The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 28, 1906, Image 5

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    Adjourned Meeting of Common Conueil.
Mouday evening the council met
pursuant to adjournment and com
pleted the unUuisbed busiuens ot the
Monday before. The uew liquor li.
renHe was taken up and placed ou its
lliial pastHKe, resulting iQ discussion
of the several tertiuns, and ttually
passed. '
The old mothud of posting the
names of the signers in three differ
ent places, was stricken out, and
instead, the imtiio of the application
for a license must be published prior
'? t-h,e,!A?ri,fJ- lbe lioe,1,,e "xed
at 1,U00. Councilman. Watt moved
1'! a8.'!T(1. .b.y "mku,K the amount
82,()W, but thu n nfm wa lost
Ordinance No in. rF(iiiring all
parties makirg ci..ii.cliou with the
sewer to do so under the inspection
i f the fctrcet cormnitmioner, was
Mayor Uloner reported tlmt it had
come to his knowledge that a few con
nections wi re being made by inexper
ienced pm ties, and that damage to
the eewer mains would result, and the
ordinance waa passed as a protection
to the city.
The railway bill lur n.
work of crossiug under the tracks
with the sewer, was ordered paid and
the amount charged to the contract
ors. Improving Dukes Valley Ranch.
J. P. Thomson came down from lbe
Dalles Monday and brought down a
span of mules to use in hauling lum
ber from his mill. It will be loaded
ou scows aud shipped to Mr. Thorn
seu 's lumber yard at The Dalles. Last
year they cut UUO.UUU feet at their
Dukes Valley mill and this year '200,
000 feet, which will .shipped to
their Dalles yard. The bulk of this
lumber was lrom Mr. Thomson's own
laud, which he is clearing preparatory
to setting to apples in the spring, lie
expects to have 40 acres ready for
oi chard next year.
I'. Aggsen aud wife, of Penu Grove,
Oil , is visiting his sister, Mrs. Thom
suu, at The Dulles. Mr. Aggsen has
a chicken ranch iu California and was
badly shaken up by the earthquake.
He will endeavor to sell out and pur
chase a piece of land of Mr. Thomseu
aim beocme a resident of the valley.
Mr. Thouisen also intends to dispose
of his interests at The Dalles aud live
ou his ranoh within a year. He has
HO acres in cultivation and perfers to
live on the raucb aud letire from
active city business. The cultivated
land is all iu hay aud paving good
profits. This year a hay spreader and
loud oi li being used, with good re
suits. The unimproved laud will be
cleared gradually each year, and set
to apples.
Our One Subscriber.
The Optimist went to press with its
llrst issue the proud possessor of a
paid subscriber just one! and we got
hni) by a "fluke," or under false pre
tenses, or by a trick. He did not
come out in the open an put up bis
ouo-tifty like a man.
Our one paid-up reader was lion.
E. Li. Smith, that young pioneer,
that frisky, brainy and always mak
ing good chap from Hood Kivei, or
rather "of" Hood Kiver. He is nevei
"from" there save in substance his
mind is like a clock, always ticking,
ticking , ticking the praises of the lit
tle village to our westward.
The editor was down there a week or
two ago aud it was raining like sin.
'The water was coming down in
streams. Ho we were wearing what is
sometimes called a "slicker", and K
L. sidled up to us and poked a plunk
and a half plunk iuto our southeast
hlirki'r pocket. He did it furtively,
treacherously, with malice afore
thoughtwe might almost say oorrupt
and with intent to deceive. And if it
was not a felony it certainly was a
Aud where is that plunk and a half
now? Where are the rain-diops that
fell that day? Where are the mists
that overshadowed Hood and envel
oped Adams on that day of ill omen?
Ask the "perscription" clerks of the
Hood River drug stores if they know
anything about it, aud if not why not
aud wherefore. Can it be that Smith's
plunk and a half went to further per
fume a tippling topen's tainted breath?
Smith's? No; we mean bis plunk aud
a half, not his breath, for he knoweth
not the tippler's joy, never felt the
gentle, soothing, endearing effects of
a Hood Kiver "perscription".
Wo expect to huve other subscribers
thousands of them. We could have
had many paid-up names ou our books
now, but such was not our way of be
ginning. J! it as long as the Optimist lives we
will never forget our distinguished
Hood River friend, our sole and only
subscriber, aud will also remember
that we put his plunk and a half to
better use than he would have put it
to had he not forced it upon a too
conllding, guileless young man. Op
timist. Hestilt of lteckles Driving.
Sunday J. E. Stoll was riding a
horse iuto the city, and when turning
the comer at the ball grounds was ruu
iuto by two young men driving iu a
buggy, aud bis horse killed. It ap
pears that the young men were driv
ing vory fast and yelling. As Mr.
Stolle came around the corner tbey
gave a whoop, and Stolle's horse shy
ing at a telephone pole aud frightened
tit tho noise, jumped in front of the
rapidly approaching vehiole. lbe
shaft of the buggy et uck the borse in
the ribs, running them half through
the body of the horse, from the ef
fects of which it died soon after. Mr.
Stole has placed the matter in the
bauds of Attorney HarUig, who de
mands payment for the horse, and un
less settlement is made, will com
mence suit against the reckless driv
ers. t'aplnreil an Offleoand a Medal.
S A. Skinner returned from the O.
A ii. encampment at Cirants PassSat
unlay morning, and reports having
hud a vorv pleaasut time. He was
elected a delegate to the national eu
campineut next year at Minneapolis,
Minn., and was one of a few to be
presented with a bronze medal whicd
was ordered issued by the national en-
..f nonpar Inst vear.
The medal has a picture of Pike s
Peak iu relief ou one side, and on the
reverse side bear the inscription:
"Ifiitli National Encampment O. A.
l! lim.rnr. Sent.. 10. In honor of
u!.. l men who victoriously de
. i. n,inii nn land and sea
during the war of thereat Rebellion,
V. 15. Church Changes Pastors.
r, i m nautnr nf the U.
1! church, 'has been transferred to
., .ii nr The Hood River be lllled by J. W. Sprech
er who arrived with his wife on Mon
day. Mrs Sprecher is also an or
,V-.i t the. ehurefc. bar
ion beeu engaged in church work at
V.r ." ii, anrerher comes
from Davton', Ohio, and the worthy
couple were married in Albany two
we,L go. The Glacier extends greet
ingj to the uew pastors, and well wish
es for the retiring pastor injnnew
Hold of labor.
A Strawberry Romance.
Hubbard Bowman and Q oldie Hall
were united In the bonds of matri
mony by Rev. Troy Shelley, Saturday
afternoon, at Judge Prathet'i oflioe.
Ibe contracting parties are from
Mollalla, Ore , and bate been picking
strawberries iu the Hllev, tbe groom
coming here with Mrs. "Nettie Hall
and her children, among whom was
the bride. The exhiliratiug mountain
air, together wit the beautiful aceu
ery aud pleasures of camp life made
the young couple an easy victim ot
Cupid's dart, and a friendly acquaint
ance which existed at their borne in
the sleepy Willamette valley ripened
iu',0 love iu the seductive glades of
the beautiful Hood River valley. Tbe
entrancing view of the snow-capped
moutaius while resting under tbe
snaue or giant pine and fir iu camp,
after the heat aud toil of tbe day.
ou,iohb mo namest Heart, and It is
nttie wonder that the young couple
could not resist its Influence.
They were conteut with life and
happy with the present, without
thought for the morrow, until tbe
strawberries bad ceased ripening and
plans were being made for tbe return
to the monotonous hum-drum of every
uay me on me Willamette. Mr. How-
man had concluded to remain here for
the summer at least, aud tbe thought
of separation from his heart's desire
was intolerable. Tbey decided to
weL i
Saturday all parties came to town
and Judge Pratber taken into tbelr
confidence. A. C. Buok was per
suaded to go to The Dalles for a
iioense, and be made tbe trip and
came back on tbe first train with tbe
uocument. Kev. Troy SCelley was
the first clergyman on tbe ground, and
with the simple and solemn rites of
the church the happy couple were
made man aud wife. V
Mr. and Mrs. bowman will be resi
deuts of tbe vallev for the summer at
least. Mr. Bowman bas secured work
on the irrigating ditch in tbe Cranner
district. The mother aud sisters of
the bride left Monday for their borne
at Mollalla.
Went Over the Falls.
Tbe two men, Joseph Melmine, an
engineer In the employ of Parsons,
Boomer & Wilson, contractors on tbe
north bank grade, and a fellow labor
er whose name is unknown, attemptea
to cross the Columb'a near Celilo 1 n
small boat, and by tbe breaking of an
oar they went adriit in tbe swift cur
rent and were utterly powerless to
help them. Attempts were made to
trow lines to tbe unfortunate men in
tbe boat, but tbey were too far from
shore ;aud ,the current was too swift
there to attempt to launch a boat.
Tbe frail boat in whlob tbe two men
were sent to thier death was dashed
to pieces after capsizing. Neither of
tbe coipses have yet been recovered.
James says the men, after making
every possible effort with one remain
ing oar to steer to the bank, stood up
right in the boat and met tbelr fate
bravely. When tbey were drawn into
tbe seething waters which poor over
the precipice at Celilo, tbe boat
danoed like an eggshell, both men
were Ditched headlong into tbe cur
rent and the boat was split from end
to end by striking a boulder. Noth
ing was seen of either of the men af
ter they were plunged into tbe nar
row channel above tbe falls.
Rail and Bat.
The Schlllers have oome and gone
and tbe manner in wbiob tbey dished
up the anserine fruit to tbe home
team was terrillci. Sixteen cases of
eggs to three crates of strawberries.
(Jee, how the price of tbe luscious
fruit has riz!
8TbeJdaySwasarni, and as deplorable
efeat became apparent the "bleach
ers" roundly scored tbe umpire. In
fact, these weie about tbe only scores
made by tbe home people. And tbe
umpire, what of him? He bas bid
away in a secluded retreat ou toe
White salmon and denies mat nis
name is Andy Anderson, or any other
name. There will be no game Sun
day, but after tbe 4th theie will be a
general pulling together when some
good games are promised.
Bureh & Reese's I'lrcm.
Hood River was treated to the first
livo oiroul of tbe season Friday, when
linrch & Reese Ditched tbier tents on
the grounds just nortb of tbe depot.
They arrived in a special train of
eight cars, and bad a veiy fair aggre
gation ot horses, with a few camels
and animals.
A short Darade was Riven, tbe
grades here proving almost too muob
for tbe small ponies, and after a torn
around the business street, tbey went
hank to the show srounds. Toe at
tendance was fair, and a very credita
ble performance was given, r
Tbe main part of tbe show was the
trained ponies and dogs. Tbe ponies
executed military drill by command
that would do credit to a drill com
pany, and were made to go througn
all sorts of maneuvers. The dogs were
also well trained, climbing ladders,
making bigb jumps, dancing, turning
summersaults, walking tbe tight rope,
etc Trained monkeys also added to
tbe performance, and a trained goat
did several stunts worthy of an athe
lete, such as walking tbe tight rope,
bareback riding, etc.
Altogether, the snow gave general
satisfaction, aud should they evei
give a return performance in Hood
Kiver, will be linerany pairuuizeu.
Fru t Fair Association Meeting.
Tbere will be a meeting of the Hood
Ritar Fruit Fair Association at tbe
Commercial Club rooms, Saturday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock, to make arrange
ments to bold tbe biennial lair tor
i! The Question of enteitainina
tbe delegates to tbe meeting of tbe
Oregon Irrigation Association, wbioh
will be neld in tioou niver at vuo
time of tbe fair, will also oe an
cussed. A full attendance is desired.
K. L. HMlltl, rreeiaent.
I'nit e: I'roprietury Medicines.
I i. 1 ite-- vi net in ti vou th:it proprietary
meilieines re a I buying tu mankind
upikthIIv. The iiih.I have long con-
I milH I smle: the noor ones have short
life and niin leave the market.
If we hud tn depend entirely upon phy
sicians aud druggists it would be expen
and verv inconvenient at times
especially in the country and at night
when neither could be conveniently
reached. For nearly forty years Moa
liee's lii rnmn Svrun bas been used in
many families, and thousands of Uvea of
adults and children have been saved by
its nae, when it was impossible to reach
kIivmimud. German Svrun is t lie best
household remedy for coughs, colds,
throat and luna trouble. It quickly re
lieves the backing cough, loosens the
phlegm, and brings sound and refresh
ing i-leep. Twenty-five and seventy
five cents. Get a copy of Oreen's Prize
Tbe pincerest tribute that can be paid
to superiority is imitation. The many
imitations of DeW'its'g Witch Hazel
Salve that are now before tbe public
prove it the best. Ask for DeWitt s
Gnndfor burns, scald, chaffed skin
eczema, tettter, cuts, bruise, boils, and
pilea. Highly recommended ana reli
able.' Sold by Williams's Pharmacy
Our Factory
and Stock were Saved
Golden Gate
Baking' Powder
J. A. FOLGER (El CO., Cor. Howard and Spear Sts.
Capital $25,000.00
Carleton Lewis, Pres. C. M. Wolfard, Vice Pres.
J. A. Byrne, Cashier.
directors :
W. II. Moore, C. M. Wolfard, A. II. Jewett,
Carleton Lewis J. A. Byrne
Found In Hood Kiver a Repair Shop
Guns, locks, stoves, bicycles, screen?.
buggy tops, furniture, otttie fumiture,
sewing machines, musical instruments,
etc., neatly repaired. Saws tiled and
edge tools ground. We do all kinds of
wood work to order and repair anything
and everything in wood or uielai.
Dodge AReid. Phone 651. Shop next
door to Rodgera' photo gallery. j!4-lm.
t .Notice.
Tbe C. E. of tbe First' Christian
Cburob will serve ice cream and CBke
on Friday and evening, Juue '22 at R.
B. Uragg's store. '
Oltlniir t ie City Recorder,
Hood Kiver, Oregon, Jane 190fi
Notice Is hereby tpven that the following
named person ruin made application lor a li
quor license lor the pel log ot one year lrom
the 3d day of July, liHXi, to the 3d duy ot Jul
MOT, to-wlt: '.
of Hood Kiver, tfrrKon, In toe front room, on
the ground tn tin- nu Ury triune builc
Ina situated u 1 loiu , block two of .the city
of Hood hlvrr. iu' application will be
heard and con-ldrrad by the Common Coun
cil at IU regu ar meeting at the City Hall, on
Momla , Hie ooud day of July, PHK1, at
o clock p. in. where objections U) the granting
of sucb license will be heard.
City Hecorder.
Ofllce of the City Recorder,
Hood River, Oregon, June WOtt.
Notice Is hereby given that tba following
oauied persons huve made application for a
liquor license lor the period oi one year from
the 3d day of July, ltlOli, to the 3d day of July,
1U07, to-wlt:
ot Hood River, Oregon, In the one-story frame
building located ou the north half of lots 7
and , block I), Kirst Addition of West Hood
Kiver proper, .n the above named city. Ha Id
application will be heard aud considered by
the Common Council at IU regular meeting
at Ihe City Hull, on Monday, the second day
of July, lU0t, ul S o'clock u. m., where objec
tions t the granting of a cli license will be
heard. J. R- NICKELHON,
City Recorder.
Office of the City Recorder,
Hood River, Oregon, June i96.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named person lias made application for a
liquor licence for the period of one year from
the 3d dav of J ulv. lime, to :be 3 i day of J uly,
iSll. ttkwit:
P. K. K0UT8.
of Hood River, Oregon, In the southeast cor.
. ... .... r. 1 m.. rt l. U7u lunm.
ner rtawi ou uie gruuuu nwi ui wo ..
I.. ..Itv Wlllrf Amtlif'l.
Hon will be .beard and considered by the
Common Council at lla regular meeting, at
uie i;ny iiaii,uu huuk.i mo kwuu
July, law, ai o'clock p, iu., where objections
to the granting of sucb license will be heard.
City Recorder.
Office of the City Recorder,
Hood Kiver, Oregon, June 20, WOO.
Notice Ii hereby given that the following
named persona have mad application for a
liquor license for the period of one year from
tbe 3d day of July, 1906, to tbe 3d day of July,
1U0T, to, wit :
of Hood River, Oregon, on the aouthweat cor
ner of block two, lot lour. In sain city nnoa
Kiver. on the northeast corner of Oak and Hint
Streeu In the city of Hood River, Oregon.
Said application will be beard and considered
by the uommou council ai iia regular ineri
Ing In the Cltr Hall, on Monday, the second
day of July, luun, where objections to grant
ing such license will be beard.
City Recorder
Mixes and Kneads
Bread Thorouehly
In Three Minutes
Haass de lot touch the dough.
tmts itmn baud.
If you hear of anything new
and good for the comforts
and convenience of home
and see the goods, and get
full explanation. We are
your agents. It is your
protection we care for.
If you want the best potatoes on the market call for
If your dealer has not got them, ask him to get
them for you. If he will not get them for you,
goto the dealer who will or call up No. 1023
and Benson will supply you direct.
Always buy the Benson Brand if you want the In'st
potatoes on the market.
Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers
. Special attention given to making and repairing
Grubbing Tools and Loggers' Tools
rOC." -" """:" r-ni CiU S.JOCN
OThe Hood River Bakery pur-
chased 200 barrels of our Golden H
0 Crown Flour Oct. 1, 1905. They
have just placed another order J
with us for 100 barrels more. At
BMr.Williams, Bakery can be found 1
the best bread in the and it "
is made from our Golden Crown f)
flour. The bread speaks for itself.
Our White River and Golden Crown flour
can be found for salt at all the lending gro
cers. Try a sack. Once used, always used
For Sale By
Hood River, Oregon
I wish to say to all our old friends and custom
ers who for so many years came to our shop for
their meats, that it is useless for me to introduce
Wood Bros., our successsors, as their 18 years in
the butcher business in "Wasco county has made
them so widely known that nn introduction is un
necessary. Being honest, capable business men,
they have the means and ability to rwn a business
as it should be run, and in a way that will be a
credit to our city. i
I expect to stay with the new firm for awhile,
and will be glad to see you all at the old stand. 1
will guarantee that you will get just as much meat
for your money, just as courteous treatment and
just as prompt service as can be had in the city.
We will have a full line of everything good to
eat for the Spring trade.
Respectfully yours,
Hotel Waucoma
A First-Class House
Moderate Rates Good Service
Farmer's pinner 25 cts
Hood River Prop.
annua m
The Only Exclusive Gent's Toggery House in the city
High Grade
Outing Apparel
Every Article the Mark
of Style and Refinement
Outing Suits, Trousers, Shirts
Belts, Neckwear, Etc.
Our assortment i by far the
most, complete in the nty
Write to Your Frinds
Self-Filling Fountain Pen
Send them Souvenir
China Ware
Have Your Prescriptions Filled
What You Don't See Ask For
The Williams Pharmacy
CHARLES HALL, Proprietor.
Millinery Announcement
We are now ready to show you the latest crea
ations in Millinery.
Don't Forget
Whun you wnut Ilrnt-clas8 work
done at home. All kinds of
Laundry Work and Cleaning
I, ace curtuinp, 50c ; btunkvtg and
carjietH, 25c to 50c. Phone wlMl
Glen rabrlck, Prop.
Correct Summer Hats
We ure in touch with all the Infest iintl best ideas. Our
workroom is busy as a bee hive filling orders on the
new shapes. Our Midsummer hats will add variety,
Style and Tone to your summer wardrobe.
rvcVr ATT 7V
like evi ryttihiB i1-", have different values. An acre of land on a mountain
KldH Is us liirise ux nn aire of the finest irrigated land 8, but hh a rent com
pared wltli a dim", or a live-cent jiiei u with a Ave dollar gold piece, on.
may be worili ten ur a hundred tlrm-H more than the other.
The liT.ioited lands owned by thi:i company lie on the opposite side
of the Columbia Itiv. r from Kennewli k, In Walla Walla County, Wash.,
and near lbe n w town of ATTALIA, whleh Is lneated nt tbe Junetlon of
the Northern l'a InV, Wnchliitrton to Columbia River and the O. K. & N.
Hallrnuds; also at the bead of nnvlK"tlon on the Columbia Kiver. The
especial adviiMlanes of this dtstrlet are:
1 The early seasons. 2 High prlees for early products. 3 Unex
celled transportation facilities. 4 Abundant water supply. 0 Most fer
tile land In the state.
Some cleared pnd ler.lefi land, from which crops cm b iMual this
y.a (or .ale. '
For prlees relative to Irrigated lands, or lots In ATTALIA. together
with maps ami descriptive literature, call on or address
609, 610
Department B
i . .. .( v J
Patronize Home
Our Work cannot be
Marion Building,
Seattle, Wash.