HOCD RIVER OLAOEEB, THUhtiDAY, MAY 24, 1906 OREGON APPtEST)tKE" FANCY OF ENGLISH Oregon appfes fcave OHiigtt with the BritUtier of tBbtrt,aiid . latliioi- He has forsaken ttie New 'rhtk production which be hag beeo ted for yearn auil now demands the neatly wmpped up-plethatcon-.es to Loudon Irom the orchards of Oregon.., t'l'he,. develop ment of this taste is. the rebult of 7 ears of work on,, the part ot local ibippen and growers, who have con-' itantly sung tLe vii tues of the nett ro fruit in the iliiiti markets. The lirititiber tealivt pi w that the Oregon apple it the beat filial tut h Q.ldalf orcla and be is clamoring at the market places for iuore-t. -.lliem -tbaij have been shipped In the past. And he is willing to pay the highest prtoea -fop me goouB. ine oriutsu iiaue wouiu rather have a bushel box of Oregou apples than a-barrel of New York's best," says Captain Gordon Voorhies, a large grower and fhijiper -ot ..applqa from bis Medfoid oichards, who has returned from an extended ( European toux enthusiastic over the future of Oregon apples in the fpreigu markets, lie flatted on the ooneioent and kept in close touch with the mrrket in Eng land, the principal shipping point for local apples. 'The English are waking up to the fact that ourapples are better than, those of any other state or country,' be said. "It was a hard lesson for the Britisher to learn,' for he has hail his taste educated on the barreled ap ples that are shipped in great quanti ties from the New York orchards. Our careful selecting and neatness in boxing caught bis eye at last, and ut ter a few years of sampling be has been won over to our cause. Mow t(j6 best trade of England demands Oregon apples. The. sumptuous ppeatarice of our boxes when they are opened in the markets did much to place them ahead of all rivals. "I look for the trade to increase each year and for the prices to be strong." ' Continental Europe did not so -appeal to Captain Voorhies as a market lor Oregon apples. The Oei mans are nettled at the Ingres of American food products and tbey are quick to llnd fault and discard any shipments they can. The tariff on apples also adds a handicap to their successful marketing The wealthy class of Oermauy pre fer a continental grown fruit. Southern Europe has yet to see the Oregon shipments. The Held there, according to Captain Voorhies, is limited because of tpe-'cost of ship ment aud existing tariffs. Captain Voorhies will remain in Ore gon for several months then rejoin bis family in Switzerland,. Rogue River Courier. . iWoman Suffrage Editor Glacier One of the ques- ions asked by the mitieurrragiets is. hy do Orrgcn wcrnr.ii want to vote: One rrnM.il, i.iuui.k irafiy others, they want to It ml a 1 1 1 ing hand to their i-Ul. r i-IhUs. lon't you kuow Ortgou i.-r hiking lie ii ad in apples, aud it i;n'l want t,i ie behind in liolitical redii in. 1 leliole there are enough giil l.iiicolu am) Koosetelt liepiiblicuiia and enough Jelt'emonian Democrats, also Prohibit iouibts and Sociilihls to. help our cuute. It is true onion hate advantages in this state which otiier stutes do not give, but the leavening proceps will not be complete until women are admitted into full fellowship iu political free dom. Many men have si use euough to know we have been en probati n long enough, aud those women do uot now care to vote, if they ever did have the privilege, would uo doubt enjoy it as much as those who favor it at the present time. Compulsion and privileges are two ditJeient things. Can any woman truthfully say, I am willing that tiny luan shall compel me to lie silent where my individuality declares 1 am ot age aud old enough to decide for myself in ail matters pertaining to my iuterei-t and the in terests of those near end. dear to met 'or thero is not or.o subject which claims the. attomun of the American people today but w hat ought to be bared in by both men and women. As far as representation is concerned, one poison can never leproseut an other. Opinions and judgments differ, and what is most needed iu womaukind in geueral, is maepen- deuce and s'df reliance. Ihese com mand self resuect. With such a com- nnatiou. women need have no fears that they will be lees the woman, less the wife or the mother. They need vo no fears that family discords will re vail. As one gentleman taid uot long ago, "Matters will adjust ii.em selves." It should bo remembered it is the big hearted, broad minded men who are our friends in this campaign ot equal rights, aud the writer has been encouraged aud pleased with the outlook from the fact that the young men taKe so kindly to the movement. And'why? Verhajm because they read Snd think and feel with her that it would have a developing luiiuence, as Well a a moral influence, in mould ug the chhructera aim nanus oi nuiu men and woman, thus giving tetter preparation for the ur.tivo duties aud responsibilities of life. A self-re- coctmg coil inuiiiiy is h sine com munity, a rich gaiden tpi t for the culture of youth. iiuna a num. Big Apple Conn ties. . v' Arkansas has the distinction of em bracing two counties which contain more bearing apple trees than:' any similar areas in the world. These counties are Benton, - with 1,613, 30G, and Washintgon, 1,505,141- This was five years ago. Many tree's were planted after 1897 which have since come to beHrfng age. A vast increase iu the number of apple tiees planted for commercial orchards followed the great apple crop of liMJl. The number of bearing apple trees at. the present time is therefore much greater than when the figures' mentioned- were ob tained. It would be safe to estimate a tbird more, -wtiile,lftbe umnUrtiof young trees planted -during the past five years be incliil, the total num ber of apple trees iu these' comities would probably amount; to 24 million trees respectively.,. The apple crop of 1901 brought f jtteit wo-counties about million do) is us for green 'apples aud about K million dollars for evaporat ed. These returns stimulated a fresh interest in commercial apple growing, not only in these two counties but the other elevated counties or noun, nortbwesteru and central western Ar kansas. The commercial plantings al most exclusively are tall and winter sorts. . Condemns Trees. The fruit inspector of Yakima countv. Washington, has condemned aud destroyed about ,10,000 fruit trees shipped into Litf tuift'irict'fxlyiM outside: nurseries, Jully one-fiult of them being pear treea"whj(.;li -tatd,. tue. flight. A fruit inspect of iultnomalijolitity, Oregon, made a raid 011 two badly-infested orchards near M ilwaukee, Clack aulas county; last week and before he oomoletedtuis work many trees with the Ban JifHe.scalo, were laid low. . lie Ilau wiiruau lire vr in, 1 c ."o v" chards several; time's -but no atleutiou was given bim. An Apple Fick:ng Machine Invinled A Cavendish, Idaho, correspondent of the Lew iston If i bums Vay s : ifl letter just? received from Jack .rMjiniu oar from UifeBVowler. formerly eh- sased In the blaoksmith business bare, but who want east some time ago to arranee for.ttitiUHita4ureP nle nickinir machine of his own inven tion, Ml. Bowler states that he has annrauided in arranging to manufacture the maohine, 'and has'.plaoed au .order for a large Sntrnaber " which will Be' tni-nod out at an early date. The in vention is a device for picking apples, unH if it accomplishes all tnat claimed for it t)vli iu vendor, it w ill be of great wuie tp ine irun. grower and prove a fcoufyj uii$ker for ir Bowler. A -W Sulnith and Strawberries Dangerim. It is said tbat eatiiia spinach,, aud oirrhrrUalBt the eatnB time i9"dun- gerous, the two wheu eaten at the same meal create a chemical ebange in the stomach that produces ptomaine rr i (inn i,tmiii?---wiontrh to kill the Htrnnmiat man. Severtli lieoplehave died from this cause in various parts nf th Bast, a vouiia "lady dt tag re u..ifi at Richiuoud; Ili.I.. from aat shortcake'aud spinaeh for dinner. Piano Mense'Falls. H n Parkins and T. E. Hughes, of the Eiler's Jlusio House, have found it itiwuan to make an assitrnmebt in favor of their creditors and theirstock of goods will soon be placed . iu the bauds of a receiver. '"Dalles people til Hurint to see this .firm g;out ot Knin.iui Vnr anme time they hare nl.nnixt Hiasolvftpi nartueiship and it was thought one of them would be able to continue the business, it has been Mr. Paikins' intention for some im tn tuba ud his residence on bis place at Mo8ty,.T-h.ronicle. . . Tb CltJ Jiicker. The kickert dd'tftHarm fe mt so hmrA n-i7et alanfr'witb 8 those iu the towns. Ou the farm there is the kick tr.a ani4 - nnr lontt eared friend the mule, while in towu there ia the M mnsHhack. Sho jaU all the'pnv nt nimilnfnal liviuB withofit tiny- ing for WNr.-Woflfe :.fsr n rv moniclPRl Improvement. - The cow mas be eoW lot bifand tte mule tradetfor-aiiiihet gup,. but no-, thing sbort of a funeral 111 get rid of the (own iticer.-ueuiorulu,uuuc. Before and Aflir. An eastern editor remarked as fol lows: ."When a girl is lirst .engaged 'she figures on a ten room house. As time goes ou the house gradually di miuish s in size until 11 is a rour ropui structure. Then all the fancy triiu minua are taken off and next the hniiun i located iii a remote, part of nun. Final v when ttie wedding . " 1 AU... tl.n comes it is auuouuoeu iuhi mo ill reside with tho bride's father. Notice Ik lii n liy a I vi 1 n in Hip nubllo and 11 li'ulerx In linoils liml Hit ititHIe-'ot linlmj. i'.i. t..r u.-ill nut be risi onsible lOrim' Indelit- ediiess tnciii ied, or He imuie 1111 nnj nui ninnp nv ami 1111 : 1 1 1 i-ir,,n-. , iltilllinlsllnl'N'. .1. 'I- r THIJ , Mini nn otherwise -olit r:i 1111K or miniMnm: K'K.r, wares 01 ini-reliiinuise m-jii 110 o hi in. n .mu j. 11. navy, iiiinnii-iii'i. otice "rnitprt stHit'N r.tmfl RHci'.Tlie iJHllt-H. are- pr.fr MHrrir JT. Nonce is heiebv .tfli'en ihut in ('01111' nm'i f 11 11 1 1 it ninviKions tn hit A Tof ConKiHMi ol 'June a, etiliUeU "An cl lor ilu-Miii- oi 1 mmih r jjt nil in Mic wiiiicsoi 'Hllforniii, mi .'' "tin, ttii'i v iii-nniiiti IVrrilory,'' -M ii-lfU i(, ttii n!(. pnhlic im lies D. iK'i "i u.t-r 1, it'.r;, in. nniuvt i.ij. nu'fi i in ."' "ii ' ii is il,t v li f 1 1 .11 tlii. ofllre tin 11 m. -l. tu nit ut!, 1 -wil : .itili S a. KCMI mIJ). ol PoiilaiHl. niif.iy 1 AltMimiHiiih, slalf r,K'Hl. rSV O! II M !l t'hH HI ju, 1ft .1, 1(11 I lit' I'M- huse ol'llif NMj .mii.I l-oi:!, svr'.i.m V, township - n"'i I'aiiur u vni. Him 1 t ts .' antl :. ht'ftiDii 1, luwiisiiin i lunui, ranm y cum, I'AIUU K HAUL. of Porllnni, ponnty nf Miiltimmah, saU' ol rt'Kon, HW4H-H ntui'iiu ni tt). .i, ir uif pur- . rieolion ttiwnsiiip 2 north, rnii(;u li tast, V. M. .That thev will otfvT prtKft to show tht the ttnd ism.L'ht i iimrt valutihlf for tin limber or nIoiu tlicrt'on ttntn lor airiiin,tural pnr- ;k)h(h. hiuI to t'htuhllHh Uifir claims io Mtin untis belori tlif Ucaistt-r Hurt Itcci-ivor at Hie Html Otiwt.tf T,ht imlltJB, Oregon, on May a, TnPV nHrilr" iiih iihiuwmik iiiH-nx-o : .iuiih A. HuYiHorO; i'Htrirk Hart, antt 1mis II t'tlniPbell. of 1'orllnhil, tiifijon ; C. h. Morw? hu Wlllimn K. Hand, of Hcod Hlver, Orcffon. Any Rhrt ail peirons (Maiininiitivcrneiy iwiy f tii' nlKivt' tlt-M'i ituMl iantiH are renut'steu u file their-.fMinv in this oilier on or in-fur; tlie Half! tl day f May, l'HKi. lllZ-IUOl, , 'HIK llrtr-bl. UI,rt, iV'Kiiri. Notice to Contractors. Notic'S 'liert-by given lliat tin board of diri'dor of tin Hihm Kiver lrrii;iuton lUs- i.rn-t. Iu. awt county. Or., will receive mils for llie consiriK tiuu of a laleral dilcli lor said dintrit jitti ht; couslru'-ltjd in accortlance Willi ihe nlmiWnd i-iH.-ciltcHlit'iiB tlifreof. Healed bids fur Midi work will be received at I lie 'IIHT OT lilt" uuaru ni on- irMiiniir i o. 11. Shoeiiptkvr. m unid district, until ThurwUy Jim A ii. ito tu. -Hie; Utiur.oT a o 'cltK-k, p. in Kids will iMMecriven lor fecuons oi nm, less thuii fitui L:ilf mile, or for the whole amount The puf'fditf'h bi'lu a Htarri.MttritNr'nciiiK h lictul Voint ditcli. near Hie l. . t oinreath olace. and i uniting norl li to I '. A. MiekleK uliicc: Ihi licc in. i ill east l i the -. Hordeii nlnce. lOH IIMIfl l"' Hl-nill'Mlliri iij nwiiMMU clifl k oi li ! r cent td th amount ot the hid, or oi her:;' frrnrM v l'lw board resi-rveh he rilit to n icct. iinv and nil jhum. j-ians Hid .prt It cat mns nmy tie procured by apply lug to tiie Kcit wiry. j. it. MinemiiKui , Dated at ilood Ktver, Or., tlii.s 7th day of May, nun.. nih Ji 1 , SUMMONS. In the rirrulf "Oonrt of the Mute of Oregon for Wasco coiiiily. , 1 hcu'Uirc uiiiispK-, iiuumin VM Atnia (tillist.'ie. dch-ndant. To Anna iillipi': In t be nameof the htte of oicfcrim y n tn- ben hy cununnnijon rn hii hT In the imnvc hiii m um rmn i Hid r.ui-c ur or he Ion bur-day thi ,t day ut .tone, Hiid iinv. i r ,i in 'complaint llb-d aKnlnI yo In said court mhi caue Mini lor warn oi Mini imsw i-r llie T-lallll ill wm applA to me ciuii lor ttie ivhej. ceimu'tip4i n ine (uinpiMini hi'fi- Ki-r a dene O'sKolvint: ine i othi iD.ot iiii.H iu iwcen plaintiil and (it .ndnl unini a!, i.b-ointe uivon e to the pi .hiiitt " ' . i,i , 1 I- piiblt-lit f! 1 Ofd( I II.. ii A, lb nfli..v, iu'i.'e oUti - aiovt- t ii led com I n.aui aid no ied on th-11 h day of Mkv. IViW. liateof tit si pnblicalioi), Mav lUtli, l'.0i). .lay ii. I pton, iulOj-1 - - - attorney lor plntntitl Pacific -- U niversity FOPEST GROVE, OREGON. A HlGH-Gn'ADE COLLEGE WITH SUPERIOR EQUIPMENT. Beautifully located iweniv-.six miles from Fortiani Full reeular collepe courses Academy giv3 strung iirepanitory and Hign Sch'jl..cnira's. Conservatory of Miis.c and School of Art, with superior instructors. Business branches lajirht. Gymnasium and Field Athletics under a Physical' Director. Well-equipped LaWatorica. Library of 1 3. f " i Volumes. Healthful social Iifs: religious influences AU student entcrpries active.. fHC SCHOOL ThtT STf NOS FOR THB Dial in iiuvHiivn WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ftADE vFROfl fNATIVB J ROOTS. SAFE AND RELIABLE. That tho roots ot many nntivo plants. growini? wild In oar American forests, possums remarkalile properties for theoure of human maladies is well proven. Even trie untutored Indian had learned we etirativo value of some of these and tauirht the uarly settlers their ucs. I he Indian never liked work so he wanted his squaw to Bet well as sihui a possible that she might do the work and let him hunt. Therefore, he dun " paKxnse root " for her, lor tliat was tiieir great remedy nir 10 niale weaknesses. Dr. Pierce uses Uie Mine root called Itlue Cohosh In his "F'avorite Prescription." skillfully com- blued Willi oilier agents tnul maKn it more ellective than any other medicine In curing all tho various weaknesses and painful derangements peculiar to women. Manv afflicted women have l,een saved from the operating table and the sur geon's knif by the timely use of Doctor Itnrce's Favofito Proscription. Tender ness over the lower pelvic region, with backache, spells of di?..niess, laintness, bearing down nains or distress should not go unheeded. A course of " Favorite Pre scription" will work marvelous benelit In all sucn caws, and generally enect a permanent cure If persisted in for a rea sonable lengLji of time. The "F'avorite 1 rescript ion" is a harmless agent, wing wholly prepared from native medicinal roots, without a drop of alcohol In its make up, whereas all other medicines, put up for sale through druggists for woman's peculiar ailments, contain large quantities of spirituous liquors, which are very narmitii, especially to uoncaie women. "Favorite Prescription" con tains neither alcohol nor harmful habit forming drugs. All its Ingredients are printed on each bottle wrapper. It is a powerful invigorating tonic, Imparting health and strength in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. F'or weak and sickly women, who aro "worn-out," or debilitated, especially for women who work in store, ollice, or school-room, who sit at the typewriter or sewing machine, or bear heavy household burdens, and for nursing mothers. Dr. 1'ieicc s Favorite, Prescription will prove a priceless lieneht because oi us iieami - restoring auu strength-giving power. For constipation, the true, scientific cure is Dr. fierce s rieasant renins. Wild, harmless, yet sure. SEE Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado Castle (late, Canon of thelirand, Hlack Canon, Marshall and Ten nessee Passes, and the World Famous Hoy a I Ciorge. Kordescrinllve nml Illustrated pamph lets, write to W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent 1-J4 Till 111 Rlreet, PORTLAND, Oil. White Salmon-Hood River Two big sail boats, two big' jMM'fpctlv sad' gasoline launches and two big- ferry scows. Expprt sailors in chargo. lloats le-ive at all hours. DEAN & PEARSON Licenetl 'm.vwicn. PHONE 51. PHONE 51. Wood For Sale All Kinds at lowest Market Price. rrompt delivery, phone. Murray KT. BEN THEYSON Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle Wood consumers will find it to their advantage to call on us. Have on hand 1500 Cords of Dry Slab Wood Prices have not been advanced. Oregon Lumber Hood River, Oregon. Co Hunts Paint . Wall Paper Co. Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ES and 15 RUSHES. HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, (Jilts and high Grades, From 10c up. A full stock of room molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order. Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc. I wiioi.ksau: KKTAIL THE DALLES NURSERIES It. II. WKl'.KH, I'rop. THE DALLES, OREGON. Phone 671. First and Oak Streets. J. R. NICKLESEN VEHICELS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Annul .! Ii'ili 'li.it' of Mails. IIOOI) R1VKK. Tin' iKwtofllit' iMii'im (Liily between Sa. m. iiid ; . in.; Snii'liif Irom 12 lo 1 o'clock. Mall" for Hit- Ivist (;' at ll.ai . in., N.lo p. m. auu p in ; for Hie Vfct,nt . m. nd p. iu. Tim c. n u-i . n K. K. 1 routes No. I anil 2 lenve I In- postorllcM Ht . in. Alall leaven ror All. iliu(l, UHMJ l ill.; arrivea lu.ai hi. ' Kor I'liilcrwiiiMl, IViisli.. (Uily "except Sun- lav, ut in., iiirive.- ai 1 1 ii. in. to- iii.- Nniiiinii. w ah., dally iu 11 m.; ii nvTs hi Ji. in. , , ' ' ' Wl! ITK MAI.MON. . I'd- I! !' m i, (iii !.i ui .i. in.; nrrlveH al V'oi''humhii. I'nni! Lake nml liuler, Wash., juL.v nl .f ji. iii ; in i it i. in. K. r i.ii-i Motiil. Kulda nml (llliiicr, Wash., lull v :H 7 ii in.; arrived al s p. in. Kor l'me Hal nun Mnou den, w ash., ai l p. . I'l es'lms and SutiirdayK; arrivea same day.- at M in. r i i liinecn, daily at 4.i p. iu.; arrives ai 8.16 a. in. O. li. & N. TIMK TABLK. East bound- No. 2, 1, hteatro Hpeclui, n:w a. m. No. 4, Spokane Flyer, : p. in. No. li, Mail and Kxpreaa, 10:42 p. m. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:l.'i p. in. No. 22. Kii.-il Krt'lalit, 4:05 a. m. Wi'Kt lionnd Nn. I, I'ortliind SMielal, 2:M p. m. No. :!, l'orllanil Flyer, 5:ttl a. in. No. 5, Miill and KxpresM, 1:12 a. in. No. ', Way Freight, :2.i a. in. No. 6o, Fast Freight. 1:115 p. in. t ill W OREGON and union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Throned I'lillmnn Ntandnrd and tonrlnl leeplnir ears dully lo Omaha. Chicago, Hpo- kune; tonrM uli-ening curs dally lo KaliwiR Citv; through I'liHiimn toiirini sleeping car rmnNii k- e,tndllcll-(ll week V to Chicago. Reclining eliiiir ears (mm la free) to the East liiily. Cblragn (inland Epeclal :16 a. m. via HunUngUin. At antlo El pre It 1:1.'. p.m. Til luDtliiKton. TIME SCHEOULU Portlind. Or. i McCORMICK AND DEER1NG FRUIT, SHADE AM) (1ROWKR AND I1KA1.KR IN TREES GRAPE VINES SMALL FRUITS ORNAMENTAL Evergreens, Rosea and Shrubbery. Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. Houses and Lots Coe's Addition Cheap for Cash or on your own terms. Now is the Time to Buy. Phone Farmers 1233. H. C. COE H -DKALER IN- Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. IIOOI) 1UVEU HEIGHTS, OREGON. 0. T. RAWBOS. I P. H. BTA.NTOX PK Ik. DenT.r, Ft. Worth.Oraaha, KaniM Clly, 81. lHll.l'liicagoaod Lank Et. rat rt Mall (:p. m. rfa ipokaa. Bait I,ke. Dcnnr, ! Kt Worth, Omaha, I Kan in City, ht.. hlcagoand. (.ut. Walla Walla. LcvrlH ton, Hpokaucn al lace, ulliuan, tlliincai'ilia, Nt. cakago and Kaat. IrfWa. k. T:lla. m River Schedule. "KOKA!TllltlA" unf'Uti PT M !'i:llO P. M wny iMiintH. connectlni Iiully j lially with Ktennierfor 1) net except except anil North Beach Mtearn-1 Hunilay, Hnnday. er llassalo. a Kh street atnrfiav. dix k iwater per.) I(HI P. M FOK limton. Oregon. A, M. bM P. M. City and Yamhill Klv ; Dally Iiully er potnla. Ah street : except except dock (water per.) Sunday. Punday. FOK l.tWISTO.V.W l. M.1 About Idaho, and way point,. Monday, SKW P. M. from Klparla, Waah, , Wedn'd'j Tneaday, ; Friday. Thursday, Sunday OFFICE lloflW Frelht llonse-S a. in. to 12 noon: I to 5 p. in. No Credit reielved or delivered after & p. iii. Paseeneer Depot Hours tar delivery of ex press and bacifuga wiM be a a. in. till ft p. in. A. L. CRAIC, General Pasaenger Agent, Portland, Or. W, B. BOYLE, Agent, Hood River. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear,Aprlcot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spittea berg and J onathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or. SHIRTS NEW SPRING STYLES RENOWN BRAND Latest and Patterns K 50c, 60c( 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Men's w5 50c. Mount Hood Brand A L. CARMICHAEL HOOD RIVER UEIGUTS JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. I 'bono Y,ii HOOD RIVER, OR. ..Mount Hood Store... W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor. Drydoods Ammunition Roots and Shoes Hardware G raniteware Hay (irain Flour Feed Full lino of Groceries HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone 131. We have just received a car load of Water Pipe Direct from tin; fact ory. We are selling it at wholesale prices. We can wive you money. Also have a full line of fittings nnl the largest stock of garden hose in the city. NORTON & SMITH Hotel Waucoma A First-Class House Moderate Rates Good Service Farmer's Dinner 25 cts P. F. FOUTS, Hood River Prop.