5 HOOD RIVER, OREGON, JUNE 14, 1906. 5 TOL. XVIII. SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVEK COMMKRCIALCLUB Meet. every second Monday In eacb munth at S p. m., in tbe club rooiua over Jackson's Mora. H.F. DAVIusoN.l'raa. A, D. Molt, Herre tnry. hCKjD RIVER l.ol HiK No. 106, A. K. and A. M. Meets Miiiunluy evening on orbefor. each full imam. A. H. Blowkhs, W. M. I). McDonald, HeereUtry. HtKIDRIVKRCH AFTER NO. 27. R. A. M. Meets ItrM and iblrd Friday ulghtsof eaca roonlli. D. McDonald, H. P. A. I). Mok, Secretary. HOOD HIVKK CHAPTER NO. 85, 0. K. 8. Meet second and fourtb Tuesday evenlnf ofeacii in. mlh. Visitors cordially weloomeo. Mrs. T. J. Kinnaikd, W. M. MES.THKKEMA C AS TN KH, bfeCfStary. EW1LDK LOUtiE NO. 107. I. O. O. C - Meeta In Fraternal ball, every Thursday night. R. O. FAKBOTT, N. O. Alln neai,, Secretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48, 1. O. O. K. Regular meeilug aeuoud and fourtb Mondaya of eacb month. H. C. COOK.0. I. 11. u. burnt, Scribe. LAUREL REBEKAH DEOREK LODOE NO. HI, I. O. O. K.-Maela 11 rat aud Iblrd Fridays lu eacb month. Mrs. E. W. Udell, N. O. Mm. Doha Thomson, Hecretary. WAUOOMA LODGE NO. , K, OP P. Meet in K. of P. ball every Tuesday night. Thoh. f. Johnson, C. C. V. C. Brock, K.of r. and S. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,708, M. W. A. .Meets lu K. of P. ball every Wedueaday niiflit. . E. B. M AYla, V. C. C. U.lJAKlN, Clerk. HOOD K1VER CIRCLE NO. K24, WOMEN OK Woodcraft-Meet at K. of P. ball on tbe llialaud Third Fridays of eacb month. Lou McUbyhoMMI, U. N. F. W. MclUYNoi.ua, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODOENO. 8 A. O. U. W. Meets Orat and third Saturday, of eacb month. F. H. Blaou, M. W. E. R. Bradley, Financier Chkhtkk WHUTK. Recorder. OLETA ASHEMBLV NO. 103. UNITED ART-lsans.-MeeUi Ibe Hrst and third Wednes days, work; secoBd and fourth Wedueedayi Artisuua' hall. o. W. Thompson, M. A. C. D. Henkich, Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS of America, Meeta aecond and fourtb Mon days lu each month in K. of P. hall. HKNBVA F. KoUT8,C. R. F. C. Baostcs, F. C. CAN BY POST, NO. 16, 0. A. R.-MEETS AT A. o. U. W. hall, aecond and fourth Satur day of each mouth at 2 o'clock p. m. All O. A. R. members Invited to meet with us. 8. A. HkiNNUt, Commander. Thomas Qohh, Adjutant. CANBY W. R. C, No. 16-MEET8 SECOND and fonrth Saturdays of each Month in A. O. U. W. ball at 2 p. m. Ellen Blount, President. Okktkude B. InuLks, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. J4W, R. N. A Meets at the K. of P. Mall on the seooud and fourth Fridays ol eaeb month. Mm. cakki Baosius, O. Mhs. Ella Dakin, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. SUROEON O. R. AN. Co. JRS. MARY JORDAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Offices and Residence in E. L. Smith Building Over Flrxt Nat. Bank. Entrauce, rear of bank, on Third HU Phone 811. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answer 3d in town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 613. Olllce lu the liioalus Building. DR. J. EDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 1433. Res. phone 76X1, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Oflice in Jackson Block. Office puoue, No. 1471. Residence, No. 593. DR. M. II. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Shakp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Ollice and Residence Huxley Cottage, River street. Plume 25 Hood Bivkb. p C. BROSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to ' 11 A. M.; 2 to S and6to7P. M. H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Crown Bridge Work a Specialty. Office over First National Bank Telephone Main 311 C H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Telephones : Office 283; residence 1045 Ollice over iiutler Bank, Hood River, Ore. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERISAKY SEUUL03 Is prepared to do any work in the veterin ary line, lie ran be found by calling at or phanlng to Clarke a drug store. A. A. JAYNE LAWYER Attracts Furnished. . Money Loaned. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practice In All Court. Office wlrh Oeo. D. Culbertson 4 Co. Col lotions, Abstracts, Hettlement of Futa. HOOD KIVEK. ORKN. FOTJTS & DERB t Attorneys at Law Brosius Building HOOD RIVER. OREGON. JOHN LKX.AXD HENDERSON ATTORN KY-AT-LAW. ABfTKACTER. NO TAB V PUBLIC and KEAL ESTATE AGENT. For 21 yi-ars a resident of O egon and Wash- Inetcm Has had many year, eipertenoe in i hui KhIala matters, as abstractor, searcherof titles and agent. Hatisfaclion guaranteed or On charge. SEE J. ti HEILBRONNER & CO. FOR Fruit Lands, City Property, Investments, Fire Insurance. Burglar Insurance Accident Insurance Our List of Bargains in real estate will interest you J. II. Heilbronner & Company Fruit lands, Real Estate and Insurance Ground floor new Davidson Bldg. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Hood River Studio -FOR First-Class Photographs We have the latest in mounts and ran en large your Photos In Crayon, Platinoid or Hepla. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. D. ROCERS, Prop. BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection DeBORDE & GREY. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEEK. I)R.JONES,Dentist Crown and Bridge Wort Teeth Without Plates. Treatment tj rliaMUKtd teeth Slid IIUII18 t)fl t Brogius BuilUliiB. rnoue ioaj. Eureka Meat Market McGUIRE BROS., Pp8. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, Fruito and Vegetables. Free Delivery. Phone Main 35. F. G. COE Carpentering PbOD. 171 r.8.HTAWI.Kr, K UHK1TH, E.O.BLAHCHA Pre. Vlce-l'res. Cashier. V. C. Bbock, Asst. Cashier. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital and Surplus, $30,000. : P. M. HALL-LEWIS & CO. Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors M ak. surveys, plans and estimate, for sew er, itght and power and railway plants, and furnish, subj. ct to approval, plans, specifica tion, aud estimates for all classes of bull it I bus Cubllo, private aud mercantile. Special at ntlon (Ivan to economic and alow-burning construction. Anenracy aud economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER. OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S. H. COX Contractor and Builder 1LAI A B KlTIMATM TVMI.IU. FREDERICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Ba4!Uf tarnished on all kind, ol work Phones: tZ2J?f.Z- SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Decorative Painting and Paper Hanging Plana furnished. Estimates care fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect it i i. ., , ...I... i VMra aTn.ri.nm In drafting and building. I would respectfully solicit, a pan oi me uhmmiimko wi h p-,-. Hood Ktver who anticipate bulldlnK. Terms reasonable, a id satisfaction guarauteed. of fice at residence on Helifhts. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 7(59 Figures iu.il entiiiiatva furnished on all kinds of building and contracting. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I am Qualified and prepared to do all kinds of first-class Isnd surveying Accuracy guar anteed. Those who wis'' first-class work done address K. F. V. a., ilooa Hiver. rnoue ouji. F ASSOCIATION of McMinnvllle. Oregon, will insure your property at 0 per cent less cost than any other institution. U. r. HU, special Agent, Hood Rlrer, Oregon gover; jment Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands and tlmqer claims; also relinquishments and laud to script. Call on or address. Wm. f. hand, Res. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. Business Chances Pooming House News Stand Confectionery Store Hotel Restaurant Cigar Store Also Farms, Timber Lands. St. Johns Realty a Specialty HOME BROKERAGE CO. Room 9 Breeden BIdK, PORTLAND, ORE. Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of the United H ates and are in good posi tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all ordern for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. WE WANT LAND We have buyers waiting for suitable location in the fruit belt. List your property with u. We are located at the huh and eive special at tention to the Hood Kiver district. Portland property to trade for fruit land. LANGILLE & RAND 73 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and alab wood, alDO other kinds of wood. I have a new steam wood saw and am prepared to do tawing. Also do general team wotk. FEED HOWE. Phone 121. SUMMONS In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county. Ralph Hpenoer, Plaintiff vs. Beulab V. tspencer, Pelemlant. To Beulab V. Hpenoer, the above named de fendant : In tbe name of the Btate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear aud answer the complaint filed against you In Hie abov. en titled suit on or before the explistlon of sli weeks from the date of the flrM publication of this Summons as hereinafter sisted.snd II you fail so to answer, the plaintiff will lake Judg ment against you and will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in tits complaint to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff aud defendant lw forever dissolved, and for such otber and further relleras to the court m.y aeem proper. This suuimons isseived upon you by publi cation thereof once a week for nix consecu tive weeks in tbe Hood Hiver dlscler, a week ly newspaper printed and published lu said county and state, and by order mnile and en tered herein on the &!d day of May, lwl, by Honorable W. L. Bradshsw, Judge of said court. The date of the first publication of this summons I. tbe 34th day of Muv, Imm. M. K. Ml I.I. Kit, Attorney for t'lslntlff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, United Btatea Land Office, Tb. Dalles; Oretion, May 1Mb, 1WI6. Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settler bas filed notice of his In tention to make liusl proof lu support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before Geo. T. Prathet, U. B Commissioner, at tils olllce in Hood Kiver, Oregon, on June is, 1VU6, vie. : CLAY IIAI.LKV, of Hood River, Ore., on H. E. No. KJ7, for the NKN W, NHNtt' "d SW.NKii, section 30, township 'J uorih. rsnge 10 east, Vf . M. He names the following witnesses to prove discontinuous residence upon aud cultiva tion of said laud, vli: Joseph llengst, John llackel, t'liatles W. Retdaud John Kelley, all ol Hood layer. Ore. mMJil MICHAEL T. MILAN, Register. KotIoeToTupublication United States Ind Office, The Iialles, Ore gon, May. 1, WOll. Notice Is hereby given that tbe following-named settler hss tiled no tice of bis Intention to make final prool In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Geo. T. Prattler, II, 8. Commis sioner, at bis ollice in Hood Hiver, Orugou, ou June!, HUM, vis: CHARLES II . STANTON, of Hood River, Oregon, on H. E. No. Ktt for theHK',. section i, township 1 norm, range 10 east W. M. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultlva tlon of ssld land, vis.: Jacob M. Leur., of Ml. HiskI, Oregon ; Joseph A. Kuox, Charles Murphy and J nine O. Cameron, all of Hood River, Oregon. ' MICHAEL T. NOI.AN, mJ21 Iteglster SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county. Grace Harrow, Plaintiff vs. Charles Harrow, Defendant. To Charles Harrow, Defcndunt:- In the name of the state of Oregon, you sre hereby commanded to appear In the above en. the 12th day of July, aud answer tliecouu plalnl men tupuoKk vipu ill miiu coiiil niiu ci(u-e and Tor waul of such answer Hie plain ltd h III apply to the "ourt lor Hie relief de miinileil lu the coinpli'lnl to-lt: Korutlegreu dissolving the bonds ofmstrl niony between plalutlfl aud dcleiidanl, grant. i I..,.. I,, ailulnlltt' ut.A ll oreelug the custody of their minor child to plaliittn. This summons Is published by order of Hon. W. I.. Ilradauaw, Judge of tbe above en. titled court, made and entered this 2Ub day of May, IMM. Date or first publication, May 31st, r . JAr H. CIIHiN. m31Jyl2 Attorney for plaliitlfT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United H tales Land Office, The Dalles, Ore., Aprils, ItSSi. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the set of Congress of Junes, 1S7H, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the mates of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevsda, and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Laud states, by act of August 4, WM, MAUDE FAIRBANKS, of Seattle, Wiishlngton, ha- this day filed In this office her sworn statement No. IWtKI, for the purchase of tlieME' of section .16, town ship 1 north, range Beast W. M., and will oiler priHil to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for Its Umber und alone thau lor iigikulluiul purpose-., and U esiabllsh her claim losaldlanJ lulorc Hie Register and Re-r-elver. at The Dalles, Oregon, ou tbe 28lti ds. of J line, l'JOil. Hhe names as witnesses Nils C. Olson, of Pollland, Oregon, Cburles J. Fairbanks, of Heattle, Wash., Fred Frautchy, of Hood River. Oregon, and Louis K. Burkbard, of Hood River, Oregon. Any unci all irsons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this oflloe ou or before said listli day of June, IHM. mli-jat MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Htntes fjtnd Ofiice, Tbe Dalles, Ore gon, April 2, WW!. Notice Is hereby given that n compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, l7s, eulltled "An act tor tile saleol limner lanus lu me iuh-h ui California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, ss exieuueu ui an me i-mmc ljuiil Hlates by act of August i, lsrti, CHARLES J. FAIRBANKS, of Seattle, county of King, state of Wsshing IngUin, bas this nay II led In this office his sworn statement No. 2ii7, for the purchase of the Wk.HE'i, NEJ4HEK, section M, and NWU HW'4, section l, In township 1 north, lange i east w. M., and will oiler proof Pi show that the land sought is more vaiauuie lor us um. ber aim atone thau for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said laud before ih Beirlster and Receiver at f'he Dalles, Ore., on the 2lh day of June, Htm). He names as witnesses nsu. uison, oi rorn land, Oregon, Maude A. Fairbanks, of Heattle, Wash., Fred Frautchy, of Hood River, Ore gon, aud Louis Burkbard, of Hood River, Or- Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe above-described lands ar. requested U file their claims lu tins omce on or osiore saiu 28th day of June, 1IM. m3-ja MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. iTnltMtHt.tr I .ami Oltlce. Tbe Dalles. Ore gon, Msy 22, msi Notice Is hereby given thst In compliance with the provisions of the act ofCongressof June 8, IK7S. entitled "An act tor tbe sale of limber land, lu the stauwof California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public ixnd Hlates by act of Augul 4, IsW, WILLIAM H.ANUREWH, of Wasco, county of Hheruian. state of Oregon, has this day men in mis omce ins sworn statement No. SMS, for the purchase of the WVjNE'i snd E',NW'4, of section No. 9U, in township No. 1 N., range No. II K , W. M., and will oner prisn 10 hi". " Is more valuable fur its timber or alone than for agricultural purs)es, and to establish h's clalmJU) said land Is-fore Oeorge T. Pratber. U. B. Imimlssloiier, at ins oinc in noou River, Oregon, on the Itilh day of August, luui. He names as witnesses: Archie C. French, Olltord i, Woodwoith, Roy Woodworth and Ouy Wsk1 worth, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the bove-descrihed lands are requested to die their claims in this oltlce on or before said ltilh day of August, JVa M 1CH AKli T. KULAR. iteglster. NOTIUiC FOR PUBLICATION. .. ...j ...... , .. A i,m TI. riullu. rmm gon, Msy 23, taos.-Notlcels hereby given that In eompllancewlth the provisions of tbe act ol (ougress of Junes, is,s, enuuea -An act ior the saleot 1 1 in tier Isnds In tne xtates oi Cali fornia irwn. Nevada, and Washington Ter- rltory!" as extended Ui all the Public lnd State, by ;lor August iiwi, AHTIICR P. T1KKT. of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, lias this day filed In this offlne his sworn statement No. ll, for the pun-base of the lots 1, S, 4 and ft, ol section wo. is, in mwn mI.Iii No l N.. ranae No. II K.. W. M.. aud will oiler proof to sb w that tb. land .ought 1. more valuable for its timber or stone 11 au for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to sala iana ueiore ine negisier ana Receiver at Tbe iialles, Oregon, on tbe JUtb day of August, 180b. tie namM as wltneHses: Iwls K. Morse, Prank Cliandler.Charles L. Morse and Wll n.m V Uiinrt. all of HiskI River. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In tbls office on or before said yuth day of August, lwsi. J7al6 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION WILL BE THE NEXT BIG FAIR Celebrates tbe 800 tli Anniversary uf First Permanent Settlement Id Anierira. Interest In World's Fairs now cen ters at Jamestown, Vs., where next year will be held one of those big fairs that advertise the industries of the country, aud bring together the peo ple ot the nations, but more especial ly the people from .distant parts ot our own oountry. It should atford an ecelleut opportunity for the l'a citlo Coast to advertise its resources to the world, besides giving our peo ple an opportunity to visit the East st redueed railroad rates. Besides the usual exhiliits and at tractions similar to other world's falrs,;ther are uiauy places of inter est near Jatuestowu. In the immediate vicinity of the Jamestowu Ex position is the Notfolk navy-yard, which has cost the govern ment over twenty million dolhti's. It employs more thau three thousand meu, who 'build, repair, or equip ships of the navy. Fortress Monrou, immediately across Hamptou Koads, is the largest Ameri can fort aud one of the best equipped strougest, and most picturesque mili tary points in the world. It dates from 1GU. Midway between Fortress Monroe and the exposition is Fort Wool, or tbe Rip Raps au adjuuot to the larger foritloatiou recently improved and srougly equipped. At Newport News is tbe great ship yard wete so many battleshhips cruis ers, torpedo boats, destroyers, and submarines have been built. II hue tbe largest diy-dock in the world. 1 he United States Naval llospitul a Portsmouth is the largest institution of its kind in the oountry. The aged aud disabled sailors are there troitted at government expense. At Hamptou is the National Hol der's Home. Between four ami tire thou.,aud United States pensioners are kept there, in a beautiful park. The town also has the Hampton Normal School, where Indians anil negroes are trained Jamestown Inland, the site of Hie first settlement, is about tliiity miles up the James ,1'ivor. ilinuiMtiiirg is about the smue .distance. Yorkluwn, where Coruwalis surrendered, is with in pleasant sailing distance. Pctois burg aud Richmond, both famous in history are uot far away. Ihe exposition will tie largely his toric, so far as its laud features are conoerned, aud situated in the must historic portion of American te-ritory. Those interested in pursulug .the na tion's story may visit famous scenes without inconvenience. To an extent, it will be an Indus trial Exposition, but it will contain only such exhibits as are likely to prove most interesting auu exempiuy the highest developetneut of iudus ti iai art. The International naval rendezvous in which will participate all the world's naval powers, will be tbe most stu pendous display of sea power ever wit nessed. The internatlopal military encamp ment will otfer to Amreicuus for the Hrst time au opportunity of viewing tbe military representatives of many nations encamped together, aud it) size and general scope will be the most complete internationrul encamp ment in history. Tbe exposition will be the first one ever ooustiucttd wlii-h will illuatr.ite a distinctive style of architecture. It will be entirely colonial. Ail uf the builiugs erected by the exposition company will be replicas of seven teenth ceutuy structures or elabora tions of tbeui. The Concutsioiie Division, culled the War Path, will coutaiu a varied collections of the beat amusements enterprises possible to secure. These lines will be oonduoted by recognized experts in their various lines. The historical exhibits will bo col lected and displayed under the super vision of the Historical Societies, and mo t of tbe manufacturing exhiliits will represent live work Unit is, the converting of raw material into fin ished product before tbe eyes of the visitors. The section devoted to the Arts and Crafts will display handl workeri turning out finished ai tides from cotou, wool, iron, copper, silver, wood and stiaw. r-uolio amusements of various sorts will be seen, innum erable bands will play at numbers of pointa about the grt unils. military parades and drills will be of daily oc curence, naval evolutions oi many kinds, above and below water will lie witnessed. Dirigible .bulloous mid aeronlaues will traverse the air and oonvey passengers from the slime to tbe ships. Ldiige outdoor uiiuitic meets will be held on the water anil on the laud. Expert open-air per farmers will divert the visitors. Salt batbins will be a feature. J he moi-t stiectaoular tire-works will he display ed, and leproductions of the battle between theAlerrimac anil tne Moni tor will be given at stated intervals. There are ionmoralilu otber enter- taininir. interesting and niiiusuig feat- urea which might lie set form, out for lack of space. Th..u in nn nun.1 worrv i lur filmiir 111 iiicid in "-'J ..... ...... j ,lluimfort IwpaiiMfi of ii ilixiirilorHrl iIil'PH- .. ... L ..I.. f I'.IW ,1 I. , I ll 1 1 VklPt I'SI A nrwl at-fl u liat it will dll for you. Kodol not only digests what yon eat ami gives mat tireu Htumucii a nuiulnl r.i.t Lnt is a cnrrerliv'H i if the greatest elhciency. Kodol relieves indi gestion, dyspepsia, palpitation oi ine Kodol will make your stomach young ana neaituy again. iouwm nony jum in tl.u i.ritriortir.ll tllflt VOIir St.nllllicll worries you. Worry means the loss ol ability to Jo your best. Worry is to be avoided at all times. Kodol will Hike II, e wnrrv out of vour btotllftcll. Sold by Williams' I'liarinacy. If your stomach troubles you do not conclude mat tuere is no cure, ior n .... . 1...WU Imun ...riii u iimii 1 1 1 cured by Otianilierlain'e Stomach and Liver Tablets, jet a iree sample at I E n,l Cua'i rtrllir atom unil tive them a trial. They also cure constipa tion auu uiuuueiicws. State Horticultural Society Meeting. The midsummer meeting of the State Horticultural Society will be held iu Salem, Oregon, July J aud 7, liKHi. It willdie a special cheiry meet ing. In continuation of the move ment las-t year looking to t he improve ment of our fruit displays the busi ness n eu of Saieiu have donated cups for the best displays of cherries as fol lows : ieii-potind box commercial pack Hrst prizesLamberts, cup $10; Royal Anns cup, 10; Deacons, cup, (10; Uiugs, cup, $10; Black Republicans, cup, $10. Secoud prize Lambert cup, $i; Bings, cup, $0; Royal.Anns, cup, sfii. i Best assortment naiiiod varieties on plates lirsl. prize, cup, 110; second prize, cup,l?ti. Unnamed seedings of merit on plates tlrst prize, cup, 10; second prize, cup, $0. For further particunis as to coinpe titiou write M. McDonald, Salem, Or. Ibis is a splendid display of cups aud tho cherry growers of the state ought to make a general response to such a generous otter. Bring or send your fancy fruit. Let us show the people of Salem that we appreciate their good will. This will he the biggost and best summer meeting that the society has held iu years; iu fact, it promises to out class the past annual meetings in euthusiastu. Tho Marion County Society has sttoug committees in chnrgo of all phuses of the work aud the visiting horticulturists are assured a hearty welcome and a lively time. The program will include papers aud talks by such men as Dr. Card well, Ool. DoHoh, Professors Coote anil Lewis, Commissioners Newell, lieid und l'aik, and Messrs. J. R. Shepard, F.. 11. Shepard, M. McDon ald, L. M. Uilheit, 11. C. Atwell, lieo. il. Liiiulierson, E. C. Arm strong, II. S. tiilo, 11. M. Williamson and others. While the meeting is chiefly fot the cherry, the walnut will receive no lit tle attention. The tlrHt session will be held at 1 :.')U p. m. Friday, July ti. Saturday morning visiting horticulturists will see tho sights of Salem and vicinity liy courtesy ot the Oregon Nursery Co. . Strawberry Trade In Local Cities Tacomn and Seattle consume great quntitics of berries during tho season, which lasts from tho llrst of April until August, The Hrst lierrius come from California, then Southern Ore gon is reaily to ship. Folloing that iu rapid succession, tho berries come in from Keiinowick, Hood River, the island of the Sound and as late ai Augtiht fruit is received from the hill couutiy arouud Hood River and else where in Oregon aud Washington. Tho favorites seem to be the Clark Seedling, Mai shall, Sharpless, Dollar and Mngoon, the lust named being grown ou the inland of l'uget Sound mostly. The tlrst two are the best shippers. It is conservatively esti mated that during a season Seattle will consume at least thirty thousand crates of strawberries and Taooma almost that number. Probably as ti in i i V aro handled through these cities for other points. In a talk vulh commission meu Hi tho two cities, it was ascertained that most the growers are protlttng by experi ence uud the instructions of (loalort and Hie now packing their berries a satisfactory manner, although some do not realize the necessity for care ful packing and guiding. Many of the commission uieti preler to haudle berries entirely on consignment, lie- Ntuso they can never tell ahead what the price and conditions are going to bo. The price, as in other commo dities, fluctuates with J the supply. Uioy would rather deal with the grow ers direct wheru they know how to put up the berries, but it is their ex- erienco that members ol the various associations pack the fruit iu better shape thau do individual growers iu a majority of cuses. Systematic grow- iuu and packing, iu tin estimation ol the commission men, psy much bet ter than careless work and is much better for all concerned. The berries from Hood River und those grown in Washington come packed in better bane than tho fruit from California, and tho berries from the South have the additional disadvantage of long distance shipping. Some growers, those of Hood River and Kennewick especially, have a-ranged to ship their berries through brokers whose business it is to soe that the fruit comes to the market iu good shape aud is disposed of per agreement. Iheri. too, the broker protects tne market when he sees that it is likely to become overloaded. Commission men are beginning to appreciate the oik of tbe brokers, for allowances and tho settlement of disputes can be miido without the loss of much time or trouble. Several hundred growers on the islands of the Sound have also organized and this year they aie baudlinu their homes through urox ;;rs iu Seattle and IVoomn. home ot the commission firms prefer to buy outright, rather than sail on consign ment. Charles I'.. Cutter. A. w. Horticulturist. hennevfirk Strawberry Crop. Accurdiug to canvas by tho Kenne wick Fruit Orowera' association about i'iTi actes will bear strawberries tbls season, i icui or maturou paicnes is estimated at lo0 crates to the acio. Tho price last year averaged 1.1.00 tier cruto. taxiim tne entire uurntiou of tho shinning season Into consuiern' tiou. To be conservative the estimate was based on tho average price of iifiO. Figuring on this basis above mentioned 1W acres at loO crates to the acre will .jive a total yield for market of IK, Tot) crates aud even at tho low price of fjO per crate this will BUk'ri'KHto the larue sum til Mt, 8"r. The Kennewick Courier states there will bIho be the crop from patches not in full bearing, but yet sit llcleutly developed to produce uer lies for the market. It is difficult to estimate in any way this port ion of the 75 acres, making the total acreage of berries In at least partial bearing M. If calculated that tbe 75 acres will produce one-third ot a crop or 50 ciates to the acre this will make an additional 3750 crates and an added income to the valley of 'J,!175, aud a grand total of $04,:175 worth of berries for market. The Kennewick berries were the earliett on the market last year. IS READY TO SAW LUMBER BIG SAWMILL BEGINS OPERATIONS Tlif Nenly-CouipletetlMllIlof the Oregon Lumber Co. at Dee Ready for Business. S. V. Fisk, who installed the elec trical machinery at the Oregon Lum ber Company's big mill at Dee, was iu Hood River Suuday aud informed the Olacier that tbe mill is practically completed aud that it will start this week. This is one of the most up to date millv in the west aud will cut IHXI.OIH) feet of lumber every 24 hours. It is a double-out band, the only one of its kind on the coast. The mill will ruu by electrical powei generated by tho 850 horse power dynamos which are driven by water power obtained from the company's dam across Hood River, the water wheel having a capa city uf 2,000 horse power. The mill has been practically com pleted and was started up Suudav, hut a break-down iu the log-conveyor delayed operations for a few days necessitating taking some of the parts to Portland for repairs. It Is now ready for business, and active opera tions commenced. When in full operation about 100 meu will bo employed, aud the pro duct of the mill will start to tbe mar kets of the world over the Mount Hood Kailroad, now i ' operation from Hood Kiver to Dee. The company own au extensive body of flue timber exteuding 20 miles back in the valley to which a road is now being constructed which will he used to bring logs to the mill and for freight and passenger t rattle. The company have establshed an industry whioh will. uot ouly produce dividends but be of "lasting benellt to this whole section of oountry. Italns Assure Illtf Harvest In Crook Co. Unprecedented rain throughout Crook county during the past two weeks makes certatu large crops for tho present season, besides assuring bountiful supplies of range grass for the stock. Crass is growing wheie It has never grown before, say the stock men, aud continues to thrive and remit in green. From every section of tho county fat mors bring word of the heavy ralua which have thoroughly soaked the ground and given the grain and other crops a start which no amount ot hot weather can check. The farming dis tricts, as a result, are rejoicing over the good fortune which has been showered upon there oommunitiea. Old sett lei s gay that this is te first time lu years that so much rain has fallen at this time of the year. Lata Mav and Jane rains are especially desirable in this section of Eastern Oregon, but it is extremely seldom that so much moisture falls as there bas this year. For the past three weeks rain baa fallen frequently and several heavy rains have occurred during that time. Especially in the Agency Plains and Haystack sections, where Croou county produces us wheat, are tbe prospects bright for a buumer crop this fear. Bains there, as iu other districts, have been gen eral and heavy enough to thoroughly soak the ground. Priuevllle Journal. Hill Advertise Oregon. nD .if tha IiIooauI. snhouiAH for ad vortislng Oregon has beeu undertaken iu Portland by Philip a Bates, pub lisher of Oregon's great agricultural uiouhly, tbe Pacific Northwest. The proposition is nothing less than tbe taking of M young lames, one from each county of the state, to tho .lui,i.,utouii avrinaitinn. which will open May 15, BHJ7, at Jamestowu, Va. J. lie exposition IS to couinieuioravH il,., il rut uMtHoiiini. nt the English In the United States, which took place IU PiUi. 11)18 uisiuncai eveuii iu tue history of the country Is one whioh gives opportunity for a wonderful ex ploitation of tbe great strides whioh have takeu place iu the past 'M) year and tbe Jamestowu exposition, from an educational standpoint, will no doubt prove an exceptional undertak ing along these tines. Una furmor'a rlaiiifhtur from each county in Oregon will betaken by Mr. Bates. She will oany a large amount of literature for general distribution .. ,. . 1 -kUL It 1. along tne lines oi travel uim iv expeoled our boards of trade will fur nish. Tho method of choosing the can didate rests wholly with the farmers' daughters of tbe state. They are all entitled to compote for the honor. It is a simple proposition uepeuuiuK ou the numbur ot subscriptions sent in hv the candidates. The oost of the paper is 50 cents a yeur. All expenses will oe paiu anu tne es- li,.,l,l unit nf tlin trill is over 110.- 000. It will prove a wonderful adver tisement for the state as Mr. llatea makes no charge for the worn tie win do. His efforts to make Oregon bet tor Lumen I hrnUL'holl t the United Stutes will receive the support of everyono. Business Changes. (ieorge T. Prather has sold his building on the corner ot Oak and Front street to U. W. Haper, or rather a three-year loae with the option of purohuse. It is said that the sale is contingent ou Mr. Kaper making a certain busine.-s deal. Mr. Prather has purchased the cigar stand of C. A.Wood, which will bm managed by Frank Reynolds, while .Mr. Prather uses the west room in the building for bis real etl..te and insur ance busness. You cannot induce a lower animal to eat heartily when not feeling well. A sick dog starves himself, and gets well. the stomach, once overworaeu, musu have rest the same as your feet or eyes. You don't have to starve to rest your stomach. KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA lakes up the work for your stomach, digests what you eat and gives it a rest. Puts It back in condition again. You can't feel good with a disordered stom ach. Try Kodol. Sold by Williama's Pharmacy. If you need screen doors, window screens or meat safes, don't forget i U. Coe. Carpentering. Phone 571.