The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 21, 1906, Image 2

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ixuril rvstr 'I Lursday by
AKIIltM 0. MOB. Publisher.
ftrmt ! iubscr!ptlon-l.W a year fMl aU
k aatsues.
Not Afraid to Thin Well.
It takes coimideralilo courage to
thlu your owu apples properly, When
Hood Kiver apples are worth three
cents apiece, there is a disposition to
leave as many on the tree as the
grower thinks will mature into fruit
of sufficient size to rank as first-class
fruit. The tendency, therefore, is to
leave on too many. Many are of the
opinion that they can get better re
suits by leaving the job to a disintere
estod patty. Borne think it Jean be
done better by putting one's worst
enemy into the orchard with author
ity to knock 'em all off. It is seldom
that apples are thinned too much, but
often the case that when the fruit has
matured, there have been too many
left on and too many under 4-tier are
the result.
In this oonoeotion it may be said
that the most progressive growers are
not afraid to thin their apples. A few
days ago, while thinning at Egger
mount, on the east side, Henry Avery
took pains tocount the apples taken
off an average tree, and found there
were 2390. Were it possible to mature
these to 4-tier size, the apples thinned
or taken from the tree would amount
to 24 boxes. As a matter of fact, were
no thinning done, very few, if any, of
the apples on the tree would be of
size to market up to the standard re
quired by the eastern buyer. Those
that are left will now be of nearly or
quite all uniform size, there will be
less danger of worms, and the tree
will be enabled to carry Its load, and
bave strength enough to bear next
Married, I Saturday. June, 16. 1906,
at tbe residence lot the bride's pat
ents, at Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Miss
Zoloto Kelsey to ;Mr. Oeorge I. Slo
oum. Kev. Miller officiating.
The wedding was a quiet, home
affair only a few frlends.and relatives
of tbe contracting parties being pre
ent. Those? in attendance from here
were Dr. and Mrs. Watt, Mrs. K. L.
Hmith and Hoy Hlocum.
The rooms were very tastefully dec
orated in green and white, outline in
maple vine and Oregon grape.eutwined
with white orange blossoms. A large
green Jweddiag boll.was bung over the
marriage altar. Mrs. wyun uugues
played (Lohongriu's wedding march
Jireoeding the ceremony. Miss Lelab
(eluey acted as bridesmaid and Koy
Hlootun as best man. The bride wore
white crepe d'poplin over white silk.
After the ceremony tbe guests sat
down to a wedding supper, after
which the happyoouple took theje veil
ing train for Portland, remaining
there over Sunday, arriving at Hood
Kiver Monday morning.
The bride is a daughter of our for
mer townsman, A. M. Kelsey, and is
K- well known and highly esteemed heie.
The groom has been known here since
boyhood, and is one of our most pop
ular young merchants. We extend
Mr. and Mrs. Sloe urn will go to
housekeeping at once in their new
borne on Oak street, and will be at
home to their friends after July 1.
Pine Drove Grange.
On Saturday, June 16, at 8:15 p. m.,
Pine Urove Orange, No. 350, was
called to order and enjoyed a very iu'
terestiug business session and social
The !4th of July committee reported
their success lu securing grounds for
a picnic and other committees were
appointed on program. Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Shelly and A. I, Mason, com
mlttee on decoration. Our young
lodge court, Flora, Oeies and Pomona,
iu this we wish tbe Franktou Orange
to couour.
Our next committee was on reoep
tlon, to which we appointed the News
Letter pen-pusher, iiio. 1). N, liyer
Mrs. ltlauohe Shelly was elected
Worthy Lecturer to till oflice vacated
by resignation of Mrs. Julia Hunt.
Miss Ivy Clark was elected Worthy
Secretary to fill the.olllce vacated by
the resignation or Miss MMdied Mark,
Through tbe marriage and departure
to ber northern home of our Worthy
secretary, Miss Mildred Mark, our
order loses one of its most efficient
olllcers and beloved members. A com
mittee was appointed, to prepare a let
ter and select a, token of remembr
ance to follow her to her new home.
Our new elected secretary is a very
young lady, but our young members
bave to begin some time, and they
can nave no better school or expert
enoe. To feel responsibilities will
soon give confidence and if each
older member will lend a helping baud
we will soon have a secretary we will
be proud of.
Our lecturer is a teacher and has
had much expeiience iu literal y work
and we predict some good programs in
tne near future.
A ;tlftoeu-minute recess was taken
for sooial enjoyment. Then we had a
short proram.
Song by Chorus.
Heoitatiou "Hill's lu Trouble," by
Joy Mason.
Song, "Just My Stylo," by Viula
Miller and JoeJVanler. The style was
rich aud highly appieciated by their
Iteoitation "I Vas so Olnd 1 Van
Here Tonight," by frank Pethmun,
followed by Mrs. Shellev liu "Negro
A special meeting was voted for
June 30 to complete arrangements for
July 4th. W. M., A. 1. Mason, re
quests a good attendance, especially
of all couimltteoa.
Interest iu the Urauge seems to lie
increasing, as Jir attendance is bet
ter. We bad a very enthusiastic meet
ing, obligated three members aud all
went home, so "glad 1 vas here to
night." M.
Dad Foots, Jas. Hunt and Dent
Band are suffering from rheumatism.
Miss Marguerite Kent, of Portland,
who has been visiting her father iu
Hood Kiver, returned yesterday on
No. 7.
Karly Richmond, (Kentish) now ready.
Order by phone 1200.
II. C. liatehatn.
If jrou need screen doors, window
screens or meat safes, don't forget F.
U, Coe. Carpentering. Phone 571.
This week wil. see the bulk of the
strawberries maiketed from Hood
Kiver. As the season advances tbe re
turns continue light, anu Ihe last es
timates of 50.000 crates will not 1 e
realized. It is now thought that the
total yield iu the valley will not bo
much over 40,000 crates. Up to last
night but 28 full carload shipments
had been made, compared with 109 last
While the foothill berries have
shown a better yield than tbe patches
in the lower valley, none of tbem are
turning out full crop. Karly indi
cations gave promise of a full crop,
but will not hold out. While they
were apparently not damaged by the
March ireeze, the cold raluy weather
later prevented a full setting of ber
Manager Shepard, of the Fruit
Oroweis Union, says: "While the
vield tbls year is very small, tbe re
turns will be the beat per crate that
Hood Kiver bas hi d for the past ten
or twelve years. It has been a recu
liar year iu all berry districts. Near
lv every locality bas been sbort thi
year from various causes. While Hood
Kiver was hurt by tbe Maich freeze
and the wet cold weather, the east has
suffered from drought aud heat. As
a consequence there has been a good
demand at all markets that has been
strong all tbe time. There were many
days wbon we cu ild bave sold train
loads at around 92.75. Prices bave
been pr ctlnally unchanged for three
nteHK. - hetu Is still no prospect i f a
change. While the supply of Hood
Klvers Is growing leas, yet, we are
now meeting some new competition.
Wenatohee, Hitter Hoot Valley, Utah,
Idaho and Colorado berries aie now
coming in, aud are partially or quite
supplying markets iu their immediate
neigbborbocds. Cherries and raspuer
ries are also taking the place of
berries in tbe markets to some extent.
These conditions will operate ngaintst
a boom lu prices, but the prospect is
for a good steady market from now
until the end of tbe season.
"Missouri started In this year with
brilliant piospects for a big crop
The first shipments were liberal, and
tne quality good. Lack of rain, how
ever, and continued heat, shortened
Ihe crop, and it soon was exhausted,
with tbe end of tte picking of poor
"We bave a normal demaud foi
about 75,000 orates at points on the
Northern Pacific and Oreat Northern,
with some localities on tbeO. K. A N.
lines. We meet competition from
Missouri and Arkansas at tbesu point,
but we have the advantage of superior
goods, and can delivrr them in better
oonditlonfl. Union Paoilio points will
take 30.000 more. When the crop ex
ceeds this we have to go into the home
territory of the competition, at Oma
ha, Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapo
lis. We tl'cn meet the Missouri, Ar
kansas and Wisoonsin berries 12 boon
from the'vines, with a light freight
bill, while we are four days on tbe
read and have heavy freight to pay.
These latter markets are not naturally
profitable for hh. It also outs down
the average of the n hole crop. This
happened in 11)01.
"1 have noticed Hat tbe Hood
Kiver patches having the .est yield
this year were those tm.t were well
taken care of last season i Hi r picking
was over, while the uegleuted pu cbes
Hollered most. Returns almost invar
ably show that it does not pay to ne
gieot the berries. It pays tetter to
have a smaller acreage than 1 1 try to
take care of too much aud uot give
them proper care.
II 14' tuif .lutn ' t l.ji nn , um,
Fruit Co. said: "I do nut aultoinata
any particular change in prices from
now on. We bave had less complaint
about quality this year than any year
slnoo we huve tieen lu buslneHS. This
i attribute to two oauses. ihe cool
weather has made the lierrloj (Inner,
and while some of the berries picked
in the rain bave moulded, yet not
'mien oomplaint has oomo from this
source. J lien, on account or the
small crop, many dealers bave pro bah
ly made less complaint than usual, as
they needed berries, and did not ca e
to ran the ohance of being cut oil.
Last year we had the most perfoct
strawberry weather 1 ever saw, and
this year has been the woist. Vet,
the rains have beeu the salvation ol
the business tbls year. Tbe hot diy
weather at the beginuiug of the sohmou
was making small berries and forcing
tbem on all at once, while tho contiu
ued rains and cool weather have held
them bank, increased the size and
yield and kept the demand far in ex
cess of the supply,
"In regard to the upper countiy,
the first estimates of the ciop will be
nearly continued. There will not be
a full crop, but very nearly so in our
Willow f lat ranch, at least. We ex
pected 2500 crates, aud think we will
get them, and may possibly get more.
1 think the entire crop this year will
not be much over 40,010 crates."
A very pretty, quiet wedding was
solemnized at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Murk at 12:30. Saturday.
June 16, when their daughter, Ktbel
Mildred, was united lu marriage to
Dr. Oeorge James Sweetland, atheletlc
director of the University of North
Dakota, Kev. W. C. (Jilmore oflieiat
lug. The house was must beautifully dec
orated iu festoons aud banks of ferns
aud roses. Miss Ada, sister of the
bride' presided at the piano, aud as a
processional played Mendelssohn 's
wedding march.
the tiride wore a handsome prlncexs
gown of white silk louusdale, trimmed
In aplkiie.
Only the relatives aud immediate
fi lends of the bride were present to
witness the ceremony, after which a
delicious lunch was served. Dr. aud
Mrs. Sweetland left on the afternoon
train for the coast. They will be at
home at llraud Forks. N. D.. aftor
September 1.
Thousands annually bear witness u
the efficiency of Kurly Kisers. These
iluasant, rclmliki little pills have long
xirne a reputation second to none as a
axativo and cat hart in. Thev a e as
staple as bread iu millions of houits.
I'leasant but effective. Will promptly
relieve constipation without grininn
Sold by Williams' Pharmacy.
Heal Kstate Sale.
Tuore'has been quite a little proper
ty chanting hands during the past
week. J. II. lleilbronner & Oo. hare
closed deals for the following: Maik
b. Ihomas to U T. tiragg. 40 aerss
for S. Van Illaracom to Wm.
Wesenberg, 10 acres for $000. J. M
Denny, Moiser, to Louise Larawav.
11 acies iu Mosier for tl'IM.
Mr. Mayor, who is in cbarse "of
Ileilhronner's Portlaud oflice, is do-
11 g a large business in Porltand real
estate. He has several propositions
to trade or exchange Portlaud proper
ty for Hood Kiver farm lauds.
he Paris Fair
We are petting our new quarters in shape to show goods at an advantage.
We are showing some exceptional bargains in men's and boys suits, shirts,
shoes, ties, etc. We have men's suits for $3.50, $4.50, $6, $8 aud up to $16.
We have the largest assortment of medium-priced clothing in the city. We
can save you money on these goods.
9 L Wmm r
E i
We bave an elegant line of lace curtains in almost
anything you might wish. Lace cartaina for 50c,
70c, 85c, 81.35, 92.25 a pair and up. Ask to
fee them, we have them all conveniently displayed so
-as they tan be een properly.
We also have a fine line of portier curtains at 92,
92.50. 93, 94-5 O a pair and up.
The Willamette ValleyS Advent
Ch Istian Conference conv, ned in
Hood Kiver last Friday, June 15.
The camp is just at the head of tbe
stairs near Wilson's reservoir, in a
bountiful grove overl inkii g the Colum
bia, Hood Klvei aud White Salmon
valley 1 nd with the snowy peak of
Mt. iloud to the touth aud that of
Adams to 'he 1101 th, thepioture is one
of natuii grandest. There are al
ready llftueu tents on tbe grounds be
side tbe tabernacle and restaurant,
i'he tabernacle is 30x50 aud will easi
ly seat :("(' people The restaurant is
large and well eoulpped at which
meals are sen ed to all who come.
There are about 40 lu camp now,
but it is expected this number will be
more than doublod before tbe close
of the week. The tents are all clean
and white' and the camp may well be
culled tho "Little White City on the
Hill". Ihe grc uuds are clean and in
order, swings aro np and rustio seats
have been built beneath the shade of
the giant oaks, and an air of peace
and good will seems to pervade every
nonk of the little oity.
The olllcers of tbe conference are
Charles K. Dennett, president; L. O.
l)ix. vice nttsident. and J. P. Woodle
secretary-treasurer. The meetings are
111 charge of president lien net t.
The conference meets annually and
its Diirnose is to convert men and
women to the Christian faith, to make
bad men good end good men hotter.
I'he convert is free to associate him
self with what ever Christian denomi
nation he mav eloot, as he is in no
wise obligated to accept the Advent's
belief. To enlist men in tbe cause of
Christ, no matter w bother they flgnf
tinder a llaptist, eresoyteriau or any
other Christian flag.
A number of Elders from outside
states are in attendance among I hem
being Elder Alson W. Stoew, of Nook-
sack, Wash, ; Elder J. P. Kuhnly of
Weiser, laho; aud Elder J, I). Nor
man, of Coyle, Oklahoma. Other
distinguished Elders are on th way
and will be heie lu a tew days.
Elder Alson VV. Steers is au able ex
ponent of biblical prophesies and will
lecture in the tabernacle each evening
at 7:30. Among his subjects will be
The Stone Kingdom," "Piophesy
and History Compared," "The
Prophesies of Daniel Fulfilled." Elder
Steeis was In charge of the meetings
just closed at Nooksaok, where scores
were converted.
There will be three services daily,
11 a. in., 3 p. la. and 7:30 in the even
ng at which service lectures of Elder
Steers will be delivered aud will be
illustrated by a chart 3.") feet long.
these aeries promise to be full of
nterest and will no doubt be largely
attended by the penplo of Hood Kiver.
Let I's Do V on r Wood Work
We do all kinds of rai pouter and cabi
net work, liroud boards, ironing boards
clothes rucks, camp chairs, tent poles,
screen doors, window screens, screen
safes, kitchen cabinetx, furniture, etc.,
made as vou want them, Remember
we do all kinds of repair work in wood
or metal. Dodge ill Held. Phone Wil.
Shop next door I'o Uodgcrs' gallery.
How's This.
Vi olt'or One lltmritvd Italian) Reward tor
any cae of catarrh lhat cnuaol Ihs oarml by
HuH'm Catarrh Cure.
f . .1. 1 iiKSf.x ,s cti., Toledo, o.
We. tlit underslienHtl. have, known K. .1.
'henev for (tie lata 15 veaix and believe him
eruvtly honorahlft In nil biiHlnesg tranKav
loiiNand nnftticittlty able to esrry otil mw
obllKHtlons nude by hU llrai.
Wholesale DruxicUti. Toledo,!).
Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally, act
inic directly upon the blood and inucouHmir.
bu-eM (if Ihe MyMcm. TextlmouialH Meat free.
Price Taccum kt bottle, .Sold by all Drug.
Take llalln Family fills fur rontliwllnn.
otlce Is hereby given that sealed bids will
he received up to Wednesday ntghl, Julv n,
WW, by Hchonl district No. ,t, for (he construc
tion of two outhulldlim at the Park Htreet
school. Plans and Hpeclucatlnns may lie seen
at the office of Holler I anking Co., or by call
ing upon C. H. Vaugban, clerk. The board
reserve the rlrbt to reject anv and all bids.
mil li. II. VAt'HII AN. Clerk.
NOTION FOR mil.I(tf 10N
IVtiartment of ttie Interior, Culled Nlatea
I .and Oltlee, The lallcs, Oregon, itay ,
Notice Is hereby given that
widow of Zeha R. Weygandt, deceased, ol
Mount Hood, Oregon, hns filed notice of ber
Intention to make ttnlnve-ear pntofln sup
s,rt of her claim, vlr.. Homestead Knlry No
s;!. made July a , Ismo, lor the WNK1,, sec
tion an and W'jSK.i,, aeetlun IT, township l 8
range 10 F.., W. M and that said pmorwltl be
made before the Kegtster and llei-elvw, at The
hallea, Oregon, on July IHth, ltx.
She names the following wttnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of the land, vis:
Russell (iobln, Henry (lllbert, ltenrv Orofl
and Joseph Oroit. all of Mount Hood. Oregon.
mSlJyH MICH A Kl T. NOLAN, Register.
We have quite a number of ladies' shoes in vici kid
and patent kid that are worth every cent of the old
price, which was $3.25 and $3.50, that we are going 6i
to close out at the ridicously low price of, a pair Y
Tlese are utric'ly dress shoes, baud turned soles,
French heels, made of ihe very beet (elected stocks.
yflHcre is a chan'-e to get some big values right in the
season, We have some broken lots in these that you
cannot afford to overlook.
. Ladies Tan shoes, hand turned, Blucher cut, mili
tary heels, a shoe that ia marked by the factory to sell
for $2.50. To close them out they are yours
Ladies Tan oxfords, band turned and welt soles
oxfords that are
$1.75. Your choice
The result of the election Monday
on consolidation was disappointing o
those who wish for school advanoe
meut and a geneial improvment in
higher education in the valley.
In Hood Kiver out of 92 votes cast,
only seven were against consolidation,
while all were unanimous in favor of
free transportation of children to and
from tbe high school from tbe coun
try districts.
Frankton voted almost unanimously
in favor of the consolidation, and it is
to be regretted that the other distri tt
In the proposed consolidation did not
see matters in the same light.
Barrett voted against the ptnpnsl
tion by a small majority, while Pine
Grovo catt a vote of 17 for aud fif
against. It is Ha id the result In Pine
Grove was largely because of local fac
tlotiHl troubles, and that tbe case uaB
bardly tried on its merits.
This leaves tbe matter as it was te
fore with onch district to shift for it
self. Hood Kiver will bare the twelfth
grade as the highest, and all thou- i,
the countiy nishiuglo take this gtade
at the Hood Kiier school, till be
called upon to pay I heir proportion of
the expense of tenching this giude.
In district No. 3 Mrs. Button was
uunnimously reelected school director
aud C. H. Vaugban clerk.
Why buy them from ageuts or , om
missiou meu and pay 175 to (100 u ore
when you can buy direct Irotn our
firm in Hood River, where o have a
brunch store, which contains a large
assortment of high grade instruments,
including the great Apollo Interior
Piauo player. This Is tbe ouly In
strument in the world which plajs the
entire key-bosrd of the piano, and
also tbe only one having the transpos
ing scale by which the pel former can
play in any key aud accompany tbe
voice or auy instrument. Pianos and
organs sold on time or for cash. Sec
ond hand instruments taken lu ex
change aud also several for sale.
Pianos tuned aud repaired.
Silas El. Soule.
Phone Main 1423 Hood Kivtr.
From 5c. Double Roll to 40c,
J. W. TAYLOR, Captain
not tor Ihe Dulles, AiontlavH, uednesduvs
a v ' J
and Fridays at 4:30 p. ni.
Leaves for Cascade Locks Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays at 7:30 a. m., making all regular landing
and railroad camps.
If you want the best potatoes on the market call for
If your dealer has not got them, ask him to get
them for you, If he will not get them for you,
go to the dealer who will or call up No. 1023
and Benson will supply you direct.
Always buy the Benson Brand if you want the best
potatoes on the market.
the best of values at $1.65 and
while they last for
Department of the Interior, United states
Land office, The Dalles. Ore., June 18, l'JOB.
Noltee is hereby niven that
of Hood Hlver, Oregon, haa Hied notice of hla
intention U make ttnal five-year proof In
siti'iiorl of hla claim, via:
Homentead entry No. I7? madeMay22, 1(101,
for he SU.NWW, nection m, sort
section Xi, township a N., range 10
K., W. SI., and that paid proof will be made
before Oeorge T. Prather, United States Com
missioner, at his office In Hood Kiver, Ore
gun, on July Si. IKtN.
He nanien the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of the land, viz:
Frank K. Netf, James Kngllsh, Michael E
Welsh and Harry Kmgesberry, all of Hood
III vi r, Oregon.
- J2'J' Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, llffsY
ITinled States .and Office. The Italics.
Oregon, June IA, 190(1. Notice Is hereby
given that In compliance with the provisions
of the act of congress ofjune 8, 1s;h, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
atatca of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," extended to all
(he public land states by act of August 4, 18IU,
of Forllnnd, county of Multnomah, Mate of
Oregon, has II lei In this office blssworn state
ment No. 2:K for II e purchase of the lot 4,
se lion 4. lots 1 Hiid t and WK'NE1 of section
No. ft., In ton union No. IN,, Raine No. SE., W.
M. and will oiler proof to show that the
lands aoughtare more valuable for the tini
uer or HUaie iheroon than for agricultural
ourpoHeH, and to eatabilsh his claims to
mill hind before the Register and Receiver at
the lund ottlce In The Dalles, Oregon, on the
i tli day of August, ',110(1.
lie names aa witnesses: Fred Frautscby, of
Hool Hlver, Oregon, aud Nils C. Olsen, of
Portland, Oregon.
Any and all pernnm claiming adversely
anyol the ahove-desciihed lands are request
ed to tile their claims in this ottlce on or be
fore theaald i'uli l iv of Auvnst, luoil.
J21 Register.
AbMftik Purity, FlMftFUm;
i ary'fi Aratomy
I h i r ihe Hrx-tlou of the Hlttrt of tbe Holy
Vii'.is f Ji-xtirt urnl Mary. Tb 42d achoUatla
r fii'f HetJtemrw 4, 1fot), to resident and
riuy I'lii'llti. Academic, wmmerelai, grammar
ritd a uicl Intermediate courtva. Muslo a ap
el a lty. S.nd for catalogue, or addrtii Slate?
AUorney-at-Law and Kotaiy Public
V ; J. M. KCH M ELTZEIt, See.-Treus.
Notaty'Publit; -
..Hood River Land-Emporium
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
We are prepared in a special manner to handle all
kinds of business in any of the above lines and have
a large list of improved lands and city property
from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch,
a stock farm or a home in the city.
With an Extensive Correspondence
We are able to handle your prop
erty advantageously and will be
pleased to haw- you list same with us
The president of the company is the city engineer,
and is prepared to do surveying and civil engiueer
ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
opinions given on property titles.
Collebioi s a Specialty. ; " Phone Main 141.
"The Test of Time"
lias stood the test of time for 18 years with
a constantly increasing sale. The best and
purest lee Cream made and known through
out the Northwest as the
We receive it fresh every day by express
and iiie nle Agents in Hood River.
Yim will want a good homelike Luncheon when shopping in
Portland. KuvtUml'i, 273 Morrison St. i the ninnt popular pluee.
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Phone 1313
For Sale
For Sale ltK) Keren In Mt. Hood district at
bargain. J. H. Hcilhrnnmr A Co ,
jyijli ticou mver ana roruunu.
For Sale 160 acred. 81 acres fenced, 7 acres
In culttvi.lion, HO fruit trees, house and barn.
unll i Ited I'reB water wilh place. I'liee lot
whole UK) acre In only fllMD. This is bar-
gain. J. H. fieolironner i o.,
jijiz niHiu luverwuti loriutuo.
For Kale diem Hecond hhnd ba'iy -emt
Call at K. J. KU' reBliler.o . J21-J .. ri
For Sule (July it) minutes walk
loin post-
ottlce, IU acres or g
good rich land, Hue view,
living springs on place, timid new liou. .
onie land eieareu. au itir fliruu. cur.j'
terms. Enquire at this ottlce.
For Hale.-At' Mosier, Oregon, a general
store. Only two stores In this thrilty burg.
The trade of this valley Is ea lly Sou.OOU per
annum. A live man with ready money can
divide this trade. Widow desires tow II. Ad
dreaa Mosier Trading Co., Mosier, Ore., or
J. H. Hellbrunuer Co., Hojd, Kiver, Ore.
For Sale A very fine fox terrier pup; Line
months old, Game at ruta or anything, v
tine companion. Very eleau In Ihe house.
Has gentle disposition and la sure to please.
Dog will be sold cheap. Kocltt'ord more,
Hood Kiver, Otegon, JH-Jyo
F or Hale Two choice 'ols on 8tal street
Apply to W.J. Baker. J7-28
For Sale Steel range. Cull
Wail's reed
in il Jue.'l
For Sale Milch cow, No. 1. Fresh shout tw o
months. Price SH0. F. E. Strang, odell. J7-itH
For Sale Team, harness, and logging truck
with outnt complete. A bargam at 4Mn.
Team brown Clydesdales, weight about titiO
ilia. Well matched, sound aud true to pull.
Wagon-Mltchel u1, bougnt three months
ago. Hack, aud rigging good as new. u in
sell eliher wagon or team separately. For
luriher particulars address A. H, Shelley,
route 1; or oail at Troy Shelley's place. J7-JW
For Ss' A good work. home. Inquire at the
Williams pharmacy, or phone 505.
Those wishing to purchase Wind Riv,r
lands will do well to cull on C. C. WetlierelJ,
Carson, Wash.
ForSale ell matched team of dark bay
marea.ti and ycaianld,good travelers; weight
1000 pounda each. Also one two seated too k
and hack harness, nearly new. Alex siew
art, Moshjr,Ure. ' in lu tl
For Sale Black cab bear, six weeks old; SIS
If taken now. Frank Kgan, White Salmon. j7
For Rent
For Rent--Newly furnished nioins. Mrs.
Rigby, corner Oak and sixth street. J21J13
For Rent. Two well furnished rooms, with
or without board, at Mrs. 1. B.Taylor, Colum
bia Ave. JU-jjo,
Only a few more of those splendid 10-acre
tracts unsold on the M. 11. Potter faun in
Hood River valley, near the city. Suitable
lor apples and strawberries. I'i ices are
placed below regular rates on similar un o-
erly In this vicinity. No better apple land
can be found. I.ook at It personally lor liu
proof. Write Frank McFarlaml, lsii i;uu at ,
Pooiland, or see Mrs. M. B. Potur on the
Irm. mioif
For Sale Investigate this. 1 am obliged
sell, and will sell at your own price a
land with nouse ana other Improvement,
nines trom Hooa Ktver. Hyou waut to buy
at your own price address Box ;ift. Ho,.d
Kiver, Oregon. alj-m;i
For Hale A oue-borae farm wagon,"paiiit
notoff the wheels, nearly new, will be sold
cheap. AISo a rood set of double harness. E
Bray lord, ltockfn-d store. mi;
For Sale A giawl farm team of hors, s
weight lion lb. j(Hj nKtit for logging Can
be bought cheap. Apply to oregou Luniia-r
Co., either at, Quod River or Dee. inr2J If
Packer wanted 1J flrst class pa. ker to
pack straw beiries lu the flue patch, juiii
crates of I). E. Miller at Mt. Hood. Apoiv
Hood Kiver Fruit arowers 1 ni.m i: u
ard, Seewwry, Hood Kiver, Ore. jiljy o
Wanted to Sell or Trade-Two ha. a
and 40x100, one six-room house and tour-room
cottage with fruit on place. B,x Hood
Vice President am! Managt-r.
Wanted A young lady at the home of Kev.
A Oslrander two miiea southwest of Hood
Kiver desires a sltustion aB a nurse or to do
house work. Ha'.islactory referenda will be
given. Jal.U2
Wanted Gentlemen or lady wit'i good
reference, to travel by rail or with a i i, tor a
Itrm or Mi,(Ki(l.(K) capital. Hillary SI ,072 per
yesr and expenses; sulury paid weekly and
expenses advanced. Address with stamp,
Jos. A. Alexander, Hood Kiver. Oregon.
June II.
Wimted A girl to wait on table ntul make
heiselt generally useful about the house.
Wages $15 per month and increase. Address
Trna"l.i,ka Hotel, Uuler, Wash. J21JI2
Wanted Kither a small farm close In or a
well-improved rosidenee in Hood Itiver, In ex
change for a well established cash business in
l'orilund. Stock and fixtures invoice ftJ,ri(K).
Cssh sales run fiom .'f to i0 per dny. Good
lease, low rent. Addiess, describing properly,
W htie titocery, 518 Williams Ave., Portland;
Ore. J21J1
Warned 4 orfi men to clear land iM Mosier.
Four months' work, owner will fun l-h UkiIs
or vontrnct work. Address Wm. W ilson-Hte
venaon, Mosier, Oregon. JH-w4
Wanted Heveral men for cutting brush and
small timber and cutting up inio wood.
Bruno Franz. J 7
Moniy to loan on farm lands In Hood River
Valley. No agents, no bonus. Lock box 58
Hood River, Oregon. J31 Jyi'J
Ixist-f.ady's brown hand bag on road be
tween Hood Kiver and Gould's strawberry
ranch. Contained a sum ol money. Finder
leave at this ollice. j M.jy 5,
Loat-On May ,11, a lady's tun (acket.
ward. Plume Geo. W. Houle, Karm'ers 118.
Ixist Box of merchandise between Hood
Ktver and Utile White store. Siillnhle re.
ward for Its return to Little White Store.
Department of the Interior, United RlaU-s
land office, The Dalles, Oregon, May 2i,
Notice ia hereby given that
of Hood River, Oregon, has Hied nnlie of his
Inletition to make final five-year proof In sup
port of his claim, vis: Homestead Entry No.
!77, made March S, 1WH, forithe W,sKWand
,air- 4. neeiion .11, towiisi)ip2N.,rnngell E.,
W. M , and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at The Dalles.
Oregon, on July 17th, mw.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hla continuous residence upon an 1 ouhlva-
1 -ii ,,1 me ihihi, via.;
navid M.
Jackson, John B. Jackson, Fran-
ces R Jackson and Harry K. Kemp all of
Hood River, Oregon.
m:iljyl4 Register
In order to close up the estate of
C. A. SHl KTIt, a bankrupt.
I will sell to the highest bidder, ntcuin the
following described real estate, tne sales to be
held at time and place mentioned below
lt'fl acres limber land, 12 miles' south of Hood
River, Oregon. County court house, The
Dalles, Oregon, 11 a. in.. July , 190:1.
linti acres good improved running land, near
tec, I, Oregon. County court, house, Hepner.
Oregon, II a. m., July 11, lunti.
M acres fnrinlng land, 12 miles south of Ar
lington, Oregon, 1 iwo-story stone building
an. I warehouse, 50 foot lot. On Main street,
Arlington, Oregon. Also
1 on.-.story dwelling, So-foot lot, Main street,, Oregon.
i (i-riH)iu cottage, 2 lots, fine home, Arling.
County court house, Condon, Oregon. II a.
m., July ia, hm.
For further de criptlon and particulars ad
dress W. H. Moo RE, Assignee,
613 tost On i St., Portland, Oregon.
Department of the Interior, .United Slates
Land ( (dice, The I lalles. Ore.. J une It!. LiUi.
Notice is lie by given lhat
of Mount Hood, Ort-gon, has tiled notice of his
Intention to make final five year proof in sup
port of h Is c lai m , v i:
H.unest-ad c.i.try No TftS made January
' lor the sw'iiSWVi, section 21, town
ship 1 N , Ringe 10 E., W. M. and lint sai l
pr.-ol will be made tiefore (lie Kevlst-r and
Rect-ive at the land ottlce in Tue Dalles, Ore.
gon.on July 27th, lnOel
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of the land, viit
s. B iies, W.S. Gribble, Warren M. Coor
er aud i '. E. Spencer, all of Mount HOnd Ore.
oo. MlCHAiiLT. NOIS,
J-'J- Keglster,
iviver, viregon.