Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906) I'', '."'I1'1'1.'1 - - ir r arTfflk, mnn - I.') , ii 3 '3 s igiki-i VOL. XV11I. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, AUGUST 2, 1906. 12 SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVKK COM. M KIWI AU'I.UH-Meels every hwuiiiI MiiiiilKy in each inoiilti at 8 p. in., In Uie club rtiuiiiB over Jackson's store. H.K. IMViusoN.l'res, A. P. Mok, Hecretary. HtK)U RIVKK UHKiE NO. 106, A. F. and A. M. Meets Hnlurday evening on or beror earn full moon. A. a. hi.owkkm, w . ju. D. McDonald, Secretary. HOOD RIVKR CH APTKK NO. 87. R. A. M. MeeUIlrst and third Friday nights of eack lllOlllll. V. MCDONALD, II. r. A. l. Mok, Secretary. HOOD UIVKK t'HAITKK NO. 86, O. E. 8.- Meeta second anil fourlli Tuesday evening oleacu mouth. Visitors cordially welcomed. Mas. T. J. Kinnaikd, W. M. Mas. Thkkksa C'astnkk, Secrsuiry. IIII.KWII.DK I.nlXlK NO. 107. 1. O. O. K, Meets in fraternal hall, every Thursday night. K. O. i A rkott, N. u, Allbn Nkal, Secretary KIlKN Kvt'AMPMKNT. NO. 48. 1. O. O. J1'. Kegular ineetln second and fourth Monday! ol each month. 11. t. Cook, C 1. 11 C. HMlTll, Wcriue. L.UJKKL KKUKK AH DKUKKE IX1UE NO. SI, I. O. O. K-Meets flrnt and third Krlduy In eaeu mouth. Mas. E. W. Udell, N.O. Mas. Dora Thomson, (secretary. V. AUCOMA LODUE NO. 30, K. OK P. ileet ill K. ol P. hall every Tuesday mauL Thos. F. Johnhon, C. C. V. C. Brock, K.ol R. aud 8. UiiOiKIVKIICAMP,N0.7,7B,M. W. A. ,vlnel iu K. of 1', hall every Wednesday night. K. a Mavks, V. O. C. I). 1IAK1N, Clerk. HOOD RIVKK ClKOl.K NO. Ml, WOMEN OK Woodcraft-Meets at K. of 1'. hall on the tlrst and Third Fridays of each month. Lou M( Kkvnoliw, U. N, V. W. McRbyholos, Clerk. 1UVKKHI1E LU1IUENO. lis A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Saturdays of each mouth. F. U. Blaoo, M. W. E. K. uh.adi.isy, Financier OIKHTKH HHUTK, Recorder. OLKTA ASSEMBLY NO. 103, UNITED ART-ltaus.-Meel, the Hrst aud third Wednes days, work: seooBd and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' hall. U. W. Thompson, M. A. C. D. Hk.nkich, Secretary. COURT HOOD KIVER NO. , FOREWTERS of America, Meets secoua and fourth Mon days i u each mouth In K. of r. hall. SKNKCA F. tours, C. R. F. C. Uuosms, F. C. . (AM1Y POUT. NO. lti.O. A. R. MEETS AT a i it u hull. M-con.l and lourth Satur days of each month si 2 o'clock p. in. AH O. A. K. meinueis invited to meet with us. H. A. kkinnkk, uouimanuer, Thomas Gobs, Ailjuiaut. CANUY W. It. No. 11-MEETS SECOND and loiirlli s-utiiniH8ul each Month In A o. U. Vt . hull ul I p. in. Ulount, President. Ukkthchk It. InoLks, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 84U9. R. N. A. Meets at the K.ol V. Hall on the second and fourth Fridays ol eaeu moniu. Mas. cakkik Hkosius, 0. Mas. Ella 1akin, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AM) SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. M'liUKuN O. H. JtN.Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN aNU SURGEON. Successor to 1 r. M. R Slinw. Calls promptly answer ;d in town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, till: Office, (113. Oilice In I In liiosius nullitlng. DR. J. EDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office over the Kirst National bank. Olllce phone 11:13. Ites. phone 7tXl, M F SHAW, M. D. Oilice in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. H71. Residence, No. WJ. Dlt. M. H.KilAKP DR.liUNA B. SUAKH Osteopathic Physicians Graduates ol the American School of Osteoputhy, Kirksville, Mo. Office ami Hesidence Huxley Cottagf, Kiver street. l'honeir) Hood Iiivkb. F. 0. HKOSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or ll. Oilice Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 3 audtu7 1". M. H. D. W. PINEO,D.D.S. DENTIST Ckown Bkukik VYukk a Spbcialty. Oflice over Kirst Natiunul Bank Telephone Main 311 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones: Oilice 283; residence 1045 Oilice over liuller Bank, lloon Kivku, Okk, M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VE1EKISARV SIRtiEOJi In prtnarml to do any work In the veterin ary Una. He can tie round by calling at or pli nlng to Clarke 8 drug store. A.JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practice In All Court. otAr wlrli . ! C'ulberUon A Co. Col lect'onn, Ahilrncl. Kettlcnient of Ftaten. HOOD KIVER. OKE SENECA F. FuUTS Attorney at Law Uroxius Huildint; HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. j JOHN i.KLAND HEXDEUSON : ATTOKXKY-AT-LAW, ABHTltACTER, NO ' TAKY PL'HI.ICaml HEAL tXTATE AliKNT. For 1 yeam a resident of O eg-on and Wanli tiiKton. Haa liad many year" experience in j RchI Estate mutter, :u abtrator,i'aruherof titled and airenu Mnijsfaciion guaranteed r no charge ! H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I am qualified and prtpmi to do all kinds of lirKtclaHB land surveying. Accuracy Ruar AD'ttHl. Ttuwe who win ' Urnt-clawt work done ftUJi-tna H. K. t. 2., liood Kiver. tione fiuxl. SEE J. H. HEIL6R0NNER &C0. FOR Fruit Lands, City Property, Investments, Fire Insurance, Burglar Insurance Accident Insurance Our List of Bargains in real estate interest you will J. II. Heilbronner & Company Fruit Lands, Real Estate and Insurance G ron ml Hour new Davidson lihlg. HOOD RIVER ami I'ORTI DND, ORE. Hood River Studio -KOR- First-Class Photographs We have the latent In mount and can en Hep I a. SiitUfjictlon yuuirtitWd. I., ,'.,r. Illw.f Is. i .. .... !!.. I... .i. I W. D. ROGERS, Prop. BON TON ..Barber Parlors... The place to set an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths In Connection O. B. GRAY. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEEK. j R . JONES, Dentist ! Crown and Bridge Work. ! Teeth Without Plates. 'I ivatmelit of (llaeaMed teeth and gums. Oilice ltroeius Buikliu. Pbotie li)Xi. Eureka Meat Market MetiUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats, Lar Poultry, Fruits and Venetaliles. Free Delivery. Phone Main 36. F. G. COE Carpentering Phone 671 IMiHTANLIY, E. L.HM1TH, K. O. BLANCIAK rres. vioe-rres. lasuier. V. C. liKiKK, AhhI. Cashier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital and Surplus, $.'10,000. iMlAtrMISTf Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Make surveys, nlaus and stimates for 'W er, lltfht and power and railway plants, and furnish, suhji-ct to approval, plans, Nwcttica vions ana estimates ror all classes or Dunamirs public, private and mercantile. Special at wniion givan to economic ana siow-Durnin( coustrncuon. AHCurucy ana etxiuoiny guar- auloed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREC.ON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder tUkn AM EtTIIUTM FvaititHas. FREDFRICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS BflUnatoilnrnlihsd on all kindiof work Phonefl: J3SiJf.-ift. SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Ilecoratire Painting and Paper Hanging Plane furnished. Eti mates care fully made. HOOD RIVKR, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect Having had Beveral yearH' experienoe In drftftlng and bulldln.I would rotpectftilly solicit n part of ihe patrttuakte of the peple ol Hood Kiver who antlcli( building. Term reftiwuuble, a id Hutlffaction guaranteed. Of fice at residence on HeiglitH. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER I'lione m Figuret! mid eMinmti's furnislied on all kinds of building itntl contracting. ASSOCIATION of McMiuiivilli'. Oi ciron, will insure your property lit 00 per cent leas cost tlmn any ollu r ins.itulion. C. P. HOSS, Special Agent, II (Mid Itlver, - Oregon DOVER. IMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location aotne choice apple lands and tlniqcr claims; alao rellnQUlHhinenUi and land Ui BiTlpt. Call on or addresa, Wm. f. hand, Be. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. Hood River Dairy Delivered Morning and Eveding i ('an supply all orders from now on BRUNO TRANZ Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of the United (S ates and are in good posi tion Ui fell your Farm Property LOCAL AGEXTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. Dodge & Reid Carpenters, Cabinet Makers and Repairers We do repairing In wood and metal. Furni ture milking a dpeeialty. timm, bleycle, ete., repaired I'lione fi&l lioiil) HIVEK, OKK. WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. I have a new steam wood saw and am prepared to do nawin. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. Phnn 121. McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Prompt ale and quick returns Wholesale dealen in all kindi of First! and Produce. Consignment solicited 129 Front 8ttree, Portland, Ore. ' (Timber .and, Act June S, Is7tt. N0T1CK FOR PUBLICATION, llnlted Btntes Ind OfUce, The Da lies. Omniii. June 15. IHtH. Notice is hereliv given thai- in compllanc with the provisions oftheactorcoiiKreHsoijuiie a, is,n, eniuu-o An act for the sale of timber lands In Ih, states nf California, Oregon, Nevada ami Washington Territory," s extended to all the public land states by act of Auijust 4, lS'.rj, PAl L P. loi'l'I.I.Y, nrPnrtlsnd. eountv of MlllUlomull. stale of Oregon, has filed In this offloe htssworn stule- nient No. ata, for the purchase or the lot 4, section 4, lots I and i and 8K'HN E1-, of section No. 6. In township No. IN,. Rne No. UK., W. M. and will olfer proof U) show thai the lands sought are more valuable for the tiui bor or shine thereon than for agriciiliunii purposes, and t establish his claims to said laud before the Register and Kivelver at the land orHce In The Dalles, Oregon, on Hie 25th day of August, ItKMi. Heuaines as witnesses: Fred Kmutschy, ol Hood River, Oregon, and Nils f. olsen, of 1'orlland, Oregon. Any and all persnns claiming adversely anynt the above-described lands are request ed to tile their claims In this office on or lie lore the said &th day of August, MICHAEL T. Nol.AN. J21 ItiKistcr. KUMMO.NS In theClrenlt Owrt of the Stale of (iregou for Uie county of Wasco. Cameron T. Groat, PUIntIR, vs. AnetteUtoat, Defendant. To Anelte Uroat, defendant above named. In the name of the Htate of Oregon you are herebv required to appear aud suswer the complaint filed sgalnsl you In the atsive en titled suit on or tiefore the expirstion uf six weeks after the data of first publication m this summons which Is June liniii, and If you fail so to apisar and answer, the plsln t iff' will apply to the court for the r -lief prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: For a dtrriH' dissolving the marriage contract and mar riage relations extsllug between piiumin anil dt'lcndant and for such other relief as the com t may deem Just and equitable. This summons is published lu (he Hisul River Ulscier by order of the Honorable W. L. llradshaw. iiidge of said court, uiaile anil entered on the li in day of June, I'-ln.. CbAtlUf. M KAtlAN Attorney for I'minilil First oubllcation June 28. m. ijtmi puuucaiiou August, iu, jwk. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION United HuttM lJwd Office, The lulli', on gou, My vth, iwm.-wwiice ih ir-ivi-.v ihut in compliant who me provisions 01 in A I orcongretM of June 3. 1S7H. emit led "A Act for thewUe of Timber Laud in Hit' sum-sol ('Hllfornin, Gregou, Nevadu, nd WhhIiIiiUmi territory, 'UHtiXUmuea 10 fill vu puimc iitnu 8tu( by act of AukusI 4. JOHN 8. JHJWNKY, of Pendleton, county of Umtitlllu, slate of ( (lo gon, huM tliis day filed in thin office hi kwoi-ii Mtatcniml No. 2-rtt for the purcluixc ol I tie K!aN HWNKlj, (Mellon a and SK4NK'4 of Hertton No. 'M), in lowiiahtp No. 1 N., ihiiki No, 11 K., W. M , and will olter proof to show Ibttt the land mmght 1m more vaitnihle lor the timber or Ktom thereon than lur nun cultural purpoHHM, nd to enUiblUh his cluim tosaid iandH before the llegiRteraud Receiver at The EmlicH, uregou, ou the 20iii lay ofAu. gtiHt, 190t. He names as witneswes: John C. Foley, Ihin Koley and t'tyde K. Taylor, of 1'orlland, .Ore gon, and William DavU, or Hood Hiver, Ore gon. Any and all perwonH claim lug adversely any of the utMkvc dewribea land arc reqiiehied lo tile their ctnlniN in th!Kof!i(on or before the w. Id .'(Mh day ol AugiiNt, MOi. MICHAEL T. NOI.AN, jUuld Iteister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, United Htates ImuA Office, The Dalles, ore- ?ou, May 22, IMUti. Notle In hereby given Unit u eutupliHiiee with the provlnious of (lie net of Confess of Jiine 3, IS78, entitled "An act lor the bale of timber lauda in tile KtntcHoi' CHUfiirnla, Ongon, Nevada, ftiitlVajliuKton Territory," a i x tended to all the I'ublk- liHUd Slates by act ol Aug'lHt 4, IW2, WILLIAM H. A N DKRW8, of Waseo, eounly of Hnernian, suae of Oregon, turn llils day flled in thU office hn Nworn tttatemcnt No. 2n for the purchase of the WNK'i and FAaNV of Heeihm No. ;iO, in towuHhlp No. 1 N., range No. II K., W. M., and will ofter pnxifto allow that the land aought Is more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish h:s claim) to wild land before (ieorge T. i'rathcr, U. H. Commissioner, at bis oltice In Hood Klver, Oregon, on the Kith day of August, niuti. HcnurneaiiH wltnesnes: Archie c. French, Giltord i, Woodwoilh, itoy Woodworlli and Uuy Wood worth, all of Htnid Klver, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requeued to Hie their claims in this office on or before said liih day of Autfust, litoti. J7atf MICHAKL T.NOLAN'. Register. NOTICE FOU PC III 'CATION. United niateH Land Olllce. The Dal leu. Ore. gon, May IlKhi. Not ire is hereby giveu that in conipitanee wiin me provisions oi in fart ol CongrcMKof June li. 1HTS, entitled ''An act for the sale ol timber lands in the Htutes ol Call tornta, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter rltoi v." as extended to all the J'uhllc Ijind HUtteit by act of mrust 4, iwrj, AKT1HTK R 'I IKKT, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of On yon, ban this day tiled in this oft lee his sworn statement No. 2WI, for Ihe pu retinae of the lotH2, 8,4 and 5, of section No. lit, in town Hlilp No. 1 N., ruiiKe No. U K., W. M and will olfer prof to alu w (hat the laud sought In more valuable for its timber or alone than for gricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land bctore the Keg later and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the liOlh day of AuguHt, hKi. He namea uh wllncHHes: iwia m. Morse, Frank Chandler, Charles L. Morae and Wil liam F. Hand, nil of Hood Kiver, Oregon. Any and all persons clHlminjf adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said A)h day of August, MM. J7al6 Mil H A KL T. NOLAN, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for wasoo county. Thomas Henulngsen, Plaintiff vs. Alfreda Hcnnimrsen. Defendant. To Alfreda Henulngsen, the above named leten(lani:- In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required U appear and answer the complaint hied against you In the above en- titled court on or before August .Villi, iMt, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of in it rlmony now existing between you and plaln tltl, and for iuch other and further relief as to the court may seem meet ana equitable. nils publication or summons m mane by order of Hon. W. L. Kradshaw, Judge of the above entitled court, duty made aud entered ou the 181 h day of July, h', directing this summons to tee published once each week, for six consecutive weeks in the Hood Kiver Glacier, a weekly newspaper of general circu lation in w ast-o county, uretmn. Date of first publication July 19th. VMu. A. J. 1KKBY. jlil-aao Ally, for plaintiff. SUMMER SPECIAL To advertise our stamped lineni we will sell centerpieces like cut stamped on Pure hnen complete with floss to embroider. Regular value 90c Special 50c In ordering b? mail send post office or ex press roooey order and wientun tku paper 'SKe Needlecraff5Hob vSH.oT.,P0RILAHD01L WHITE SALMON FORGING AHEAD CAPITAL INVESTS IN BUILDINGS Klngcn Aw.ikcs I loin IN l.niwf Siren untl Vill('iiuiHi'tf W ilii More iii I rrn 'I'tinn for Share of llusincss. The tilHtiiiT tiiiiit toiik a trip to White Siilimiii Jii.-l t'i k iiml ln!i lie hud been tulil ut' t lie Uii -inns ,it I ruf tions lit the ihn'e by ie.-iileut:i lln ie he allimeil h rain ol Mill tur Ihe i n thiisiHHtn which every niie ha.- ur should have for hU or her imin-t inn. The ferrymen told tils puw.-i iif;ci t. as they imnintei the t.le tn I urn au.l look Inn k iK't'ii i oiui Uy and tiii would be well repaid, ami they ueie. No more iniiivineinu pr.nif of the beauty and prosperity ut' the Kiver valley, with the cih ne.-Uiiin in the hillrtide. can be fonnil tliaii Hie view iilforihul the hiijhtseef tlmn i lie steps leading to While tS.iliiinn. I'he.-e steps, by the way, nu nut tor the Hed and inlirni, but fur tiiu.-e -1 1-. n of tieart. met linn of limb. Oncem the top, however, the tired ledum attendant on the lon cliinli n tur'Ht ten in the admiral ion ot the leauliliil panorama ot the huu.-e ilotted nlie spieud out before the eve wiihthi majohtiu peak, enow eoveied .Ml. Hood, in the distance. An lai as the vet') base of the iiiini 1 11 can tie seou, evidences of tlinlt, ami proren. can, id! ot which has been accomp lished iu but a few years. 1'iuin lien cau be teen nlso aluinst every house in the city of Hood Kiver willi iis sprinkling of teen lawns ami shaili trees. However, to return to While Sal men, we find that the cucrp'lic t . -1 dents of that town have not been idie while Hood Kivui have. I ecu hu.y Ou all bides can be seen evidem is ul progress and push. New imihiii., either cotnpleted or in course ul erec tion, can be seen in every diieetiou. Simie of them !."' residences t 11 1 otli ei liusiuess, wliilu the .11 1- ul two uuw banks iiniuiuuce to 1 1.1 it or that capilal has invest iija'i : ,,nd found Mil opening lot Inline mel uieutii. MtitKes lull by uiMi laii woniun and ineinbets ul the .-l. iii sex as passengers on pleasiut and nn ca tion bout. Keal e-lite men hiisth about hhowiii stiaiieis baiainx and oppiirttlliities in Uie iat f.i wint; town, usiutt as their .uuu.iieiit t.iliio at present cotl.puicd witn tlm.-e a je.u "MO. llie pi oblem of a noud ' ply, which lias been a Mu ion- u White iSalnuiii. ii is said, nisi r 'I' solved by brin.'iiii' valer iiii i. tin t'nlii- A and town from llig Jluck Clock. A pany which lias been oi.iui' itieorporatud lias tiled on tm'iic.ieiit water from this st renin to supply all purposnH, both for Irtinntioii and household use. 'J he water comes from the ulaeiers of Ml.. Adams ami 1- oi)ll and sweet at till seasons of I he year. hue the water project is a very popular Olio with While Salmonite- the one that interests Ihem mo-t and is dear lo the heart of eveiy rancher where lon hauls are ncces-ary to market tlicir products, is the ilec trie rniiil. While some tear t t at. t In road will not tie built the uiajoriry, pinning their faith to the .iiilnence which the north bank road will have 01) Inline indll-trlii! den iupments on that side of Uie ri'.tr, are : ai.r'uine. The irniuotei s. of the .i:d ,-ay it will be built ami they uuht t.o l:imv One question which is i ceui vmu a Kood (leal ol allinllou ai.ion leading cilii u.- is '. hi ' her I in inn of tlie railroad will cant,.' lla to grow in the direction of bii;;: tin com ' town :eii, or ,p the whether it will spread back Vttlley. It is s.tid by I ho.-n inlcre; led that the mil oral place let the town Iu develop is lii the Milh y h- ie llie to pogiuphy of the country la hetlei adapted to buildini; pi,i,.oei. I in nucleus of a town alnad.s (;iov. n, and prosjierous, it is I houhi, by I hi land wise, will check any groulh in the direction of the laiiiuad. Ihe opponents of this idea point to the fact that urban cjowlh is naliunl in the direction of the railroad station and argue that the hind Hum I, to the present town is really in ea.-u r one than that from the pre.-, nl boat landing to the same place, bani'le-iv back in the valley, it is said, would rither go to liincci) than to the White Salmon boat landing, in this argiiiiient the aducrentH of the pie . i nt town reply that theie is no necessity for many of the residents goiiutn either the boat landing or Die station, as goods of all kinds are hauled, up from there and that it is not. Jil.elv that they will diive a mile ami a hail each way simply fur the purpo.-i: ul seeing the station. All, however, Hilmit that I he town site at liingeit is an admirable one. lopogtiiphically it is pcr'n. I. Tin re are said to bo about l.i'ou acies llano availublu foi lots and that the i.wni-r.-of the property have already been ap proached by several large real e. tale firms who have oll'ered to purcha-i large tracts at a good llgure, with the intention of laying out strceU and selling the lots by advert ii-iiig. f,o fur those oilers have inel with nfu.-al as the owners aie not inclined to turn over luoir pru erfy fo speculat ors. Tlinro is. nevertheless, a v y i ill. awiikening in the ilei j y I ttle in .mi where many u pioneer in tin., e ,n -try first ect foot and which many year ngo was known us White Salmon be fore its m .re modern and I u It y iinl usurped tiie name. Xew Ifeiiiidy hir Snake Hit'-. II. O. ('niton came op troni I'mt ! land Haf u-tl ,y on a living vi.-ii to h, ! ranch we-t of town. W l.ije ;t ;t , I ', ranch a flue Scotch Celtic pop diid. ! j It was a registered dog, o.-slini! hii.; j I til dollar, and was benqi haim .! ioj work around the farm, lie ren'.-j the loss of the dog very much. a-, il j was a very fine one. .Mr. C 1 1 n .-ays , that in cnuvcrsiition with Mr. ' .. i I'. Sargent, who bin the llin..! ranch, that guntl'-iii'in spoke of a ty! effective remedy for snake biles. Air. ' Sargent spent son c time in .oevioi, where he was interested in a rubber j plantation. Snakes in that country; are in uiy and very poi-i tious. Alen j were frequently bitten, ami it was j necessary that prompt action bo taken I to save life. They found the most effective r'tnedy was to cutout the wound at once w ith a knife, bind the leg or arm tightly to arrest the flow ol blood, aud then pour ammonia in to the wound. This remedy was found lo el! ect a cure iu all cusses w hen a.iplicd at once. lie suggested lhat it would be a good plan lo have ammonia in the house, aud iu vaao a rattler should bite a person, the rem edy could be used. Kattlers are so tew iu this section that they are sel doni found, jet it is well to know what, to do iu case of misfortune. New Telephone Line ('(inqili'ti il. Ihe new telephone line of the Alt. Hood Company was completed last week ami as soon as mi exchange is cslnlilashed at Alt. Hood the company will be ready tot business. The new line cunuei'ts with the 1'acilic States Company tit Hood Kiver opposite I h teller's store and the AH. Hood ( onipauy has made arrangements wilh the 1 acihe Slates to use its exchangi service iu this city. I lie new company will be able to serve as many subscribers as wish to conned. As an inducement to those who wish to take advantage of the eon veniences ol their lino the new com pany olleis to build one quaikcr mile ol line from the main line free, the stili.- rilier to stand the expense of the remaining distance. This concession v ill include most of the residents along the line and the company is ex pecte to open lor Dusluoss Willi a gootl list of so besri tiers. e llnats ror While Salmon Ferry 1'ierson A Dean, the White Salmon tcrryincH, will soon increase their Heel, of boats with the addition of two launches, one 'Jli feet long aud tin other in fed long The formet will He placed in commission in few days out the linger boat will not be ready lor use until the early part of Septem ber. When it an ives tho ferry com ;auy will have six boats at their com- naiid anil will be prepared to take pai l ies lo most any puint ou tho riv- r between the Locks and The Dalles. I'hu latgest, of the craft will soat 40 passengers ami has cabiu finished villi oak mid ail coiivoniences for u day's cruising. Parties wishing to lake a day's out ing on the river will be accommodated and the demand vhieh the ferrymen have bad so fre quently this summer for transporta tion lo points ou the north bank will be supplied. Sees Kiif lllust of Atfth Hank. I!. A. (liltord went down the river mi the north bank opposite Alosier Tuesday evening to secure a picture of the monstrous blast set olf at that place. A thousand kegs of giant pow der were set oil' nt once and a niotin lam blown into the Columbia t iver Mi. (iilt'oril in describing it said that ii was the greatest sight he had ever witnessed. The blast occurred nt 0:15 p. in., ami the noise was little more than would be caused by a huge lire ci acker. When the mountain of rock sir tiok the river, the water was thrown tar out iu nil directions, and weeds and willows from the bottom were noon noticed Hunting on the surface of the stream.--Optimk.t. Is Neurlng Neb aska. A letter from Kni Aleeker to a I 'idles friend was dated at (iiterusy, Wyo.. July 15, ami tells of his pro ress in marking the old Oregon trail. Thai point, be says is 1210 miles from I he Dalles and huo miles to Omaha. Ihe trip is Hearing its close aud the old gentleman expresses himself as plescd wilh the result. Eighteen iiiuniinieiits have been erected, the hie.ii water mark being reached last wick nt Casper where n iKilKJ monu ment was erected to the pioneers. A liiiiking fountain will be placed iu connection with it. W ill Make li natiirieil Alcohol. W ithin the next six months distil leries aro to be installed at the sugar lactones iu t'tah and ldiilio, according Lo the Salt Lake Herald, lor the lnan ofactute of tlcnatiirizeil alcohol, tleu eral Manager Thomas K. Cutler, of Ihel'lah Sugar company, said last night that iuvestigalioiis were being eai l ied on along this line to obtain ihe alcohol from molasses, theuncrys laliied syrup produced in the maun ! acinic of beet sttgai. l''roiu this product, which contains a large tiBr- eontiigo of sugar, quantities of alco hol cau be pioduced ut low cost. Tho removal of the government tax on do natiitied alcohol has opened up large possibilities in the manufacture tor ihe arts ami a substitute for gasoline lor motive power. (Jem State Kunil. To llrltlgc Die Columbia. A movement has been started by local business men, backed by promi nent politicians in the Yakima valley, lo secure an appropriation for a wag on btiilge across the Columbia here, f ays the Konowick Courier. Pasco people are also interested in the pro ject, and will line up their side of the Columbia to a man for the new pro ject. It is evident that two adjacent towns like Pasco and Kennewick will l ave a i'i" laiitly increasing travel by load In Iweeii them. These towns will l o the business center of all this I' tiioii. iiml now is the time to lay I laiis to accomodate this travel by i nsj coinniiiiiiciilicu between the ' i.mis. ihe bridge would be a deoid- I help to the business interests of ttin toAiis and would increase their i otomeicial importance, and the I rui;'" v oiihl be the only one built in din locality for some years to come. 1:1. suite is appropriating large aioiinU tor slate muds where they , in necessary, ami 'he same argument i nub! justify the rxpenilituie for Ibis I ridge which would be an improve i n ut as general in usefulness as any i "ad now being constructed in the i !..te. I iiiii'cev.arv Expense. ', v-i 1 1 1- attack.- of colic and diarrhoea i i;e tai w .1 otiiii wattling ami prompt i ! a i miM be obtained. There is no it --'ty of incurring the expense of a !isician's s:ei vice in such cases if i bamlicihiin's Colic, ( bolera and lliur t cea lo-mcdy is at hand. A dime of i ,;. remedy will relieve the patient be I a doobT could an ive. It has never I ecu know ii lo fail, even in the most - . re nail dangerous ca.-es and no fam i!y should be witlimit il. For sale by i.'-:r iS. I a-s. For Hint. For a long term of years, south half i f llloek 8, l'arkbtirsl, and three acres ts.t of l'arkhtirst. W.J. liuker & Co. FALL APPLES FOR EUROPE NEW DEPARTURE FOR HOOD RIVER Ilixnl Klver Apple (ironers' I'nlon Ex tend the Field for .Market ing Apples. Negotiations were closed between a huge eastern commission llrm ami the Hood Hivei Apple Growers' Un ion for a large shipment of early fall apples which will be sent to England. I bis shipment will consist of eight cars of hpples and marks a new era in the history of apple shipments from the far west, as heretofore the market for eally tipples has been sumilieil from the eastern states. The fruit will be shipped some time between the last of August and September lbth and will be rushed through by extra fast service. When asked for infor mation ou this new feature of the ap ple business Manger Shepard, of tho I'ruit (irowers1 Union, said: "These apples will conisst of tho varieties known as Wealthies, Kings and Oi'uvetisteins, aud are early fall apples, which have heretofore been considered too perishable to lie sent alii oad. Wo have been induced tu try this experiment of shipping eerly tip ples to England by estorn apple deal ers who are familiar with the Hood Kiver product and its excellent keep ing qualities who think the shipment can be accomplished successfully, "The demand for early apples abroad has in former years been sup plied from tho orchards in New York, New England aud Eastern Canada, i'he fruit from these sections has not the keeping qmiltities of the Hood Kiver article and is far interim in ev ery way to the fancy western apples. Shipments of early eastern applua to England and other points across the Atlantic have not been altogether suo essfttl during the past few years, and as there is an excellent market for them there, apple dealets have been looking elsewhere to supply the do maud. This shipment will, uf course, be somewhat iu the nature of an ex periment, but we think by exeicising extra care and picking the apples slightly earlier than usual they Will arrive iu first-class condition, "If we can nun ket these early ap ples on the continent successfully we will at once create a demand for them that we now have for our Newtowtis, Spitenbergs and other high grade but later apples, (iraveiistoins, Kings and Wealthies do not, of course, bring tho price that the latter and longer keeping varieties, aud hereto fore they have beoa sold mostly lo the local trade. Wo have, however, secured a very good price for this shipment with an agreement that we shall receive all profits above a cer tain pmotint of commission. Our elicits to market our New- towns in Europe, In the face of the competition from the Hudson River valley having been successful, we now hope to meet with the same success in this new venture. If we do we will have placed the apple buunoss in Hood Kiver valley on a more prolltble basis than it even now is and will tifvo created a market for Hood Kiver fruit that will be practically unfail ing." Other apple men say that those ear ly fall apples from hure aro even ear lier tlmn those from the far eastern states and can be marketed in advance of them and command better prices. t hey say also that in view of the fact that reports from tho various other apple growing sections iu the United States aro to the elf ect that there will be a large apple crop this year, the demand for western apples so early iu the saeson proves their superiority. A Working lice. One of the greatest (If not the grandest event) of the season was the gathering of the school tuitions and friends ot East liarrett Monday, July loth, the occasion being a working bee, for the purpose of cleaning olf the grounds preparatory for the erec tion ot the uew school house ou tho Ktirgeson land, recently purchased by the school boaid. Time and space will not permit the mention of all names present, but from 7 o'clock in the morning until 5 in tho evening, men were busily en gaged in the work, grubbing and blasting being the order of the day. At 11 o clock the women ami chil dren (nut kids) began to pout into those woods loaded with baskets, buckets, pans, boxes, cans and var ious other articles, too numerous to mention, filled with all kinds of good things, and the way those boards (for that was the table) well they never groaned, but just kept bending lower and lower each moment, like the rainbows, until the joyful cry ot din ner was heaid responding in the ail, when IH men, 15 childien and a dozen (not old ladies) but any old number, knelt and partook of that meal, the boards fail ly flew straight. After dinner came the hoys with their sleds yes. sleds in July (don't you see the suow on the mountains) escorting the ladies home, for all must be olf early to llnisli the wash ing left undone in the morning, tho men lingering until late in trie aner iionii, hoping the ladies might return w ith supper ami thus ended the flr.-t picnic of the Eastern liarretts. One Who W'tis There. There is withb g bo pleasant an that bright, cheerful, at -peace-w itli-t he-world feeling when you sit down to your breakfast. There is nothing so conduc ive to good work nnd good results. The healthy man w it h a lieiilt U mind and body is a better b How, a bett -r work man, a better citizen than Ihe man or woman who is handicapped by some disability, however slight. A slight dis order of the stomach will derange your body, your thoughts and your disposi tion, tict away from the morbidness and the lilues. Keep your stomach in tune and both vonr brain and body will respond. I.ittfe indiscretions of over eating can be easily corrected and yi il w ill lie surprised to see how much bel ter man you are. Try a little Kodol For Dyspepsia after your meals. Sold by W illiania' Pharmacy. J. W. Simmons, State Deputy Con sul, Al. W. A., has moved his head quarters to Hood Kiver while his fam ily are in camp in the mountains. i : . ' 9 . 9