CORRESPONDENCE BARRETT. On Saturday last it was the writer' privilege, in company with E. A Watts, to drive out to the Ureen Point lumber mill and lodging camp. We passed by the O. A. MoUurdy nh w ith a tiriebt new wire fence and i everything in good shape. We next observed the J. I. Miller place, the mitemriHiiia merchant and rustl- inu farmer. J. I. has a very nice Dlace and no doubt in a little time will be in verv easy oirounistances. At the foot of the big bill, nestling trnoni the shady trees, we nnd J. Binns, wbwai not asleep but op and doing justice to the soil, just like an old Englishman does do. Alter eev arul ateen hills are climbed we reach the lumber camp. The mill is just flno, with u very largn capaoity ana is run almost night and day because of mauy orders. A large pond at the mill contains many hundred of logs of all sizes. Uy the ingenuity of Mark Davenport a large flume has been con structed to carry the logs to the mill. Largo flood gates are so construoted that they can bo raised every 15 min utes and let out the logs. Timber is falling, steam engines blowing and snortiug, the toot of the whistle can be heard, bouses and tents are thickly dotted around and something like 250 men are employed. A large store is on the ground where most everything can be purchased. We returned home leaving Ureen Point at 5 o'clock and arrived at the liookfnrd at C, and we thought we made good time. We are informed that Rev. V. M. Hell, D. D., a bishop of the United llrethorn church, will preach in the U. II. church next Sunday morning and evening. Having myself hoard the bishop, will say it is quite a treat to listen to such a forceful and most eloquent divine. Hood Klver does not often got the privilege t see or hear a bishop, ao every one that can go should make it a point to hear him. The Btram han boys have been haul ing a large number of berry orates out to their ranches. It looks as though they were to have a good crop. Mra. L. Ooddard, of Cosy Cove farm, has a hired man at work on her ranch, while sbe is out Instructing her pupils on the piano. We feel like congratulating 11. F, Eadleman. the road supervisor, for the good work done on the roads, and with a little more fixing Den will have the beat of roads, according to the material whioh they have to work with. It is very pleasant to hear the sweet birds whispering their sweet songs, but it is not very pleasant to hear It whinnered that the ditch question is brewing up again and waxing hotter and hotter. It is better lor all par tics to settle this business iu a friend ly way. We were privileged to attend the service on Sunday last in the Opera House. Kev. ltlghy delivered the all course for theU. A. K. It caused my mind to rolled back to the past days, when the old veterans tiled In, as 1 looked upon their gray hairs and bodies stooping towards mother earth, but what hope inspires the old veter ans of the Cross that some day they will cross over the river and camp on the other side. The ladles of the Kollef Corps were preseut in command of Mrs. II. F. Shoemaker, lly the way, this lady makes an exoelleut com manuer. We have been at sea over the stiangor who has been around making inquiries about the Hood Klver Irri gation ditch and the Hood River Water Supply ditch. What is in the wind? Something is going to happen. It was our privilege to attend the services on Sunday evening last at the llelmont M. E. church. The services are being conducted by Miss Crow, who is a very forceful and earnest speaker, tukiug for her text, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul at last." The subject was well bandied and made a good impression, and we hope that lasting good may be the result of her labors. F. W. Angus has been on the sick lint the Inst few duys being laid up with the Ingrippe, Suppose it had a good grip on him, but it has now loosened its hold. Snrgeot and wife made a trip to the falls on Kundsv last and brought borne the buggy which was I it mere three weeks ago. ODELL. Horn, to Mr. and Mis. Ross Miller, last Sunday night, a son. C. Cf Masiker, (leorge Masiker, Thos. Lacey, Frank Runcorn and Clinton Woods were Portland visitors last week, we are told. Evart Laiferty was home from Green Point last week. James Eggert made a trip I -tut week to the logging camp in which he is in terested. Kemp Lodge, I. O. O. P., eleoted the following o!lioet Saturday night: A. U. Newman, N. U. ; R. U. Masiker, V. U. ; H. S. (lalligan, Sec. ; James Wilson, Fin. Sec. ; L. A. Clark, l'reas. Roswell Shelley made another trip to Ureen Point last Saturday deliver ing groceries. Mrs. Bowerman and daughter, Leita, are working in the stran Larries down near Hood Klver at Mr. Biaig i, we believe. Vera Crockett has been on ftraw- berry work at Mrs. Rowley s. M. D. Odell begun marketing Lerrlos Monday, May 2n. Wallaoi Young took a band of horses away to pasture a few days sluoe. Mrs. Wm. Ehrck left last Saturday for Portland for a visit with her daughters. Otto Chick and Ed Jocbimsen will give a dance Friday ulght, May 8, in tbel. U. O. V Hall at Udell. IN urn ber and supper, 1 25. It has just ome to the knowledge of the writer that on May 11, the clos lng day of our school, Mr. (James, Mr. Crosby and Mr. Odell met at the school bouse, as we believe is usual at the end of a term of school, to make out orders for teachers wages and while there contracts were drawn for two of the teachers iu Odell school for next term, Mr. Eunes for prinoi pal. Mrs. Mae Hull Ubrck for primary These teachers need no introduction to the people of Odll, having been with us the past school year. In a letter received from Mr. Ennes by one of our residents, he tells of a typewriter be has purchased for use iu the school at Odell next term. Rev. II. C. Clark delivered a sermon Sunday, May 27, appropriate to the Sabbath next preceding Memorial Day and touching the temperance ques tion as well. Facts told in forcible, interesting manuer. operation was perfor .ed. This I the fourth operation in her lifetime and each time for a different cmse. MOUNT HOOD. R J. Milaaan hauled od a load of brick Thursday for the chimney of bis new bouse. Mrs. A. Fredenburg was In town Friday. . The siiDervisor on the west aide was out last week through bis district tak ing every one that wai big enougn to handle a shovel or a mattock to work the road. . ' '( We understand that there will bs a grand big celebration here the 4th of July. There is some talk of the Sun day KoDool joining tne Aniaana, uut most of the people lay tha Sunday School should not endorse such celebration as the Artisans are plan ning. Thev have not got the program entirely arranged, but there will be a number of races and grand ball at nigbt for those who like to trip their fantastic toe. Everybody invited. A number of our citizens have been taken down with what tome term as the measles. Joe Hess went to Lost Lake Sunday after E. W. Uribble at Mrs. dibble is down with the measles. Oscar Fredenburg bas bought a couple of cows and will start in the dairy business. Well, what is the matter of the sore beads," as they are commonly called by the first team? The "sore beads," wltu tne exception oi too oatcher which was J. B. Phelps, oi the first team, but still Baldwin, wbo oaught for the firsts, can't be beat on delivering a ball across to aeoona. Their mascot had to play as they was short one man, bnt the "sore bead" bad to gather up four men bat in spite of them not having practiced together. The Thomas brothers in the box held them down and the roore stood 3 to 11 in favor of the "sore heads." Well, guess the first team will have to piao tice their newly organized team. A. Maorum and family spent Sun day with J. B. Phelps. A. M. Koliey Is accompanied now days with a black eye, which he re ceived at the ball game Sunday. J. C. Davidson took trip to Wil low Flat Sunday. Clinton Uregory went to Dee Sun day to take iu tbe sights. You can hardly find a home without its Aycr't Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Gherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad vise parents to keep it on hand. Tbe heat eoart aedletne moneT nT to Ayer'i Cherry eetorel. Far the eoesnii of caltdrea Bottuuiroouid aoMtbij be btir." Jacob Shull. Saratoga, In. Me.. Ml.. 11 N. All drmrgUM. for i.e. irsaco., I.OW.H. MM Throat, Lungs Ayer'w Pills pectoral is greatly aid the Cherry In breaking up m cold. WHITE SALMON. From the Enterprise. The Grangers and other societies of White Salmon are going ahead with the arrangements for a grand Fourth of July celebration. There will be a big parade, speaking, musio, dancing, aul the whole win wind up witn grand display of fire works in tbe evening. Everybody is coming and a big crowd is assured. Etnmr Hadlny is r.p fio'O. California vlbitiug bis father, H. (I. H nil ley, tbe euterprising uierobuut of lllngen. The business men along Jer ett ave line have subscribed money to oil that thoroughfare to keep down Hih dust. About t'M was raised for tbe puii.on Mrs. Katie Atwood, of The Dalles, visited with Mrs. A. F. Smith Mon day. Mrs. Atwood is planning to build a home in White Salmon In tbe near future. Mrs. Waldo and daughter Edrls are over from Hood River, visiting with Mr. Nanper and family. They will remain heie for a few days visiting with old friends. A. W. Estes, the real estate man, Is spending some time on his homo stead setting acquainted with his family. He will be back in his olllro again iu a week or two more lull of business than ever. The many friends of Mrs. Fred Luthy, of Underwood, will be glad I ) hear that she is able to sit up nmv and in a few days she will be moved from the hospital to tbe home of her sister, Mrs. Frederic, on East Kith s'reet, Poitlund. Mrs. Luthy left here about three weeks ago iu very poor health, llor doctor advised an operation and two weeks ago a double I Special Sale i Special Sale FINE GROVE Mr. Kobler is giving bis house ooat of paint. Tbe people who have been having tbe measles all seem to be improving. . A. neioe of Mrs. Zable's came uii from Portland and spent a few days last week, returning Saturday. For sale, a good span of young horses. For fuither particulars In quire at The Pine Urove store. George Wluchell was operated on Sunday night forappendloitia by JJrs. Shaw and Coffee. He was taken to the N. P. Bauitorlum the .last of tbe week where be could be under tbe doctor's care. At last reports be was doing very nioely. Mrs. Zable's sister. Mrs French, came up from Portland Monday to visit awhile. Tbe cool weather is holding tbe ber ties back to a great extent. The Cam p bell Bros, are picking some and a lew berries are being shipped from points on further up tbe valley. Mr. and Mrs. DeWltt spent Monday with the Pine Urove store people. Mr. DeWitt baa n homestead od tbe moun tain whioh be expects to prove op on soon. R. S. Shelley was out from Lost Lake the first of tbe week. The party of Urangers have made a new trail into tbe lake whioh is a great Improve ment over tbe old one. The Pine Urove Orange will meet Saturday evening, and will hear the report of the delegates to the state Urange at Salem, who are prepared to give an interesting report. MOSIER. Fred Evans left on Tuesday's early train for Hood River, from which point he will leave for tbe forest re serve, clothed with authority to pro tect the reserve from those wbo may desire to trespass upon the same. iin n 3 u Protect Your Health by Drinking n Sanitary Soda Water Drawn from our 20th Century Soda Fountain and served with the 15EST White Clover lee Cream Syrups in Sterilized glass containers on ice in plain sight No Corrosion, No Germs, Delicious, Healthful CoancLO in, sBcst anad. Too Refreslied. Give us your Drug orders, so while enjoying your sodas your medicines will bo dispensed in a satisfactroy manner 0 &EIR CASS SMITH BLOCK Cr .,"1 3C iC 30 llKLIAHLti DRUGGISTS l,Vrlln-milll,lll1u)Clr-:""-T"J1'M No More Watch Worries IF YOU HAVE A LARAWAY WATC BUY YOUR WATCH OF THE WATCH MAKERS We nor aiiyone else 'can sell goods at less than cost and live, but there are goods that so accumulate on which it is better to accept a loss than to keep. Below we give a list of some of these, most all of which are good goods, and are real bar gains. If we have a real bargain to give we believe in giving it to our friends A. B. Craft, of Wasco, was tbe guest ot J. V. Carroll and; family one a ay last week, ." . Messrs, El iner -end Leo Root have - .1 .1 kL.ta lanA lavtnM mnmm m 1 1 AO VtAlIf a itu iinu auu, ijiug on the mountains, for a consideration nf tt '200. V. U. raricer, or ins Danes, woo bas homesteaded a forty-acre tract of land, lying two miles sooth of town, has moved witn ma lamuy on tne olane and exueots to develop a com fortable borne on it in tbe future. Miss Jessie Hardwlok. of Kelso, Wash., is visiting relatives and friends In M osier. Miss Lizzie Evans, of Portland, oame up on rriday ana is me guest of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J no. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. l'ank Taylor, of The Dalles, were the guests of Mrs. lay lor's sister, Miss Dollle M osier, a few days last week. Mr. Hubb, who is tbe contractor for J. W. Wildriok'i new residence which la in coarse of erection, was suddenly called to Tbe Dalles last week on account . pi illness in mi home. Dick Evans returned from The Dal les on Sunday, accompanied by bis mother-in-law, Mrs. Denton. On Friday last Miss Agnes I.. Gulovson, oompleted a most sue esL- fnl nine months' term of sonooi in District No. 52. ill iss Gulovson is an amiable and sweet young woman, who hv her kindness and suavity of manner has ingratiated herself into the hearts of the Mosier people to point approaching almost a refusal to aooept ber resignation should she de sire it - :. Miss Katie Davenport returned from Portland on Thursday evening, where she had been to attend tbe State Re bekah Assembly, having been elected a delegate from tb Mosier assembly. Miss Lenora Adams, of Hood River, was tbe guest of her aunt. Miss Dollie Mosier, on Saturday and Sunday. The eiubt made examination for the pupils iu District 52 was conduct ed by Miss D. Mosier at ber borne, May 17 and IS. 'Miss l.unine r inner passed with blah "standing and was awarded a diploma for her success. ' Alex Stewart and J no. Carroll re turned on Fridar from Portland, where they bad been as delegates to the Brand lodue. I. O. O. K. whioh wai in session In Portland last week. The Brat annual' commencement ex eroises in District 52 were beld in the Kantitit ohtirch on Friday evening May 25. Through the deit Angers of Miss Uulvoson and ber pupils, tbe church was decorated with flowers and potted plants anj festooned witb Oregon grape twined witb oaidiual until the scene was rendered a bower of delisht to the eve. The exercises were entortaining. and the spirit of vlvaoity evinoed by the pupils gave tribute to their teacher in her ettloient nrenaration of so pleasing a program, Miss Lurliue Fisher was valediotoiian and acmiitted herself well in tbe de- livery. Alter presentation oi me ui ploma to the graduate, Miss Lurline Fisher, tbe following pupils were pre sented with large certificates of award for being neither absent nor laray throughout the rear: Annie Ilaaoke, Leodica Haaoke,' Mary Morgan, Alioe Molser, Oia Waite, Willie Depee, Johnnie Epping, Aldine Hudson. Tbe roll of honor tbe last sobool month, ending May 25, are as follows: Annie Ilaacke, Leodica Haacke, Mary Morgan, Alice Mosier, Oia Waite, Willie Depee Johnnie Epping,, Aldine Hudsou Marlon Woods, Mary Arm strong, Lloyd Fisher. Alefora Haaoke, Shelly Hudson, Mattie Hudson, Geor gia Waite, Willie Stewart, Emily Hud son, i, Miss Agnes Gulovson left on Wed nesduy's afternoon train for Portland, where she goes to spend ber vacation with ber pareutl. Prominent teal estate men of Port land and Hood River were much in evidence In Mosier on Sunday last. Having chartered Mr. Ginger's livery rig, they were driven through tbe oountry, taking occasion of viewing tbe outlook for future business. This being the factor of interest to the gen tlemen, Mosier can furnish tbem tbe attraction, aud stands with beckoning bands to offer tbe honest bomeseeker a land witb multitudinous facilities for establishing a comfortable home Petitioners Pay Damage Allowed by the Conttty Conrl. Tbe following list are those who contributed to the seventy five dollars damage allowed by tbe oaunty court at tbe March term of court, for the location of a county road through the Dudley Holland property Deuer anown as the John Lawless ranch: F. A. Massee, 1 D. L. Davidson, 10 N. W. Hone, O. I). Thompson, 10 II. F. Davidson, 10 Orra Kay, & O. H. Kobbins, , - & Chaa. Davis, 5 Thos. Lacey, 5 E. T. Folts, 3 F. P. Friday, , 2 Hosiery For Ladles and Children Sandow brand, 35c for 20c 3 for 50e Kittie brand, - 15cforl0c Kato brand, - 20cforl5c 25c for 20c, 3 for 50c and 35c for - - 25c R.B. BRAGG &C0, Hats Tor Men and Bar Something like 100 to 125 hats that range in price at from fl.50 to f 3.00. Your choice for 91.00 A A Men's Clothing Forty or Fifty suits that are not strictly up to date in cut but are all good goods and servicable, and for every day wear are RARE BARGAINS $4.00 to $9.50 We make our living by asking a profit on good sell ing goods Clothing r r Bon and Children Five to ten years sizes, l'rices from 85 Cents to $3.50 Most all of these are good and are all worth more money than we ask for them. OUR GOODS ARE RELIABLE Total, 175 Ironing Beam. I have iut made ud an assortment ot these necessary articles, also have the material to make tbem to order. Experience haa taught what kind give the best aervioe, also what to make tbem of to prevent warping, checking or extracting pitch. Yours for anything in the carpeu teiing line. F. O. COE, Opposite O. B.Hartley's Rer, Phone 571. Hood River Fruit Growers Union SHIPPERS OF ; Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries and Cherries An Organization of FRUIT GROWERS, For the Benefit of FRUIT GROWERS, Managed by FRUIT GROWERS WE MARKET YOUR FRUIT AT ACTUAL COST OF MARKETING lNO PROFITS FOR ANYBODY Every Fruit Grower enjoys the same privileges. Returns are made according to the Quality of the fruit shipped irrespective of person. The Union is open to any grower as a shipping madiuin. Come to the office and get acquainted with us. We are slwnys ready to cheerfully furnish any information desired. Yours truly, HOOD RIVER FRUIT GROWERS UNION C. H. SHEPARD, Manager Remember. The Union is iii existence for the benefit of the Fruit Grower. iei -AT A- BARGAIN 10 acres of very early strawberry and fruit land, with a southern slope, 1 miles from White Salmon, 1 mile from dock; plenty of water; 4 acres cleared. It's a great bargain for $1350, part cash. We ha ve other bargains. White Salmon Land Co., White Salmon, Wash. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. ITnilaJ StstM 1 . rut OHW TS DU. OrWHI April 23d. W08.-Nowi hmbr titn tht th following named actUcT turn filed wKkc or ha in tention to hhlIm final proof in support of hia claim and that Mid proof will oe mad befora tha Kec ister and Racamr at Tb Dallaa. OraKon on J una 5th. 1U06. HENKI l IU of Hood Rirar. Ortvon, on H. E. No. 8740. for tha SENiaVSWNEV NW.SE'4 and NE'SW Sac, 8, Tp. t. N.. R 11. E.. W. M H namaa tha followinc witnaaara to pror hit conttnoua raaidenca upon and cultivation of aaid land, vit: John , of Hood River. Oregon, Kmil D. West: of Mood River. Onoa. William H Davia. of Hoad Wear, Oreron. John W. Da via. of Hood River, Oregon. MICHAEL T.NOLAN. RciatT. New List of Real Estate Bargains ". J. Baker & Co. offer tbe following flood propositions in real eitate, tfaia week : 52 acres. Between 25 and 30 acren cleared ; 12 acrea in rearing orchard, 15 in strawberries and clover. House and barn. This U a good buy. Price for a short time, lUU. 30 acres 5 miles out. 25 acres cleared, 20 in orchard 5 of which is in full bear ing; standard varieties. Price, $9000. 70 acres 4 miles out. 45 acres cleared, 16 in orchard, 12 in full bearing, 12 ac es meadow land. All ne essary buildings on place. Price per acre, 1200. 80 acres 6 miles out, Unimproved. No waste land. Price, ,40 per acrv 120 acres 6) miles out. All necessary buildings, good well and springs on place. This is an unusually good buy. Small orchard and all kinds of small fruit ; 46 acres cleared. Price per acre, $60; terms to suit purchaser. ' We call special attention to one 10 acre tract, all cleared; about two miles from town. Price, (1250. We have a number of 5, 10 and 20 acre tracts that are bargains. Some good propositions in regard to land from the Mount Hood district. C"m and see oa about it. Also land inMo-U-r, White Salmon and Bingen. ', We have fine alfalfa ranch in Baker county, another in Morrow; also irp rrty In the Willamette valley to;e cliune for Hood R ver realty. - Hoiuh-s and lots fur rent or sale in all parts of Hood River. Collections made. Insurance ' written in your choice of three companies. ; 40 acres. All under cultivation. ; Nice laige lioure, ordinary barn and two ware houwa. 6 acres apples full bear ing, Htnmlard viirietiea; also ytmng New town orchard. 20 acre grass, 5 acrrs pasture; under irrigaliou ditch. Tins is a good hoy at $10,000. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE For a Few Days Only Fifty acres, 6 miles out, Ten acreas cleared, "Sixty-flve apple trees, Good house and barn, Fine water, Rural telephone and mail service, No stone, well protected, Deep soil, Splendid fruit land, Good outside range. Who wants it for 2,500. Gdod terms. Land all around it held at twice the price. Forparticulars H. II. ABBOT, At Millinery Hor McEWEN & KOSKEY CENEKALCOMXKSIOM KEKMim .Prompt sales and quick returns Wholes-tie dealers in all kinds of First and; Produce. Consignment solicited Front Street, Portland, Ore, '