f ri r ii ir 9 1 CmwD I C 3C I3C )O0 0 No Imperfect or Short Measure Goods Here Cram's Strawberry Camiva Our Goods are all RELIABLE u Tremendous Slaughter FOR THE NEXT WEEK ON ALL Ready - to - Wear Garments The very Newest, Snappiest Ladies' Silk Shirt Waist Suits, Cloth Suits, Wash Suits, Silk Wraps, Separate Skirts and Waists Our Entire Stock at Your Mercy No Racket Store Plunder Here ir urn f( - i IS a I THAT WE SHOULD; . K.'J Look out For urpr1 j THIS JTORC HA 5 Lr-Iiv QUALITY STYLE & PRICES'. If YOU DOU5TTHAT HONE3TY IS THE Elot policy jwt w BEING DliHonLJ 1 while; BUJTcR. DROWN InWKH.r lOot I"" t" BHuv. t.U H.Cffl WO. ZJ THE UP-TO-DATE STORE iiim iniigg 1 m 11 1 ! 111 DC 3C Up-to-Datc Clothing FOR THE NEXT WEEK ALL OUR New Spring and Summer Suits for Men and Boys will be sacrificed to the limit Our Stock is New and well selected. Nothing but well tailored suits shown HATS AND SHOES MUST ALSO GO When Looking for Trash go Elsewhere 'mmmmH CZmSZ Ji'i'im "1 iii"V Cmmwii iii m ii "I CrnZTrnTT? Cmmw 0 IJRIEK LOCAL MATTERS. Bicycle enamel at McDonald's, Square Deal Store. Mr. Bartmess is 011 a cash basis. Bicycles for sale and for rent at Dodge Bros. & Keid's. Fresh Olympia and Eastern oysters at the Gem Candy Kitchen. Place your order lor a nice chicken for j our Sunday dinner with McGuireUros. If vou want something good get Ben sons's fancy new potato. They look good, taHte good and if you eat them they will make you feel good. Maple Syrup and New York State Buck Wheiit at Jackson's. For Masury's colors in oil go to Mc Donald's. Fresh Columbia river 6almon at Mc Guire Bros. Just received at McDonalds, halt ton clover feed. Something new Puffed Kite Candy, at the Gem Camtay Kitchen. Three pounds halibut l'5c at McGuire Brothers. The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh candy every day. McGuireUros. make their own leaf lard under their own brand. j Do you want the best potatoes on the 1 market? If so get Benson's Fancy.) They are the best in the state of Oregon For sale by Emporium. Fifteen acres two miles southwest of Hood Kiver, 10 acres in cultivation, mostly orchard, tine land, 100 per acre. Lettuce, cabbage, rhubarb, asparagus at McGuire Bros. Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and pickled salmon at Jackson's. If you want cracked corn for chicken feed go to McDonald. Fresh fish halibut, salmon and (melts, at McGuire Bros. Do you need a carpenter to do that odd job? Call up F. G. Coe, phone 071. Newest, best fishing tackle at McDon ald's. For sale by Emporium. Ten room cottage and lot, seven blocks from depot, Hood Kiver. Newly repaired, new foun dation, wood fibre plaster, newly painted patent bath and toilet connected with sewer, good location $11100 cash. Not for vour dealer's sake, nor for Benson's Mike but for your own sake get some of Henson'B Fancy new potatoes. They will make you smile. If you waut to buy or sell real estate go to Onthank & Otten. Money to Joan on first mortgages. Abstraots and legal papers carefully prepared. Notarial work of all kinds. Fresh creamery butter and newly laid Hood Kiver eggs at McGuire's. It is to your interest to refer to Mr Bartmess' ad under the new system. Fresh White Salmon asparagus at McGuire Bros. McGuire Bros, are making country deliveries of meat on the east side of Hood river, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Country customers desiring orders tilled should telephone their orders Mondays and Wednesdays. For sale bv Emporium. Five farms In one body, "320 acres, 5 improvements eleared laud with each, 7 miles from White Salnieti on Goldendale Mid, plenty of water, $;i0 per acre. Can be sold in separate tracts for M days only. Terms easy. Our work guaranteed. Deitz Studio. Reduction In Flour and Feed. Special cash price on Flour and Feed at warehouse, Mran 114 per ton: snDrts $18 per ton : Hour, $4 per barrel. D. McDonald. Push, pluck and prices. Exclusive clothiers. Vogt Bros. Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at Jackson's. Watch for the bin circulars announc ing Huggins & Co.'s immense stock re duction sale. Prices and articles printed in plain figures. If you are wanting a tent it will pay you to get prices at S. J. Frank's har ness shop. If you are looking for a nice little home cheap, call on Onthank & Otten. They have just the thing. The Dietz Studio for photos. Fresh fish at McGuire Bros, Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Fridays. Just received from the east, a half ton of pure maple sugar and syrup at Jack son's. $15,000 worth ol new and up to date merchandise to be slaughtered away at L. H. Huggins & Co.'s stock reduction sale. Begins Saturday, June 9th. Freeh rhubarb, lettuce, green onions and cabbage, at McGuire Bros. Before purchasing your 4th of July toggery, call on Vogt Bros. They can save you money. Finest line of lap dusters ever shown in the city at S. J. Frank's harness shop McDonald sells house paints. It will pay you to get prices from him bt fore buying. FinUning for amateurs at Deitz Stu dio. New Orleans Molasses in bulk and cans at Jackson's. Money saved by buying your flour and feed from McDonald. If your bouse office or funiture needs repair, call up Dodge Bros. & Keid, phone 651. A torpid, inactive liver can produce more bodily ills than almost anything else. It is good to clean the system out occasionally. The best results are derived from the use o( Dew itt s Little Early Risers. Reliable, effective, pleas ant pills with a reputation. Never gripe. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy. All kinds of fresh and cured meats have advanced, but we are still selling at the same old prices, and will con tinue to do so. Yours for business, Mc Guire Brothers. Constipation makes the cold drag along. Get it out of you. Take Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar cough syrup. Contains no opiates. Williams' 1 hsrmacy. T. S. Weekelv the ieweler, has opened a new jewelry Btoreand repair shop, and is now ready to do your watch, clock and jewelry repairing. All work fully warranted. Prices reasonable. In the real estate room with Otithank & Otten. Unknown Friends. There are many people w ho have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy with splendid results, but who are unknown because they have heeitated about giving a testimonialof their experience for publication. These people, however, are none the friends ol this remedy. They have done much toward making it a" household word by making personal recommendations to friends and nieghbors. It is a good medicine lo have in the home and is widely known for its cures of diarrhoea and all forms of bowel trouble. For sale by Keir and Cass. 105, A. F. commuui June 30. M. M. Sayer, of Mill A, was in Hood Kiver Tuesday. Sheriff Sexton was down on official busness Tuesday. H. E. Rinebart, of The Dalles, spent Tuesday in Hood River. Hod. A. A. Jayue and Chas T. Early went to The Dalles yesterday. Mrs, Uerowe, of Portland, is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Butler. Mrs. L. W. Enysrt, of Portland, ar rived yesterday on a visit to Mrs. II. Li. Humble. Martin Emstrum, of Oregon City, Is looking after business nia'ters in Hood River. H. W. Rand, of Portland, spent several days here this week with friends and relatives. Sunday was tbe warmest day of the season, tbe government thermometer registering 92 iu the shade. Dr. Van Oessler, wife and two daughters, of Eastern Oregon, are taking an outing in Hood River and the valley. As will b noted in another columi , there will be four applications made to tbe coaimon council next Monday evening for liquor licenses. Burnett Duncan, of Portland, who bas a ranch on the East Hide, anil also one in the White Salmon valley, was up the first of the week looking after bis interests. Mrs. dura Huddleston aud nephew, of Portland, came in on No. 2 yester day on a visit to the family ol W. A. Lock man, at Udell. Hood River Lodge No. & A. M.. will bold regular oation Saturday eveniug, Visiting brothers welcome. Chas. Davidson, the "Deacon," as be is more familiarly known, is suffer ing from a varicose vein In tbe calf of bis leg, and bas been oonnned to bis bed for several "ays. V. C. Brock was called to Wasco Saturday on aooount of the serious illness of bis mother, returning iues- day morning. He reports bis mother as considerably better. R. II. Wallace was a passenger on train 7 to Portland yesterday. Trains 1 and 7 were beld several hours vesterdav afternoon on account of a wreck of two work trains near tbe Looks. Geo. Edwards and wife, of Chicago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerr, on the East Side. Mr. Edwards is largely interested in Chicago real es tate and is here for tbe purpose of puicbasing land. The Adveut camp meeting is attract ing considerable attention. Tbey are being largely attended and quite a number have been converted. The meetings will probably close tbe first of tbe week. The new block system that is be ing put in on tbis divison is nearly completed around Hood River. It will be an additional safeguard to travel, as in tbe mountains tbe many curves of tbe road allows a view of the track but a short ways. The Hood River mill and tbe cider factory have made application to tbe oouncil to grade the load from Colum bia street north to tbe road leadng to the mill so that it will be passable for teams. It is necessary to make a cut of a few feet in the road, and tbe rest of tbe way will be graded by par ties iuteies ed. The work is neces sary and will be done. tm7 "zf"ff " aom CET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES Lao Robes. Dusty weather Perfumery. Delicate, re- Ribbon Special. Satin som,PtuVs wtf ave your clothes, freshing odors, in all sUe pack- Taffeta, 4 inches wide will wash 'ya'ndWinlinenlc 75c 1.00 gcs. 5 cents to t rSii 1? km. Sa,"""' D-eor tlon Bunting. Purses and Hand Bag ni.lni.v fl sie II 25 Red, white and blue in many dif- A huudred different kinds lose. " ' ferent pntlerns. 6 els. per yd. led from. Little prices. a"ortnfemTextrf god vK'ut Shirt Waist Sets. Don't Combs. All tbe late styles in in S and fa" cv hemstitched. oi. want a new pretty one to side and back W...I., lur Ud.oa Uidles'lirLta special price. 8 wear tbe 4th? 25c 50c 75c. ear little Pr"'ea- cents. j " "" m Gloves and Mitts. White Ladies' Belts, silk, oatin Belt BucRles. in silver, bia. k and gray, (ilk lisle and mer- hnsh leather form fining pearl and gold, to wear with light cer led lace effects. 2oc Joe s " U 75c Z I Mc value, for 5tV Colored belts. 50c 75c fl.OO pr. , . . Skv Rockets, Roman Candles, Mines, T.rdos, txploiuing canes, lap 1 1 rirCCrflCKClS Cannons, Bombs, Cannon Crackers, Pin Wheels, Triangle Wheels, and novelties gJJ of all kinds J R. Smith cam up from Portland Friday on business. Dr. Piueo made a business trip to Portlaud last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jayue went to Portland on train 7 Friday. Miss Bess Iseuberg visited Portland the latter part of tbe week. Miss Fay Orr is visiting ber sister, M18. J. A. Dunbar, in Portlaud. Jag. Stranaban went to Portland on tbe local Monday to transact business. Mis. C. H. Cyrus, of Boise, Idaho, is visiting her nieoe, Mrs. V. C. Brock. A. J. Derby has returned from Portland aud has bis office in with Mr. Jayne. Walter Ilinriohs, of Sisters, Ore., is visiting bis parents, Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Ilinriohs. Mrs. M. Dnn and son, of Anaconda, Mont., were visitors in Hood River last week. Mrs. Amanda Taylor, of Newberg, I ml , is visiting the families of Dr. J. 10. Edgington aud O. B. Hartley. Mrs Briickman, of Portlaud, who bas leeu installing electrical machin ery at Dee, returned home Monday. M. Smith and family, of Sioux City, Iowa, were iu the city last week looti ng over the valley with tbe view of locating. L. C. Stanley, of the Stanley -Smith Lumber (Jo , was a passenger on No 7, iduy, I rnm the eastern part of the state going through to Portland. Mrs. Edwanl Holmes, who bas beeu visiting ber sister, Mrs. W. F. Rand, for a shoit time, returned to ber home in Poitland Monday. N. J. Levisou, editoi of the Sunday Oregon inn, came up on No. 2 Satur day to stay over Sunday with bis family at White Salmon. They are summering at the Jewett place. Miss Adele Goff returned from the university st Eugene last Friday, na- compHiiied by Miss Sue Hayes, of Ba ker City, wbo will make a snort visit before going 011 to ber borne. Mrs. Ewing, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. E. Warren, while tbe latter bas been staying in Hood River with her husband during the berry season, returned to Portlaud Friday. The telephone company on Fiiday finished the private line of tbe Mt. Hood railroad company fiom their general office to Dee, and the tele phone will lie used for the present, at least, instead of telegraph. Mrs. Sleetb, ttate organizer for the W. C. T. U., will be iu Hood River July 5 and 0 and id dress the local or ganization. One evening will lie de voted to a lecture aud the following evening ill be a program aud the re citing of origual poems by Mrs. Sleetb. Services every Sunday in the Uni tarian church at 11 a. m., J. A. Bald- ridge, minister. Topic for next Sun day: "HowBball we interpret Truth?" Irutb is one. universal and eternal, but bow shall we know what is truth? All are welcome. A rattlesnake with seven rattles was killed near the Catholio church last Thursday, the first rattler seen iu the city limits in two or three years. They are being gradually exterminat ed, and it is very leldom that one is now seen in the valley. Mrs. McRea, a writer for the Oie- gonian, who bas a ranch In tbe Crap- per district, near tne Jordan rancn, was Iu 11 oon Kiver tne nrst 01 tne week, looking after ber interests. She will do more improving on the place this season and expects to tet out several acres ol apples in the fall. Miss Minnie Richardson, wbo bas been employd as operator on tbe type setting machine at the Glacier office foi several months, bas resigned her position, and left for ber home at Welser, Idaho, Monday. She expects to resume ber pos tion 011 the Welser paper. J. F. Stranaban, recovered suffi ciently from his attack of rheuma tism to go to Condon Monday, where be is supei vising architect ot build ings being constructed there. He will tie gone several weeks, and Mrs. Strauahau will visit ber parents at Aberdeen, Wash., while be is away. Go. E. Pineo, who returned home to Berwick, N. S., a week Bgo, is get- lng bis affairs in shape to remove bere with bis family by the Irst or the year. He is Daviug nis land im proved, wbiuh De pure I) a -ted mis soring, adjoiniug tbe Woodwortb place, and will make a line Dome or tbe property. The Transfdr company are raising their barn nearly two feet, and exca vating under it to make room foi tbe borne stalls. All of tbe stalls will be placed Mow and thenpper floor fixed up for their various vehicles. This change was made necessary on account of having to give up part of their barn rooru. and tear down sheds to im.ke room for tbe new Mt. Hood rni;rni dennt. Tbe change will be an im provement over tbe old conditions, nitrite thorn torn antlpA flnnra instaiid j of one. S. D. Fischer was over from Muster Saturday. Tbe Oregon State Fair will be held at Salem Sept. 10 to 15. U. J. Uessling made a bustnes trip to Portlaud Tuesday afternoon. Miss Mary GafTney, of Portland, is visiting the family of 11. S. Rich mond. G. Paulson ,ofl)enver, was among the strangers looking over the valley tbe Hist of the week. E. J. Watt, W. E. Stowe aud II. G. Colton and wife, of Portlaud, visited Hood River Monday. G. Y. Edwards and wife, of Chi cago, weie iu tho'city Saturday and took a drive over the valley. N. W. Atfield, of The Dalles Opti mist, was in Hood River Monday In the interest of that publication. Frank MoFarlaud, of Portland, was up the first of the week looking after his business iuterests iu the valley. Mr. White aud wife, of Blooming ton, 111., and Mrs. Riualdo M. Hull, of Portland, spent Sunday at Wiiians. O. R. Davenport has moved from Green Point to Menominee, where he Is working iu tbe Newby & Kuutz mill. Lou Morse bad business at Dee Fii day and Saturday, and put in some time on the side whipping the stream fur truut in that neighborhood. E. F. Heath, of Heath & Sou, real estate dealer at Grass Valley, spent a oouple of days iu Hood River lust week, returning home Saturday. A. L. Craig, wbo recently resigned general passeuger agent of the G. R. O N. and Southern Pacific linos in Aregou, was n passenger on No. 2 1'ri pay. Mrs. C. Crouse arrived Friday from Louisville, 111., where she went nearly a year ago to visit relatives, aud was kept thore until the present time on account of illuess among them. Dr. Alex McKenzie ,of Portlaud, re turned Tuesday from the meeting of the American Medical Association In Bostou, and bad a short visit with Dr. Watt at the depot while No. 1 re mained. E. C. Eldridge has resigned his posi tion as cashier at the Hood River station, and left Saturday with Mrs. Kldridge for Wisconsin, where he will resume bis old position with the Northwestern line. His place was tilled here by Alex Jones, who comes here from Spokane. Mr. Jones learned railroading In England, and comes here well recommended. Mrs. K. S. Walton fell from a chair in the woodshed at her home yester day afternoon, striking the back of her bead 011 a chunk of wood. She called feebly for help, aud Mrs. Ganger, who lives next door, went to bei assist ance. M 1 shall Ganger was also at home, and summoned a physician. She bled profusely and was badly sbakeu up, but apparently not sei ions ly hurt. Gould & Mears were awarded the contract to put in a system of water works at Wallowa Thursday, to cost 110,028. It is to be a gravity system taking the water out of a stream near ly three miles from the town and bringing it in through pipes to tbe city, wbero it will be distributed over the oity by regular pipes. They were the lowest bidders, underbid ding Portland parties bo t'MH. J. R. Nunuomaker, of Heppner, has taken the option of Mi. Xwick 011 the Woodworth borne farm, which was re cently sold, and will complete the deal aud become tbe owner of that tine propeity. Mr. Nuunemaker liked the place so much that Mr. wick sur rendered tne place co 111s menu, and will look for another good place iu tbe valley that will make him a nice home. S. E. Bartmess says that he has at last persuaded the Odd Fellows to ex tend the concrete walk down past bis building, for the use of his part of tbe street while their building was be ing constructed. What bothers Sam now is whether or not he will have to pay for tbe walk himself after it is done. The new walk will be a fine improvement to that part of theblock and it is up to the council to pass an ordinance requring cement walks to be built in the busiuess distnct when ever a new walk is laid. They are the cheapest in the end, besides being fireproof aud a great help iu the looks of tbe town. Superintendent West, of the Mt. Hood Railroad, left a surveying nut- fit in tbe Mt. Hood hotel one day last week while he was out of tbe city. A few days later a stranger told th clerk that Mr. West had sent for it and said be had come to take it away, Not suspecting anything wrong, the outfit was delivered. When Mr. West came back and inquiied for the things, be found out what had hap pened. There is no clue to tbe thief, nor does anyone remember seeing a stranger leave town with a surveyor's outfit. Sheriff Sexton investigated the case while liare Tuesday, but there are do developments as yet. r GOOD STATIONERY (ios a loiif? way toward making a poorly written letter look well. We nre showing n line of the VERY BEST STATIONERY in boxes, tablets, nnd bulk. Envelopes in nil shnpes nnd colors. SLOCOM'S r : rvi w 1 uu rciiiiuiiv; H If so patronize Home Industry.. Use Hood River Flour and Feed. Come right down to the mill and get your Feed fresh and see how much farther it will go Hood River Milling Co. wtmmmmmwmmm mammmmmmmmmmmmKw Miss Rose Carey, who has been vis iting the family of II. S. Richmond for six weeks, returned to her home in Portland luesday. U. S. Loughary, state senator from Polk county, visited J. L. Hershner and family the first of tbe week. Mr. Log liar y lives at Dallas. Km 11 Theyson, who has beeu visit ing his brother here for a oouple of weeks, left for his home at Basin, Mont., Monday, taking the boat to Portland, and will go from then home. Riverside Congregational church will conduct special services next Sunday, both at Sabbath school at 10 111. and at worship, 11 o clock. Speolal music. The choir with the pastor will sing aud study lino Eng lish hymns at the evening services at H p. ni. Miss Hartley will sing. J. O. Thompson will move his fam ily to Morrow the first of the week. He bas beeu living in Hood River for several months, but finds It difficult to look after his property while bere. He intends to dispose of bis holdings iu Sherman county and make his home in Hood Kiver as soon as that can be accomplished. Allen Shattck and wife, of Juneau, Alaska, were registrned at the Wau- coma for tluee days last week. Mr. Shattuck is in the mlniug business iu Aalska. and is taking a vacation of a few weeks. They were niuoh pleased with tbe valley, and spent some time driving over the country. W. J. Baker has traded the remair der of his old home place, of which be had left about 18 acres, to Oscar J. Willlamosu, for tbe old Bridges place, about three miles touth of town. The trade was made on a basis of 1100 au acre for tbe Baker property air. isaser oougnt eighty ; acres twenty-two years ago of which this is the last part, for $1,550, and has sold this proprety for $2,000. This is ' ouly one iustance ot the Increase of real estate In Hood River val ey. Mary M. Davis and sou, Frank, ar rived Friday from Whiting, Mo., to visit Dr. 1. E Edgington aud family. Samuel C. Horsey, ot Baker City, stopped off on his way borne from Portlaud over Sunday to visit the family of R. P. Orr. This week saw a general breaking up of the strawberry camps, aud tbe conversion of pasteboard into cola has made business good with our mer chants. Cherry picking is on hut the crop is light and the fruit will all be gathered by the first of tre week. The ladies of the Uniitdrian church will have choice, home cookiug on sale Saturday, June IK), from 10 o'clock until sold out, iu the window of Wood & Smith Bros, grocery store. lliis will be a good oppoitunity to get good things to eat for Sunday. The ladies of the Congregational church have just closed a oontraot with the Midland company, of Dea Moines, Iowa, for a stiictly high class musical and lecture coin se. A series of five numbers are secured, which will be woith a great deal to evsry one. Jasper Wickham presented the Glacier with a box of berries from bis ranch in the Crapper district, which he says is the kind t Ley "quit pick ing ou." Tbe last ot the pick is us ually small and of poor quality. I'hese weie three and a half tier, aud as fine as we have teen this season. If these are a specimen of tbe Inst pick in Crapper, we have a curiosity to know what the first of tbe crop was like. ('lurries. Early Richmond,! Kentish) now readyi Order by phone l'JSti. II. C. Bateham. Special Bargain For Sale. 8 room bouse with closets and lot ;0xr0. Most desirable louation on State street. Only l,'20O. J. II. Ileilbr.iuuer & Co.. Hood River and Portland,