The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 09, 1906, Image 2

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Issued rvrr Tlmridfty krf
AklltUM D. MOH, PtiMUbw.
farm! ( ubMiiptlon I1.M H4
IB tt4Tane
Girls are of few tlaya and full of
miucbiof, and wboiioover U deceiver!
by then) is not wise, says a yr-ang
man. Wbeu the fuir gill cbowetb bnr
guru with much hade, uud Htnmjietli
her pretty foot, then look out. Slie
ootueth forth lu tbo evening with u
low neck diets ami thort slcevea, but
in the morning she lieth in bed while
her mother huetlotb. Exchange.
Freight Engines for 0. It. & N.
Ten new freight engines, of the bal
anced o impound type, bn'lt by the
Baldwin company of Pliildolpliiu, wiU
arrive at LaUnuide noon for line on
the mountain division of the (). li, A
N. Thetie engineea will be of tho moat
complete of any yet sent out. Tliey
will have aquaie tanks, cairy am
pounds of steam, be equipped with
the 1'2-lnnb New York air pump and
New Vork valves, and will hace Vim
derbllt fireboxes and battledores.
Motor Car Returns to Omiilia.
The gasoline motor car owned bj
the llarrlman lines and which wiit
brought to the roast for a tiial early
in the spring, passed through thi
city Haturday evening about six
o'clook on its way to Omaha, The
oar, which somewhat resembles a bat
tle ship minus the guns, having
pointed prow and rounded stern, lias
been in use lately ou the suburban
runs of the Southern Piioillo near
Portland. While some trouble Iihh
been experienced in operating it,
its trial on the ooast has been coriHid
ered suooessful and it is said that it
will be replaced by one of larger and
heavier construction. For the trans
portation of passengeis on branch
roads and shoit runs It Is the mini
economical power car that bus so far
been discovered and for this reaxon
has attracted much attention from
railroad men.
St. Martin's Spring In Had Odor.
So muob complaint has been made
lately about the manner in which the
hot springs at tit. Martins are con
ducted that it seems likely that an
organized effort will be made to liuve
the government take the springs out
of the hands of Its ludiuu ownnrt
and turn it over to the people as s
publio benefaotion. Wliile mucu ilia
satislnolton has been reported by pa
trous of this well known resort intar
Carson In former years it is said to
be worse this saeson than utmnl.
well kuown physician of Portland who
has been spending some time there
recently with his family says that the
situation there has become Intobira
ble and that Severn! hundred people
are camped on the property owned by
the Bt. Martins, for which privileges
tbey pay the Indians W2.W a wook
The campers are compelled to draw
their own water from a well and do
everything else about the plane.
Neither be. Martin nor his wire trio
in auy way to make things ploasaut 01
to assist the visitors In any way. Ait
result, everyone Is utterly diugiiMluii
with the treatment he rwolvim.
The two Indians are unaauoiiituodiit
ing and at times Insulting, they lit
longer have a bus to meet the summ
ers. People who arrive there, many
of them In a weakened condition ou
aooount of 111 health, are compelled to
wain miles and then ptirhaps lie re
fused admission to even camp in the
vloinity of the hot springs. 'i'liU
causes much suffering, particularly
among women and children, in bov
era! Instances that 1 knuw of men
have gone to St. Martin's with their
ramillea and when not allowed oainii
lug ground had to move on for niilix
before a suitable plaoe could be found
away from the land owned by the lu
The Indians became owners of those
wouderful springs years ago. St.
Martin is woith considerable moony
The springs are said to contain heullb
giving properties not found elsewliore
lu the Northwest, cousemiMhUy are
well known and would be visited by
thousands annually If the minora!
waters and sunouudiugH wore lu
different bands.
Will Nwlm Against Anybody.
John Lelund llendersou lamiea t lie
. following challenge in the Orogfitiiiui
I have been a reader of Tbo O lo
gon lau for Uti years, and am much in
terested in the great newspapor, as 1
am In athletios generally, ami part ic
ularly lu twimuilug. It Is a noble
sport, and In my estimation, should
be taught lu all our publio schools,
where possible, as part of the common
school oouise. 1 have taught school
in Oregon, California and Waaliing
tou for 10 years, and always eudu ir
ored to Interest my pupils in swim
ming. 1 note that a Walter A hook
wishes to p wim anyone in the city ol
Portland a swimmiug race. Now, 1
do not live in Portland, but at beauti
ful Hood Klver, on the Columbia, h
locality noted for its red apples, red
strawberries and bountiful women
Now, 1 will go Mr. A beck one liol toi.
I am willing to swim Mr. Abnok oi
anyone else, no matter wlinro be limit
from, over any one of the following
courses :
Vtom The Dalles to Hood liiver, 'J'J
Prom Hood Klver to Cascade Locks,
22 miles.
From Oregon City to the ialultitl
flrxt below Portaud, about 20 tnilim, 1
Aoross the Columbia river at As
toria. At any of the soaside rvtuirU U
miles out to sea, or return, according
to tho tide; I mean the resorts accos
sible by train or bunt, near Portland.
1 will make this swim in the Inler
est of the publio baths lor Portland
youth, and it cau bo lor a prize oi
purse, as my opponent wihIihh, friend
of the sport to put up the prize; the
swim to bo made straight away with
out rest or any outside helps, with
swimming trunks only. Now, as 1 am
65 years old, some of the young sport
should be williug to get in againxt
"the old man."
l'rof. Lewli Likes "livlter I'rult."
Prof. C. L. Lewis, hoi tiftilturlt t al
the State Agricultural college writes
the publishers of "iiettei Fruit" a
letter of congratulation in which lie
aays "1 am very much pleasod with
' 'Better Fiuit". It gives one a feel
lug of business to simply look at it
good paper, excellent printed aud
well illustrated. It tills a gap iu our
horticultural literature. We need
papers that are specialized more. 1
shall take great pleasure iu inconi
fnendiug your paper wherever 1 go."
The publishers of tho new fruit
paper feel very muob pleased that
their efforts are appreciated not only
by growers, but by those who aie iu
position to pass judgment ou horti
cultural literature.
Philips S. Hates, the 11 known ed
itor and publisher of '1'ho Put-illi-Northwest,"
pmhnhly I be best and
most laimiihly known iigrifiilturid
and horticultural publication denied
to tho section i roiii which it takes its
name, was a visitor at Hood iliw-r
Tuesday. Mr. liutes. is a man who
does things. Hu has done mu li for
the Pacific Nnitliwest through his
most excellent publication and will
do more. "The Pacillu Northwest"
reaches cveiy corner of the globe
aud has been I tin moans of bringing
investors to the northwest fi oin the
even faraway I'liine of China.
In Ilia ellortH to give wider pu! lid
ty to tho great opportunities awaiting
capital aud coiignsteil humanity in
tho east be bus conceived the striking
idea of taking 25 of Oregon's bright
and attractive maidens on an adver
tising tour that ill s an tho conti
nent, lu order that no part of the
state may go uurepieseiiteii "The l a
cfioi N'oitliwont" has decided to su
blet u young laiiy from each county in
the slate to in;.ko the toui. hac-h
county will select camli.latoH who
will enter a voting coniest iu which
the vile will bo subscriptions to The
Pacific Northwest. 'I lie young lady
skciii ing the highest number of uub
HCriptious w ill hu chosen to repiest-nt
her county and will soisiie the covet
ed prize.
Doing particularly anxious to secure
a representative lrom Hood (liter,
which Mr. Hates says is better known
iu the east than any town in the
northwest outside of the cltieti ol
Portland, Seattle and Tacoma, lie has
been boro fm the purpose of select ins
a candidate who will enter the contest
and as he usually dues, succeeded.
The u line of the young lady chosen
to represent Hood Liter is Miss
Stella liicharilHiiii. It is Mr. Ilitltm'
expectation that the Hood liiver Com
meroial club will liberally supply the
young lady with literature and atti ac
tive advertising matter descriptive) ol
the resources of Wasco county and
llocd liiver and that she will, with
theli aid, make many conquests iu
behalf of her home town.
Tho party will leave Portland Mav
Isl and wilt go east over the Canadian
t'acifiu, a scenic route that it is said
to be unsurpassed anywhere. At Port
Arthur ou Luke Superior, they will
board the steamer for liiilfitlo, sailing
through the great lakes to that city
und there (eking a special car for that
wonder of wonders, Ninsgara Falls
lieturniug to the iiison City they will
go via tiie Now Vork Central lines tc
Albany, N. V., and thence down Hit
Hudson ii vol by boat traversing the
itroain that is culled "the iiliine ol
America," and reaching the metropo
lis of the American continent, the
greut city of iNew Vork. Fiom then
by way of the Pennsylvania railroad
the Pacltio Northwest party will go to
Philadelphia aud Washington, call on
the president at tho latter city and
visit points of interest that every
American citizen longs to see, includ
ing a ride down the Potomac river to
the revered tomb and former home
of the tiilht r of this country, Wash
ington. Leaving Washington the par
ly will return home by way of Pitt,
burg, America's workshop, Uavtun.
Chicago, St. Paul anil other big cities
of tho middle western states.
Tho 1'aeillo Northwest expects ti
spend tlll),(rlkl ou the tiip and it i
said by those familiar with contest
tours that thin undertaking of Mr
Hates is the biggest thing of Hie kind
evei attempted in this country.
Will Ask for .Hone j In Complete III i li
Tlx directors of the Hood Kivei
Irrigation District have culled anient
lug lor next Thiusilay atlernooii al
the Barrett school house, at wbicl
1 1 mo tho question will be considered
of raising mure money to cnmploti
the ditch between Dead Point i.ud
Liiaco Point.
Tho directors 1 1 ml that it will hi
nee ssaiy to ask foi more imuiev It
complete the ditch tyi i liiruish I nt)
or water, llioy nave doomed it mi . is.
able to build a good ditch, and I ;e
have encountered more nick than it
was at llrst est limited. They line
also found It iidvisiiblu to go deei.ei
into the bank, the insult in thai
they have got a ditch ho far that will
stand for all tune, aud can bo main
tained at a in i n I mil in ot expense
Ih iy could iiave built a cheaper diti'l,
h d they been llguring on the present
only, Hut llio w in K Unit lias linen tiunc
will bo pni'iiiuneut.
I lie work is progressing stead iiy.
from 7.1 to !HI men lieiug employed,
aud the pay roll amounts to about
$7,IW a month, Thoio will bo more
than cnoi gh to lliiish the ditch to
Dead Point, tiie directors have put
off calling the meeting tor the extra
appropi Hit ion us long us possible, to
lie ahle to glvo the approximate cost
of completion ot the ditch.
i ho ditch from Koideii a to lrv
Chute la aland bull' completed. '1 hit
is a intend, and will serve that art
of tho district.
lu all about tl, HH acres are covoieii
ill the dUtrict, of which ;i,,",)i can l(
easily irrigated. Water for I his limit
is a necessity. Without it the lam!
can be used but fur limited purposes,
while with watci its value will be in
reused inaiiy times. Some ot I he lest
laud in tlm valley will be under tin
new ditch, but it must have wati r In
make it prolltahle. the laterals ot
the Water Supply Co., which has been
absorbed by the district, arc v. ill din
trihiitcil over the older portions o!
the district, uud will reach alii m-l
every ranch.
l.ol I. like li ltd lining llinli.
Work was begun .Monday innri: Inc
on t lie extension ot the wmon loud
to Lost Lake. I. I. SI one lias none
intncniiip at tiie end of tlm road
ii 1 It by the forest rangeis, which is
our miles from the dike, and the first
lay completed neaily a mile ot roiul.
Most ol the way the work will bo com
paratively easy, but there are tome
rough spots that will take cousin in
le work to make tlicui passable It r
the i onto will bo the scenic mute
of the valley. It winds up on the
ridge overlooking the mountains, ami
at Us highest poinf w ill be at about
ttui loot elevat ion. It skirls liunil
Mountain, going through heavy t im
mr for over two miles, until it ic, it-li
es the lake. The grades arc la-y, ex
cept for a few l laces, but w hen com
pleted an ordinary load cau he
into the lake.
The money that has been raised will
not make a finished graded road, but
will make it possible to drive through
with a wagon, and a li tie wtnk each
year will make it as good rs the u ud
beyond the old lumber camps toward
Maple iell A Hue level gn; In can be
made up Laurel creek, but it would
coat neai ly f2,,w,t and that is nut ot
the quest ion tit preseut. Iiy the first
of September the road will lie open
that is now being worked.
Maybe Tuft wouldn't take it either
-if he couldn't get it.
0'ir liuycr.
i J;i'l i-f-!i.l!l V
!:. m
ft Ol!
fad or v
only to o
'Kt Sllitf.'tl
!)tl Vill"' Ol:
to tlio
s ii iv lu
!',' our
i )'i:"i's better v;l 111'
Tjikish Red Tab!; urailc, oS incl
assorted It. al
bo s, I be yard
Mercerized Taji
dv line ipiulity, mailt
z'-tl yarns, superior
( 'h i :i nl lie in n in and '
nclit'H w ide, the yard
10 xl ra barge
13 1 tod bonlgrs.
These towels
1 '2c. Our Sim
L You are Guaranteed a Square Deal at thisStore
Tim following which U a tysnopie
of the kiiuio uud fish laws mid their
penalties will probably bo pirive ot
interest to the many w ho me no UK
lishiiiK and liunl ins' now or in the
near tu urn:
1. iconics.- It is uub. wlul to hunt or
kill any uiii o i.ninu.l, fowls or birds
protecleu by tho law of this state
without lint procuring 1'iom the
county chili oi one of the counties
of this statu a license therefor, which
license tho hunter must bare with
ti i ii and in his possession at the time
of huntiuit.
Hosidciits, ?l ; non-residents ol
state, 8 It I, .No license required of i
man or member of his own fan. iiy
for pc 'mission to bust upon his own
iiroiinils, but l-ewaie of hunfiiiK be
yond your own boundaries.
I'enally of violation to j!IOO with
costs, oi ,"i to 111! days in jail or both.
(juull and Pheasant. -August 15 to
.November Ml. Limit lo birds in one
(Irey Squirrel October 1 to Decem
ber 'M it is unlawful lo trap, nott,
ensnare, rob nests or pniion and un
lawful to sell Kama uuiinuls, birds and
Penalties vary from above runniiiK
from if bH) to ifo.lHMl or two mouths tu
two ycuis iu jail m both.
P.ucks August lo to November 1,
Dim. -September I to November I.
I'iiwii. Prohibited.
Niejit hunting ami the uso of ti
iu ti ii ii t i i ik )b or are prohibited at
Limit on nil deer l ive in any one
open season.
Trout. May ho caught only with
llnnk and line.
Limit not less than u inches ami
12 i iu one tiny.
Under penalty of if'JO to 100 with
costs or 10 to ;i days or both.
Trout mill Salmon Trout. Apt il
1 to October 111.
The use of dynamite, lime, poh i li
etc., prohibited..
I nam it nie; trout und other food
ami Kumn llshes is made a poiuteii
tiary oil ease.
Tho law also prohibits tbodtimt
ill),' of sawdust, planer sinning mil
lunibcr wa t into irout or sale. on
-"I reams Also llsbini; wilbin li'O
let t below or fill leet above a lb a .
'Aire screens me letpiiretl i.t inlets cl
any mill nice or irrhrut in' 1 1 1 1
tul.ioK or receiving its m.iIm Iiiiic
uiy liver, creek or lake in which h.-h
ii i'O been placed ol inn" ex ist. limb I
penalty of C.iO to 1 , 1 't 0 aiul cost.- ei
tbiys t." 1 yeur in jail,
llii.i iiplits not only to Hood bit
er anil cant and wtl lurks, hut to ail
I ri botai ii m such us Indian elect,
Neil, Otlell, Deatl Point, lircen Point,
Until a permanent, deputy for Hood
liiver can be prucureu 1 have omi-
, toiled to act us deputy name uud I'm-
e.-try warden ami have been so con.-
He wnrneil I o obey 1 he law st ri( t ly
is 1 w ill excuse no one rich or pool 1
i iit I'll breaking theni.
c. o. iiniii'.li is.
I'epuiy inline ami rmuslry nitlt i.
Seine Hiir l.'nrly .ijdes.
If two apples which are nu'A on e
hibilitin at tiie cilice cl the DiiviiUuii
bruit, compnny and weie l'iiiivii in:
the rime of il. I'. Il ileham, are an'.
indication of the sie to which Ho. id
liner fruit Hill attain t his year I lie
t ill it lair will contain some in. u-t i us
ilies. These Hpplt , w hieli uvi of the
lied lit ilenheim variety, are in I , t
fully matoreil and were picket) by Mr
Halt-hum from the ground wbeie Iht-v
had been pi'i cipitutetl by the wind.
One of I hem ine.i.-.iires toui teeii inch
es niltl the ether twelve. 'I lit. Ileiie'.i
heiin i;, n lull ii le maturing tciv
rapitlly ami wl-ile not u part ietil t rlv
-end keeper, makes a handsome ap
pearance. elite.
A nieetiiii; ol" the Hood liiver hn
k.':ilinK' I lift iiit wil le Pel I itt tiie
I'eli school house ihuisduv, August
at - p. ill,, lo tli.-euM the questic!)
til t lie lui t her lam. ting
to complete t ho ditch
of the district,
1 cl wi en I i i d
1'oint tliteii I'l.i-i! A Hill iiitoiul-
linen in tln.-iii-il.
Ilv ni'ilt-r nf llii- linaiil i f 1 liret-l t is.
.1. II. SlIOKMAKKi;. Se Htaiv. i
I't'sli lisli halilnil,
Miu lts, Ht Miiitiiro t-ius.
''tiity, iVit on tlio 7th on his Fall trip to Now York
I'iill und Winter stock. Wo find it very much more Kutis
.r.sclvcs but our customers to make the-ie trips, as lie goes
ivrs und the largest wholesale houses and selects what
1 1 lie needs of this country. They give us a much better
Llio ground with the cash, and we can there ore give our
; t ha.u it would ho possible to do in any other way.
I xtra Heavy Table Damask
Superior fiof Satin Finish, beautiful assort
ed pattern-, a splendid article, the yard. .
White Satin Finish Damask
if especially Held! ed
iiin finish in Hose,
teed all linen. Doigneri with very pretty
polka dot patterns', thumrock border, ynl
rape He-
Special for Saturday
and Heavy t'onib Towel, size 45-20 inches,
are a splendid wearing material and a good bargain at
l ine ITsliliiiK I'll the Wen) Perk.
A. 1'. Mae wan t lie guest of D. Mo
Denai I ut ('amp Ovcinll tie first of
tho v . k, and hail u very leiisntit
tin e. The lishiuit in the West Fork
and I ake branch is veiy nood. There
whs i c-y little (IshiiiK iu that section
last year, the fair at Portland prevent
ing mi ny lrom cainpiiiK out during
tho siiinmcr. ami as a result there is a
better, supply of fish than usual, aud
especially of biit cues.
Trout rum !) lo i Inches in length
arc quite common. The West I oik is
still very rilly, but the fish bite well.
Luke Hruooh is clear and full of Hah.
Camps are quite plenty in that neigh
borhood, several being at Mineral
Springs, aud a large party are now at
Lost Luke. This section of the moun
tains cannot be surpassed as a place
for un iiitini:, aud as soon as the road
tu Lost Lake is completed, it will be
come very popular.
Tho Murklcy boys are busy ruck
ing campers into the lake, and are
contemplat ing fixing up quarters and
beds for touiists.
Stone aud the Murkleys hare a
ditch completed that irrigates their
land, the water coming out of Laurel
crock. The water is so cold that nf
tei it bus run in the ditch two miles
has a tempornturo of only 40 degrees.
Th) "liurkeleys have a tine straw
berry pcteb and a nice ourohiird set
out ami they are lookiug Hue.
The country will have a real lively
time of it if European royalty decides
to leliirn tho visits of Colonel lJrynu
and tho l.uiiiiworths.
All property owners who have con
nected with the sewer are hereby noti
fied to remove their outbuildings aud
till I he vaults ut once.
Hy ordet of the Common Council.
WM. U AM IKK, City Marshal.
To fruit grovveis and deslers. I find
that there is fruit otforcd for sale in
I loud llievr that is infected wilh bulb
San Jose scale and worms. I wish to
give notice that hereafter all such
fruit w ill be condemned aud distroyed
and it this will not stop the otferng of
it, for sale, action will be taken ac
cording to law, as it is unlawful und
pmiishuhlo by a tine of not less than
i?'J.i or more than 100.
O. R. Castner,
County Fruit iuspector.
A werltl of tiuth in a few words:
"Nt suly all other cough cures are con--tipating,
cspocially those containing
opiates. Ke:metlv's Laxative Money
ami Tar omves the bowels, ('ontains
no opiates." You can get it at Wil
liams' Pharmacy.
"Make Hay While the S.)n Shine .
Tbciv i? a lesson in the work of the
tliritty fanner. Ho knows that the
bright sunshine may last but a day ami
lie prepares tor t lie showers winch are
so liable to follow. So it should Is? with
every household. Pysenlry, d an hues
ami cholera morbus may at tact some
member of the home without warning,
t'hamiierlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea liemeilv, which is the liest known
medicine for these diseases, should al
ways be kept at baud, as immediate
treatment is necessary, and delay may
prove fiital. Kor sale by Keir ami j
A variety of good residence property
ty at prices und terms to suit.
' Good hit vs for WW, 1700, i0,
l,iH.O, tfl'.-J-X), f 1,30(1, 1,400, 11 500,
(:.,. nt, ifLSiH) or anv price you want.
Two-story house near high school for
only fl.MH).
Several good residences close to bui
ncss for sale cheap.
Fine two-story resilience wilh two
lots, thoice locution, only '',000.
New two-story house, six rooms lie
sides pantrv and bath, only $IHKI.
Whole blocks and acreage profierty for
sale on easy terms.
Kinest resilience lots in the city cheap
Good investment.
Large list to selecl from, including
ood iirchmd land and farm proierty.
Conic and cap ns.
OnthanK cfi Otten
Hood River Oregon
r air
One-half pure while. This piece of Damask is guaran
fringed and have Turkey j
Why buy them from agents or com
mission men and pay $75 to 3 100 mure
when you can buy direct from our
Brui in Hood River, where we have a
blanch store, which contains a large
assortment of high grade instruments,
including the great Apollo liileriur
Piano player. This is tho nnlv in
strument in the world which plays the
entire key-bo rd of the piano, and
also the only one having the transpos
ing scale by whiuh tho performer can
play in auy key and accompany the
voioo or any instrument. Pianos ami
orgaus sold on time or for cash. Sec
ond band instruments taken iu ex
change and also several for sale.
Pianos tuned and repaired.
Silas II. Smile.
Phone Main 14'A'i, Hood llivnr.
Why tines the fun burn? Whv does
a mosquito sting? Why do feel un
happy in the Oood Old Summer Time?
Answer: we don't. We uso Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve, and these liitle ills
don't bother us. Learn to Jook for the
name on the box to gel "the genuine.
Sold by Williams' Pharmacy.
To Young Men And Women.
Oreut opportnuitliM are awaltliiK von In I he
Business World. Hundreds or youiii; nun
und women are wanted In and amund ok-
" irnit wnn Kiiifim as
stenoKi'iipliem. bookkeeers, teliwrapliers. of-
li.l, wirmiuin CIU., ULKIIWtl BJlltll lt'S.
The I'olyteclinlc Hui.liieii t'olle (r, of Onk
lanil, the leadliiK achi ol nf its k,i,,j j u,,
W'ntil lllil.tru...! hi. fl...l'l 1. .. .
.. .-v, iF i ,,,, ' I ' ' ,11111-11 e
and leading ediit ii tors, oilers e., i .,1U i,.
puruimiieg iu uio-e wan esa em. i eoiletre hi
tince sad preeuie for nlilons. i selinni
Ih eonsldeietl ly in. my to he Hi u.n he-i
equipped hllBl n)HH enll.g,t in Allie I . '; is
unquestionably superior to auy ot .. mi
selitsil west of tiiiti.tKo. All ex.e,.,,., ),,
Home IrilliieiieeH-Iutllv idaa' In i n.riui
Aiiilress Polytecaie KllMiies I t.l.-e, llel.l
A , Oakland, I al., for fne tiilii,,t,,. ,owlni;
ttie eleijHiit luterioni mid s plenue-1 iiieiilihs
of thlH tthtK)l, which has live 1 1 ;nes mure
money Invested In equipment than anv oilier
w-htKil In th West. .w iiiiiiain in
NoiU-e Is henby given that the undersigned
ha hecii duly appointed hy the lionontln,.
t'ouniy l onrl of tiie Mime ofuregtin torW:,.
en 1 1. nnl v In U ailiiitnlHtiiitor ol tiie cstitte o
lit at v Mi-iIhiimiii, deeeiised, and all jiersons
IntHiik' i lnlni.i liKBlnsl said eslitte are heiehy
iioililed lo present tin-minie, tluly verille lo
the undersigned el I he office of A . A. .In v lie
in H sid Hiv i". ti wmi, within sx mom hs
from ilit d iieor i he llrst uublloHtiou ol llns
nol lee.
J'tsaW Ailinlnisti'Hitii'.
Depart" a- luti-rlor. I.iiu.1 oillee al
The I - . im v-ii, July is, Hum.
Notice u hereby given that
of Hood Klver, Oregon
hiut flletl notleeofhla InUiiilloii to nmke H n s I
five-year proof lu support of his rliiim, viz
lloinesiead entry Nn. vm. niatlti .lime ;i
1901, for the HijNH '., and K-W',, setMlon
township 2 north, range II east, W. M., uud
that auld proof will be iimdti bt liire tne Kt S.
iHierand Keeel ver at Tho Dalit s, Oregon, on
Aug ust !7th, urns.
He names aa wllueuiea to prove his continu
ous res iieiiee upon unit cultivation ol ihe
lantl.v : iiniarM. DeWItt, Albert silchilcr
Harry Kemp, Howard Hoover, nil of Hoist
Klver, Oregon.
J924 KoKIMi-r
Ii Ihe Couuly Court of Wasco Cotiniv
siKte oi'-lin-Kon. '
Id tho mutter nf therslaleof llt-orm-Owen
dfftwm-il .
Nolle Il hereby (riven ,nHl lh(l lin,er.
slmietl, iIib BtlmlnlstrHtor of the estai,- of
(leoriro Owen, dweawtl, 1ms tltily ftleil Willi
l ininiy, iin-nnii. his rlnul Hieotint unit repm I
in said enlale; ttml tlmt the Jralire ni ihe Hbove
tmillrtl court, htm duly tlxrtl Tlmrautv, Ihe
tilli day ol Septi inlH-r, A. !., ilniti, m u o'elm k
...k ... iitr ....ii.iv , Oliri. l.a' M Ms,',.
a. m . oisaiu any int-lime, and IheCoinnv
t'oiirl pmiii In the Count v Court holism in
llallea City. Wanco Counlv. ln 'von im liw
plaee for henrlinc laid lliu.i titi-otini and re-
(Kirt. aii persona inieltsietl tu said estate
ie lieiehy notified lo appear at nil. I tiliw
nd plac. and uliow cause, ir any there lie
why said linn I account and renrt shoiilil
not In all ihlii(r I allowed, railtled and ui
proved, and an order made, ilulv dlsehsixmu
mtiil mlnilnlslralor front I tin tier aetltn; m
said Irusl, and enon ir.n ni litnt 'Iroiu lur
llier llalnlliy theieunder. nils nonce is ptih
llshed hy order of Hu- counlv Jiuli-e of sa il
court, daletl lliedth dayof Au'huki, A. I'. 1 il
lite rlml publication of this liolttu Is dale,'
theih day of August, a. ) l!lt,, n-e
iaier In which said notice Is ordeietl piili
lished Is The ilootl Klver lilttt lcr. inl!islieil
weekly In said counlj of Wasco. In the cllv
of Hood River.
Haled Jloou liiver, Orryon. August 6lh, 1'-.
r.l-n IM' I IHIK,
Administrator of the male ol Ht-orgo Owe
John lklam) hknukkmon,
f"6 Altoiuey for aaid ctat
Cider, Champagne Cider, Genuine
Champagne, Vinegar. Wines
from grapes ami mm II fruits. Alcoln-I
from cereal, viyetalile-, tlant9, f rui t
nrl ntwal ami rei-ita.-. Semi
$lftrbMk giving prat-tlt-al iiifuntiatioii
now to niaKe tliem. I.r.O .HKL,
P. 0. Box HOI, Portland, Ore.
Atlornev-iil-Law und Notary l'uhli
.1. M
1 vcuP.I'OliATKD
Real Estaie, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing: and Surveying
Wo are prepared in u nianiicr U liandle all
kinds of business in airy of Ihe above lines and have
a largo list of improved lands and city property
from which to iuake your selection for a fruit ranch,
a, stock farm or a home in tin? city.
With an Extensive Correspondence
We are able
eHy adviind'i
pleased to ha 'i
The president of (he con:i,iny is the city engineer,
and is prepared to do surveying ami civil engineer
ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
opinions given on property titles.
Collections a Specialty. Phone Main 1-41.
Ai i 1
s now locale
in ('has.
to the oostoiiice. A full line of
Watches, Ciccfts, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass
All (ioods Marki
Poll't forget tin
Paper Hanging a,i;l Tintii'4 a
Fhiirse J 5 i '.'.
For Sale
Knr Hulr- IIdiiv.v wljui
will triitli' fur ll!tt wil-'
hikell In pull t':t ini'iit.
No. 1. l'hoiii- i-iHt.
f. li"M't', It- l
Kor Siile line
spires in Ciisii .1
ituvit w ill i;o nt
I H-s. It. J. i. on
ol Ihe
111. J.
For Hitle-
Kor sale
-1- In
lieil.'r eiiir. v.
Kil'st.etil.-S liilil t-.'
l-'nr sal
Mill he I;
I lee, nr.
-l !
li It
for Sale- tut ol line, vn.ili: Mile Vl
1'iliie, It. K. n. .No. 1I. ...I Hi m i
Kor Sale f'ltetilii, is f. ..
fnniisti jtiiv si., u'i.nh .t. ie-p
lliiyoUI-OWD plt-iti'i Alt' -it
U'llse Farm.
Kor Sale- Two rine -al
wi-otiif'ii Iron stmi.iiu'.l, ton
Ki'.hes. W ill tit? soul I heap,
Kor sate i Use l.!..eL Jum
tlnl'ia' : , l-l liuir ti-,1 a.-:s, oi
for II "'i i IV. Weil, l I : . i ( i.'
l i till' il"
Appi.l a
For Sale- V pel :'.-! Il"l'-'
bll.V. Ci.'an tl'rfs ;l!il Si.-'lil 1
p .sllli.ll rirl ,er, ' itln-r on
f;i.-t yott eai-iiol put lulu In
not lio, e.'ilar.illttl - i' -!
reason for ,!:-.("i.iiii.' m' inhi
tioinriit a ion ' ,-'.u-'i n inn l.i
t'ull al ickl'oid si.:i.-, li.
It: ver.
Per Sale i-1 t. '
h linli, -8 .tersey.
ll..i..t. Or.
i In ii l. li. t .
l or Hale Il il" i le.i v ,tt :iii an.l
t'-ll. Also sirii-i lierry pl ini.s tor .'
tinsr, al Klver.slile Kin in. 'finis.
I f you have a
It II, :
to inske trivt- sa' ! l:"-t
S. Weeit!,-y, Ihe jt itelt
Kor Sitli tine
p.iiliuls eiu-li, w
II und l'i
!l l-rokt
-hi. Hi'
llitin wniron, wl-te
I'enns. Will take
cows as p irt piivn
C. W. IVaru.i.s, Ci
ItllllS tilt' SiM' !('t' I k' .-i
pi; T I'OI stM'VHV. All til. i
VI II U' nlll-t l'TI Mt (I "til-
S.'fVirf, 1 , i ::;, Kruno Kran Norih
i'llieiel:, l in Mai. 'V
I or sale- !'.ll n- e- ,,
tl. .i.l l(iv- r . ii I i mi
s', tt tn-lTies. ti.", i'i nil i . .
t:,.! an one vi-jii : in in.i
liiel vetri l.i' - s. ie . k''
iilel hlllek e:i os i.n 111:. -.
I pH.'kllii; li.tnse i!i:il. In
ii i 1 1 1 ii i nt;s. v a 1 1 ii i i
R!B. J.'l. If
spite of tirttrn, '
County ol U aseo ( s
Notice Is hen lv Blv.-n
day, tne-.tnh .1 m
the billies! Oohti ;. ,ot . ..
erty suiijeet lo .P-iM.
rt'iinty, hy -. i-ltie of the
111 witness theieor I tv
hand this l.Hii day of Jul
II. 1W .
i il:
Sherllt of N asco County, ore'uiin
Pres. J. 11. FL'UGUSON,
Vice I'lesideiit and Manager.
Notary Public
ver Land..
to handle your prop
jM'ously find will be
Vi-n list same wit n us
t'lnrke's Dnm- Store, next
d ;n p
am I' igurei
Clarke, the Jeweler
iiilya li w Hum' nf timsf snlDiittkl M-hi-io
ru tuiMiiti mi tin- M. H. I 't tter fiimi in
mill llivrr Milir), nuitr Hit! filj'. Sllillltllfi
r i.i'jili iiml nititvhi'i'i'ii-s. I'rifi-s tire
t.-i il 1, -Ium- i . ; ti 1 it- i-iiit' mi similar prtip
i.v m t!i ii n t.'. Nt, lii-iii-i- itpplt. anl
ii I - i' m ti 1 1 . 1 .. i i : nt ii pi-.sniHilty lor lliu
.in.. V. nit I'r-.ak MfKhrluml, lull 1,11 ii si.,
.iM uiMi, oi sff His, .M. li. I'ottiT nn tlm
l.i iiilOtf
i,.- . 'r-i inly iiiiiiuit-M wttlk froin po:-l-,
o!ti . , Is iifi, , I' K,,M iltli liuitl, lint' view,
Mivinu; i ;,riii,: on plttci'. limitl new house,
i -i Im ii in1 ell in-il. All lor tlXHI. Kitsy
; Ii : iii. I in. pun- itl l his oilit'e.
-II ill Si
ll. Nli
inn miss ami
imii lire
iiuht luo st nterl lntek ill jjood
Ail. less A. N., eare Uliteier. nt$
S" -in 1 1--1 M i-ili tiiii slzt-.l fiirm lentil
I,, li-nil Heii.lfi-son.
I IViinti-l- Hinhliii!
In do. 1 will lit) III Hood
uiuf i. Have iiaii several years
Iveleieni'.-, shtnlon A- ihivvson or
'ii:.. i '. Leave orilers at ileo.
lo X
nil la r
iii!,.l -In or near Ilootl Klver. position
tvoii ii, ii: in-lumber yard hy nil round luin
lieniiaii. "v .eiieni-etl sltlu track loading
l.ii'. nil, n, hi' I ' r el. rU, t-Kperl talesman and
uenci-al ititili.-r siirvi-jor. .Marrieil and tlo H'.iiil'le in in ink. lit st ol releri'.ices. Atre
it. .nlie-s t i. I . Hnek. Cure Ulncier. li
ant ll square deal
.! iv. the i'.ttelt-r.
then ileal wilh
All wtnk unr-J-'H
V, e.
I Tii es talk.
W i- ti I i-i t to Sell or Trade Two lots. 51x11X1
in. I mum. 1. 1." six-rooin house iintl Innr-riaiiit
oliie.. w.lii i.ll.i on place. Hox ."ills. Hood
U an!i it -tlenlieint'ii or lndy with good
'ii ! nie. to i ravel hy raii or with a rijr, lor a
phi i-i ii.Mm.'il cnpiltil. Salary Sl.u.2 er
i ii: nn . e.i.,; salary paitl weekly and
M'liis.s inlwiiiee.l A.liiress with s'lttnip,
A. N'l'xaii !' !', Hood Kiver. Oregon.
, .Inly 10, a heavy u-old chain
hoi attached. Kinder will
l.enote Adams anil reeeive
I'iiinl--i'air of huby's white wwl bootees,
i iii i .i.i -u r oillce.
for Rent
tiny ofii rooms ami bath.
pi'ovemenN. fr,.t. water, In
Call on ontluink ,t Olten.
. nn y i .inn of i he Stale t l.'.e'on for
'' eoui'tl .
ni.iu. r ol Hie e-lsie of Iiohti. .1. Tucker,
i i- in i-el.y tiven that under and bv
of section li: of llt-llitisrer A- Cotion's
n.l --i-iniv-,i on eon, I shall npplv
.-n .ei,' I eo irt tonranltny resie-i:-.::t
i. '.il;-e oi mi mi nistmtor of the
i- " . st : . in..! ii,,t itpiillcstlon
iiii't iitt Lie ithove entitled court at
!'.-:!- court room in The I 'a lies cllv
.onmy, iireiiin. on the 171 (i day of
. ; im., al li.e hour of one o'clock p. in
I -.:,'.
I v-i.
' the
. ' ,ls,
I Ann,
' j M v
. l! '. .1.
i u i'.l
.il lie
ounl luivintf herein bin-n ilnle
- le t'-l'v inithurtriveu, that bv
i-pi' '" ti.'ti and leaieimtion h...
:.i - .:! tilne, the llnnl account of
ir. 'or ,1'ihti II. I'l-niv, hereinne-
" l- 1 'I "t the same
'-in u sail ttppiiiaiion for reslK-
s i .. riMeil in said es-nte are
' ' ' ; t-f; r nt sa .1 lime nnil
. e iii-e, l ,my tlieivtie. wilv
ti'l 'it ai ae.-'Mint in al! te.p,.ts
.'.. i-i. 'ni n -l a I ,.,!
"'' ' ' I'-o- n'or la- trrnu'eit bis
nt..! nnal ili-eharpanfi his liotids.
iaolv . s't'.iairnttd and released.
li.....! i:.e-, nn i:on, this second
. A. I. ItMi.
Jit itirt