0 . 0 6 Days lore CRAM'S CARNIVAL 6 lore Days Our : ladies' suit depart mwt is a busy scene these n days. Hundreds of happy ladies are being fitted out at our Strawberry Carni val prices. Why not you. Don't wait. We will re serve garments if you will ifmake a small deposit, but 0 iYou'11 Have to Hurry cSr $ eWwr i 9- E EVOLVED.' THAT EVER.YONE LIKJ A PLEASANT' SUR.PMSZ. M05T PEOPLE ARE LOOKINC FOR, PRJZE AND SURPRISES' WHEN YoU CET NEW CLOTHED THAT ARE BOTH, IT IS BECAUSE YOU VENT TO THE VERY BEST PLACE. "WHEN YoUVANTTO BUY WHY DoNT YOU Go WHERE THEYSELL THE PE5T ? Copyright I9Q6 bytwc Burrc MiauH Co. chica? No. 16. "-$ FOR. THo.SE WHO DO NOT TRADE WITH JS VE BELIEVE VE .SHOULD HAVE MANY PLEASANT JURPRIJE IF THEY VoVLD. IF YOU WILL LOOK OVER OUR -SPRING AND .SUMMER NOVEL TIES YOU WILL FIND MANY THINGS NEW FOR THIS .SEASON--NOT OLD THINES TAKEN OUT OF STORACE BUT NEW THINC.S. FOR OUR OLD PRTRONJ EACH PURCHASE THEY MAKE WILL CONTINUE TO BE A PRIZE. WHEN SoME ONE GIVES YOU SOMETHING AS A PREWIUM EoR YOUR PURCHASE LOOK OUT. .SOMETHING FOR NOTHING IJ NOT ARITHMETIC- A GOOD VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY AND HAVING YOU COME BACK' TO US FOR EVERYTHING YOU BUY 1-5. HERE ARE .SOME OF THE THINGS THAT WILL MAKE YOUR MONEY .SPRING OUT OF YOUR PURSE. OUR PRICED WILL NOT .SCARE YOU BUT MAKE YoU GLAD. LADIES' $1.25 BELTS. 3SC. LADIES' $2.00 CORSETS, 46C.J MEN'S 85C BIB OVERALES 36C, MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, 38C. RESPECTFULLY, FRANK A. CRAM. THE UP-TO-DATE STORE Our men's clothing is fair ly melting away. Make your selections now. We will reserve suits at the present prices if you make a small deposit. Get the low price advantages. Tts the way to maee money quick Nothing Like It o 3C DC 3C J3 BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Mr. BartmefiH is ii cash basis. Hunt carries a line of paints. Fresh Olympia and Eastern oysters at the Gem Candy Kitchen. See that dandy line of Folders at the Deitz Studio. All the latest styles Thotos at the Deitz Studio. Place your order for a nice chicken for your Sunday dinner with Mctiuire Bros. Clarke will make it easy foryou to buy a diamond. Consult him about it. Cranberries at McDonald's. Maple Syrup and New York Slate Buck Wheat at Jacksou's. Be wise and, get your Photos at the Deitz Studio. Watch Clarke's watches go Fresh Columbia river salmon at Me- Guire Broil. Father time has left some good time pieces at Clarke's. Begin the new year with a clock that keeps perfect time. Jnat received at' McDonalds, half ton clover seed. Something new Puffed Kice Candy, at the Gem Canday Kitchen. Three pounds halibut 25c at McGuire Brothers. The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh candy every day. McGuire Bros, make their own leaf lurd under their own brand. For sale by Emporium. Fifteen acres two miles southwest of Hood River, 10 acres in cultivation, mostly orchard, line land, $300 per acre. Come to the Deitz Studio forfirst class Photos. Don't put it off, but get your photos now at the Deitz Studio. Tent poles made to order. F. !.' Coe. Lettuce, cabbage, rhubarb, asparagus at McGuire Bros. If you waut cracked corn for chicken feed go to McDonald. How about soreeuiug that porch in? F. G. Coe can do it to suit you. Fresh fish halibut, salmon and smelts, at .McGuire Bros. Do you need a carpenter to do that odd job? Call up F. G. Coe, phone 571. Newest, best fishing tackle at McDonald's. For rent by Kmporium. Nice furn-! isbed room for gentleman. $10 per month, j For sale bv Emporium. Ten room cottage and lot, seven blocks from depot, Hood Kiver. Newly repaired, new foun dation, wood fibre plaster, newly painted patent bath and toilet connected with sewer, good location. $1(100 cash. If you want to buy or sell real estate go to Ontliauk & Otteu. Money to loan ou first mortgages. Abstracts , and legal papers carefully prepared, j Notarial work of all kinds. Fresh creamery butter and newly , laiH HnnH Riuer cKBB at McGuire s . .". .1 ( ( .1... .w,.'.l.l.ll ! "Are nt mev nuc, urn ii'i'"'"' 11 diet of the De'iU Photos. It is to your interest to refer to Mr Bartniess'-ad under the new system. Fresh White Salmon asparagus nt McGuire Bios Mist imi suit t his carpenter shop nd look o"or hi col lection of designs. n can ran .- ilcuuire nros. Do yo w"t a piece of Misi ''urn'itore; made just exactly to ou? If so, call on F. G. Coe at F you Reduction In Flour and Feed. Special cash price on Flour and Feed at warehouse. Bran $14 per ton; charts, $10 per ton; Hour, $4 per barrel. 1). McDonald. If you want always to look on the bright side of life, come and let Clarke fit your eyes to a pair of glasses. His apparatus for testing eyes is of the best and most complete. Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and pickled salmon at Jackson's. If you are looking for a nice little home cheap, call on Onthank & Otten. They have just the thing. Fresh fish atMuliuire Bros, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Just received from the east, a half ton of pure maple sugar and syrup at Jackson's. Freeh rhubarb, lettuce, green onions and cabbage, at McGuire Bros. McGuire Bios, are making country deliveries of meat on the east side of Hood river, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Country customers desiring orders filled should telephone their orders Mondays mid Wednesdays. For sale by Emporium. Five farms in one body, 3-0 acres, 5 improvements cleared land with each, 7 miles from White Salmon on (ioldendale road, plenty of water, $.'J0 per acre. Can lie sold in separate tracts for 30 days only. Terms easy. A reduction of 15 to 25 per cent in wall puper for 110 days, at Hunt's. 'Olives in bulk, bottles and cans at Jackson's. Special sale of 1000 rolls of wall paper at Hunt's. New Orleans Molasses in bulk and cans at Jackson's. Monev saved bv linving your flour and feed from .McDonald. If vnn are iJoinu to build or if vou need any kind of carpenter or cabinet work done, let us hgure with you. Wooan save yon money. Dodgo Bros. & Held, phone ool. All kinds of timepieces at Clarke's Come and look at some of them. If your house ollice or funiture needs repuir, cull up Dodge Bros. & Keid, phone lifil. I have 148 aciea of land 0 miles from Hood Kiver, which 1 will sell at a bargain. Will mil all or in lot to suit purchaser. Here is a chance to buy a piece of laud at an unheard of price in Hood Kiver. W. C. Dodge. A torpid, inactive liver can produce more bodily ills than almost anything else. It in good to clean the system out occasion illy. The best results are derived from the use of DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Reliable, effective, pleas ant pills with u reputation. Never gripe Sold by Williams' Pharmacy. .Notice ti Water Consumer. Water for irrigation, by sprinkling nn'v, will be furnished to consumers liviiu ou the South sides of streets mo. .in,' Fust and West from (i:00to :00A M. and to those living on the North sides of the s'reets from 5:00 to 8:00 P. M. Light And Watkr Co. I lioir Meeting The members of the church choirs ol llcod River are requited to meet at. ' the ("ongrn-'iitional ehurcb on Thursday, nt 8:15 p. m. to prepaie music for the Memorial eervice next Sunday. By order of Com. At the ( li II relies. Methodist Preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p.m. Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep worth League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. AH cordially invit ed. V. I!. Evans, pastor. St Mark's Episcopal Church. Holy Communion at 8 o'clock; morning praver at 11, and evening prayer at 7 :'). U. B. Church Sabbath school, 0:45; preaching, 11 a. m.; Junior services un der the leadership of Mrs. Efiie Beeler, 8 p. m. ; Christian Endeavor meeting, 6:30; sermon by pastor, 7:30. All are invited to any and all of these services G. M. Beeler, pastor in charge. Baptist church Sunday school 10 a. m. ; preaching 11 a. m. ; Junior B. V'.P. U., 3 p. m. ; evening service, 7. .'10. Belmont M. K. Church H. C. Clark, pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; Class meeting at 11 a. m. ; Epworth league 7 p. in. ; preach ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun day in month at 11a. m. ; Prayer meet ing Thursday 7:30 p. in. Services a' Pine Grove same as above except preac!. ing, which is on 1st mid 3d Sundays n' 11 a. in. Crupper 1-t and 3d Sundae at3:30; Sunday school at 2 :30. Mourn Hood. The 4ih Sunday at U a n t. ; Sundav school at 10 a m. Valley Christian Sunday school at 10a. in.; pleaching at 11; V. P. S. C. E. at 0.30 p. m. j preaching al 7 :30. Chalk talk every Sunday even ing. We extend a cordial invitation to all to attend the services of the day. W. A. Elkins, pastor. Christian Church. Services at K. of P. hall the first, third, fourth and fifth Sundays of each nic nth. Services at Odell the second Sunday of each month, VV. A. WOOD, Pastor. ' Catholic services will be held Sun day, May 27, at 10-30 a. m., by Kev. Bronsgeest, St. Mary's church. At Mt. Hood, Monday, May 28. At the Adventists church in the val ley on Sunday at 11 o'clock, June 3, the pastor will answer the argument of Homer M. Street in a sheet called "The truth about Prohibition, or has America a faithful jury. " Everybody come and hear, especially the voters. L. O. Dix, Pastor. (Lutheran services and confirmation next Sunday, May 27, at 2 p. m. II. J.- Kolb, Pastor. Services at the Unitarian ohurch next Sunday at 11 a. in., J. B. Bald ridge, minister. Topic, "Devotion to an Ideal." All who believe in the higher life and service of mankind are cordially invited. For a painful burn there is nothing like DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve on the market see that yon get the genuine. Ask for DeWiit's. Good, too, for sun burn, cuts, bruises, and especially rec ommended for piles. The name E. C. DeWitt & '., Chicago, is on every box. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy. All kinds of fresh and cured meats have advanced, but we are still selling at the same old prices, and will con tinue to do so. Yours for business, Mc Guire Brothers. A good complexion is impossible with the stomach out of order, if pasty sal low people would pay more attention to their stomachs and less to the skin on their faces, thev would have better com plexions. KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA will digest w hat yon eat a id put your slomach back in right shape to do its own work Kodul relieves palpitation of the heart, flatulence, sour slomach, Intuit burn, etc Sold by Williams' Ph armncv CET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT f THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES Woodenware. It would be interesting to Voii to know of fIl the articles in woodenware that we carry and the best part is OJJT Littlle Prices Clothes BasKets. Ail sizes in willow and chip, clothes pins, clothes lines ami eev ..tlu-r need for wash day Lit'lt Pliers Butter bowls, moulds, round and sipmre, spades, l.idl.'S. butter paper, etc. Little Prices Seeds. We still have plenty of peas, sweet com, bean-., and other varieties or bulk seeds. Little Prices Whiie Curourpy Caps j t r Vl-s s litli. lot-; are very i. n " v, sod c o: for sii'i'iuer car. 35c to 50c " Fabies" Mull Caps ,'. i ut J.i. ti:a: i i i io.i.'.j upi.i ' be ;av : -ivies. J-'ic. lo 40c. lr,firt's Wear. Mi. e-, ;,h- u.vc, le oteeJ, luotvasiiiH, n:.dei mmi-, bit's, diain-r i lutii Pto;k ants auditors: she-elm.-. Little 1'ri.v Ladies Hosiery. Hie excellent value of our hosiery is what pleases our customers. While footed hose are fine for warm weather. 3 pairs for "ales BlacK Petticoats. Just a f-r 2.5-., f S 00, and $:t...O gar iiiHiilx left, ti e fatuous Hen-i-tta umke Special fl OS Ladies' Cloves. Silksaud mercer J! -d Lisle m black, white, gray and tan, 25c, 3.V 50c. Notions, I Mess shields, ('res- -tirs. t binding, but- t OS, 1.00..S .11. ijts, S.IUp I'llH'.- eners. pins, needles, and ever. need for the dressmaker. Camper's Supplies." We can fit your camp out com plete. Tents, stoves, cooking utensils, chairs, Uemniig, eic. Little Prices to VSU1 UUl iiuiu in w jjthou'und articles im can buy heie , t ........ - ..l nre one ol the must inicrestl li leaiures oi our siunr. iuu- I .tin,! it well worth til ! time so.'iit in looking over the. for nickles that you pay dimes for elsew here. Sheriff Sexton waa down from The Dalles Monday. John Castner and A. J. Derby spent Sunday iu Portland. Joe Morton was a passenger ou No. 1 for Portland Monday. F. C. MaBsee, of Willow Flat, made a trip to The Dalles yesterday. (leo. Slocom patronized the local yesterday by a trip to The Dalles. Mrs. Sarah Treat, of Portland, waa the guest of Mrs. Watt last week. E. M. Shutt, of Antelope, formerly of Hood Kiver, passed through ou No. 2 Friday. Mrs. Dorranoe left Mouday for New York, where she expects to make her future home. H3 The W.C . T. U. ladies have started a project to procure a drinking foun tain for tbe city. Mrs. W. N. Stewart, of Nebraska, is lisiting Mrs. Henry MoCoy ami Mrs. (ieo. Braithwaite. Ed M. Foy, manager of tbe We uutcliee Fruit Association, was iu Hood Hirer Monday. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Walt. Mrs. Stewart and Hoy Slocum took tbe local for Poi Hand Tuesday afternoon. Mis. (ieo. Stekoe, of Wyoth, is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Noble at Frauktou, this week. Levi Chrinman, of Tbe Dalles, waa down S lurday looking over the poli tical situation as regards sheriff. Dr. H. S. lirownton, a dentist ot Prairie City, was looking over the valley last week and visiting friends. Miss Kate Earl, a nurse In Tbe Dal les hospital, is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. S. E. Bartmess, fir a couple of weeks. Mrs. N. C. Chapman, of White Sal mon, came ovet ou the ferry and took Tuesday's afternoon train for Portland. J. T. Nolf, county superintendent of schools, attended the Pine Grove school trial hero last week, returning home F'riday. The ladies' aid booiety of the Con gregational church will meet on Fri day afternoon at the residence of Mrs. H. S. Richmond. W H AhflhnrA. nfTflvRfl. hua nnAiied n riAw rKfltnurHnt. In tliA hllilrtlnff across from Wait's feed atore, which is CHjieu me iiuyai v-uie. It was eported yesterday that Ilobt. Hand had sold tbe corner op posite the Brosius block to Dr. Eliot, but the rumor could not be confirmed. J. M. Confer received word Monday oi the death of his eldest sister, Har riet C. Musser, ut Oraugeville, HI., who died May 17, 1000, aged 74 years. W. II. Perkins, of Poitland, Bpent a few days iu Hood Kiv r, looking over the valley, and left for tbe Bogue Kiver country Monday. Mrs. E. F. Keed, of Cascade Locks, visited ber sister, Mrs. Pbil Struhe, and friends in Hood Kiver from Friday until Monday. Philip Spangler Jetf for tbe Soldiers' Home in California Monday, vbere he will remain for a few months In tbe hopes of benefitting bis health. Chas. N. Clarke brought back bis wife and daughter Monday from Dufur, where they have been visiting Mrs. Clarke's parents for a couple, of weeks. Kev. W. C. Evans, of Hood River, and Kev. B. F. Brown of Oilmer, took the noon train for Pendleton Tuesday, to attend tbe district conference held tbeie this week. Mrs. W. II. Root and family, and her married daughter, Mrs. Johnson and husband, arrived Monday from Ella, Ore., where they have a rancb, to pick strawberries. There will lie a game in Hood River next Sunday between tbe borne team and the Wasco Warehouse team of Tbe I) dies, who are considered tbe best team iu East rn Oregon. W. D. Rogers, the photographer, has purchased an automobile, tbe first one to be owned in Hood River. There was one here for a short time last summer, but was shipped out again. Tbe Baptist Ladies' Aid will have a window sale Saturday, May 2(1, at lioyed's Hall on tbe bilL There will be home-made bread, cakes and pies, and ice cream will also be seived. The sale should be well patronized. Tbe new local train is being so well patronized that another eoacb bas been added. Tbe patrons along the line of the local are more than pleased, and will give it such patronage that it will be kept on permanently. Will Morgan went to Poitland Sat urday afternoon to bring borne bis wife, who bas been visiting L. B. Clark and wife. He also visited bis mother, Mrs. Pengb, at Montavilla, in their new borne. Tuesday Mr. Abbott received a tele phone message saying that Mrs. Mor gan had sprained ber ankla and would he compelled to stay in Portland a few days longer. if J. Otteu aud F. C. Stauffer were passengen for Portland on train 1 yes terday. S. W. Tomliuson, ariived from Ash wood, Ore., yesterday and will spend Borne time on his laud at Mt. Hood. The boys began peddling strawber ries at tbe trains yesterday. They have to take out a license of fit a week or fti a month, and three licenses were Issued Mouday. Dr. Uavey closed his ollice hree aud will go to Condon this week, where ho will practice medicine. Dr. Uavey has made many friends duiing his short stay among us, aud we regret to lose him. Ceorge Winchell, sou ot V. Winohell, of Pine drove, was operated on Mou day by Drs. Colfee and Shaw for ap pendicitis aud a complication of septic peiitouitis, is recovering. Hu also bas an attack of tbe measles. L. E. Morse is attending the (Irimd Lodge at Portland this week as dele gate from Hood River Encampment, 1. O. O. F., and H. J. Hibbard, Ed Mayes and E. W. Udell are delegates from tbe subodinate lodge. F. C. Sheireib. Ralnh Jarvis and Hairy Hackett were called to The Dulles Tuesday as witnesses iu a con test of the claim of Mr. Culbroath. Tbe contestant withdrew the suit and paid the costs. S. E. Bartmess filled an order for furniture for Portland parties this week, aud bas a oouple of more orders iu sight for the same city. This dem onstrates pretty clearly that Hood River prices are lower than Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George Millard, of Portland, are visiting friends in Hood Kiver. Mr. Millard is superin tendent of tbe Portland Cigar Co., and with bis wife is spending his va cation viewing tbe beauties of the val ley. ; Harry E. Phelps, state attoi ney at Britton, b. !., visited bis friend, Dr. Jewett, of White Salmon, last week, and came over to Hood River Satur day. He will go as far as Los Angeles before his return. Mr. Phelps Is look ing for a location out in the western country. Miss Ida Evans, Miss Helen Deitz and Miss Zora Day were elected dole gates to tbe Epworth League conven tion at Walla Walla this week. The two former left for Pendleton Monday where they will attend a conference in that city, aud the latter went di rect to Walla Walla Tuesday, where she will also visit friends before the convention meets. Tbe delightful booklet, "Oregon, Washington and Idaho," Issued by tbe passenger department of the (). If. A N. and the "Road of a Thousand Wonders," a description of the South ern Pacific lines from Portland to Los Angeles, are two excellent advertising publications issued by tbe iliirriniaii system which have done an immense amount of good in making easterners acquainted with tbe true conditions iu tbe west. Both are widely circu lated and are excellent publications. The one great American play which will always linger In the memory and minds of the American people and is being witnessed by more people than any play ever written, Is "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which will be producd in all its entirety by a superior com pany numbering twenty-live artists, and assisted by the Alabama Jubilee Singers, a pack ot Siberian blood hounds and a band and orchestra to morrow evening. A number of Madras people started Tuesday for the strawhrery Holds of Hood River on an outing t nir and berry picking expedition. They ex pect to be away about six weeks. In cluded in the party were: J. T. Smith and family, W. J. Cowherd and family Miss Maud Phillips and Mertin Mort more, of Madras, 1. V. Limlmugh and family, Mrs. F. K. Evans and child ren, 11. L. Evans aud Kay Stamp, of Opal prairie. Pioneer. Gov. Chamberlain arrived ou train 2 Tuesday and was met at t.'ie depot by the Democratic committee, and took a drive out through the valley in the aiteruoon. A fair crowd as sembled at the opera house in the evening aud listened to bis campaign speech. H. F. lily the was chairman of the m etiug and made the opening speech, after which he introduced the governor. J. D. Matlock, candidate for state treasurer, came up on the evening train, but did not airive in time to address the meeting. Three Have Died. Undertaker Nichols was summoned to Collins Friday to take charge ot tbe remains of one of the laborers who were so badly burned by the pow der explosion a couple of weeks ago, and Saturday another one died. Witb tbe foreman, who died tbe next day after tbe accident, this makes three deaths from the explosion. 'The fourth man is still in a precarious condition and bis life is dispaiied ot STATIONERY Wo jiro showing a fino lino of Whiting' & Ea ton, Huriburt's .Stationery. Also fancy pa per iu bulk. Call and look it over. It is sure to ilease you. BLANK BOOKS Full line just arrived Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Day Hooks, Desk Blotters, Rec ord Books and everything in the Memoran dum and Time Book line. Picture Frames made to order at SLOCOM'S Are You Patriotic? s If so patronize Home Industry. Use Hood River Flour and Feed. Come right down to the mill and get your Feed fresh and see how much farther it will go Hood River Milling Co, KILLED ON TRESTLE BY LOCAL TRAIN Monday afteruoon tbe new local train struck Martin Knlsch on the high trestle uear tbe boat landing, knocking him otf on to the ground thirty feet below, from the ellect-i of which be died fifteen minutes later. Tbe road makes a sharp ourvo just east oi the trestle, where it rounds the high hhitf, and and the engineer asw a man on the trestle, as he rounded the curve. He was apparent ly sitting outside of the rail on the ties when seen, but the train oould not be stopped, and be was struck with territlio force by the engine. The train was stopped aud the injured man taken aboard. He was uncon scious when picked up, and died shortly after reaching the station. He was carried into the bagguge room and Dr. Watt summond, who made a hasty examination, and concluded he was badly Injured internally. No outside bruises were noticeable. A letter was found in his pocket ad dressed to "Mr. Martin Kiiiscb, Van couver, Wash.," from H. W. Harri son, at Moutesuuo, Wash. A bill was also found for a small amount, ad dressed to the same name. No one around tbe station seemed to know him. He was apparently between fifty aud sixty years old, and dressed as a laborer. Later it developed that be came up ou tbe steamer Spencer witb Jas. Mo-' Kinney and family from Vancouver, Wash., to pick sta wherries. The Mo Kinney family were to wait on the beach while Mr. Kuiscb went up town to get something to eat. He started up the track and was caught on tbe trestle with tbe above result. Mr. Knisch sold a farm recently and had been making bis borne at tbe Sis ter's Home at Vancouver, who were notilled of his deatb and instructed Undertaker Nichols to forward the body to them for burial. I'e bad tl,UU0 in tbe bank at Vancouver aud no relatives in this part of .tbe coun try that bis friends were aware of. Mayor's Proclamation. Iu accordance with the provisions of a resolution unanimously adopted by Can by Post, O. A. K., autboriizug the mayor of Hood Kiver to request that all business houses be closed a of tbe day, May ISO, l'.MXJ. 1 bereby lespeotfully request all tbe business men within the city limits to close their places of business from tbe hour of one o'clock p. m. to lour o'clock p. m. ou May '.), VM, this being the fortieth anniversary of Memorial Day. Let us all unite in honoring the fallen heroes. A. 8. KLOWEKS, Mayor. Epworth League Anniversary. Sunday was the anniversary of the Kpwortb league, and anniversary ser vices were held at the M. K. Church. There was also a public installation of olllcers, who are us folio as: tSH3 (J iss Helen Deitz, pres. ; Prof. Crouse, 1st vice-pres. ; Ida Wright, i!d vico-pres. ; 1'earl liradley, ;td vice pres. ; Ida Kvans, 4th vice-pres. ; Alva Day, see. ; Mrs. K. K. liradley, treas. Scorpions at The Dalles. Scorpions are not u ual visitors to Dalles homes. In fact we do not re member of having heard of one honor ing our residents with its presence un til Joe lleroux showed us a bottled one this morning and said it bad made its appearance in the bathroom of bis sister's borne ou West Fourth street a few days ago. Across the street from Mrs. Uordion's is a rocky ledge and Mr. Scorpion probably ventured forth from bis biding place beneath these rocks only to get in a pickle, for ha was swept into a dust pan and Bualjy pickled in alchol. He is about two and a bait inches in length and is de cidedly vicious looking. Chronicle. If you need screen doors, window screens or meat safes, don't forget F, U. Coe. Carpeutering. Pbone 571.