The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 24, 1906, Image 8

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It does not contain an atom of phos
phatic acid (which is the product of bones
digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum
(which is one-third sulphuric acid) sub
stances adopted for other baking powders
because of their cheapness.
(( ijntinilcd from paif 1.)
of tbe Republican onnditliitoH. The
United Statea Heniitornhip in ubuoluto
ly a fiolitioul olllc.o and the preaorva
tlon of the Nutional ItopubiloHu or
KHiilziition roquirea thu election oi a
Kopubliuaii to tbe United BUtea Sen
ate. i'rluiHry Pair Election.
Wallaoe Oamnnt Tbe recent pri
mary whh a fair election. The hiio-
noBHful cimiduiiitoa are the oholoo of
tbe Kupiihloan voters and tbe choice
whs reentered i the manner pro
Hcribed by a law which tbe people
tlumixelvdH adoptod. Huch a nomina
tion should mean something. In my
oiiniori tbo candidates nominated are
entitled to tbe support of the Kopub
lican elootora. While portions of tbe
ticket are uiiHatiHfactory to me, X shall
vote it straight, Having participated
in the primary, I oonnidr that 1 am
obliged to do bo. Tbo Kepublican or
ganization cannot be maintained and
Republican policies cannot be ttup
portod uuli'HH liepublicaiiH vote for tbe
candidates of their party. Tbe ticket
is a good 0119 and it should be elected
from top to bottom.
"I boliove this is a good Republican
year. Republicans are tiled of tilling
the moht important olllces witti Demo
uiats. I expect to see a Republican
governor and a Republuiiu United
btates Henator elected."
William J. I.achncr, of linker City,
Oie., member of the State Hoard of
Tax OommiHHlunerH, declares that be
will do all in bis power to help elect
tbe entire Republican ticket. "1 have
olferod my services for tbe campaign
to the state chairman, and 1 nm ready
and willing at any time to taktt tbe
stump and do my share fur the good
of the Republican puity,' he said.
'In linker county the ticket will poll
' a big vote. Jonathan llouruc, .lr,
will run particularly strong there,
linker county poopla know him as
man full of energy and perseverance,
and u man who, when he starts into n
proposition, works e.uly and lute to
achieve suocchs. Ho has been the
means of bringing many hiimlieds of
thousands of dollars into linker counly
bus always p.tid miners the highest
wages, and no man has ever Mooken oi
him except in the highest terms as a
staunch friend of the inhering classes
and one whose word Is as gooil as his
note. lr. wtthyeombe will also carry
linker county; In a word, there seems
to be sort of get together feeling
among tbo Republicans generally all
over the state; the primary law bus
had a wholesome eltect on them, mi
tbe tendency seems to bo to vote the
ticket as near straight as they never
did before; and with such a desire
there is no reason to question tbe
election ot every man ou the ticket
from United Htiites .Senator down to
the humblest nltlce in tbo gift of the
people. "
Not If us liich ax Itix kefclb r.
If you bud all tbe wealth of Itoiki
Idler, the Manilard (lit magnate, you
could not liny a belter medicine for
bowel complaints than Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and l'iurrhooii Remedy
Hie most eminent plivNicuiu can not
prescribe a better preparation for colic
and diarrhoea, both for children me
adults. The uniform success of tble
remedy ha shown it to be superior I
all others. It never bills, and w hen re
duced with water ami sweetened, is
pleasant to lake. Kverv family should
be supplied with it. Sold by Koir
liccson I ires. ' Hig Double Uncle
Tom's Cabin company, with their
own solo band and operatic orchestra
pack of man-eating bloodhounds ; per
forming ponies ami a tlrst-class com
pany of twenty-live artists, will give
one pet foiimuice only at the opera
house tomorrow evening. Popular
prices will prevail and seats are new
oil side at Clarke's drug store.
Sciatica Cured After 20 Years Torture.
b'or more than twenty years Mr. ,1. II.
Massey, was tortured by sciatica. The
puin and suffering which be endured
during this time is beyond comprehen
sion. .N 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 v' cave him any perma
nent relief until he Used Chamberlain's
I 'mil Halm. One application el lhat
liniment relieved the pain and made
sleep and rot possible, ami less than
one bottle has elhcled a permanent
cure. If troubled w ith sciatica or rheu
matism w hy not try it """ cent bottle of
1'nill llnliii and see for yourself how
quickly it relieves the pain! l or sale by
heir A Cass.
C.intlniid'l from puki I.
Shipping Straw berries.
Strawberries are now- being shipped
in large quantities by theS. iS. Shields
company, and tbe branch bouse of the
Walla Walla Produce company, each
shipping from :IM to -loo crate's daily.
The growers now. realize aliout i?:t..'i
per crate; lust week they received SI.
The berries are going in all dine
tious, and are in great demand, as
they are earlier here than in most sec
tions. The late raiu will be a benefit,
as they were ripening too fast tor -a
few days before i'eudletou K Ore
froquontly challenged any person to
come forwanl ami say that he knows
the stories that have been told to be
true. Men who were In a position to
know whether improper couditioufc
existed, have made the following
Saw No Signs of Impropriety.
Hon. Hen Helling, Htate Senator
from Multnomah county in 181)7, when
aiked as to 'hat he knew of the
Ilourue beadoiiarters in tbe Kldrblge
block, at S ilem, replied :
"1 had rooms on the same floor in
the block where Mr. Ilourue had his
political headquarters, lu addition,
I was a visitor in bis rooms, and once
dined at his table. I did not see tbe
slightest indication of any impropri
ety whatever. There certainly was no
intoxication, though table wines were
served at meals to those who wanted
them. 1 neither saw nor heard of any
gambling, and I never saw any woman
there or in or about the building.
The charge that Mr. Ilourue kept dis
solute women there or that he con
ducted in any sense a quest'onable
resort, or harbored 'blackguards,
pimps, gamblers, grafters and thugs,'
as alleged, Is not true, as far as my
personaljobservation is concerned."
Ilisliop l.lveil at Headquarters.
Henry lj. Ilarkley, Hlsbop of the
Church of United Hietborn in Oregon,
and who was a memlier oi the leglsla
tore from Marion county lu 1H',)7, was
asked yesterday concerning the
Ilourue hoitdqii irters in tbe Kl Iridgo
blockg at Salem during that meiiior
able session, and if he had read the
anonymous circulars put out making
diverse and sundry libelous charges
against Mr. Ilourue. lie icplled:
"Vim 1, had rend them. While in
Sulem during that winter 1 stopped
at the headquarters, in fact lived
there, and had every importunity to
know nil that went on, and 1 say tu
you and your readers that tbe allcga
tlons contained in mono anonymous
circulars are simply the muligmiu
emanations of malicious men. They
bare not even the shadow of truth in
them. There was no dissipation of
any character whatever, and certainly
no questionable women were ever seen
there by me, nor did 1 ever hear ot
tin one or two occasions a coin
mittee from the W. 0. T. U. visited
tbo headquarters seeking coiitrilm
tious to soino charitable eject, but af
ter similar reports to the present ones
had lieen Industriously clioulated, an
upon one or two other oco, sious gen
tlemeii brought their wives there to
dinner. The hollowness and malice
of such charges as are contained in
these circulars are apparent when so
her decency stops to think that the
men who congregated there as well as
those who lived tbeie were for the
most part men of families nud were
and still are respectable mon in the
communities whole they reside. 1
am glad to make this statement to tbe
people of the state, not only in the
interest of my own good name, hut
in the interest of tbe good name of
the other bundled or more men who
were visitors there, and dually in jus
tice to Mr. Ilourue himself, who is
outrageously maligned. It is rrnnei
that I should also state that 1 am not
altiluited with the Republican party,
nut am opposed to it and Us ticket,
A sense of justice as well as self re
spect impels mo to brand the charges
contained in those circulars as mali
cious falsehoods and their authors and
utterers as malignant cowards,."
Charge False, Says W, S. l''Htn.
Hon. W. S. U'Ken. who was a mem
her of the legislature from Clackamas
county in lN'.b, in reply to a question
as to the character of Mr. Hourue's
guests and entertainment lu Salem
luring that session, and the nnonv-
moiis charges recently circulated, an
swered :
Ves, 1 havo read the circulars and
they are false. 1 was in and about the
headquarters once or more almost
very day and night during the ses
sion ot lst'i. 1 lie charge that disso
lute women were there at all, or that
there was drunkenness or dissipation
there in any form, is absolutely un
true. A large number of the mo.-t
prominent and highly inspected men
in the state were Ireuueut visitors at
our headquarters, among otheis: II.
I j. Ilarkley, now ot Cortland : C. S.
Huston, Hong Creek; . I. N. Kruse.Oa
wego; (1. F. Schmidtlein, Jackson
onnty; (). C. Kmery. Newborn: A.I
K Maxwell, Portland; Jobusou S. I
Smith, now of Salem ; J. (1. Hayer,
rortiaml; .lolin mil, i am lull county ;
.1. W. McAllister, Ha (irnnde; J. N.
Sviiidseth, Astoria; Thomas lluckman,
Coos county; 11. li. Guild, Polk coun
ty; T. M. Munkers, Scio; David
Grace, Maeleay ; (ieorge 11. Hill, Port
land; George Ogle, Molalla; John
Whitnker, Ronton county ; K.J. I la
vis, Milton; ,1. J. llowser, now of
lilaine;l. 1.. Povey, Portland ; 1). W.
Yoakum, Rakei county; James JJ.
Davis, Portland; 1'. N. Jones, Wasco
county; George W. Riddle, Riddle;
O. Schuelie, Oregn City; T. II. Han
kins, Oregon City; Senator S. H.
Holt, Ashland; Senator Dnfnf, The
Dalies; Edgar li. Piper, Portland;
Lute Pease, Portland; Senator A. W.
Gowan, Senator J. il. Smith, Astoria;
Senator Reed, Douglas county ; Sena
tor George Hates, Portland ; Senator
Will R. King, Ontario; Senator Ren
Selling, Portland ; Senator S. A. Daw
son, Albany; Senator Justus Wade,
Uuinn; Dr. J. L. Hill, Albany; Sena
tor Donald Mackay, Portland ; Charles
A. Kitch, Oregon City; Senatoi
Joseph Simon, Portland; Geo. W.
Weeks, Salem ; A. J. Heutty, Cbema
wa; Prank Williams, Ashland, now of
Portland; George Stout, Portland ; J.
H. Haley, Pendleton; Mr. Wood, Mc
Minnv'ile; L. A. Robinson, Hakor
City, Colonel K Hofer, Salem; John
V. Young, Raker City ; 11. R. Kiucaid,
"These men are some of the wit
nesses. Many of them are not Repub
licans. If tbe men who printed aud
oiiculated these villainous slanders
have any spark of manhood in their
character they will either offer some
evidence Irom these and other credi
ble witnesses, or else publicly explain
that they weie deceived aud apologize
through tbe public press for tbe
wrong they have done. This is tbe
only possible teparation that can be
made, because in practice there is do
legal punishment foi political liars.
The law reports are full of oases prov
ing that the law and the courts ate
impotent against the campaign liar."
Absurd and Untrue.
Edgar R. Piper, managing editor of
The Morning Oregouiaa, said:
"1 was in Salem during the legisla
tive sessions of 18J7, 1901 and liXXl as
the repreaentative of The Portland
Oregonian, and was s very frequent
night and day visitor at Mr. Jonathan
Hourne, Jr. 's, heaquarters. If, as
has been alleged, there had been dis
reputable conduct on the part of those
who were entertained by Mr. Hourne
it could hardly have escaped my no
tice, i saw no dissipation of any ki id
during either of the sessions named
on the part of those whom I met at
the headquarters; witnessed no con
duct uu becoming gentlemen, and cer
tainly saw no questionable women, or
suspicions thereof, in or about his
headquarters. The charge that his
headquarters were a 'harem,' or that
there is tbe slightest foundation in
truth upon which to base such an alle
gation is absurd aud untrue."
Serious and Orderly Men.
Hon. Frank Williams, a memlier of
the State Commission of the Lewis
aud Clark Pair, in speaking of the
unsigned slanderous circulars Issued
about Mr. Hourne and his headquar
ters at Salem during the holdup of
IHU7 says that he went to Salem at the
beginning of tbe session in 18U7, aud
also during the sessions of 18!t and
UKH, for tbe purpote of working la
the interests of the fciihmisslon of the
In tiative and relereudum amendment
to tbe people. He says that during
tbe eessidu of 1 h'.J7 he roomed in the
Eldridge block aud spent a great deal
or time in the Uourne headquarters,
both during the day and evening, and
knows from personal knowledge that
mere were no dissolute women or
other forms of dissipation there. He
says: "I never saw amor serious and
urdeily body of mon. In fact, the
contest was so bitter aud nerve-trying
that a dissipated man could not have
sustained it. In this connection it is
well to renieinlier that every one of
die men who frequented those head
quarters is still an honorable and re
spected citizen."
"Simply Campaign Lies.''
John C. Young gays: "I have read
tbe anonymous circulars alleging
ulrerul things concerning Mr. Hourne i
headquarters at Sulem during tbe
wiutei of M)7, aud of my pergonal
Knowledge Know they are false. 1
was out and in at his headquarters at
all hours of the night and day, and
fiequently took meals there. There
was n i intoxication, no boisterous or
other conduct unbecoming gentlemen.
aim i nevt-r saw nor neuru ot any
women of questionable character in
or about the building. The charge
was at that time made that the Hourne
headquarters were a 'harem,' where
riotous orgies held sway, but the
scoies of men who were constant visl
tors at, or regular sojourners in, the
nwriii place regarded them with oou
tempt, as being too silly and too ab
surd to merit serious notice. They
are simply campaign lies.'
"Respectable and Decorous."
Hon. George W. Patterson, who was
ionic state senator from Tillamook
Washington and Columbia counties at
tbe legislative cession of 18i)7, and
who had rooms in the Kldrblge block
in Salem on the same Hour with tbe
Ilourue headquarters, says:
"1 was familiar with the situation
was a frequent visitor in tbe Hourne
headquarters; knew many.of the men
wno congregated mere, and at no
time night or day, was there auy in
toxieatiou, carousing or conduct in
the least unbecoming gentlemen and
good citizens. 1 saw no women In or
about the headquarters night or day.
and certainly none of questionable
character. Had there been snob the
fact could not have escaped general
notice aud comment, for the place was
open to an comers, iilgnt and day.
1ie headquarters were at all times
eminently respectable and decorous,
as tar as i Know.
John (Jill's Statement.
John Gill, the Portland bookdealor.
who was a member of the session of
UKI.1, says: "I visited at the Hourne
headquarters a number of times dur
ing the session of l'.Hi;!, sometimes by
iiiviiaiiou and sometimes uuexpeoted-
lu eacn instance 1 was acooni
pained by one or more companions.
wo were at tbo quarters at meal times
and dined at Mr. Hourne s table, and
were sometimes tliere lu the evening,
where we met many members of the
legislature. At no time did 1 see anv
drunkenness or improper conduct of
any kind, aud 1 believe loan say with
me uuiiosi continence that there was
not a woman about the place."
A (iihxI Show.
That favorite grand old his'orioal
Iramii, "Uncle Tom's Cabin." which
is always welcome by all true Aiueri-
aii people and endorsed by the pul
pit ami people of every nationality,
will In presented at the opera house
omorrow evenmc bv Heesnn Urn' Itio
llonhlrt ITmdtt Tmn'i ('uliin .i,,.r.n..
presented by a II rst class company of
wnue ami colored artists, numbering
wenty-llve. this coinnanv. which
has been playing to crowded and de
ligted audiences carry a complete out
lit, consisting of special seenerv, elec
trical elleets, a pack of Siberian
bloodhounds, etc.
Our Factory
and Stock were Saved
Golden Gate
Baking' Powder
J. A. FOLGER (EL CO., Cor. Howard and Spear Sts.
Ever shown in Hood River,
and selling at city prices
Tho prices on these satchels are right, quality first
class. Watch our windows. Always see something
you need. A display of guaranteed
Hood River's Greatest Drug Depot
PHARMACY, President
J. W. Tkai,, Vice I resident.
Truman, Casliier
Capital Fully Paid, $50,000
We are too modest to advertise that we are the oldest
and largest Bank in Hood River valley, and we would
not want to say that ours is the best bank, but we do
not hesitate to say that we are right good people.
Our business is growing all the time, and we want to
keep it growing, so strangers are welcome when prop
erly identified The same courteous treatment is ex
tended to the customer with a small account as is
accorded to his neighbor with a large balance, for you
can never tell how large a small account will grow.
Bartmess' Furniture Store
I he Hood River Bakery purr
chased 200 barrels of our Golden
Crown Flour Oct. 1, 1905. TheyV
have just placed another order
with us for 100 barrels more. At
Mr. Williams' Bakery can be found)
the best bread in the city, and it
is made from our Golden Crown1
flour. The bread speaks f6r itself; j
Our White River and Golden Crown flour f
can be found for sale at all the leading gro
cers. Try a sack. Once used, always used
For Sale By
Hood? Riveft Oregon,
)jj'llllll":t' (.lllll.l.l)IQ
Capital $25,000.00
Cahleton Lewis, Pres. C. M. Wolpard, Vice Pres.
J. A. Byrne, Cashier.
directors :
W. II. Moore, C. M. Wolfard, A. II. Jewel,
Carleton Lewis J. A. Byrne
New Location.
mi ' . i ...i i . mmfmmmm
We are now loented in the Smith Building in the
room formerly occupied by J. E. Rand, where we will be
pleased to see all of our old customers as well as new ones.
This large, and well-lighted store has been fitted, up
wit tin- best nml most complete stock of
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour and ftf d
ever displayed in the City. Fresh Vegetables received
daily. Call and insect our stock.
WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors.
A Large Line of New Spring Goods
At prices never before quoted
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
Hood River Box Factory
and Patronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Home Made
Phone Main 71
Malleable Iron Beds, guaranteed against breaks by the
factory for 2" years, and yet cheaper than the cast beds.
We get them direct from the East. Call and look them over.
Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc.
Undertaker and Embalmer.
Dealer In
c i cm mi
J. J. I KilllV Harness & Saddles
AH Repairing Promptly Attended to
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
I wish to say to all our old friends and custom
ers who for so many years came to our shop for
their meats, that it is useless for me to introduce
Wood Bros., our successsors, as their 18 year in
the butcher business in Wasco county has mad?
them so widely known tluit un introduction is un
necessary. Being honest, capable business men,
they have the means and ability to rwn a business
as it should be run, and in a way that will be. a
credit to our city.
I expect to stay with the new firm for, awhile,
and will be glad to see you all at the old stand. 1
will guarantee that you will get just as much meat
for your money, just as courteous treatment &.d
just as prompt service as can be had in the city.
We will have a full line of everything good to
eat for the Spring trade.
Respectfully yours,
Oeaths From Appendicitis
tliTiasi in the nw ratio that the ne
of l'r. Kiiik'h New l.ifo l'illa iiK-rtatg.
They save ynu from danger anj bring
quiik ami (miiiK'HH roleaee from consti
pation anil tho ills irowiiis out of h.
Strt'iiKth anil vlpr always iollow their
iim tiuarantt'i'd by (.'has. X. Clarto,
drnutfiHt. 2." tviits. Try them.
McUonahl sella house paints. It will
pay ytfo to get prices from him before
NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on
The Big New and Secondhand Store
is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything in Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and
Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable.
Come in and be convinced that we can 5AVE YOU MONEY.
Phone 1053
0. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.