The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 10, 1906, Image 6

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by budding
, It will bo quite in place to describe
?ere bow, in France, tbey propagate
, heir groves of grafted trees, which is
the same mode as first employed with
the Mayette. Franquette and (Jhaberte
ever sinoe these varieties were origi
nated over 100 years ago. The very
first thing they ao is to secure
"mother" trees of the kind they de
sire to propagate by grafting, so as to
have large roots to give them, by
pruning them back every year, tbe
budding wood of the proper size they
will need when ready to do their bud
ding. Then they plant seedling trees,
generally grown by them, but which
are also obtainable in nurseries, with
tbe tap root severely cut back, to make
them grow lateral roots, the very Jife
of tbe tree ; and they do not under
take to bud before tbe trees are of the
proper size, any not lees than six in
ches in diameter, as nothing, I repeat
It, is gained by being too hasty in
budding or grafting walnut trees.
The trees to be top-budded are first
cut back ijefore spring, only a few
side limbs, to be subsequently out off,
being left to shade tbe trunk and as a
valve for tbe escape of the rising sap;
this prunlugback causes the throwing
out of young and vigorous Bhoots.
Such shoots are also produoed where
branches havo been out back for graft
lng, and when the graft fails to grow,
tbey may be utilized for bnddlng.
Quito a number of shoots, after tbe
top is out back, will start around tbe
remaining stumps, but after baring
become woody enough, a certain mini
ber only, tbe straightest and nicest
ones, are allowed to stay, all other be
ing removed. When ready to bud, say
from July to August, rings of bark
containing a bud are. on tbe preced
lng night, and at a table in the house,
taken from the solons, the best ones
being those right at the base and
wheie the wood is perfectly round
(Indeed, they are tbe only ones fit to
be nsed), being very careful in remov
ing the ring of hark not to bruise in
any manner the coroulo, which cor
responds exactly with tbe eye proper,
otherwise the budding would be blind.
Tbe rings of bark on the scions, which
are wrapped up in a wet cloth till next
day's operation, thus saving much
time and rendering more perfeot the
removing of tbe rings of bark. The
larger the shoots, the hotter. Tbe
ring of bark to be inserted is applien
on a portion of the shoot woll spaced
between two buds, but as near the
base as possible, and tbe kuife run
horizontally above it, and a vertloal
cut made back of it, the ring of bark
being then taken from the stock and
the one containing a bud being in
serted in its place. It la a very sim
ple operation that every Htell'ignnt
person can perform without the id
of a skillful grafter, if the ring of
bark inserted is too small to reach all
around the stock, a strip of bark is
left on the latter; in that case it tuny
be oalled plute, instoad of ring bud
ding. If the shoots so budded are ol
the proper size, and above all the
riugs of adroitly removed from
the scions, five buds out of six should
succeed. It is more safe if shoots are
too lung and too heavy, and so as to
Prevent accidents, to out thorn buck
o two or three feet. The ensuing
spring the shoots are out back right
above the budding and the out waxed.
Whea th(j;iiid grows up too rank, it
may be tied to a stake, itsulf tied to
the stnmp, to prevent breaking oft as
is often the oase ; the same with gruf ts.
King budding and budding by ap
proach may bo regarded as the very
strongest ways of propagating by bud
ding or grafting the walnut; no dan
ger of the grafting bieaking olf after
wards under the weight of the nuts
or from other (muxes not so with cleft
grafting. Felix Ulllet in I'aoillo Ku
ral Truss.
For Prevention of Scub.
The Vermont Experiment Station
bus been quite successful in treating
seed potatoes with formaldehyde gas
for the prevention of soab. For
those who plant potatoes on a largo
scale the gas method is more conveni
ent than dipping the seed potatoes in
a dilute solution nf formaldehyde.
The gus treutmoot requires a room or
Ida wliioh can be closed up tightly.
Tun outices of formalin are needed fur
every 100 cubic fuet ot space in the
room. The gas is generated by mix
ing in an earthurn jar formalin and
potassium permanganate iu the pro
portions of eight parts of formalin to
three parts of permanganate. The
jar should have a capacity of about a
gallon for each plut of.formallu used,
i'he permaugauate is placed in the jar
and the formalin poured over it , after
which the person who does this gets
out of the room as soon as possible
closing the door tightly after htm.
Tbe room should remain closed for 24
Hints ou Pruning Trees.
When the objoot of pruning is to re
move superfluous branches, the proper
time to trim is when the tree needs
trimming. Pay no attention to tbe
month, season or moon, but if a
branch needs cutting off, out it off at
once without fear of injuring the tree.
You will do the tree uo more injury
at one season than at another.
If you want a tree to seud out new
limbs in order to (ill a vacant space or
to alter the shape of tbe tree, trim
jast as the leaf buds are beginning to
swell in the spring. It a tree has a
habit of blossoming profusely, but
not bearing a corresponding amount
of fruit, trim just as the blossoms be
gin to make their appearance. 1( a
tree has a vigorous growth of foliage,
but liears little or no fruit and but
few blossoms trim severoly just as the
leaves have attained their full size.
It you do not want uew branches or
suckers to start trim iu August or
early September. If you want to plan
your work so as to do it to tbe bust
advantage, and to do the most work
in a given time, do your trimming in
the fall when tbe trees are bare of
leaves and the weather is not too cold.
It you wait until spring the bark
will be loose and you will run a good
risk of making abrasions which may
injure the tree.
Raspberry and blackberry bushes
should be trimmed as soon as the fruit
is picked, at which time the canes
that have fruited should be removed
and the most vigorous shoots cut
Currants bear most on wood of the
pievious year's growth, and on canes
not over four years old. They should
be trimmed about the middle of June,
at which time all suckers but a few of
the most vigorous root shoots should
be removed. After frost comes all
canes and branches that have not
made vigorous growth i f new wood
should be removed. Bulletin.
(iood Prune Crop.
Reports from the leadiug prune
growing districts of Oregon aud Wash
ington are to tbe effect that mote
prunes have set this yeai than in any
previous year for a long time. There
is, of course, no telling bow many ol
the prunes will drop iu the course of
tbe next few weeks, but tbe present
ontlook for tbe crop is unusually fa
vorable. It also appears to be a good
year in which to have a large crop.
The prune supply of the United States
hat been reduced to practically
nothing, so that there will ho no old
prunes to interfere with tbu market
demand for the new crop.
" O Recommend the Pact He Ilex.
At a recent metin2 of Canadian
fruitgrowers it was recommended that
a law be enacted which would permit
only one size of closed apple boxes to
be used In the Dominion of Canada,
ine size recommended is the one
which is already stsudard Jn the Pa
oiflo Northwest, viz.. 10 by U by
inuhes, inside meaMiirernent. Those
who sell in local markets in open box
es are to be allowed to use any sort of
a box they choose.
Itcgiiitratloa Hook Open.
County Clerk Bolton hss issued the
followina notice:
Notice is hereby ghen, (hut the
registration books in my office have
been re-opened. All parties who are
not registered should do m before the
Uth day of May. Justice of the
peaoe and notaries tre sunt lied with
blanks in the several iiruciiii'tJ f the
Parties who swore in their votes at
the primary election will be compelled
to do so airs In at the June election,
should they fail to register before tbe
books are aguin dosed. Parties who
registered for the primary election
will not be required to re-register.
The Dalle; I nn ! Mill ( reek Falls.
The Dalles is now the owner of Mill
creek falls, a deed having been filed
in the clerk's ofllca transferring from
P. C. Fagan and wifo to Dalles City a
parcel of 160 norm of land about eleven
miles south of tbe city on which is lo
cated a 120-foot fill of water capable
"f generating an immense water pow
er. wblob mar In the future he used
for furnishing power with which to
light he oity and also for mauuractur
lug purposes.
As stated in the Chronicle some
weeks ago, tbe water commission jIihh
for some time been considering tbe
advisability of taking advantage of a
proposition to purchase land in that
vicinity. Doing in doubt, however,
as to whether or not tbe fall was situ
ated on t' e land in question tbey em
ployed .1. I). Ooit to make a survey
and determining that it was, at once
made the deal for ltxi acres at a cost
ot $1000 and thus seonred the fall.
Investigation proved that by con
structing a dam eighty feet at its
highest point and about 2.10 feet
across, tbe water can be raised eighty
feet and an Immense reserve force be
secured. In this manner an amount
of water suttlcieut for the needs of
the city during tbe summer mouths,
to any nothing of the extra power,
may be husbanded.
In semiring this water power the
commission feels that it has opened
to the city possibilities which may in
tlie future prove Invaluable.
liestde this land, foity acres adjoin
ing their receiving reservoir at the
Wick's place nine miles np Mill creek,
was purchased from Mrs. Husau Fox
at a cost of ftiHl.40. Chronicle.
Vote ou Liquor (ueHllun.
Orders providing for an election to
determine whether the sale of intoxi
cating liquors shall be prohibited iu
Wasco county as a whole and also
Duf nr Bud liamsey preuinctB have beeu
made by tbe county court, the one re
ferring tc the county being as follows:
Iu the matter of a petition to pro
hibit the saie of iutoxicatlng liquors
in Wasco county, Oregon, as a whole.
A petition to prohibit the sale of in
toxicating liquors iu Wascu county,
Oregon, having been Hied with the
county clerk ou the 27th day of April,
KHHi, designating Monday, tbe 4th day
of June, KHHi, as the time for holding
an election to determine whether the
sale of intoxicating liquors shall be
piohibited in Wasco county, Oregon,
as a whole, and it appearing to the
court that the clerk has com pared the
signatures of the petitioners and thst
more than ten per cent of the legal
voters of Wasco county have signed
said petition and that the petitioners
are legal voters of saiil Waaoo county,
Oregon, and have in all respects com
plied with the law in Section 1, page
2 o the local option liquor law for the
state ot Oregon. It Is therefore or
dered and decreed that the prayers of
the petitioners be granted, and that
Monday the 4th day of June, l'.KXi, he
fixed as the date for holding an elec
tion to determine whether the sale of
intoxicating liquors shall be prohib
ited iu Wbhco county as a whole, and
the county clerk is hereby directed to
prepare the ballots as provided by the
local optiou liquor law of the state of
A. JO. Lake, County Judge.
II. J. llibbaid, Commissioner
C. II. Stoughton, Commissioner..
Net If as Klrh as KorkefeUi'tx
I f you had all the wealth of Kovke-
feller, (lie Standard Oil aiagnatnv von
could not buy a better uwdiciw lor
bowel complnintH than Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedv.
Ibe lnoxt eminent physician can not
prescribe a bettor preparation for colic
and diarrhoea, both lor children and
adults. The uniform success ot this
remedy hu sliowu it to be suporior to
all others. It never (ails, and when re
duced with water and sweetened, is
pleasant to take. Kvery family should
he supplied with it. Sold by Keir oi
Uranta May He IMwiiitlnued.
A report is mnreut that the station
at Grants would be discontinued iu a
shoit time. It this is done, it will
put the (1 rants ferry out of business
and turn a deal of business tratfic
over the C. K. A N. more especially if
me company win give bettor service.
A petition to the O. K. & N. has beeu
generally signed by our people re
questing that the station at tiianta be
not discontinued at this time, as it is
the most convenient point tor four
people to reach the O. K. A. N. The
O. R. & N. tlgores that it will get the
business anyway at lilgga, Kufua and
The Dulles. Sentinel.
Prima Facie Evidence.
A policeman at Schnectady, N. V.,
recently found a dog license tag in a
frankfurter sausage which he was eat
ing He said that he had alwars
thought it was a joke before.
It is posaib'e to obtain relief from
chronic indigestion and dyspepsia bv
the use of KODOL, l'OK DYSPKPSI.V.
Some of the most hopeless cases of long
standing have yielded to t. It enables
you to digest the food von eat and ex
ercises a corrective intlncnce, huildini
np the clliciencv of the digestive organs.
The stomach is the boiler wherein tbe
steam is made that keeps up your vital
ity, health and strength. Kodol di-
gests what you eat. Makes the stomach
sweet puts the boiler in condition to
do the work nature dcinaihlsof it gives
you relief from digestive disorders, and
puts you in shape to do your best, and
feci your best. Sold by Williams' Thar
acy. ;
Have Yon Dyspept-la, Indigestion?
If today you suffer from impaired di
gestion, sluggish liver or impure blood,
and you were told of s preparation which
would cure yon at small cost, would you
try the remedy? There Is a medicine
Oreeu's August Flower. Go to your
druggist's and buy it test bottle for 25
cents, or the regular size for 75 cents. If
vou have used all other dyspepsia reme
dies without satisfaction, or if you have
never used any preparation for these dis
tressing affections; if you have headache,
biliousness, lots of appetite, sleepless
net, nervousness, or any disorder of the
stomach or liver, cure yourself quickly
by using the infallible August Flower.
It is not an alcoholic stimulant, bu)
quite harmless for genera) use. Get a
copy of Green's Prize Almanac
For Kent.
For a long term of years, south bal
of Block 8, Park hunt, and three acreo
east of Purkhurst. W. J. Baker A Co.
We can offer the following properties
for sale cheap for a short time only:
Good residence property close to bus
iness blocks.
Six lots and large residence on the
Two lots and fine two-story residence
wilii grand view.
Small residence en large lot, very
Good residence properly in the upper
Lot 50x150 and good (i-room house.
Good acreage property within city
Several nice little farms near town.
Good apple laud for saie on reasonable
Onthank til Otten
Hood River Oregon
St'Tiimei's leave Portland and The Dalles
daily, except Sunday, at 7 o'clock a. in.,
calling at Hood River, eastboond, at
about 4 p. m. ; westbound at about
8:;I0, p. n. Direct connection at Lyle
with Ibe C. K. A N. Railway to and Imm
Goldenilale and Klickitat valley points.
For any further information pddicsi
any agent of the company nr
M.TALllOT, V. P. AG. M.,
Portland, Oregon,
DELIVERY DAYS. Mondays, Wedrttsfays
and Friday Mornings and Saturfaqr
On lor
Direct from Factory
Phone Main 71 .
Tho catet-.t comfort, niaxinum
W o wfety, lo't delay and fastest
ft aAwluli-a Ttra soured by tra vcl
E toK ow tlid Lhkirrj & No-th-
K West'Tt) Railway and ita conn-
ing lin' 3 to Chk'ai'o via Oit aha
or vi;i St. l'aul end llinnosp jlis. jfl
I his m t ho route of The 0vo land
Limited and of Tlio Atlantic
Express daily trains. w.h direct
E through Borvico iron I'oilaiul
h via tVaiiha.
direct connocLo" :t St. '. 'nil
and Minneapolis th four
ntucent daily tri is to 1 liicigo.
All agents sell thkota via this line
Pit luilhei Inform! los
I). S. Commissioner Notary Public
The Oldest Insurance and
Real Estate Agent in town
Insurance Loans Abstracting
Hood River, Oregon
..General Merchandise...
I! to I
Third SI Nj
, OUT. jj
LAND, jfj
Rivcrview Park and Idlcwilde Additions
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water
Cheap lots for building: Small Houses near Flour Mill
Square Deal Store
"Honest Goods and Square
. . Deal for Every Han" . .
I carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed and our
prices are' right. The best tools that money can buy are
none too good for I Iood' River orchards, and I am in a
, position to supply you
Mitchell Wagons and Busies a Specialty
Acme Harrows, Disc and Peg-Tooth Harrows,
Chilled and Steel Plows. Planet
Jr. Cultivators, and Seeders,
BT.eyers Spray Pumps and the Best 7-Ply Hose
' in the Maiket.
De Level Cream Separators, Guns,
Amunition and Fishing Tackle
Youth for Business
Phone 741 ;
3rd and River Street.
TcvO'O acres select apple land, best location in
illood River Valley; small prices on 5, 10 or 40
itteTO tracts by owner. l?uy where you can mil
iize advancing values on your improvements.
Lots in Winans City are profitable investment?.
You (11.11 reach this place by rail.
. R. Winans
Hood River, Wasco county, Oregon.
So why not use one
- that is guaranteed. .
Fr S. STAM.KY, I'rrt.
Ki I. SMI fll, Vioe-IW
The First National Bank
Capital and! Surplus $30,000.00
AVe offer you thc-JneilitieW a well managed and
nwll equipped ba nk. .TheintePest of patrons recei ve
otit- careful attention.
next to Waucoma Hotel
Hood River, Ore.
tut tiiic cnD
ID int. nmt run
- - .r-k Jt -- -r
V. V. 1SKOOK, Aft. Ciwliier
Millinery Announcement
We are now ready to
ations in Millinery.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Prices Paid
.New Harness Shop.
A large line of Whips, Tents.
Axel Greace and Harness Oil
We would like for you to come and examine our har
ness repair work which ia quickly attended to.
Dltptrtni (Ainenate of Lead). Thli Is tbe bent ipray tor eoddllof motto and
all 1mi etUfnif lowcl. Diaprn will not burn the moet tender AllHge. It colore
the treee while mays on like paint. It In a nafe remedy and take Ibe plaoe of Parle
Urern. Areennleol Hada. etc. Dllptrene romee in a Jelly form, easily diuolved In
w icr. Write for pamphlet giving full description and price.
Remenbtf we handle sprny pump by the car load, all site, all prices. Our
descriptive spray pump catalogue tolls ail, also gives information oa sprays and spray.
..Livery, reea
they're first
I hold licence from the State Board ol Oregon aud Washington, and am qualified
to ship bodies to any point. Prompt service either day or night.
Hearse furnished on all x cssioni
Paiior Phone Main 1143 Pchiffle BniUItHc,
Residence Phone Main 1494 Howl River, Oregon
show you the latest crea-
for High Grade Fruit.
This Bank Free
In the Biok of Proverbi we flnd this lvice;
"Train up a child in the way he ihouM go,
and when he is old he will not depart from
il." The advice of King Solomon may cer
tainly be applied to the boy or girl who, by
means of a Home Recording Safe receives,
dnrliiK his minority, practical lemtons in thrift
and flings. One of our Home Saving Hanks
which you can have FREE upon opening au
account with one dollar or more, if in yoar
home, i a constant appealing educator, ttach
init the habitof saving silently, forcefully, ill '
n it to be duniud.
Saving? Department ,
First National Bank
Seed Co..
ana uraying..
Hood River, Ore.
' Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure first-class riirs.
Siocial attention given to moving furniture and
We do everything horses ran do.
i .
in quality
at your. Store