:) DC 3C 3C 3C 3 3 30 0 TO BE CONTINUED THROUGH JUNE U , : --.,-: n m 'no L rvu xf ni THATItJ .TiTkrr ICUi.:rM I ' ATI ID CLoTHEi HERSELF IN feDIANT BEAUTY- NATURE IS fW: M m THE TIP To DoTKE JAME . HoV DO WE LOOK IN JUNE UITH OLD LoTHES ON ? AND UrrW Da ! fWE FEEL ? LET U5 BEGIN UKt NATURE DOES, f ROMUXGEOUMD UBWITM A NEW OUTFIT. GO TO THE" DtoT PLACE BU5TER. BRoWK. (Lh "J BYTMf lulTOIMWIC CO. CHIOKO KWCC IK JUMt No . U G pam s 3C 3C 3C AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT itrawberry Carnival Is so popular that we, the people, request that it be Continued Through June So we can get action on our strawberry money while you are sell ing good, reliable wearing appearal so cheap. We got almost two dollars worth for one at your Carnival Sale, and your goods are not the cheap trashy racket store kind represented "Just as Good" CARNIVAL PRICES ALL TIIROUOH JUNE Frank A. Cram o .. . iw imii iii. .mi i .mi tkmmmm ui minima jiiiiiniin iii.im m w .w.hi m mm ! .in m w uw 4uw.Jiiii.,i mi ji ni-hiu yfc 4 UKIEI' LOCAL MATTERS. ; Mr. Bartonella is on a cash basis. Hunt carries a line of paints. Fresli Olympla and Eastern oysters at the Uem l&ndy Kitchen. See that dandy line of Folders at the Deitss studio. All the latest styles Photos at the Deitz Studio. - Place ygur. order for a nice chicken for your Sunday amner.witn aicuuire ros. Clarke will make it easy for you to buy a diamond. Consult him about it. Cranberries at McDonald's. Maple Syrup and New York State liuck Wheat at jacKsons. Be wise and get your Photos at the IIOIW OliUULU.,, - l Watch Clarke's watches go. Fresh Columbia river salmon at Mc Guire Bros. Father time has left some good time pieces at Clarke's. Begin the new year with a clock that keeps perfect time. Just received at McDonalds, half ton clover seed. Something new Puffed Rice Candy, at the Uem Canday Kitchen. Three pounds halibut 25c at McGuire Brothers. The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh randy ev.ery day. . .It, . , McGuire Bros, make their own leaf lard under their own brand. For sale by Emporium. Fifteen acres two miles southwest of Hood River, 10 acres in cultivation, mostly orchard.flne land, $300 per acre. Come to the Deitz Studio for first class Photos. Don't put it off, but get your photos now at the Deitz Studio. Teut polos made to order. F. U. Coe. Lettuce, cabbage, rhubarb, asparagus at McGuire Bros. ' If you want cracked corn for chicken feed go to McDonald. How about soreeniug that porch in? F. U. Coe can do it to suit you. Fresh fish halibut, salmon and smelts, at .McGuire Bros. Do you 'need a carpenter to do that odd job? .Call up F. O. Coe, phone Newest, best fishing tackle at McDon ald's. For rent by Emporium. Nice furn ished room for gentleman, f 10 per month. For sale by. jiniporium. Ten room cottage and lut.aeven blocks from depot, Hood River. Newly repaired, new foun dation, wood fibre plaster.newly painted i ntent but h and toilet connected with fewer, good location. $1000 Cash. If you want to buy or sell real estate go to Onthauk 4 Otten. Money to loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and legal papers carefully prepared. Notarial work of all kinds. Frebh creamery butter and newly laid Hood River eggs at McGuire's. "Are'nt they fine," the popular ver diet of the Deitz Photos. It is -to your interest to refer to Mr Bartmess' ad under the new system. Fresh White Salmon asparagus at McGuire Bros. People are coining from Hoo'i Riv er's suburban towns, to purchase pi anos at SouleV Piano House iu this city. Charles Hayword of The Dalles came down vlonday and selected a beautiful Strohber for his new home. Reduction In Flour and Feed. Special cash price on Flour and Feed at warehouse. Bran (14 per ton; shirts, flSperton; flour, (4 per barrel. D. McDonald. If you want always to look on the bright side of life, come and let Clarke fit your eyes to a pair of glasses. His apparatus for testing eyes is of the best and most complete. Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and pickled salmon at Jackson's. , If you are looking for a nice little home cheap, call on Onthank & Otten. Tbey have just the thing. Fresh fish at McGuire Bros, Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Fridays. Just received from the east, a half ton of pure maple sugar and syrup at Jack son's. Fresh rhubarb, lettuce, green onions and cabbage, at McGuire Bros. McGuire Bros, are making country deliveries of meat on the east side of Hood river. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Country customers desiring, orders filled should telephone their orders Mondays and Wednesdays. For sale by Emporium. Five farms In one body, 320 acres, 5 improvements cleared land with each, 7 miles from White Salmen on Goldennale road, plenty of water. $30 per acre. Cau be sold in separate tracts for 30 days only. Terms easy. A reduction of 15 to 25 per cent in wall paper for 30 days, at Hunt's. Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at Jackson's. Special sale of 1000 rolls of wall paper at Hunt's. New Orleans Molasses in balk and cans at Jackson's. Monpv saved hv biivini? vour flour and feed from McDonald. All kinds of timepieces at Clarke's Come and look at some of them. If your house office or funiture needs repair, call up Dodge Bros. & Reid, phone 651. A torpid, inactive liver cau produce more bodily ills than almost anything eiee. It is good to clean the system out occasionally. The best results are derived from the use ot Ue Witt's Little Early Risers. Reliable, effective, pleas ant pills with a reputation. Never gripe. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy. Notice to Water Consumers. Water for irrigation, by sprinkling only, will be furnished to consumers living on the Boutn sides or streets running East and West from 6:00 to 9:00 A.M. and to those living on the North sides of the streets IromoiOUto 8:00 P. M. Light and Wateb Co. Senator C. W. Merritt, of San Fran cisco, is visiting F.T. Miner and family. Mr. Merritt was one ol the earthquake sufferers at Berkeley, afid is spending a few weeks in Oregon resting from the shock. I. K. Levy, head of the dry poods de part n.e it in Cram's store, left for Port land yssterday afternoon to visit over Sunday. Mr. ml Mrs. Geo. P. Crow ell went o Portland on the boa; Thursday after noon, returning Saturday. Complaint is made that some one is tampering with the rural mail left in the boxes iu Dukes Vnlley. In one in stance vulgar sentences were written on letters. It Is a crime to meddle with mail boxes, and if caught, the offenders will be prosecuted. W. S. Gribbie moved bis family back to Mt. Hood last week. A grand fourth of July celebiatlon is being arranged by the Artisans at Mt. Hood. Miss Yale, of Boston, arrived yes terday from San Francisco to visit her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Cunning. Miss Yale arrived In San Francisco the day of the earthquake and suffered some loss, bat was uninjured. Judge Henderson is so badly torn op with his house repairing that be don't know whether he is afoot or horseback. His family is out camp ing, and he spent several nights the ill at of the week boding the house op against the wind. Mrs. Greenbury McElfresh, of 111 nois visited her nephew, Wm. Yates, and family, for a few days. She had u. rltHno har aon. Fred Mohl- fresh, at Salem, and came up from there, accompanied Dy ner son a wnw, who attended tbe commencement ex ercises at Wasco. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Mason returned from Salem the fiistot the week, where thAv nttuml.'il tlin meetinu of the Btate Grange as delegates from Pine Grove. Mr. Mason says that tney eecurea ine next convention for Hood River, and found but little opposition. Memorial Day pasted off quietly yesterday, there being no exeroises ..w...f , h. nurnh rf lknh Pnat fillll the Relief Corps to tbe cemetery, and tbe decoration oi tne graves, iouoweu by an address ty Rev. W. C. Uilmore. Tbe strewing of flowers upon tbe waters was omitted this year. Tbe telephone poles on the new Mt. HnnH Imsa hnttn ant from drib ble's store to the Booth hill and are oouiiua this way as fast aa possible. . . . a ill J Help has Deen scarce, ana loin uw u IuvaH tha wnrk Thev hone to com plete the setting of poles at least be fore harvest lime. Mrs. P. a Snaua tr received a let ter Monday from Mr. Spangler, who arrived at tbe soldiers' home in Cali fornia feeling better than whru he uta-taA nn tha trln Ha lilraa hla niw quarters and has donned Uncle Sam's uniform onoe more ana reels ai nome in it. Snm nnn maliaiouslv out the bose ou two spray pumps belonging to J. K. IN ickelsen, Monday nignc, woiou ue has standing outside bis implement warehouse. The deed was a piece of vandalism that deserves to be punished to tbe full extent oi the law, if tbe misoreant is caught. C. A. Dano and wife came back from Bend, Ore., Saturday, after a month spent in that section or me oountry, going as far south as Klam ath. Mr. Dano says that they exper ienced a snow storm of six inches on the level, and loe formed in plaoes that would bear tbeir weight. He says that be was glad to get back to Hood River. R. II. Weber was dowu from Tbe Dalles tbe latter part of tbe week, aud says tbat some orchards are showing tbe effects cf the Maroh freeze, by some of tha apples failing to set. The Dalles suffered more than Hood River, especially peaches and cherries. The trees seem to be affected in spots some orchards showing no effects whatever, and others reporting a partial setting of fruit. Tbe Hpitzenbergs seem to have suffeied little or not at all, the most damage being to tewtowns. In most cases the trees are simply thin ned, and will do no barm. f GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES , Glassware. If you want Stoneware. Jars, crocks, Infant Wear. Every something new and pretty for jour churns, bean-puu, ttc., here at thinit your baby needs from stock table, we've got iU Pretty pat- Little Prices. ings to bonnet at terns. Little prices. u,Ue 1 Silver ware. - The good t Tinware. We sell scads and wearing kind that is pretty and Children Wear, doodles of tinware because we keep yet not faucy priced. All sorts of Aprons, washable suit, waists, what you can't find elsewhere and articles at Little Prices. summer caps, etc., at ours art Little Prices. Litt.e Prices. 1 Hardware. You don't Woodenware. If It's know the thousand and one Ladies' Wear. Summer nale of wood vou can find it here. things we keep in this line that under" ear and hosiery are two Almost everything imaginable vou cau buy here at strm.g lectures with us i with in this line at Little Prices. Little Prices. Litile Prices. Ironware. Useful articles Queensware. Plain Men's Wear. For the for kitchen use. things that last eeuteel patterns in all eorts of w rm days to come our light un- almost a lifetime at table dithes here at .lerwear puts them all in theshade Little Trees. Little Prices. wlihonr Little 1 rices. tit y Ql,Ix Our trade tickeU haves distant value W G TO We Onineaon that Uiey are worth more. We give awjgive the other fellow $10 worm I r. inai munuing, ibii v u . over any others fur the simple reu $2 wo'ih of ii' ken that you have to J9 CD Ira Alcom spent Saturday in Port land. Rev. W. A Wood preaoheu at Mosier Suuday. Geo. P. Crowell went to Portland Thursday. H. J. Hibbard had business in Tbe Dalles Monday. Truman Butler spent Sunday at Col lins hot springs. J. M. Hollowell bad business iu The Dalles Thursday. Ralph Savage took in Portland tbe latter part of the week. John Leland Henderson had busi ness in Viento Thursday. Miss Nettie Buck visited Mrs. Cole at Menomiuee the last of tbe week. A. T. Dodge, of Dukes Valley, has gone to Bend. Ore., for the summer. Newton Clark, of Portland, called on old Hood River friends Saturday. II. M. Huxley Is back with the Davidson Fruit Co. during the berry season. Myrou Smith, the Underwood mer chant, spout. Suuday at Cascade Locks. P. S. Davidson, jr., returned from a trip to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Fri day evening. James A. Roberts, of Portland, vis ited his biBter, Mrs. Glen Fabrlck, last week. Mrs. C. C. Clark, of Portland, ar rived Tbuisday on a visit to ber sister, Mrs. F. Slavens. Tbos. Calkins took in the "Made in Oregon" exhibition at Portland Fri day and Saturday. G. J. Gessling was iu Portland Tuesday on business connected with the Hood Kiver mill. John Leland Henderson reports tbe sale of five acres from Frank Gregory to S. 11. Cox for $1,050. Mrs. I. C. Sutton, of Salem, arrived on train 8 Tuesday, to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. W. D. liogers. Mrs. W. B. Price, who has been vUiting relatives here for weeks, re turned to Portland Saturday. Mrs. P. S. Jaugler, who has been in poor health for some time is rapidly improving aud will make the trip Hon. A. A. Jayne went to Collins Monday ou the Spencer for a few day's recuperation at the hot springs. Mrs. H. L. Dumble left for Port land Friday afternoon for a few days' visit with friends aud relatives. Leston N. Kelsay.editor of tbe Khan iko Republican, passed through Hood River Monday ou No. 7 on bis way to Portland. A special excursion of tbe Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen passed tbtougb here Suuday on the way to The Dalles. Ira Alcorn has opened his meat market again, this time as manager for A. S. Bent an engineer on tbe Mt. Hood Railroad. E. M. Rand, of Vancouver, Wash., was in town Friday. Mr. Rand is buying rights-of-way for the opposi tion north bank road. B. F. Taylor, of Pomona, Cal., who is spending a few weeks in Hood Rlrer, bought some White Salmon townslte property last week. Mrs. Gilmore aud family returned from Portland Monday, returned from Portland Monday, where she has been visiting friends. II. M. Abbott visited bis Mosier ranch tbe first of tbe week, and aays that bis fruit trees are all looking well, and not apparently hurt by tbe March freeze. Mrs. Gamble, who has been spend ing a couple of weeks with her father D. I. Stone, on bis ranch near Lost Lake, left for Boise, Idaho, Monday. S. F. Blythe and C. L. Copple went to Tbe Dalles Tuesday on political business. Mr. filvtbe also spent few days in the southern end of the coun ty. John Rumford, manager of tbe Com pressed Yeast, at Portland, was in liood River last week, where be fin ished proving upon bis claim iu tbe uppi r valley. Prof, and Mrs. W. L. Wiley attend ed the commencement exercises in Tbe Dalles Friday. Mr. Wiley also made a flying trip to Portland Thurs day afternoon. Geo. I. Pratber has had a new siga board painted, which will be placed at the forks of tbe road at Tucker's, giv ing the distances to Pratber's ranch, Wiuans, Dee, and Lost Lake. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Barnes arrived Thursday from Francos, Wash., where Mr. Barnes haa been teaching school They will visit friends in the city tor a few weeks. Mr. Coon and family have gone to Hood River from Lyle and T. T. I Mao and family will go in s few days to work at strawberry picking and pack ing. Uoldendale Sentinel. Mrs. Katberine lloyt came up Thursday to visit ber father. H. C. Coe. Mr. Coe intends to move out to hia ranch again, on Jerioho Lane, bis renters having left the place. Ralph Savage made a trip to Port- . land last week. Mrs. Benjamin was a passenger on l No. 2 for The Dalles Tuesday, g PST.i ! J. W. S. Owens, of Golden, Colo., ' is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Chan. V. Terrell. Miss Ethel Woodworth, of Nevada, is visiting relatives aud frieuds iu Hood River. Guy Weeks, of Belding, Mioh., vis ited friends in the valley last week, leaving for Portland Friday. Pres. W. N. Ferrin, of the Paoillo University at Forest Grove had busi ness in Hood River Friday. J. P. Aplin has resigued his posi tion in tbe Hood River Milling Co. and gone to Portland. Wm. Eidt is now bead miller. Tbe rains have helped gardens, fruit trees aud everything except stiawber rles that are ripening, aud on the whole done much good. Dra. Pierce aud Geary aud Mr. and Mrs. Goldman, of Portland spout Sun day looking over the valley, also tak ing in Mosier and White Salmon. Fred Shoemaker, of Pendleton, spent Sunday with bis wife, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Gil bert, of the Mt. liood hotel, for sev eral weeks. Miss N. B. Ahrens, tf Portland, epent Sunday with ber In oUur, Harry 11. Abiens, at Husum, where he has a ranch adjoin ng that of O. R. Ball, of the American Type Foundry. ' ' Tbe average prico received by the growers last year was between $2.75 and ft per crate. It is believed that tbe latter figure will be the average price paid to the growers of this year. Ralph Reed Bnd J. C. Cleary went to The Dalles Tuesday. Mr. Cloary reports tbat hla wife, who was taken to a Portland hospital a couple of weeks ago, is much improved and is visiting at Too Dalles F. Rosiger, of Portland, haa entoied into a partnership with A. Guiguard and tbey will buy canning berries for tbe Holmes Canning Co. of Portland. H. C. Holmes, of that company, was iu Hood River Saturday. A. Bennett and J. S. Davenport, of The Dalles, were Hood River visitors Friday and Saturday, ttking a trip out iu the valley while here. They will start tbeir new paper, the Optim ist, about tbe middle of next mouth. Mrs. Warner bad been offered $8500 by tbe railroad people in settlement of ber claim, and this is tbe first con demnation suit tried here where the verdict exceeded the amount previous ly offered in settlement. Services at tbe Unitarian church every Sunday at 11 a. m., J. A. Hal ridge, minister. Topio for next Sun day, "Devotion to an Ideal." All Who believe in freedom of thought and service are cordially invited. Stiangers iu the city will be made welcome. Amoug (hose who left for Hood River, for tbe berry season, were: Mrs. Louie Sbafer, Mrs. Autoue Hief er, Mrs. Krouse and daughter, Miss Grace Thompson, A. Jorgengsen and family, Mrs. F. (). Coolodgo and fam ily, and John Zoller's family, Miss Malo and two brothers. Get vais Star. O. R. Ball, Manager of the Ameri can Type Founders Co., at Portland, dropped off at Hood River Thursday ou bis way back from Boise, Idaho, and Eastern Uregon. Mr. liali spent a few hours in town and then went up to Husum, where be has a new ranch which be is developing. Rev. W. C. Gilmore went to Forctt Grove last week, where he attended tbe Pacific University as a member of the visiting committee. He reports the departments of the university iu a flourishing oondition and doing good work. Tbe secretary's books show an endowment fund of $201,0110, which entitles thorn to tho Carnegie fund. Geo. T. Prather shipped tbe house- bold goods of O. D. Rea to Esbon, Kansas, Monday. Mr. Rea writes tbat be has had to go back to the Kan- City specialists again for treat ment. Mr. Rea was compel!:'! to leave Hood River last summer on ac count of his health, being a sufferer from canoer. Tbe Deitz studio was burglarized Monday night. The upper sash of a window in tbe rear was broken, and then tbe thief reached through, loos ened tbe catch fastening and gained entrance. Mr. Deitz missed t'i cents from tbe till a camera lenz and a my screen. Tbe lenz did not happen to be a very expensive one, and tbe total loss was not great. There is no clue to tbe robber. A new cement walk in front of the Odd Fellows block bas just been com pleted, and it is the best cement walk tbat bas been built here. It is built in an arch shape, forms being made of corrugated iron, and two openings for light are made by embedding round glass in an iron support in tbe walk. Tbe walk is built solid to tbe front wall and ret,t on a brick foun dation, bo tbat it will be water tight. A similar walk will be built on (he fourth street aide of the building. r GOOD STATIONERY (loos a long way toward making a poorly writton lottor look well. Wo arc showing a lino of tho VERY BEST STATIONERY in boxos, tablets, ami bulk. Envelopes in all shapes and colors. SLOCOM'S Are You Patriotic? If so patronize Home Industry. Use Hood River Flour and Feed. Come right down to the mill and get your Feed fresh and see how much farther it will go j Hood River Milling Co. O. L. Rioh,of Wasco, spent a couple of days in Hood Kivor tho first of the week. Mrs. Donald Skeenn, of Portland, is visiting her Nthor, Donald Mackay, iu the valley. L. If. Nichols, who haa been rusti cating in the mountains in the south ern part or Wasco county for two months past, returned home Monday. Rov. J. W. Mayes and family came in from Bickleton, Wash., Monday, to visit lelativos and friends. Mr. Mayes will go back today, but Mrs. Mayes will stay for a few weeks. Tho Rt. Rev. Lemuel II. Wells, Bishop ot Spokane, will preach iu St. Mark's Kiiiseopal church next Sunday evening at 7 .:) p. in. The public are cordially invited. Riverside Congregational, W. (J. Gil more, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. ; worsboip and preactiing.il; subject, "Approaoing the ballot box."; 0, K. 7; evening worship, 7:15. Miss Eva Nicklason, of Portland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. II. J.. Fred erick. C. W. Mutt, of St. Paul, Minn., general 'emigration agent of the Northern Paoillo, arrived Thiirs! day on a visit with Oscar Vanderbilt. The handsomest baby in Oregon or Washington. Whose is it? That is the Sunday Journal which continues to be the best Sunday paper on the coast wants to find out; aud it is offering valuable awards iu its efforts to do so. 'Ibis week's Sunday Jour nal bas tho details. Write to Tbe Journal, Portland, Oregon, foi a free copy. A good comp'exion is impossible with tbe stomach out of order. If pasty sal low people would pay more attention to their stomachs aud less to the skin ou their faces, they would have better com plexions. KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA will digest what you eat and put your stomach back in right shape to do its own work. Kodol relieves palpitation of tbe heart, flatulence, sour stomach, haart burn, etc. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy Mrs. John Evans, of Ruthtou, who has beeu seriously ill, is convalescent. Louis liurkhart, of Mt. Hood, was a passenger on the local to Portland yes terday. J. II. Hollbrouner went to Portland on a business tiip yestreday after noon. Ed Felts, of Winona, Kan a., stopped off yesterday on his way to Portland to visit L, E. Morse. County Judge Lake, Clerk Bolton and Treasurer Donnell were down fiom Tho Dalles Tuesday. Michael T. Nolan, register of tbo land ollice at Tbe Duiius, was a pas senger on traiu 7 yesterday. Bishop N.Castle will bold the fourth ijuarterly meeting ot the U. B. church June 2 and 3. Xhe bishop will preach morning and evening, June 3. Mrs. Laura Houghklrk, of Ranier, Ore , was the guest of Rev. J. L. Ilershner and family last week. Mrs. Ilonghkirk is Grand Chief of tha Kathbone Sisters of the state grand lodge. Mrs. Hello Hall, daughtor of B. F. Belieu, who was dangerously ill iu the Cottage Hospital here a mouth ago, but subsequently partially recovered from the attack of typhoid fever, and went to Portland, is aguiu very kick. Sho gave birth to a daughter recently. E. V. Sohiller was quite badly hurt Thursday at Hammond & Swan b saw mill at White Salmon. While working theratchet on the carriage,' it struck a clip block, knocking him off. He struck his head on a timber and re ceived a very severe bruise. The skull was not fractured, and he is not dan gerously hurt, but will be laid up for awhile. This is tbe fourth time he bas been urt in the same mill in the last two mouths. He is a brother of E. A. Schiller, of Hood River. Why take a dozen things to cure that cough? Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar allays the congestion, stops that tickling, drives the cold outthrough your bowels. Suld by Williams' l'harm-. acy.