoricw Mr. Inigam stales tlmt iho While Kuloinii fruit raisers are l ud In their praise of tho arsenate of lead spray. 'J heir returns from their worst oreliir ds, so far, is about 95 pur cent clean fruit. Kuryhody is psray Ing this week for the second nop ot codling moth. They, to a man, are dropping everj thing else to do their spraying on time and count uu big re turns this year. A great many say that they would nut go buck into the old way and raise wormy fruit. They think that the siitisfiictiou of just looking at, their line apples pay for all work and expense, aud their fruit is all pro II I. The tomato orop is ulinost a failure. Tho llrst crop t( blossoms were blighted with cold mid the third blossoms were blighted with heat. Ho all tlmt they can count upon is the second bloom. Klickitat Agr cultur-ist. Our work guaranteed. Duitz ftluilio. Iter. It. II. IliirncN Will Iteslvn. Hev. R. It. hemes, rectoi of St. Mark's . IOpin'opii' . liurch, Sunday made the iiuiuiuncomoiit of his resig nation which he des res to take pi. i'( on August -7. 1'he announcement at made from the pulpit at tho Hominy morning service -iiid was a s.r i isi to ids congregation, who nere i ol aware of his intention lo leave 1 1 oof1 l;ivr. Mr. Karnes, who came to I hi city last Ml, has Hlled the pusiiioi. at lec tor of Ht. Mark's chinch most i c oeptahly ami much regret i o. le-f.-fl at li 1.-4 decision to Jomi lha p. ri h Iteing in ill l.eallli n l.en lie ( line hi tins not, found the flic :.le hern '.erj lienelli'il to his i.ij i i nt. lii- iuli nl'.in us to the fiitnii) lociitu n is not ol present kno.tii. 0. R. ii V Settles Fur a Death. II. J. Lilly, adiuiulstrator of f tie estate of John 11. Lilly, dunetised, bus Hied a petition for an order to settle with the O. K. & N. company upon payment by the company ot $'.!, 100 to tho estate of tho ileeeHsed. John H. Lilly, who was employed on a work train, was killed iu au accident ticai Weatheby a i w months ago. Uhe railroad company disclaim'! . liabilitj for trie young man's death, but ac cording to the petition of tlio admin istrator the cou.pany is willing to pay the amount above named tor full set tleuieiit and release irom fnrthei claims fiom the estate, La Urande Chronicle. For Hint. For a long term of years, aouth bal oi J.loi-K M, 1'iirkliiirnl, anil three acres east of l'arkliurst. W.J. linker & Co MacGowan's Park Hill Orchard Forty acres, two miles south of Mosier. New county roml through tho property. Eight miles from Hood River. Five room modern cottage, cost $800, new baniH and chicken liouse, two wells, 72'J fruit trees, mostly Winter tipples. Twenty-live acres easily cleared. Price 4000. Cash .f2S00, balance three yciu'H at 8 per cent. Address, 0. ). MacGowa.v, 5ox (() ' Mosier, Wasco Co., Ore. TWO HIGH GRADE VERY SLIGHTLY USED AT A BARGAIN Any Terms to Suit Purchaser Eilers Piano House Booth's Store WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Largest Denominational University in the Northwest Christian but not Sectarian Two New Buildings Adequate Equipment 45 Professors and Instructors Two New Courses Added this Year English Commercial and Electrical Engineering Address DEAN J. T. MATHEWS Or Pres. JOHN H. COLEMAN ' SALEM. OXICON 91 W. J. BAKER & CO. promised you mine intereating Real Entate newa in last week'a Glacier. Mere it Is: No. 1. Nicely finisher, modern house ol 7 rooms, fine location. Notice the price, $1000 No. 2. Four-room house, cloth and pa per finished walla, connected with aewer, price, foCO So. 3. Another 4-rooin house, with name Improvement bh hIhivu (or 46() No. 4. House of 4 rooms. Hard tin ixlied. Size ol lot, loOx 100. Wauc ma addition. I'rice $700. No. 5. A new fl-room cottage, near the business portion of town. Modern in every respect, beautiful yurd. f ne of lot 75x100 feet, investigate this prop osition. The price will lnierel you il you are interested in a perfect home No. 0. Lot 50x130 feet and hou-e ol two large rooms. Why pay renl when you can own this property for f;!o0 No, 7. Kight acres, Ij miles from lown, all in berries. Price 2,000. No. 8 Forty acres six miles out Will divide. South 20 has 8 acre 2 year old orchard in splended conditiou. II) acres meadow and plenty of free walt-r. I'rice i'r acre, fJOO. No. 0. Fourteen acres 7 miles out, 52 full iM'aring trees ivixl a young orch ard ot 800 trees just planted, 2 acres berr'e.4, will lie iu lull hearing next year. Small house. This place in in perfect condition, and the best buy in tliu Valley today for the money. I'rice, 2K00. No. 10. F'orty acres unimproved land. I'rice for a few days, $LH00 No. 11. Ten acres 3 milei out. House, barn and out buildings. Fully im proved, i'rice for short time, 3800 No. 12. Ten acre, same distance out. Full v improved, aud in first class con dilion. In a pleasure to look at New house and outbuildings. Bit inches of water. I'rice, $.'!8(K). Tills list is simply a sample ol what we have to offer buyers. Call and see our entire list. It wtll interest you. Mount Hood Railroad Co. P.M. TIMK. TABLE SOUTHBOUND A. M. STATIONS 8K leave Hood River Arrive 5:00 M I'owerilale :M HM ..Sears 4:42 : Van Horn A:W :X, LentI 4:30 H:7 Odetl 4:27 H-.m Duke alley ....4:26 S:Vi Hloucher 4:16 WO Wlnan 4:05 :1k Arrive Ioe ...lave 4:(lu KrTectlve May U. 'OS. Hurnlay Kxcepted. 4. A. WEST, Huperliitendent Have in their New Harness shop a large line of Whips, Tents, Axel Greace and Harness Oil We would like for you to come und examine our har ness repair work which quickly attended to. 18 I O wets, o COFFEE, TEA. UKIN6 POWDER, ruuoiEXTiucn teHWrParUy. ritwttMww Q-.J COE Urn 3 pa CO One Dollar will fit you to eye glasses or spec tacles. Perfect fit guaranteed. Your eves fitted at home. Write for free booklet describing our method, j Remember, the glasses we fit you to are worth $3.50 any where on earth. Our price, only $1.00. OUR REPAIRING department It mot complete. Mainspring SlAlO. Watcb cleaned $1 .UO. Send Tour work by regiitered nail. $2.50 repairs any watch. METZGER & CO. ' lit SIXTH STRBBT, POSTLAtTD, 0R. I CARPENTERING SCREENS "Shop uppoHile O. P. Hartley's residence Ph..-:.. S7I 71 44MV . Electric Sad Irons Now is the time While the weather is hot to get the real benefit of an Electric Sad Iron Do not swelter in a hot room made so by heating irons when you can have a cool room and the finest heated iron in the world at practically the same price as wood. F. E. HTRANO J. W. WILSON THE ODEL NURSERIES DEALERS IN ... Apple Trees ... All standard varieties grown from wlwtwl scions of the best bearing orchards in Hood Itiver valley. Guaranteed true to name and free from disease. H -DEALEK IN Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD TtlVEIt HEIGHTS, - - OREGON. K8TAB1.IHHRD 1900 INCXIBPORATB!) 1905 Butler Banking Company HOOD KIVER, OKEGON Capital Fully Paid, $50,000 I.I HI. IK I'l TI.KU, President DIltECTORri J. . Thai,, Vice President. J. W. Frknch R. T. TkPMAN Pl'TI.KR, Cashier Cox 008 0 IS THE TIME FOR NUW SPRING RE OC30 0 MEDIES Do not Lay Awake thene hot nights when by the use of An Electric Fan you can get a good nights rest and be ready for the business of the next day Hood River Electric Light, Power and Water Co. am SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers Special attention given to making and repairing Grubbing Tools and Loggers Tools EXPERT HORSESHOERS So why not use one that is guaranteed. ASK US ABOUT IT. CLARKE THE DRUGGISTg DAVIDSON FRUIT CO 0. T. RAW80N. F. H. STAN TOM HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends und patrons know that for the fall planting we will hare and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitten berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or. FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit Highest 'rices Paid for High (Jrade Fruit. JLUXJXl VS If XI J aK 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Men's Working Shirts Mount Hood Brand 50c. A L. CARMICHAEL Tin ', iriVKR lIRlOriTA NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on A NEW RANGE The Big New and Secondhand Store is the place. W buy, sell tnd exchange anything in Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and Graniteware, Crockiry, tod in fact EVERYTHING salable. , Come in and be convinced that we can SAVE YOU MONEY. Phon.lOM (X P DARNEY & CO Pmnt4pfnrc plea the territory tributary to Carroll-1 ."."" ') i.) " 1 1 I. 7 JfT-