I HOOD RIVER GLACIER.tjTH URSDAYEIAY 24, 1906 v TO TELL OF MISSOURI FRUIT St. Louis capitnliHtB who are inter eHtod in fruit orciuinla throughout Missouri me making preparutiouii to secure Htatistics in regard to tlie pro duction of fruit in the Htute, to he U8od in tulvertining Missouri in (111 pints of the world. It is estimated that there are up wards of 20(()00,WX) bearing apple trees in Missouri, and the state is in fact as well as in name the veritable "Land of the HiK lied Apple," aa there is not another state in the Union that baa anywhere near this number of ap pie trees. New York, which used to be oouaidered the premier apple state of the country, claims to have about 15,000,(KX) trees which are bearing fruit. Many of the Missouri tieos are yet voiiiiR, and have not reached their full bearing capacity, and as the present indications point to tho largest fruit yield in the history of tho state, fruit growers are anxiously waiting to see what tho "grand old commonwealth can do in the wuy of an apple yield when she triB. It has been a number of years since tl.ere lias been a full yield of fruit in Missouri and oxpeits are predicting mat 11 uio present ex peotations are realized the yield will surprise even the most sanguine wis souriau, as only a small. peicentage of the present unmoor of trees were hear ing at the time of the Just full yield, which was in HHJi. Of late tho Ozark country lias be come almost one vast orchard and year after year these fruit farms are increasing in area. Not only is Mis souri famous for her apples, but she has secured a good reputation as neach state, as well as producer of small fruits. This reputation is well earned, as her apples, peaches, straw berries and watermelons aro remark ablo. not only for their sizo and keep ing qualities, but for their fine flavor as well, and Missouri fruit finds ready buyers in any marker 1 it the country. Apples are grown in all parts of the state, but most of tho peaches are iirown south of the Missouri river. Millions of trees are already bearing fruit, but tho business is still in its infancy and growers are claiming with good reason that the state will soon become, if she is not already, the leading peach state, as well as the lamest apple growing state, iu the Union. Another advantngo possessed by the state is that, owing to her poculiar climate, the crops, particularly of strawharrlos, watermelons and peach os, in ouo part of the state are gather ed and disposed of before they ripen iu another district, thus allowing them to be rue hud to market as soon as they mature without causing a glut. Jt is the intention of these St. Louis capitalists as soon as the fiuit crop is disposed of, and authentia statistics can lie secured to send these figures broadcast all over this country and Kuropo in order to call attention to the wonderful resources of the state, anil to atti act fruit growers and farm ers as well as to broaden the markets for Missouri fruits. -l'acker. Advice us to Cherry Picking. At tho mid-winter horticultural meeting held at Hartford, Michigan, Denton (Jerhardt gave his plan lor picking cherries. His methods are so radically diirerent from thoso prac ticed by the ordinary grower that a lively discussion followed. He gave a general outline of his methods of rais ing the cherry, soil, locution, selec tion of stock varieties, culture, etc., all of which do not dill'er materially from the methods practiced and recommended by nil good groweiv. As introductory to his talk on pick ing and packing Mr. (icrhardt said that by the usual methods of pulling chenies tlie trees were mined and a chance for a next year's crop greatly lessened by pulling of buds anil limbs together with large quantities of hark, thus creating wuiiuds and raw places tor the introduction uf germs and at the same time lets oiling tho vitality of tho trees. Instead, therefore, of pulling the cherries ho has large sheets made so that two of them will cover the ground under tho largest of his trees. These sheets are spread under a tree and the pickers bland on ladders cut the stems of the chenies lofting them fail upon tlie sheets. Others follow close ly picking up the choriroH us they fall and sort them into quart boxes ready lor shipping. Mr. I ierhardt leaves nut. to exceed one-half inch of stem and dues not practice facing out, as he prefers to have his fiuit show tor just what it is. lie admits that it takes more cher ries to till a cac, hut tho price licit he gets liioio tlimi pays for this extra fruit. The advantages claimed are: Mire fruit picked per baud. (Mr. lierlutrdt pays by the hour.) I'elter sorted fruit, hotter priced obtained, mid above all, the trees are left, in belter condition lor the nest yam's ciop, as the buds are not torn and stripped as iu the old method of pulling I he fruit. Mr. ( ierhardt recommends low head ing of tlie trees and trimming at least enough to allow the pickers free ac cess to all parts ol tho t ree. National Fruit I M ower. Frost in linker Valley. "Last Tuesday night put tlie Mulsh ing touches on I ho fruit crop ol linker valley and it also put a gro it many gardens out of coininissiou. if was one of I he coldest May nights on re curd and ice a quarter ot an inch thick formed on tlie pools of standing water. There is no doubt hut tile fruit crop in the immediate linker val ley is badly damaged if not entirely ruined. The gardens aro also badly damaged and thorn inavle a dearth of tresii vegetables for the early sea son. "Vohtcrday it was rainy and b lister ing all day witli snow falling mi the mountains. There was a cold north wind sweeping up t ho valley mid in the afternoon there was a snow Hurry which made the foot hills look very white. The sky cleared about mid night and the wind wont down w ith the result the thermometer took a tumble and Jack Frost nipped the truit and vegetables, lioports from F.aglo and Pino valleys say that tho fruit is not damaged there. And it is not known just wb.tt the extent of the damage is in linker valley. "Tlie spring had been exceedingly dry up to the last lew days and over portion of tho Inland Kmpire where crops are raised w ithout irrigation the wheat has sullered. Hut com mencing this week heavy rains fell and the indications are now that there will Iks bu average wheat crop this yar,"-linker City Herald. Why take a dozen thing to cure that cough'.' Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar allays the congestion, slops that tickling, drives the cold out through your bow els. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy. Big Crops in Colorado. Crops on the western slope of Colo rado, from present indications, will bo' a record breaker. Fruit condi tions are generally extremely favor able It is expected that the Grand Valley will shin 2.000 carload.- and the North Fork country about 1, ' 00 car loads of peaches nloue, while i,M) car loads of apples are expected to lie sent from tho North Fork country. The apple crop especially pi onuses to be large. i Tho weather has been very favorable for the past few months, and the ground is tilled with enough moisture to last well into the middle of the sea son, needing but little irrigation. Motchkiss expects the best fruit year ever known. People aro some what exeroisod for fear that with the big yields they will lie caught unpre pared to handlo tho great crops. Fruit Trade Journal. It. is possili e to obtain relief from chronic indigestion and dv-"p-ia by tho use of ICO DOl, lolt DYiSl'FI'SlA. Kome of the most hopeless cases of long standing have yielded to t. It enables you to digest the food you eat and ex ercises a corrective inllucnoe, building up the efficiency of the digesi ive organs. The stomach is the boiler wherein the steam is made that keeps up your vital ity, health and strength. Kdol di gests w hat you eat. Makes the stomach swcCt puts the boiler in condition to do the work nut ore den i an Is o' it gives you relief from d e-live dividers, and puts you in shape to do vour best, and feel your best. Sold by Williams' J'har acy. ('caches will lie Scire "There will be no poaches for ex port iu our section of tho country," said Wold on iImiii this morning while discussing the Snake river fruit priHpoeta with the I.ewiston Teller. "We will have a few for home use and that is all. there will ho no apricots for any use. tlie crop was entirely killed but thorn will be a good crop of cherries and a fair crop of apples. Mr. Wilson lives atSilcott, on the Al powa, and is one of the best known fruit growers ou the river. Post muster Itoliheil. (i. W. Fonts, postmaster at kiverton, Ja., nearly loft las life and wis robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which shvh: "For -'() years 1 bud chronic liver complaint, which led to a severe case of jaundice Hint even my finger nails turned yellow, when my doctor nrescribed Klcetric Kilters, which cured mo ami have kept me well for eleven years. ' Hiiro cure tor bullous ness, neuralgia, weakness and all stone acb, liver, kidney and bladder derange ments. A wonderful tonic. At Clias N. Clarke's drug store, fit) cents. Sore i'iiiles. A euro may bo effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with n soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with tho best results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Keir & Cans. FREE r TRIAL b V OHTOVB IAEM0IA U.S. CREAM SEPARATOR Va know from onr rfpnltniti Willi oT.r 2 7l Hairy1!! In Hi 1'ai'lllc Nuithwoat and rrom our own lrartli'l i' l -rlntiia In : ritilrylng that k . tba U. S. t r. Cream Neliaratnr ll uunt uraeilral wpiritur for nrr-fltr aann u. ft li m h wall-maila plot ot inaAUa?? tiint It win mat i llf.Uru.. rMds Tfry Air th. (lulrkflht, aaltt a.r.lca. It ll tha baal THltie for tlif mmifiy anil wa guarantee H oar Nli, In uHltlml to Uw uranti of a factory. To .how our oonfltt.nca la tula .ejmrator we will ahlp joa ona on tan tfaya fr.a trial. 'Hun If It don't prota aa rapraaaot.4 the but and m.t praitl"l for rixir own Baa, jnu nair return It at our aapanaa. wlaaalwixxl toilai aland- with I la fnaranta Milnil thouaanda of tJ. t. Reparatora, ana thara jiaa nca.r bn a daj wbrn wa haaa r.fT.tl.rt harluf guarantoad tlila nna aaparator. Wa ara Uinmuflilr and prirllcallr ramllla wltb Ilia adrautagna and dlaadrantagaa of ararr at-parator on Ilia lnaraot and wa ara baadLutf tha II. S. Srimrntur bucouaa wa know It to b tha liat Ihfra la. ' 8K1MS M.BANKHT In addition, ttia 0. S. Separator alUma tba milk claanar than torn anr olbar inachlna. Tlila haa baan damon alratod oar and orar again. Tba world'i raoord for rlaan aktmnilng haa baan bald bf tba IT. S. Hand Sapiralor fur many Taara. No otbat band aaparator haa baan abta to aqnal tlia ruiord nanta Bra yaara ago at tha I'an-Amart-ran Ripoaltlon, and rt thta raoord waa tawata4 T tba II. N. Saparator In tha official taat lit tba Lawta and Clark fair laat yaaf. It will outwaar an olbar aaparator, It ll mora aair and almpla to onarata. It la aaalat tu keap cluim and it will kaap rlgbt on yaar altar jer doing lta dally work, flrlnf par' aallifacllon. PAYS KOn ITftKhr Tba TJ, g. Baparatr will pay for ttiilf In ona Jar In aitri crafrn d orar what omild b akloma1 In tba old fmblonad way. If yon don't ballon it taka udiantaga of our fraa trial offar and mala tba ttst rlgbt on your own farm. Rklm In both waya and flgura out tba tiault In your own yu. You will fmd tba aaparator will pay to KaaU In a yar. Wa nail It on aaay tarma and will tnka crean lo parmant, ao yoo naad not tar ua ona cant for tba aaparator, and at tb (nd of tba yar tba machina will all ba paid for. Have You Dyspepsia, Indigestion t Tf tnilav vnn anffffr frnm imnftlred di- oostinn. sliuifisb liver or imnure blood. and you were told of s preparation which' would cure yon at small cost, woum you try the remedy? There Is a medicine Green 'a August Flower. Go to your ilriicifisl'a and bnv u test bottle for 25 cents, or the regular size for 75 cents. If you have used all other dyspepsia reme dies without satisfaction, or if you have never used any preparation forthese dis tressing affections; if yon have headache,' biliousness, loss of Hptite, sleepless ness, nervousness, or any disorder of the stomach or liver, cure yourself quickly by using the infallible August Hower. It is not an alcoholic stimulant, bui quite harmless for general use. Get a copy of Green's Prize Almanac For Kent. For a long term of years, south hal of Mock 8, I'arkhurst, and three acreg east of I'arkhurst. W. J. Baker & Co. DESK FANS-BRACKET FANS All styles for olliees, stores, restau rants strong hroo.os at little cost I et us have your Ian order early. San Francisco stock destroyed and sliipnicn's must come from St. Louis Hood River Electric Light, Power & Water Co. Midway Chop House 1IOOI) HIVKK, OUKGON WALTON & THORNTON, Proprietors Good Rooming Housee in Connection Hvi-rvthino;- First Class ami prioos moderate. BARGAINS IN REAL EST AT L We can offer the following properties for sale cheap for a short time only: (iood residence property close to hus inees blocks. Six lots and large residence on the Height. To lots and fine two-story residence witii grand view. Htnall residence en large lot, very cheap. Good residence property in the upper town. 1M 50x150 and good It-room house. Good acreage property within city limits. Several nice little farms near town. Good apple land forsaie on reasonable terms. Onthank fl Otten Hood River Oregon "KEGULTOIt LINE" Sti amers leave Portland and The Dalles daily, except Sunday, at 7 o'clock a. in calling at Hood JRiver, eastbound, at about 4 p. ni. ; westbound at Bbout 8 ::i0, p. in. Direct connection at Lyle with the C. It. & N. Railway to end from GoMendale and Klickitat valley points. For any further information add ess any agent of the company or M.TALBOT, V P. A G. M., Portland, Oregon PURE CRYSTAL ICE DAVIDSON FRUIT COMPANY MAVCKACTCKKIH DELIVERY DAYS: Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday Morninrjs and Saturday Afternoons Order Direct from Factory IMioiio Main 71. CHICAGO Tho greatest comfort, maximum of safety, least delay and fastest schedules nre assured by travel ing over the Chicago & North Western Railway and its connect ing lim s to Chicago via Omaha or via bt. l aul and Minneapolis. This is the route of The Overland Limited and of The Atlantic Express daily trains, with direct through service- from l'ortland via Omaha. Direct connection at St. Paul and Minneapolis with four mag nificent daily trains to Chicago. All agents sell tickets via this line. Tui turihtt Inlormitloa apply lo ll. S. Commissioner Notary Public GEO. T. PRATHER The Oldest Insurance and Real Estate Agent in town Insurance Loans Abstracting Hood River, Oregon L. M. WILSON PINE CROVE, ORE. ...General Merchandise... l l-Ol li, FKEP, GROCERIES, . WORK SHIRTS, OVERALLS, " NOTIONS. CIGARS, TOBACCO DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES MY GOODS ARE RIGHT, MY l'RICES ARE RIGHT " (r -CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE IN- 1 Rivcrvicw Park and Idlewilde Additions Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON 0 R. & N. TRACK WITH DEVELOPED WATER POWER Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill FRUIT LAND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. Office next to Wauconia Hotel HOOD RIVER Square Deal Store it Honest Goods and Square . Deal for Every flan" . . IS MY MOTTO I carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed and our prices are right. The best tools that money can buy are none too good for Hood River orchards, and I ara in a position to supply you Mitchell Wagons and Buggies a Specialty Acme Harrows, Disc and Peg-Tooth Harrows, Chilled and Steel Plows, Planet j "Jr. Cultivators, and Seeders, Meyers Spray Pumps and the Best 7-Ply Hose in the Market. De Level Cream Separators, Guns, Amunition and Fishing Tackle JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD STUMPING POWDER, CAPS AND FUSE 100,000 BRICK IN LOTS TO SUIT Yours for Business Phone 741 D. M'DONALD 3rd (and Rjver Street. Hood River. Ore, i j i' laDQSODS' crm 1000 acres select apple liud, ln-st location in Hood River Valley; Mnall pri'-es on .r, 10 or 40 acre tracts by owner. Ruy w lu re you can real ize advancing values on your improvements. Lots in Winans City are profitable investments. You can reach this place by rail. .R.Winans Hood 15 iver, Wasco county, Oregon. cnens: Millinery Announcement We are now ready to show you the latest crea-. ations in Millinery. DAVIDSON FRUIT GO FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit oxes Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit. l HUAflTfRS putt I Sjfj'fe? -Villi ' This Bank Free In the Book of Proverbt we find ttiii advice; "Train up a child in the way he ihotild go, and when he ia old he will not depart from' il." The advice of King Solomon BiaJ cer tainly be applied to the boy or girl, who, by menus of a Home Recording Safe receive, during Ms minority, practical leaaoni In thrift' and aavings. One of our Home Saving Kanka which you can have FREE upon cpeniugau account with one dollar or more, if in your home, ia a constant appealing educator, b-ae'tU ing the habit of Having silently, forcefully, 1' not to be denied. Savings Department First National Bankv LTMINaTJX, OG3QC DC 3C I n i An 1 .VI v ic tuc ti Mr cfo 0 l lot IIIU MltlL. I VIA ' SPRING REMEDIES So why not use one that is guaranteed. .....ASK US ABOUT IT. CLARKE 0 OC30 THE DRUGGIST 3 CuT 0 30 C30 V. S. STANLEY, Pres. K. I.. SMITH, Vitv-rree." E. O. BI.ANCIIAR, Cashier W V. BROCK, Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Capital and Surplus $30,000.00 WC offer you the facilities of a well managed and well tiquipped batik. The interests of patrons receive our careful attention. DAVENPORT HARNESS CO: HAVE IN THEIIt E .New Harness Shop. I A large line of Whips, Tents, I Axel Oreace and Harness Oil I We would like for you to come and examine our har ness repair woik which is quickly attended to. FASHION. STABLE .Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN. Hood River, Ore. Ilorees bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure firat-claaa riga. . Special attention given to moving furniture ana ' pianos. We do everything horses can do. they're first in quality at your. Store J. E. NICHOLS UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR I hold licence from the State Board of Oregon and Washington, and am qualified to ship bodies to any point. Prompt service either day or night. Hearse furnished on all uccusioud Pallor Phene Mnin 1143 Residence Phone Main 14!M SchlfSer Building, Hood Rirar, Orawoa SUMMER SCHOOL-ilil SMB Nl MM June 27 to August 7, and August 13 to Sept 7. First six weeks devoted to special preparation for County and State Exam inations. Regular Normal subjects and methods also. Ijut four weeks continuation of Normal instruction and special attention to Primary Meth ods with model pupil classes. Faculty of Over Twenty Instructors. Regular Normal faculty, assisted by noted college and public educator. Tcrrios : First Term, $7.50; Second term, $5. For catalogue, summer school circular or other information write to Pres. E. D. RESSLErl, Monmoth. Oiegon.