mm1 apmhm m mmmmmmsssiimwmummm X s 3 . S ' 3 HOOD RIVER, OREGON, AUGUST 9, 1906. 13 VOL. XVIII. SOCIETIES. hood hivkk commkkoialolub-mmui every 8eooDd Monday in eaeli month at 8 p, m., fa tbe chili rauiiu over Jackson's more. H,'. Davidson, Troll. A. P. Mots, Heerelary. HOOD RIVEK LOIKIE NO. 105, A. K. and A. M. Meets Saturday evening on or before each full moon. A. 8. Hlowkks, W. M. D. McDonald, Secretory. Honn RIVFR Ch AFTER NO. 27. R. A. M.- Meetanrat and tliird Friday nlghta of eacli month D. mouonai.d, n. r. A. D. Mok, Secretary. itwin itirb-i f-u.ITI.-n O. R. H 11 ll 1W 1 J.I. V. - . " . - - . . .. . - Meets second and fourth Tuesday evening oteacll month. Visitors cordially welcomed. m tin i.j. n i ..i .in., . -- MX. Thkbbsa Castnkb, Secretary. IDLKW1LDK LODGE NO. 107, I. O. O. It. Meets In Fraternal ball, every Thursday night. R. U. fAnaoTT, N. U. neal, Secretory JSHEN ENCAMPM KNT, NO. 4, I. O. O. K, Kegnlar meeting second and fourth Monday! of each month. 11. C. Cook. C. I . 11 0. Smith, Scribe. r .imm ui, nick AH IIKUKK.E LODUK NO. ill, I. O. O. K-Meel first and third Fridays ineacu iuuuui. k. MB8. E. W. UrtEU N. O. Mas. Dora Thomson. Secretary. WmTcoMAU)DOE NO. 30, K. OF P Meeta In K. ol T. hall every Tuesday night. Thus. F. Johnson, C. V. V. C. BaocK, K. of R. and 8. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meets in K. of P. hall every Wednesday uinht. E. S. May K, V. C. U. U. Dakin, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 524, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meets at K. or K hall on tbe first and Third Fridays of each month. LOU MCKKYNOLDB, U. N, K. W. McKkynolus, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODUKNO. lis A. O. U. W. Meets nrsl and third Saturdays of each mouth. K. H, Blauo, M. W. E. R. Bkadlky, Financier UHKBTKK SHUTK, Recorder. OLETA ASSEMBLY NO. 103, UNITED ART-l(.aus.-Mc!llhenrsi uud third Wednes days, work: second and fourth Wednesdays ArilsHUs' hall. O. W. Thompson, M. A. (.'. D. riKNitli H.Seun Uoy. COURT HOOD R1VKR i0. 42, FORESTERS of Amrrlc,-MiUi second and fourth Mon days in euch niuii h in K. ol V. hall. Sknkca F. Fou rs, C. R. V, C. buosius, S. C. CANBV POST, NO. 18. U. A. R. MEETS AT A o C V.'. hull, second and lourlh Satur days ol each month at t o'clock u. m. All U. A. R. members invited to meet with us. S A. SKlSNMt, Couiiuandur. Thomas loss. (JAN BY W.U.C., No. Ui-AI KEi'S SECOND and louilli r-aiuriiHisoi each Month In A. O. V. . hail al - p. in. Eixkn Blount, President. (jjfK'iKi'iiK II. I.noLks, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 34(19, R. N. A. Meets al the K. ol P. Hall on the secoud and fourth Fridays ol eueb month. Mas. Cahhib 1) komi us, O. Mbs. Kli.a Dakin, Recorder. J. i WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephone: Office, 281; residence, 811. oljkbEON O. R. & N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SUROliON. Successor to Dr. M. F. bhaw. Call promptly answer jd in town or country, Duy or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 013. Olllce in the llrosius building. "DGINGTiONr Physician and Surgeon Oflice over the First National bank. Office phone HU. Res. phone 70X1, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Otlice in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 51)3. Du. M. H.SHABF Db. Edna B. Bhabp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. OHico itnd Kesiileuce Huxley CotUtge, River street. Phone 25 Hood Hivkh. p C. BUOS1US, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. .Ottice Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.j 2 to 3 and 6 lo7 P. M. M. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Cbown Briixib Work a Specialty. OflUje over First Rational Bank Telephone Main 311 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones: Office 283; residence 1045 Olliee over Butler Bank, Hood Rivkr, Okk. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VEIERLUBY SllttiEOJi Is prepared to do any work in the veterin ary line. He can be found by calilUR ator ph. Ding to Clarke s di UK store. A. A. JAYNE LAWYER Vbstracte Furnished. Money Loaned HOOD RIVER, OREGON. J3. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Wilt Practice In All Courts. CMYlee mirb Jeo. D. Culbertsou A Co. Col SENECA F. FOUTS Attorney at Law Jirosius Bulldlug HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. jons lklanITh ende uson attorney-at-law, abstractkr. no tary PUHUCaml K1SAL ESTATE AUENT. Tr 23 yearn a res.dent of O etton and Wash 1nion Has had ninny year" eniierlenee In Keiil Kutaie nutters, :is uhHirwtor.warchfrot tlllrt. and auelll. Halpfactlon guaranteed l po charge H. SEYMOUR HALL, purveyor. 1 am qualinl and prepared In do all kinds wor flnaclasn land norveylnis. Accuracy ur anteed. Thone wlio wla-1 liratH-laas wk done iddrewt li. F. P. t. Hood River, Ptioua tuxl. SEE J.H. HEILBRONNER &C0. FOR Fruit Lands, City Property, Investments, Fire Insurance. Burglar Insurance Accident Insurance Our List of Bnrjrains in real estate will interest you J. H. Heilbronner & Company Fruit Lands, Real Estate and Insurance Ground floor new Davidson Bliig. HOOD RIVER and PORTIDND, ORE. Hood River Studio KOU- First-Class Photographs We have the latest In mounts and ean en large vour I'hotos In Crayon. Platinoid or 8epia. Hatiht'ucllon uarsiitHed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection 0. B. GRAY. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEEK. l)R.JONES,Dentist Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. rreatment of diseased teeth and gunm. Office Brosius Building. Pliotie 1033. Eureka Meat Market MiGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meals. Lard Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. Free Delivery. Phone Main 35, F. Q. COE Carpentering Phone 471 FJ3.8TANLIY, E. L.HM1TH, E.O.BI.ANOBAE Prea. Vtoe-Prea. Cashier. V. C. Bbock, Asst. Cashier. The First National Bank OF OOD HIVKK, OREGON. Capital and Surplus, $30,000. P. M. HALL-LEWIS ft CO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Maka turveya, planii and Mtimatea for aew er, light and power and railway plant, and furniHb, Mibjeclto approval, plana, apeeltlca tlonn and eatliuatea for all vlatweii of bnllillnsn public, private and mercantile. Hpectal at tention glvu to economic and alow-bnrnlui oonatrnctlon. Accuracy and economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SUVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, ORECiON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder FREDERICK & ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Kltlmatci (urnlihad oa all kinds of work PVinnoa- Arnold, Main M. SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Decorative Painting and Paper Hanging Plans furnished. Estimates care fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect Having had aeveral years' experience In drafting and building. I would respectfully aollclt a part of the patronage of the people ol Uood River who anticipate building. Teiinn ra.-on:ible, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice at residence on Heights. JOE WEIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 7t!l Figure? and otimates furnislied on all kinds of building and contracting- IE OREGON Fl RELIEF ASSOCIATION of McMiniiville. Oregoii, will insure your property at 60 per ent loss cost than auy other inn.iUition. . P. HUSH, Special Agent, Hood River, Oregon GOVER IMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands and tlmqcr claims: also rellnqnlshmenU and land to script. Call on or address, Wm. p. rand, lies. I'lioue 376. Hood River. Ore. Hood River Dairy Delivered Morning and Eveding Ciin supply all orders from now on BRUNO TRANZ Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts ol the United K:ates and are in good posi tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. ; Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. Dodge & Reid Carpenters, Cabinet Makers and Repairers We do repairing In wood and metal. Furni ture limiting a specialty. Huns, bicycles, etc., repaired Phone 651 HOOD RIVER, ORE. WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and alab wood, also other kinds of wood. 1 have a new steam wood saw ana am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. Phone 121. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt sales and quick returns Wholesale dealer in all kinds of First and Produce. Consignment solicited 129 Front Rttree, Portland, Ore. Timber Land, Act Jane 3, 1X78.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United HlHtf lnd Offlce, The Dalles, Oregon. June IS, num. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Hie provisions of the actofcongressof June 8, IHTM, enlilled "An act for the sale of Umber lands In Ihe states of fallforiila, Onvon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as exteuded to all the public land stales by act of August 4, lwi, l'AULF.MeClU.LY, of Portland, county of Mulinoniah, state of Oregon, liss Hied in this offlce his sworn state ment No. Sir the purchase of the lot 4, section 4, lota 1 and and BK.NK1 of section No. in township No. 1N Itange No. Ilh., Vt . M. and will oner proof to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the tim ber or stone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claims lo r lit ...... ,1.. Ituvk-or ul saiu ISilU ucioro tun n.""" ......... ... the laud office In The Dalles, Oregon, on the zotu day oi August, Heuamesas wltueaaes: Kred lrautschy, ol Hood River, Oregon, and Nils C. olsen, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely anyol the above-desorlbed lands are request, t..Mi.ii..i.ulin. In lilts ntlice on or lie- lore tliesKld day of August, IIHW J21 ItcgisUr. SUMMONS In the Circuit tymrt of the Stale of Oregon I'm the couuty of Waaco. Cameron T. Oroat. Plalntlll, vs. Anette Oroat, Defendant. To Anette Uroat, defendant above named. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed sgalnsl you in the above en titled suit on or before the expiration of six weeks after the date of first publication ol tills summons which Is June 2, l'.Mi, and If you fail so to appear and answer, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the r ! let prayed for in the complaint, Vo-wit: lor a decree dissolving the marriage coutra-H anil inar riagerelatlonsexisllng between plalntlll and deleudantand for auch other relief as the couit may deem JubI and equitable. This summons is published in Hie Hood River Ulacler by order of the Honorable W. L. Hradshaw, Judge of said court, made and entered on the kin day of June, liWi. CLAUDK t-TKAHAN Attorney for IMiilntlff Klrst publication June 28, laoS. Last publlcatlou Auguat 10, Himi. NOT1CK fOtt PUBLICATION United MISUH l.auu uu.. i lie i-nin-n, gon, May mh, lWM.-Notlce is hcicliy given that In compliance with the provisions ol the Ai tofCongiess of June 3, lKTS, entitlcil "An Act for the ante of Timber Land in the jsniiesol California, Oregon, Nevada, suit Washington Territory' as extended to all the public land ea by actoi Aiigusi i, O. M'J W . , of Pendleton, county of Umatilla, state of Ore gon, lias this day tiled In this olllce his sworn suiiemciii n. . I'm. ..". ... I...- SV.N WX, HW'-.NH'4, section ill uml isli'.NK,1', in ei iiviu wu. ' w..,...... ..... . No. 11 K., W. M , und will oiler piool to slum that the lund sought is more valuable lor the timber or atom thereon llinn lor agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim toli-ald lands before the Register and Receiver at The Halloa, Oregon, on the Sltli day of Au gust, 190C. lie nuniesas witnesses: johii v. rtm-j, iu n... L- T....I..K ll.. pi I., i. l Hi',.. PIIIHY HUU I IJUCO. l.Ji'j"i . i ii.ti.., gon, and William Davis, of Hood River, ore- Any ana an persons claiming aiivei-sciy au of t he above described lands are requested lo Hitt i l, ..luliiiu lii Hits orrice on ill- liclore t lie ... . . , said .'01 h duy or August, lHOii. . l,U.l.'l 'I' kTfll AV JUalti Riglsler. NOTICE 1'OR PUBLICATION. United Hliitosljind Offlce, The Dalles, Ore gon, May i'i, HUM. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wiiu tnc pnjvis in uic itci of Congress of June 3, IS78, entitled "An net for the sale ol timber lands In the states of California, On gon, Nevada, anil Washington Territory," as . xteniled to nil the Public Land States by act ol August 4, 1W2, wiu.iaM h. Andrews, of Wasco, count y of Mlieriuan, slate of Oregon, lias tuts aay nicu in mis omce ins sworn statement No. WV!, for the purchase of the W)iNl?4 snd KNW)i, of seellon No. :, in township No. 1 N., range No. 11 K., W. M., and will otter prooi ui snow inai iiie lanu sougui Is more valuable for Its timber or stone Hum for tigricultursl purposes, and Uiestablisli his laim; ui said lana ueiore ijieorge i. rruiner, ). H. Commissioner, id his olllce In llimd River, Oregon, on the liith day of August. Win;. lie names as witnesses: Arcnie i;. rrencn, Olllord .1, Woodwoith, Roy Wooilwoiih and tluy WiMidworlli, all of Hisid River, Oregon. Any and all persons cliiiuilng adversely the shove-described lands are requested to rile their claims In this oitlca on or before said liillidav of August, ull iYlHJlAM. I . -.Ml.Al.. iiegisier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Ijind Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, May J, mill. Notice Is hereby given that Ul Compliance Willi llie provisions ui ineitrioi Congress of June:!, 1S7K, entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lauds In the Ntales of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Waslilugnm Ter ritory," as extended to nil the Public Ijind States by actor ngust I, 1SW, ARTHUR 1'. TlH'liT, of Portland, county of Multnomah, slate of Oregon, has this nay nieu in uns omce ins sworn statement No. All I, for the purchase of the lots i, 3, 4 and 5, of section No. la, In town ship No. 1 N-, range No. K., W. M., and will otter proof to slu w that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone thau for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land belore the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the ami day ol August, ItKSi. Me names as witnesses: iwis r,. aiiinw, Frank Chandler, Charles I.. Morse and Wil liam K. Rand, all of Hisid River, Oregon. Anv and all nersons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this omce on or neiore sum aoth day of August, IHti. JTaltl MICHAEL J. WOLiAN, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco county. Thomas Ilcnningsen, Plaintiff vs. Alfreda Hennlngsen, Delendsnt. To Alfreda Hennlugsen, the above named Derendani: In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are herebv reuulred to auuear and answer the v.mniuint. ftleri airatnst von In the above en- UlleU Council! or oeiore lugunLiynu, iw, uuu ir you rail so to apiear and answer, for want thereof the plalnllif will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of m .t rlmony now existing between you snd plain tiff, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. This publication of summons Is made by order of Hon. W. I.. Uradshaw, Judge of Hie above entitled court, duly made and enieren on the tain aay oi juiy, isiki, oireciing mis summons to be published once escn wees lor six consecutive weeks In the Hood River Glacier, a weekly newspaiwr of general circu lation In Wasco County, Oregon. Date ornrst publication July nun, nitm. A. J. tiEltHY, Jl-a30 Atty. for plaintiff. II L lift . ItlHllWt'l if 1 I I SUMMER SPECIAL To idvertiie our itamoed linem e will sell centerpiece! lilte cut itamped on pun Itntn complete with floti to embroider. Regular value 90c Special 50c In ordering by mil send post office or -prew money order and mtntun thu taper Iske NeedlecratYhob L382 VASH. 3T-.P0RJLAHD Ply STARTING OF REVOLUTION THEY FIRST DEFIED ENGLAND Iuti riHtlnif Historic Document. Shona .iirfolk, Virginia, ( ltifiis Here Ahead of I'lilluililplilu. Tbe ouuiiiiK' Juuiestoivn e.xpnsitiuu briuKs to in ind Ninny liislui io luots long sitiee torgottuu. Wlnlo Unit It to leave tbe liritisb umpire tbo patiiotB of Norlolk, irgiuiu, were tho 11 ul to resent the ukii'shioii of tliu lii itinii stamp net, whicti ietl lo the American revolution. Under tliu uuino ot "Itie Sons of Litierty" tlioy asseintdod iu Norfolk on inarch i'M, anil in liolil determiuutl plirnnius iiuiiuoiictnl tlioii iuteutiou of resisting any further ag gression on the part ol the Knglitli parliament. This whs two mouths bo tote the proiuuiKntioii ol tho culutirut ed Mecklenburg declaration of inde pendence and uearly live belore the thirteen colonies assembled in Phila delphia to forever cast tilt the author ity of tho Urilish crown and stmt the oouutry on u carter of prosperity uud sploudor, which will be oulebratod al the Jamestown exposition, to be held at, Hampton Hoails near Morloik, in 1907. The Norfolk people did not decline their independence, but expressly allirmed their wish to be subjects ol King Uoorge 111. They merely stuted their detei miuiitioii that they should uot be taxed without represeuttiou. The resolutions reail as loliowa; "Having taken into consideration the evident tendency of that oppressive and unconstitutional act ot parlia ment commonly called tho stump act, and being desiiious that our sen timents should be known to posterity aud leoollectiug, Unit we are pur. Oi the colony who Pint iu general assem bly openly expressed their deluslutiou to tho said act l which is pregnant with ruin aud productive of the mosl jieruioious o Jn iu i uuces) ami unwill ing to rivet the cuacklea in Inter' anil oppression on ourselves an t mil lions cl unburn, luue unanimously come to the miiuvWiiK lesclutiuns: '1. Kesulvuil, liial we iicaunwl- edge our Lord and 8ovoieigii, King Cleorgo 111, to be our nglitlul aim lawful king uni that we will, at till times, to tne utmost of our power aud ability, support and doloiui his most sseieu peisi.n, crow n iinu dig nity, and shell always be ready when constitutionally cube 1 upon, to nssiMl his majesty, with our lives ami ioi -tuiies; and to defend his just rights aud prerogatives. "i Kesoivod, lliitt we will, uy all lawful wuyn aud means which Divine provideucu has put into our hands, defeud ourselves iu the lull enjoy ment of, and preserve inviolate to posterity, tbose inestimable privileges of all freoboru iiri.ish subjects, ot be ing taxed only by representatives ol their own choosing; and of Loing tried by none but a jury of tueii peers. Aud Unit Jit wo quietly.submit to the execuliou of tho sanl stamp act, all our claims to civil liberty will be lost, aud we aud our subjects in America are deprive 1 of the invalu able privileges atoremuiiuouod. "3. Kosulved, That a committee be appointed who ahull, in such man lier us tbey think propei, go upon uecesHUiy btiHiuuss ami mulie public the ubovu rusolulioiiM, and that they correspond as they shall see occasion with the Associated Huns of, and friends to, liberty iu the other lirit ish colonies of America." As a result of the adoption of the resolutions Lord Dunmure, the Urit isb colonial governor, made a demon stration boloto Morloik und several shots weie tired Into tho city Ironi the frigate Liverpool, as a rootilt oi this aud oiliiu outiages, tliu Norfolk people were ready lo tarow ulf ,.di au thority and join with tho other col onies whou llie Philadelphia declina tion of iudepoudouoe was promul gated. Improvement Suggestions. An article uu the beautifying of towns uud cities iu the Municipal World urates that a town's highest charm does uot lie in palatial dwell ings or splendid public business structures, but rathei in the develop ment of its natural advantages, "lo city oflloiala belongs the duty of koop ing the streets iu good order, eliini ualiug unsightly telephone aud tele graph polos aud burying their wires, abolishing the smoke uuisunce, tail ing care of public buildings and their environs and pertormiiig ninny omer requirements iu the inlorcbt ul tue town's convenience, beauty and sani tation. "Hut everlhiug mui-t not be loft to town boards and councils. Kvery oc cupant of home, whether owned or routed, should teel underoljligulious to keep it iu good ordei so that the liuslgu, Illness of house and grounds may not be an eyesore to the public lu most towus local improvement so cietieg are doing much to promote the beauty and lietiltbfuluess of their ueighboi hoods, aud by the uid ot tnese societies many a once unattrac tive couutry village bus been made beautitul. " Effective A ivirtisinii'iit ol State Kalr. t he Oregon State Hoard ol Agricul ture is doing some etleetive advertis ing of the coming state fair to bo giv eu at S. ilo in under its uiamigoutout aud there is every reason to behove that the new style of publicity will be the means of greatly incrLasing the at tendance at the fair over what it hiu beeu during previous years. The latest bit of advertising is iu the form of a four-page circular just large enough tu slip into uu ordinary sized envelope uud ttiese are supplied to business men and others who will send them out with their correspond ence. The full text of the circular is s fol lows: "The Oregon State Fair is without doubt the grandest and the bent lau held on the l'.icilio c;ust, both m scope of magnitude aud alteudunce. No agiicultuiui ussorialiou can say tbey excel us iu any department, while on the other hand, we have man- advantages that other associa tions have not. "Tbe association owns 100 acres ct valuable land two miles from the city of Salem, the capital of the state, wlii'di is reached by electric car linos. The Houtueru Pacific passes through the mounds, where all local trains stop ; a depot has been erected aud sidetracks are built for the special purpose of caring for the many exhib its. "Lxtra precaution is used iu load ing aud uuloading tine stcok, which is one of tho best features of the fair; roomy stalls aud pens, newly white washed are provided foi breeders of blooded stock who make exhibits, aud a remodeling of the pavilion gives am ple room fcr the exhibits ot agiicul turo, horticulture, aud works of art. Special atleutiou has been given to tiiesauitry ooudi'.ious of the grounds, :2,titK) having been spent for the per fection of the same. The septic tank system ot sewerage was installed, aud is acknowledged ty pnysioians 10 ne the best, A ueneral cleau-up of the grounds aud the paiutiug of all build ings tend to make things clean and healthful. Kxtra precaution will lie used in the cleanliness of every de partment. . thus assuring the patrons of the fair protection from disease. Men thousand dollurs is appropri ated annually by the state tf Oregon, uot for the maintenance ot the lair, but for premiums awarded on live stock, horticulture, agriculluie, man ufacturing, aud works of art. The premiums olferred by this board iu the several classes will compare fav orably with fairs in the east whose magnitude is much gieater than ours. Not oue dollar of this amount is used for any other purpose. Special atten tion has been paid to the above de partments, and oompeteut superiu tendeuts have beeu selected to man- ago llie same, nay is iuiuisueu iroe to all livestock entered lor premiums. "The sneed department is one ol the greatest attractions. - No othet course cau ucast or so gooa a pro gram. Ten thousand dollars is given iu early closing stakes, this being the lurgest amount ever offered in the northwest. More high class horses are entered lor these races than in uny previous year. The track has re- eived special preparation to mane ll better than ever before, and the graud stand has been newly painted to make it more attractive. 'l'wenty awes, with the 'Majestic Oaks' furnishing the shade, is set apart for the benefit ot campers. Sheds for 210 head of horses have beeu tuilt for the housing of campers' horses. Streets have been laid out. the urounds aud stalls are olfered tree to those who wish to come and camp, lu conclusion will say, the state board asks the oo-operation ot all to make the fair of 1100 tho best iu tho history of the organization." Work On Hrhlse Slow. Although the railroad company has had huge forces of men and mohiuery at work for some time, progress on the new stool bridge which it is going to erect cross the Hood hiver at tins place is slow. Soundings taken to the depth of 80 feet have failed to locate bed rock and the company baa decid ed to utilize the cement pravel which underlies the river to a depth of many foot. Kngineors say that while they prefer bed rock as au anchorage for abut ments, comment gravel of this depth is stillicieut strong to bear auy weight that can be put upon it. The new bridge will be some dis tance below the present structure aud when completed will enable the com pany to eliminate several bad onrves that have been thetcanse of inuob de lay to trtllc and have nlso beeu the cause of a number of accidents. The abutments will bo sunk lu the river 'i. IVud. uiul mu snon hh t.hov arA in place tho steel work will be rushed I forward as rapidly as possible, llie building of the bridge is one of. the improvements on its line which the O. It. k N. recently appropriated sev eral million dollars fur and which when cptnpletep are expected to allow of much faster time being made. Merchant's. Investment and Trust Co. The Merchant's Investment & Trust company, of PoiUaud, Ore., whose adveitiseinent appears elsewhere In this paper, have issued a very attrac tive little booklet for free distribu tion containing intoi nix itiou about the scope and purpose of their insti tution. One point borne upon strong ly is tho advisability (or persons hav ing estates or Investments to look after, of placing their affairs in tbe hands ot this company. The Mer chant's Investment & Trust company argues that the proper care of es tatees demands a talent ot a high or der, and that individuals of stillicieut busiuess skill for handling estates us ully have alfairs of their own which prevent them from engaging in such a service for any other peisou. The Merchant's Investment k Trust company in soliciting business, calls attention to tbe fact that a trust com inn v never sleeps, never dies aud never ah founds. The company de dares its willingness to aooept ao counts of ull kinds, and states they are as ready to receive five dollars won 11 (it DUHiness as mej nie uvo thousand. Their booklet will be mailed to you free if you write aud ask for it. There is nothing so pleasant as that hriitht, cheerful, at-peace-with-the-world feeling when you sit down to your brciikfiiKt. There is nothing so conduc ive to good work and good results. The healthy man with a healthy mind and body is a better fellow, a bett-jr work man, a better citizen than the man or woman who is handicapped by some disability, however slight. A slight dis order of the Hlomach will derange your hoily, your thoughts and your disposi tion, (let away from tho morbidness and the lilucs." Keep your fftomach in tune and both your brain and body will respond. Little indiscretions of over eating can be easily corrected and you will be surprised to '(! how much bet ter man you arc Try a little Kodol Kor Dyspepsia after your meals. Sold by Williams' I'liarmacy. l'rof. Tyler, of Amherst college, said recently: "A man can live comfortably without bruins: no man ever existed without a digestive system. The dys peptic has neither faith, hope or char ity." Iay bv day people realize the importance of caring for their digestion; reali.e the need of the use of a little corrective after overeating. . A correc tivelike Kodol I'or Dyspepsia. It di gests wliat you eat. Sold by Williams' I'liarmacy HOOD RIVERITES TAKE VACATIONS THE TALL TIMBER ATTRACTS MANY A Few (in to the Seashore ami Many to Little White Salmon Some Take Driving ami Sea Trips. A general exodus of Hood River residents seems to be taking place at present aud those who cau spare the time from busiuess or the duties of the household ate seeking a cbauge of sceuo. While a few have gone to the seashore for their a uu mil outing, tho tail timber seems to lie the most pop ular spot, und many lesidents of Hood Kiver urj at present camped near the cooling iutluencei of Mount liuod aud Lost Lake. In tact quite a colouy of Hood Kiver people is es tablished there aud there is hardly a section of the city or valley that has not its representative camped near the famous lake. Trout Lake baa also its share of vis itors from this side of the river, num bering as its guests many from The Dalles aud dowujthe river points. The good load to Trout Lake is a drawiug feature for that rtsoit, something that Lost Lake lacks, but which it is aoou eyxpected to have. Uy those who have beeu up the Little White Salmon river it is said that it has nevei beeu so popular as this summer and that campers galore can be found along its shore iu quest of the ever elusive trout. While vacation trips of various kinds are being taken by some, others are turning their idle time to good ac count and have lound employment in the harvest fields. To young fel lows atteudiug school this klud of a vactiou is somewhat of a lark, but palls on the ordinary Hood Ki veil to who I is busy with his cultivator spraying apparatus, murketiug apples or talking ubout them eleven aud a hulf out of the twelve . onths of the year. The ordinary vacation, appealiug to some as slightly hum-drum, they have decided on something more out of tho usual course and have taken a diiving or sea trip. The latter was the kind of vacation selected by Mrs.r S. Davidson, sr.,ho left here July 15 for a trip to Alaska, arriving at her home in this city Friday very much benefitted iu health by the voy age. She speuks,iu glowing terms of the many uttructiuns of the trip and of the interseting tilings she saw iu that far northern latitude. Mrs. Duvidsou sailed for Atai-ka from the port of beattle ou the steam ship City of Seattle and stopped at many ports both going and return lug, among which were Vancouver, 11. 0., Sitka, Juueau uud Skugway. Sitka she describes s being a particu larly beautiful and interesting place, on aooouut of its old Oieek churches, which were built many yers ago by the Russian Inhabitants whou Alaska was under tbe dominion of tbe Czar. At Juneau the passengers were given au opportuiuty to indulge in the sport of fishing aud tho fish were so plenti ful there that tho deck of the steam ship was soou covered with halibut. The ship made several stops at Juneau both coming uud going uud the lu diaus there, eager to sail their wares, came alongside the vo-wel iu large ca noes, handing up their products to the passengers ou the ends of oars for inspection. Mrs. Dadvison says that while tbe baskets uud curios olfered for sale are both pretty and Interest ing, the! wily Indians of Alaska have discovered that tourists to that oouu try are expected to be separated from their money und do not hesitate to aK fabulous prices it or articles that it is said can be nought tneie during too winter for a song. At Skagway. the destination of the steamer, the party were allowed asboie for seven hours and many took ad- vautuoof the opportunity to go to tbe top of the famous White Horse Pass whioh can now be readied ny rauroau in throe hours, but which caused the gold stokers of the early Klondiko days many hours of weary toil aud suffering to make tho journey, ai Skugway winter coats and wraps were in order aud the steam had to be kept turned on iu the radiators to keep the passengers comfortable. The pleasure of tbe trip was marred by but one iucident whioh ocoured wheu it was ubout finished. Arrange ments had boen made to give a fare well dance on the last night before leaching Seattle. When the steamer left Vancouver it run into a severe storm, sending passeugors to their berths iu a hurry und causing every thing that was not secure to roll iu every direction. The piano, whioh had beeu unfastened in order to be removed to tbe main salon, was tossed about to such an extent that it Is said to tumod over three times before it was cauifht aud properly seemed. Naturally the dauoe did uot take plaoe under the circuniBtnces as most or the passengers were hanging over the edges of their berths unable to tuke any interest in a social function. Apart from this, Mrs. ijbvkisou, who was not Bick, but rather auxiotis, says the trip was a moBt doilghtful oue. Hoard of Equalization. Notice is hereby given that the Uoaid of Kqualizatiiou of Wasco couuty, , Oregon, will meet at the court house iu Dulles City ou the last Monday in August, l!KHi, aud remain In session one week, tor the puiposo of examining uud equalizing tho as sessment roll for the year 1000, as by lnw provided. All persons desiring to appear, before sr. id Hoard will please take notice. Dated at Dulles City, Oregon, this .list day of July, 1000. A. U. STOUSD1LL, Assessor. I nneocHsary Expense. Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea come on without warning and prompt relief must be obtained. There is no necessity of incurring the expense of ft physician's service in such cases if ChamlM rlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy is at hand. Ad iseof this remedy will relieve the patient be fore a docter could arrive. It has never been known to fail, even in the most severe and dangerous cases and no fam ily should be without it. For sale by Keir & Cass.