The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 09, 1906, Image 4

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Mr. Metoalf and family joined
Messrs. Woodworth and Wiltinu Fri
day at The La a lied where tbey ex
pect to oanip jit for a while. Tbey
weie also acoompanied by Dr. Pineo
of Hood Klver.
Mr. Roy Klli and family cauie up
from Wyeth Saturday for a few days
visit at borne.
1'be young folki of liolwont gave a
urpritie paity at the home of Miss
Luna Ibod berg last Friday evening.
It was Mies Lena's seventeenth birth
day, loe cream and cake were nerved
after which the young folks showered
Lena with many nice presents.
Mrs. Hudson came down to spend
a few days with her son, John Hud
son. Mr. J. 0. Nealeigb la just recover
ing from a severe attack of rheuma
tism. There are three or four cases of
measles In iielmont.
Misses Pearl Isenberg, I'eail lllay
lock and Pearl Eby, who have been
to Portland going to school, tettirned
borne Saturday. They wont to The
Dalles Tuesday to take the teacher's
Miss Lizzie Eby returned home
Tuesday from a visit to her uncle and
aunt at Vancouver, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Yue are guests at the
borne of Mrs. Summervllle. They
oame from Nebraska to see this great
Oregon country tbey bad beard so
much about. We hope they will fall
In love with the country as we have
done, and buy a nine little farm here
and settle down.
Frank Reese passed through Bel
niout lust week on his way to Hood
Kiver to see a doctor. While load
ing a oar at Dee he was knocked off
and fell on bis band, breaking his
We promised to give you oar return
trip from Portland. On Friday
muralng bright and early we left our
bed at the Ht. Charles hotel and tak
ing oui mutohed team of sorrel
horses, placed them on board the
Ualloy Qatzert. Hteam blowing, the
whistle gives out the signal time to
tart, and hurriedly the last two rush
down the gang plank. Kopes are
taken In and the ponderous uiucMn
ery moves the Uatzert aud we push
out into the stream. Again the
sound of the whistle is beard warning
them to open up the great draw
bridges, so we pass through two
bridges, and then we nut on steam.
Close on our heels Is the Telegiaph, a
boat noted for Its speed, bound for
Astoria. She blows aud snorts, puts
on more steam aud tries mighty bard
to pass us, but the old Uatzert puts
on steam aud looks dowu on the little
craft, as much as to say. "hither too
canst thou come but no further" aud
for about five miles there was quite
au exciting time with both crews and
passeugors. Home yelling and others
waving their handkerchiefs but at the
light house, on entering the Colum
bia. we bid them goodbye and soon
ai rived at Vancouver. A few more
stops and we pass up the Looks, other
stopping points are made and in due
time we arrive at Hood Kiver dock
feeling glad that we are ouoe more
safe lu the old valley.
Our toad supervisor in the Crupper
district, it. F. Eadioman, treated bis
good wife to a rubber tired buggy.
Well B. K. and wife you will only pass
thiougb this life once, so take all the
pleasure and comfort you oan get as
you pass along life's Journey and may
you have happy entrance Into the
next world.
Frank Parker and (luy Cropper are
very busy men now-a-days. With the
baler on Frid ly of lust week they
were baling for the Rev. JonkiiiH of
Jericho laue and they wore doing
good work.
We are pleased to report thut F. W.
Angus Is now recovered from his
long spell of sickness and made a
business trip to Portland on Thurs
day of last week.
J. Riser and W. MoChristlan were
visitors to Portland and while there
lie wants you to have
modern and up-to-date
What the Doctor
3 C
No More Watch Worries
made the pnrelmKe of a guso'ine en
gine and wood saw, als ' a drag saw
and it is their intention to cut up II e
wood iu the Dm rett district So do
not labor so hard with your bucksaws
but give your orders to Riser & Alc
Christian nh will do a cleim noat
job iu cutting up your wood, liarrett
in the lead again. Next will be elec
trio cars on Kockford avenue.
I). Labljey and wife weie callers at
the ottlee of H. Ilrayford, notary pub
lio, on Friday last for the purpose of
fixing t lie i r signatures to the deeds
of their pioperty, which they have
sold to I). Wright, of Portland.
J. II. (Jroff and son Joseph, from
the Mt. Hood settlement, were callers
at I he Kockford on Wednesday of last
J. Frazier & Watts fiirulched the
ph-.steriing on the new bouse belong
ing to F. C. Sheriieb on Rockford
Andy liattey is getting quite
sporty. A few weeks ago he bought a
new iZ rifle aud last week he bought
a top buggy. Let thine heart be
merry Andy In the days of thy
On Augu-t Hi we are looking for
ward to a big day when the liawkeye
corn buskers will hold their annual
picnic. Let everybody turn out and
have a good time. Do not say 1 have
no time. Let the milk of human
kindness flow and do not think so
much of the mighty dollar. We only
pass along life's journey once aud
life Is too short to dull our days
with grasp and greed. Everything
will be done by the committee to
make the day an enjoya' lo one. The
place selected Is the Wau-Oulu-Uuin
giove, ueui the city of Hood River.
Mrs. S. E. llartmess with part of
the family, passed through our streets
on Monday lust on the way to their
son r.hrl s homestead where they cm
Dud good shade from t lie heat of the
Miss Jessie (loddard is entertaining
menus irom Wisconsin this week.
A Hue girl baby has arrived at the
home of Mr. aud Mrs. Clarksou across
the White Salmon.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent have returned
from their trip to their homestead
near Uoldendalu.
C. D. Morse and family, of White
Salmon, was visiting iu Underwood
Amos Underwood spent a few davs
in Stevenson Inst week.
Mr.aud Mrs. Nelson are moving
Into their new house on their home
stead this week.
A bear has boon reported to have
been seen helping himself to upples iu
Robert Cliues orchard.
A. J. Haynes and H. C. Debo re
turned Saturday ' night from a few
(lay's outing In the mountains They
visited the little buckle berry moun
tain but found the hot woather had
destroyed them.
The eighth grade pupils received
their diplomas last week, there were
live lu the class, ull passing the exam
ination. Our county officers ate not
noted for swiftness, the class thought
belter late than never. They are Kate
Kailondoiilt, Nora Larson, Fanny
llayues, Philip Finley aud Fred Lu-
thy, jr.
RobeitCliue bud a waim experience
Sunday whilo conveying a party ut
campers to Little White Salmon,
Most of the party were walking abend
of the wagon and missed the road,
Mr. Cline left his team standing iu
the road with the rest of the party and
started out on foot to catch up with
the others, who evideully bad a few
miles to their credit, judging from
the perspiration streaming dowu his
face wbeu your correspondent mot
We understand that Clifford Ho
bards aoc!d;utly shot a bole through
lila loot.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Znhel came up
from Portland Saturday and will hike
up a permanent residence on the
place ueur L. K. Clark's. Mr. Zahel
h s been employed as stationary en
gineer in Canada, but
will uow try
his hand at farming.
4 1
ring tnem
it filled at a reliable utore, where the appliances are
and thf drugs are Pure and Fresh. We make 1 his
a specialty, and we assure you
puts on the Paper We put in the Medicine
Ralph Lewis came out from Hull
Run reserve SHtarday after supplies.
Mrs. L. E. Claik. of Dufur, is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Hill.
The iufaut child of Elmer Wells is
very ill.
Mrs. Lewi', Miss Alice and the lit
tle girls, returned to Portland la 4
week. Mr. Lewij will go into the
niouutaii s l.r ,i few c!s
Chae. Wells and his wife inn taking
an outing in the icinity of Mt. Hood.
Tbey expect to bring fiou.o u go d
supply of 1 1 , i.
John (.lit and family, of The
Dulles, bL.j i,r I at the Pine (iroie
store hint wick nn their wuy to Dee
w hoie they axpcU to go into camp for
a few week.
A sad Hic.d.i.l occurred iu our
midst last i'liiiis luy wh'ii Raymond
Oidway aocidoiitly shot l iuneJf. From
the best the writer can leai n, he iu
company villi to others buys, were
killing dige a in the Held. About
:'M) o'clock I a, iii.,nd left the otlieis
aud started foi I-he bouso to attend to
the evening's work Wheu found he
was a few yards from the creek ovr
which it is siipit.sbd ho attempted to
jump and In -nine wuy the gun wis
discharged, i . o ball entered the left
eye aud I idged it the brain. A phy
sician whs call. I but Raymond was
beyoud earthly help aud expired
about six oVInrlc fhat afternoon. The
servlc it, i.l .t the family resi
dence Iri.iuj klturuoou and a long
line of friends and relatives followed
the body tn the fine drove cemetery
where it wns laid t ) rest aud a mound
covered with beautiful lloweis testi
fied to the loving esteem in which thj
boy as held. '
The continued lieut is having a bad
efleot on peo la and all who can are
hustling olf to the mountains or
cosat. Thoio, with the rustling
branches murmuring soothing lulla
byes or the surf singing soothing mel
odies, all trouble and cine Is forgot
ten and the writer is once more
tempted to repeat those words ut
tered by "America's sweetest' sing
er" "If thou wouldst read a lesson that
would keep,
Thy heart fiom fainting aud thy soul
from sleep,
Go to the wjods aud bills!
No tears dim the sweet look which na
ture wears."
lien Lage's bouse is begining lu
show up prjtty well.
Mrs. J. Wells is on the sick list.
Parker's baler from the West Side
begun work on the Harhinson place
Tuesday morning.
The foundation of Kd Lugo's new
house is almost completed.
Fruuk Hlantou is having a new ham
built. The structure wheu completed
will be roomy enough tor all of Mr.
Stun ton's horses and feed lor the
Miss Ruby Davis spent a few dayt
in the neighborhood lust week paying
farewell culls. Miss Davis, accompa
nied by her father end mother, will
leave soon foi (Jrund Round, Colo.,
their former homo. Mr. Davis re
cently sold the place he purchsed
from Curl (lilinoie to Mr. Cruso, ul
Miuuosotu. Consideration, 7,(100.
Captain Jackson, who has been on
the sick list for some timo, is much
Mark Thomas, wife aud two girls,
lelt Tuesday for. Illinois ou a visit to
Mr. Thouius' mother.
almost say Odell Is gone
There are a few at homi
The following party loll
We can
Odel) last
Tuesday and will camp ul
Lost Lake for nn outing Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Kemp, Misses Nettie Kemp.
Katherlue Davenport and Gertrude
Davenport of Mosier, lva Musiker.
Me' srs. Clare Crocket, Hariy-Knmp,
Untie Kemp and a gentleman fron
Mr, and Mrs, H. T. Young am
daughter Ruth, Mrs. Crosby ami
daughter Gladys, Lee, Aruhieand Ar
lliur Strong, Mr. aud Mrs. Odell
Miss Rogers and Will Lenz are thorn
we have heard had gone from Odell
aud were iu camp at i'iilie Juno pics
ing blackberries last week. This week
J. R. Crosby and Mrs. Strong am
children are added to the list.
L. D. lloid was home a day or two
1 1
3 C
My Hair is
Do you like it? Then why
be contented with it? Have
to be? Oh, no! Just put on
Ayer's Hair Vieor and have
lone, thick hair; soft, even
hair. But first or all, stop
your hair from coming out.
Save what you have. Ayer's
Hair Vigor will not disappoint
you. It feeds the hair-bulbs;
makes weak hair strong.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold lor ovr sixty years."
by 3. O. Ayr 0o., Low.ll, Mam.
AIM niwnwiwwi v.
last week but has gone hack to The
Lara Heels where be and bit family
aro in camp.
Hurry MoDutfee. his tatber aod
brother are building a bouse on bis
homestead situated between Udell and
Mt. Hood.
10; T. Folts has bis wife and chil-
drou at bouie with him after almost
three weeks stay At the hospital. Mr.
Folts has ouly praise for the hospital
Briil its manner of caiing for those
who are sick aud be and bis friends
are very glad that his little oues are
so far recovered as they are now,
though constant rare will ba needed
for some time to bring back strength
to the baby as bis has been a very ser
ious Mines.
Edward Kleiner Was taken to tbe
hospital one day luct week. It is
thought be will be alii to come home
to LU Odi II l ..el t iiliin I lee iliiyt.
He 1 i .lt i lOi' li (j i. an 1 1 tm Ic u ruir
bago. it-1, hiuiiibi' ij iievklopiug bia
place ra; Mij ai d v- ill si t u bate or
chard nli'ie a sU it Hint' since was
Will Si rung is iu Loos county ou a
dairy riitcli.
Lee fit i oi u iu home frcru tetoni!
mouth's ttny in eueUru hi: (I southern
U. 8. C 1. on has ttiiibhed u v.ell at
his bouse.
Btollu liiiiu dniiiii, ol (ireen Point,
visited iu Uilvil the lii'fct of tbt- week.
' M. Hawtiiurue hud some paper
bunging done lust week, O. 8. Oiseu
did tbe work.
L. A. K. Clark Hud W. C. Ebrck
begun work ou tbe well at the school
bimee Monday morning.
JLand tales are reported about Odell,
a ill give particulars later.
liev. Troy Shelley preached at tbe
Union ohurcb at Udell Sunday. Bub
irn.t 'The Intermediate state." Kev.
Sholley hud been requested to talk on
this subject aud after much study de
livered a serruou tbat is spoken or as
splendid and In like terms of pruite
Mr. Otts, lately of Alaska, Is visit
ing the family of Kev. Troy Shelley,
The U. of Udell beld their con
neeration meeting Sunday evening, M.
I). Udell, loader.
CunrasKlns; Fo" Slate College.
Professor L. 13. Ualdwiu, of the
Oregon Agriculture college, who is
now ou a cauvass of Eastern Uregou
towns, aud commuuites lu tbe iDter
eht of, the college, arrived here Sun
iliiy morning aud was domiciled al Hit
Mount Hood hotel until luesilaj
morning, lusting thou for The Dalles.
i'roteaKor liiililwlu found iiood Kiv
er excellent territory to work, aud he
expects several new matriculants from
here as a fruitage of his work for the
oollege. Consequent ou increased
facilities provided by munlfloeut leg
islature appro; riatiou the institution
is on tooting to surpass next year its
exoellout achievements of last year.
The Uregou Agricultute oollege of
fers ut a minimum of expense uuex
celled advantages to those contemplut
lug a course in industrial aud techni
cal science and in literary training,
Tlie currloulum 'ncludes courses in
agrioulturej forestry, mechanical en
giuoeriug, oivil engineering, mining
eiiginoeiiOK. electrical engineering.
pharmacy, household sole ice, and lit
erary commerce.
There aie many opportunities for
students, who may have to meet tbe
expense of. a college education bv
their own efforts, to get employment
during school mouths in and about
town. A mountain watei system, in
dtallod recently at an expenditure of
i,r).tXKJ bv the oity of Corvallis, sup
plies the college buildings and grounds
with an abundance ot pare water.
l'hus is obviated the danger of an epi
demic of typhoid aud kindled dis
to enhance tbe eujoymeut of school
life for the young ladies atteudius
tbe Institution, the board of regents
has authorized tbe construction of
and let the oontraot for the erection
of a jtiU.UK) woium's college, whiob,
when completed, will be a atriotly
modern type iu all Its appointments.
the graduates or the u, A. C. are
filling honorable and lucrative post
ions and tbe student enrollment is
ncreasiug by multiples each year.
liuhl hundred students is the goal
set tor the matriculation list of the
eusu ug year.
X (Jood Recommendation.
the following letter which Mr.
Claiko, the jeweler, recently teoelved.
is one wnicn ue may wen oe proud of:
r-ortland, ure, Aug. 1, lSJOb.
l'o whom it may oouceru:
This is to certify tbat (J. Arthur
Clarke has been in our employ foi
over three years as watch maker, jew
eler and optician. We consider him
a competent aud first class workman,
thoroughly honest aud iudustrious,
uia Hike great pleasure lu recom
mending him to auy oue in need of
his services.
He is leaving us to go into business
(or himself at Hood Kiver, Oregon,
but at auy time should he dis
pose of his husiuess there aud wish to
return to Portland, we will uladlv
(for him his old position, aud will
consider ourselves fortunate it able to
secure him. 1 ourt very truly,
Jaeger liros.
T. S. Weekely the jeweler, has opened
new jewelry store and repair shop, and
is now ready to do your watch, clock
and jewelry repairing. All work fully
warranted. Prices reasonable-. In the
real estate room with Onthank & Otten.
Any person caught bunting cr tres
passing on my property will be pun
ished to the lull extent of the lsw.
Mrs. Phoebe Fobs.
Extraordinary Low Price for August
Clearing Sale of Seasonable Goods
If you don't investigate this you will miss a golden
oportunity to clothe yourself and family for a very lit
tle money. Included in this Bargain Sale is
Boys' and Men's Suits, Ladies' Skirts,
Underwear for Men, Women and Chil
dren, Dress Goods Suitable for all Sea
sons, Hats and Caps for Men, Women
and children, Hosiery, Shoes, Gloves and
Hosts of Other Artieles too Numerous to Mention
50 Suits for Boys from 5 to 11 years at HALF Price,
ranging from 75c up. 125 pairs of Shoes, almost all
kinds and sizes for men, women and Children. This
is your grand oportunity. Summer Underwear, the
10c kind for 5c, 15c kind for 10c, 25c kind for 18c, 35c
and 40c kind 5c, 50c and 75c kind for 40c.
IOO Whirls for Men
Worth from 50c to $1.00. Your choice
Forty Cents
Dress Goods. In this will be included Ginghams,
Lawns, Suitings, Percales, at such rediculously low
prices that you cant help but see its a bargain. Men's
Hats for $1.00 that are worth from $1.50 to $3.00.
All Straw hats HALF Price Don't miss this sale. It
costs nothing to look and not much to buy
Residents Iturisir More Pronertv.
Two sales were made last week i
which show tbe readiness of our home
people to buy desirble furmr. Mr.
Chiis A. Merriain has limit. lit the Mo-1
(Jrath place and expect ti. i.iing
some of his relatives here to li e. Mr.
Mnrriam already onns a very line
palce near the Mclirath place f " !1
be able tocversee tbe working (.1
plaof s
Next to tbe Mcdratb farm is tbe
Imbler place which -vas sold to Wm.
Stewart, a recent anival from Minne
sota, liotb ot these farms consists
of ten -ores with very cosy houses
and about seven acres of bearing ap
ples which will brinii the owneis a
good rot en ue from tbe start. Heil-
bronner & Co. closed tbe deals for
both places.
This has been the most active sum
mer ever known iu the Hood Rivor
valley, llaidly a week goes by with
out several pieces of rroperty chang
ing handp.
Ailierllsed Letter List.
Advert i.-e I le'ter lis) fur week end
Ing Ar.g 6, 1906: Cmndall, Miss;
Ruby; I)i l-i u, Mr. Anna (2); Good, i
Mis. I. I 12); (nay, Mrs. Ida; John- j
son, . is. 11. K; Kamson, Mrs.;!
Stockdale, Miss Vera; Young, Mrs. j
f rank; be u net, J. T. ; hJuok, Charles; !
Broad head, K D. ; Davidson, P. M. ; I
I la.lilan. U A . L' 1 ..I. LJ .
uorn V. a. ;Uarbads., 1. A. ; (irattle.
Dan; (S rooms, Elza; Honda, R ; Jack
sou, Altiert ; Kelley, & J. ; Lopes
.uirn lpyj; Mcuovern, fatrick
oyes, C. K. ; Newton, Charles II.
Porcfet'., John ; Smith, Edward
TbonHton. Alfred (2).
Wm. Yates, P. M.
Reduction In Flour and Feed.
Special cash price on Flour and Feed
at warehouse. Bran 114 per ton; shirts,
$16 per ton;
flour, 4 per barrel. 1).
Not for vour dealer's take, nor for
Benson'B sake but for yonr own sake
get some of ltenson s rancv new
potatoes. They will make you smile.
Box Wood
Box Factory
Phone 71.
GINCNA1D ROSE. Local Attntl. Rood River
We have 50,000 Yellow Newtown Pip-
pen and etpitisnbum Annies for ibe
coming season. Also all tbe leading
lamiaiu varieties Ol ADDies. fears.
Plum, Prune, Peach, Cherry and Eng
lish Walnut tree-. Ornamental iim.
Shrubs and Roses. Call or address S.
B Harvey or August Ginunard, Hood
River, Ore. Phone 1259.
G. H. Rohbins C. D. Thompson
" wl ? J
Water Pipe
u; Direct from the factory. We
prices. We can save you money. Also have a full line of
fittingsand the largest stock of garden hose in the city.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone LSI.
.Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Dry Goods Ammunition Boots and Shoos
Hardware Ornnitewure
Hay Grain Flour
..Livery, Feed
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
v a Lai lUaU Ul
are selling it at wholesale
Feed Full line of fim.a
and Draying.
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parlies can secure first-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture ana
We do everything horses can do.