iHT iWrrinr'l 1 1 J i i wp nM, .w- 'at "i 4 ' c . e "' HOOD RIVER, OREGON, JULY 5, 1906. VOL. XVIII. SOCIETIES. HOOI RIVEK IIOMMEHCIALCLUB-Meeui every second Monday in each uiontb all p. m . in the elub rnnnia over Jaokson's store. H. K. Da vidsos, Pres. . A. D. Mok, Becretar.v. mum RIVUtt I.IIUI4K No. 105. A. V. and A. M,-Mwta Saturday evenlnc on or before eacn run moon. A. a. blow nan, w . m. 1. McDonald, HeereUtry. Iirwill HIVVII I H AHTKR NO 27. It. A. M Meet dint and third Friday nights of eaca month, v. McuoNAi.o, n. r. A. D. Mob, Secretary. H(K)U HIVEK CHAPI'EK NO. 5, O. K. 8 Meet second aud fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed. AlHS. T. .1. KINNA1KD, W. U Mas. Thbkkma Camtnkb, Secretary. -1r -TV'S: ini.F.wii.nr. i.niit.K no. 107. I. O. O. F.- Meeta lu Fraternal ball, every Thursday night, h. u. rABHorr, n. u, Allbn NEAI-, Secretary l- ,. L.uilUDIIk,1' K'n Alt I Ik ) IT Keg-nlar meeting second aud fourth Mondays 01 eaeu UIOULIl. . J. wm, " 11. (J. bHiTU, Scribe. I .HIRk'l KKHVKAH DEGREE LODGE MO, HI, 1. 0. O. F.-Meeui first aud tblrd Fridays in eaou xuoum, MRU. E. W. UDEtL. N. Q. Mr. Dura Thomson, Secretary, wiiimMt i.nixiK No. 30. K. OF V. Meets In K. of F. ball every Tuesday night. '1 Boa. r, John son, u. v,. V. C. Baoca, K. of a. and & HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,1W, M. W. A. Aleets la K. of V. ball every Wednesday nlgbt. is. a, mayks, v. v. C.U. DAKIN, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO.M4, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meets at K. of F. ball on tbe Urstand Third Fridays oi eacn montn. Lou McKEYNOLua, (i. N, V. W. McHkynoi.us, Clerk. RIVERHIDELOIJOENO. 08 A. O. V. W.- Meets first and tblrd Saturdays of each inouib. r . it. dlauu, in. n. E. R. BRAUI.EY, Financier L'hkstkk HIIUTK, Recorder. r.w ...m . . uul'ti Dl V STrt 1 tlUITUll ART. 111, 1 iiv. iwi ... ----- lsans.-Meels tbe first aud tblrd Wednes days, work; second and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' nan. u. iaunwi .. C. D. auiBiiu, Secretary, COURT MOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS of America, Meets second and fourth Mon days lu eacb moulb In K. of F hall. Sknkca F. Fouts, C. R. F. C. BaostCS, F. C. OANBY P08T.no. 18, 0. A. R.-MEET8 AT A. O. V. W. hall, second aud fourth Satur days of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. R. members Invited to meet with us. s. A. Skinneb, Commander. Thomas doss, Adjutant. CAN BY W.R.C..NO. IS MEETS SECOND and fourth Saturdays of eacb Month In A. O. U. W. ball at p. in. Ellen Blount, President. Uebtrude B. IsoLics, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 349, R. N. A. Meets at the K. or F. Hall ob tbe second and fourth Fridays of eaeb month. Mas. Cabbie Brosius, O. Mrs. Ella Darin, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. bUKUKON O. R. A N. Co. JKS. MARY JORDAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Offices and Residence In E. L. Smith Building Over First Nt. Bank. Kntrance, rear of bank, on Third St. Phone 871. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answer 3d In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 613. Office lu the llrosius Building. drTj7edgington, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 1433. Res. phone 76X1, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. Offlce phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 693. Dr. M. H. sharp Db. Edna B. Suabp Osteopathic Physicians Graduatee of tlie American School ot Osteopathy, Kirksviile, Mo. Office and Residence Huxley C8to8e River street. Phone 25 Hood River. F. 0. liUOSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 1 to andto7P. M. H. D. W. PINE0,D.D.S. DENTIST Crown Bridob Work a Specialty. OfTuie over Firet National Bank Telephone Main 311 C H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones : Office 283 ; residence 104!) Otliee over Butler Bank, Hoop Rivkr, Ore. M. E. WELCHT LICENSED VETERINARY SURGED Is prepared to do ny work In tbe veterin ary line? He can be found by calltuK at or phniuK to Clarke s druij store. A. A. JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practice In All Oonrfs Offlce wlrb Geo. D. Culbertaon A Co. Col lections. Abstract. Settlement of Folates. HOOD RIVER. OKE-tOln. SENECA F. FOUTS Attorney at Law Brosius Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER. OREGON. JOHN' LKLAXD HENDERSON ATTORXKY-AT-LAW. ARSTRAOTER, NO TAKV Fl BMCend RKAL KSTATfc; AUKNT. 1 For SI year a reniden ofo eg-nn and Was ItiKton. Has had many yearx ex erleiice In Hel Estate mm lent, n atwtractor, searcher of titles and agent. (Satisfaction guaranteed cti 00 charge SEE J. It HEILBRONNER & CO. FOR Fruit Lands, City Property, Investments, Fire Insurance, Burglar Insurance Accident Insurance Our List of Bargains in real estate will interest you J. II. Heilbronner & Company Fruit Lands. Real Estate and Insurance Ground floor new Davidson l!Mt?. HOOD RIVER and PORTIDND, ORE. Hood River Studio -FOR- First-Class Photographs We bave the latest in mounts and can en large jrt'ur ll.'L.PB 111 ,vlHjri,U, I U.IUUIU Wl 8epla. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to set an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection DeBORDE & GREY. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD . A. T. ZEEK. 1 R .JONES, Dentist Crown and Bridge Wort Teeth Without Plates. rrratment of ditteaaed teeth and gums. Utll.f Hnnitia Building. Phone 1033. Eureka Meat Market MiGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealer In Fresh and Cured Meata, Lard Poultry, Fruito and Vegetables. Free Delivery. Phone Main 35. F. G. COE Carpentering Pbooe 71 F.S. Stanley, K.UHbith, E.O. Bi.anchab Pres. Vlce-Pres. rasnier. V. C. Bbih-K, Aunt, ('anliier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREOON. Capital and Surplus, $30,000. P. I HALL-LEWIS & CO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Make aurveva. Diana and estimates for sew er. Ilvht anrl invcr and railway plants, and furnish, milij. ct to approval, plans, specifica tions aud estimate for all cIhhws of buildings public, private and mercantile, npeciai at tention irlv.n to economic and slow-burning eonstrwtlnn. Aiwuracy and economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON UUL.D1NU HOOD RIVER, OREGON. . STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. s jj CqX Contractor and Builder AMD ZlTIMATM FpUHtMU. FREDERICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS laiiaaUi (urnlshad m all kinds of work Phnnoa- Amoia, Main H, SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. necorallre Painting and Paper Hanging Plana furnlahed. Estimates care fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, ArcHitoct Havlnir had wverni vears' experience In drafting and building. I would respectfully solicit a part or the patronage of the people of Hood River who anticipate building. Terms reasonable, a id satiHfaitlon guaranteed. Of fice at residence ou Heights. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phnne 7liil Figures mid eftiumtea furnitslicd on all kinds of building and contracting. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I m tiiiHllfled and prepared to do all kinds of flint-claw land surveying. Accuracy guar anteed. Those alio wis ' ni'Ht-ciass wore aone address K. K. 1. 2., Hood Ulver. Phone 50x1. ASSOCIATION of McMinnville. Oregwn, will insure your orouertv at 60 per cent less cost than any other institution. r. ku, special Ageni, Hood ttUer, Oregon GOVER. IMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands and tlmqer claims; also relinquishment and land to script. Call on or address. Wm. f. rand, Res. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. Business Chances Rooming House News Stand Confectionery Store Hotel Restaurant ; Cijmr Store Also Farms, Timber Lands. St. Johns Realty a Specialty HOME BROKERAGE CO. Room 9 Rreeden Bldg, PORTLAND, ORE. Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in corrpspondencn with all parts ol the United K ates and are in good posi tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. Dodge & Reid Carpenters, Cabinet Makers and Repairers We do repairing In wood and metal. Furni ture making a specialty. Uuus, bicycles, etc., repaired Phone Ml HooU KIVEH, ORK. WOOD FOR SALE. I am iirvpared to furnish mill and slali wood, alHO oilier K:mis ol wool. I have a ne steam wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. Phone 131, SUMMONS In theclrcnlt court ol the state of Oregon, for Wasco county. 0 Ralpn Hpenoer, Plaintiff vs. Beulah V. Bpencer, Delendaut. To Beulah V. Hpancer, tbe above named de fendant : In tbe name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the eompiaini niea against you c" titled suit ou or before the expirallou of six weeks from the date of the first publication of tbs Summons as hereinafter staled, and It you fail so to answer, lb plaintiff will take Judg ment against you and will apply to the court for the relief prayed tor In bis complaint to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem proper. This summons is seived upon you by publi cation thereof once a week for six consecu tive weeks In the Hooa niver uiacier, a wees In newanuner nrinted and published III said county and stale, sort by order made and en- terett uerein on me u uj w Honorable W. 1 BradsbsW, Jndife of said court. The dale of the flrst publication of tills summons Is the 34th aay ol May, m . M. k. Mll.l.KK. Attorney for Plaintiff. (Timber Ind, Act June S, 1X711. 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Htatet Land Office, The Dalles, i t .. ifc lufMt Niittn la hot-Mhv urqiuui ,fuuv , ww. . given mat In compliance with the provisions ol tne act oi congress oi j uuw , nw., cununt "An act for the sale of Umber lands lu the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as attended to all the public laud slates by act of August 4, lKtu, PAUL P. MoTULLY. of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon; uss niea in inisoim-e uii.wuru mmv nieut no. sa;. tor tne pim-uaiw ihb nn , aectlon 4, lots 1 aud and HK'NK of aecllon No. a. In townshlii No. IN.. Itanxe No. UK., W. M. and will offer proof to sw that the lands sought are more vaiuauie tor me iim lMr nr atone thereim than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claims to said land before the Register and Receiver at the land otnee In The Dalles, Oregon, ou the 26th day of August, ItKW. lleuaines as witnesses; rreu rnsuisruy, 01 Hood Rlvsr, Oregon, aud Mis C. ulsru, of Portland, Oregon. Anv and all Demons claiming adversely anvot the above-described landa are reuuesu ea to nie tneir claims in tins ouirv on or lore the said th day of August, iwm. MICHAKLt. NOl.AN, J'21 Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the stats of Oregon, for Wasco oounly. Grace Harrow, Plaintiff vs. Charles Harrow. Defendant. To Charles Harrow, Defeuduut:- in tne name oi tne siai oi utvkimi, you are hereby commsnded to appear In the shove en titled court and cause on or before Thursday thel2lh day of July, ltKHi, and answer the coin, plaint filed against you In said court and cause aud for want or such answer the plain tiff will apply to the court lor the relief de manded In the complaint to-wlt: Kor a degree dissolving the bonds of matri mony between plaintiff and defendant, grant. Iniran anmlute divorce to plaiutlU ai.d de. cnelng Hie custody of their minor child to pluli.tin. t ins summons is puousiieu oy oruer 01 on. W. L. Uradshaw. Judge of the above en. titled court, made and entered this HI h day ol May, taoii. Dale ol nrst pu intention, May iisi, ixxv JAY H. UI'l'ON, niSIJj 2 Mtorueyfor plalntifr. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION UniU'd States lAnd Olfloe, The Dalles, Ore., April t, IUU0 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the set of Congress i Mime 3, 1K7H, eiilllled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the Mates of Cali fornia, Orison, Nevada, and vtaslilnttun ter ritory." as exlended to all lha Public Laud slsles, by aelof Augnst 4, r MAI1IK KaIHHaNKS, ofHealtle, WiislilngUiii, ha this day filed In this office her sworn sialement No. tfSilil, for Ihe purchase ol I he S K of sectlou lown- shlp 1 north, raiiKeK east w . M., and will offer pnst to show thut the land sought Is more .valuable for its timber and stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim tosaUllsnd before the Register and lie cetver. at The Dalles, Oregon, ou the 281 n da of.luue, mi. Khe names as witnesses Nils C. Olson, of Poltland, Oregon, Chsrles J. Fairbanks, ol Seattle, Wash., Fred Kiautchy, of Hood River. Oregon, and Louis K. Burkhard, ol Hood River, Oiigon. Any aud all iersons clulnilng adversely the above described lands are requested to rile their claims in tills office ou or before said 2Kth day of June, Km. m:tJ28 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. BUMMONS III the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for the oounly of Wasco. Cameron T. Uroat, Plaintiff, vs. Anette tlrotit, Defendant. To Anette Uroat, defendant above named. In the name of the Htate of Oregon you are hereby required to apiiear and auswer the complaint tiled against you lu the above en titled suit on or before I lie expiration of nix weeks aller the dale of first publication ol this summons wlncu is June 2K. 1WI. and II you fall so to apiiear and answer, the plsln tiff will spply to the court for the r -lief prayed for in the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the intuiiage coutiact and niar- riSKereiHituusexisiuiK oetween plaintiff and deiendaul aud for such other relief as the coin! may deem Just and equitable. mis sumuioiis is puuiinueu iu tne noon River Glacier by order of the Honorable W. L. Uradshaw. ludae of said court, mada and entered on the l'.ln day of June, 190ti. CLAUUK .Vi HAH AN Attorney for Plaintiff First publication June 28, 190fi. Last publication August IU, lll.'.. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales I .and Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, May 22, nwni. Notice Is hereby given Hint fn compliance with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of J me 3, IS7H, entitled "An act lor the sale of limber lands in the stales ol (Hi I lorn in, Ongon, Nevada, and WashlugUiu Territory," as i x tended to all the Public Land Stales by act ot August 4, 1SV2, WILLIAM H. ANDREWS, of Wasco, county of S'lermati, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office bis sworn statement No. 21)12, for the purchase of the WNK'-i and KNttJj, of section No. 30, In township No. I N., range No. II K., W. M., and will offer pnsif to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or slone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claini;bi said laud before George T. Pralher, II. H. Commissioner, at his office In Hood River, Oregon, on tke null day of August. IW. lie names as witnesses: Archie C, French, Glllord 1 1, Woodwoilti, Roy Wwajworlh aud Guy Woodworlli, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all iwrsons claiming adversely the slHive-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before ssld liith day of August, limit. J7a M ICH AKL T. NOLAN. Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offlce, The Dalles, Ore. gon, May 2a, ussi.-Notlce Is hereby given that In compliance with the provlslons,of the act ol Congress of Junes. 1S7H, entitled "An act for the saleot timber lauds in the Scales of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1SW2, ARTHUR P. TIKKT, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale of Oregon, has this aay niea iu mis omoe nis sworn statement No. 2ll, for the purchase of the lots 2, 8, 4 and 5, of section No. I, In town ship No. 1 N., range No. K., W. M., and will oiler proof to sh w that the land sought Is more valuable for its Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim u said land belore the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 2Mb day of August, IV06. He names as witnesses: Lewis K. Morse, Frank Chandler, Charles L. Morse and Wil liam fr Rami, all of Hsd River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this omce ou or belore aald .Hill day of August, J7al6 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. St. fttartt a Aratomij TRX DtttTi. OlXOOV. t'niler the dlrsetlea at t Kstan of tie Bsty Nampa of Jwus aa4 Kary. n 4M aekelaiMM j.-ir oo.ni SeptsnlMr 4, lfot, te lastlliiai ami day pupils. Aeadtnle, eoaoMrcUl, siusssar rrtdfS sd4 iDtsrawdlstf smasa, Wosts a acsaf rtsltf . lusl fa attalaf. ajMnaS JaMat) g?f!5lri . : BRIEF NEWS OF THE WORLD WEEKS HAPPENINGS TERSELY TOLD A Resume of Less Important Hut Not Less Interesting; h'vents of the Past Week. James Wickersham will be .rou pointed judge iu Alaska. Tbe Russian government is fearful or au uprising in tne army. A plot to kill the Ling aud queeu of Italy Has been disoovereu. Rockefeller's money has been re fused by the National Juvenile Im provement association. Governor Chamberlain has declared all laws ratified by the June election to be in effect. Senator Tillman declares thut Stamf ard Oil interests baro been at work on tbe rate bill. President Roosevelt has signed a bill authorizing St. Louis to erect and maintain a bridge across the Mis sissippi at thut city. lne secretary of tbe Interior reject ed the bids recently opened iu Port land for cement for the Umatilla and Okanogun irrigation projects. Hie price was too high. Five ice men at Toledo, Ohio, have been found guilty of combining for tbe purpose of raising the ptice of ice and atntonced to one year iu the work bouse aud to pay a Hue of Vi,00u. General Greeley has reorganized the relief work lu Sun Frnucisoo. Tbe friendship of Russia aud Great Britain has been cooled by the Jewish massacres. Tbe sultan of Morocco has signed the treaty promulgated by the Algccir- aa couventlon. Poltiical sius iu the East point to Roosevelt as the audidute to run against liryun. Cross Creek, a small Peuusylvaniu town, has been wiped out by lire caused by au electrio storm. The strike of bituminous cotil min ers iu Miobigau has been ended by tbe men accepting the l.KU wuge scale. The president will likely visit the canal zone uet fall aud see for him self the progress being made on the canal. ! Canada proposes laws which will stop business of every kind on Sun day, even railway trains. No guinea or performances will be allowed where au admission is charged. At a meeting of the boiird of super visor of San Kranoisco city and county the tax levy was llxeil at H.'Ml per i(A) The new levy is lb cents and 2 mills higher than lust year. Tbe Russian douma blumes the gov ernment for tbe recent uiaasacies utid culls on the cabinet to resign. Experiments are being conducted in Kansa4 to ascertain the result oi meat preservatives. Dogs are the subjects. General Ureely says st loaet r(), OiX) people in San Francisco are still de pendent on tbe supply cumps fur food. Formal announcement has been made by Attorney General Moody that he will prosecute the Standurd Oil for accepting rebates. Tbe Transcontinental Insurance company is teported to have only as sets suffloleut to pay 10 pur cent of its Hau r ranoisoo losses. Insurance companies have refused to pay a dollar of insurance ut Santa Rosa, California, claiming the earth quake ruined the city. Tho state in surance commissioner has pledged his suppoi t. The peasant revolt is growing in Southern Russia. English won au suff i ugibts have been arrested for rioting. liryan says his kind of couservutism were be president would be to destroy tbe trusts utterly. Idaho is asking for inforinutiou re garding the insurance companies which refuse to puy tneir Suu Pruncis- co losses in full. Monday, July 9, bus been decided upon by tbe federal authoiities ut Portland as tbe date upon which Ihe Oregon hind fraud trials will begin. Federal Judge Wolvertou will ex change benches with Judge Hunt, ol Moutana. and the latter will preside during the trial of the many cases which are ready to come up. (ioveru uient proseoutoi l' J. Honey will ar rive iu Portland this week to assist in prosecuting tbe land grabbeis. At tbe present time it is not known whicn case snail nave precedence, mil Congressman Hermann will be among the Urst to be tried. Some thirty years ugo a few men Battled ou a Hut about twelve miles south of Arlington, lu the ciev was only one wagon an oldlHchutler. lu some way they begun calling this neighboibood Scbutler, from the old wagon. A few years later it whs, as it is now, known as Scbutler Flat. When the Condon branch of tbe O. R. N. Co., was built, a station was es tablisbed near this place, and is named Scbutler. This is one of the II nest farming sections in Gilliam county, and thus in an old wagon a name is found for a Hue wheat belt. An Eastern Arm engaged in the building of railway cars bus recently placed orders for an aggregate of 00, 000,000 feet of Oregon aud Washington flr for use in car building. While this it an unusually large order, tbe use.of Oregon lumber for that purpose is nothing new. For a number of yeurs Oregon mills bave shipped lumber east to be used in the manufacture of cars. For strength and durability bb compared with its weight, Oregon tlr has no superior. Just what additional revenue will come to the state treasury as the re sult of tbe passage ot laws taxing tbe gross earnings of telegraph, tele pbone, express and other corporis riB is not known lor a certainty, ine Western Union Telegraph con piny will bave to pay about i,H00. The PfclBo States Telephone ronpany will have to pay more ptobalily. .None or 'tbe corporations will pay until it bus been tested by tbe couits, so it is .aid. Some have estiuiLted the rev leoue at from Vi0,UU0 to tioo.ooo a I'ncle Sam's Lumber ltuslness. As a dealer stumpage tbe United States gun oilmen t is the largest lum ber dealer iu the country, lu the year liHlfi the total sules leuched a val ue of 'J7:!,iUl. Hi The sale of timber is one of the most important aspects ot government forest administration. All timber on forest reserves which cuii he cut safely and for which there is no Hftuid need is fot sale. Appli cations to pmchitfce are invited Green tiu.ler may be sold except where itsri inovnl makes a second crop doubtful, reduces the timber supply below the point, of safety, or injures the si roams. Ail dead timber is tor sale. 1 l,e cutting of this timber done under tie biipeivisiou of the Unit il Statue I creot, Service slid lu accordance with n-rtuin elf hi ly delln ed and pruflict'l piniis. A loiter hum Secretary Wilton to Gilttud Pinchot, tho lieail of the forest aurt ice, giving directions us to the policy to le lul lowed in this work, continue the I ol lowing: "You will see to it Unit the wator, wood, and forage of the re serves Hre conserved aud wisely iued for tbe bene fit of the home builder first of nil. lu the management of the rewerve local questions wl 1 be dicided upon local gi ouikIh. Where conlliet iug interests must be reconciled, the qestiou will always be decided I mm the standpoint of the greutett good to the greatest number in the loug run." Ili giis ( luck nn IIikmI River Rank. After staving at tho Hotel Albert for a few davs. W, E. Thayer, who claimed to have lieen iu tbe city buy ing fruit for a cannery, walked up to Mr. Eogtis yesterday afternoon, just before the Spencer left, and handed him a check for !.' on the First Nut tonal Hunk of Hood River iu payment for his board bill, which was .".. "0. Mr. Logos gave III in '.) oil in change, but after the man had gone, conduit ed he had better investigate aud de termiiie whether the chock was good. Ho took it ovei to J. C. Ilostetler, who telephoned to Hood River and found thut Thayer had no money in the bank. Then Mr. Logos hunted up Marshal Wood, gave him u description of the fellow and set that ottloer on his track. With his usual discernment Wouo concluded Thayer must have taken the hteamer Spencer for Portluud and telephoned to Captain llailey ut tin police foioe to look out for such u man when the Spencer gut in ubout HI o'clock. Sure enough. Thu' er win on board anil the officers secured hiiL and sent word up to that elfect. Ibis inoi uing Constable Harper went down on the early train and returned on No. '.! with his man, who hut learned thut Dulles justice is uot slow. Chronicle Hog raining iu the Noithwest prom ises to become au important industry. Alter this seauuu farmers aud stock, men will find a home market for ever; hog they cuu inisn. This will edvclnp through tho establishing of the pack tug house and stock yards at Port land, consti ucti'in or which will begin in a few weeks and which when com pleted will require fully 5,000 meu to operate the plant. A bow-legged trump was walking across the mountains from Mortli VaniliiH to Tillamook during the lute ruin storm. He stopped ut a farm house down ou the Trusk liver aud wus told to come iu mid get warm by the kitchen stove. While be wuf standing there the farmer's small sou uame lu. He hail novel seen a bow- legged man before. After gazing at him for a moment in astonishment he exclaimed "Suy, iniatur, you better move; yuu re wurpiu . l em hill J(e portor. New Irrigation Project. The secretury of tho interior today authorized the reclamation service to proceed immediately with tbe con duction of the east Umatilla irriga tion project in Oregon for which 91,- 000. ooo wus set uside from the roclu- ination fund, says a Wushiugtou, 1). ('., diHpatch of dune 10. Ihe project embiaces Z0,000 acres. Ihe engineering work in connection with tho project consists of a feed ca nal from the Umatilla liver to the Cold Springs reservoir, and a distrib uting system. Ihe works are simple in character and capable of being constructed in a short time. New I'se For Onions. Ii'enry Sclinll, of Marysville, Kan. gives his methods for predicting the weather which ho cluiins hits not failed in ull the yeurs in which bo bus followed it. He suys on Christmas night eucli year ho tukus u large onion which he cuts into 12 pieces of nearly equal size. Euch of these pieces lep- eHcnts a month iu the year. He lavs them nil in a low and iuto each' ho bores u hole and into these holes he puts salt. He claims that the pieces that ubsorb salt will be wet mouths, while the otheis will all be dry. During August and September there will be plenty of moisture and early in October he says that there will be heavy frosts. Major Schell claims that lie gets his foresight ou the weather euch year by this method aud thut it has never jet failed. He is of French extraction aniKcluims this method of predicting Che weather wus handed uowu to him by bis ancestors who came from I' runce. Ten Longest Days In the Year, There is a peculiar coincidence iu the length of the days of this, month, as computed iu the litoU World Alma nac, According to the almanac there are ten days of this month of equal length ; thut is, there are ten longest days iu the yeur, each enjoying lo hours and 17 minutes or sunlight. Those days uro June 17, 18, 111, 20, 21, i Zl. 21. ill. 20, and 2i, and, where June 22 is usually given as the longest day of the yeur, it is one minute shorter than any of the live proceeding or live following duys this yeur. Hop Pickers. Those contemplating a sojurn at tliej IKip Ileitis llliriflg epieinin-i tan now lie registered as pickets for either of our 100 acre vards. at Kcedville, Witch Hazel and liiekreal. Fine camping ,..,, i, ,lu low rui ri.iol fares, store nn I other conveniences on each farm. When ; our register is lilled no further names be taken. Reserve a place h sending your name ami nunua-rstn pit aem iu, A. J. Ray, 331 Sherlock Wdg., Portland, Ore. MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL APPLICATIONS OF SALOON LICENSE Petitions for Saloon Licenses Referred to Com mil tee, lo Meet With Law anil Order League. The regular meeting of the common council was held ut the city hill Mouday evening, with a full nunili r pieeeut. Anticipating t lit applications for -loon iicen es. I, ele was a titir atlei.t. snco of citizens, ami a repre-entntii u fioin the I -a a anil Order league. 'J im II rut business to come beloio the meeting mis the report ot tlo treasurer. It appealing that the i. port ot treasurer and recorder did n, i agree for the llrst quutter, and In.il never been checked up, the report u1 the treasurer fur the second ipiaru r wus referred to the llnance commilte. , with instructions to check both le ports for tho llrst and second. The recoider wus ordered to draw a warrant for t'X from the general fund in favor of the sewer fund, to pay tho sewer assessment against the city hull. The lecorder read a letter from At torney Wilson iu legard to the delin quents on the sewer assessments. He stated that as the Hood River Devel opment Co. and Ihe Title Guarantee Co. hud not made application under ihe bonding act witbiu ten days from che time the assessment was due, ao ording to law, they were not entitled to bond their property l.y the city to pay for the assessment, unless the council saw Ut to grant it. One of the applications is dated early in l)e ueuiber, the date being written over a previous date, hut wus uot Hied wltb the city recorder until January 25 UK Hi. The application wus refused, and the recorder instructed to Include all tie iluqueuts iu a general warrant, which will be advertised aud the property sold to pay the assessment due ou such. The recorder wus also instruct ed to include iu this warrant, costs, penalty aud interest, to pay the ex penses of collection. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid : Fred Howe, 2d loads gravel, gll.iiO; N. J. Devoid, feeding prisoners. f 10.75; Wm. Taylor, watchman salary, May 22 to July 2, vOo; street work. fllt.lK); inarshull salary for June, 50; bills of J. L. Henderson was reforied back to be itemized. A petition wa read, eigued by about 200 petitioueis, requesting tne council not to grant licenses for sa loons on Second street. Councilman Morse stated that he did uot see how the council could take actiou iu the matter. It there were objections to having saloons ou Second street, there would be as much objection to having them ou some other street. For bis part, he object ed to having them ou First street. If any one would name a block ou which there would he no objection, he would he willing to bave thorn put there. No action was taken ou the peti tion. The recorder read four applications for saloon licenses, viz. : P. 1''. Fouts, Knncr & Coleman, pox aud savage aud J. Li. Morrison. These were ac companied by petitions, except P. F. routs. Councilman Muyes moved that the report be refeired to tbe Judiciary committee to report as soon as possi ble. Councilman Watt thought there was uo need of haste iu the matter, and that it should go over to tbe next reg ular meeting. The council Lad passed a strict saloon ordinance, aud be thought that the petitions should be carefully examined and all details carefully looked into, and to take time to do it. Councilman Muyes saitl thut be thought thut the matter should be set tled at once. It would take no longer to do it one day than another, aud he moved that the committee report at a meeting of the council Tuesday even ing. The motion carried. Rev. J. W. Rigby addressed the oouncil, stating thut he represented about 2O0c'tizens, and thut he wanted a representation to tho committee from the council and check over the names on the petitions for saloon li censes, lne request wus granted, aim the time set was one o'clock Tuesday afternoon, ut tbe Commtciial Club rooms. T. 11. Williams having mudu are quest to join with the city iu build ing a sewer lateral to Oak street, it wus so ordered. Thesewet committee wus authorized to procure a hook to keep tho records of sower connections, the dute of such tonnectious, the locution of them, mil other details. Councilman Morse moved that the night watchamn he kept ou duly until further notice, which was carried. Four Surveying Crews at Work. There aie four surveying parties, with au aggregate of, UK) men at work, runninu lines and setting grade stakes along the militaiy road betweeu Na tron and Klamath Lake, according to J. Conner, who is proprietor ot the Willamette Hotel, Is extensively inter ested in the Klamath lands. He re turned from the Klamutb Fulls by toam, crossing tho mountains by mil itary wagon roud, and he expected to meet a small party. Instead be met four surveying parties of about 25 men each. From tbe character of tbe work they are doing und the number of meu ut work, Mr. Conner suys there cuu be no doubt but that the urveyors are employed I y ruilroad iu terests which expects to begin build ing a road btobs the mountains in the near future. His opinion is that tbe road will be built to connect with the one now building north from Lal fornia to Klamath Falls. Oiegonian. Let l's Re Your Wood Hark We tlo all kinds of carpenter anil cabi net work, llrenil Ismrtls, ironing IsiardSj clothes racks, camp chairs, tent poles, screen doors, window screens, screen safes, kitchen cabinets, furniture, etc., made as you want them. Remember we do all kinds of repair work in wood or metal. Dodge it Reid. Phone (151. Shop next door fo Rodgers' gallery.