The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 24, 1906, Image 2

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KM.fil ever? I l.urtday by
AK1HUU D. MOB. Publisher.
Terms ef subscription ll.M yew IWi yaU
to lifiim.
THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1906.
The White Salmon Enterpritte ie four
years old.
Tbe Republican state ticket is a
good one. Vote it straight.
Arkansas straw berries sold in Grand
Forks, N. V., last week at ten cents
a box, yet.tbe people of that city pre
fer Hood River's at twenty cents, and
most of them wait for Hood River ber
ries for canning.
Among the many things in Oregon
that looks odd to an Kaetern man, is
to soe tbe Irish vote tbe Itopublioan
ticket, prohibitionists among the
Democrats, and to see water run up
Those who bave not yet paid their
ewer assessment should do so at once,
as tbe sewer la about completed and
tbe contractors will have to be paid
in full. With this in view theoounoil
instructed tbe sewer committee to
force collections at once, and all de
linquents not paid at once will be
turned over to an attorney, which will
add costs to the original amount.
Tbe principal objection to Jona
than Bourne at the primary eleotion
was the talk about his couduct at
Salem nine years ago, and it was given
considerable credence. He bad Ig
nored tbe malicious stories until the
circulation of them by printed circu
lars through the mall, when tbey have
been branded as fatae by men of un
questioned character and standing.
Kepublcans who before believed the
stories should now have no hesitanoy
In supporting Mr. Bourne.
It is said that a conspiracy exists
to break down tbe primary law and
disrupt tbe Republican party by giv
ing Senator Hour in the popular vote
In June, and then defeat bim in tbe
legislature on the ground that the Re
publican Statement No. 1 legislators
are not expected to vote for a Deiu
ocrnt. Thus they hope to defeat tbe
luw and defeat Jonathan Bourne, and
throw the senatorial election into the
legislature in order that tbe certifi
cate of election may be auctioned off
to'tbe highest bidder. This may ex
pluln the interest some of tbe old poli
tical bossos had in tbe primary eleotion.
Mot Many Women Would Care to Vote.
If the women of Oregon themselves
wanted to vote there might be some
excuse tor giving them the right.
But, appareuty, tbe women do not
want this privilege and pay little at
tention to tbe glowing speeohes made
by the woman suliragists importod
from other states.
That this is so is plainly proved by
many reoeat occurrences, and the man
must be blind wbo does not reooguize
It is not necessary to dwell on tbe
fact that an assoeiation of women
with hendnuarteis in Portland and
branches all over the state, bave sent
out circular letters askiug tbe men ol
Oregon not to mistake the clamor of
female agitators from distant states
for the sentiment of the women ot
Oregon. Are striking and oonvlnoing
pi oof that the women themselves do
not want the burden of tbej ballot
forced upon thorn is found In a reoent
debate which took jilttoe in the lurgest
churoh in Portland. At this debate
two preachers, the Rev. J. Whitoomb
llroiiKhoi and the Rev. Clarence True
WUhou, took opposite sides on the
woman suffrage question. The audi
ence was composed, by actual count,
of 400 women and about 40 men.
At tho close of the debate a vote
was taken on the question of women
suffrage and the result stood 1 70
against it and only 173 for it.
When it is considered that the
suffragists had got out their crowd,
that there were very few men in the
audienoo and that uiauy of these re
fused to vote, the result of the ballot
ing is most significant.
Why should the burden an 1 duties
of the ballot bo forced upon the
women of this state against their
Birthday Tarty.
Little Kathorine Baker entertained
a party of little folks Tuesday after
noon, it being the ncoasion of her
sixth birthday, which was greatly en
joyed. Those present were: Ann
Shopard, Florence Castner, Franklin
Itrosius, Luoile Abbott, l.ueinda
Lmokoy, Anna May Chipping, Cather
ine Ross, irena Yates, Uladys Morton,
Ijeuora Cram, Florence and Frances
Moe, Kldu Jackson, Mary Yhitmo;e
Dropped Head.
Frank Folk, who came lieie from
Friend, Ore., to pick straw beriles
dropped dead from heart disease ou
the streets of Hood River Saturday
evening, while walking with a friend.
His parents were notified and his
father and n brother arrived Sunday.
The funeral was held Sunday at Nich
oU' undertaking rooms and tbe re
mains interred iu ldlewild. The fun
eral services were conducted by W. A.
F.ikius, of tho Valley Chi iatiau cliruch.
Teacher Appointed.
Tho school board have appointed
l'rof. Crouso superintendent of the
city schools, and Mrs. Hove principal
of tho hill vchool. All of the other
toaehors have been engaged for an
other year, except Miss Copple, who
intends to resume her studies at the
Tho board regretted to lose Mr.
Wiley, but felt that they were unable
to pay the advance of f KM salnryasked
by Mr. Wiley. He has given satisfac
tion at the bead ot the Hood River
schools, ami the schools have prosper
ed under bis management.
Wnodnorth Property Sold.
' Last week W. J. Baker sold tbe 1.1,
Woodworth place, known as the Key
stone Farm, to Mr. Swick, of tlrant
county, for $15,000. The place con
tains 35 acres, aud is all in a high
state of cultivation. The impiove
ments are valuable, the place close to
town, and an ideal farm. It contains
the largest cherry orchard in the val
ley, which has been very profitable to
Mr. Woodworth. Mr. Woodworth has
conslde able laud not far from the
Keystone ranch, and will prolably
build ou it near his sous, who adjoin
the property.
E. II. Shepard captured a live cod
lin moth in bis orchard la-t week and
put it in a largo mouthed bottle,
where it laid 28 eggs and then died.
Tbe motitb of the bottle baa been cov
ered with a cloth to admit tbe air,
and tbe eggs will be allowed to batch.
Pieces of apple are also deposited in
tbe bottle for the worms to feed on,
and their development will be watched
with interest, and perhaps with profit.
It is on exhibition at tbe olllce of tbe
Fruit Growers' Union.
While all apple growers are lighting
tbe codlin moth, many of them do
not know tbe codlin inoth from other
insects when they see it, and few of
tbem have seen tbe eggs to know
wbat tbey are. Tbe eggs are about
tbe size of a pin bead, aud are round
and of a greyish color.
Tbe codlin motb comes out of the
cocoon, lives a few days, lays from 20
to 50 eggs and then dies The eggs
batch out In about eleven days, aud
tbe worms Immediately bore into tie
apple, which they inhabit for about
twenty days, and then go into a oo
coon to form the motb later, it takes
about fifty days to complete (he cycle.
This period would take It to aLout
tbe 10th of July fur the second brood,
and woMd be the time for spraying.
Of course allot the rroths do rut
batch out ou the same day, hut prob
ably tbe bulk of them are out within
a few days of each other.
Tbe time for the I hi d brood of
molls vtoul.i le about tbe first of
September, rnd two yiais hgu this
third brood did great damage in th
valley, to orchards that were not
properly sprayed. Last year the
damage in September was very slight,
perhaps due in a measure to the cold
inlns that were prevalent for a couple
of weeks about that time.
Very little arsenate of lead spray
was used two years ago, and the old
spray was easily washed off by rain,
while the arsenate of lead btioks more
firmly to the outside of the apple af
ter tbe manner of paint.
Hood River Ts Stevenson.
Tbe ball game at Columbia Park last
Sunday beti-en Hood River aud Stev
enson was well attended, and although
at the beginning the article of ball
played by Hood River was not of tbe
best quality, after tbe fourth Inning
the borne team settled down and
played gilt-edged ball.
Hart, tbe young pitchar for tbe
locals, struck out nine men and al
lowed only six bits, which, consider
ing that this was bis first game with
the team, olasses bim as a most prom
ising young pitcher. His work at the
bat was also good be securing two
bits, one of tbem being a two-bagger.
Pond, the local catcher, played au
errorless game, and except for a oouplo
of poor throws tojseoond, played lea
gue ball.
The finish of the game was the kind
that causes tbe fans to go into ecsta
cles. as tbe score was 9 to 7 in favor
of Stevenson until the last half of tbe
ninth, when tbe locals held a batting
rally and scored three runs, winning
tbe game.
Program fur Memorial I) jr Service.
Opera House, 11 a. m., M ly 27.
Invocation, Rev. W. A. Wood.
Scripture Reading, Isa. 115, lit. v. W.
C. Oil more.
Prayer, Rev. O. M. Heeler.
Harmon, Rev. J. W. Rigbv. Theme,
"Tbe Couutry We Saved."
Music, "America."
The Strawberry Situation.
Berries are coming in slowly, owing
to tbe cool weather, and the demand
far exceeds the supply, i bis nns kept
the market Arm, and prlooB aro ex
pected to bold up well. Berries were
still being billed out at M.25 yester
day, and only about 500 crates per
day coming in.
Repoits are general of a light crop.
The March freeze hurt all berries that
bad started to grow prior to the
freeze, many reporting only I alf a
orop. The White Salmon crop is hurt
probably over Ju per cent, while many
within five miles of Hood River are
hurt 50 per cent. The foot-hill ber
ries suffered very little, as thoy were
covered more or less with mow. Those
best posted estimate this year's crop
at about (10 per cent of last year.
Cbas. 11. Hall and Miss Annie Eng
lish wero married Thursday, May 17,
at tho residence of the bride's par
ents, in Portland.
Mr. Hall is proprietor of Williams
Pharmacy here, aud has made many
friends during his residence among
us, The bride is well and favorably
known in Portland, aud is a violinist
of some noln.
Mr. ami Mrs. Hall arrived iu Hood
River Monday evening and went to
housekeeping at once in the Marcellus
residence, which Mr. Hall recently
purchased. Tho Olaoier otters con
gratulations. GILMER.
Will (iilmer lost his house by fire
about two weeks a'o. They saved
most of the things down staiis. Loss
about fTidO. It was fortunate the old
folks got out all right. He is rebuild
ing. W. Petersoa, one of men working
for Wickeus A Tompkins, got badly
hurt by a falling limb but is getting
along very well now. It struck bim
on the head and arm, knocking him
unconscious for awhile.
Richardson, the county surveyor,
has been here locating a road down
(iilmer creek to connect with the
Trout ijike road. He say he will
have a lino grade abcut 2't miles,
where now they have to travel 14
miles to get to the same poiut.
(!. II. Tompkins lost a flue mare
while logging She got snagged aud
he had to shoot her. She was valued
at .M0.
('. M. Douglas took a Hying trip to
Portland ou business last week.
Mr. Tompkins was at Hood River
list week ou business.
Mr. Pitt man and family have moved
up Irom Portland for the summer on
tlieii homestead. They proved up last
fall. Mrs. Pittmau's health being
better up here, will stay duriug the
Mount Hood Railroad Co.
wii vm inn ni north nurse
Hfl leave Ho hI River Arrive 5: 0
K:0:i l'owerdale ;v-j;
K.-JU , . .Seam S.I0
: Van Horn SM
: llltl 4:Nl
K:4S Odcll 4:4.S
:.r Dukes Valley 4:10
w.-or. H lonelier ...4:iS
: Wtnana 4si
Arrive IVv I.eave 4.t
Ellecllve May 'A Sunday Excepied.
J. A. fcl, Superintendent
e irwis fair
We are beginning to got straightened up in our new and commodious quarters,
and will soon have our large stock of goods in shape so that you can see what we
have. This Is the finest Ktore room in the city. It is roomy, light and conveni
ently arranged so that we can give you the best and (juickest attention. ,all in
and see us. We do not xpect you to buy everytime you step inside. You are
We want to call your attention to our fine line of
Thnv is nothing in the city that will equal them in quality
and lowness in price, we have men's suits for d3-60, $5.00
$7.00 and $8.00 and up, all good fresh stock and late
styles. In boys' uuits we have anything you wish in wash
able suits, or nice all-wool suits in the very latest styles.
assuwaa imam
CtOPI!ll n Saturday only we will sell you a regular 50c
JUIV.1UI suit IJalbriggan undenvare, color blue, just the i
thing for hot weather, for Fifteen Cents a garment.
We have a full line of Kitchen Hardware and
Camper's Supplies at Lowest Prices. i
To the Voters or Wasco County, !
During the past week there ba been
and there is still being oiroulated a
report throughout tbe country to tho
effect that tlie salooumen of Tbe Dal
les bad given me 250 to use as a cam
paign fuud to defeat my opi ouent,
Mr. Simeon lioltoc, for county clerk.
I was first Informed of this at Hood
Hiver by a prominent Democrat wbo
Is also a prohibitionist, and who at
first did not want to loll me where be
got hU information. He said that
Mr. Moi re, foreman of the fruit farm
at Hood River owned by County
Judge Lake, aud County Clerk Bolton
told him, and that he (Moore) got it
straight from Mr. Lake, and further,
that I told Mr. Lake.
Now for tbe facts:
About six or seven weeks previous
to tbe primaries, aud about five days
before I decided to sign my nominat
ing petition, 1 met Mr. Lake on tbe
street aud in the course of our con
versation tbe matter of my running
lor county clerk came up. Mr. Lake,
Mr. Bolton's partner in The Abstract
books ot Wasco county, very kindly
said to me that I was the strongest
man that the Domooratio party could
put up, but that I would be defeated.
1 Bald to him that I was not going to
run, and did not Intend to at that
time. I told bim that a number of my
friends were anxious for me to make
the race, and one man, who is in the
saloon business, told me that tbe sa
loon men would give me $150 toward
my campaign expenses, aa several of
tbem were sore, not because Mr. uoi
ton was not a drinking man, but for
another reason, that I did not tell
Mr. Lake, nor am I going to put It in
print at this time, as very likely many
of the readers of this know. In con
clusion, 1 will say to the voters of
Wasco couuty that I have lived in Tbe
Dalles for twenty-nine years, grown
from childhood to manhood In your
midst, and those of you who know me
will believe me when 1 say that on my
honor as a man the saloonmeu of this
county have not given nor loaned me
one single cent to carry on my cam
paign, aud further, that there is not
an office within your gift that in or
der to get I would knowingly tell a
falsehood, eithei in regard to myself
or about my opponent.
Yours to win honestly,
Why take a dozen tliingH to cure that
cough? Kennedy's Laxative Honey
and Tar allays the congestion, stops
that tickling, drives the cold out through
your bowels. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy.
In the olrcull court ol Hie Wale ot Oregon, for
Wasco itinnly.
Kalph Spencer, linlutlir
Iteulah V. Spencer, Ictcndniit.
To Heatah V. Hencer, the above named de
fendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are
hereby reijiitred to appear and answer the
complaint tiled against you In the above en
titled milt on or before the expiration of six
week from the date of the first publication of
ths summon- an lit reiiiatler statcd.and II ymi
tall nolo answer, Hie plaintiff will lake Judg
ment aguln.t you and will apply to I he com!
lor the relief prujed lor In his complaint
lo wit :
That the bond of matrimony now existing
between plaint lit and defendant tic forever
dissolved, and for such oilier and further
relief as to the court may seem proer.
TIiIn summons tsseived upon you by publi
cation thereof once a week for nix consecu
tive week In the Hood Klver Hinder, a week
ly newspaper printed and publtidicd in aald
count v anil stale, sad by order made and eu
tered herein on the .Mil day of May, 1WJ6, by
Honorable W. I.. Ilrailtthsw, Judge of aald
court. The date of the find puhllcntlon of tills
numinous Is the iMth day of May, IWtt.
M. E. Ml I.I, Kit,
Attorney for I'lHlntltT.
TicKtt '
Official Dection Ballot for the
For United 8tates Senator i t. rn vmmn i
of Multnomah County
or Multnomah county
For Governor
f of t
Benton County
For Secretary of State
of Uougtaa County
For State Treasurer
of Clackamas County
For Supreme Judge
i7 yt
of Union County
For Attorney General
of Douglas Couaty
For Superintendent of Public Instruction Vot
or Multnomah County
For State Printer
of Multnomah county
mmiaaioner of Laboi StaUatlca and Ins pec tc
of Factories and Workshop Vote I
V hofp. o
A. M"
Itoomah CotiBtf
2d Congressional District
BeprenUtiT In Oongr
LLI8, W. R
of Umatilla Coast y
Altorney-at-Uw and Notary Public Vice President and Manager.
J. M. BC'HMELTZER, Sec.-Treas.
Notary Public
Hood River Land..
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
We are prepared in a special manner to handle all
kinds of business in any of the above lines and have
a large list of improved lands and city property
from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch,
a stock farm or a home in the city.
With au Extensive Correspondence
We are able to handle your prop
erty advantii;(.'OUsly and will be
pleased to have you list same with us
The president of the company is the city engineer,
and is prepared to do surveying and civil engineer
ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
opinions given on property titles.
Collections a Specialty. Phone Main 141.
Paper Hanging and Tinting a Specialty
Phone 1313
For Sale
For Sale -A Hnu gray Imrw, a ni.-e driver.
Work double or nirlu, lined to i ullitrt'ii rid.
lug him. Wtl.'h! about 1,100 miiini. Will
be wild i-htap I liave no uw lot hltn nply
at Ruckford i-tnre. wMU
t'elery 1' i-torKulc-l nave a lew tnon
aand o'lery pluni tor t-ale. Come
qirc'v .1. .M Horn u-ll. 1 I'mmi mver. mz-jn
MK'nr HaTi- :l 4 w n , or would eichanife
for a II liter one, alw aood dilvinx borne.
tur particulars iddreaHH. .1. ThoinMm, Hood
Uivei, K. r'. I'. iV. I, i,mi.ic!4Ii1. J 14
Kor Sale -One alunle .hovel plow and one
spring tooth cullivulor. Inquire at ranch of
Win. roHf, eaM .uiu
For Hale Good two-neated hack for sale or
I mile t or cow, Call oi write peury Mlaiinn,
Davenport's Lower 1'laiier. m24
For Sale-A one-hone farm wtron, paint
. 1. .... I ., 1 .. nA aTll k. -..1.1
UUI Ull 1 1 1 r miii-i-.a, um i j new, .. in ..
-cheap. AlHo a rood let of double barneaa. ;E.
uraj ioru, nocaiora aiore. urn
For Hale A lew apple trees left over from
planting-. Call at lue Little White Store,
odell. ijiS-lmo.
For Bale Cheap Gent's easy running coaster
brake wheel, it Iucl frame. Bernard Mer
cer, K. K. U. i. mM
For Kale-a Poland China boar, 8 months
old. Inquire of Peter Jochlmaen. inlU-7
For Sale Gd, gentle milch cow. W. H.
Hull, phone r arinera l-"4. ni I0-J7
For sale, need potatoes of the Hurbank va
riety, at 2S a sack. Hood Klver Krull Co. 31
For sale, full-blood cocker spaniel dog, re
male, nine months old. Call at Glacier olllce.
For Sale Fresh Jersey heller with heifer
calf. t. J. O. Thompson. J 7
For Kale Farm team, weight, 1100 each.
A. A. Jayne. J 7
ForMale Well matched team or dark bay
maren.ti and? years old, good travelers: weight
1U00 pounds each. A Iso one two sealed hack
und hack haiuess, nearly new. Alex Niew
art, Mosier, Ore. in 10 tf
For Mule Black cull bear, six weeks old; 115
If taken now, Frank Kgau, White Malraon. J7
For Hale 1 have It head work horses, 2 bead
saddle horses, 1 Hludebaker truck, 4 two-year
old heifers, 1 second hand horse power wood
saw. Having other business to see to this
summer 1 will close this suick out at bargain
ur i-ea. 10. T. Folts, odel, Oregon, l'uoue
inl7 JIT.
For Sale The Groves property will be sold
atoost It taken within three w eks. luqulre
on the premises. J. 11. Groves. ml7-J14
For Hale Two ten at-r tracts close tor town,
Improvements and good water, title guaran
teed. Enquire at tnia niflce. J 7
For Sale Eight acres of land, lenities from
Hood Hlver on Belmont road; h acres In
Btrawberrlea, B6 fruit trees, part full beaiiug
and part one year; balance In clover, potatoes
and vegetables, blackberries, red rasp&terrtea
and hiurk caps on i lace. Three room 4ionse,
INicklng house 1SX30, bsm Hxlti auuVqther
buildings. Cull at place for further particu
lars. 1,. J. Mulklns J 7
Onlyja few more of those splendid HVacre
tracts unsold on the M. B. Potter farm In
Hood Hler valley, near the city. Suitable
tor apples and strawberries. Prices are
placed below regular rates on similar prop
erly In this vicinity. No better apple land
can be found. Isik at It personally for the
proof. Write Fmnk McFarlaml, ltal Will at.,
Pool land, or mc Mrs. M. H. Potter on the
farm. nilOtf
Wanted to Sell or Trade-Two lota. IHIUO
and -lOxlOO, one six-room house and lour-risim
cottage with fiult on place. Box Hood
Klver, Oregon.
For Rent 9-rooro house, three block from
the City HH. modern Improvements. 8.F.
blythe. n&
For Rent i-roono cottage In Blowers' addi
tion. Free water. 18 per mouth. Mrs. H.J.
Frederick. mtf
For Hale A good farm team of horses,
weight 1100 lbs. Too light for logging. Can
be bought cheap. Apply to Oregon Lumber
Co., either at Hood Klver or Dee.
Farm for Hale-Having more land than I
can profitably farm, I will sell from five to 20
acres at a bargain If taken now. Located V
miles from town of Hood River. All under
cultivation. Address owner, bos 297, Pxrlr
land, Ore. alS-mS
For Sale Investigate this. I am obliged to
sell, and will sell at your own price a place, of
land with bonne and other Improvements, 9
miles from Hood Klver. If you want to buy
at your own price address Box KM. Hood
Klver, Oregon. ali-ui.1
A snap Four room house, pantry and eloset,
ot 50i lis, nice lawn and city water. Price
I'M. 1300 down balance on terms. Inquire of
Roy F. Dean. rn'JH
For Rale A small spaa of horaea, well
matched, bright silver bays four and Ave
years old. Perfectly gentle either with man,
woman or children. Will work either
single or double and as true as steel. My rea
son for selling tbem la I need a heavier team.
Will be sold cheap to a good borne, or would
trade for a heavier team. Brayford, Itockford
Hlore. al2-ni3
Wanted To trade for 60 head of pigs and
shoals at Davenport Harness Co. inJ4.J14
Wanted A polltlon on a farm by a boy 18.
Write Irving Calhon, Hood Hlver, Ore. mi-28
Wanted, farm hand. Al summer's Job
Single man preferred. Phone 341.
ni3l 0. T. Roberts.
Wanted Bonds of Hot Lake Hanltarlura Co.
Will purchase any quantity, address P. W.
C, account of U.BCler. inJ0-j7
Wanted Glr! for general housework, Frank
Davenport, Jr. inlO-J7
Wanted one experienced packer aud three
pickers t work on the old Cunning place vt
mile south of town. Address C. A. Smith,
Hood River.
Wanted Two Strawberry packer. W. 8.
Hall. Phone 14. IiiR-JU
Wanted Several men for cutting brush and
small timber and cutting up Into wood.
Bruno Frans. J 7
Found Cun button, marked "F. of A."
Owner can bave same at Glacier office. m'U
Found A small bnncb of keys near the ol4
armory. Attnlsofttoe. a3
Found Pocket knife. Ownareaabav
at Olaeler office by paying for tlila aat
proving property. J 1
Lost A ladle's red sweater near Bateham'a
corner. Leave at Wallace's ranch or Glacier
office. ma-W
Iost A ladles' bat. Finder will be re
warded by leaving at Giaoler osSe. ml W
For Rent One neatly furnished room. En
quire of Mrs. Jas. Moore, the old Uanna cot
tage. 17
Bids Wanted
Bids lo construct a bridge across Hood Hirer
"Hi be received by the secretary of the Far.
men' Irrigation Co., until June 80, lWt.
nan and specifications can be seen at the
Butler Banking Co. The Farmers' Inlgatlon
Co. reserve the right to reject any and all bids.
m. a. i
lHMiartrnent of the Interior, United Htates
l.aud olllce, The Dalles: Oregon, May 161 li,
IHO0. Nonce Is lieretiy given that the follow
ing named settler has riled nothv of his lu
teullon to make Ihisl pnaif In supisirt of
his cialm, and lhat said proof will he made
liefore Go. T. I'ralher, l. H Commissioner,
at his olllce In Hood Klver, Oregon, on June
i nuti, hi. :
of Hood Ulver, Ore., on II. F.. No. h:it, for the
NK'4SWt Slid NWi.NK'i, section
30, Township i uorili. range 10 east, V. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience uism and cultiva
tion of said land, vis:
Joseph Hengst, John llackel, Charles W.
Hetdaud John kelley, alloflioml Hlver. Ore,
ni.M.JJl MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register,
Tnlled States I jndOincH, The Kalles, Ore
gon, May. la, li. Notice Is hereby given
that the following-named settler has filed no
tice of his Intention to make tins! proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
lie made before Geo. T. I'ralher, U. H. Oi mulls,
sioner, at his office In Hood Klver, Oregou, on
June M, In VI. vis:
of Hood Klver, Oregon, on H. E. No. 83St for
the !h1., section 4. township 1 north, range 10
esst W. M.
He nsmes the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultlva
Hon of ssld land, vtt.: Jacoh M. lns, of
Mt. Hood, Oregon ; Joseph A. Kuox, Charles
Murphy and Jsnus O. Camerun, all ol Hood
Kiver, Oregon.
n.l'.'J.'l Register.
150 pairs Men's trousers, regular $2.00 values,
choice while they last, per pair, -
rr $1.00
Dress Goods
WValso offer a lino of dress goods, consisting of AlbatrOSS, 0C
Mohair and Henriettas, regular 50c and GOc values, at
Goods will move rapidly at these prices, and it is advisable to come
soon while then.' is a good stock from which to make your selection
Bankrupt Sale BLOWERS BRO&,