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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1906)
fldCD KlVEk GLACIER. tHUMDAY, AttatJST 9, 1906 HORSE PARTY IS -HAYING GOOD TIME L. E. Morse, who left ben on July 28th, oo a driving trip o Eastern Or egou writes the Ualoiei tVist the party arrived at M osier Saturday night of -that date and went into oump with the wiud blowiug at foity mi lei an hour. Leaviug there the next morn ing at 730 they stopped for luneb on the oreek went of The Dalles travel ing the roughest road he says that be baa eooouulered in many yean. On 1 the night of the 29tb tbey camped at Eight Mile and not having secured auy trout 01 ga'.ue were forced to fall bicK on their supply of baoon. the next morning at 9:30 they arrived at the float iabiug towu of Dufur, where tbey met a number of lrieuds among whom were the Johutttnn Uob., loin Ulavey, Messrs. Frazier and liuloh, and last but not least says Mr. Morse, Louie Klinger, who gave them lots of advice which ba4 been of great assist ance to them in their trip. Contint-ing Mr Morse says that "We ale lunch on Tygb Ridgi and camped on tLe night of the 30th at White river and had lalibit for sup per. The town of Dufur is an up-to-date town. Tbe country from Eight Mile to tbe top of Tygb Ridge looks quite prosperous, but from Mosier to Eight Mile does not impress one very much. Coming down from Tygb Ridge to tbe valley is certainly a tougn looking country. Tygb Valley ia a pretty ilttle valley with lots of al falfa. Al Tygb we met Mr. Vandyne, an old acquaintance, who is running a department store there. Twelve years ago when tbe writer wag bere he was In a 10x12 store. Bunch and Fly were out of grub by this time and we oould nut get a sack of grain from auy one, but Van said we had dune him a kindness iu tbe past and we should go to bis barn and till our saok with oats wbicb we gratefully did. The next moming eld Bunch balked sud it took us 15 minutes to start him. We theu passed through Juniper Flat, over a good road for 15 miles and camped on tbe Warm Springs river, where we caught trout galore, and took a bath in tbe hot springs. We left the springs at noon to keep Asb from fish ing, as we bad more than we oould nse, W. O. trading some to tbe In dians. We reached tbe agency about 5 p. m.. called on W.'II? liiahop, and camped on tbe Deobutes. Have plenty of young jaok rabbits to eat at pres ent. We are camped tonight, August 2, at the wells eight miles south of Madras." Bought Daplex Extension tirenp. The rich prospects In the-camp of Searchlight Nevada, are continuing to fall iu to strong bands. Among the latest deals tbat ia causing great- in terest at Los Angeles was the pur chase of the Duplex Extension group, consisting of four full claims, adjoin ing tbe Duplex mine and on tbe same mineral bde. Tbe Faolflo Hoast Mines Bureau, purchased this group from tbe origi nal owners, Moss, Allison and Wite, lot the large sum r.f &0,(HiO, wRh a oash payment cf 110,000. This property is tbe extension cf tbe riih and retourcefU Duplex mine tbat a a) puiohased by John Brook man and Count James Portalis six months ago for the sum of $250,000. The Duplex is now taking ore out of four shafts, shipping daily; milling and running their immense cyanide plant. Tbe Duplex ledge enters tbe Exten sion ground in all of its strength and riohness and mining men bere who have examined tbe property and are thoroughly familiar witb tbe Duplex and also the Extension property, ex press the firm conviction tbat tbe larger ore shoots will be uncovered upoo tbe holdings of tbe new com pany. This late deal bas stirred represen tatives of tbe eastern and western iu restois located in tbe camp and tbe extenion and nearby ground of tbe Extension company is now greatly in demand and being sought for. Los Angelea capitalists are doing considerable toward developing this pirt of Nevada and tbeir latest in vestment will probable redound to their credit. Notice to Property Owners. All property owners in the city lim its are hereby notified to out down and remove all noxious weeds, this tles, etc, from the street adjoining tbeir property, at onoe. By order of the Common Council. Wm. Uanger, Marshal. $100 Reward, $100. The readen of tbls paper will be pleased to learn that there la at least one dreaded dts eaHe tbat science bas keen able to cure in all sUMies, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tbe only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional dtaeaee, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In. ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoiia surfaces of the system, thereby ae- atroyltig the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tne consinuiion ana awiauug u'lmns iu umihk lis work. The proprietors have so much fallh In tin curative powers that thev otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that It (alls to cure. Hend for list of testimonials. Address V. J. CHENEY CO. .Toledo, O. Hold by all druglxts, 75c. Take Hall's family Pills for constipation. DELINQUENT SEWER ASSESSMENTS Notice is hereby given tbat on tbe 30tb day of June, 1900, a warrant was regularly issued by tbe recorder of tbe City of Hood River add to me di rected and delivered and command ing me to forthwith advertise the pro perty mentioned and described in said warrant against which tbe assessment for the cost of const uction of Sec tion No. 1 of the sewer system of tbe City of Hood Hirer was made, and to sell said propeity or such part thereof as can be sold separately to advantage, sufficient to pay such delinquent as sessments, together with interest, costs and disbursements in the meaner pro vided by law, and to return the pro ceeds of such sale to tbe olty trews urer of said Citv ot Hood River. Tbe following is a list in tabular form of said delinquent assessments and describes eacb assessment wbicb is delinquent, gives tbe name of the person to whom assessed, ana tne par tioular description ot tbe properly as sessed, and tbe amount of the assess ment tbereou now due, wbicb are as follows to wit: r&R80N TO WHOM DESCRIPTION Or PROPEBTY same same J, R. Turner, same Ida 0. Souls. name 11. W. Murria, same ASSESSMENT uua fa?.1 1M.0O .,. S4.05 .'. '. 4.0S ; 6.00 6. 90.SU 30.80 6.00 6.00 6.00 .' 6.00 M.06 J, H. Middleton, lot S, bloek C, First addition west lot u, DIOCK e., noou niver rnpr lot P. block E, do do kit 9. block 31. do do lot 16, block 31. do do lot 1. block 3, Waucoma Park addition lot 3. block 8. do do lot 11. section E.Coe'a third addition .... I..t 19 action K do do do Mrs. Anna Brown, lot 6, block 6, River View Park addition same lot 2. block 6. do do Frank Kaven. lot 1, block 2, Idlewild addition same lot 2. block 2, do do W. C. Middleton, atractof land more particular)! 'described tZ.iJ?igt point where the center line of the alley in block 10 in Hull a Subdivision ol Pleasant View intersects the east line of the unnamed street U"n along tM east side of said block 10; thence north along the east line of said unnamed street to the south line of Pine street, thence east along the south line of Pine street to the center line of E street; thence south along the west me of B street 100 feet, thence west parallel with the south line of Pine street .to a Doint 100 feet east of the unnamed atreet heretofore named : thence soutn alonir a line parallel to said unnamed atreet to a prolongation of the center line of the alley in block 10 aforesaid ; thence west to place or Deginnma Laura Henderson, lot 7. block 2, Subdivision Parkhurst addition same lot 8. block 2. do do do same lot 9, block 2, do do . Mattie M. Fewel, lot 1. block 4, Parkhurst addition to Hood River same lot 2. block 4, do do J . Henry P. Combs, lot 4 block 9, Hull's addition to Hood River VV. W. Blanchard. lot 1. block 5, Parkhurst addition to Hood River same lot 2. block 6. do do do same lot 3. block 6, do do do same lot 4, block 5 do do do Susan B. Frisby, lot 1. block 6, do do do F. E. Tnd Florence Simonton. west 60 ft of lot 1 block HdR .5 James C. Simontol. east 76 ft. of lot 1, block 8. Parkhurst addition to Hood River .w same lot 23, block 3. Stranahan's addition E. J. Martin, lot 13, block 10, Hull's addition jj'j; same lot 14. block 10, do do J. B. Bpight. lot 15, block 10, do ao s w 13.46 00 ...i. 6.10 6.40 6.40 7.60 7. 18.45 84.30 24.30 24.30 24.30 24.30 24.30 reason to whom itrarairneM er AMaaaaSKT muipcarv WU ti.u r..t a TV...I v. al Portland. Ore., lot 34. block t. Rivamew Park add'n Hood Rivar. . P lot i lot a. 4, . 6. Bam aame same aame same Sam aame . aame aame aame earns aame same same same aama aame aame aame aame same aame same aame aame aame aame aame aame aame aame aame aame aame aame same aame aame aame aame same Hood River Development Co., same aame aame aame aame aame aame aame aame aame aame . same same aame same same same aame same aame same same aame same sama same aame same same aame aame aame bt lot 9; lot 10, lot U, lot 12. tot , lot U. lot IS, lot IS, lot JO. lot 21. kit 1. lot 2. tot 3. - lot 4, lot 6. kit . kit 7. lot 8. kit , lot 10, lot II. lot Ji, lot I. lot i. lot 8, lot 4. lot S. lot 6, lot T. lot, lot 9. lot 10, lot II. lot 12, lot 1. lot i, lot I. lot 4, lot 6. lot 6, lot 8. lot . lot 10. lot 11. lot 12. lot 13, lot 14, lot 16. lot 16. lot 17. lot 18, lot '. lot 21, lot . lot ti, lot 24. south half of north half of do kit 2, lot 6. lot 7, lot 22, lot 23. lot 24. kt'. lot 29, lot 80. lot 8, lot 4. lot S. lot 6. lot 7. lot 10. lot U, lot 12. lot 13, lot H, lot 16, lot Hi, ktn. lot 1. lot 10. kit lot 22. lot -8, kit -I, kit 26, total, tot 9. 1, do do do do do do do do 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do (10 600 6.00 600 601 6.00 608 6U0 600 610 SOU OUU 6.1U 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.(10 6.00 6.00 6.00 IU 6.00 6.IU turn 6.00 6.00 . 6.1(1 II.IU 6.110 0.110 COD 6.(1(1 6.00 6.(1(1 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6,00 61(1 6.00 600 6.00 6.(0 6 00 6.00 600 (.00 6.00 600 6.00 600 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.0(1 6.011 6 00 ti'.OO 1!02. . 46 0 tiuo 6.00 6.00 . 6.00 6.00 6.IKI 6.00 6 Ml 6.00 6.00 6.' 0 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6U1 6.00 6.10 . 8.00 . 870 6.00 6 00 6.00 6.110 6.00 6.110 ti.00 6.00 6.110 ti.Ol) . 8.1.00 same A Parcel of tract of land lying between the north line of State street, and a linetlOO ft. northerly therefrom and parallel therewith, and between; the west line of Spring street and the east line of the county road running along the east line of ths William Jenkina donation land claim, E. 276 ft. 666.10 same ' A tract of land lying between the north line of Columbia street and a line 100 feet northerly therefrom and parallel therewith, and between the east lineof Spring street, and the west line of block 4, Waucoma 45.90 aame A tract of lang tying between the north line of Durham avenue and a line 100 feet northerly therefrom and parallel therewith, and between the west lineof the Coe Donation Land Claim and a northerly prolongation of the lineof Spring street 84 00 aame A tract of land lying between the south line of River street and a line 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the north line of State street, and between the west line of Spring street and the eaaterly line of the county road running along the weat line of the Cos Donation Land Claim and the east line of Military avenue .-. 824 00 Therefore, under and In pursuance of said warrant for tbe purpose of satisfying the assessments mentioned in said warraut, I will on tbe 10th day of August, 1906, at tbe hour of 10 o'olock a. m., at the front dooi of the city ball, iu tbe city of Hood River, iu Wasco county, state of Oregon, pro ceed to sell at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash in band tbe several tracts and parcels of land above mentioned or so much thereof as can be sold separately to advantage sufficient to pay suob delinquent as sessments together witb interest, costs and disbursements. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 12tb day of July, 1906. WM. GANGER, Marshal of tbe city of Hood River. do do H. E. Macumber, lot 18, block 9, Hull a addition Mattie E. Terhune. lot 19. block 9, do do W. H. Moody, lot 6. block 5 aame lot 6, block 6 same fractional tot 7. block 5 :vi H O. LStranahan et. at., trustees, lot 6. block 20. Hood River Proper aame lot 6. block 20. Hood River Proper same west 13 ft. of tot 7. block 20 Hood River Proper - W. D. and Orange Chamberlain, fractional lot -. block 22. Hood River Proper J. It. Dukes et. al., trustees, lot 11, block a. noon niver r aame aame W. F. Rowley, S- F. Fouts, same same P. F. Fouts, aame same same aame same C. R. Bone, same A. Butts, E. T. Winans. Title Guaren aame same aame aame same same same . same same same same same aame aame same aame aame aama aame aame aame aame same same 83.00 80.15 S3.Q0 88.00 866 30 66 80 25 lot 12, block 23. Hood River Proper 9 M mat of block F. do do tot 10. blocks, Stranahan'a addition 6 lot 6, block 6, Hood River Proper ' lot 7, block 6 do do J 00 lot 8 block 6, do do m north 82 ft. of tot 1. block D. First addition west 1 north 82 ft. of lot 2, block D. do do lot 27, block 6, Riverview Park addition e ou lot 2S, Blocs B, ao ao u tot 1, block 6, do do do lot 2, block 6. do do do lot 3, block 8, Hood River Proper lot 4. block 8 do do ... . lt A hl.l. 1 Parlihnnit addition. .. . tot 8,' block 1,' Waucoma Pork addition Trufl tot 7, do s, oo aama aama aama aama same aama aama same same aame aame aame same aame aame aama aame lot 8. do tot 9, do tot 10, do lot 13. do tot 14, do tot 15, do tot 16, do tot 17. do lot 20. do tot 21. do lot 22. do lot 23, do tot 24. do north 100 ft. lota 4, 6. 6. 7. and 8. do tot 9, do lot 10, do lot II. do lot 12., do tot 1. do tot '-. do tot 3, do tot 4. do tot 5. do lot 6. do tot 7, do lot 9, do lotto, do lot 11. do lot 12. do lot 13. do tot 14, do lot 16, do lot 16. do tot 17. do tot 18. do tot 1. do tot t. do lot t, do lot 4. do tot 6. do lot , do tot 7. do lot 8. do tot 9. do tot 7, do tot 8, do lot , do tot t, do tot t do tot 8. do tot 4. do tot 6, do tot t, do tot S. do tot do tot 10. do tot 11. do tot 21, do tot n. do tot a. do do t do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da do do do i Riverview Park addition do do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do 600 6.00 83 00 : 33.00 24 80 a. 40 COO 6.00 6.01 6. UO 6.60 6.00 6.00 6.' 6.00 6.00 6.00 600 6.00 6.00 .00 29.16 6.011 6.00 6.00 6.00 600 6.00 8.00 6U0 611) 600 6 00 6 16 6.16 6.00 600 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 600 6.00 6.00 6.0 6.00 600 600 6 60 6.00 6.16 4.46 6.70 660 83 UO 88 00 !00 . 83.00 . 8800 . W OO . S3 0b . S3 00 If your house office or funiture needs repair, call op Dodge Bros. & Reid, pboue 651. Stomach Troubles and Constipation. No one can reasonably hope for good digei-iion when the bowels are consti pated Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Ed wardsville, III., says: "I suffered from cbronit: constipation and stomach troubles for several years, but, thanks to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, am almost cured." Why not get a package of tlit'Be tablets and uret well and stay well? Price 25 cents. Saiiuiles free. For sale by Keir A Cats. True-to-Name Nursery. Have for the coming season's plant ing a few thousand choice newtowns, Spitzenburg and a few other leading varieties (or polenizers. Cherry, pear, and peach of the leading varieties. adapted to this locality. All buds and scions used in propogating carefully selected from vigorous, prolific trees. 'ast seasons have been unable to supply the demand and our stock for this sea- n is limited. Would therefore sug gest you file your orders at an early date to get choice (stock. H. 8. Ualligan. Phone farmers 849. Fall Planted Bulbs Orders taken now for Fall Planted Bulbs and Plants. Buy your Gladiolas from the grower. Hee Oakdale display in field now. Uladiola bulbs from 50c to 78c per dozen. Wyandotte Cocker els, tbe white kind, for sale now, 1.00 each. J. D. Fletcher, R. R. No. 1, Hood Hirer l "HI You A K X buy from r. Direct There lor cor I prices are lower. aaT. poTixD.or.M Hat Satisfaction is Spelled with 6 Letters GORDON And Bought with $3.00 MADE IN DERBYS and FEDORAS COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF VOGT BROS. The Only Exclusive Gent's Toggery House in the city The fcntl of the World of trouble that robbed K. II. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Ia of all usefullness, came when be began taking Electric Hitters. He writes:" Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me great sultering, which I would never have survived had i not taken Electric Hitters. Thev also cured me of General Debility." Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney com plaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Diz ziness and Weakness or bodily decline. Ptiee 50c. Guaranteed by Chas. N. Clarke's drug store. This is the Time of the Year That Stomach and Bowel Trouble is so Prevalent WE HAVE THE REMEDY THAT Hsvt yon money to lovut Bropsrty to b cartd tor or tatttc fobs managed? WU1 your health, ttmi sad erhnts affairs ptrmtt you to maaags them properly and profitably You mir hive the coOectlvt wisdom of experienced men In the management of your Inter eatt H you consult this Company. It alio receives deposits subject to check, and tavlnts accounts from one dollar up. paying current Interest thereon. Arte as trustee In all property relations requlrlri( such services, buys and sells bonds, (fleets col lections, lends money. In many other ways It can bt ofstrvlcc. Call or write forwe ftmphltt atttlnr forth the scope of Its operations. Wash. St Portiano Ori THE ;UniYersar (Bread Maker assess Mixes and Kneads Bread Thoronfhly In Three Minutes ttaads a)a aaf taack tba aetfl. SOU AIM WITH HAND tNEADINB UD Mil tints MEAD. WM. M. STEWART ARDWARE FURNITURE t. fflanjB Aratottut. TKX DaMXi. OBJCOOX. I imIt tba dlrrctloa a taa Ski tan t Hair Nimu.'S ot Jtsue ana Ifanr. Tk 4M aahalaatla r.'. r i.imi aVyiaaibar 4, Mot, ta laataiat ana day pupils, cradea and rlallr. Saad Suparlot. tk'plaaiDar a, tmm, m I mi a, aaa Andiaita, aaainistatat, araauaat lutsraiedtat etansea. Maala a ape. ad tat aauUajaa, at a4aaaaJSlaUs ROBBINS & THOMPSON NURSERYMEN, HOOD RIVER, ORE. We offer Hood River grown nursery Stock and do all kinds of Orchard and Nursery work. Lay off, plant, prune, trim and cultivate young orchards ir the most thorough and up-to-date man' CURES SEE OUR WINDOW 35c Graduate Pharmacists in Charge The Williams Pharmacy CHARLES HALL, Proprietor. Don't Forget -TUB- I When you want first-class work done at home. All kinds of - Laundry Work and Cleaning Lace curtains, 50c; blankets and carpets, 25c to 50c. Phone mSMl Glan raibrick, Prop. Patronize Home ...Industry... Our Work cannot be ...Excelled... r A LETTER If you hear of anything new and good for the comforts and convenience of home COME TO STEWARTS and see the goods", and get full explanation. We are vour agents. It ia your I wish to say to all our old friends and custom ers who for bo many years came to our shop for their meats, that it is useless for me to introduce Wood Bros., our successsors, as their 18 years in the butcher business in Wasco county has made them so widely known that un introduction is un necessary. Being honest, capable business men, they have the means and ability to rwn a business as it should be run, and in a way that will be a credit to our city. I expect to stay with the new firm for awhile, and will be glad to see you all at the old stand. 1 will guarantee that you will get just as much meat for your money, just as courteous treatment and just as prompt service as can be had in the city. We will have a full line of everything good to eat for the Spring trade. Respectfully yours., E. S. MAYES. S. J. FRANK Dealer In Harness & Saddles Big Profits in View- At the expense of Quality is the formula after which many dealers make Ice Cream. I's the "come-back-again trade" that we are after. IF YOU ONCE TRY Swetland's Famous Ice Cream you will come back for more. Always of a uniformly high quality, healthful and refreshing. Just order a quart for next Sunday's dinner MOTHING K0 NICK FOR DKKERT TOMPKINS BROTHERS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR HOOD RIVER When visiting Portland don't fail to call at "Swetland's" 273 Morrison One of Portland's finest stores and the best place in city for a lunch U The Hood River Bakery pur- jj chased 200 barrels of our Golden Pyrnxm TPlrmv fW 1 1 QOS TW U have just placed another order with us for 100 barrels more. At Mr. William Bakery can be found the best bread in the city, and it is made from our Golden Crown flour. The bread speaks for itself. All Repairing Promptly Attended to 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 Our White'ltiver and Golden Crown flour can be found for sale at all the leading gro cers. Try a sack. Once used, alwaysjied For Sale By STRANAHAN,: BAG LEY Hood River, Oregon 0 0 0 0 11 0 Ji . 83.00 . 1.00 . 6.00 . 00 9 protection we care for. HOOD RIVER 0REQ0N 3QC 3