o - ' K&.'-y': 'civ oTC ! ' ' il 9 : s HOOD RIVER, OREGON, JULY 19, 1006. VOL. XVIII. 10 SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVER COMMERCIAL CLUB Meet every second Mouduy In each uiontn alS p. in., In the club roomi over Jackson's store. II. F. Daviusun, Pre. A. II. Mok, Hccretury. HOOD RIVER IAHMK NO. 105, A. C and A. M. Meets HHturdny evening on or before each full moon. A. 8. HlAjwk.un, W. M. II. McPonalii, Hecrelary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. 27. R. A. M. Meel first and third Friday nights of each mouth.' D. McboNAl.l), H. I. A. 1). Mok, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAP1KR NO. 8S, O. K. S. Meet second and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed. MRS. I , .1. KiNNAIKO, W. Bl. Mas. Theresa Uastnbk, Secretary. i tt f.'llT, I til? I ullfH.' Kf UT f l A s Meet In Fraternal hull, every Thursday Ulglll. n.u.i.wii,,wl Allbn neal, Secretary Rt'icnlar meeting second and fourth Mondays H C. Smith, Scribe. LAUUnU iklilll.IV. Ill I'l.vuii... ...... - - . 81, 1, o. O. E.-MeeUr first and third Fridays . inn..! iivuirv a U lllUW I JllMJK KCi Mks. E. W. Udkll, N. O. Mrs. Doba Thomson, Secretary. ... . ........ . nlwiv X'i". on V rV p V Al'tUAIA 1 . 1 1 1 ' V I - . vi i . Meeu In K. ol P. hall every Tuesday night i hos. r. JOHNSON, u. u, V. 0. Brock, K.of R. and 8. ii.i.inutvVDiiUU K'li 1 10f) M W. A Meets lu K. of 1". hall every Wednesday night. K.8. MAYKS, v.u t:.L'. Pak in, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. Mi, WOMEN OK Woodcraft-Meets at K. of V. hall on the first and Third Fridays of eacn inontn. Lou Mckkynolds, U. N, V. W. MoRkynolus, Clerk. RI VERHIUE LODGE NO. 68 A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Saturday! of each IllOnin. r.n. DbAWi,n, n. E. R. BrauIiKY, Financier CHKSTKK Hit DTK. Recorder. 111.VT1 smmk.mri.y vn. 1(R. ITNITED ART- lMUis.-Meel l tie first and third Wednes days, win a; second and fourth Wednesday . ' . i n it T ii. ....1 uuiu M A AIUKUU8 llltll. VJ. it. iiiwaimii, . " C. 1). liKN kk it , Secretary. COURT HOOH RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS ol America, meets secouti anu idunu muu- iiuvs lu each iiionth in K. ol 1'. hall nan. outs, C. R. Sknbca F. F F. t.'. Hkosius, F. t;. CA.NBY l'OHT, NO. 16. 0. A. R.-MEEW Al A. o. U. W. hall, second and lourth Satur days of each mouth al'i o'clock p. in. All .. ... ...... .... .....il..it .niui Ulffll (IB U, A. U. HiemueiB iuiiuti wr iuot, m. - S. A. skinnkk, Commander. Thomas (joss, Adjuiaul. CAN BY W. R. C, No. 16-MEETS SECOND and lourth .--alurilays of each Mouth In A. O. U. W. hall at i p. m. Ei.iiKN Blount, President. UKKTituiiK h. InuLks, Secreury MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 3419, R. N. A. Meets at ihe K. ol P. Hall oh the second and fourth Fridays ol each month. Mus. Cakkik Bkosius, O. Mks. Ella Daki.n, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN ANU SURGEON. Telej'i.i lies: Ollice, 281; residence, 811. MJKUEON O. it. & N. Co. H.L.DUMBLE, PH YfilClAiN .iND SURGKON.- r Successor toJir. M. F.Shaw. .. Calls jiroinplly answer id In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: (lfrlce,613. Ollii'e lu the llioslus Building. DR. J. EDGINGTON, Ehysician and Surgeon Oilico over the First National bank. Ollice phone I4&I. Res. phone 76X1, M F SHAW, M. D. Ollice iu Jackson Block. Olli phoue. No. H;i. Residence, No. 5D3. Dk. M. 11. SllABP Dh. Edna B. bhahp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates ol Ihe American School of Osteopathy, Kirkaville, Mo. Ollice and Residence Huxley Cottage, River street. Phone 25 Hood Rivkk, p C. JUIOSIUS, M, I). PHYSICIAN ANI SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Ollice Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 8 and 6 to 7 P. M. H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST ClillWX HlillXili WoitK A SPKCIAliTY. Office over Telephone First lNatioiml Bunk Main 311 C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones: Oll'n2H3; residence 1045 Ollice over Butler Iiank, Hood Kivkh, Obk. M. E. WELCH, LICKXSKI) VEl'EKIKAKV SURCiEOS Is ircrcd to do suy work In tlie veterin ary line. Hi; can be found by calllun at or ph-nlnit to IHiirkes tlrim store. A. A. JAYS E LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E.H.HART WIG, LAWYER. Will I'ructice In All Courts. Office wirh (4. I). Culbertson A Co. t)ol lections. Altrcts. Kcttleineni of Folates. HOOI) RIVER. OKK .iN. SENECA F. FOUTS Attorney at Law Broslus Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOHN L ELAND HENDERSON ATTORNKY-AT I.A W. ABSTRAc'TEK. NO TAKY rTBUCalKi KKAL K.STATli AUKNT. For -ja yesrs a resident of o eiron and Wasn tniji. n. lliw lutd nmny year- experience In Ke.il Kslate niKttcrs. nbtnwlor.scurclieror titles un'l anent. HstisfHctlou yuarunteed -r no -..'truc E. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. 1 m qualillp1 and prexired to do all kinds of tIM class land surveying-. Accuracy uar- merd. Those a lio wis1 first-class work done . address K. K. D. l Hood Hiver, fbon tUsl. SEE J.H. ,. . ...... HEIL8R0NNER &C0. FOR Fruit Lands, City Property, Investments, Fire Insurance. Burglar Insurance Accident Insurance Our List of Bargains in real estate will interest you J. II. Heilbronner & Company Fruit Lands, Real Estate and Insurance Ground floor new Dtiv'.dwu B)lg.; HOOD RIVER and PORTLDND, ORE. Hood River Studio -FOR- First-Class Photographs We have the latest In mounts anttcan en large your Photos In Crayon, Platinoid or Septa. Satisfaction (fimrsnteed W. D. ROGERS. Prop. BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan ija every respect. ' ' -.m Porcelain Baths In Connection; -0. B. QRAI. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEEK. i R.JONES, Dentist Crown and Bridge Wort Teeth Without Plates. Tit-atment of dlHeaned teetb and guma. Utllce BtobIus BullditiK. Pbone 1033. Eureka Meat Market McOUIRE BROS., Propfc Dealers in Froth and Cured Meat, Lard Poultry, Fruita and Vegetablea, Free Delivery. Phone Main 35. F. O. COE Carpentering Pboo. 171 rjkBTAiruT, K. L. Burrs, E. O. Blaica rres. v loe-rree. vwowr. V. C. Brock, Awt. Caabier. The First National Bank OF ROOD RIVER, OREGON. CtplUl m4 8rpUt, $S0,000. P. H. HALL-LEWIS & GO. Civil and Arcbltcccoral EniRctn and Surveyor Make rarreye, pleru and estlmktcs tu er, light and power and railway plants, and furnish, subject to approval, plane, speclftoa- uons ana estimates tor an euweea or ounaiafs public, prlrate and mercantile. Bpeclal at tention f Itm to economic sad slow-buminf eonstructlon. Aaeuracy and eoouoruy guar DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, ORCftON. STRANAilAN SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder turn urn MumnAwm FREDf RICK A ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS MM imrUka4 M til klsli wark Phone: K&tJiStii SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. ItooorttlTe Palntiaj and Paper Hanrlnr Plant furulahed. Estimate care fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. . A. JEROME, Arlaitc Havlnff bad several years' experience In drafting and bulldln.I would respectfully solicit a part of the patronage of the people of Hood River who antlclpste building. Term, reasonable, a id satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice at reslueuoe on Heights. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Plione 709 Figures and estimate! furnished on all kindt of building and contracting. fl F ASSOCIATION f HrHiBuvlllr. Orrgon, will insure your property at 60 per cent leas coat than aoy other institution. C. P. ROSS, Special Agent, Hot4 filter, Oregon GOVERNMENT Timber arid Homestead LANDS I bav. for location some choice appl. lands and tlmqar claims; also relinquishments and land to script. Gall on or address. . Wm.F.RAND, Res. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. Business Chances Rooming House News Stand Confectionery Store Hotel Restaurant Cierar Store , ,,. Also Farms, Timber Lands. St. Johns Realty a Specialty ROME BROKERAGE CO. Room 9 Breeden Bldg, NaTLAXB, IK. Shepard & Franz hood river, Oregon. Are in correspondence with all part of tbe United H'.atea and are in good posi. tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwcsttri Mutual Life Insurance Ci. Orient Fire Insurance C. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. Dodge & Reid Carpenters, Cabinet Makers and Repairers W. do raaalrlna la wood and metal. Furni ture maklug a specialty. Ouna, bicycles, Mr., repaired Phone U Hool HIV EE. ORE. WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds ol wood. I have a new steam wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. Phon.121. I-McEWEN & KOSKEY CEAttAL COMMISSION HEECRANTS ' Prompt ealetand quick returns Wholeaale dealers in all kinds of First and Produce. Consignments solicited 129 Front BttrM, Portland, Or. Timber Land, Aot Junes, 1K7S.J NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United titatea Land Ufllce, The Dalles, Oregon, June la, WO. Nolle Is hereby given that lu oouipllano. with the provisions of the act of congress of June , lsrij, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states ef California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land state, by act of August 4, ltMi, l'AULP.Mct'llLLY, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon. Das ntea in mis umn nissworn siste nirnt No. tnit, (or th. purchase of the lot t, seotlon i, lots 1 and x aud BENKH of section No. i, In township No. IN. Range No. UK., W. H. and will offer proof to show that the land, sougbtare more valuable for the tim ber or atone thereon than for agricultural purpose, and to establish bis claims to aald laud before the Hegister ana Receiver at the land office In Th. Dalles, Oregon, on the Klh flwoflnnut. 1IKM. U. names as witnesses: Fred Frautschy, of Hood River, Oregon, and Nils C. olseu, of rortiand, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely anyof the aboveleeeribed lauds are request- ea to nie ineir claims m uis oince on or oe- tor the aald $th dav or august, iwh. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, J21 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United Htstes iMna tsnos, i ne uaues, wre., june iti, ima. Nolle. I. hereby given tbat OHCAK FRKDKNBtTRU. of Mount Hood, Oregon, has Hied notice of his Intention to make nnai nve-year prooi in sup port or ni. eiairn, vik Homestead Kntnr No 73 made January , lisju, for tha Section 21, Uiwu- slllp 1 N.. Range 10 tl, W. M. aud that ssld proof will oe maue Derore tne Register anu Reoslv.i at the land office In The Dalles, ore. gon, on July 171s. 1VOS. He name. ui miiowing wiuiesses w prove his oontlnmias residence upon and cultiva tion of th. land, via: -H. R. Heas. W. 8. Urlbble. Warren M. Coor r and C. K. Hpenoer, all of Mount Hood Ore gon. aiLSAt.1. i. rtui.an, xjjw Hegister. BUMMON8 In tl). Circuit Court of tbe Htale of Oregon for tne oounty oi w aaoo. Cameron T. Groat, Plaintiff, vs. AnetM Uroat, Defendant. ToAnett. Uroat, defendant above named. In the name of the Mtateof Orevon vou are hereby required to appear and answer the coinuialnl flled avainst yoa In the above en titled suit on or before the expiration of six week, after the data of first publication of this summons which Is June 2H, iiioii, and If you nil so to apiear and answer, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the rjllef prayed for in the comolalot. lo-wit: For a dwv dlssolvlu( the inarrlaae ooatract and mar riage relations existing between plslnllrT and defendant and for such other relief as the com t may deem Just and equitable. mis summons is puuiisnea lu tne Hood River Glacier by order of tbe Honorable W. L. Bradshaw. ludaeof said oourt. made anil entered on the lull day of June, isoii. wauua OIK All AN Attorney for Plaintiff First publication June 28, 1W6. iMt publication August iu, im. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. 1'nlted States Land offloe, The Dalles, Ore., June 18, l'JOtl. Nolle Is hereby given that GKOKttK WILHK.l.M KOI.I.A8, of Hood Klver, Oregon, has tiled notice of his Intention to make final five-year proof In support of bis claim, vis: Homestead entry No. 8377 made May 22, 1901. for tbe HNW'-,, section 33. HK'.NK, and NE'-iHK1 section SI, towushlp t N , range 10 E., w. M., and that aald proof will be made before George T. Prat bar, United Htstes Com missioner, at Ills oftloe in Hood Klver, Ore con. on July t. IWja. b. aamea the following witnesses to prove nls continuous resiaenoe upon aud cultiva tion of the land, vli: Frank E. Neff, James Kngllsh, Michael R. Welsh and Harry Klngesberry, all of Hood Rlvir, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOI.ANT, J21J1 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, United Btates Land 001 oe, The Dalles, Oregon, Msy Hi, im. Notice Is hereby given that MARY A. WEYGANDT, widow of Zeba B. Vt'evKHiiilt, deceased, ol Mount Hood, Oregon, hss filed notice of her Intention to make flualtflve.vear nroof In sun- Krt of her claim, vis. Homestead Entry No. W, made July 8. ItKKl, for the WNK'-,. sec. tlon and VV'SKKJ , suetion 17, Uiwnshlp 1 8., range 10 K., w. M., and that said proof will lie made before the Register and Receiver, at The uaues, uregon, on juiy inin, ixai. 8lie names the following witnesses to Drove bar continuous resldenoe upon and cultivation of the land, vim Kusseu uooin, Henry mioeri, Henry (iron snd Joseph Oroff, all of Mount Hood, Oregon. ui31JyU MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United mate Inl Offlce. Tbe Dalles. Ore gon, May n, 11105. Notice Is hereby given thst In comnllano. with the provisions of tha ant of Congress of June , 1878, entitled "An act tor tne saie oi snnoer innas in tne states ol California, On gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory' aatxtended to all the Public Land Slates by act of Aug'ist 4, 1SW. WILLIAM H. ANDREWS, of Wasco, county of Huerman, state of Oregon, baa this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. i-Nl'-', for the purchase of the ana f,y,iivv, "i section No. so, in township No. 1 N., range No. II E., W. M and will ofler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable fur lu timber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim; to said land before George T. Prattler, U. a. Commissioner, at nia omoe In Hood River, Oregon, on the Ifith day of August. lw. Glltord t, Woodwoith, Roy Wood worth and Guy Woodwortb, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any ana an persons claiming adversely tne ehove-descrlbed lands are requested to file their claim In this office on or before ssld 16th day of August. lWJti. J7a MICHAEL T.NOLAN'. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Office, The Dalle, Ore. gon, May tbl, y06.-Notlce I hereby given that In compliance with the provlslons'of the act ol Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled ''An act for the sale ot timber lands in the Htale of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, aud Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land Btates by act of August i, 18D2, ARTHUR P. T1KKT, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregou, haa this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. ml, lot the purchase of th. lots 2, S, 4 aud It, of section No. 19, In Uiwn shlp No. 1 N., rungs No. E., W. M., and will offer proof to sIh w that the land sought Is mora valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to establlsli his Claim to said land netore tbe Register and Receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on tbe 2utti day of August, ISOi. lie name as witnesses: Lewi E. Morse, Frank Chandler, Charles L. Morse aud Wil liam P. Rand, all of Hold River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or belore aald JUtb day of August, IMH. J7al6 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. IWCE, O COmCTEA. taUCMMWDOL obbzi aVteriaf m bauibV oazx. Caose tk. ttrsettaa ta. tart t Cbt Bst sjtsV faWjawa3S ill,, llllfcl 111? DUTIES OF THE FRUIT INSPECTOR MUST HAVE SUPPORT IN THE DISTRICT An Able Taper Hoail ill tlio llortinil turnl Moot hi if at Salem hy E. C. AriiiHtrtmif . In oneniuu this object for discus slon, 1 will not attiMiii't to read much of a paper, but glmply HtuiCL-eh-t u tew thotiglits thnt may lend to n tree dis- ctiHHlon or the subject, so tliut. titnn ers, fruitgrowers aud inspector may bave a better aud more uiiituitl un derstanding, thut we miiy better work together for the benolit of each other and tbe good ot the community and state. No inspector can eland alone in this work. If he is successful in any degree be must have the moral sup port and cooperatiou of those iu the community who are interested in the work. It in V lit be well, and X stit pose it will lie expected, that 1 ipiutc some extracts from the horticultural law tbat refers to the duties of the county inspector. Tbe last session of the legislature passed a law from which 1 will quote at few items : "Seo. 1. Thut upon a petition of not less than twenty-live residents aud fruitgrowers of any county in this state, the county court of said county shall appoint a county in spector, whose duty it shall bo to in spect tbe apple and otiier fruit or chards of said county and en' nice the laws now iu force and that iiiuy lie hereafter iu force iu the state applica ble to the fruit industry aud to the growing, bantling and selling of fruit, fruit trees aud otiier nursery stock. Sec. 2. the county inspecttu shall perform bis duties under the general supervision of the stale dis trict commissioner, to whom lie shall make repot is in the manner pre scribed by the .State Hoard of Horti culture. Sec. 7. It shall be the duly of the several members of the board mid oi the secretary or the county inspectors under their director, wln-ncter they shall deem it uecessary, to cuuse an inspection to be made of any plants, vegetables, vines, or tiny fruit pack ing bouse, store room, sales room, or any other any place within their dis trict, aud it found infested with any pests, diseases or fungus growth, in jurious to fruits, plants, vegetables, trees or vines, or their eggs or lui un liable to spread to other places or lo calities, ot of such nature to be a publio danger, they shall until .v the owner or owners or persons iu charge of, or in possession of such art icles, things or places, thut the same are so infested, aud shall require said per sons to retlioate or destroy said in- seots or pests, etc., within a certain time to be specified iu said notice." U might be into osting to quote a few more extracts lrotn the law that relates more to the grower: Section one of a law entitled an act to protect the fruit and hop industry of Oregon : "It shall hereafter be unlawful for any persou, firm or corporation, own ing or operating any nursery, fruit orchard of any kind, hop yard, itowei garden, or ornamental trees to throw any cuttings or primings, from any fruit trees, nursery stock, orna mental trees or hop vines, into any publio road, highway, lane, Held, or any enclosure, or into any water course of any kind ; hut shall destroy such cuttings or primings by lire, within thirty days from the Mine such cutting or primings are made. "Hec. 2. It shall hereafter be the duty of any rerson, llrni or corpora tion owning or operating any snob nursery, fruit orchard, Imp yurd, flower garden, or ornamental trees, and know such to lie infected, with any kind of insects, pests, or disease, to Immediately spray or destroy me same iu such manner as I ho fruit commissioner of bis district may di rect." "Bee. b. It shall he unlawful for any person, iirui or corportiou, to im port or sell any lulestetl or diseased fruit of any kind iu the state of Ore gon." There is another section requiring met chants selling spray niaterii.l to guarantee its quality and per cent of purity. Another prohibiting any per son or firm from packing to ship any diseased plants, fruits, or vegetables. Then section 7 says : "Any persou, llrm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a iniu deamor, and upon conviction thereof, shall lie punished by' a Hue ot not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred. " Possibly this is enough of the law. It will be seen by these extracts thut tbe inspector is winking under the general aupervison of the district com missioner. Ill at It Is his duty to in spect tbe orchards, nicking houses and store rooms, to guard the markets etc, ' or, in other words, to enforce the law as it uow stands or may iu tbe future be enacted.; This is the legal side of tbe subject, that any one may learn if be wants to, or may learn by actual experience if hu is too negligent or stubborn to try. but there ate other duties of the in spect oi, to which I wish to refer to tbat are not written in the law. lu my experience as inspector 1 find many people who do not know what to do in order to properly clean up and care for their orchards. In some communities where fruit growing is not carried on except for family use I find tbere is no one who knows any thing about spray ing or caring for their treet, This does not mean that these communities are not intelleiit. but it doeal mean that iu the past this bae been out of their line ot business. In years past fruits of all kinds hate grown to perfect iou with but little care an1 attention. This lias created a babit of carelessness ami neglect,, tbs result of which is n.anitest, en pecialiy through the Willamette vtl ejr- Hut of late years we have scale, aphis, oodliu uiotb, caterpillars and fungous . disease too numerous to mention. Ibese changed conditions have made it necessary to employ dillerent methods ot action, 'ihtsu farmers who la tbe past bave bad fruit abund antly without elfort or expense must now take up the spray pump, tlio pruning saw and tbe cultivator or go without fruit. lint they don't know how. The in spector must teach them how to spray, what to spray with, how to prepare it, aud when aud how to use it. I'e must also give suggestions iu re gard to proper pinning and cultivat ing. Farmers aie not only willing but anxious to learu those things. Autl the inspector will tlnd that they will gouerally co-operate with him in his work if be will go to tiieui with a disposition to help lather thai to doiniueer. Occasionally ve will ti nd a man who is too stubborn ami contrary to do what is light. Such a man has to be handled with the iron hand of the law. liut I am thankful to say that the Oiegou farmers are so intelligent, honorable aud fair minded that we seldom find one of this class. All conceivable kinds of questions are asked au Inspector. Home of them are very foolish, ot course, but he is supposed to know. And it is his duty to lie as well informed as possible on all branches of horticul ture work, and answer them as intel ligently as possible. It is his duty to try to prevent ill reeling between neighbors. When A reports that ll lias an or chard that is infested with all imag inable kinds of insects and diseases (although be may have a worst one himself) the inst ector must take the responsibility himself and tell both patties thut it is his duty to visit till the orchards, whether they are com plained of or not and tlnd out their true condition and act ou his own judgment. It is his duty to work in the inter est of the f i ti i t gorwer au farmer in all mattres pertaining to horticulture. Help to protect them what he can from unscrupulous nurserymen, and dealeis iu patent spray materials. lu my experience 1 have had much satisfcatiou iu helping to get the proper spray material of the dillerent kinds at leasotmlile prices. In this and any other ways if the inspector is constantly studying the needs ol the grower aud tryiug to be helpful, lie can save to the farmers aud fruit growers of his county more money than it takes to pay his salary. 1 II ii il it necessary to get acquainted with grocerymeii and druggists, who handle spray material and tell them what the fruit groweis will need at dillerent times in tbe year, and get heir co-operation iu the matter oi furnishing spray materials of the pioper kinds at the right prices. It u also a good lan to leave spray formu las with these dillerent dealers so they can intelligently give instruc tion to the purchaser. Sq nutters en I nsiirveyeil Litml. A number of people huve settled on the unserveyed land between Little and liig lluck I 'reeks west of the White Salmon ami before the y ar is out every claim iu that section will be occupied. There ure now about twelve or lilleen setlleis in that section and so far they have no connection with the outside world except by trail. llieso people are asking the county commissioners for a road including a budge across the White Salmon river near the old I'anieiou mill, aud the onunlsKioiicrs should grant their po t il inn without delay. It is to the in terest of the people of White Salmon to see that this road aud bridge i built and they should use their in iliionoo iu this direction, as that will soon be an important community whose trade will be worth seeking. this Jam! lies Iron! six to nine miles from town aud when iu cultivatou will support a large population. There is two thirds ot a township of land in that district that bus not yet been stiivoyed and some of tne White Salmon Trout Luke slage roud. -Ku-terprise. Hop Ticker. Those contemplating a sojurn at tbe nip fields during September can now lie registered its tuckers for either of our 100 acre yards, at Keedville, Witch lla.cl ami Kiokrciil. Fine camping grounds, low railroad fares, store an I thcr conveniences on each farm. When our regisler is tilled no further names he taken. Koscrve a place by sending your inline and numbers ot pickers to, A.J. Kay, :i:U Sherlock lsldg., Portland, Ore. Over SOU In the Simile. While Hood Kiver people bave com plained ol the excessive heat, they should sympathise with their neigh bors on the uor'h sldejor tbe Colum bia. Listen to the following from tlio W hite Salmon Knterprlso : "Kvei since the last day of June the weather has been opprosivoly warm, the ther mometer going up into the nineties, and several days it passed the 2(10 nuik. .Modest Claims Oflen Carry the most ( inn let Ion. When Maxim, tlio fumoun gun in ventor, p':o i d his gun liefore a commit tee of Judges, he stated its carrying power to be much below what lie felt sure the gun would accomplish. The result of the trial was therefore a great surpri e, instead of disappointment. It is tbe same with tbe manufactures of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea licmcdv. They do nol pub licly boast oi all this remedy will ac complish, but prefer to let the Users make (he statements. What they do claim, is that it will positively cure diarrhoea, dysentery, pains in the stom ach anil bowels and has never been know u lo fail, l or sale hv Keir iV. Cuss Let I s Do Your Wood Work We do all kinds of carpenter and cabi net wprk. liread Uiards, ironing hoards, clothe racks, camp chairs, tent poles, screen doors, window screens, screen safes, kitchen cabinets, furniture, etc., made as you want them. Kcnicmber we do all kinds ol repair work in wood or metal. lodge Keid. l'holie ti'il. .-hop next door lo kodgcrs' gallery. I or Knit. Kor a long term of years, south half of Mock X, I'arkhurht, and three acres tast of l'urkhiirst. W.J. linker A Co, Notice. The (J. K. of the Kirst Christian Church will serve ice cream and cake oil I'riday and evening, June tl at H. 13. Bragg store. HOOD RIVER A WORLD BEATER REMARKS ROGUE RIVER COURIER (ids Medals at Every Fair .So Adver tiscil that Europeans Think Lit tie Valley Is a Itig Slate. lu au article commenting ou the way Hood Kiver captuied the prizes at the cherry show at Salem, tho (jrants l'uss Courier says: When it comes to advertising their fruits the Hood Kiver orchardlsts are not eqalled by the growers of any other section of the Pacitlo coust. If there is a distinguished person or a notable party that passes through Hood Kiver they are presented with boxes of choice fruit being the com pliments of the Hood Kiver Fruit tirowers Union. Let there lie a fair, uu exposition) or a gathering of fruit growers any where trom Maine to Oregou aud tbe irrepressible Hood Kiver hustleis are ou hand with a display of fruit and they get away with the great majority of the honors and their union couid make a display of medals aud diplo mas that in number would eclipse tbe collection possessed by the much dec orated monarchs of Europe. Even at Snlem which claims to be iu the laud of the cherry, Hood Kiver cherries got away with most of tho honors in the cherry exhibit at the meeting of State Horticultural Society, held iu tho capital city last week. Then not content with competing aguingst tho world these advertisers lor protit hold a fiuit exhibit of their own every two years at Hood Kiver aud vie with each oilier w ho cau make the best display of orchard products. Already they have begun tho prepara tions for tills Kail's fair which they announce is to be larger, better and more successful than heretofore held by them. That this persistent, thoiough and ell'ective advertising is a profitable investment is proven by tlio extraor dinary high prices they realize for their fruit, ?'l a box not being au un usal price had for their apples. Last year tho entire Hood Kiver npplo oi op was bought by a London firm iu competition with buyers from New i ork ami other American cities. So effectively has Hood Kiver been ad vertised that many people lu the Last and in Europe think it is a state of tho Union, instead of a little valley l.xi) miles square hid away in the Hide of the Cascade mountains, peo pled by tho most progressive, scieu tilic fruit growers in the world. It ia conoeded by experts that Rogue Kiver valley can grow apides, pears. cherries and strawberries fully equal to the bovt that Hood Kiver cau pro duce aud In grapes, peaches and melons we lead the eutire coust. liut in prices Kogne Kiver does not lead for tho world kuows not of these fine fruits and does no fancy Lidding to get them. When Kngue Kiver is as well known as is Hood Kiver then will the oiohardists here get the toil prices for their fruit. Insurance Holdup. Tho city of Spokane does not take at all kindly to the Z per cent, ad vance in insurance rales. Spokaue had for some time been looking for a reduction of insuiance rates when withou twarniug a 2o per cent, ad vance is announced. Indignation meetings have been held at which sentiment has been expiessed as fol lows: 'We are a comparatively small community a mere speck on tbe map of tho Uultod States aud it would be wonderful indeed if tbo movement inaugurated here could re sult iu smoking out the great insur ance trust. If the ius'irauce com panies are in no condition to meet another disaster such as that which befell Sail Francisco, then their whole scheme is bad and there ought to be some government action to guarantee their stability in the future. Their stuck holders have for years boon reaping largo dividends that were not consistent with the amount of capital they had invested. These profits weie based upon unjust rutes that were reuderod possible by a trust agreement. "They have effected an arbitrary organization of the most thorough character to maintain the high and unreasonable rates, lhoir harvest have been millions. They have pock eted the proceeds ami should be made to disgorge, now that they have en countered the disaster that was inev itable. "in their eagerness for business they have entered the fields, at Sun I'raiicisco aud written risks broad cast under close competition, well knowing it was not only a Held ot great danger but that an eaithquake at tended by lire, would be a probable consequence. Many of them carried the bulk of their risks in that city. Congress should take some action to disturb this trust agreement Hid to compel the stoekhuldois lo distri bute their ill-gotten profits among the policy holders without calling upon other communities to make up fin it with an increase of their exorb itant rates. "The English companies are cull ing upon their stock ladders to make good the loses thut result from a dis aster under just these conditions. American companies should be re quired to do the same. "We believe the chamber of com merce here should get iu touch with the chamber of commerce in all the leading cities of the country aud agree upon some line of joint action looking to an ell'ective demand upon congress for uu adequate remedy." Diplomas Have Arrhcd. Tlfe diplomas for the eighth grade have arrived, and are iu the bands of Cletk Vaughn for distribution. 'Ihe following ure the names of those ie ceiving them: Waldo Henry liutton, Edna Evans, Chester il. Huggiiis, lloster E. Harbison, Wm. 1). Chand ler, Win. A. Evinger, l'loience Avery, Hurry L. Demotert, '"red K. lfell, Kolyd.S. Arnold, (iuy J. Ciamer, Etta Ulagg' Koger W. Moe, Caroline Sparks, Homer llollowell, William Cass, Har old O. Wood, Kittio ilragg, Helen Orr, Eleanore Jones, Lottie Kinnairn), Editb Al. Sproat, Lawreuca M, Uerdes, Ueo. Tripp.