0C3C 3C 3C 3 3C S We Close at 6:30 p. m. EXCEPT SATURDAY RELIABLE Don't buy the cheap Racket Store Shoes when if v y 5 I B J ones are so easy to get besides we fit your feet 0 'Cram's" Ladie's Shoes Attract At tention Anywhere CRAMS CORRECT RESOLVED! THAT IT IS BETTER, Tb Co BARE FOOTED TH AN To "WEAR. BAD SUOZS 1TJ5 OUFt DUTY To WEAR GOOD CLOTHE& BECAUSE WE MAKE BETTER 1MPREA5TOKJ AND EARN MoRE MONEY good clotheo jhould commence at Ithe feet. Poor shoes andStockincs wont fool anyone not even Your. FEET BUSTER, BEown. It 1 uwuiKT n.1 ta luirca IUWH toCmto FOOT NOTE you have heard of the hov.se built on the .5 and of hov when it came to the test it toppled over because it had no foundation. don't you think you want To build your appearance on a good looking, GOOD feeling, good wearing PAIR OF SHOlS ,50 YOUR APPEARANCE WON'T FALL DOWN? WE CARRY SHOES WITH A REPUTATION, MADE FOR VS BY EX PERTS, WHIGH LOOK WELL. FEEL WELL, WEAR WELL. YOUR FEET Do YOU A LOT OF .SERVICE. DON'T YOU WANT EACH ONE OF THEM TO HAVE A GOOD COMFORTABLE LEATHER HoU.SE To LIVE IN? THEY WILL LIKE YOU BETTER IF YOU TREAT THEM WELL. TO HOU.SE YOUR FEET IN A PAIR OF OUR SHOES WILL COST YoU ONLY $2.50 OR $3.50. THEN THEY WON'T HAVE To MOVE AGAIN IN A LONG TIME. RESPECTFULLY, FRANK A. CRAM. THE UP-TO-DATE STORE If your Shoes come from ' 'Crams" you can depend that they are all Leather He sells no other kind. u3 CtwbT'1 u Our Shoes Starve out the Corn Doctor 36 3C 3 C 3 C 0 3 CD BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. The Dielz Studio for photos. Mr. Bartmess is on a cash basis. Finisning tor uinateurs at Deitz Stu dio. Newest, best fishing tackle at McDon ald's. Fresh Columbia river salmon at Mc Guire Bros. Push, pluck and prices. V'ogt Bros. Exclusive clothiers. Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at Jackson's. Hicycli) enamel at McDonald's, Square Deal Store. Bicycles for sale and for rent at Dodge Ilros. & lieid's. Freeh Olympla and Eastern oysters at the tiem randy Kitchen. Finest line of hip dusters ever shown in the city at S. J. Frank's harness shop New Orleans Molasses in bulk and cans at Jackson's. Just received at McDonalds, half ton clover seed. Three pounds halibut 25c at McGuire Brothers. l'"nr M usury's colors in oil go to Mc Donald's. Something new Puffed Rice Candy, at the (iem Canday Kitchen. Sait mackerel, eastern white fish and pickled salmon at Jackson's. Money saved by buying your flour and feed from McDonald. The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh candy every day. Lettuce, cabbage, rhubarb, asparagus at McGuire Bros. Maple Syrup and New York State Buck Wheat at Jackson's. If you want cracked corn for chicken feed go to McDonald. Fresh lish at Met luire Bros. Tuesdays, ThnrMlnys. and Fridays. .McDonald sells house paints. It will pay you to net prices from him before buying 11 you are wanting a tent it will pay you to i:et prices at S. .1. Frank's har ness shop. All kinds of fresh and cured meats have advanced, but we are still gelling w tin same old prices, and will con tinue to do so. Yours for business, Mc Guire Brothers. Constipation makes the cold drag al ma. Get it out of yon. Take Ken nedy's Laxative Ilonev and Tar cough M-rnp. Contain, no opiates. Williams' Pharmacy. Summer lliurrliocn in Children. During the hot weather of the sum mer months the first unnatural loose ness cf a child's bowels should always have immediate attention, so as to check the disease before it becomes kerioni. All that is necessary is a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera i.ml Diarrhoea Keinedy fo lowed by a dose of carter oil to cleanse the gystein ilev. M. O. Stockland, Pastor of the first M. K. Church, Little Falls, Minn., writes: We have u-ed Chaimherlain's 'olie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years and find it a very val uabl" remedy, espoc ally for summer ifi-oilers in children." Sold by Keir A Cass. Axel grease, all brands on the market, "an I found nt S. J. Frank's. Mrs. W. B. Waite came home Satur day from a trip to Portland. Fresh creamery butter and newly laid Hood River egge at McGuire's. Fresh rhubarb, lettuce, green onions and cabbage, at McGuire Bros. Earl I'uttou is borne from San Fran cisco for his summer's vacation. K C. Wright has returned from bis prospecting tour in the Mt. Helens country. ' Just received from the east, a half ton of pure maple sugar and syrup at Jack son's. Miss Lena Newton oame home from Salem last week, where she has been viisting. E. H. Hartwig left Tuesday for bis already announced visit to bis mother at Shawano, Wis. E. II. Shepard was in Portland the latter part ot the week in the interest ot "Hotter Fruit." Proprietor Wood, of the Caudy Kitchen, and family, are taking an outing on the Litttle White Salmon. Watch for the big circulars announc ing Muggins & Co.'s immense stock re duction sale. Prices and articles printed in plain figures. Mr aud Mrs. Elmer Rand wbo have been camping on tbe Litte White Salmon for a week, returned to their home in this city Saturday. Mrs. R. K. Hartsook, of Albany, Ore., spent teveral hours last Tburs day visiting at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Ovrr. C. i'J. Hayward came down from The Dalles Thursday with a shipment of powder from Sexton Walthers to tbe iorth bank contractors. David M. Dunno and wife and daugnter, of Portland, spent Thurs day end Friday with Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. T. Early. Earl Pratber, of Bellingbam, is spending a few weeks in tbe valley aud will work in Rawson & Stanton's nursery budding seedlings. If you want to buy or sell real estate go to Outhauk & Otteu. Money to loan ou first mortgages. Abstracts and legal papers carefully prepared. Notarial work of all kinds. W. H. Peugb, wbo baa been iu Sher man county for some time looking alter bis wheat crop returned to Hood River Monday. Tbe brickyard of A. T. Zeek near this city resumed tbe making ot that very necessary material Mooday. Tho large stock of brick wbicb tbis firm accumulated last fall having become almost exhausted they find it neces sary to replenish it. Mrs. Bert Ktranahan is very accept ably filling tbe position of clerk in the ''ry goods department of Bragg & Co. 's store at present. Mis. Strana huu is not a stranger to tbe dry goods business, having been lu charge of that department at The Paiis Fair for seveial years. McGuire Bros, are making country deliveries of meat on the east side) of Hood river, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Country customers desiring orders filled should telephone their orders Mondays and Wednesdays. . . ) For sale by Emporium. Five farms in one body, 320 acres, 5 improvements cleared land with each, 7 miles from White Sahnen on Goldendale road, plenty of water, $30 per acre. Can be sold in separate tracts for 30 days only. Terms easy. Wade H. Dean, of Husum, returned Saturday from a trip to Hood River and The Dalles. Goldendale Sentinel. Mrs. Ed Murray, of Camos Prairie, has taken ber son Raymond to Hood River for medical treatment. Golden dale Sentinel. D r and Mis. J. E. Hall, of Port land, oame tip last week to spend a few days with their cousin, Chas. Hall, the druggist. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Clarke went to Dufur Saturday to spend a few weeks in an outing on tbe ranch. Mrs. Clarke went in tbe morning by train, and Mr. Clarke drove over In tbe Bf ternoon. Mrs. W. I. Gadwa baa returned from Pendleton and is now staying on ber homestead in the Mt. Hood dis trict. Mr. Gadwa is at present em ployed in Pendleton, but intends to come to Hood River soon. W. J. Baker & Co., announoe the sale of six seres belonging to Hoy) Green situated on the way to tbe Bel mont district to H. F. Davidson. The land is berry and orchard laud and is under cultivation. Mr. aud Mrs. J. L. CarUr, who have hem spending the summer at their homestead at Mt. Hood settle ment, have gone into camp near Lost Lake tor an outing. With them are Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Maisball and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Birkford, of Portland. Miss Ortha Walters left tbis morn ing on the early passenger train for Hood R'rer, expecting to join ber mother and Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Mc intosh in camp near Hood River. Later she will accompany her mother to her homestead, faitber up tbe val ley. Chronicle. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Thomas, ac companied by their daughters, Evah and Izetti, left Hood River Tuesday for an extended trip east. They will be absent three months and will visit with relatives and friends at various places in the middle western states, but expect to spend most of tbe time during their abseuoe at Rockford, 111. Arthur Cole, formerly employed by the Davidson Friut company and a resident of Hood River for some time, but now located in Portland, was a visitor here between trains last Tues day. Mr. Cole was accompanied by a friend and both were on their way to Wisconsin. Their stop here was lim ited to tbe time between the local and No. 2 and was spent by Mr. Cole in visiting friends and acquaintances. Dr. and Mrs. Jenkins, wbo with their children and Mrs. Jenkins' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Odell, of Tbe Dalles, have been camping on tbe Little White Salmon for some time, ieturued from there Tuesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Odell went to their borne at Tbe Dalles. Dr. Jen kins says that there have been so many people camping on the Little Wbite Salmon this season that many wbo weut there with the intention of finding good fishing were disappoint ed, lie says that be has been inform ed that there have been at least liOO campers there in a short time and that there was a camp near tbe one occu pied by bis party that contained 40 people. Being more forutnate than other fishermen aud knowing the stream well be was more successful than many of tbe would-be anglers and made good catches. He brought borne one trout manuring 11 inches and days bis largest fish measured 15. GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES Tinware. Milk pans, bread pans, cake pans, pie pans, pud ding p ins, dish pans; muffin pans, biscuit pans, patty pans,' etc. Little Prices. Mixing Bowls. All sizes in yellow, brown and blue mot tled. Thev are very useful about the kitchen. Little Prices Artists' Mate ials. ;.N"W is the tiu.e to use them. Tubs paints, brushes, canvass, oils, varnishes, canvass on stretchers, academy board, etc. Little Prices Box Stationery. The lat est effects in fine society papers, ruled and unruled. 25c to40c per lsix. Cushion Tons. Birthday ! cushion tops, printed Dinem and oil printed tops. 35c to 50c Stamped Linens. Doi lies, center pieces, scarfs and table covers in plain and hemstitched linen. Litle Prices Men's Fine Underwear Verv high grade silk finish shirts and" drawers, f 1.50 values for $1 per garment. Notions. Hair curlers, safety pins, stocking darners, tracinx wheels, hair rats, dress shields, hair pins, dress stays, toilet pins, mending tissue, etc. Little Prices Brushes. Hair brushes, Tooth brushes, nail brushes, clothes brushes, shoe brushes, paint brushes, scrub brushes, win dow brushes, etc. Little Prices. Shoe Polish. Blackola, lUxolu, Jet Oil, Gilt Edge Crown, . mart Set, Common Black Paste, Tan Polish, White Dressing, etc. Little Prices. Hair Combs, Back and side com Id in white shell, pearl bbek, and amlier. Newest seapee. Granitewear. Coffee loit ers, bread raisers, preserving ket tles, tea kettles, stew pans, rice boilers, dish pans, water pails, etc E? A 1A rniinfocc Attractions added continually. You'll always find sonn-thiny 5 111 Q IUC wOUniCrb ew and useful on them at these little prices. H will be wel1 worth vour time to come in and look them over. 3 Dr. Watt went to Mosier Tuesday in oonuloction with is interests there. Capt. Coe, was a visitor in Port land for several days this week. Jos. A. Wilson who has been at Portland for a week, where he has been under the oare of a physician, returned Sunday, feeling somewhat better. Miss Lizzie Elder is at present ou a vaction trip wbioh will include Moro and other raloes In eastern uregon Mies Elder left Monday and will be gone some time. Tbe lecture to be given iu tbe Uni tarian church next Sunday evening at g p. m. will be on the topic. "Pes simist or Opitmist Wbioh? "Every body will be made welcome. N. B. Harvey, of Milwaukee, who is an extensive dealer lu nursery stock of all kind, swas in Hood River Mondav in the interest of his bus! uess. Uingnard & Rosiger are tbe local agents for tbe Harvey nursery. J. T. Borden, traveling represeuta tive for tbe Portland Evening Tele gram, was at Hood River Tuesday in the interest of tbe oiroulatiou of that paper. Mr. Bordeu was offering iu dtioeiiieuts to subscribers in the shape of some handsome colored pictures. Mrs. J. C. MoOratb, a well known resident of the Belmont section, left beie Tuesday for Portland where she will take the Soutbern PaolHo tor New Orleans. Mrs. McGratb will be absent several weeks aud expects to visit other eastern and soutbern cities while away. The coutract for tbe new addition to the building of tbe Hood River milliug company was let Monday to Fredericks & Arnold. 1 he new build iug will add about 12,000 feet of floor space to the Mining company a build ing. Tne contract specifies that work must be commenced immediately. F. C. Shorrieb went to The Dalles Monday to complete the sale of tbe Water Supply company to the Hood River Irrigation District, and draw a deed for the same. After a meeting of the stockholder to take steps to dissolve the corporation, said com pany will be out of existeuoe. A bonfire and ice cream social will be Riven by the patrons of the Barrett school district tomorrow evening, lbe affair will take place on tbe site of tbe Kaat Barrett district sobool bouse aud will last from 8 to 10:30 p. m. Every b.)dv is invited to attend and enjoy the evening. The corn toasting will be tbe feature of the eveuiug. The proceeds wili be used t3 purchase au organ lor the new school house. U. II. Robbius aud C. D. Thompson have formed a partnership to conduct the nursery business under the firm name of Robbinsl & Thompson, witn headquiters in the Barrett district. I hey will make a specialty or Hood River grown nursery stock which they already have growing at Barrett and Willow Flat. Mr. lliompsou uas had considerable experience in the nur sery business aud Mr. Bobbins is au old nurseryman, having been engaged in tbe busluessl n tbe Willamette val ley before coming to Hood River. Prof. Chas. A. Barry, member of the faculty of Washington state col lege, located at Pullman, was a visitor at Hood River several days this week. Mr. Barry is at tbe bead of the Ger man and French department of tbe college, and is well known as a teach er of languages in tbe Paiflo North west. He was enroute to Gearbearr for an outing and stopped off at Hood River for a tour ot tbe valley which he made Sunday, leaving for the coast tbe next day. In leply to a question, Mr. G. D. Woodworttb, of Hood River, says be has never shipped tbe Royal Ann to London, IV ew lork, otner far cist ern cities, or to Mexico, and did not think they would ship as well as tbe dark varieties; eveiy touch, no mat ter how slight, seems to show on the so i face of tbe Royal Ann, wbicb would, of course, detract from the appearance of a box of fruit. He would not recommend tbe Ho al Ami for long-distance shipping. He approved of the use of cartons as snown by his exhibit, for packing cben ies. Horticulturist On Saturday afternoon last Claude N. Lambson, of Portland and Miss Margaret Gatcbett, of Hood River, were marrried at The Dalles. Hit ceremony took place at the residence of Rev. I), v. Poling wbo tied t e nuptial knot. Mr. Lambson, wbo for merly resided at Albany, where be was a member of Mr. Poling's congre gation for several years, was desirous of having bis former pastor officiate on tbe occasion of bis marriage aud so tbe Important event took place at The Dalles. After tbe ceremony the young couple came to this city and went to tbe lealdence of Dr and Mrs. E. I. Carnes the latter leing the bride's sister. Mr. LHinhson, who is employed as a bookbevi er lry au elec trie company in Portland, lifter re maining over Sunday In iloed Hirer, returned to bis duties tbeie, bis wite following a day or two later. L. N. Blowers made a business trip to Ileppuer yesterday. W. L. Clarke, of Cascade Locks, went to Boise on business lust eveu iug. Dr. Nichols, a well known physician of Spokane, took the stage for Cloud Cap Inn today. W. D. Noyes will lecture at the Unitarian church the lith and luth. Subject: "Spiritural Life." W. A. Wood will preaoh at Dukes Valley Saturday evening, and at Odell Sunday morning and evening. Lutheran services Sunday August 12. Sunday school at i p. in. German preaching at p. m. 11. J. Kolb, pas tor. W. B. Gafko, of Portaud, at one time caudidate tor mayor of that city, was u guest at the Mount llno-1 hotel Wednesday. Roy Jackson, who has been work iug iu and around Hood River during the summer, left for his homo at Van couver Monday. Mayor liloweis, C. II. Stranahau aud H. A. Skinner loft yesterday for Minneapolis to attend tho G. A. K. encampment. The popularity of the Hood River apples gives rise to the suspicion that they le the kind that Adam ate. Chronicle. M. E. McCarty luit this week lor Newlorkto make his annual pur chases for the Paris Fair. He will be gone several weeks. Misses Josephine Westermau and Genevieve Wallace, of lies Moines, la., paid this city a short visit Wed nesday, enroute to Cloud Cap Inn. J. W. Simmons, State Deputy Con sul, M. W. A., has moved his head quarters to Hood Rivet while his fam ily are iu camp iu tho mountains. Mr. aud Mrs. Jacob Fox, formerly of Indianpois, lud., arrived iu Hood River Tuesday and went to the home of Frank Fox, at Husum, where they will reside In the future. Mr. ind Mrs. K. L. Smith left town Tuesday for llelinghatn, Wash., for a two weeks' visit with iiev. and Mrs. Nelson, the latter being theii daugh-tei. W. N. Gatens, private secretary to Goveruor Chamberlain, accompanied by his wife, visited Hood River Wednesday. Thursday moruing they left for Cloud Cap Inn. Phillip Spauglcr loft for his old home iu Missouri yesterday. Aftei a visit with old friends aud relatives, he will go to California to the sol diers' home. Mrs. Spaugler will go east later. Miss Nettie Kemp, stenographer for tbe firm of Heilbrouner & Co., is at present on ber vacation and is spending it in camp near Lost Lake. During Miss Kemp's absence Miss lloadley is substituting for her. A. R. Thompson started Wednesday morning for Hood River, accompanied by bis children, Allied, I'.dua aud Lois, and Charles Huntington. From there they will go on to Lost Lake to spend some time iu camp. Chronicle. Tbos. liptou, goueral iiurchaHinu agent of the D. & R. G., und his as sistance. C. Coukle, both of Denver, were in town several days this week. Tbey made a trip to Dee and are said to have beeu hi re for the purpose ol purchasing railroad ties. I). Yagdiogloua, a native of Vladi vostok, Siberia, registered at tht Mount Hood hotel Wednesday. ThU geuttemau came here fiom Portland and in company with W. 15 Glafke, who is In the commission business iu Portland, took a drive over the valley. Mr. L. E. Morse and wife, accom panied by Mr. Ash aud wife, all ol Hood River, iiu-seit through Dufui on Monday on their tour ot Fasteni Oregon. They propose to go to ueai the south line of the stute, "kill tht fish and "catch tho deer aud then return by the most desirable route. Optimist. J. D. Fletcher, who bought Oakdali of Robt. Rand several months ago, it turning his attention to the raising of flowers for market. He has somt of tbe finest gladiolus ever seen in Hood River, and bus the bulbs foi sale, as well as cut Mowers. He in tends to build a gieen house thii summer and w ill make a specialty oi cut Uoweis. D. J. Cooper, of The Dalles, win. recently was a candidate for the nom ination of representative to the statt legisalture and who is the father ot Miss Nan Cooper, the well known and popular school teacher at Mount Hood ettletnent, while on the way to tht wedding of a daughter at Iudepeud once, received a telegrum from auoth er member of bis 1 a ti : I J y auuouucini tbe state of matrimony iu the petsoi of bis sou Keuueth, which took plact at Oakland, Cal. On perusing tht dispatch Mr. Cooper is said to havt remarked that things usually came ii bunches iu the Coopei family. r GOOD STATIONERY (1 008 a long wny toward making a poorly written letter look well. We are showing a line of the VERY BEST STATIONERY iu boxes, tablets, and bulk. Envelopes in all shapes and colors. SLOCOM'S To the Farmer Do you know our Feed, Fresh from tho mill has Double the feed ing value of stale food ? All the pro gressive Oairymen are buying feed from us. Beware of Bargain Feed. It is worth Less than they charge for it. Wo will sell you the right kind of feed for just what it is worth. No more, no less. Our prices aro the Market prices. Pa tronize Home Industry, it's to your advantage and ours. Hood River Milling Co. j awheye Picnic Thursday, August 16th Arrangements are about complete for the annual picnio which will be held this year in tbe beautiful grove at Wau liuiu-Ouiu, Thursday, Au gust 10. AJ1 lowans aud their friends are cordially invited to attend. Bring your lunch and stay all day. A fine program has been arranged, con sisting of speaking, music, etc Out side sports and games will be indulged in . Several contests and races will he pulled off, and theie will not be a dull hour iu the day. The Hood liiver band will furnish music. Mrs. Ora Summer and Miss Stella Summer, of the Willamette valley, are visiting their uncle, C. II. Strauaban and family. , Robt. Smith, of the Stanley Smith Lumber company, accompanied by J. J. Stewart, of Portend, was at Hood Itiver for several days tbis week in specting bis property at Oreen Point. "Deacon Davidson, Mis. W. H. Chipping aud Mrs. Adelia Moe stait ed tbis morning for tbe east. Tbe two former go through Ohio and tbe latter will visit frietds aud relatives iu Minnesota, Wisconsin and at Oma ha. They expect to be gone a couple of mouths. About twenty of tbe members of Pine Orove Orange attended the so cial given by Fiaukton Orange Tues day evening, at which ten gallons of ice cream were consumed, and a gen eral good time had. There was a good program rendered, one of the features of the eveuiug being tbe playing of Ruth and Jacob. Tbe so cial was for tbe benefit ot tbe organ fund. Place your order for s nice chickfn for your Sunday dinner with McGuire Bros. It, is to your interest torefer to Mr Bartiuess' ad under the new system. Sam Samson, well known in Hood Kiver where he resided for some time several years ago, returned Tuesday from Nome, Alaska, aud is at present visiting with friends iu this city. Kev. K. II. Ilarnes, who will leave here soon, anuouuees tnat be will sell bis household furniture, as he will be traveling about aud does not care to be encumbered with it. Toiirangran Keady to Meet Itlalr. Dave Tourangean, who is noted for his prowess in falling timber and has been working most of the summer at Oreen Point, but is now at Dee, paid the Olaoier olllce a vi.sit last week. Having seen an article lu the Port land Teleigam to the efteot that Paul Itlair could full more timber iu ten hours than any man iu tbe country Tourangean says that he will bet t'M) that he can defeat iilair in a timber falling content. He says that the money is leady in a Hood River bank to buck bis assertion at any time. .Notice to Contractors. For the construction of a bridge across the West Fork of Hood Kiver near the Punch Howl, The stringers and abutments to be constructed ot the standing; timber in the vicinity. Work must be commenced within ten days ol date. Plans and specifications fur nished and bids received by J. H. Shoe maker, Secretory of Hood Kiver Irriga tion District, ,. a!