The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 02, 1906, Image 3

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Allegheny, Pu., is beiug treated to
dose of "benevolent aaaiiirlaticn,"
without the couaent of the assimi
lated. Burglarg broke iuto the apaitment
of a N. Y. poet the other uigbt and
while the poet was asleep carried otf
plunder to the amount of $5,1)00.
0( course they robbed him of the
dream he was haviug. CrooltCrool!
Alex Berkmau who has married
Emma Goldman, stands' a chance of
being indioted for bigamy, seeing that
he waa alieady wedded to Auu Archy,
Of oouree It "cbeera" Senator Alli
son greatly in bis illness, to have go
many of big fellow-Iowaug mentioned
for genator in case of a vacancy.
The Washington Post says that the
Socialists of Uermany are the most
potent faotor for peace la Europe
and yet the Kaiser calls out the
troops every time tbey bave a parade.
' It is understood, however, that
Pennsylvania railroad employes may
still be Bred for other offences than
picking up money and gifts that may
be Hung at them.-
When Congressman Wadsworth pie
sen ted bis inspection bill, the presi
dent sniffed as though the odor was
By this time the (statesman who
hasn't bad a quarrel with the presi
dent, la beginning to feel dreadfully
Just as if poor Boston isn't having
enough troubles with two tail-end
baseball teams, it now turns out that
ber packing bouses are no better than
those at Chicago.
Just now Kentucky can proudly
boast of more empty bottles than any
other state in the union. The whole
family was thirsty wheu they reached
J Chancellor Day's school bus shut
up for the summer, but his faoe is
ready to open up at a moment's no
tice, if anyone says boob to the Stand
ard Oil Co.
Readers of the Congressional Rec
ord will kindly be patieut. There is
still a prospect of uioie hot stuff ap
pearing in its columns during this
Ever since Col. Watterson grabbed
that front seat on the Bryan bonk
wagon, some people bave been afraid
he intends to monkey with the steer
lug gear.
It is a little too early in the season
yet for the Nebraska prairies to be on
tire with enthusiasm for Bryan.
Life would be duller than a Wednes
day prayer meeting for the Europe
ans, if it were not for Mi. Bryan,
Mr. Rockefeller and the Longworths.
The Frenchman: who tried to give
John D. Rockefeller a thousand dol
lars, has piobubly discovered by this
time that Brother Rockefeller wants
it in bigger chunks than that.
It Is a very unusunl line of advertis
ing that Secretary Shaw '8 boom has
been getting of late
Several congressmen are strongly in
favor of passing the pure food bill,
since the country intends to force
them to do it.
There was always reason to suppose
that oongiess would pass a statehood
bill some time, if it kept working long
Speaker Cannon should handle with
care the pure food measures as u pres
idential boom may be made or un
made thereby.
In Mr. Rockefeller's judgment, ap
parently, all that France needs to
make it an ideal couutiy, is a Stand
Oil Co.
If there is anybody else anywhere
who would like to report ou the stock
yards situation, and has not already
done so, let bim speuk up at once.
W. J. Bryan jr., U going to enter
the navy, if be will first make ar
rangements to bave his father elected
president, promotions may come rap
Though the Vasblngton baseball
club continues to lose games Indus
triously, the cbance of ousting the
Boston team from lowest place, seems
almost hopeless.
After its period of jubilation has
passed, Oklahoma can settle down to
the serious work of making American
citizens out American Indiana.
Though down and out and almost
friendless, Dowie can yet congratulate
himself that be never nn. a United
States senator.
Senator Depew is leading the simple
life under the direction of a celebrat
ed athlete. Doubtless be expects to
go back to the senate, and gettle some
old scores.
It will be just like some fool report
er to spoil Mr. Bryan's bome-coming
as soon as he steps on the wharf, by
asking bim bow be is now standing on
tbe question of the sacred "rasto. "
The election of United States senat
or by "popular vote" has hit a popu
lar ohord.
Tbe beef trust men assume great in
nocence but uot one of them has yet
offered to make a publio exhibition of
eating out of a can.
The Pennsylvania rail oad has
purged itself of graft charges. Two
clerks and an otlloe boy bave been
fired, to say nothing of the bigger
ones who bave been "jumped on"
with both feet.
Witte is coming here again. It will
seem like home to bim with all the
blasting that is going on.
Until Senator Aldriob makes up his
mind, nobody can tell when congress
will adjourn.
Tbe Czar is learning what it feels
like to bave a oougress ou bis bands.
Apparently, too, the nomination is
coming to Mr. Bryan witnout tne ex
penditure by him of a cent for cam
paign cigars.
Another delightful feature of life in
France Mr. Rockefeller may bave not
ed is the absence of process servers
armed with subpoenas.
Another rich railway magnate hag
taken up a residence in New York
though tbe assessors in that city may
experience some ditilculty in estab
lishing the fact.
Contrary to expectations, Mrs.
Longworth has not done anything to
startle London society. Judging from
tbfe way Lonon people talk, some of
them expected ber to eat pie with a
Talk about tbe law keeping million
aires out of the United States senate!
Tbe police couldn't do it.
It seems to be as difficult to get the
Panama canal through congress as it
is to get it through tbe isthmus.
Tb consumer will soon worry less
our tha insnectiou tag ou bis roast
than be does over the price tag.
Pittsburg keeps choking in its effort
to swallow Allegheny.
Louisiana baa declared for Bryan.
Andrew Jackgon will be getting jeal
ous i' this thing keeps up.
Cnl Rrrno's friends declare he
would liln a little hearty cppoaition
foi tbe nomination. He will doubt
less get all be wants In tbat line after
the nomination.
After looking over his record, no
one will grumble because President
Roosevelt draws his salary during
u vacation.
Wishing to show himself abreat-t
of the latest styles iu monarchical
circles, King Alfonso bas just bad
a cabinet crisis.;;
Let not the owners of the Demo
cratic party think tbey will remove
Tom Taggart Irom tbe chairmanship
wltn any thing less than a derrick.
If it be true that the J ipnnese keep
tbe Emperor of K:rca nr'souer in hig
own palace, he la In u osition to
sympathize with the Czar, who
doesn't dare to walk abroad either.
Doubtless what Harry lha feels
worst, about prison life, is tbat lie
has to keep regular hours.
Mr. Cleveland will be in the West
on a fishing trip when Mr. Bryan ar
rives in New York. Heretofore Mr.
Bryan bas been handicapped because
so many Demooiats put otf their
summer fishing until election day.
Senator Bailey bag reserved a seat
in tbe Bryan band wagon but Mr.
Hearst and Gov. Folk still seem to
rrefei tbe exercise of walking.
Iu Vinoennes, Ind., rival ice com
panies are at war and almost giving
ice away. Tbat is a game of ''freeze
out" that tbe consumer can appreci
ate jutt now.
Mrs. Thaw bas announced that she
intends to "tell all" and those of us
who baven't forgotten how-, may as
well prepare to blush.
One of the Toledo ice dealeia who
got squeezed, is named Lemmon.
Tne addition of a few other ingredi
ents, would now add considerably to
the enjoyment of the occasion.
Later developments seem to iudica-
cate that .the heavy transatlantic
travel is not due so much to foreign
attractions as to borne detractions.
Forest Fire Near Detroit.
Albany. Ore., July 30. A forest Are
of considerable proportions is burning
some of be finest lumber In tbe Cas
cades near Detroit. Several hundred
persons are lighting tbe tire, wblcb,
if not soou put out will do immense
damage. Tbe (Ire started near the
Santiam river last week.
Three Thousand Men Needed In Xavy.
Washington, July 30. Tbe navy de
partment finds itself short by about
3,000 enlisted men of the needs of the
navv. caused by tbe building of new
ships, discharges, deaths and other
Tbe department proposes to have a
big reserve force ou hand as easily as
possible, and to this end instructions
bave been sent to recruiting officers
everywhere to stir themselves and get
all tbe good men needed.
Dowie and Vollva Ousted.
Chicago, July 30. After months of
struggle tbe fight between John Alex
ander Dowie, founder of ftlon City
and first apostle of tbe Christian
Catholic church, and Wilbur Voliva,
who usurped bis authority, and Over
seer Granger has come to an end, all
three being ousted by Judge Laud is.
of the federal court, tbe people of
Zion being given self-government.
The fight for the control of Zion
City has been waged long and bitterly
and it is with a sigh of relief tbat tbe
people who have invested their sav
ings welcome be decision made to
day at Chicago.
The court deposed Dowie, V. liva
and Granger and oid-red tbe elo' tiou
under tbe Illinois laws, each Zionite
over 21 voting, for a spiritual brad.
Tbe temporal and finnnoial affairs
are to be administered by John C.
1 lately, who is appointed receiver.
Ironiiii? Board.
, I bave just made up au assortment
of these necessary articles, also hare
tbe material to make them to order.
ExperieuoeJias taught what kind give
the best service, also what to make
tbem of to prevent warping, checking
or extracting pitch.
Yours for anything in tbe carpeu
teiing line.
F. G. COE,
Opposite O. B.Hartley's Res.
Phone 571.
Facts Worth Knowing.
Our little daughter Gladys, suffered
for some time for causes unknown to
us until we bad to keep ber out of
fchool. We finally took her to our
physician who recommended nerve
treatment of the eyes. So we took
ber to Dr. W. F. La raw ay and had
glasses fitted. Soou after she bad one
slight attack and now we consider ber
perfectly well.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crosby.
In this state it is not necessary to
serve a live days' notice for eviction of
a cold. Use the original laxative cough
syrup, Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
Tar. No opiates. Sold by Williams
Brautifully located in Portland, Orerofi,
often umurpasied (acilitiei (or the cul
ture and education of younf women. Special
opportunitiea in Music. Art. Languages and Liter
atcre. Well equipped Physical and Chemical Lab
oratories. Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet, The
largest and oldest Ladies' Seminary in the Pacific
Northwest, it enjoys a national reputation for im
parting the bent physical, mental and moral train
in if and developing true womanhood. Equips
me ally and educationally for the most exalted
station. Confers Academic and Collegiate Dejrreea
by State Authority. Interference with convictions
of non Catholics is scrupulously avoided. Academy
Is i.leally located, amid inspiring scenic advan
tages. Social opportunities such as are available
in no other city on the Coast. Buildings large and
cor.-.nmdious. well lighted, heated and ventilated:
dormitories and private rooms supplied with all
ni' tlern conveniences. The institution is liberal
ai.d itroeressivt without sacrificing the character
ti.A traditions of age and achievement. Terms
I -li st. Satisfactory references required. Write for
a .uurement booklet. Board and tuition $IH0 per
e;ir. Address SisterSuperior. St. Mary s Academy
FOI.f.lir ui. jVE, OREGON.
A high-g-vos College With
St". 7i f t.GJIPMENT.
Beautifully Inc.! twenty-six miles
from Kri. . i,l
Full regular o..le'e iouisjs.
Academy givr.- string preparatory and
High bchjvl c Lrses.
Conservatory i.f J.i j and School of
Art, will , u,.oi.oi instructors.
Business Lran.h.s ujiit
Gymnasium and I .-.-Id Athletics under
a Physical i ct.,r
Well-equipped L;. -oratories.
Library cf 1 3. t Volumes.
Healthful soc.ul l.e religious influences.
All student enterprises active.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
Is not a secret or patent medicine, agalnft
which the most Intelligent people art
quite naturally averse because of the un
certainty as to their harmless character,
but Is a medicine or kkowh composition,
a full list of all It ingredient being
printed, in plain English, on every bottle
wrapper. An examination of th la lilt of
Ingredient will disclose the fact that It
is non-alcoholic In its composition, chem
ically pure glycerine taking tbe place oi
the commonly used alcohol, in Ita make
up. The "Favorite Prescription" of Dr.
Pierce is In fact the only medicine put up
for the cure of woman s peculiar weak
nesses and ailments, sold through drug
gists, that does no contain alcohol ami
that too in large quantity. Furthermore,
It is the only medicine for woman's special
diseases, the Ingredients of which have
tha unanimous endorsement of all tha
leading medical writers and teachers of
all the several schools of practice, and
that too as remedies for the ailments for
which "Favorite Prescription" is recom
mended. A little book of some of these endorse
ments win be sent to any address, post
paid, and absolutely free if you request
same by postal card or letter, of Dr. R.
V. Pferce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Don't forget that Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, for woman's weaknesses and
delicate ailments, is not a patent or secret
medicine, being the "Favorite Prescrip
tion "of a regularly educated and gradu
ated physician, engaged in the practice
of his chosen specialty that of qlseases
of women that Its Ingredients are printed
in plain English on every bottle-wrapper;
that It is tbe only medicine especially de
signed for the cure of woman's disease
that contains no alcohol, and the only
one that has a professional endorsement
worth more than all the so-called "testi
monials " ever published for other med
icines. Send for these endorsements a
above. Thay areres for tiie aslflng.
If you suffer from periodical, headache,
backache, dizziness, pain or dragging
down sensation low down In the abdomen,
weak back, have disagreeable and weak
Ing, catarrhal, pelvic drain, or are In
distress from being long on your feet, then
you may be sure of benefit from taking
I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the best lax
ative and regulator of the bowels. They
Invigorate stomach, livor and bowels.
One a laxative; two or three a cathartic.
C. P. R.
Next Door to McGuire Brothers.
Clothes Gleaned, Pressed and Repaired
All work done with Electric
Iron and guaranteed
Nature's Wondrous Handiwork
Through Utah and Colorado
('autlt'Gato, Canon of the Grand,
Black Canon, Marshall and Ten
nessee Passes, and the World
Famous Koyal (jorge.
Kor descriptive and Illustrated pamph
lets, write to
W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent
124 Third street, POttTLANU, OB.
Arrival and Departure or Malls.
The poRtofflce Is open dally between 8 a.m.
and 7 p. ni.; Sunday trnr 12 tol o'clock. Malls
for the KhsI i'lus' nt II. a i. m., 8.10 p. m. and
9 p. m.; for the West, at ' 30 p. m. and p. m.
Tli carriers on K. K. li. routes No. 1 and t
leave the postoitlce at 8.30 a. m. Mall leave
For ML Hood, dally at 12 m.; arrives 10.20
a. m.
For Underwood, Wash., dallyexcept Sun
day, at I:; m., arrives at 11 a. m.
For White snlmun, Wash., daily at 12 m.;
arrives at II a. in.
For Hood Illver, dally at a. m.; arrives at
2 p. in.
For II iisiini, Trout Lake and Guler, Wash.,
dally at 7.4! a. in.; arrives 5 p. m.
For lilenwimd, Fulda and Gilmer, Wash.,
daily hi 7.:10 n. in.; arrives at h p. m.
For Pine Flat and Hnowden, Wash., at 1 p.
m. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives same
days at 12 m.
For Btngen, dally at 4.15 p. m.; arrives at
8.4- a. in.
East bound
No. 2, t'b Icairo Special, 11 :45 a. m.
No. 4, Hpokane Flyer, 8:1)5 p. m.
No. , Mall and Express, 10:42 p. m.
No. 8, lie) a. m. No mull.
No. 24, Way Freight, 12:15 p. m.
No. 22. Fast Freight, 4:06 a. in.
West bound
No. 1, Portland Special, 2:35 p. m.
No. H, Portland Flyer, 5:38 a. m.
No. 6, Mall and Express, 4:42 a, m.
No. 7, 3:40 p. in. No mail.
No. 28, Way Freight, :25 a. m.
No. 56, Fast Freight, IK p. in.
Union Depot Leave. Arrive.
Chicago-Portland Special for
the East via H untlngton, dally 9:90 am 5.-00 pm
Kpokane Flyer for Eastern
Washington. Walla Walla,
Iewlston, ( 'wur d' Aleneand
Ureal Northern points, dally 6:15 pm 8:00 am
Atlantic Express for the East
via Huntington, daily 8:15 pm 7:15 am
l'ortlanil-HlKK local, for all
points between Biggs and
Portland, daily 8:15 im frOOpm
3 Trains to the East Daily
Through Pullman standards and tourist
sleeping cars dally lo Omaha. Chicago, Hpo
kstte: tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas
City: through Pullman tourist sleeping car
t'rtersonaallv conducted! weekly to Chicago.
Rf lining chair cars (seats free) to the East
" KOFPaST ( )R I A "arid fcSTprM T5:6o pTM
way points, connecting Dally Dally
with steamer for II viacu except except
and North Beach ateam-l Sunday, Sunday,
er Hassalo, Ash street Saturdav,
dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M.
FOR nyun, Oregon 7:08 A. M.
City and Vainhlll Rlv l Dally
er point. Ash street except
dock (water per.) Sunday.
7:30 P. M
rOR LEW ISTON, 1:40 A. M
Idaho, and way points,
from Rlparla, Waah. j
4K P. M
orr-ica Horaa
Freight House 8 a. m. to 12 noon: 1 to i o.
m. No freight received or delivered after 6
p. m.
Passenger Depot Hours tor delivery of ex
press and baggage will be 8 a. m. till 8 p. m.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
H. W. BOYLE, Agent, Hood River.
White Salmon-Ilood lliver
Two big sail boats, two
big perfectly safe gasoline
latinchea and two big ferry
scows. Expert sailors in
charge. Boats leave nt all
Licensed Ferrymen.
Wood For Sale
All Kinds af. Jowest
Market Price.
Prompt delivery, phone, Murray Kay.
Best line of Cigars in
the City
Also handle line of
Pipes, Tobaccos and
Fishing Tackle
Leave Hood River 8:00 a. m. Leave Dee 4:00 p. m.
On June 10th, and each Sunday there
after, Mount Hood Railroad will run an
Excursion Train between Hood Rve r
and Dee.
A more pleasant trip than
a few hours ride through the
Beautiful Hood River Valley
cannot be taken and the
Fishing' in immediate
vicinity of Dee is unsur
passed. Round Trip $1 Round Trip $1
Tickets on Sale at Office, Mount Hood Hotel.
Hunts Paint
Wall Paper Co.
Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH
Our Btock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, (jilts
and high Grades, From 10c up. A full stock of room
molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of
novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCLMO, the
latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order.
Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc.
Phone 671. First and Oak Streets.
R. II. WEBER, Prop.
Eertfrn, Roses and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation.
Houses and Lots
are many, too many
to print here, but if
you are interested in having the BEST get acquainted wit h
Oliver Steel and Chilled Plows
Moline Orchard Disc Buckeye Cider Mill
Sharpels Tubular Cream Seperator
Kimball Cultivator
Bean Spray Pump, Aermoter Wind Mill
Syracuse Spring Tooth
Acme Harrow Buckeye Force Pump
Vehicles and Farm Machinery
Coe's Addition
Cheap for Cash or on
your own terms.
Now is the Time to Buy.
Phone Farmers 1233.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Free Delivery. Phone 931
Summer Outing's
Yellowstone Park
The Finest Place in America for a vacation of a week, a month or the season.
Special Excursion Rates East in July, August and September during Park season. Tickets will
permit of Stopovers, affording an opportunity to visit the Park at a slight additional axpense.
St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, and
the East.
Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, St.
Joseph and the Hast.
Livingston and Gardner Gateway
is the Government Official Entrance
Send Six Cents for Wonderland, 1906 Full particulars on Application at
Ticket Office 255 Morrison Street, Corner Third
Or by Letter to
A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent