The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 10, 1906, Image 9

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    Special $ Sale i of i Wall Paper
r "
S9f J ss
150 pairs Men's trousers, regular $2.00 values.
choice while
Dress Qoods
Bankrupt Sale BLOWERS BROS.,
Mr. Bartmess is on a cash basis.
' Hunt carries a line of paints.
Fresh Olympla and Eastern oysters at
the Gem Candy Kitchen.
See that dandy line of Folders at the
Deitz Studio.
All the latest styles Photos at the
Deitx Btudio.
t Place your order for a nice chicken for
your Sunday dinner with McGuire Bros.
Clarke will make it easy for you to
buy a diamond. Consult him about it.
Cranberries at McDonald's.
Maple Syrup and New York State
Buck Wheat at Jackson's.
Be wise and get your Photos at the
Deitz Studio.
Watch Clarke's watches go.
Fresh Columbia river salmon at Mc
Guire Bros.
Father time bag left some good time
pieces at Clarke's. Begin the new year
with a clock that keeps perfect time.
Just received at McDonalds, half ton
Glover seed.
Something newPuffed Bice Candy,
at the Gem Canday Kitchen.
Three pounds halibut 25c at McQuire
The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh
candy every day.
McGuire Bros, make their own leaf
lard under their own brand. , t
For sale by Emporium. Fifteen acres
two miles southwest of Hood River, 10
acres in cultivation, mostly orchard.fine
land, $300 per acre.
Come to the Deitz Studio for first class
Photos. Don't put it off, but get your
photos now at the Deitz Studio.
For sale by Emporium. Ten acre
tracts unimproved, fine level land, three
miles south from Hood River, at (210
per acre.
For sale by Emporium. A fine 100
acre fruit and stock farm, one and one
half miles from Whita Salmon. Twenty-one
acres orchard, 20 acres apples
mostly standard, 80 acres Timothy pas
ture, plenty water, farming implements
and stock go with the place. (10,000.
Terms cash.
Lettuce, cabbage, rhubarb, asparagus
at McGuire Itros.
If you want cracked corn for chicken
feed go to McDonald.
Fresh fish halibut, salmon and
smelts, at McGuire Bros,
i Newest, beat fishing tackle at McDon
ald's. For rent by Emporium.- Nice furn
ished room for gentleman. (10 per
For ale by Emporium. Ten room
cottage and lot,seven blocks from depot,
Hood River. Newly repaired, new foun
dation, wood fibre plaster, newly painted
patent bath and toilet connected with
aewer, good location. (1600 cash.
If you want to buy or sell real estate
go to Onthank & Otten. Money to
Joan on first mortgages. Abstracts
and legal papers carefully prepared.
Notarial work of all kinds.
Fresh creamery butter and newly
laid Hood River egge at McUuire's.
"Are'nt they fine," the popular ver
dict of the Deitz Photos.
It is to your interest to refer to M r
Bartmess' ad under the new system.
Fresh White Salmon asparagus at
McGuire hros.
New cabbage at McGuire's.
Woodenware. Tubs,
washboards, butter bowN.churos,
chair teats, towel rollers, towel
T&rs, lemon squeezers, salt boxes,
spice cabinets, etc. Little Prices
..Campers Supplies.
Berry pickers tents, (4.80. Blan
ket! pair, 75c. Comforters, 75c to
(2.50.- Coffee pots, 10c, 15c, 25c.
Fry pans, 15c, 20c, 25c. Tin cups,
plates, t-poons, knivvs and forks,
etc., at Little Prices
Sewing Machines. New
and second-hand, some very fine
ones in stock, don't buy a machine
befoie seeing ours, we can save
lyoirwioney. - - .
Saturday Night
they last, per pair,
We also offer a line of dress goods, consisting
Mohair and Henriettas, regular 50c and
Goods will move rapidly at these prices, and it is advisable to come
boou while there is a good stock from which to make your selection
Reduction In Flour and Feed.
Special cash price on Flour and Feed
at warehouse. Bran (14 per ton; slnrts,
(16 per ton; flour, (4 per barrel. D.
If you want always to look on the
bright side of life, come and let Clarke
fit your eyes to a pair of glasses. His
apparatus for testing eyes is of the best
and most complete.
Salt mackerel, eastern white fish and
pickled salmon at Jackson's.
If you are looking for a nice little
home cheap, call on Onthank & Otten,
They have just the thing.
Fresh fish at McGuire Bros, Tuesdays,
Thursdays aud Fridays.
Just received from the east, a half ton
of puro maple sugar and syrup at Jack
son's. Fresh rhubarb, lettuce, green onions
and cabbage, at McGuire Bros.
McGuire Bros, are making country
deliveries of meat on the east side of
Hood river, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Country customers desiring orders
filled should telephone their orders
Mondays and Wednesdays.
For sale by Emporium. Five farms
in one body, 320 acres, 5 improvements
cleared land with each, 7 miles from
White 8almen on Goldendale road,
plenty of water, (.30 per acre. Can be
sold iu separate tracts for 30 days only.
Terms easy.
A reduction of 15 to 25 per cent in
wall paper for 30 days, at Hunt's.
Olives in bulk, bottles and caiiB at
Special sale of 1000 rolls of wall paper
at Hunt's.
New Orleans Molasses in bulk und
cans at Jackson's.
For pale by Emporium. Twenty acres
on Methodist lane, four miles southwest
from Hood River, small house, Borne
land cleared. Only (2000.
Money saved bv btivina your flour
and feed from McDonald.
All kinds of timepieces at Clurke's
Come and look at some of them.
Advertised Letter List.
For the week ending May 7, 190G.
Corliss, Mrs. Mary; Gardner, Miss
Josie; Smith, Miss May; Adkius, H.
H. ; Bennett, A. L. ; Cay, Uing;
Dodge, t. U. ; Jones, Jim; Joues,
Geo. W. ; Lottridge, Frank ; Mathews,
William; Mathews, W. 11. ; MoINaraara,
Tom; McLaughlin, James E. ; Miko,
Martin; Kedish.O. U ; Kutli, J. W. ;
Smith, C. M. ; Wuliiu, J. ; Wheoler,
J. A. ; White, F. O.
Wm. M. Yates, f. M.
Notice. .
F. L. Tilton aud E. V. Warren, of
Stanford University, are here directly
from the scene of the earthquake, with
the finest line of stereographio views
ever shown iu Oregon.
Views of the great San Francisco
disaster to order.
Drop a card addressed to Box 342
and they will call.
A torpid, inactive liver can produce
more bodily ills than almost anything
else. It is good to clean the system
out occasionally. The best results are
derived from the use of Be Witt's Little
Early Risers. Reliable, effective, pleas
ant pills with a reputation. Never gripe.
Sold by Williams' Pharmacy.
In Hood River, Apr. 2!), 100G. To
the wife of A. C. Stevens, a son,
weight 12 pounds.
For Summer Gowns.
A special lot of very pretty dim
ities that make up so stylishly, in :
white, black, pink and Mue effects. "
15c per yard
White Corduroy pique,
makes beautiful waists, it washed
fine and is rich in aparance,
ISc per yard
Lace Stripe Swiss
Piqua. If you want a dainty,
filmy material for a white gown or
waist, this will please you, it rn
very lieautiful. 25c per yard.
Cotton Voile. Beautiful
patterns in this splendid washable
material for shirtwaist suits,
29c per yard.
35c glass water pitchers. Three sizes, plain, fluted
' and fancy, 2 quart size, clear glass, 7 to 9 ...20c.
- - -
At the Churches.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep
worth League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially invit
ed. W. C, Evans, pastor.
St Mark's Episcopal Church. Holy
Communion at 8 o'clock; morning
prayer at 11, and evening prayer at
U. B. Church Sabbath school, 9:45;
preaching, 11 a. m.; Junior services un
der the leadership of Mrs. EfRe Beeler,
3 p. m. ; Christian Endeavor meeting,
6:30; sermon by pastor, 7:30. All are
invited to any and all of these services.
U. M. Beeler, pastor in charge.
Baptist church Sunday school 10
a. m. ; preaching 11 a. m. ; Junior B.
y.P. U., 3 p. m. ; evening service, 7.30.
Belmont M. E. Church. H. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday
school at 10 a. m.; Class meeting at 11
a. m. ; Epworth League 7 p. m. ; preach
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun
day in mouth at 11 a. m. ; Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7:30 p. m. Services at
Pine Grove same as above except preach
ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at
11 a. m. Crapper. 1st and 3d Sundays
at 3:30; Sunday school at 2:30. Mourn
Hood. The 4th Sunday at 11 a.n t. ;
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Valley Christian Sunday school at
10 a. m. ; pieaobing at 11; V. P. S.
(J. E. at 6.30 p. m.; preaching at
7:30. Chalk talk every Sunday even
ing. We extend a cordial invitation
to all to attend the services of the
day. W. A. Elkina, pastor.
Christian Church. Services at K. of
I', hall the first, third, fourth and fifth
Sunday of each mi nth. Services at
Odell the second Sunday of each month,
VV. A. WOOD, Pastor.
Lutheran services again next Sun
day, May 1. Sunday School at 2 p.
m. ; English preaching at 3 p. m.
All not worshiping elsewhere cordially
II. J. Kolb, pastor.
Riverside Congregational, W. C.
Gil m oi e, pastor. Sunday School, 10
a. m. Morning worship, 11. Subject,
"Mothers and their missions.
Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Evening
services, 7:45.
Services at the Unitarian chrucb
next Sunday at 11 a. m., J. A . Bald
ridge, minister. Topic, ''The Upward
Course of Mankind." All are cordi
ally invited.
Rev. Tate will deliver an address on
Woman's Sutferage at thf Valley
Christian chruch, Sunday evening,
May 13.
Geo. T. Piather sold the Rea resi
dence, near the High School, to C.
A. Cass, of the firm of Kier & Cass,
who moved here last week with his
family from Wisconsiu. Mr. Cass
moved in at once.
Mike Welch says that there is an
epidemic going around tb country
that is attacking hogs. It is a sort of
pneumonia aud is generally fatal and
contagious. A preventative of the
disease is to thoroughly clean out 1.11
old pig-styg and sleeping quarters,
burning the old - trash and changing
the quarters if possible.
For a painful burn there is nothing
like De Witt's Witch Hazel Halve on the
market see that you get the genuine.
Ask for DeWiit'g. Good, too, for sun
burn, cuts, bruises, and especially rec
ommended for piles. The name E. C.
DeWitt & ( 'O., Chicago, is on every box.
.Sold by Williams' Pharmacy.
Ribbon Special. Silk
and satin taffeta, five inches wide
pink, while, blue, n'le green,
brown and deep cream. ISc per yard
Summer Underwear
Ladies' gauze sleveleis vests, 15c
The new shoulderless vest 20c
Gauze combination suit. 50c
1mg sleeve vests 25c
Men's Jersey phirts A drawers 25e
lght weight Balbigan 50c
Huh grade silk rini-li (1.00
Birthday Presents are
troublesome tilings to decide upon.
Come to us, we can help you out
with tuggestions and we've got
the good:!.
of AlbatrOSS,
GOc value?, at
P. W. Clarke went to Portland on
train 1 Friday.
E. A. Franz spent s couple of daya
in Portland last week.
I A. T. Zeek went to Vancouver,
Wash., on business Friday.
Mrs. E. II. Shepard went to Port
land last week to visit friends.
A. A. Jayne was a passenger on
train 1 for Portland Monday.
Joe Wilson spent Sunday in Port
land, returning on train 2 Monday.
Mrs. Berrian arrived from The Dal
les Friday to visit relatives in Hood
A. S. Watt, of Portland, visited his
sou. Dr. J. I . Watt, and wife, over
Don't fail to see the splendid stere
oscopic views being abowu by Tilton'
fc Warren.
Miss DuBoig, of the Model Milliu-
ery, visited Portland on business
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Knapp visited
in Portland last week, returning home
Thursday evening.
Lon Morse and Bert Strauahau
bought some horses at a horse sale in J
Poitlaud Thursday.
II. F. Davidson and Willis Van Horn
spent Saturday in Portland, going
down on No. l Friday.
Rev. U. M. Beeler was a delegate to
the Sunday School convention at
Portland lant week.
The MoKinlagj Minstrels eaves very
creditable entertainment at the opera
bouse Wednesday evening.
Mike Welch weut to Dufur Tuesday
to fix up m sick mule. The mule la a
distant relation of "Maud."
J. Sharp came in from the east on
a tour of inspection of the country
Monday, going to Portland iu tin af
ternoon. W. B. Price aud two children, of
Portland, spent Sunday with his
mother, Mrs. Price, and sister, Mrs.
P. S. Davidson.
Uhe ladies' a'd society of Congrega
tional church will meet on Friday af
ternoon at the residence of Mrs. Geo.
T. Prather.
Rev. O. J. Nelson arrived Monday
morning from Delliughau) and will
take Mrs. Nelson and the baby home
this week.
M. F. Jacobs was up from Portland
last week looking after bis property
interests aud visiting his daughter,
Mrs. H. J. Frederick.
J. II. Heilbronuer & Co. report the
sale of the 54-acre tract In Odell, be
longing to Hobert Livingston to A.
P. Campbell, Portland. Price $5400.
Mrs. Chris was operated
on for hppeudicitis last Wednesday
atoernoou, at the North Pacific Hos
pital iu Portland, and is getting along
very nicely.
Pres. E. 11. Harrimau, General
Manager J. P. O'Brien and Supt. D.
W. Campbell, accompanied by their
families, passed through on a special
going east, Friday.
Albert Tozier, of Salem, secretory
of the Oregon Press Association, visit
ed his sister's ranch near Winaiis.
over Sunday, returning to Portland
Hood River Chapter No. 27, K. A.
M., will hold a regular convocation
at Masonic Hall, Friday evening, May
18. The R. A. degree will be confer
red, followed by refreshments.
R. P. Obar, in charge of the refrig
erator oar service of the N. P. rail
road, was in Hood River Friday look
ing after arrangements to handle the
fruit that will be shipped over their
line. i
There will be s special meeting of
VtnnA Pi.oi- l.mlr, III IIK A V Mr
A. M., at Masonic Hall, Saturday
evening, worn in the M. M. degree.
A full attendance is desired. Visiting
brothers weloome.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bigler, of Clem,
Ore., are visiting at the borne of Rev.
J. W. Rigby. Mrs. Bister's father.
Mr. Bigler has s homestead in the val
ley, and tbey are preparing to move
out on toe claim soon.
H. Peugh has purchased s residence
in Portland and will make that place
bis fnture home. I U. Morgan will
also make bis borne wltn big mother.
Mrs. Peugb, having retired from the
dray business on account of ilibesltb.
Mrs. C. C. Parker snd Mrs. L. A
Bruckman, of Albany. Ore. . arrived
Saturday and are visiting at the borne
of E. E. Ooff. Mrs. Bruckman will
go to Dee to spend s few weeks with
her husband, who is employed at the
mill of the Oregon Lumber Co.
Mr. P. L. Tilton and E. V. Warren,
of Stanford University, are in Hood
River for a short time. Both bad
narrow escapes in the ruin of the uni
versity town. They are representing
a large eastern view company, aud al
ready have views of the disaster, both
there and in San Francisco, to order.
Tbey state that although much dam
age was done to the university build
ings, the school work will begin as
usual in August, with even a larger
roree or instructors.
For the next thirty days we will close a
line of 1000 rolls of Fifteen Cent paper at
Double Roll - - - - lOc
20c paper, double roll - 15c
25c paper, double roll - - 20c
In fact will make a reduction on any of
ji . i
tne cneaper graues
These are all late papers, but we must
make room for new goods
Yours truly,
' J. M. Hollowell made a business
trip to The Dalles Monday.
: Philip S. Bates, of the Pacific
Northwest, was in Hood River Satur
day in the Interest of his magazine.
Elmer Heath came down from Orass
Valley Monday with Mr. Cruso and
.family, who have come to Hood River
to live.
Mrs. M. II. Niokelsen went to The
Dalles Sunday to be present at the
wedding of ber niece, returning Mon
day afternoon.
Mrs. Koebler, slater of Rev, II. C.
Clark of Belmont, visited in The
Dalles over Sunday,- return lug to
Hood River Monday.
Now la the time to add to your col
lection of stereographs. Tilton &.
Warren have the very latest views, in
cluding many fine scenes of the Far
East from the camera of the famous
photographer Rioaltou.
A large dog belonging to Will Allen
bit a little girl of Soman Cox in the
face Saturday, indicting a painful
wound, and requiring several stitoheB
to be taken to close up the wound.
Marshal Ganger ordered the dog dis
posed of, and it has been taken to
Mount Hood on a rancn.
Frank Stanton, of the East Side, T.
H. Larwood, of Mt. Hood, and Victor
Kelly, of Wapanitia, were called to
Portland to serve on the Federal grand
jury, and letf Sunday afternoon.
Frank Stanton was exoused owing to
bis!being under the doctor g oare aud
returned Monday evening.
Two laborers were run iu by Mar
shal Ganger Friday for being drunk
and creating a disturbance. Geo.
Tucker paid bis fine aud Dan Mulvey
laid be would work out bis time ou
the streets. He woiked one day, and
then ran away while the marshal was
called elsewhere. He has not been
seen since, so little harm wag done.
It is rumored that a local train will
be put on between Portland and The
Dalles, but no official confirmation of
the rumor can be obtained. Such a
train would be a great convenience
for all the stations along the line, and
especially for Mosier,and other way
stations at which trains 1 and 2 do
not now stop.
Mr. Ed Mayor, who bus taken
charge of the Portland office of J. 11.
Heilbronuer & Co., which is located
in the new Lumber Exchange build
ing, is iu Hood River this week get
ting acquainted with the valley. He
is very entbusiastio about Hood Kiver
and will be a valuable assistant for
Mr. Heilbronuer.
Hood River claims to bare good
prospects for a vinegar factory, which
same is unquestionably true. All
that is necessary to do is to take any
oi the prospective otitoials of the pros
pective county of Cascade out to look
at a rain barrel and say "Wasco," and
behold tbe soft drink is converted in
to acetic acid. Chronicle.
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Clarke arrived
Saturday eveuing from Portland and
enjoyed Sunday visiting relatives and
frieuds. Mr. Clarke returned on the
early Monday morning train, Mrs.
Clarke will remain a few days and
take charge of the millinery store
while Mme. Abbott remains iu Port
land and gets iu touch with the latest
midsummer styles.
Pres. Davidson, of the Commercial
Club, received the following letter
Tuesday fiom Major C. A. Devoi, San
Frauoigoo: "8. P. car 0407(3, contain
ing provisions and supplies and car O.
8. L. 8234, containing flour, potatoes
and blankets for tbe relief of the des
titute citizens of San Francisco, were
received on May 3 and transferred to
tbe committee for distribution."
A good comp'exion is impossible witli
the stomach out of order. If pasty tal
low people would pay more attention to
their stomachs and less to the skin on
their faces, Miey would have better com
will digest what you eat and put your
stomach back in right shape to do its
own work. Kodol relieves palpitation
of the heart, flatulence, sour stomach,
heart burn, etc. Sold by Williams'
Louis D'Heilly and family have lo
cated here, coming from Walhalla, N.
I). Mr. D'Heilly and two sous are
painters aud paper bangers, and will
go Into business In Hood River. Mr.
D'Heilly cams from Prance about
twelve years ago and has come to
Hood River on account of the climate.
tbe winters in Noith Dakota proving
too severe for bis health. The two
sons will take up homesteads in tbe
valley, and tbey bave come to stay.
Tbe local Epworth League gave a
octal to tbe new members who nave
joined the M. E. church duriug tbe
last quaiter, at the residence or lie v.
J. W. Rigby, Friday evening. There
were about fifty guests present, and a
very enjoyable time was bad. Re
freshments were served. Twenty-five
have united with the church duiing
the last quarter, many of this number
being Induced to aocept unristiamty
through the ertoits of Miss Bertie
Crowe, of tbe St. Louis conference,
who recently ooncluded a series of
revival meetings at tbe church.
We are showing a fine line of Whiting & Ea
ton, Ilurlburt's Stationery. Also fancy pa
per in bulk. Call and look it over. It is
sure to please you.
Full line just arrivedLedgers, Journals,
Cash Books, Day Books, Desk Blotters, Rec
ord Books and everything in the Memoran
dum and Time Book line.
Picture Frames made to order at
P. E. Brosius spent yesterday lu
Mrs. S. L. Young left for Portland
Tuesday afternoon to visit friends.
W. P. Audrus was nninng the Hood
River visitors iu Portland this week.
Chas. Hail, the druggist, ha, pur
chased tbe Murcellus cottage ou the
A. T. Reavis rooeltd word Wednes
day of the death of his brother, Dr.
L. D. Reavis, u prominent citizen of
LnGrande, Ore.
Mrs. Cram, ot The Dalles, who has
been visiting her sou, Prank A. Cram,
t liood Klver, lelt for nonie Thurs
day morning.
W. C. MoHrida, general agent of tbe
Denver & Rio Giando at Portland,
was iu Hood River yesterday on busi
A. C. Buck yesterday made out a
deed from Dave Thorn to C. A. Dano,
for 100 acies of laud lu Crook county.
Consideration, ?t,:u;.
Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Cams returned
from Portland Tuesday eveuing They
have been visiting at Seattle aud
Portland for several weeks.
J. W. Klrkwood was over from
Husnm Mouday, where he is taking
care of the orchard of Mordeoai Jones.
He says ttiat the trees are looking flue.
B. W. Custer, vlco president of the
Portland board of Trade, visited
Hood River Saturday in the interest
of the "Made in Oregon" carnival in
W. N. Marks, of Priueville, stopped
oft here Tuesday eveuing on his way
from Portland home, to visit bis sis
ter, Mrs. L. A. Wiley. Ho left for
home Wednesday noon.
10. II. llartwig sold a lot near the
vinegar factory belonging to Clarence
M. Shaw, to Win. Aldred, for 1200.
Mr. Aldred has commenced a resi
dence on the property.
J. D. MoOullv and wife, of Joseph.
Ore., who have been visiting with Dr.
and Mrs. Shaw for several weeks,
while Mr. MnCully wag looking alter
bis ranch in the valley, left foi home
this week.
The young men of the city, who are
interested iu the formation of an
athlotio club to work in conjunction
with the Commercial Club of Hcod
River, am reo minted to meet at the
rooms of the Commercial Club Friday
evening, May 11th, to discuss the mat-
W. M. Ellis on Tuesday bought two
and a half acres of strawberry land of
Sam Kelley, about two miles from
town, for WK). Since the sale of the
Uurns Jones place, Mr. Ellis bad no
berry patch, and concluded be would
buy a small place to give blm an oc
Mme. Abbott went to Portland on
Tuesday's No. 1 train, where she will
visit tbe wnolesale nouses a"d get In
touch with tbe midsummer styles, aud
to replenish the up-to-date stock car
ried in this establishment. Those not
already provided for can look for
tomothiug new, pretty and stylish.
Mrs. Clarke has many new ideas which
w ill be carried out trom the original
designs dining her short stay.
Henry Liebe, of Baker City, spent a
week in Hood River visiting old
friends, going to Portland Monday.
Mr. Liebe homesleaded a quarter sec
tion of laud near Dee twenty years
ago, working in tbe railroad shops at
The Dalles also for several years. He
also owned the lots where L. E.
Morse's bouse now stands. Mr. Lie
be had not been back to Hood River
since be left, nearly twenty years, aud
wag greatly surprised and pleased at
tbe wonderful improvements which
bave been made here. When he left
there were no irrigating ditches, and
nothing was known of the fine quality
ot fruit which could be raised here.
' The regular meeting of tbe Common
Council was held Monday evening,
with Mayor Blowers and four oounoil
men ptesent, Counoilraen Blauohar
and Builey and Recorder Nickelson
being absent.
Tbe street committee recommended
the passage of an ordinance fixing
street grades, and tbe ordinance
passed its first reading. Tbe ordi
nance calls for terracing the streets on
all aide bill streets, to conform to the
contour of the land. No bard and
fast rule can be laid down, but each
street will have to be treated In ac
cordance with the lay of the ground.
Where there la a fall of several feet
between the north and south sides of
the street, it is proposed to terrace
the upper sidewalk above the street,
and also drop the walk on the lower
side, leaving level roadway in tbe
middle or tbe street. Were tbe walks
to come down level with the roadway,
it would necessitate a out iu some in
stances ot fifteen feet, requiring a re
taining wall along tbe property, and
l)e very expensive. Resides, it is
thought that the looks of the street
will be improved by the terrace gyg
tem. The sidewalks so terraced, will
be made to conform to the general
grade of the street, although on a
higher level on the upper side and
lower level on the lower.
A new dog ordinance was also Intro
duced aud passed its first reading.
The present dog ordinance is lather
weak in places, and the new one is
copied from the Portland ordinance,
which makes it unlawful for anyone to
keep a vicious dog, or one that is a
nuisance, and there must be a tax
paid on every dog owned and kept iu
the city limits, whether allowed to
run looso or not. The ordinance was
referred to tbe Judiciary committee,
to report at the next meeting. The
committee will report iu favor of tbe
new ordinance, and also In favor of
tbe present rate of tax.
The Electrio Light company made
a proposition to install three or more
50-candle power incandescent lamps
and two arc lamps, during the straw
berry season, at points designated by
tbe oouncil, which would be along
their lines of wires, for $7 per month
for each arc light and $2 25 per month
for eaob inoandesceut. The cost of in
stalling to be $5 for each arc and $2.50
for each incandescent. .The proposi
tion was accepted, and the service will
commence as soon as tbe lamps can be
put up.
Councilman Watt reported that the
dump ou the river front was in a con
spicuous place, and that all sorts of
rubbisb was being deposited there, at
a point where passengers from tbe boat
landlug, in nun water, would bavs to
pass. The marshal was ordered to see
that no more dumping, lie allowed
where it would be iu sight, or be a
nuisance to any one.
Tbe following bills were indited and
ordered paid : llanlini; gravel and
work on streets, 248.4ii; J. L. Hen
derson, making copies of sewer speci
fications, HO; N. J. Devoid, boarding
prisoners, 2. 50; Electric Light Co.,
15.75; W. Haynes, hardware, $3.00.
E. R. York and family, C. J. Myers
aud family, Cbas. Myers and A. 1m
McDowell, of Alberta. Can., arrived
iu Hood River yesterday and are stop
ping at tne vaucoma. ibey spent
eight months in that country ai)d are
thoroughly disgusted with it. They
say that thousands of people went to
that oountry to get cheap land, and
nearly every one wants to get away
again. Tbe winters are very severe,
and snow is looked for nearly every
month in the year. Tbey may con
clude to locate iu Hood Rivet,