"r" " ' " ". ' " , :Z:lr'Z:T "000 RIVER GLACIER Issued evsrv Tharsday W AtfTHUK D. MOB. PubUthm. fats s e4 iutaorlptloa-11.60 J I waea TIM. THURSDAY. JULY 19. 1906. Portland proposes to bay a new lire boat, to ooat tlOO.OOQ. The Dalles wants a distillery for the manufacture of denatured alcohol to pickle their soorpions. Th9 Portland street oar men threat en to strike unless their anion is rec ognized by the company. The troutle was precipitated by the discharge of the secretary of the local anion. The Dalles Chroniole, iu speaking of the oberry show a Salem, at which Hood River carried off most of the prizes, says In the bead-line, "Wasco Wins." If a Dalles man bad taken any of the prizes at the show would they still have aaid, "Wasco Wins?" County Fruit Inspector Castuer gives warning in anther column not to offer for sale any fruit that is in fected with San Jose scale or worms. It Is unlawful for any one to dispose of Infected fruit, and If growers will nturleot to stiray their orchards gainst scale or oodlin moth, they must keep their fruit at borne. Radi cal measures are needed to stamp out disease and pests, and while this may work hardship in some oaseH, it will result in future benefit. In another oolumn is reproduced an article from the Rogue River Valley Courier, in wbiob liuod Rivei is given credit for oarryiug oil so many frizes. It ifives as a reason thut Hood River is so much better udver tlsed than any other seetiru. The fact Is Hood River first got ber leputatlou by ralsiong superior fruit. Fruit ex perts admit that Hood Rivei bad no rivals In strawberries and apples, when it came to quality. Tbey are there fore willing to pay more for the Hood River product than for that of any otber section. Then, the Hood River pack always baa been superior to that of any otber and it helped to adver tise as. While we admit that adver ising has helped some, and done muoh to give as good prices, yet wlth- ' out quality it would be bard to get "repeat" orders. Eastern buyers looking for apples want the best there is. Tbey do not oare where they oome from, so long as they have the quality. Tbey would not pay 13 a box for Hood River Bpltzen bergs if tbey oculd get "just as good" Spttznn- bergs from Rogue River, Wenatclie or some otber place. Every fruit growing section on the coast raises "just as good "apples as Hood River, to bear them tell it. The only tiue test of qualtly, however, Is the niar - ket price, based on a cold-blooded business proposition. This is the point where friendship ceases aud sentiment is eliminated. Nothing would please the Eastern buyer so muob as to be able to buy Hood Ri.er apples for two-bits a box. More ad vertising, a better paok and better or ganization will get better results, but It will take "quality" to top the market. Obituary. Louis 8. Rhoades was born in Phil adelphia, Sept. 12 lHIKt. He came to Ht. Paul Minn, iu 1H68, to California In 1871, to Portland in 1H77, securing his present farm In Hood River, Ore., in 1871). He spent 10 years of bis life in the service of the railway iu bridge construction department. Mo it brldgts from Portland to lllack Foot, Montana, were built under his super vision. Impaired health led him to locate on his farui. Ills children were by bis first marriage. His daiightei, Mrs. Eva Aokermau and Miss Alue-tie lllair reside iu Urltiah Columbia. His only son, O. 11. Rhoades resides In Hood River. In 1888 Mr. Uuoadee was married to Mrs, S. Robertson who survives him. For two years lie has been unable to work and bis health gradually declined. And he was the oonstaut oare of bis devoted wife and on. He died July 12, 11KW. The funeral was held by Rev. II. U. Clark, pastor of the M. K church, ol whiob bis wife Is a member. St. Louis ice Hon In Itlg Suit. St. Louis., July .18,-Cirouit Attor ney Sager today tiled suits agauiat the Polar Wave and Merchants' Ice & Fuel companies ohurgiug conspiracy iu the restraint of trade aud asks that judg ment of 171,100 be assessed against each oomp..ny aa accumulated tine inoe the alleged combine was formed. Will Hell Ire at Cost. New York, July 18. Mayor Coyne, of Yonkers, is planning to supply the olty of Vonkers.witb.artiHoial iue at oust, the tiust having raised the price to 00 oents a hundred pounds. The oharity department is preparing to supply loe free to the poor. Jerome Discovers len Tru4. Washington, July la-Ollloials oi the department of justice, believe au loe trust exists in New York, with branches in every large city iu the country. District Attorney Jerome baa called the attention of Attorney Ueueral Moody to the situation. Will Increase Its Capital Stock. At a special meeting of the share holders of the First National bank, ol Hood River, on Saturday, it was de cided to double the capital stock ot the bank, making it f 0,0O0. Till was deemed necessary ou account oi tbeir inoieasiug busiuess. Arrives at Destination. Washington, July 18. The tloatiug dry dock Dewey, which went hull around the world on its voyage to the Philippines Islauda and is now an chored olf River I a Point, Olongupo, Naval Station. At this place there U 05 feet of water, so that all vessel sentjin to dock can leach it iu perfect rarety. The Dewey will be anchored by four huge mushroom anchors at each end, and as the tide rises oulj about one foot at Olougapo, theie it little danger of the huge structure be lug moved. Baptist church Sunday school U a. m. ; preaching 11 a. m. ; Junior 1). Y.P. U., 3 p. m. ;evening service, 7.30. ll JOHN L KOONTZ KILLED AT DEE Saturday at Dee, occurred a sad ao- ciduut in which one man lout his life and several others ucro in dauger from a flying culile. Jl'e uiill-wright was adjusting some ot trio inftcmneiy aud finishing up triune work. John Kooutz was near tlie log cuiriuge In the act ot littiug a In we, when the machinery was started aud au eye bolt, which connected the cable to the log carriage, broke oil. The sudden release ot load canted the ougiue to spoed i p for an instant, bet ore the power could be turned off. The end of the cable rolled up with the veloci ty of a wbiplaidi, catching Kooutz by the right lug and throwing him vio lently to the Hour, smashing Lis head iu a frightful way, and causing in stant death. Fellow workmen who saw the cable break cried out and dodged, one of tbem claiming that it came within a few inches of liim. When Kooutz was seen to go down tliey rushed to bis as sistance, but he wus past help. None ol theeye-witnesHOH can say whether the cable struck Kooutz in tbu head or not. The cable struck his leg with such force as to break both bones aud nearly tear the lug off, aud he was probably thrown to the floor with sutllcieiit violence to break the skull. Coroner iiurgut was summoned and he empanelled a jury, who made the following report: Dee, Ore., July 15, l'JOti We, the jury empanelled by C. N. llurget, curuner of Wasco county, to inquire iuto the oause of the death of the body now before us, find as fol lows: That his name was John L. Kooutz, that he ciune to his death at abjut the hour of 11 o'clock, Jul, 14, VMl, at the saw mill of the Orcgou Lumber company, at Den, Oregon, aud we further find that he came to bis death by being hit by a wire ca ble, the fastening ot which was made iuto an eye bolt, said eye bolt break ing iu two, from a faulty weld. P. F. Bradford, Frank H. Hchmidt, F. K. Ksstoe, A. U. Pierce, Chaa. P. (Schmidt, li . Oilnger. Submitted and sworn to before me this 10th day of July, 1IXJ0. C. N. liurget, Coroner of Wasco county. The funeral was held at the rest douoe of Mrs. Baldwin, a daughter of the deceased, and service oouducted by Rev. W. U. (Jilmore. A lame gutb ering of friends and relatives paid their last respects to the departed, among the relatives from out of towu beiuu three brothers and a sister from Portland, Wasco aud The Dalles. The funeral arrnngoinunts were iu charge of H. J'J. liartinnsH, The deceased leaves a wife aud five children to mourn the loss ot a bus band aud lather. Otis Cusliinan Drowned Near Nteveirsou Otis Ciishiniu was drowned last Saturday at Home Valley, near Stev euson, iu Monohaii's slough while bathing, lie and several other boys were iu bathing, and while a short distance from the other boys, was taken with' cramps and sana. His companions did not lealizu the situa. tiou uutil too late to render any as sistanco, ar:d the current curried him away from the place where be went down. Help was secured, but the body was nut recovered until the next day. His parents wore visiting at Uohle at the time, tint were noli Med aud ar rived iu Hood River Mouday. The body was taken to the undertaking parlors of J. Hi. Mcliols and the fun eial held from the IVi. li church Tues day iiftorrioou, liov. M. 1). Odell officiating. The deceased was 20 years, 4 months aud 1 day old at the time of his death. Accident at a Charivari. White on his way with a parly oi boys to charivari a newly married nomda tiaiir Tuckor'a. in fclih vullcv. nn Hiit.nnliil' h'.umuut. Sim it H .Irruinuil a loaded revolver from his belt, it struck a stone and dlsotiarged, trie bullet staking his leg below the knee hitting the bono aud glancing, wont throiiih Mia tlouhv itut't. nf r.lm liur TliA bull H.en uIuiikhiI iiltUMr.i umi grazed the cheek of Uuy Crupper, hut inn no iiiiinur damage. A pnysiciau was summoned aud the wound dressed. It is vet uncertain just what in jury will result from the wound, but it is thouulit he will re cover all right. Alliance Sociul. On Haturday, July 21, the ladies of the Alliance will give a 15 cent social with light refreshments at Highland Home, th resilience of 1. J. Cun uing, with Mudauies Cuiitiing, Mark ham, Nicuuls, Chandler, Whitehead and iiuntlcy us hostesses. For the uiuiscul part of the enter tainment Mrs. Humble, Willie Chand ler, Mr. lieutly, Mrs. Stein holf aud outers nave consented to ussist. Mrs. Louise Uoddmd, Hood River's tain uus elocuti.inlst, will recite some of her fuvoutes. No regular progiam call be announced, us the aftair will be informal, with the maiu object, au enjoyable tune. Continuous exercises Iroui 1 o clock until I) p. in. Every body invited. Do not miss it. LOST. Two nine mouths Pointer puppies, one mule an I one female. Coloi blown aud white heads, white bodies, with tirowu spots at foot of tail of each. Dog lias a brown snot about the mid die of his buck. Last seen ou Cascade avenue, tSunibiy afternoon, July.15, west or tiiu armory building, and go ing west. A liberal toward will be paid for their return or fur initortnatiou lead ing to the'r recovery. A. Whitehead, Hood River, Ore. A (ienuiiie Clearance Sale for the next sixty days of nil Summer .Millinery, re gardlcs o! cost, at MMK. AllltOTT. MrTlCK. All lirmiHi'liT on n.ii'M u-lio Imvo mm. uected with the sewer are hereby uoti tled to remove their outbuildings and on i ue mini h at once. Hy ordot of the Common Council. WM. CANCER, City Marshal. X itt Ice. To fruit groiveis und dealers. 1 find that there is Iruit ollertd for sale in Hood Kievr that is infected with both Suu Jose scale and worms. 1 wish to give notice that hereafter all such fruit will be condemned and distroyed and it this will not stop the olfcrug of it for sale, action will be taken ac cording to law, as it is unlawful and punishable by a tine of not less thau J2o or more than (MOO. 11. R. Castuer, Comity Fruit.luspector. he THE HOME OF eady R V win clothe any member of your family from' 1ttd to foot; ami save you the time uml bother of making your clothing. We have men and boy'w suits that will look well and give you t-atisfaction. Our range of style Is large and the goods5 are well united to the needs in thin climate, not too heavy nor too light, but goods' that ure nuifced for all-tlie-year-round wear. Bring iu your little boys for a suit. We can give you as large a selection in three to eight years old suits as you can find in the larger city stores. We also have ready-made dresses from three years old up to lady sizes. A large line of ladies' washable suits that'we are selling for less than you can buy the TI extra large sizes. io cnarge ior aiberaDion ot u,ny gcu mi,-iiu mm o wm Kuiu,u tee a perfect fit. . ,;. ,- If you are going camping come to ue and we can furnish you everythingf-you want and will save you money on every article. We have hammocks, .blankets, comfortables, pillows, and all kinds of cooking utensila , Matches, loOO in a box, three boxes 25c 7 bars U'lmx Soap 25c liross King Washboards 25c Clas Wai-hlwurds 38c Clothespins the dozen Olc No. 1 lamp burner J5C Galvanized iron tubs, 80c, 70c, and 60c Galvanized iron buckets, 10 quarts 20c Crepe paier, all colors, 10 ft rolls O5o Rome copper nickle plated lea kettles l.OO Brooms i-titclied four time 25c NASTY STORY OF HOLY ROLLERS That Oeoige Mitchell was a sane mau wbeu he slew "Joshua" Cretlield was the oonolusiou arrived at by phy sicians of Seattle who performed a post mortem examination ou the young man's brain, which was normal In every delail J Mitchell's sanity is expeoted to have au importaut bearing ou the case of his lister when they put ber on trial for murder. The report that the Holy Rollers ure assembling at Seattle haa caused acitvity la the police department. Chief Wappenstelu states be baa bad enough of this sect, aud that no more of them will be tolerated iu Seattle. The police are now working ou clues which may implicate others of this sect in MltoheU's murder. Holy Rolleiism as taught by "Joshua" Crelileld, bad its iuoeptlon at Corvallis, Ore., iu the spring of 1903. Crelileld held oarup meetings and suooeeded In getting a group of followers at once. Previus to this be bad been a Salva tion Army worker. Ha was bom in Oermany and was a deserter fiotu the Herman army. Ou the night of January i, bis fa natical teachings bad gone to tucb lengtlM that iudlgnant futheis aud husbauds of Corvallis women took him out aud gave him a coat of tar and feathers. Tbey gave similar treatment to one of bis followers, C. Brooks. The men weie warned that they would he killed should tliey ever return to Corvpllis. The next day Crelileld returned cov ertly aud was secreted by the Hurt woman under the door of tbeir borne. Here be dispensed with his olothiug aud pi oolaimed himself a prophet i f (iod and carried on bis revolting or gies iu the name of religion. July V!H, V.M, Crettield'a hid lug place became known aud be was takeu out aud put iu jail. In the meantime Esther Mitchell, because of bis influence over ber, bad been sent to the Boys' aud Girls' Aid society. After being kept there a few weeks she was seut to -her father's home in Illinois. She was not per mitted to return to Oregon uutil Cretlield was seut to the penitentiary. Other womeu including Mrs. O. V. Hurt aud Maud Hurt, were sent to the insane asylum, for a short time because of Crellleld's lutluenoe over them while be was secreted under the Hurt residence. Cretlield, a tew days after bis dis covery, was brought to Portland on a statutory ohaige preferred by Burgess 10. Starr, husband of Mitchell's elder sister, a Crelileld victim. In August Crelileld was found guilty. Soon after Crelileld went to prison bis wife, Maud Hurt Cretlield, whom be married shortly before being tared and feathered, secured a di vorce. There ware no further Holy Itoller demonstrations, and seemingly the dangerous craft was broken up. Karly iu February, 11KH1, Cretlield 's sentence was ooin muted by good be havior, and be left the state prison, going to California. From there be got iu correspondence with bis former wife, who had leuiaiued wiih her father, O. V. Hurt, of Corvallis. A reconciliation was effected. Cretlield returned to the vicinity of Coravllis aud got a number of women and one man, Frank Hurt, to go to a louily spot on the beach in Lincolu county. Ills purpose was to found a Holy Roller colony. He made particulr elforts to secure Ksther Mitchell to his keeping, say ing she was to be the mother of a sec ond Christ, who was to lie born to the world. Late iu April of this year, Mitheell after beiug leleased from the Hood Samaiitaii hospital in Portland, where he had been contlned with an attack of measles, declared to close friends bis intention of killiug Cretlield. lie If you want the best potatoes on the market call for BENSON'S FANCY NEW POTATOES If your dealer has not got them, nsk him to "get them for you. If he will not get them for you, goto the dealer who will or call up No.' 1023 and Denspn will supply you'direct. Always buy the Benson Brand if you want the best potatoes on the market. Pans Fair HIGH QUALITY AND LOW PRICES - Made Goods goods for. Skirts that will fit a. small girl up ..to the j .U. i P mmwvsnn An1 ttm itfi 1 1 'rant X n.i rt''".l Every Day Needs I-ad'ee' and Men's Chenille Knib. slippers . Asteitossad irons, set of 3 Knives ond forks, Iron or wood bamlU-H, set White enameled plates 1 pint tin cup, each' , v . . . . . . . Calico the yard ' ". . ! :", '.' . . ' Turkish towels .- .c ;. : 4.". . Bead necklaces No. 1 lamp chimney No, 2 lamp chimneys '. ;. !.!. White Cleanse for white canvas shoes WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD told several persons Cod had told bim to remove the Holy Roller from the eartb for ruining bis sisteis. ; About May 1 Mitchell went to Al bany to search for Cretlield. Wbile tbere be saw Maud Hurt Cretlield, and following her learned that Cref fleld was iu Seattle. The Holy Roller prophet had gone tbere supposedly for the purpose of raising funds for tlie camp on the coast. May 7, early iu the morning, Cref fleid and Maud Hurt Cretlield, whom he had remarried, started down town to do some shopping. As they passed down First avenue Mitcbeil stepped suddenly behind Cretlield and shot bim dead. Esther Mitchell at once denounoed the act and seemed to care nothing as to the fate of ber brother. She main tained this attitude throughout the tiial. July 10, after beiug on trial for 11 days, Mitchell was acquitted by a jury in the superior court, after an hour and 25 minutes of delibeiation. Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Phillips, at Belmont, July 10, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Flo Heavener, July 11, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, Juue 20, a boy. NOTICE. To Young Men And Women. (IroatopportnnttteMareawaltliiKyou In tin Bum. new World. HundrutlH or young men and w rim en are wanted In and around Oak land and Han KraiwiHcn, to take potritlona at MlenoKrapherH, bookkwrjrern, ttMegrapnera, of Hi lUtKlHtanU, etc,, at good imlirU&, The Polytechnic HulnM College, of Oak land, the leading nchool of IU kiinj In tin Went, IndoMed by theC'humb r of Com mem and leading educators, oilers exceptional op Dortunllien to lmm who can enter college at once and prepare for poHittoint. thin school Im conMldered by many to be the the beii equipped huftineMU college In A in erica. It ift unqueHllonubly uuperior to any other Hlinllai itchool went or Chicago. All ex pen Hen tou Ho ne InttiienceN Individual tiiMrncltop, AddrettM ftilylecuto HunIiichm College, iept. A., Oakland, ( al for litre catalogue howlng liie elegant interior and splentAed facilities of thin school, which has five lime more money I uvea led In equipment than any other school In the Went. New bu tiding la perfect condition. Electric Sad Irons Now is the time, whilst the weather is hot, to get the real benefit of an Electric Sad Iron. Do not swelter jn a hpt room miule so by heating irons when you. can have, a eool room and finest heated iron in the world at practic ally the same price as with wood. Do not lay awake these hot nights when by use" of. an ELECTRIC FAN you can get a good nights rest and be ready for the business of the next day. Mount Hood Railroad Co. TIME TAULK SOI'TH BOISU A. M. NOSTHBOCND P.M. STATIONS ittlll leave Ilood Klver Arrive ."( Ml.' I'owenlHle I:.M Seam t 12 : Van Horn 4:10 : Lnts 4-SO Oilell I: T HMO Dukes vslley I I ; . . Hloiiehar 4. IS M Wliutu.; this Arrive... lew I.n,vf 4:00 Klleeltve May 2!, 'OS. Hiinrtny Kxfrteil. J. A. WEST, Kupertnlendent 33.! 1.33 ;. 50c, . lOc 2c va4c P3c lOa Q5c.. ... lOc n - T. S. Weekely the jeweler, has opened a new jewelry store aud repair el toy, and is now ready to do your watch, clock and iewelrv repairing: All work-fully warranted. Prices reasonable. Jn. the real estate room with Unthunk & Otten Why buy thunj.froiu .agents or onr miKHion flioo asd pay 175 to if 100 more when you'ean buy direct from our firm in HoouVRiVer;' where we have a blanch store, .which contains it large assortment of high grade Instruments, including the great Apollo Interior Piano player; - Ibis Is the only in strument iu the world whloh plays the entire key-board of the pluuo, aud also the only one having the transpos ing scale by which the performer can play in any key aud "accompany the voice or any instrument. Pianos and organs sold on time or for cash. Se'lv ond band instruments taken iuo't change" aud also several for sale.' Pianos tuned aud repaired. - Silas II. Soule Phone Maiu 112.1, Hood River. This Hot-Sultry Weather is making our soda fountain the most popular place Jii.to.w 8- Onr soda has that pecaliar "rtip'' and sparkle Ihat gives i: tone aud life, the syrups arc made of ripii, fresh fruits, and we use the fiimwis Swetlnd's Ice Cream -v. ,..;H .. Tin- purest and best ice Cream nimle; We receive Ihis delicacy free li every day by. eat press and are sole agents in Hoed KiYBrjj-. . TOMPKINS BROTHERS jli': . ' if' I BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. A variety of good resilience -property tv at prices and terms to suit.''' . "Unod buys for "HI0, pm, ;00, $850, f 1,000, ll.rO, -f i;m .(1,400,, 1,50(), ii.T.V), I,8(X) or any price you w'snt. Two-story house ucair high school for only $1,600. ,.. , . . . Several goml resiuYHues close to busi ness for sale cheap. ' Fine two-storv residence 'ilh two lots, choice locaitoji, only f 2,400. New two-slory liouse, six moms lie sides pnntry and bath, only $IHX). Whole bloeksind(crea'ge property for sale on easy ttru'is"."'. ' ", finest resjdcnV'u'ils'iri the city cheap, tiood investment. Large list to select, from, including food urcliard land and farm property. Come and s.e ns. OnthanK ft ,Otten Hood River 7 Oregon 44AV' N -a 4ml- 30HS tELAili kl?iDEMsb?ti ttli Attorney-at-La and Notary Public , j. M. 8CHMELTZER, Sec.-Treas Notary Public ..Hood River Land.. Emporium INCORPORATED Real Estate, Loans, Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying We are prepared in a special manner to handle all kinds of business in any of the above lines and have 'a largo list of improved lands and city property from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch, a stock farm or a home in the city. With an Extensive Correspondence " We are able to handle your prop erty advantageously and will be pleased to have you list same with us CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The president Of the company is the city engineer, and is prepared to do surveying and civil engiueer ihgwork of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and f ! opinions given on property titles. Collections a Specialty. Phone Main 141. ARTHUR PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Is now located in Chas. Clarke's Drug Store, next door to the postoffice. A full line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass ; . : AU Goods Marked in Plain Figures Don't forget the name Clarke, the Jeweler W. B. STROWBR1DQE 4 SIGN WRITER Paper panging and Tinting a Specialty Phone 1313 For Sale MISCELLANEOUS. Kor Sale-Kresh cow. H.prlgge. at For Sale Pimuclast family cow. JUflS , ., ,W. O. Dodge. Kor Mule Baled hay at 19 00 and 110 00 rr toil. Also trwberry plants for Auituxt nel lin r. at KWersId Kurm. Thou. Calkins. JlHatf . ,. Hhone4l4 For Hale Klglit He res of land, l1-, mlln from Ilood Hlver on Helmont road; 5 acres la strawberries, 85 fruit trees, part full bearlnn and part one year: balance In clover, potatoes and vegetables, blackberries, red raspberries and black capa on place. Three room house, iiucklnit house 19x!0, barn 14x111 and other mtlltrcnftl.' ' Call at place for further particu lars. J2r.tr L. J. Mulkins. I'orVfce ioo gentle horse, weight bet 1-2110 and i:axi, and good top buggy...!. C. B ween Hoggs. Kor Sale Hlx good milch cows, three fresh now, others will he fresh by the IB i ti of July. Also No. 7 U. H. crenin separalor used 9 months. O. A. Knox. Mt. Hood, Ore. J2J3 If you have n watcb that others have failed to mskcglve iatilactlon briug It to me. T. s, Weeklcy, the leweler. js lm V. . U.i. ivrvAV n.wa .ui i. with a halfo. ..Mir lleo. Hnrden. I.'llli-n l.eo. Hordeu. j:ijao Farm forHale 240 acres choice orchard lind situated alMiut three miles east of Mosler. About 'JO acres cleared, about '& acres partly cleared, three and a half acres full bearing orchard, llrand new &.room house plastered throughout, with water piped to spring. Also new fruit house and woodshed, barn and hen nery. Three choice springs of water on farm. I'rlce 17500. inquire J. W. Weldrlck, Mosler Oregon. aJyl9 Kor sale IWOO late cabtwge plants now ready. All the best varieties. Hee Gulgnard nr call upiiW JJ'1 ForSale Well matched team of dark bay marea,6 and 7 yeai sold, good travelers: weight Hhmj pounds' each. A Iso one two seated hack and hack hufneaw, nearly new. Alex Slew art, Mosler, Ore m 10 If For Hale One team of horses, weight 1400 pounds each, wall broken, single or double, 9 und 12 years old. Uood baraess and tt1'. Kaln wagon, wide tires, witb rack. Price '0. Terms. Also one pony, 8 years old weight between 0and KlnO pounds. Kxcellent rid ing pony, well broken to saddle. ; Price t&.OO Write to or luqulreof C, W. Pearsons, Cascade lAwks, Oie. IMt REAL ESTATE. Only few more of those splendid 10-acre tracts, unsold on Uie M. K. Potter farm In Hood River valley, near the city. Suitable hir spples and strawberries. Prices are placed below regular rates on similar prop erty In this vicinity. No belter apple land can be found. xskst It personally for the prool. Write Krauk McKailand, l;lih st, Vooiland, .or see Mrs. M. H. hotter on the farm. in 101 f SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregou, for Wasco county. Thomas Hennlngsen, Plaintiff ' ' Vs. Alfreda'Hi nnlngneri, Detendant. To Alfreds Hennlngsen, the above named Hefendant:-' In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby re'"tred to appear and suswer the complain! fll -d against you m theab.ive en titled courtuii or tMlore August :nh. I'.aSi, and if vu fail so to appear and answer, for want fher.-oflhe plaintiff will apply Ui tliecourt for the re lef prayed for in the complaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of nv t rlmony now exl t nr betwetn yoa and plain tiff, and for such other and further relief as to the court msy sem meet and equitable. This fttiblk-jitioa tf summons is made by o derorllon. W. I.. Hrartshsw, Judge of the abms entitled ctnirt. dmy made aud entered ou uie 1X1 li day of July, loos, directing this a'imrnnn. to b nuhlishtd once each week for six consecutive week iu the Hood Klver Glacier weekly newspaper of general circu lation In Wasco County, oieg. tn. Date of first publication July 19th, l'Ov A.J. DEKBY, Jl-s Ay. tor plaintiff. i. h. lftttot'sbN. Vice President and Managefi Insurance, Abstracts, CLARKE For Sale Only SO minutes walk from post, office, 18 acres of good rich land, flue view, living springs on place, Good new house, some land cleared. All for .81 Ml. Easy terms. Enquire at this office. Wanted. Wanted Huddlng to do. 1 will be Iu Hood Ktverafter Aug. 1. Have had several years experience. Reference, Htanton V Kawson or True to Name Nursery. Leave orders at co. T. Trainer. KAKL TKATHKK, Jl an Wanted In or near Hood Klver, position with mill or lumber yard by all round lum berman. I'.xpci'ienced side track loading foreman, order clerk, exgiert talesman and general Umber surveyor. Married and do not gamble or drink. Best of references. Aue 3t. Address (4. F. Buck, fare Ulacler. JID.uli Wanted-Young man seeking quiet and rest wants good board on a farm tor the sum mer. No objection to sleeping on the oulslile but wants plenty ol milk and eggs. Address O. care Glarier. J5-'J9 If you want a square deal then deal Willi T. H. Weekljy, the jeweler. All work war ranted. Trices talk. J.'Hlm Wanted to Sell or Trade-Two lots. B 1x1(10 and 40x100, one six-room house and tour-room cottage with fruit on place. Box SOS, Hood River, Oregon. Wauled 4 or 5 men to clear land at Mosler. Konr months' work, owner will furnish tools or contract work. Address Wm. Wllson Hle vensou, Mosler, Oregon. J14-W4 Lost Lost-Tuesday evening, a heavv gold chain bracelet, with heart attached. Kinder will please return to Leuore Adams aud receive reward; For Rent For Rent Kront room, neatly furnished, with hoard! two nrufprruH u,.u I. can, 803 State street, j ma Kor rent, lower story of 6 rooms and bulb, with modern Improvement, free water in Blowers Addition. Call ou Onthank di otten In the county Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county. In the matter of the estate of Roba. J. Tucker deceased. ' Notloe Is hereby given that under and bv vlrliieof section li:M of Bellinger Cottons Codes and Hiatutes of Oregon, I shall apply to the above named court to grant my resig nation from the office of administrator of tlie above named estate, and that said application will be heaid In the above entitled court at the cxiunty court room In The Ha lies city Wasco county, Oregon, on the 17lh day of August, I9ti, at the hour of one o'clock n m of said day. r' My Mnal account having herein been duly filed, notice Is hereby furthur given, that by virtue of said application and resignation be ing granted at said time, the final account of said administrator, John H. Frsrv, hereinbe fore duly tiled, will be heard at the same time and place that said application for resig nation will be heard. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified to appear at said time and placeand show cause, if any there be, why sa.d reiort and final account In all respects should not be allowed, ratified approved and conllrmed, and sr.id Executor be grunted his resignation and nnal discharge and his bonds, men be wholly exhonorated aud released. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this second day of July, A. II. lHUti. i.B-.ia J01IN H "RARY. Vzffy Administrator ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the honorable t ounly Court of the Slate of Oregon for Wa. co County to be administrator ol the estate of Henry sitrlHiison, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are heubv notified to present the same, duly veritle io the undersigned at the office of A. A. Jnvnn rrcli.Ti'' f'T"''??- wllhln " nioriths from the dale of the llrst publication olihis notice. JOHN HAKEI,, Administrator. J19-sl Cider, Champane Cider, Genuine Champagne, Vinegar, Wines from grape and mall frui'g Alco'.ol from tvreala, vetietahlw, ilant8, fruits ami wood and valual.le recipes. Send 1 for look giving practical information liow to make tlietn. I.K() X,BKI P. O. B ii m, rorlland,'ort.