HOOD KIVEE Q LACIER, THUlltiDAY, MAT 24, 1906 UGGINS & CO WE ARE LOOKING FOR THE MAN Phone Main 521: :FREE DELIVERY Uadies' Waists Just recei ved a large assortment of waists in '' .1. '' " Linens, j Lawns, Z Bateste, Ginghams We have all prices C!1 50c to $5.00 ECONOMY Is the key note throughout this store, Here always there are opportunities to Save Money, and the satisfactory feature in connection with our low prices is the fact we never loose sight of Quality or Style Clothing Boys' three-piece wash suits 58c. to 98c. Best Quality. One pair pants extra with each suit Men s Suits Tailored up in Latest Styles. Per suit from $5.00 to $18.00 LEI. &C0. InsDBGttliB Ant, Best ifl Lowest PriCBfl SB of Gifls ii tie Gil? Mere Bifi-LII&CO. MEETING OF THE ; COMMON COUNCIL The regular ineetiDg of the Com mon Council wag held Monday even ing, Couioilman Watt uud Mayea being absent. Mayor' Blowers reported the ap pointment of Wm. Taylor as night polioemap, which waa ratified by the council. 3f The dog ordinance waa passed, and the iloense fee fixed at ?3 foi male or spayed female Jobs and 85 for female. There were a few unimportant changes made fiom the ordinance as printed last week, and the new ordinance as passed is a stringent one, copied very closely from the Portland ordinance. It makes it unlawful to keep a dog In the city limits, whether kept tied up or not, without paying a license. There waa aomediscuBsion about rais ing the license fee, but the majority were in favor of the higher fee, and it was voted ' The new street grade ordinance passed its aeoond reading and referred back to the judiciary committee. ' A letter was received from Mrs. Rig by offering f 10 a lot for ten lota in Ir win 4 Watson's addition, which is the property where the pest house ia lo cated. It'was concluded that the city might need the property at any time, and concluded to keep it, so the offer waa refused. The Title Loan and Trust Co. re fused to pay their sewer assessment, claiming tbey were entitlod to come in under the bonding act,' and that the city had no choice in the matter. As it ia claimed they did not make ap plication in time and as it would not pay the city to issue bonds for so small an amount, no action was taken in the; matter -of- bonding, but the matter was referred to Attorney Wil son, of The Dalles, who is the attor ney for the fewer matters. The sewer estimate of about $5,400 waa allowed, and as there is not enough money in the fund to pay, a warrant waa ordered 'drawn for $5,000 and a smaller warrant for the balance, so that the larger amount could be paid at once' and the smallor one in a few days. Tot bill of $56 from the O. R. & N. Co. (or superintending the digging of the aewer across the track, was con sidered exborbitant, and referred back to the contractors to settle with the railroad company. The sewer committee were instruct ed ti force collections on all sewer aw aessiieuts not yet paid, and action will se taken at once. CRAPPER Mr. and Mrs. R. li. Lindsey, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Reed and Prof, and Mrs. Aroeson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, on the east side, on last Sunday. Miss Ida Hakel, of Ban Francisco, arrived in Hood River a few days ago. She is at present staying with her brother, John Hakel. Miss Hakel was one of tbe earthquake and tire suiTor ra. She lost allot her belongings ex cept the clothes that she was wearing at the time. Mrs. Fregge baa recently treated her house to a new ooat of paint. P. H.. Martiu .and Dr. Dumble have bought the Van Johnson place. J. W. Jones baa charge of it. The Crapper ladiea will give an ice cream social at the school house on Thursday evening, May 24, 1906, for the benefit of the . Christian ohuroh. The cause is woitby of a liberal pat ronage. The niarrit-d men are invited to come and bring their wives and the young men and old bachelors are in vited to come and bring their sisters, and those who have no sis' era will be expected to do the next best thing, that la, bring someone else's sitter. The well known ability of the Crapper ladies for getting op entertainments ia ample assurance of a good time. Miaa Mary- Wiokbam visited with Mrs..Kiusey,ln liood River ou last Sunday. A SEW O. R. A K. TRAIN'. Upper Columbia River Given Sen Ice That Is Appreciated. The new local Upper Columbia Riv er Train put.on by the Oregon Rail road 4 Navigation Com i any, May 20, will do much toward attracting tour ists to points along 'be river between Portland' and The Dalles. The new tratnVleaviug- Portland as it does, at 8:16 a. u. and arriving at PorUaud at 6 p. m. the same day, gives one an oppViRunity to spend the day at some of the delishtful places along the Up per Columbia River, and permits tbeffl to return borne the same day. The train ia made up of baggage car and coaches, and stops at all points in both directions so as to accomodate local travel aa much aa possible. The ligntrfesa-of the train, however, per mits it to nlu at a high rate of speed between stations, so that even with tops, good time is made. There are many beautiful places locgjtbe river, such as. Rooster Rock, Latourelle, Multnomah Falls, Bonne ville, at which a day's outing and pic nlo oan be enjoyed to the uttermost and this Jiewaervioe makes, it .possible to take such outings, whereas, in the past, when the service has been per formed by the heavy through trains, it has not been possible to do this. Columbia Southern passengers in stead of waiting at Biggs, which is un attractive, are taken to The Dalles promptly where they await the train for Portland, coming in on No. 1, as at pres nt, or taking the local as they may desire. W. C T. U. Special Solleo. By the kindness and co-opeiatiou of the Baptist society, the ladies of the W. C. T. U. are enabled to open a reading room on the Heights in Boyed'i bull. It ni.l bo oien i.t least during strawberry season. It is intended to be a plaoe or iet, instruction, and en tertainment. Writing material will lie at the disposal of those who wish it. The Daily Oregon iau, aim a vari ety of magazines and exchanges, will be on our tabies. All are cordially invited to come and enjoy evenings of rest ami profit. Open from half past six to ten. Any one having good reading to donate please notify Mrs. Hartley. Trout Lake Electric Line. Talk in regard to the Trout Lake electric line seems to have quieted down of late but that is no reason for believing that the proposition is a dead latter. In fact, if we are cor rectly informed, things are going ahead in a very satisfactory wanner. Papers are being made out and signed and the preliminary work of organiz ing is progressing. We understand that a prominent saw mill man from Texas has avowed bis intention of putting in a saw mill that will employ 200.rnen just as rood as the railroad company can handle lis product. This of itself would go far toward paying the running expenses of the road. There is not the slighted doubt that the road would be a paying proposition from the start and we ex pect to see the cars running in a year and a ball from now. lOuterprise Testimony in Rebuttal. Editor Glacier Roy Wood wot th and mytelf commenced to dig ditch Mon day morning, nhore Mr. Woodworth sayshe spent $1"7 and placed !80 loads of gravel. No gravel was hauled until the ditch waa dug and the bridge raised. Two teams commence to haul Wednesday noon and hauled until Friday night, four horses on the sorapor one and a halt days; SHI) lrads of gravel would put about 10 loads to the rod. The fact is this: most of the gravel was hauled to Methodist lane, of which the teamsters and my neighbors will testify. C. L. Morse. Decoration Day at White Salmon. On Decoration day, May 30, J. A. Warner Post, (J. A. R., will meet at their hall at ten a. in. and march in a body to the graveyard to hold mem orial services in commemoration of the day. All other societies are in vited to attend, especially the school chidren, and participate in the ser vices. All patriotic citizens are in vited to attend and participate in the services. l!cv. J. Morgan Lewis will delivi r ih ) t.ddr sffter the services a basket dinner ill be served in the hall to which all are invited. It is hoped that the business men will close their establishments from 10 a. in. un til noon and uilicipi.te in the ser vices. Enterprise. Protect Proprietary Medicines. Iid it ever occur to von that proprietary medicines uie a I'irssins to niun!inl generally. The good ones have long con tinued sale; the pour ones have slii.it life ami mcii leuv the market. If we hail tn depend .-ii'irely upon phy sicians ami dnw:gi-is it wi n!il he expen sive anil verv ilirntiv iiient ill times. especiallj in the ci.iintiy ami at night when i.cilliei count lie convenient ly reached. For neurlv forty yeirs : -dice's Herman Srtii has been li-cl i'i manv families, ami thnusamlsof liu nf adult and children have lieen saved i itu nod ul.eti it was imiiiiKsilile to rem a physician, (iernian Syrup is the hest household remedy fur cngli-, colds, throat an'1 hi I trouble. It ipnckly re lie. is toe I., i ! i tr niHh, Nio.ens the ph'egm, ai.il tn ii i: -nund and refresh ing sleep. I went.. K'" mil leven'y Hve cents, tiet a copy of tireen's Prize AlllKi.ilc. White Salmon Will Clean I p. It his l.ttn left to tie laili s tl White Sain on to inaugurate (he clean ing up n (ivcmeut that is going on in all the towns of tlio state of any im portance. Tho Women's Working Club at its iLetting on Wednesday af ternoon determined to hire a team on a certain day to haul otf all the old tin cans and other rubbish on the ttreets and deposit it in some place where it will be no moro teen or stumbled over, and all tbey ask is that the men gather up the rubbish and rlalit-ar it. tntha FMuhinn ltrerv stable. And now it is up to the men to act. Will tby rUe to the occasion oi uot? We believe that all who lore cleauli nees better than dirt; who love beauty more than nn ightly objects, and who nre not too lazy will do their share in mailing our teantiful little town yet more beautiful. Luturprise. J. C. Egbert and Al Bettinger came down from The Dalles Tuesday to meet Gov. Chamlerlaiu. SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers Special attention given to making and repairing Grubbing Tools and Loggers' Tools EXPERT HORSESHOERS iff- Aia? Rft?V" "-"""3 : 5f?1 i 1 V-i - lik m I . - ( 1.C f -.-Tr- - i-j-i Cr r ,, I', v T ' f vSv . VOTE l-OR JOHN HAMPSHIRE FOR County Clerk on't Forget Vote for Ed. Kurtz Regular Demo cratic nominee FOB TREASURER OK Wasco County VOTE FOR .AL BETTINGEN. Regular Democratic nominee for SHERIFF OF WASCO COl'.NTV COMING OPERA HOUSE Friday, May 25 BEESON BROS.' UNCLE TOM'S CABIN I (?rxDniYersalH ' II Mj. i i m iyiukui : ' Mixes anl Kneads I Bread Thorouglily f 1 In Three Minutes C I Minds do oat touch the dough. I I DOES AWAY WITH HAND KNEA0INB AND 1 I MAKES BtntR BREAD. I 1 WM. M. STEWART I 1 (tnnviinr . " cirVTIPr I If you liear if anything new and good for tlm comforts ami convenience of home COME TO STEWARTS and see the goods, and get full explanation. We are your agents. It is your protection we can for. Brass Band Orchestra Ponies Bloodhounds, Etc. Watch for the Parade Reserved Seats at Clarke's Drag Store NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. lertment of the Interior, United BUtra l-unn umre, i ne iiaiiea, ore.. April in, 1MK. Notice Ih hereby given that the folluwlnn niiriied settler haK filed notice of his Intention to make lliml pnsif In nupport of tila claim, unit that said tmiot will be made before the !it-ui.ier ana iieceive ine latia omco in 'he l'allen, Oregon, on June 1st, 1MJS, vii: JOHN JANHHKN of The riHllea, Ore., on H. K. No. 1MJ64 for the lot 4, HWX NWJi. and NK BWJi. section 2, townstiip if north, range Meant, w. M.t baaed on Improvementa, realdenoe andi cultivation of the El4. aectlon tt, towDahtpl aouth, range 1, east W. M., on which boiiieaiead eotry No. waa made and final certificate No. 221.H wh iMtied J ill' im, under tho act of April IS, 1HW. He namea tl wltneaaea to prove Din contin uous residence upon and cultivation of the liiKt ahove-ueMTioea lana : John lietlen, The liallea, Oregon : J. W Mraaenger, K. Hears and Carl Peetz, all of Moro, Oregon. M1LHAKL T. NOLAN, Bl9-mS4 Keg later. Bulls tor Service I keep two balls at mi place for service. Any out wishing the use ot same must pay at the time servloal rendered. Service, II. 1 alto do danornlng at !ta per bead, Bruno rrau Norm UeUoont. &-dov1. Who wants to save money on his next suit of clothes. for Style, Quality and Fit We Lead them All Come in and be Convinced cSrwa.ocK m.' The Leading' Clothiers VOGT BROS. HoodlRiver. Oregon MUNTiHOOD HOTEL The Home of the farmer r i ' , i,i' i'L1 i - ' . v ' - s ' .jr !" . v i ' i s .. : o f- 3 5.;.!.;. v-..v'.. 'v..-' I;: i ".-.-.' -- .1, , 'T lr? r - Tito.-1 fpHfk I ravel- i ft: r.r4v ' IV,an it Toiinsi CLARENCE F. GILBERT, Manager Dodge Bros. & Reid CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAKERS Figures snd estimates furnished on nil kinds of building and contracts. FURNITURE AND OFFICE FIXTURES " MADE TO OKDKH All kinds of Repair Work Neatly and Promptly done, Shop: 3d Street. Phone IKI Hood River Dairy Delivered Morning and Eveding Can supply all orders from now on BRUNO TRANZ C. P. R. Next Door to McOtiirc Brothers. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired All work done with Electric Iron and guaranteed If You Want 20 Acres of the best 4-year-old Spitzcnberg & Newtown Orchard that ever laid outdooi'H.call or write to SHEPARD & FRANZ. WALL PAPER New stock just received from Chicago Nason Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Calcimo and Gellite, Etc., Etc. Painting, Paperhanging, draining and Sign Work. We do our own work, trust to no unknown men, and Guarantee Everything Firstt Class IMerenec : LOUIS D'HEILLY & SONS, Firnt mitiomtl Hunk. Painter and Paperhantfer r Don't Forget Till':- When you want first-class work done at home. All kiiidn of Laundry Work and Cleaning Lace curtainc, 5ic; blankets and carpets, 25c to 50c. Phone mOll . GUn Fabrlck, Prop. Patronize Home ...Industry... Our Work cannot be ...Excelled... Correct Summer Hats We are in touch with all the latest and best ideas. Our workroom is busy as a bee hive filling orders on the I new shapes. Our Midsummer huts will add variety,. Style and Tone to your Hummer wardrobe. ZIfcTaIFIF'S CORSET C0VER39c tow amonrat To advartlas our atampsd CorMt CoT.ra w. will and to any J jrss. this hundaom. COR8RT COTKR. aUumpa In aitra qual ity FTaneli carnono, wnn jq cotton Iv mbrold.r, til aJC fer TheNecdlecraftShop M WkaUaftem M, WmVtmM, Ot. m HsX wS 10 IRRIGATED LANDS like overythlnK elsr, liave difforfnt miIiior. An nrre of land on a mountain aide is m Iiiik' nrt nn "' re f tl'e tlti.-st irriKuleil lanils, but as n cent com pared with a illtn', nr a tive-ii-nl pifre Willi a five dollar gold piece, one may le worth ti-n or a hundred tlm- more than the other. The ItrlKat'd lamia owned hy IhiK niniinny lie on the opposite aide of the i'oliinihht Itivir from Kennewiik, In Walla Wallu I'ounly. Wush.. and mar the new town of ATTA2.IA, whirl. In lixated at the Junction of the Northern I'm Ifl. -. Wanhiniiton r Columbia Hlver and the O R. & N. Hallro.'iil.i; also at the head of navigation on the Columbia River. The eaiiei lal nilvmiti'ijeH of this dlatrti-t are: 1The earlv jn-asonH. L lllirh prices for early products. 3 Unex celled transpnrtiitlon faellltles. 4 Abundant water supply. 5 Most fer tile land In li e state. Cams rlrareA end lve!c lands from which crops can b. secursd this ysar for s:i:. ABUNDrNT Grtf VITV WATER SUPPLY. NO PUMPING. For i rii es r' latiie to Irrlratrd lands, or lots In ATT1LIA, together With nii; s l::.d ': I !; 1 ve literature, call oil or address TCI COLUMBIA CANAL COKFAVT, 609, 510 Marlon llulldlnK, D. r:.rln..nt 3 Seattle, Wc.nh.