HOODRIVER GLACIER," THURSDAY, AUGU3T 9 1906 Burn The Man who has Money to Will not be interested in this, but the average man finds it necessary to make his money buy as much as possible and webelievewillbeintercstedloknowthntwe have 100 men's Miits,' sizes .'M 1o 40, on whidi lie ran have fioin 4.(,0 to $S.('iO a mit. Regular prices on these suits range from $10.00 to fslK.OO. We v ish to close, out the entire lot before August 1st and are selling them for d k An , o A A also have a good line of Hen, Women and Children's Shoes and STAPLE DRY GOODS which will stand comparison with goods offered by other dealers, and the prices are below the reach of any competition. Hun dreds of pleased customers attest the fact that we are not selling '-trash'' but good servicable merchandise. Come in and secure some GENUINE BARGAINS BLOWER S BROS. Hotel Waucoma A First-Class House Moderate Rates Good Service Farmer's Dinner 25 cts P. F. TOUTS, Hood River Prop. J. E. NICHOLS, PURE CRYSTAL ft ) MM ft ASlH CE DAVIDSON FRUIT COMPANY MAPjrKArTl'KRRS UNDERTAKER ' AND ' FUNERAL DIRECTOR DELIVERY DATS: Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday Mornings and Saturday : ... Afternoons ; : Order Direct from . Factory ' Phone Mam IVi . UNDERWOOD TO HAVE BIG SAWMILL NEAR IT The unnuuoonient wan iiimle hint wMk that a lare mill wan o be tmiJt al mil.tu line If of Uuderwoorl Whhii, ami f.hul tha mojectora of thin n nntnrnriHA are l'orter lire, tho firm who hag the oontraot for ooiiBtriiutiuK tho North Hank road from Vancouver to lue Dnlloa They hare Jinn twitou tha niii-nliHMl (if tlHXI worth Of 1 1 111 lit r In the vicinity of the niot where the mill will he located with a utiptiliitlon In the purohaHe claunes that the mill will be completer! wiium yum. M.mt nf the timber purchased in in mull trnuta belonuinu to riiflhrn and it in expected that the cutting oil nf th timber will very miHurmiiv BH8iat them In devolopliw their rxnhni.a more rmiiillv. Purties who have dlapoaed of their timber to Pur tor Hrna tmv that the mill will hare i nr 100.000 feet nei day. The lumber will lie transported from the mill hv Hume to llutlHlker'8 1'lHt, miln mid A half below Uuderwood km tdetrafik hag been Im'lt, Mnnh nnn inntnre ha been iudulueii in hv rutiliitii of the town an to the mntlra for ooiiHtlllctinK the trunk fur mm from Underwood, but it wah iwit Irnrmn until lo.lnV that it WBB to be made the shipping point of a new lumber mimnanv. Uealdeuti cf Underwood hare bean nnxiously hoping that the railroad company would ire them a utiitlon or at leaat a tihlppiuu point there, but no tar there In no indication that it will do no. It in tmld that the hiKh llifure ahked for land at Underwood, u,Mh la aoiPBwhat limited. linn de elded the railroad oompany to wiled HuiiHlker'i sFlat as a nliiiiinK point fnr the nniintrv back of it. Ho tar t he mil lev of the new road toward r fractory landowner has been one nl where thev will not let the mountain coma to Mahomet. Mahomet mutd come to the mountain. Permits to Ilnrn HIliljfH. John II. Haimon. deputy Are ward eu. Id! In receipt of p communication from the acute tire wardeu, J. K. Weltv. In iutmtauoe as follow: The law lu regard to the use of apark ar renter! on enulues. etc.. and the en glues used in saw and shliiKle mi lit. will be strictly euforoed this himmoii And it any refuse or noKloitt to luntiill spark arresters, after uotilloittlon by vou. arrest and uroseoiitlon will fol low. Mr. Welty further adds tblnk it will be a good ( fr you to publish a notice atating that you will lie at the courthouse eHCb nut urday to issue permits to burn ; and It you are not there on that day they can be obtained Irom tlie county, ami itoi. And in every oase where you issue a permit to bum, you should Question the applicant as to the con ditloni surrounding the slashing, etc. Last year there was considerable coin lalut among applicants to burn slash iuus beoauae we did not permit them to burn at any time they saw lit. If we allow this the oli.it ot of the law would be defeated. The adjoin ing land owners must have notice of the time of burning. If oouditlons are such that thev cannot bum on the dav aet a new permit should be is sued. Where a person is clearing a piece of laud and burning everything he cuts as last as it is cut, etc., you may give such parlies a continuous permit, but the holder must agree that he will allow nothing to uoouiiiii late on the ground ami that ho will burn all timber and brush as fast uv it la out. "There are however, " aays Mr. Hanson, "many in the county who are ignorant of the law, or, If they know of some such law, bare no idea or couoeru in its provi sions. Somehow they seem to tblnk the law is not meant to be enforced. The law is going to be cm ritnl out and violatois will be brought in mid prosecuted in the superior court. (ioldeudale Agricultui 1st. Orrgaii (i rent est Lumber Slat'1. The forests of the upper Miimippl valley, of tho Oreat Lakes region ami of the Southern states have furnished lumber for generations to tho treeless Jiraiiles of the West ami the tlemnlcil amis of the Kimt. lint the saw is cutting deep into the lust of the tall timber of the Ninth ami moiu and more sunlight is being li t in upon the Southland. Prices for northern white pine ami southern yellow pine hare risen in tho last few years by leaps and bounds. The lumber dealer ot the Kast hai turned his eyes to a new source of supply. As a result, Portland, Oregou, in the center of the Oreat American Forest, has be come the greatest lumber city in the union, far out stripping Minni'iipoli and Portland is but at tho thrctdioM of its great industry. Oregon is t he greatest lumber state in the union. During the next generation, and so far ns one may judge, for all time, Portalud ia to hold its supremacy n the largest sawmill city. The nation si hunger for lumber grows year by yoar, and Portland commands the gite to the forest. Douald Macdon aid In Sunset Magai.ue. Hied From Excessive Drinking. William Noonan, a laborer well known about The Dalles, was found dead there early last Thursday morn ing. Noonan bad been di inking heavily for some time and in com pany with two companions laid down on the beach to sleep. During the night one of the men says he awoke and taking a bottle out ottered bis companion a drink and went over to v'oonan to give biui a "nip." To bis surprise he found Noonan a few feet from him in a cramped condition, dead. Tlin position of the body and the disturbed I'otnlit ion of the sand, showed Hint bo hud boen in great ngony. The uiun called Marshal Sex ton, who ciuiiH down with a horse and belpod them to move the dead man to the undertakeing parlors, where an inquest was held. Supposing death to have been caused by the whiskey drank, care ful questioning as to its eitcot on the other men was made, but neither seemed to have been a If ec ted by it. It Is known that Noonan had uo money and no cause nor Indication of foul play was diecoveied. So far as known the dead man nau uo relatives living and his' remains were buried the next day. The ver diet of the coroner's jury was death from alcaholiHui. Thought lie Was a. Toreador. Kspocial interest was excited by the hearing of loin Itiggs which was held in Justice Dontbit's court re gently, ami resulted lu the young man being bound over to the circuit court In tho sum of $2X). It wil be remomberod that liigga. who was working at the NeabeCk pbice, liftisou iiiiies from 'he city, on the llth day of .July shot a bull belong lug to Itichuid llrouklioiise. lie was arrested and his trial set for this af teruooii, District Attorney Menefeo appearing for the (tale mid John On vlii for the defense. Kvitlence foi the prosecution was conclusive and the result was that lliggs was com pelted to put up '2Hl for his appear ance at the next term of iho circuit court. A coincidence in connection with the arrest ot lliggs was the fuct Hint he was a tiusteil larin tin ml of J. II. Ilurpt r during bis fanning tluys, over twenty veins ago, ami the im n had not seen one another since until the constable rcctmuizod in the inisouer a former e iiploye. t'lironicle. Double IVurlti Hank Track. Iletween Vancouver, Wash., and Cape Horn, a distance of 2f miles. the .North. Hank road will be giten a double track, llm same facilities will also be provided between, ilover and Kenuewiok, u lvl-milo stretch along the upper river. Orders fur the doulili' hacking ot these two sections of the road have been issued by James J. iliii. It will have the disliuction of being the only double tracked road in the Pauitlo Noitlr west. The building of the additioiiHl truck was decided upon in order It eliminate the necessity of having so many switches along the river. Whei the grain shipping seasou is on in full blast It Is beltl that It would be molt economical to have a double track than innumerable switches at ever point where shipments will be re ceived. Iloth tracks will lie built and completed lit the same time. Would Hell Tlieir Own Corpses. Kokoino, ind., Aug -8 . Warren (IreeiiHtreet a baker of this city, ami Miss Maggie Dowuhour, it young lady whose parents were once wealthy, to day olfeietl their bodies to three well known Kokoiuo physicians, saying tl ey had agreed to sell thier bodies, have a good time with the money re al icd from tho sale, and then end it all by comipilting suicide. Iho had decided to use emoruform, ami begged the physicians to buy their btitlies. Tho (lectors refused to buy, and tried to dissuade them from their purpose, but failed to do so, mid, in order to prevent them carry ing the compact; into execution, In formed the police, nil I the pair were placed under survoilalioe. Shut lliiiiiicir Through Foot. Karl Hobards, a resilient of the hill di t ritt, accidentally sh'it himself through the foot last Friday evening. Milliards mid another young man were in the act of eifectlug a trade of re volvers. Until of them thought that they had withdrwn all the shells from their lliearnis and were examining them. In order to test the tiling lip para'.iis of the revolver he happened to have in his hand, Unbinds pointed it liiwur.l the Moor anil pulled the trigger. To the astonishment of him self and his companion the gun ex ploded ,the ball penetrating bis font and lodging in the solo cf his shoe. Hie wound while a painful one Is not considered dangerous, ami It is ex 1 1 fled that ho will sutler any very serious oonseiiuciices from the unfort unate accident. liiiyiiiiinil Orilvtay Acciilcatlv killed. Kaynioutl Ordwny, the fourteen year uhl step sou of Win. Kennedy, of ne ir I'ine drove, while hunting last Wednesday was accidentally killed. Mi-t how the accitlc'it happened is not known. Vouny Ordwny had been hunting near his home with a cali ber rule ami is thought to have been on Ins wav borne w hen the unu was c ci.leiitaily discharged,, the bullet ! nterieg the left eye and fpenetrat ing ! ini' 1 1 hi II. vtlicll omul liv Ins ir.ithers a few minutes after the re port of the lillo was beard be was un - lesions and died two hours later. lespite the effort of physicians who Its I been hastily summoned to attend him. The funeral was held from his late residence Thursday evening, ltov. ,1. 1.. Ibushenr conducting the services. The interment, which was in charge of Undertaker Nichols, took place at I'ine tirovo cemetery. Iiltl ol Hi Iniine Suggestion. ' A lady trump the other morning called on one ot the town baclielon who lives i long the Wind llivnr Lum ber comiiai y's mesF-h uso and asked him if his. wile could let her have s imo of hei old clothes. The bach el ir told ber to wait a moment, and then returned with a suit t bis own regimentals. The lady looked stag gered for a moment, but rei overed almost at once. Drawing ber tat tare I skirt about her, she drew ber self up and said, as she turned away "Sir, 1 reject join suit." So the bach will still bach it. Optimist. The intense iicbing characteristic, of salt rheum and eczema is instantly allayed by npplying (. Iiumlif riain Salve. As a curt; fur skin disease Ibis salve is uiiemiulvd. for sale by Keir & ('ass. For sale by Kmporlum. Twenty acret on Methodist lane, four miles southwest f ' om Hood Hiver, small house, some land cleared. Only ifl'IKJO. Mclluire I'.ros. make tlieir own leaf lard under their own brand. If you need screen doors, windov screens or meat safes, don't forget K. U. ("oe. Carpentering. Phone ft? 1. GUAl! WAN'S S.M.K. . IN TlIK ( 'Of N l V COI'ItT OK Ttl K HTATE ortiUKtioN Kolt wAsuaJCtiUK'i'Y. In tho Matter of the (hiarilliinshlp of VeriHe Artkai Kiim-orn, a minor. New tit Ihls tine1 fumes nu to Oh heard the petition. of I'lillik I'.. Ulilteuru, Kiiardlan ol me eiNa huh ewisie in venue Allien jiule enrn. a minor, a.'klni; Ina! a lleense tu Issued lu sulil uuanlllin to sell the tellowlnic de- wrlheil iiiiiIh helueKiiig lo the estate ui'stild miner, to wu: iieuiiium at 1 lie tiuuner see- lum eoriier 01 KH'U) set al the llltersoetlon ol the eehler line of llle Mount Hood and olhei ennuiy romls on the north hoiindary of se! II at la township t north oi rane liieust, . M., vv usee i ;ouni y, megon, and riutnlnv thence south up the renter ol stud t'ounly rtmd along Ihe west line of liaves (livers laud Itl.'e ehaias to I he sieil h west corner ol said invert land and the point of beilinlni; of the lrite.1 herein eonveyed; Ihence east II r;l chain alnlitf (lis south line of waul liivers laud lo tla Inlei'M'ctluu ol the said south I lie Willi the wckI line of John It. t'roshys land, and he. iiik the Hiiiitneiisi corner olsaltl l uvcrs laud; I iienee huh l li aloni; Ihe said wesl line of tliessio t'roshy's laud I 111 chains to u point, lor tM Miulheasl comer ol t lie tract hei-elu conveyed; Ihence wesl parallel to Ihe north lineottht tract herein ilescrihed ll.ti;t ehslns more or lets to tilt; west hoiindary of stud halt section '7 In the center ol said county road lor the kouIIi west corner of Ihe hind herein conveyed; llieuee norlh on mill half section line down ihe fchti'i' of saltl county rottd i.li) chains more or less to the point ot tit'irliuilng ami he hiu the uotlliwt'st corner ol llle land llerel n conveyed, eonlalulim li serf ol tan ; Itotindea hortli hy Paves luvt-rs land, east hy land ol John K. ( roshy, south hy the land formerly ow ned by .1. W. Illack aufl now owned hj llsille I'rocket and west hy salt) section line, and helliK slllialc lu unit a pari ol I he north west, (pairlcr of the istrlhtasl tilitrtcr 01 said sicllou Zt. together wltll one lit 1 11- cin Inch of water lorever lo im taken oul of Udell Cnik on the land of saitl Halite I'rocket Hi tin iiiohI convenient poinl so as lo can y ine same on i ite lushest ground possitiic lor Irrlioitlnn ttl the lautl herein conveyed wllh all necessary rlulil of way over stud llal I'lockets land for the purpose ol opcraitiik and liiallitalulUK U ullelj, eilital or llnniu loi cam luu said it ater. A n,l It appears to the satisfaction of the court troiu sain peiuton unit It will lie lor the la l Interests of said estalti thst saitl land hi Hold accoidtiiK to tlie prayer ol saltl pctllioil. Now, therelttre, lu Ihe name of the slate til Orctfoii; ll ts hereby considered, ordered ami atljiulnwl tint! Monday the iittl day ol 'August, I'.Mi, Ht the leilir of leu o'clock A. M. of stllll tlt.y, saltl day lieinu tint llrsl day of the rt'KU Isr Atmusi term ot the iihovc cniitletl court in Ihe tl'itusHctlou of proluilc htislncss, at lite county caul room in lint counly court hottsi in italics Illy, Wasco counly, Oregon, tlxed as Uie time and ilac lor' hearing- saitl petition alul all heirs al law unit next of kilt of saitl Ycrdlc Artlell lllllicorn and all ht Holts iltlcreslctl lu said eslate are hereby re Mitred to iippcnr before such court Ht salt lline alttl place to show cause, If hiiv liters be. why a license should not tit1 urnn'teit for tin Mule of the real esltile hereinbefore inetttlonetl ami described as prayed lor In saltl petit! m. 1'iiletl Ihls'Jtuli day of June, hum. A. K. LAKK, I'ounty .Iinlgc. rWsJuiirniti m , ' 1 t . ml Mm 44 I hold license from the it State Board of Oregon ' ana Washington, and am qualified to ship bodies to any point. Prompt erviee either day or night Hearse furnished on all occasions . Pallor Phone Main 15131 Scbihier Building, . Residence Main 1511 Hood River, Ore. S. Commissioner Notary Public GEO. T. PRATHER The Oldest Insurance and Real Estate Agent in town Insurance Loans . Abstracting Hood River. Oregon "BEGULT0R LINE" Steamers leave Portland and The Dalles daily, except Sunday, at 7 o'clock a. m., calling at Hood Hiver, eastlmund, at about 4 p.' m. ; westbound at about 8:;!0, p. in.. Direct con net tion at Lyle with the C. K. & N. Railway to and from Goldendale and Klickitat valley points. For any further information address any agent of the company or - M.TALBOT, V. P. AG. M., i" Portland, Oregon L. M. WILSON PINE GROVE, ORE. ...General Merchandise... FLO IT H, FEED, GROCERIES, WORK SHIRfS, OVERALLS, NOTIONS, CIGARS. TOBACCO DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES , " MY GOODS ARE RIGHT, MY PRICES ARE RIGHT CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE IN- o Riverview Park and Idlewilde Additions Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON O. R. & N. TRACK WITH DEVELOPED WATER POWER Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill FRUIT LAND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. Office next to Waucoma Hotel HOOD 1UVE11 Square Deal Store "Honest Goods and Square ...'.'Deal for Every flan" . . IS MY MOTTO I carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed and our prices are right. The best tools that money can buy are none too gtiod for Hood River orchards, and I am iq a t position to supply you Mitchell Wagons and Busies a Specialty Acme Harrows, Disc and Peg-Tooth. Harrows, Chilled and Steel Plows, Planet Jr. . Cultivators,, and Seeders, Meyers Spray Pumps and the Best 7-Ply Hose in the Market. De Level Cream Separators, Guns, Amunition and Fishing Tackle JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD STUMPING POWDER. CAPS AND FUSE 100,000 BRICK IN LOTS TO bUIT Yours for Business Phone 741 D. M'DONALD 3rd and Rivt Street. flood River, Ore. A Oi'iiniiieOloiirHiu-e SnU forllio i't six'y ilavs til'all SiiminiT Millinery, rr- lllll.lli Ml ill CObl, at .M.MK. AlilUITT. BANKING BY MAIL Wr xiv 4 ' on lime tlcKisits, current rales tn swings acmunls, rcieivr dexiU sulitvl Ituhtt-k, ami do a Ki-neial dank-' Ing busmr.. ou can ha e llie atlvantan of a tnmu kink al your very ilnor hy using the mails. S'uil us your Ji'ximIs. Aiknowlo la ment w;ll lw si'nl you hy return mail. Savings accounts received, from one dollai up. 0 u an account with us and note how rapidly it will grow. J. IRANI VUTSa rvnlna R. t. 01 RII WI , IVi II lt-K. Snra., S. C. CAU'HIMt'.S. A. Sow., Buy Your Pruit Boxes AT THE Hood River Box Factory St . and Patronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made '. Phone Main 71 tip This Bank Free What our jneri antl women ol Hfty years hence will be dcpentlH on tlie children of to day. Ia it nut worth our while, even Bt the i-oit of considerable ell'ort, if necessary to teach ynr boy or girl'tho value of money, the habits of thrift, econoiiiy and savinjja. Her bert Spencer flaya "etliiatinii is the prepara tion for complete living." One of our Home Savings Hanks which yon can have FREE upon opening an account with one dollar or more, if in your home, ia a constant appeal ing educator, teaching the habit of saving silently, forcefully, autl not to be denied. Savings Department - First National Bank es SUMMER SCHOOL- es H 1! June 27 to August 7, and August 13 to Sept. 7. First six weeks devoted to special preparation for ('ountv and Slate Exam-, inations. Kegular Normal subjects anil methods ali'O. Lat four weeks a continual ion ol : Normal instruction and special attention to Primary Meth od with model pupil classes. Faculty of Over Twenty Instructors. Regular Normal faculty, assisted by noteu college and public educators. Tuition: First Term, $7.50; Second term, $5. school circular or other information write to Pres. E. D. RESSLER, Monmoth For catalogue, summer Oregon. Bartmess' Furniture Store ON A CASH BASIS A REDUCTION OF TEN PER CENT ON ALMOST ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS A Large Line of New Spring Goods MATTINGS and CARPETS At prices never before quoted y crust Oompamt r. 247Wash.St. Portland.Ooit VIA;CAPIT.n sT F. S. STANLEY, Pre. E. 1.. SMITH, Vice-Preg." BLANCH AR, Cashier V. C. BROCK; Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Capital and Surplus 61,000.00 We offtr you the facilities of a well managed ami well equipped bank. The interests of patrons receive our careful attention. o.r Malleable Iron Reds, guaranteed against breaks by the factory for 2 years, and yet cheaper t han the cast beds. We get them direct from the East. Call and look them over. S. E. BARTMESS ' Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc. Undertaker and Embalmer. New Location. We are now located in the Smith Building, in the room formerly occupied by J. E. Rand, where we will be pleased to see all of our old customers as well as new ones. This large and well-lighted store has been fitted up with the best and most complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour and Feed ever displayed in the City. Fresh Vegetables received daily. Call and inspect our stock. SPOT GASH GROCERY WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors.