On HOOD.BIVEB OLACgBTHUBSDAY, MAY 31, 1006. I ..,. . m iw,,li " ll aer3 ,g2I3CSII30G f Absolutely Pure Made from Ture Grape Cream of Tartar In baking powder Royal is the standard, the powder of highest reputation; found by the United States Government tests of greatest strength and purity. It renders the food more healthful and palat able and is most economical in practical use. Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy alum powders because they are "cheap." Yet some of the cheapest made powders are sold to consumers at the highest price. Housekeepers should stop and think. Is it not better to buy the Royal and take no chances the powder whose goodness and honesty are never questioned ? Is it economy to spoil your digestion by an alum-phosphate or other adultcred powder to save a few pennies ? ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK For a number of years the Geneva Experiment Station hai been conduct itiK a series of tests to determine the probable effects of aprayiug in blos som upon the netting fruits. Aided . lulrufnrv nt.iiriina. it aaemi cer tain tbat spraying in bloom destroy some of tbe blossoms, and may in some seasons seriously lessen tbe orop. No evidence bas been found to sup port tbe view 01 some growers torn tbe spraying actually belps tbe blos soms to set fruit, but ail points to tbu contrary belief. One of the most interesting result of f ho umrW that has been ancomDlisbed Is thHt many varieties of fruit are sterile to their own pollen and need to be pollinated by other varieties to set fruit. Important agents in secur ing cross-fertilization are tbe bees. Any measure directed to check tbe ac tivity of these creatures is calculated to materially aBect tbe setting of fruit. Mr. Fred Cyrenlus, of this olty, an experienced beekeeper, says in regard in tha unmvlncr of trees that thousands of lees are annually destroyed by this process during fruit bloom, much to the detriment, of the fruit grower as well as the beekeeper. It may also be well to know that fur the protection of tbe bees our state bas recently passed a law making tbe spraying while In bloom misde meanor with a Due or :u ior eaon 01- fense. Oswego, N. Y, limes. . WORK ON NORTH BANK ROAD "From a railroader's point of view, satisfactorily, for we are giving them thojvery best road possible; from the contractor's well, that's dillereiit." So jokingly spoke John Twohy, head contraotor for the north bank road op qosltel he Dulles, in answer to the in dulry as to bow work whs progressing on tbe new line. Twohy liros. have the contract for ! ilfteon miles ot the lino, extending from Lylo to a point a mile and a half above this city, and at present have about (KM) men employed. Mnat. nf tlm irrmind is novored and ill two weeks it is expected every foot will be in the hands of workmen and from 800 to UOO men kept busy. ' Three steam shovels are now in use, I one a milo this side of t.ylo, another three miles east and still another nt Cbipmau's Pocket. The two former , are running night and day. Font lo- i comotives are kept busy hauling for tbe shovels and two others are being equipped. The grado across from The Dalles which, from this point, appears to be dangerously close to the river. Is said to be seven feet above the high water mark of 1HSM, tho highest stage of the river reoordod. According to the engineers who sur veyed tho north bank line it will lie the nearest level of all trunks on the l'acillc coast and also tho nearest stiaight, considering its lengtli. Tho wostbuuiid trend, ulthough flown grado, drops only.oiie foot iirGOO, and tins is not' Heavy enougu ior ruins 10 flide down without some assistance from the engine. It is claimed that one locomotive can handle lt0 freight cars cither way between Puseo and Vancouver. Tbe shortest ourve on tho line will be only three degrees, niid'atfti three degree ; curve, if extended until It forms a circle, would have a diameter of over 12,000 feet, it can be seen how nearly straight tbe entire line will be. Contractors on the western end of the line seem to have loss dilllcuKy in scouring laborors than those farther east. Taylor A Magulre, opposite Ar lington, have boen greatly harrassed In the endeavor to keep workmen. Heveral weeks ago the white help quit them and a large force of Japs was shipped in, but after working a few days they became dissatisfied and a crew of negroes was brought from Seattle At last accounts some of thewe were planning to seek other Holds. Chronicle. lcath From Apnenillcllis decrease in the sunn- inli i Unit the use of Dr. King's New Life l'i"i increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release (in consti tntiim ninl the ills irowim? ellt of it. , sll rniiirl li nml vlirnr llluilVM fill l,V hpir use, llimriinteed by CIihh. N. Cluike, drutigiHt. l!5 cents. Try them. McDonald sells house paints. It will pay you to get prices from him before buying. Not If as Rich an Rorknlfll r. If you had all the wealth of ltocko feller, the Standard Oil magnate, you could not buy a bettor medicine for lmt.-iil ni mi iiln i ula lliull i Mi n m I u r 111 i n ' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinedy. The imwt eminent physician can not iiriiunri It., a liiiltiil Tirdiiu imi t li in till in III and diarrhoea, both for children nnd adults. The uniform success of ihls remedy lias shown it to lie superior to all others. It never (nils, and when re duced with water and sweetened, is pleasant to lake Kvery family Mitinld lie supplied with it. Sold by Keir & Cass. Profit In Dairying. Hulrvlnff will do more for tliiicoun- l. In Hi Imiff run than nv lirauoh of agriculture. Tbe cbeok for the cream comes ouce every mourn, ana meie t ,m mmh a tliinu an r.iOD failure. A ,luir nnmmnnlr.v is independent ot hard times, reopie nmsi ana wui have butter, and they will pay more for fresh, pure butter than they will pay for ordinary butter. Tbe dairy man gets the benefit of this, as be can sell his cream to tbe creamery that gets the highest price for butter. Un ilur tiia nan wnv of naviniz for cream. the dairyman is paid on the basis of the selling prloe of the butter into which his ci earn is made. This me thod bas proven a great success for the dairyman. Get two or three good cows and a hanil cream gepaiator ana scan in. U..r,uruto tho nraam riirht after milk- 'ug and cool it quickly. It will keep in tine shape if quickly and properly cooled. Feed tbe skim milk while warm and fresh to the pigs, or feed It ami in t. hu ntilnliana. Keen the ni'om- ising beifer calves and build up your herd. Send the steers and unprofit able cows to the butcher. Raise jour own forage crof s, and foed everything vou raise, lour larui win increase in fertilitj and value Invest every dol lui enn ii iika iii more aood oream making cows, end you will be grow lng rich ai.-.l inoepenaeui. . Advertised Letter Lint. For the week nding May 21. 1000. Curtis, Mrs. John; Chase, Mrs. M N I tun n Miirv A.: Evans. Mrs. J. Knox, Mrs. A. A.; Noble, Mrs. H. ; Moor, Mrs. John; Booth, V. L. ! liootb, J. i . i Chambers, H. D. ; Car penter, Chas ; Davis, J. K. ; DeBolse. h'lncriun iinwnav. .1. n. : uauuui Giovanni; Fratelll Uuisepper Giovan ni; Hardy, Andrew; rung, J. . ; (zj Knight, Cert; Leiumer, Ceo.; MoAl lester, W. O. ; Martin, S. D. ; Martin, S. P. ; Pierce, F. E. ; Pierce, F, O. ; Parson, O. It, ; Vaughn, Chas. ; Wil ton, W. II. wm. M. rates, jr. m. Factory and StocK were Saved Golden Gate Coffee Tea vSpices Extracts Baking Powder AttY GROCER CAN SUPPLY YOU J. A. FOLGER EL CO., Cor. Howard and Spear Sts. ThA HnnH DIvAr RrlkerV tMF 1IV I1VUW IV ' - - , chased1 200 barrels of our Golden r ru.:.. fn. 1 1 0AC Thmr U4 Unave just; piacea anouiw -. with us for 100 barrels more. At S Mr. Williams' Bakery can be found A In 4-Vi ifv ann it. II IH Ilt-il.. Ill t-VlAl 111 Lill WWr" f) . is made from our Golden Crown i j I II Ml I . I I1C ULKZCLXA OUVUUU jlva vw . 0 n 0 IF YOU DON'T SEE What you wan't in the window at The Williams Pharmacy Go in and ask for it WE HAVE IT. Finest Line of Sundries in the City Also most Complete Line NOTHING CHEAP Hoder Prices on High GradeGoods PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY 0 0 1 Our White River and Golden Crown flour can be found for sale at all the leading gro cers. Try a sack. Once used, always used For Sale By STRAN AH AN n&BAOLEV Hood River Oregon w" if , c. . TO' i! CHARLES HALL, Proprietor. WHITE SALMON VALLEY. BANK; Capital $25)000.00- ; .i' NOW OPEN FOR GENERAL- BANKING BUSINESS. . , ..-v. - OFFICERS : Carleton Lewis, Pres. C. M. Wolfard, Vice Pres. J. A. Byrne, Cashier. directors ; W. II. Moore, C. M. Wolfard, A.H.Jewett,; Carleton Lewis , . J. A. Byrne I.khi.ir Bdti.eb, President .1. W. Tkai,. Vice repident. ThumaN Kuti.kb, Cashior - kstablihhko 1900 INCORiOBATSD 1905 Nclallca Cured After 20 Years Torture. For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey, was tortured by sciatica. The pain and Buffering which he endured during this time is beyond comprehen sion. INOIIIinu Kiwe linn any peium nmit pulii.f until hn uxnil dianiberl&in'a Tain Balm. One application oi that liniment relieved the pain nna maoe elt'cn and rest poiwible, and leas than nm. tuittln linn I'ffi'rlHil a nurmanent cure. 11 troubled with sciatica or rheu- iimtii'in why not try a 25-cent buttle oi I'nin Halm' and see lor yourBelf how ipiickly it relieves the pain. For sale by Keir & i iiHH. " f " "wHAT IS WANTED IN THE SENATE; A DEMOCRAT OR A REPUBLICAN ? : 1 (that's all) jnT7t risSffioBMMM :: r" CTfefl M rPMlJSQUARE DEAL ' ' h.tt t mi Capital Fully Paid, $50,000 We are too modest to advertise that we are the oldest and largest Bank in Hood Iliver valley, and we would not want to say that ours is the best bank, but we do not hesitate to say that we are rig;ht good people. Our business is growing all the time, and we want to keep it growing, so strangers are welcome when prop erly identified The same courteous treatment is ex tended to the customer with a small account as is accorded to his neighbor with a large balance, for you can never tell how large a small account will grow. BUTLER BANKING CO. New Location; We are now hieated iri the SmitbBuildingryrittthe room formerly -occupied by J. E. Band, where wrffll'be pleased to wee all of our ild customers as well as netf.'ones. Thi large hikI well-lighted store has been fitted up wit tin? Iest and niost complete stock of Staple arid fancy Groceries, FIourndrFccdi ever displayed in the City. 1 Fresh Vegetables-. received daily. Call and inspect our stock. SPOT GASH GROCERY WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors. Bartmess' Furniture Store ON A CASH BASIS K REDUCTION OF TEN PER CENT ON ALMOST ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS I A Large Line of New Spring Goods MATTINGS and CARPETS At prices never before quoted Buy Your Fruit Boxes AT THE ) ood Rte Box Factop and Patronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made Phone Main 71 Hi: f3 Malleable Iron Beds, guaranteed against breaks by the factory for 25 years, and yet ehenper than the cast beds. We get them direct from the East. Call and look them over. S. E. BARTMESS Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc. Undertaker and Embalmer. A LETTER S. J. FRANK ho Dealer In rness & Saddles AH Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. I wish to say to all bur old friends and custom ers' who for so many years came to our shop for their meats, that it is useless for me to introduce Wood Bros., our successors, as. their 18 years in the butcher business in, Wasco county has made them so widely knovn that an introduction is un necessary. Being honest, capable business men, they have the means and ability to rwn a business . , as it should be run, and in a way that will be b, credit to our city. .; ' I expect to stay with the new firm for awhile, and will be glad to see you all at the old stand. I ' will guarantee that you will get just as much meat ' for your money, just as courteous treatment and . just as prompt service as can be had in the city. ' We will have a full line of everything good to eat for tho Spring trade. . Respectfully yours, E. S. MAYES. NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on A NEW RANGE The Big New and Secondhand Store: is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything in Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and, Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable, Come in and be convinced that we. am SAVE YOU MONEY. Phone 1053 U. r UAD1MDI X VU., KropriCTOm-