The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 31, 1906, Image 2

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. rvtrv 'I tiursday by
AKlllliK U. MOB, Publlsbar.
farma of ubtcripitoo I1.M a raw imi put
to a4varjca.
THURSDAY, MAY iil, 1906.
Senator, Kliort term, K W. Mulkoy.
Senator, long term, Jonathan
CoiiKreesman, Second Dibtrlot, W.
K. Kllis.
(loveruor, James Wlthycotnbe,
Secretary of Htate, 1 W. Jieneon.
Htate TreaMiiror, U. A. Stool.
Supremo Judge, Robert Kakin.
Superintendent Pullio InBtriiction,
J. II. Arkorman
State Printer, W. S. Dimiway.
Attornny-Uonnral, A. M. Crawford.
Labor Commissioner, (). P . Holf.
Joint KopresoutaUvo, li. V. Jones.
Representative, Dr. li. II. MoUal
ion. Kliorid, M. 1). Kills.
County Cloik, K. M. Smith.
Troaauier, J. E. lleezley.
(Jouimissioner, John li. Teal.
Surveyor, J. P. VanOrsdol.
Coroner, R. I,. Chapman.
Sheriff, Levi Chrisman.
County Clerk, Simeon liolton.
Treasurer, Al. 'A. Donuoll.
County Comniisiboner, II. J.
Surveyor, A. W. Mohr.
Coroner, Chag N. llu-rot.
II ib-
One of tho strougwt Republican
tickets ever nominated in the state, is
the result of tho primary elections.
The last IcKisutuie enacted a primary
law, whioh has been accepted by the
people,aud the voters should stand by
tho rosult. With the large Republicau
majorities in (his state, there is ut.
reason for sending a Democrat to the
United States Senate, or of sending a
Democrat to occupy the governor'
chair at Salem. Those two positions
are very Important from a political
standpoint, in currying out Republi
can principles. The same may be said
also of tho other candidates. The light
that Is being made against the head ot
tho tiuket and ugainst the nominee for
United States Senator by boss politi
cians who want the olilces, but whe
did not have the nerve to make an
bonost fight for thoni in the prlmariet
should be disoountenuueed by all Re
publicans. The conspiracy to give
Ooariu the popular vote aud then do
tout him with a Republican legislature
Is against the primary election law,
and dirty politics. A straight Repub
lican vote la the remedy.
Tho county ticket was nominated at
tho primaries by the majority vote.
Most of them are asking for a second
term, and are willing to stand on their
record. Of the new candidates before
the votors, they have selected because
of their fitness for the positions they
aspire to, or their popularity, or both.
They nre the Republican nominees,
and should receive tho support of the
Republicans. As a com temporal y says,
"Republicans oaii only elect Republi
cans to olllce by voting for Republi
cans. A straight ballot is the kind
that counts."
A Cent piracy.
Editor Olacier It Is nimorod that
there is an understanding among
some so-called Republican leaders to
accomplish the election of John M.
Oearlu, tho democratio nominee for
U. S. Senator, In the expectation that
a Republican legislature will not rati
fy tho election, but ignoring the pri
mary law, elect T. IS. Wilcox, who
represents the kid-glove, silk-bat ele
ment in the Republican party, aud
who went on record in tin columns ol
the Oregonian some months ago as fa
voring more liberal (for the Chinese)
exclusion laws. The writer is an
American llrHt, last ami all the time,
and holds his fealty to party seconda
ry to his American citizenship, and Is
therefore opposed to the election to
any liiiportanljoilloe of any man who
puts dollars above American man
hood. We have too many Chinese in
tho country now and too many gou
teel llu'iuolorsl?) of the 11. II. Rogers
and John D. Rockefellor typo. As be
tweeil the two classes I prefer the
"houthou Chinee," but do not consid
er it necessary to embiace cither.
Jonathan llounie was not my choice
for United States Senator. 1 support
oil for that position the Hon. E. L.
Smith'und never expect to regret that
action, but Mr. llourno was nominat
ed, and under the direct primary law,
tho fairest method of making nomina
tions that baa yet been devised anil is
entitled to the support of every lio
publican in the state who prefers the
rule of tho people to that of the boss
es, tho direct primary law has power
ful enemies who will do all they can
to discredit it in the eyes of the peo
ple, many of these gentry say it need
amending, but ifjt is to be 'amended
1 think it advlsablo that the work
should be done by its friends rut hoi
thai) Its enemies who would like to
amend it to death. Jonathau Itoiune,
who made his campaign as tho chain
ion of this law, is certainly its friend
aud, in my opinion, entitled to tin
support of all who believe that the
people ate capable of electing United
States Senators. In any event he Is
cortuinly to be preferred to any man
who cares so little for American work
ing men and the future of this cuun
try that he will advocate opening tlic
doors to the Chinese who will take the
broad from the mouths of or down
working men and their children and
inevitably reduco them to Chinese
standards of living. The thought 1.
nbhureiit to any man who posseses
a spark of honest patriotism or regard
for tho future of his children.
Ijiui't'iico i. Hlowors.
A Fatso Report
A minor which has gained wide cir
culation is to the elfect that the young
man who dropped dead ten days ago
from heart disease, was killed by
drinking water out of a ditch, that
had boon poisoned by tho droppings
from spiay material. Thero is no
foundation whatever for the rumor.
The story was also sent from The Dal
les ami published in the I'oitland
Journal. How the story started is a
mystery, and the further spread of it
should be stopped.
The latest popular song, "The lirok
en Ring," was written by Mrs. llsttlo
Garrison Miner of Hood River. Price
M cents at S. L. Young's.
The Dalles. Oregon. M.iy 29. 1900.
In a letter in the Democratic column
of the Hood River News Loiter ap
pears a letter purpoitiug to have been
writteu by 1''. A. Soufert, chairman
of the Democratic county committee.
In this letter Mr. Soufert makes some
political statements accusing the pre
sent Republican county ottlclulH
wasting the county money aud bints
very broadly at graft. The statement!
are so exaggerated and perverted that
1 deem It but fair to tbe officers ac
cused to correct some of these false an
misleading assertions, especially sinoe
some of the Republican olllcers are
candidates for reelection, aud excep
for this fact tbe letter referred
would ntver have been minted.
Mr. Soufert sajs County Clerk Iiol
ton uses from to t'.fo in postage
stamps per mouth, the facts are Mr,
liolton has used riuci Li b.iuiubaucy
in otllco the last '1 years ,au average
of SlO.'Jo per month for postage
stamps. This amount includes all I he
stamps used In the couuy clerk
olllce and all the stamps cted otllcial
ly by Ciicuit Judge W. L. Rradshaw
aud myself. Mr. liolton has touchers
on Hie for every cent spent tor clamps
aud Incidentals.
In answer to the assertion that
"Judge Lake s llrst act In oltlce was
to incicHse tie subtly of all help,
will say that the deputy sheriff, K C,
llaight, never has received as much
salary at any time as was paid former
deputy thenfr ' under Democratio ad
uiiuibtraliuiib. In the Hoik's olllce it
cost exactly the same the Hist year
when 1 was county judge, for help that
hail boon paid for each of the fnui pie
vious years under Judge lllakeley,
The last year it has est $10 per month
During tho last two yoars the, re
neipts in the clerk's olllce exceed by
fA 115 ul the receipts of the two pre
vious years, showing a great increase
of work, this increased work brought
the county $'2,110.00 aud cost tbe
county only $1'2U to perform it. Thus
leaving tbe county $1,!KI0.0U to tbe
iood in that matter. When the eouu-
cy gets $2,110.0(1 for work done in the
clerk s olllce and it costs but tl'JJ to
do it it is certainly making la very
good profit.
As to paying tbe county treat urer
bond. County treasurers have hereto
fore always given bonds signed by
by taxpayers of tbe county. Tbe his
tory of bonds of that kind iu this state
ilinws that when a liability arises these
bonds fought aud frequently defeated
on account of tbe personal standing of
die bondsmen aud their influence in
the county. In .the cases of surety
bonds there is no escape for the sure
ty company In oase liability arises,
therefore, for the protection of the
jouuty, the court required Mr. Don-
uell to give a large bond signed by a
oirety company. This cost $75. As
the court bad required Mr. Dounell
to give this bond, it was but fair that
the court should pay a portlonof the
Hxpense aud did so, requiring Mr.
Dounell to pay the other portion
which be would not have been com
pelled to pay bad l.e i;iveti a personal
bond. The extra protection which
the county has received is worth far
more than it has cost.
The sherill'V bond as tax collector
is required by law to be asuiuty bond
mid to be paid for by the count i. No
ither otllcial bonds than those men
tioned above were paid for by the
the assertion that the county court
was making a "Slush fund" (whatever
that may mean) out of the county
road fund to assist or defeat some Re
publican candidates at the late pri
maries, should be beneath notice but
I will say In passing, that the asser
tion is false in every particular.
Again Mr. Soufert sayg. "the pre
sent tax should be 7 mills and not 17. "
livery intelligent taxpayer iu Wasco
county kuowt that It, requires iii iuly
I mills to pay the amount of county
Hohool fund alone required by law to
be raised each year. The stati n out
that Sexton received ."(K) from Wutco
county for mileage, borso hire, etc,
loos not contain one particle of truth.
as the county has not paid him one
lollar for such work. Everybody
knows that the county clerk has no
thing to do with t he distribution of
road funds.
The county court does not do the as
sessing ami has no ooutrol over the
assessor, only advisory. As to the
railroad assessment, 1 will say, bow
ever, that the present assessor raised
the valuation from $5UH) per mile as
hshossimI by bis Democratic predecess
or to $10,(M) per mile.
I'.xlra expenses which have been in-
oiii rod by the county, aud which were
not Included In the Democratic admin
istration are: the Williams and Rios
minder trials, special elections, Lewis
and Clark fair, a number of new
luiilges, and $IH,UH) of the road tax,
which is now collected In money and
paid back to the several load distiiits,
while form illy, it was simply woikoil
out by the supervisors, and d id not go
through the county triuaui-y. These
amount makes a dilforonce of about
In conclusion 1 will say that I am
not trying to wi ito a political letter,
nor am 1 trying to damage or depre
ciate any Democratic candidate. 1 am
only making a plain statement' of fact
that mo due tho Uopublicaii candi
dates, fully believing that the voters
in Wasco county are well oualilled to
select for themselves the men tlioy de
sire to serve them as state and county
County Judge.
Merry Crop Short al Kenni wick.
So gi eat was the damage to traw
lieiry plants by the big windstorm
nid the accompanying cold weather ot
March that the llHHi crop, variously
list i in a tod up till that time at from 10
Kl to -M.lKKl crates, will lie reduced to
a bare 0,000 oi (I.IKKI crates. At pre
out there is a wide dilforonce of opin
ion of the total of this year's ciop.
Mr. Johnson, president of tho Kenne
wick Kruitgrowers' Association, be
lieves it may reach H.iHHi, while others
as well informed are confident that
the product will not exceed 0,(HKl
Tho Mt. Hood Railroad Company
are now luuuing a regular train on
schedule time and handling quite a
few passengers as well as doing con
siderable freight business, car load
ind local. Their freight tarilf has
just liecn issued and is opeu to the
public at the oltloos of Oregon Lum
ber Company, from which place, the
business of the load will be handled
foi the present. Mr. Karly, who Is
oiniocted with both the above corpor
ations advises that from June 1st it
will be necessary to prepay freight
charges to all points ou their line, ow
ing to 'lie tact that they have no
agents at various stations.
K. T. 1'nrns, dentist, has opened bis
ollii-o and is now ready for business in
the same rooms over Hartmess store.
We nre now occupying our new uarters and invite you all to come and see
how nicely we are located. AVe will be pleased to have you come and see us wheth
er you wish to buy or not. You are always welcome.
Men's Neckwear
nn.l I..
ft f city.
A tliu 1 I
and a e
lV JW nlari,".
I Or
ft J shields, tecks and four-in-
lilldjA '"nd. social on Sat- O-
i? urday,
20c and 25c ties, all styles, in plain and fancy yi
colors, your choice on Saturday, only I ' V
35c and 40c ties, all styles, in plain and fancy coleri,
a swell line and one that usually costs you at OC
least 60c each, your choice on Saturday, for i0
In the line of Dresn and every day shirts our line cannot be excelled in the city.
It includes all the late patternn and styles and we have marked the price down
within the reach of all. Men's and Hoys' workHhirts from 2."ic up. Dress shirts
from 4()c up.
llerny Sevlrkropp, of Pine drove,
purchased a flue Hoffman piano last
week at Boole's Hood Kiver Store.
People are coming from Trout Lake.
The Dalles aud the top of Mt. Hood
to buy pianos at boule'a Hood liiver
The ladies of St. Mark's guild will
take order for stamping of embroidery
patterns. All oidars may be sent to
Mrs. 1). R. (iould and will receive
prompt attention.
Do you want a piece of Mission
Kuril it tire, made just exactly to suit
you? If so, call on V. II. Cue at his
carpenter shop aud look over his col
lection of designs. He can suit you.
the ladies of St. Mark's guild will
serve strawberries and cream at the
home of Mrs. Chas. Clarke on the af
ternoon of Friday, June 1. Au inter,
esting program will lie rendered aud
eveiyoue Is welcome.
Another of Hood River's progressive
merchants, L. M. Smith, of Smith
llros. grocery, purchased a Hue piano
at Soule'a Piano House this week. Mr.
Smith, thinking the best none too
good for him, selected a tine Clough &
C E. Social at Odcll.
Tomorrow evening the C. E. of
Odell will give an ice cream social at
the home of L. 1). Keyed. The finest
of home-made cake and Swetlaud's
famous ice cream will be served.
Kates, l.K) or two for 25o. Proceeds
will go to the janitor fund of the C.
K. Krerybody is cordially iuvited to
come and have a good time.
havo the largest a.
nt iu neckties for men
t.M tn Ka tnnnA In Iha
I his line includes all
uM-lpii cifiH nattarna
Margaina at ourroa--
- ..
md l.'ic ties ill liOWS,
for each v
Tclal Ballot for rV
for UalUd StaUt Senator VoU for Oil
J09mm actolttff WMk HOT. J
mjywnttig. JONATHAN J a, at Mlt. Oo,.afBcj
I For Uattod BUU Senator VoU tal
I . Fill TMWT.
I nwauT, rasp w, of nmon o. . .bWS
1 FopTeraor Vote for (
I a? j wnnYooma, james, it Bmia oo ,aptu
Tor afrmua Jadgs VoU for
I4EAIJ, aOBEBt, VnM OwiMy. XosMI
For J -fry of 8UU VoU for
r"m- 1UU Treannrer VoU for Qr
wj iTEEL. ueoeoi A, of oiukusu Oo. . . .kqpauiital
i For SuporinUndcnt of Public Instruction
jjt. ToUtor
I For Attorney Qnrtl VoU for y
Kavtwroao, A. M, 1 tXagUt Oomty. epub.
I For U PrinUr "VoU for 0
I 'M. pomiwat, i, f mauwiiuji oo.abii.-,
For CommiiiloDor of Labor lutlitici and Inspsc
fFMtorioi and Worltihops VoU for A
m? Horr. O. T, f Mnltoonuk Ooutr BapabliJ
2nd Congressional DistriX
I For gforwntativ to Coagw VoU
I m JBLLia w. a. t Umuu Otmxt Bvaf
Mauy maintain that the unusual
rains tbia spring are caused by the
heavy blastiug beiug done on tbe north
bank grade. IX A. Turner says that
be remembers that when the O. R. Jk
N. road was built tbe season was vei y
rainy all summer, and predicts a like
couditioo as long as the heavy mast
ins continues. However, that does
not explain the unsually dry time in
Maroh and April.
Chas. Metoalf and wife, of Hrainerd,
Minn., arrived Saturday on a visit to
their son. C. O. Metoalf, at Belmont.
Mr. Metoalf Is an old engineer ou the
Northern Paoitlo and has followed that
profession for nearly sixty years. He
tired tbe first engine running into
Chicago just 54 years ago on the Lake
Shore aud Michigan Central road.
Mr. Metoalf It well pleased with tbe
valley, aud said be had no idea that
we bad such a good couutiy. He was
also accompanied by Ed Nicholson, of
East Liraud Forks, Minn., wbo will
spend a couple oi mouths ou his
For a painful burn there is nothing
like DeWitt'i Witch Haiel Salve on the
market see that you get the genuine.
Ask for DeWiit's. tiood, too, for sun
burn, cuts, bruises, and especially rec
ommended for piles. The name K. C.
DeWitt A Co., Chicago, is on every box.
Sold by Williams' Pharmacy.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. 8abbath school 10 a. ni., Kp
worth league 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially
Our line of cellars is the
ry all styles and sizes, in
cluding tbe quarter size.
. i i . i-t . . I i:
arr.s iuun, t-piy inien
J collar th:it you generally
pay 15c each for; we f A
tell at, each "v
CehVoi 1 collari, good grade, all styles, each IV'
We have a bunch "f linen collars, good grade, nearly
all sizes, that we wish to close out and we will give f
you your choice a', each.. C
This lot of collars never sells for less than 10c each
and is a rare bargain at the above price.
Open Letter.
To tbe voters of Oregon, gi tetlng.
Gentlemen The undersigned sub
mit to you a few of our reasons for
asking you to tatify, by your atllrma
tlve votes, tbe amendment granting
equ u riguts to women, which has been
placed oelore the voters through
petition numerously signod by I he
men of Oregon under tbe initiative
aud referendum.
ibis movement has grown under
your management from tbe small be
ginning known as tbe Married Wo
man's Solo Trader bill, enacted by
your legislative assembly in IHTi, un
til it has reached such vast nronor
tions as to attract the attention of tbe
oivilized world. A constitutions!
amendment proposing women's en
francbisemout, submitted to you iu
1884, brought us an affirmative vote of
ll,22lt. This ameudmeut was agaiu
suonmieii to your surlfages by legis
lative iuitatlve in l'.KXI, bringing us a
vote oi zo.zuj. Although tbe popula
tion ot tbe commercial centers had
mote than doubled iu sixteen years,
tbe "No" vote was only increased by
wnue tne "les" vote was aug
meuted bv 15.042. This, to na. is i
palpable augury of tbe triumpn which
we counaeutly look to you to consul
ate for us on the 4th day of June by
placing "X" between "302" and
"Yes" on your ballots. Do this and
j on will honor our flag of truce, tbe
only power we can offer in our defense
against tbe balloted foroes of the on
position. Do this, and you will honor
uregon, your mothers aud yourselves.
rtua your petitioners will ever pray
Abigail Scott Duniway, Honorary
rresiuout uregon joj al Hurtlage As
sociation aud State Federation of
woman s Clubs
Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe, President
uregon Jvinal Suffrage Association
Charlotte Motfott Cartwrlgbt, Presi
deut Woman's Pioneer Auxiliary As
Sarah N. Evans, President Oiegou
i-eueration or women'a Ulubs.
tether C. Pohl, M. D., President
woman's Medical Association.
Must Screen the Hitches.
Liouis Fritz, of The Dalles, deputy
game and fish warden, was in II unit
River tbe first of tbe week, inspecting
the flumes aud iish ladders. He says
that tbe irrigating ditches will have
to tie soreeued at the beadgntes, to
prevent flsh goiag out through tbem.
He reports that tbe new Usb ladder at
Dee, built by tbe Oregou Lumber Co.,
is tbe best one that has ever been
mint lu the valley. It cost nearly 1,
WW, and is of a practical design. Mr,
1' ritz says that several ot the ladders
now iu operation, while built accord
ing to instructions from tbe state war
den, do not prove to be practical, and
biiuuiu ue onangea.
Lecture on Woman Suffrage.
'I'll A 1 ' .. A 1 ' I .
1110 . nuuu onaw lecturer! on
Woman Suffrage at the Opera House
Tuesday evening to a good sized audi
ence, a reception was tendered the
aisimguisned guest at tbe residence
or Cj. u. smith iu the afternoon, by
iub mines or me local association.
wnicD was largely attended by the
ladies of the city. The rooms were
tasietuiiy decorated and refreshments
The lecture in the evening was very
Interesting, and demonstrated that
me lady was master of ber subject.
oue uas nan mauy years' experience
iu ine lecture new, aud Has gained
knowledge of atrairs that eminently
its her for tbe work. Hor arguments
for woman stuffage were along old
lines, and were well received by the
If you need screen doors, window
screens or meat safes, don't forget F.
ijoe. Carpentering. Phone 571.
A variety of good residence nronertv
ly at prices and terms to suit,
tiood buys for $."00. tlsJO. 1700. ISTx).
fl.UiO, ll.lW), 11.300. tl.4U0. 11.500.
f 1,750, $1,800 or any price you want.
Two-storv house near hiirh school for
only lU.tiOO.
Several gixsl residences close to busi-
ness for sale cheap.
Fine two-story residence with two
lots, choice location, only $2,400.
New two-storv bouse, six rnmna !.
sides pantry ami bath, only $000.
Whole blocks and acreage orouertv for
sale .ni easy terms.
Finest residence lots in the city cheap
Good investment.
Larue list lo select from, incliidimr
?ood orchard land aud farm property.
iomt! mm s.e us.
Onthank A Otten
invit-Hood River
Attorneyat-Law and Notary Public
J. M. SCHMELTZER, Sec.-Treas,
Notary Public
..Hood River Land..
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
We are prepared in a special manner to handle all
kinds of business in any of the above lines and have
a large list of improved lands and city property
from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch,
a stock farm or a home in the city.
"With an Extensive Correspondence
Wo are able to handle your prop- ,
erty advantajvously and will be
pleased to have you list same with us
The president of the company is the city engineer,
and is prepared to do surveying and civil engineer
ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
opinions given on property titles.
: olleetions a Specialty. Phone Main 141.
Mr. George Rorden, jr. and Miss
Nora Root were married yesterday
at tbe Baptist church In Mosier by
Kev. J. L. Hershuer, aud after a wed
ding dinner at tbe residence of tbe
bride's parents, came bnme o.-i train
7, where they will go to housekeeping
in the valley.
Thotp piefi nt. nt ' I e cereirnuy from
Hood River were: Mr. and Mrs. Ueo.
Hordeu, sr., li"bt. llusbui ds and fam
ily, li . V. Jocbiu sen i ud 'a'iij. The
Glacier offers congratulations.
To the votcis of Wano louiity:
Ifelec ci to tie It. i ot commis
sioner by M'U on V ni. iia) next, I will
dm lug ii y terr o n lice as a member
nt the county co it, insist that the
plain pioMsioi.s ii law be complied
witl , lliul il el il ol ciaiiuautsaud bills
allowed legellci with other proceed
ings of rt coid I-1' nl lished following
each session ot t l.e county court, as
provided by sections -0X, 2(i:i0, ui:d
JU;t7of tho Oregon Cnlo.
C. L. Copple,
Democratic ('undidate for County
Dated, May SO, 100C.
To Mr. aud
Fank Parker,
May 27, a bov.
To Mr. and Mrs Roscoe
Miller, cf
Odell, May 20, a boy.
To Win. Johnson, of Mosier, Mnv
30, a gi 1.
All kinds of fresh and cured men's
have advanced, but we are still sHUnti i
at the same old prices, and will con-!
tinue to do so. Yours for business, Mc
Guire Iiiotliers.
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Phone 1313
For Sale
Kor Hide A gisjd work. horse. Inquire at the
Williams I'haiuiHcy, or phone 505.
Those wishing lo purchase Wind Kiver
lands H ill do well to cull on ('. (.'. Wetherell,
Carsou, Wash.
For Hale. A flue gray horse, a nice driver.
Works double or single, useil lo children rid
ing him. Weight about t.lne aiml. Will
be sold cheap as I have no U!e tut him. Annu
al ttockforil store. nrJl.jH
Ktir Hale A 3'4 wsgou, or would exchange
fora lighter one, also a good driving horse.
For particulars address 8. rt. Thompson, Hood
Kiver, K. K. l. No. 1, phone M)xl. J n
F.ii-siile u t'olHiid Cliina b)ar, H inonlio
ild. Iniiilre of 1'eter JiK'iiiiuscn. uilu-T
For Kale Uood, gentle milcli cow. W. H.
Hull, phone Kurmers 1224. nilu-JT
For sale Kami
team, weight.
1100 each.
J 7
A. A. .Is ne.
ForSale Well matched team of dark ba
mares, ti and 7 years old, good travelers: weight
HlnO pounus each. Also oue two sealed hark
and hack harness, nearly new. Alex Stew
art, Mosier, Ore. m 10 it
For Hale black cub six weeks old: Sla
if taken now. Flunk Kgun, While salmon. )7
For Male I have H head work horses, 2 head
saddle horses, i sindebakcr li in k. 4 two-t ui
old heifers, l second hand hortw power wihu
saw. Having other business to see to this
summer 1 will closethia stock out at bauaiu
pr.ces. E. T. Folta, Odel. Oregou. l'hone r,'iii
For Sale The Uioves property will be ,,lu
at cost If taken within three w eks. lnoinie
od the premises. J. H. Groves. ml7ji4
Kor Sale Two ten acn trai ls close lo toa o
Improvements and gtsid water, title uiiiomii
teed. Kuuiilre at this olllce. 17
Kor Sale Kight acres of hind. 1'. miles bom
HinhI Kiver on Helmoiit road: S acres lo
sirawberries, ftfi fruit Itee. part full t.-!iring
and iart me year; balance iu clover, noistot-s
and vegetables, blacktierries. red raspu-rncs
and black ca( on lace. Three room house,
packing house lHx-.t), barn Uxht and nih.-r
bulldluca. (all al pi.nv for tun her purlieu
. J. Mulkina
Only a few more of those solemli.l in.s. r..
tracts; unsold on the M. H. I'otter farm In
iiihhi rover vauey, near tne city. Suiti,).),-
lor apples and sintwberrlea. fiin r'
placed below regular rates on similar m. n.
erty In this vicinity. No lietter apple hind
an be round. Ixiok at It wisi.uall, tor ilw
pnsjl. Write Frank MrKariand, lsu :uh .i.,
iNsitland, or see Mrs. M. 11. Fotor ou loej
farm. mlOii
Wanted lo Sell or Trade Two lo:. K .tui
nd 40x !U. one alx-room li.tuse and lonr-ns.ui
collage with hull on place. Uox oUn, Had
Kiver, Orc(rou:
Kor Kale A giaxt farm leain of horses,
meighl lUni lbs. loo light lor lodging. cU
o bought cheap. Apply lo Oregua Liiinto-r
Co., either at H'd Klver or Dee. mi-' tf
Kor Sale Investigate this. 1 am obliged lo
ell, and will sell at your own price a piece, of
land with house ana other Improvements u
mile from Hood River. II you want to biiv
at your own price address Hox a&3 Hood
River, Oregon. 12-m:i ,
J. H. FUR0U80N,
Vice President and Manager.
Kor Hle-A one-horse farm WKirrn, paint
not olf the wheels, nearly new, will be sold
ehi up. A ISo a tfnoit set of rioubie harness. K.
Hruyloril, Kocklord store. ml7
For Hale Si eel
range. Call
ot WhH's feed
Wanted To trade for BO head of pli(B snd
shouts at Davenport Harness t o. iiil-JH
Wanted A poll) ton on a farm by a hoy 18.
Write Irving Ciilnon, Hood Klver, ore. iiiSiM
Wtuiteit Bonds ol Hot Lake sanitarium Co.
Will purchase any iuantlty. address P. W.
(r. i'o"onnt of (l acier. m!0-J7
Wanted (lir! for general housework, Frnnt
Davenport, Jr. inlU-J7
Wanted Two Strawberry packers. W, S.
Hall. Phone ml7-J14
Wimled Sieveral men fo" culling brush and
small timber and cutting up into wood,
llruno Fran,. J 7
Ixsl r.ox of mi rchindl!Je between Hood
Klver and I.lttle White store. Hiiltnblc re
ward for its return to I.lttle While shore,
nvd It
Kor Kent One neatly furnished room. En
quire of Mrs. Jss. Moore, the old Ilanaa col
ts ge. J 7
Bids Wanted
Rldn to r-onHtruft a bridge across Hood River
will w reepitvcd by the secretary of the Kur.
hits' Irrigation Co., until Jiiiif MJ, l!:lHi.
IManw and RfM.ciflofitlnns can he wt-ii at I he
Butler Bmiklnbr Co. The KunniTK' Irrigation
Co. rt serve tht'riK'ht to reject anv end all hids.
ni'2I.Jll. r-rTPtnry
Department of the Interior, t'niti I Htates
i Land office, The Dulles, (IjeLoti, .May i.
I Notice is hereby given that
of Hood River, Ores-on, has tiled notl 'e of his
j Intention lo make rtnal live-year pro-. f in sup.
1 port of his claim, vis: llonie.tead I- ntry No.
i W77, inaric March S, l'.Kll, lonthe W' .-Hk and
i S'IN K'4l Section .11, townshit 2 N.. rcngell k ,
I W . M , iiih1 Hint said proof will be made be
i tore Hie Register and Receiver at Tli- Dalles,
Oregon, on July I7ih, lmii.
He names the lollowing w-itnesseii toproce
hlsioniinuous residence upon ami -ultlMi-Hon
of the land, viz. :
I'wviii m. aacKson, jonn n. .lacKin, Fl-ntt-ces
K. Jackson and Harry K. Kemp.-all of
Hood Ulver, Oregon.
ln.llj.vH Itegl.-ter
Department of the Interior, lTniic l Hlaten
Land Olllce, The Dalles, Oregon, May 26,
Not ice is hereby given t hut
widow of Zeha H. Hevgandt, deceased, ol
Mount IIikhI. Oregon. Iins llled noli. e of her
intention to make Mnnlll ve-vear proofln sup
isirt of lier claim. v!. Homestead e.nt ry No
S3K, niftile July s. I'.sKi, for the U 'XK.4, sit.
lion J) anil W'.jSK. secllon 17, to i,.-hip I S.,
range in K., W. M and thai said pronr will be
made before the hi gislcr ami Receiver, al Tile
Dalles, Oregon, on July Istii, UK Hi.
She names the following witncsi-. to prove
her continuous residence upon and mill vat ion
of the land, viz:
liii-cll (inhin, He nry Oilbert, Ilenrv (iroff
ami Joseph (iron, nil of Mount Hood. Oregon.
maiJyU MKHAK.LT. NoLA N. IleglBlor
In theCocuit Court of the state of On rou, for
Wasco county.
(irace Harrow, l'lalutlfl'
Charles Harrow, Defendant.
TOChulles Harrow, Ilet'etlilaut:-
In the name of tile stale ol Oregon, yon sre
hereby commanded loapi-ur In tli-n'sive en.
tilled court anil cause on or bet-ire Tliursdny
the 12th day of July, IHlii, and answer the com.
plaint ti led against you in said court and
cause and lor want of such answer the plain
i ll will apply to the nmrt for Hie relief de
manded iu the complaint to.wlt:
Kor a degree, dissolving the bonds of man I-
mo ly I e wet n plaluilil an-1 defend.i t, grant,
inyan Mit-o'llte ill itice to olainl i It' ,!
creelng thectisiiidy of their tumor child to
I plait. till'.
i Tins summons Is published bv order of
Hon W. L. Ill udshiiw, Judge or the uuove en
tilled com I, made and entered tills 21 luluy of
.May, b.tii.
Date of llrst publication, Mav:ilst, l'.l'li,
JAY il. I'fTON,
tn-lljy W Attornev for plaintilT.
Buisnass Chances
I'ooiiiino; House
X(w.s Stand
('(inft'ctidiicrv Store
Cionr Store
Also Farms, Timber Lands.
St. Johns Realty a Specialty
ltooni 9 I!reeleii Bldir, PORTLAND, ORE.
Mount Hood Railroad Co.
A. .M.
leae. .
1'. M.
.Hoh1 River
, . . Arrive
..low "Male
Van Horn. .. . . ,., ,
Odell.. ;
Dukes alley. .......... .
Arrive . Iie
Ktleclive May i;, lii. Sunday kxocpt. d.
J. A. WlLhT, Superintendent