A: HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JUNE, 171906 CORRESPONDENCE UNDERWOOD. What' the matter with our Under wood correspondent T We bare not een a word from Underwood for ever ao long. Well, Underwood still exists and we lurely mast be beard from. Strawberries la tbe most Interest lug toplo of the day. In spite of the long cloudy spell there aie considerable berries coming in as tbe day permits. Berries are flue but the season will be short. Mrs. John White, of Cascade, was ? isiting at tbe home of Isabel Undei wood, and r eturueu to Cascade on Monday's boat Mrs. Sarab Foster and her family of children arrived on Sunday from ToppenUb, Wash, 'f bey will camp on the farm of Keiley I) u bo lee and pirk berries, just lor an outing. Henry Weaver and wife went to Lit tie White Salmon on (Saturday to spend a week camping. Henry be lieves that he will haul a wagon load ot game and llsn Dome. Mr. and Mrs. U. 11. Cromwell were over from Cbenowi .h Saturday. We are proud to note that the Ore' ?:on State Orange is decided to meet n Hood Itiver in 1907. In certainly will be "an honor to Hood River. It being a truly agriontural district, and being a member of an Oregon Urunge. I would most sincerely congratulate 11 ood Itiver. Mr. Fred Luthy expects bs wife to come home by Tbe Dalles City on Thursday. We will all be glad to greet Mrs. Luthy whose life baa been pared for awble longer. Mr. Lother, tie Inspector for the Northern Paolflo, was in Underwood ou. Tuesday. White Salmon river seems to be tbe most attractive for good Ashing and erman as well as flsherwoman appear aauy wim ineir roda and baskets. Ihere will be a social dance at Smith's Hall on June 2, or 8a tui day nignc me nrst or tne season. js?. ery etfort will be made by tbe mana gors to make the affair a success. Alfred Fuller ia the new bartender for tbe St. Kent. We are informed by good authority mai soon ;tnere will tie another tele phone line built into Underwood. We perhaps will all be glad to see a good telephone system, and tbe Ska mania Operative Co. have distinguish ed themselves. We will be glud to have them oome. Mr. Wlllard, of Cbenowitb, Is in Underwood on Wednesday. poorest season we have ever had. Tbe berries did not turn ot t so well as was anticipated at Hri-t though a small orop waa anticipated all along. Tbe old snap In March froze tl.e vines down lo the ground and the weather after that was so cold that I he v nes grew very f lowly and as I he cold cloudy weather continued through tbe picking season the berries ripened very slowly and also srew slowly. Prices have held up good through the season, e.U.11 per crate being the low est price touched so far during tbe season. WHITE SALMON. From the Enterprise. Charles L. Gregory departed for Seattle today, to attend the Urand Lodge of Odd Fellows, as a delegate from Hood Will lodge of White Sal mon. It. A. Iiyrkett, also left at tbe same time as a representative of Trout Lake lodge No. 21!). Mr. Iiyrkett Is accompanied by Mrs. Iiyrkett. The oonorete blocks are now being luld ont he building of the White Sal mon Valley Hank. The work is now going ahead rapidly and the building will soon be inclosed. If the present plans of the bankers are carried out, the building, when completed, will be au .up-to-date banking house in every respect. The oonorete foundation for the Odd Follows building is now being con structed and the framing of the tim bers will begin next week. Nearly all the material Is now on the ground for the construction of the building and no serious delays on that anoount are contemplated and it is exported that the building will be pushed forward rapidly to completion. The addition to Wolfard 4 Go's, store has been completed and now thU enterprising ilrra ocoupy the upper lloor as well as tbe lower part of K. Lautorhaoh's large building. This gives them plouty of room for the present, but the energy of this arm will nd doubt cause them to expand until even this apace will eventually be to small to hold their immeuse stock of goods. The strawberry season is nearly over and it will go down in history as the ODELL. The dance given by Otto Kbrck and Ed Jocbiusen will be on Friday night. June 8, not May 8, as recorded! n last week a Glacier. Remember June in the I. O. O. F. Hall at Odell. Pro ceeds to go to help defray expenses of tbe base ball boys. Pine Grove and Odell have organiz ed a base hall club with Thomas La oey, manager, James Wilson, captain. Ariangementa are not completed, but plana are being made to make the or ganization a strong one and good games may be expected. The ice cream so"ial, given by the C. E. of Odell last Friday night, was well attended and a pleasant evening was had. We have not lent nod the amount in dollars, but the C. K. is better by reason of this social. Strawberries and apple thinning make Odell a busy plaoe. M. II. Odell had ') orates of berries Satuiday. Wm. Ghrck and Will Kemp had crews thinning lntt v.rik. We are sorry to heat that Lee Odell Is In very poor health. Last week . papers were drawn by which Frank Hunnoru and wife sold to Mrs. Crockett 2!) acres, less the Mt. Hood K. It. right of way, together with some personal property, Consid eration fOOUO. Odell people are glad that Mrs. Crockett will remain here and oil hope lor tier and bers, health and prosper lty. We bave not learned what are tbe plans of Mr. and Mrs. Runcorn. BARRETT. Andy Iteatty has moved with his family to tbe east side of the river, where tbey are working on tbe Farm ers' irrigation ditch. Rookford bas lust received a carload of fine hay, so now you can get all tbe nay you want. W. Nichols is busy hauling wood to town, going twioe every day. Willis a hustler. George Camp has gone to work with his team in the logging camp at Green Point. Ed Walls has lieen a busy man dur ing tbe past week building flues and laying plaster on the walls at a house In town, which has been altered and flxen by J. 11. Count, our Rookford district noted carpenter. Well, yes, U. is a pretty good sort of a fellow. Rook bas been spilt and hauled for the new Sherrieb house, which will make a very good cellar and walls for tbe foundation. Will have more to say later on. Ralph and Lesley Sherrieb have been nicking and hauling to town their terries, aa 1 am informed Hie boys have a patch of their own, Pretty good boys are Ralph and Lesley. E. A. Watts has been handlnm the delivery team at the Rookford during the last week. E'loch la quite a craok man with a team, knows bow to swing the whip and handle the lines. Say, is he English? Why, yes, and glad of it, and most Englishmen like good horses and surely Rockford has a good team. Your correspondent was under the wrong impression as he published in last week's issue that liisliop Hell would preach in tbe U. B. church, when it should have been liisliop Cas tle. 1). Labby presented your eoire spoudout with a very nice basket of strawberries, so that we enjoyed hci ries and cream for supper on Fridny eveniug last. The last few days bave been good foi the berries, to now they are roll ing them in from tbe upper district. Woll, I am only a little dog and they call me Frisky. Now 1 must tell you of my tiip to Portland last week. We a'arted very early to meet tbe train and on its ar rival they just gave me over to tbe baggage man and be just polled me along and fattened me op in one cor ner of tbe baggage oar. No Pullman for me, because 1 am only a dog. We passed along the old Columbia with its seething, foaming waters. After two hours ride we arrived at tbe city, where we met so many people such as I never saw before. Tbe people looked at me as 1 passed along and said, "what a pretty dog." Indue time we arrived at a large building tbey call the Exposition building, where a great many doga oame together, some from Spokane, some from British Columbia and some even from Cali fornia, which seemed so tired and weary with their long journey, and the men pulled them along, but my master was more compassionate with me. iney placed us in long rowa of benches in separate cages. Some needed a drink of cold water, but they did not get it, as tbey were only dogs, and tbe new men did not un derstaud dog language. Oh, my, there were lots of doggies of all sizes and descriptions. Tbe large St. Bernard, tbe Great Dane and Russian wolf hounds looked down npon me with iusignificBuoe. The bird and hunting dogs where there in plenty. There wero lots of men and even ladies, who were versed in doggydom. The ladies oame in with their dear little pet dogs and even bad little blankets on tbem and sat by their little canine pets to solace and comfort tbem. My mastei waa good to me, for he came to visit me, patted me, gave me a drink and a little dog biscuit, but oh, the noise! it was quite a strain on my nervea. 1 be bowling and barking of so many dogs was something beard never to bo.forgotteu. At two o'clock they bad what tbey call judges to examine and judge upon our qualities, according to our class and breed, so they lead iii out into a ring, and I being a Fox terrier and a good one, the judges soon passed upon me and banded out for me tbe blue ribbon, which was an Indication that 1 was a first class prize-winner. Then tbe people said, 'Ob, my, is not that a beauty," and my master was quite proud of me. 1 was lead back to my stall and a blue card with the blue ribbon was tacked over me, which said, "first-class". Then tbe ladies and men came and patted me and said, "You area beauty, and so admired me and even wished to buy me, but no, my master would not part with me. I must say that 1 did not wish to ohange hauds. In tbe eveuiug vast crowds of people caino iu to look at the dog world. Then they admired me and petted me and said, "You are a very pretty Ipg; I wish you were mine," but my neigh bor, who was not so fortunate as I, did not meet with the comments, auil I myself felt a little dignified at my exalted position. Hut 1 must close the letter, as it is now uettinu late and rest is needed. In a little while all is quiet m.d 1 lay down and slept and had pleasant dreams of my future dog life. MOUNT HOOD. Louis Durkhard went to Portland last Wednesday on business. W. 11. Davidson baa been on the siok list since Thursday, but Is able to be out and aiound a little once more. George Cooper, who has been laid up with the measles for sometime, is In a bad condition, aa be can only speak in a whisper. His many friends hope be will be all right in the near future. Tho people of this section have started picking strawberries. The people of this section are wit nessing rains quite frequently these days. The sheep are onmina from eastern Oregon over tbe bills and have already been caught on the reserve by tbe rangers. We think this would give warning to the many other bands, as they all know very well that sheep are not allowed on tbe reserve at all. Ex perience will toaob and a dear lesson sometimes, too. The reserve inspector oame up Sat urday by stage from Hood River to transact some business with tbe rang era. Jesse Davidson went to town Satur day and returned home Sunday ac companied by Mr. and Mrs A. White head and little daughter. They re turned home Monday morning in or Ayers Why is it that Aycr' Hair Vigor does so many remark able things? Because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair Hair Vigor cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gcay hair. " Wh.n I flrit nied arer'i Hair Vigor mj hair wm about all gray. But now It li a nice rich black, mid at thick at I could autli." Mug. Scats KLomilSTlSN, Tiueuiubla, Ala. 1.00 a bottle. ah nriiffL-mt. J.C.4rltoo.. : Gray; Hftir ier to give Mrs. Whitehead, who Is .president ot the Woman's Suffrage club of Hood River, a chance to elec tioneer for tbe rights which we think tbe women should bave. We bope be fore tbia goes to print that we will know our mothers, sisters and wives (those who have wivea) will bave tbe right we think tbey justly deserve. Miss Lizzie Cooper was borne over Sunday from Viento, where she is teaching school. She was accompan ied by a lady friend from tbe sa ne place. GILMER. O. B. Tompkins, of the firm of Wickens & Tompkins, had bis little finger out off, while fixing the guides on the saw. The doctor thinks be oan save tbe finger. George Gilmer's family bave all been down with tbe lagrippe, but are some better. Ernest Bussensbutt bad to quit w ork on account of an attack of lagrippe. He waa workiog in the mill. J Mr. Manley is down with tbe la grippe. He is staying at Mi. Tilton's. Mrs. A. Armstrong has gone to Van couver to visit ber daughter, who is siok. Medals Awarded. The Selz Liberty Bell Medals lor the last three months of the school year were awarded. Tbe following is a list of tbe winners pud their grades: Maude Merrell Stella Parsons Graoe Edgington Alta Husbands Myrtle Howe Esther Cox Vera Pickett Guy Husbands Susie Emery -Ormond Dans Everett Gessling Herman Anderson Louise Treiber . Anna Carmon Ivan Wood i , ' Sidney Cooper Calvin Euiger Mildred Smith Walter Treiber Bessie Stephens Mary Samuels ' Merl Jones Mark Moe Marie Bartmess Mattie Hay word 11th 99.4 10th 99 7 9th 99.8 7th 98 (ith 97.2 ith 97.2 fith 98.7 4th 98 3 4th A 97. II 4th B 98.1 3rd A 98.6 3rd B 98.7 7th 94.5 Cth 97 6th 99 1 4tb 98.8 3rd 98.(3 2nd 99.2 1st A 98 1st B 97.1 IstB. 97.1 2nd A 96.7 2ud U 97.1 1st A 97.8 1st B 93 I , " 1 "') tmmtmi9 .11 in i u J tainrninn Burin 1 11 11 3 O CiMniTT"? CTrnZiMiiniii rT"" ai 1 1" n Protect Your Health by Drinking K tanitary ioda Water Drawn from our 20th Century Soda Fountain and served with the BEST White Clover Ice Cream Syrups in Sterilized glass containers on ice in plain sight No Corrosion, No Germs, Delicious, Healthful Coitclo ina, ZESest and. "be Keresli.ea. Give us your Drug orders, so while enjoying your sodas your medicines will be dispensed in a satisfactroy manner 0 KEIR CAS& IL Fruit (Jrewors Organize. An association of fruitgrowers will be formed in the viciuity of Granger, Washington, iu the near future. It is the purpose to enlist many of the orchardiats in that part of the Yaki ma valley and thereby formulate a sys tem of packing and selling of their orops. This is the ouly successful way to realize a legitimate pro9t for such products of the farm no matter what tbey are and tbe aooner the farmers learn this and oo-operate in snob movements the better it will be for them. SMITH BLOCK UNLIABLE DRUGGISTS w No More Watch Worries IF YOU HAVE A ARAWAY BUY YOUR WATCH OF THE WATCH MAKERS WATCH Fine Awards on Cherries. The business men ot Salem have ar ranged for a line array of onpa to be awarded for the best exhibits of char iea at the coming meeting of tbe State Horticultural Society at that city. The Oregon Nursery Co. has given 126 towards the fund for out s and J. K. Shopardb 110. II. 8. Uile Co. otter a $10 oup for best display of Lambert cherries; tbe Capital Commission Co., a $10 oup for best display of Ming clerries, and the Paoitlo Homestead Co., a 10 cup for best display of Royal Ann oherries. There will also be second prizes on eaob of the above and oups for the best and second best displays of named varieties and for the best display of seedlings. As ar rangements are not fully oompleted there may be prizes in addition to these. The fruit growers should le- spoud by making such a display of oherries as bas never before been seen in Oregon. How to Break up a Cold. It may be a surprise to many to learn that a severe cold can be completely broken up iu one or two days time. I be nrst symptons of a cold are a drv loud cough, a profuse watery discharge from the nose, and a thin, white coat ing on the tomme. When Chamber Iain's cough remedy is taken every hour on i ne nrst appearance ol these symp toms, it counteract the effect or the cold and restores the system to healthv condition within a day or two. or sale uy Kicr ana Lass. Advertising Hood Klver. The preseut strawberry season bis proven to be a bad one for the pickers lor tbe reason that the cool and weather bas retarded tbe ripening of toe berries. To youua men from draws Valley were met near Naneene one day last week, when tbe following conversation wbs bad : "Hello, where are you bound?" "For U rasa Valley." "Been to Hood River?" "Yes." "How did you make It?" "Made four bits a day: one dav made 30 cents. A man had better eet a tin bill and pick with tbe oblcken than to go berry picking with tb hope of making anything." Sale We nor anyone else can sell goods at less than cost and live, but there are goods that so accumulate on which it is better to accept a loss than to keep. Below we give a list of some of these, most all of which are good goods, and are real bar gains. If we have a real bargain to give we believe in giving it tb our friends Hosiery For Ladies and Children Sandow brand, 35c for 20c . 3for50c Kittie brand, - IScforlOc Kato brand, - 20cforl5c 25c for 20c, 3 for 50c and 35c for - - 25c R.B. BRAGG &C0, Hats For Men and Boys Something like 100 to 125 hats that range in price at from jf 1.50 to f 3.00. Your choice for &1.00 s S o. p o W OL AV V ) Men's Clothing Forty or Fifty suits that aiv not strictly up to date in cut but are all good goods and servicable, jiikI for every day wear an- RARE BARGAINS $4.00 to $9.50 We make our living by asking a profit on good sell ing goods Clothii For Boys and Children Five to ten years sizes, Prices from 85 Cents to $3.50 Most all of these are good and are all worth more money Hum we ask for them. OUR GOODS ARE RELIABLE Hood River Fruit Growers Union SHIPPERS OF Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries and Cherries An Organization of FRUIT GROWERS, For the Benefit of FRUIT GROWERS, Managed by FRUIT GROWERS WE MARKET YOUR FRUIT AT ACTUAL COST OF MARKETING NO PROFITS FOR ANYBODY Every Fruit Grower enjoys the same privileges. Returns are made according to the Quality of the fruit shipped irrespective of person; The Union is open to any grower as a shipping madium. Come to the office and get acquainted with us. We are shvnys ready to cheerfully furnish any information desired. Yours truly, HOOD RIVER FRUIT GROWERS UNION Z " H. SHEPARD, Manage.. Remember. The Union is iti existence for the benefit of the Fruit Grower. AT A- BARGAIN If your stomach trouble von do not conclude that there it no cure, for a great many hare been permanently cured by Chainberlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. Got a free sample at Kler and Cass's drug store and pive them a trial. They also cure constipa tion and biliousness. Hulls lor Sorvloa, I fcrap two bull ai my pin. for nrrvlp. Anv one wlshlt, theiiM-ol Mimi- must pay t the lime r!.lM renileie1. sVrvH-r. f i, I alto ,i dehorning at i: r umiU, tliuao Kraui Sortb. Volinoul. -nol, 10 acres of very early strawberry and fruit land, with a southern Rlope, miles from White Salmon, 1 mile from dock; plenty of water; 4 acres cleared. It's a great bargain for $1350, part cash. We have other bargains. . New List of Real Estate Bargains White Salmon Land Co., White Salmon, Wash. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. llnitrri Starra Land Offle. Th Dall. Omm April tM. Ist06.-Nftk M Iwretnr mivrni thil th. following- named settler haa AM notice of hia in tention to make Anal Droof in auDnort of hia ckim and that aaid proof will be made before the Re. liter and Receiver at The Daliea. Onda m Jnu 5 th, HENRY U HOWE of Hood Hirer, Oregon, on H. E. No. J740. for the SKS.MeVSi.SWNE'.. NW VE1 and NE'SWi, See. . Tp. L N.. R IU E.. W. M ' He name the following witneaaea to prove his rantinoua residetore upon and cultivation of aaid land.ni; Joha Wt. of Hood River. Oregon. f'.mll a. eat; of Hood River. Oregon. William H Davia. of Hood Ri ytt. Oregon. John W. JJavia, of Hood River. Oregon. '". J. Baker & Co. offer the following flood propoeitiona in real estate this week: 52 acres. Between 25 and 30 acres cleared; 12 acres in bearing orchard, 15 hi airawiK-rries ana ciover. tiourie and barn. This is a good bi'y. Price for a hort time, $3500. 30 acres 5 miles out. 25 ai'res cleared, 20 in orchard 5 of which is in full hear ing; standard varieties. Price, t!KKH). 70 acres 4 miles out. 45 acre cleared, 16 in orchard, 13 in full bearing, 12 mc es meadow land. All ne essarv hnil.lin,,. on place. Price per acre, f.tK). 80 acres 6J miles out, Unimproved. i- wacw mnu. rrice, per acre. 120 acres 6J miles out. All neosary buildings, good well and ppriiion place. This is an unuaiiullv wvl h Small orchard and all kinds of smalj iruu; 40 acres cleared. Frice per acre fiiO; terms to suit purchaser. ' We call special attention to one 10 acre tract, all cleared; about two miles (rom town. Prii'e, $1250. We have a number of 5,10 and 20 acre tracts that are bargains. Snme good propositions in regard to land from the Mount Hood district. C'rn and m-e uh about it. Also land in Mo sier, White Salmon and Hingen. We have fine alfalfa ranch in Hulcr county, another In Morrow; also imipJ rty in the Willamette vallev i.. t. ! change for Hood R ver realty. I Houses and lots for rent or sl ;.. u;i ' hartof Hood River. Collections made. ( nsurance written in jour choice of oner tviiiiiiira. 40 acres. All under cultivation. Nice ' laige bouse, ordinary barn and two ware house. 6 acres apples full hear-1 ing, standard varieties; n'ii. von in ! Newtown orchard, a) acre,, ny- ,5 acres pasture; under imgaiiou ditch ' This la good buy at $10,000. ' I FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE For a Few Days Only Fifty acres, 6 milps out, Ten acreas cleared, Sixty-five apple trees, Good house and barn, Fine water, llnral telephone and mail service, No stone, well protected, ueop soil, Splendid fi nit land, (rood outside range. Who wants it for $ 2,500. Good terms. Land all around it held at twice the price. For particulars S( H. M. ABBOT, At Millinery Hore McEWEN & KOSKEY GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS w Pr. iiipt rales and quick returns l'es.l.1. iluuinra in oil i tp: i "u i luduce. Consignmenu solicited 129 Front Street, Portland, On,