The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 07, 1906, Image 2

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-r-'m r&TK aw-'WiHjh
-mill vert Thursday by
el subeorlplloa fl.M a jmt wkts) si4
And tbe next day It rained.
Hood River bag been wiped of! tbe
county political map. - . .
Plan to celebrate the fourth at borne.
Arrangements are being made for a
good time.
t - - . i . - -
Hood River bag no more represents'
tion in county affalrg at Tbe Dalles
tban a rabbit.
Bourne came out of Wasco county
with about 100 majority. Credit Hoo1
River with most of tbe hundred.
Senator Burton, the convicted Unit
ed States Senator from Kansas, bag
resigned, after it became evident that
be would be expelled by tbe senute,
Cascade Looks went " wet. " So d id
East Hood River. Did tbe blasting
across the liver contribute to tbe re
suit in Its supposed influence on tbe
While the strawberry crop hat been
short tbig year, many of the growers
will make as much money as In former
years,owlng to the good prions that
have been obtained.
Tbe Dalles will have a fourth of
July celebration. In fact, they are
making preparations to celebrate two
days July 3 and 1, and extend a gen
eral invitation to outsiders.
A woman in Seattle oan, between
the ago of 18 and GO, have 82 legal bug
bauds (and some of them are trying
to reach tbe limit) with one year to
ber credit for recuperation.
It is said that the number of the
killed in San Francisco will never be
known, as there Is being systematic
effort made to suppress as much ad
verse uews of tbe horror as possible,
on account of tbe eflect it would have
on rebuilding the city.
"Many a young man is trying to
support a sealskin wife on a muskrat
salary. Too many of our 'girls are
raised in the seulskln class," said Mrs.
S. Ella Southerland, of Athol, ad
dressing the Worohestor aud Norfork
Pomona Grange. "lie neat," she con
tinued, speaking to the women mem
bers. "He cleanly in attire, aud
don't take too much stock In a 110
suit on a f.'l man. Some men quarter
their cows bettor tbau their wives,
aud I have bton in more farmers'
barns with running water than I have
been in houses with the samo Im
provement." Tbe eleotion of 1006 is over, but still
another word be spoken.
It relates uot to the levity of one
class of men, but to tbe malignity ot
another. The Republican party bas
elected much tbe greater portion of
Us candidates. It has lout a lendiug
olUce, and saved another only by a
slight margin the places ot greatest
importance iu state and national
alfalra through the desire of various
groups to "got even," or obtain re
veuge. This malignity struck chiefly
at the head of the ticket. Tbe bosses
whom the primary law had dethroned ;
the deposed mastorg of the old ma
chine, ' and all their heuobmeu
throughout the state; thr remnants
who lameuted Mitchell; the friends of
Hernianu here, of Williamson there
aud Moody youdur; tho gangs who
have been prosocuted for laud frauds
aud all who had interest, relationship
aud friendly feeling with them, want
ed to show their own luiportancelsnd
"gut oven." So at every point with
in tholr reach they drove the knife
in. The effort was directed chiefly at
the men who stood iu the ilrst places
on the ticket for such effort must lie
oonoeutrated if it is to have effect.
The remainder of the candidates wore
eleutod by about tbe usual Republican
majorities. Oregonian.
Hans are being made for a joint
fourth of July celebration of tbe city
aud valley. The Grangers aro plan
ning for a large celebration at the end
of tbe Mt. Hood railroad, tho exact
looutiou of which has not yet been de
termined. The Artisans of Mt. Hood
are also making plans for a celebra
tion, aud au invitation will be ex
tended to them to join with the
Grangers. Hood River city people
also want to celebrate at home, and
the Commercial Club have called a
meeting for his eveuiug to discuss the
mat tor and try and, arrange for a big
joint celobratiou at some point, lty
joining Issues, funds and attractions,
a better showing can be had, aud
nuike abetter time for all. The Hood
lliver band has bad au offer to play at
White Salmon, but if a celebration is
had at homo they would much prefer
to stay here. The Mt. Hood road
have granted a fare of 50 cents for the
round trip to the end of their line,
and this will give an opportunity for
most of our citizens to.take their first
ride on the finest scenlo railway on
the coast. The Grangers have invited
the sister lodges of the surrounding
towns to celebrate with them, aud
will have the state lecturer, Clara H.
Waldo aud deputy stutergaoizer, F.
M. Oill, present to make addresses.
The Mt. Hood Artisans also have a
gpgaker engaged for the occasion. It
is possible that an evening celebration
can be arrauged foi the evening -at
Hood River, aud round out the day
witnfplenty of amuseuieuts. Let every
one iuteresUd attend the open meet
ing at the Commercial Club rooms
this evening.
The Free Seed Oraft. "
By a substantial majority, the bouse
of representatives has decided to
plaoe the provisions for the free dis
tribution of garden seed back in the
agricultural appropriation I ill. Ap
parently a very large percentage of the
members of the bouse raniiot bring
themselves to tbe point of doing away
with this petty and ridiculous graft,
whiob answers no purpose whatever,
gave to enable a representative to
maintain tbe transparent fiction that
he bas a persona) interest in tbe wel
fare of those of bis individual const!
tuents whom be "honors" by send
ing them few cents' worth of garden
seeds each year.
Everybody in the country knows
tbe faroloal nature of tbig free seed
distribution. The seeds whiob are
gent out differ in no essential particu
lar, when tbey are good for anything
at ail, from seeds wbioh are ou sale in
every suburban grocery and every
country store. Tbe amount wb'cb is
sent to any Individual, if be used them
at all, and to do so is a rare occur
ence, oould be purchased by him for
10 cents or ao if be got them at tbe
grocery Instead of as a free gilt from
beneficent government. Ills pride
may be somewhat gratified at tbe
recognition of biui by the member of
oongress from bis district Involved in
the grautiug to him of tbe seed ; and
that is all. luuuv.1, this last is the
sole consideration which actuates tbe
members of congress in voting for the
A considerable sum of money which
might be used legitimately to advanoe
tbe interests of agriculture is thus
thrown away. Tbe carriage of this
quantity of seeds through the mails,
nnder frank of the members of con
gress, means a large addition to the ex
press rise of conducting tbe postal
gervloe, without any returns to the
public for it. No argument which
rings true was ever advanced to justi
fy the expenditure. It baa been ridi
culed and abused annually, but all tr
no effect. It is a petty graft, aud tbe
representatives continue to vote for
it because tbey think tbey oan secure
some small amount of political aid to
themselves from the distribution of
tbe seeds, and that is all that tbey
oare about. It Is to be boped that
the senate will strike the provision
out of the bill before passing it.
Seattle P. -I.
Mr. Kohler has given his apple trees
a ooat of whits wash wbioh gives them
a very neat appearance.
Jack Williams, Mrs. urosser's son,
oame home for a short st ly.
James Devil has Improved his bouse
by giving it u fresh coat of paint.
Mr. Davis bas one of the n atestjittle
farms iu the neighborhood.
Two young ladles came down from
Tbe Dalles Sunday and viHilo 1 with
the Mobr girls.
P. T. Shelley left Suuday for Long
Prairie, wbere be has au appointment
as forest guard.
E. V, Scb'ller, who was qulfo badly
hurt last week in a saw mid at White
Salmon, is expected home the last of
tbe week.
Mrs. A. L. Shelley aud daughter,
Ellen, returned Saturday from a
week's stay in Portland.
Lizzie Molir left Wednesday for Dr.
Shaw's place at Mt. Hood, wbere she
will pack strawberries.
Charlie Wells left Tuesday evening
for the Portland Sanatorium, when
be will be treated for enlargement of
tbe liver and other complications.
There is movement ou foot to change
the name of the district tiom Pine
Grove to Van Horn. Just why this
change is contemplated, we have not
been able to determine, bur. it seems
to the writer that as Pine Grove the
district has grown and flourished, aud
as Piue Grove let It live.
Edith Soroat naHsed tbe elsht grade
examination at Hood River.
The Pine Grove Grange met Satur
day evening and discussed various
tilings of interest to Grangers. One
one new member wag initiated and
two moro voted upon. Afttr the bus
iness was dispensed with, a good liter
al y program was given.
Mr. Littlelleld's two boys, who have
had the measlos, have recovered.
Jess Shc.ugh and Alfred Jaoobs made
a flying trip to Poillaod lust week. I
Carl Knobles. Olllo Lester aud El
mer Wells are camped on the west side
picking strawberries.
Henry Steffausou was taken to the
hospital at Hood River on Thursday
of last wiek, and died on the tullow-
lng Saturday night. His remains
were burled in the ldlewlld cemetery
on Suuday afternoon. Mr, Steflansou
was a native of Mnlmid, a quiet, or
derly and industrious man, a good aud a klud neighbor.
Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Clark, accom
panied bv Miss Crowe, visited with
friends iu this neighborhood on Fri
day ot last week. Miss Crowe is au
evangelist and Is conducting a sei ies
of meetings at Hohuont.
Mr. Gano Is constructing stone
foundation for an addition to the
school house.
Mrs. Hauhiuevra aud Mrs. Holma,
of New Castle, Wash., airived 1 i Hood
Klver a tew days ago. Mrs. Hanhin-
evrn is a daughter of Mr. Zachary
Jauipsa, whom she had not seen lor
about 2l) years. (She is a sister to
Meadames Hooker. Jakku and llrosl.
She expects to remain several week
In this neighborhood.
Mrs. J. V. JorgotiBon, of Portland,
is visiting with her bi other, Mr.
Helms, of this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry ll ickelt sud
son, Teddy, oame dowu from their
homestead ou Sunday.
I'liknown Friend.
There are many people who have used
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy with splendid results, Put
who are unknown because they have
benUted about giving a testimonial oi
their experience for publication. These
H"Ople, however, are none the friends of
this remedy. They have done much
toward making it a' hoHselmld word by
tusking personal recommendations to
friends and nieghbors. It is a good
medicine to have in the home and is
widely known for its cures ot diarrhoea
and all forms of bowel trouble. For
sale by Keir and Cass.
The devil flew round In a terrible rage,
And set these lines to till this page.
i n
We have no '-marked up down" prices to offer. We do not believe in this
kind of business. We have built up our large trade by treating all our cus
tomers fairly and squarely and intend to continue treating them in this
same way. The argument of some of our competitors of inferior goods
is evidence positive that they are charging you more money for the same
goods. This argument won't stand the test and is the only excuse they
can offer for charging you more money for the same goods.
Commencing Saturday and continuing one week
we will give you the benefit of a few Genuine
Men'e black drees sol, big value at the regular C
price of 10c, special for the week, tho pair
Men's fancy box, assorted patterns, all lizea, (A
special for one week, the pair IvV
i , f
Men's black dress so regular 30c sellers,
shaped foot, special for one week, the pair ,
Men's Itockford sox and the best everyday sox O
on tbe market, special for one week, the pair v.
Men's, ladies' and children's Mexican Pueblo C
hats, worth 25c, special for the week, each
Men's 4 ply linen collars that sell most places at 15c
each, all style", special for tbe week.... J f()f 25 C
Rlbcn tbe Band
played "Dfeie"
A Wartime Instance of
the Power of
HAYK8, retired, was seated
with a friend on the lawn in
front or tils borne in wagning-
ton one evening when a atreet pianist
came along. The old soldier tossed the
man a piece of sliver. The Italian
picked up the money and arranged the
side clutch, aud then "Dlxlo" filled tho
Oeneral rinyes got up without a
word and walked Into bis house, through
tho hull and to the back yard, whero
he remained until the pianist had gone.
Then the general came out again and
took the chair beside his friend, with
out saying anything. Tbe friend, how
ever, was curious.
"Oenoral," he said, "I never knew
before that you were so prejudiced.
What was your Idea In galloping away
when that dago began to unwind 'Dix
ie?' Why, I've heard It tumultously
cheered In theaters In Boston and New
"That's all right," replied General
Hayes. "Tbe persons who cheered
Dixie' In Boston and New York never
got such a stampeding through 'Dixie'
ns I did. I'm not prejudiced against
anybody. But I made a bad break once
In connection with that 'Dixie' air, eo
that I've never been able to listen to it
"I was an aid on the staff of General
Kllpatrlck when he was tearing tip the
railroads around Macon. The Johnnies
were never far away from us while wo
were doing that work. They hovered
around our front, watching proceed
ings. They thought that they were not
numerically strong enough to make It
worth our while to go after them. They
Just watched us from their distance In
front, making no attempt to bother the
"One dny General Kllpatrlck sum
inoncil 4ii to ask ine how the job was
proceeding. He wanted quicker prog
ress made.
" 'Tako one of the mounted bands
down,' said General Kllpatrlck to uie.
The boys always work faster wben
there's music around.'
"I got one of the mounted bands and
took It down to wbere our gang wag
pulling up the ties and rails. The band
swung off with 'Hall Columbia,' The
Star Spangled Banner,' 'My Country,
etc. The men worked like Trojans un
der the Inspiration of the music I
could see tbe Johnnies massed among
the trees, but they hadn't fired a shot
I appreciated the Immunity which they
gave us and In a sort of bravado '
turned to the band leader and said:
" Those "rebs" are treating us pretty
white. Suppose you Just reward the
poor devils by giving them "Dixie."'"
At this point General Haves brought
e rans
Ladies' fast black
splendid hose at 10c
Ladies "Burson"
hose without a seam, special for one week...
Misses fine ribbed
for one week
Ladies sleeveless
Boys suspenders, per pair , 5C
Pins full sized papers special for one week- per
one dozen pspors v
Mi teem down hard on his cigar.
"Welir Inquired hla friend.
"Oh, nothing," resumed the old sol
dier, "except that that band hadn't
played more than six bare of 'Dixie'
before the ground (book with the blast
edest rebel yell as ef us had ever
beard, and In a minute and a half those
Johnnies were on top of us, wVptng
the devil out of us!" New York Her
ald. RoaTelt's Opiates of Ik Vmm.
It la a matter of unmixed satisfac
tion once more to call attention to the
excellent work of the pension bureau,
for the veterana of the civil war have
greater claim upon ua than any other
Class of our citizens. To them, first of
all among our people, honor Is due.
President Roosevelt In a Message to
ka.Aaec4ot of lloaewall Jacks.
At a council of Confederate generals
Hrly In the war one remarked that
Major had been wounded and
(Would not be able to perform a task
Which had . beeo, assigned to htm.
Wounded?" said Jackson. "If that Is
really ao, I think it must hava been by
an accidental discharge of his duty."
la ( U.
Joe," aaid a soldier, reading a paper,
turn comrade, "where'e Statu Quo? I
aee this paper gays our army la In
Statu Quo."
"Dunno," replied Joe. "Beckon It
Bust be the east branch of the Chicks.
When good nature Is noisy it is al
most as disagreeable as 111 nature.
You are interesting to your friends
aa long as you are keeping something
from them.
Never watch others unless you are
prompted by the desire to find some
thing to applaud.
Somehow your right always seems
full grown and the other man's right Is
a dwarf In comparison.
If you know of any patience that Is
not the patience of a mother, compared
with that kind it Is an adulterated
brand. :
A good many times when you think
you are accepting a complimentary
from a friend you are getting a seat
In tbe gallery at box prices.
If we could see our backs, we would
probably find them ' blushing at things
said behind them to spare tho feelings
of our faces. Atchison Globe.
Ac mt gome Not VatvanltlM,
It Is said the University of Oxford
wag founded by King Alfred tbe Great
in 872. The University or Cambridge,
or, rather, the first of the colleges at
present comprised In It, was founded
by Hugo, bishop of Ely, In 1207. The
University of Purls was founded by
King Philip II. about the year 12G0.
The first German university was estab
lished at rrague In 1348. Trinity col
lege, Dublin, was Incorporated by roy
al charter In 1S91. Tbe University of
Edinburgh was first chartered lu 1S82
by King James VI. of Scotland. Har
vard college was founded at Cam
bridge, or, as It waa then known, New
town. Haas., in IffiM. Yale university
war first established at Saybrook,
Conn, In 1700. It removed to IU pres
ent location, New Haveu, In 171U.
wsy1Iwc4 Her Dn Haafeaaal.
Itie only case on record of a discon
solate widow swallowing tbe remains
f her dead husband la that of Arte
rnesla drinking a glass of wine In
which the ashes of Mausolus had been
stirred for that purpose. Tbe parties
to this remarkable transaction were
brother and sister and also husband
and wife. Mausolus vaa king of Carta
and reigned about 800 years before
Christ After bis death his remains
were burned and the ashes disposed ot
Tbe honeymoon waa over, and the
husband, returning from business, waa
grieved to find his little wife crying
bttterly. "Oh. George," she sobbed,
"such a dreadful thing bas happened.
I had made you a beautiful pie all my
elf, and Fido went and ate itr "Well,
aerer mind, my dear," he said cheer
fully, "we can easily buy anotsaw dog."
seamless hose, food Bhape, a (.
a pair, special for ode week W
hose, the only shaped JO I n.
la- l-s.V
hose worth 25c a pair, special JC
vests, each
11. K. Stitts, of HooJ River, who Is
a patient at tbe hoerritai, Is reported
as very ill, but st lat account was im
proving somen hat. '
Miss Nan Cooper and ber sister,
Miss Mildred, left yesterday to spend
some time on Miss Cooper's homestead
at M . Hood.
V.. ....'f l.ll k k. .
i i.u unu b icu ujr buo najr a mail
comes Holton downtbe street in Tbe
imw r uuw inn wn going to ruu in
Hood hirer.
3 There nre more ways ;thnn one to
retch the otu r side of A. Lkle. If
yon haven't time to walk arouud, a
little wind a ill sail you over.
In the excitement over the genera
election and sat faction at the pies
ent state of municipal affairs, the fact
tl at a city election is uear at baud
seems to Lave teen overlooked.
Nererheless on June 18tb two weeks
from yesterday city atfaim will claim
tbe attention ttt the peoplo, who will
be colled upon to choose a mayor, city
treasurer, five Joounoilmen and five
water commissioners. Tbe council
men whose terms expire ere P. Fagan,
J. M. Beneou, W. fi. Waltber, C. L.
Phillips and W. ti. Nixon, and the
water commls lo ers, 8. Holton, 'H.
J. Maier T. J. Seifert, N. J. Slonott
and 11. Hansen.
Const ijial ion makee the cold drsg
abns. liel it out of yon. Take Ken
nedy'a Laxative Honey and Tar cough
syrup. Contains no opiates Williams'
Ironing Boards,
Kxpeiieuoe bas taught uatbat there
la only one material iu this locality
that la suituble for ironing boards.
We now have boards made op in two
styles from this material, or will make
tbem to order.
Yours for anything lo tbe carpen
tering line, F. U. COK
Phone 671.
Thousands annually bear witness to
tbe efficiency of Early Risers. These
pleasant, reliable little pills have long
borne a reputation second to none as a
laxative and cathartic. They are as
staple as bread In millions of homes.
Pleasant but effective. Will promptly
relieve constipation without griping
Sold by Williams' Pharmacy.
A variety of good residence property
ty at prices and terms tn suit.
GHd buys for $500, ftlOO, t700, fm,
$1,U, 11.250, 1,300, $1,400, $1,500,
$1,750, $1,800 or any price you want.
Two-torv house near high school for
only $l,6m
Several good residences close lo busi
ness for sale cheap.
r'ine Iwo-storv residence with two
loU, choice location, only $a,400
New two-story house, six rooms be
sides pantry and bath, only $U00.
W'liols blocks and acreage property lor
sale n easy terms,
Klnest residence lots In the el'y cheap
Hood investment.
Large list lo select from, Including
(food orchard land and farm property.
Come and te na.
Onthank fl Often
Hood Rirer Oregon
Buisnass Chances
liooiuing House
News Stand
Confectionery Store
Cigar Store
Also Farms, Timber Lands.
St. Johns Realty a Specialty
R'kiiii 9 Itm-den fildg, PORTLAND, ORE.
Mount Hood Railroad Co.
A. M.
s.-flO leave...:
: .
..Mood litvef
Arrive fc S
,.? fc06
... M
...Vn II. .ru
.... Lmiie
..Dnkn illejr . .
.... Wlnsns
) Arrlv
Effectlv May 21, "0ft, Sunday Exoepted. I
rt,ri.. WT MSlf
L Lnt
J. A. WiM9i,uperlntendent j
Attorneyat-La and Notary Public Vice President and Manager.
' J. M. KCHMELTZER, Sec.-Treas.
Notary Public '
..Hood River Land..
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
We are prepared in a special manner to handle all
kinds of busineHa in any of the above lines and have
a large list of improved lands and city property
from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch,
a stock farm or a home'in the city.
1 With an Extensive Correspondence
We are able to handle your prop
erty advantageously (and will be
pleased to have you list feame with us
The president of the company is the city engineer,
and is prepared to do surveying and civil engiueer
ing Work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
opinions given on property titles.
C)lle rtioiis a Specialty. Phone Main 141.
"The Test of Time"
, lias stood t!i!t'-st of time for 18 years with
a t'liiislaiil ly increasing sale. The best and
purest If" Crea in i!i ide and known through
out tin- Northwest as the
Yc ieci;f it fresh every day by express
ntnl are sole Agents in Hood Kiver.
V.u will wiuil u KOod homelike Luncheon when shopping in
Punbiiid. K'wi tlmid's, 27:1 Morrison St. is tbe im'St popular place.
The b.tft r t iilin t-ontf. "The Biol--
en Riiiy," nn virl te i by Mrs. Pa't
GarrUon Miner o1 I oort River. Price
51) cents at 8. L, Yung's.
K. T. Cnnin. dei tii-t. lias opened hln
office ami Is ii" ready for bueine-s in
tbe Hii. rooms over Ilarliwss store.
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Phone 1313
For Sale
UalfTtV,. (l:flM lots fill HtHtP. Street
Apply loW. J. Maker. J7 28
Vnr Kale MI'eh onw. Nil 1. Fwh Shout two
mnlhs Pi Ice HO. K. E. Mr .ng, Odell. J7-!8
For Hale Team, harness, and logging truck
will) onlrtt coinplelo. A bargain at Sl'-'n.
Team brown Clydesdales, weight about ami
Ihs. Well matrneci, sound ana true to pun.
Wag-on-Mitehel S, bougnt three months
ago. Rack na rigging gisia ss new. win
sell either wagon or team feparately. For
further particulars address A. B. Hbelle.v.
route 1: or call at Troy Mhelley's place. J7-J2H
For flsle A Kood work. horse. Inuulre at the
Williams Pharmacy, or phone 51)5.
Those wishing to purchase Wind Klver
lands will do well lo cull ou C. C. Wtiherell,
Carson, Wasli.
For Sale A line gray horse, a nice driver.
Works double or single, used to children rid.
leg him. Weight about 1,1110 pounds. Will
be sold cheap as I have no use for b I m. Apply
at Kockford store. ni'Jl-JU
1-i.r Mulffc- A SW wugon. or would exchange
for a lighter one, i!ma good driving horse.
For partlculaia tddressM. H. Thompson, Hood
Hirer, K. K. I). Mo. 1, phouettUU. J M
ForKale-a Poland China boar. 8 months
old. Inquire of Peter Jochlmsen. in 1 0-7
For Sale-Uood, gentle mlleli cow. W. M.
Hull, phone Funnels MH. mlo-J7
ForKsIx Farm
weight. 1100 each.
A. A. Juyun.
Forhale 'tll matched team of dsik buy
mares, 6 and 7 years n,i, good travelers: weight
IrtiO pounds eaeh. Also one two seated hack
and hack harness, neurly new. Alex xtcw
art. Mosler, Ore, , . in 10 if
For Hale Black cub bear, six weeks ohi:
if lasVn now, Frank Kgan, W hlte Hului.m j7
For Sale I lisve H head work horses, t bead
saddle hor, 1 ritudebaker truck. two-tear
old heifers, l sccnnU hand horse power wisd
saw. Havtng other business to see to lbi
summer I will elnse Ibis stuck out at bargain-
pr res. b. i. jm uuui, uregoo, t -none i?b
For Bare Tin U roves property will be sold
at etad If Ukan within three w eks. Inquire
on me pseMilse. J. H. Uroves. ' mlij,4
Kr Hale Two ten aen tracts clone to lown.
liunioveinenla and sisal water, title Knnrsu-
leud. Enquire al Ihl. oitlce. J 7
For Sale Eight acres of land. IU miles from
HiaMt Klver on Belmont anil: f. acre lm
atnauBerctes, 41 n-nlt i .. pari lull bmrlng
SMtbsilHiw )nr; anmnrs in riuver, puliiloeli
mmI vegv; htat-khrrrhst. red raspberries
ajHt blark cats, on liu-r. Three room house,
low king house ltu. barn Mxlti and oilier
buildings, Cull at place for further purlieu
lars. ii. j. jnuiKins I 7
Only a lew more of those splendid In-sere
tracts, unsold on the M. H. Potter faun lii
IDaid Ulver valley, near the elly. Sulishle
lor apples and sirawherrhs. Pirns are
pliioed below regular rates on similar r.i-
eny In this vicinity. No la-tier sppl nd
can bs found. Look at it peisonaslt lo. ite
prooi. W rite Frank MrFarlaml, lwlillli
PiHHlund, orses Mr. M. B. Poll. r on tnr
la run n.imr
. hi Sell or Trade Two lm, vuil
and 40l 100. one slx-nauu hollfc ami .om ,mhh
eollMgewith ftalt on place. H-.x jun, Ho
Klver, Oregon. --.
For B ile Investigate this. I am ot.ti.'ct to
11 an. I will Mill ml iiiiirnyin t,rt. u .....u. ..r
land "with house and ntner iiiiunivru.Hnil u
miles Irom tl.'Od Kiver. If you wsnt lo buv
al your own price address Box i3. HihhI
Klver, Oregon. aia-inS
For Hle A one-horde farm wapon, pnfnt
l otofl'tbewhelH, nearly new, will lv- nll
1 1 it-u p. AlHn a (rood set of double humeri. K.
I'ruytord, Kockford store. m!7
ForH;ilp A (rood frm team of horse,
eiiht 1100 lbs. Too Hidit for lonKinic. I'hii
hebmmhi cbenp. Apply to Oregon Lumber
!o., either ill Hood River or Dee. mrii tf
For Sale H'eel range. Cull al Wall's feed
s' ore. niSIJmajl
Wanted To trade for ft) bead of pic-- find
shnfltsut Oaveoport Harness Co. ni''1.J14
W'niited Honcls of flot l,ake HanltarluiiiTco!
Will purchase any quantity, address I'. W.
i . iic oiini of it m-iiT. n 1 1 0-J7
Wanted (llr! for general housewoi k, Frank
Davenport, Jr. n loJ7
Wanted Two Strawberry packers. W. 8.
Hall. I'hone l'4. inlTJU
Wanted Several men for cutting bru-li and
small timber and cutting up into wood.
Bruno Frauz. J 7
Lost On May 31, a lady's tan Jacket. Re.
ward. Phone Ueo. W. Houle, Farmers II J.
Lost Box of merchandise between Mood
Klver and Mule White store. Suitable re.
ward for Its rrtui n to Little White Store,
m-'l U
For Rent One neatly furnished room. En
quire of Sirs. Jas. Moore, the old Huniia cot
tage. J 7
Bids Wanted
Bids lo ronstrueta bridge across Hood Klver
will be received by the sfcretarv of tin- Far.
mers' Irrigation Co., until June l'.KW.
Plans and specifications can be seen at tbn
Butler Hanking Co. The Farmers' Irrigation
Co. reserve the right to reject anyandsll bld.
tn24-JH. Secretary
Department of the Interior, United States
Land olflee, The Dalles, Oregon, Muy iW,
Notice la hereby given that
orilood Klver, Oregon, has tiled notice of his
Inteuiion to make flnal five-year proof in sup.
port of his claim, vis: Hometnd Fnt. Niv
W77, made March S, Idol, lonthe WUsK acd
SUM F.'-4, Seetiou ill, township 2 N., runse 11 E.,
, . ..I., imiu inai saia prooi win rje made be
fore the Keslster and Receiver at The Hslles,
Oregon, on July 7lh, 1WK
He names tlie following witnesses to prove
his oniinuous residence upon aud cuIUva
ti n of the land. vlx. :
David M. Jackson, John B. Jackson, Fran
pi's II. Jackson and Harry It. Kemp,: alt of
Hood Itiver, Orcgou.
mSllyU K, nfinr.
liepanmeni of the Interior, I'nlled states
lnd uroie, The Dalles, Oregon, May 26,
Kotlce Is hereby given that
widow of y.eha B. Wevgniidt, deceased ol
Mount Hood, Oregon, has filed nnllea ir Iu.
Iiileniii n lo make nnltlve-vear proorin sup
port of her claim, v.s. Homestead hniry No.
mode July H. moo. for the W VwNE'-, sec.
lion au and W',sK section 17, township 1 8..
riinse 10 K.. W. Mund thatsal.l proof will tie
iniiile Ik-Iuif i I ..- hvai.ic'1 and K.ceivei, at The
Dalles, Oregon, on July Isth, BUM.
She names the following witnesses to prove
Iit continuous residence uuon aiuli'uiticuiii.n
I of tho land, vl-
.Hitwil ilnl.lii. nin-v HUbert. llenr limit
ml Joseph (in. il. nil r Mount Hcsvl. Oregon.
"""j.", jtii hai.Ij I. mfl.A Keglsler.
In order to close up the estate of
C. A hhi'ktb. a bankrupt,
I will sell to the highest bidder, run cash, the
following iloscr'be.1 real eswte, the sales lo be
held st lone and place mentioned below
111 acre I holier land, 12 miles sonth of Hood
River. O'iw.ii t'ountv court house, The
Dull-a, o e n. II a. m.. July s, luoj.
as seres m k1 improved farming land, near
Cei'il. Oregon. County courthouse, Hepner.
(ig,.n, II a. m Julv II, l!KV
Min i a forming laiid. 12 miles south of r
llin' ou, o eton. 1 Jwo.iii.ry stone building
aiei w,rv.h..usi',,'i0 f,Kl h. On Main street,
Vl nii,n. orcuon. Also
1 oie..tor dwelling. tSrfiwt lot. Main street,
A; lint i., Oregon.
6-r.son rottage, i lota, fine home, Arling
ton. -11- B-Mi.
i oun; eonrt house. (
m. Julv 13. luos
fii.-lher de crlpllon and particulars ad-
le W. H. MOOHE, Assignee,
olS East Oak St., I'orllaud, Oregon.