The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 10, 1906, Image 3

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r ' ii. .-:
"m4 'l Rome an4 Took Flaw
- i th rt suo a, o.
Livy In bis famous book, "The Au
Mlatf 9, 30, relates In the following
uggwttve words the story of a singu
lar strike which occurred In Uouie In
tt year 800 B. C. an4 wu probably
Cat first strike ever known:
Ttoat year occurred an event Httlo
worthy of being related and which I
would pass In gence had Jt not ap
peared as Involving rellgionr The flute
players, dissatisfied because the latest
censors bad forbidden them to take
part la the banquet In Jupiter's temple,
according to the ancient custom, with
drew, every one of them, to Tibur, so
that nobody was left at Rome to play
during the sacrifices. Tlita Incident
shocked the religious sentiment of the
senate, and the senators sent messen
gers (o Invite the inhabitants of Tlbur
to make every effort In, order tbat the
players should be restored to the Ro
mans. The Tiburtlues, having prom
ised Hot to neglect uuything necessary
for tbat purpose, caused the flute play
ers to come to the place where the sen
ate saet and exhorted them to go back
to Borne. Seeing that they could not
prevail npon them to do so, tbey em
ployed a stratagem In keeping with
their character.
On a day of festival under pretext
tbat music would Increase the Joy of
tie (east every citizen Invited the flute
players Individually , to bis bouse, and
wine, of which people of that profes
sion are usually fond' was given to
them In such quantities that they fell
Into a deep sleep.' They were then
thrown Into wagons and' transported to
Rome. They only became aware of
what bad happened on the .day after,
when dawn surprised them lying on Ow
carta, which had been left In the forum.
A large crowd bad assembled, and tbey
were Induced to promise that they
would remain at Rome. The right of at
tending the banquets was restored to
these flute players.
mob Llffhta For- Mariner. Cocral
With the Earlle.t Commerce.
Beacon lights to guide the wave
tossed mariner to a safe harbor must
have been almost coeval with, the earli
est commerce. There Is positive record
that lighthouses were built In ancient
times, though few evidences now re
main to us from old writers or In crum
bled ruins. This Is not strange, for light
towers, never the most stable' architec
tural form, were exposed to the storms
of sea and war. . , -
The Greeks attributed the first light
bouses to Hercules, and be was consid
ered the protector of voyagers. It Is
claimed by some that Homer refers to
lighthouses In the nineteenth book of
Virgil mentions a light on a temple
to Apollo which,' visible far out at sea,
warned and guided mariners. The Co
lossus at Bhodes, erected about' 300
B. C, Is said' to have shown a signal
light from Its uplifted band.
The oldest towers known were built
by the Libyans In lower Egypt. They
were temples also, and the lightkeeper
priests taught pilotage, hydrography
and' navigation. The famous tower on
the Isle of Pharos at Alexandria, built
about 285 B. C Is the first lighthouse
of undoubted .record. This tower, con
structed by' Sostratus, the architect,
was square 16 plfln,. of -great height and
built In offsets; An open brazier at the
top of the tower contained the fuel for
the light. At Dover and Boulogne, on
either side of the English channel, were
ancient lighthouses built by tbe Ro
mans. But the lighthouse at Coruna,
Spain, built In the reign of Trajan and
reconstructed In 1G34, Is believed to be
the oldest existing jlghthouse.
Tho Hinmliif Bird Flower.
Alletedo avaslsls, the wonderful so
called "bumming bird flower" of tbe
plains of eastern Turkey .-.stands unique
and alone among the many specimens
of floral mimicry that have been classi
fied by modern botanists. It Is a beau
tiful blossom of. variegated hues, tbe to
tal length of, the entire flower being
bout one and three-quarter Inches. As
one might Imagine from Its name, It Is
an exact Image of a miniature hum
ming bird. The breast Is green, the
wings deep rose color, the throat yel
low and the head and. beak almost pure
black. Tbe only particular In which It
Is not a perfect bird Is tbat the stem
gives It tbe appearance of having but a
single leg and.foot
A clerical correspondent of one of
tbe London church, papers relates tbat
a certain prelate bad great difficulty In
suppressing bis laughter at the .conse
cration of a church the other (Jjiy ow
ing to tbe device on one of' the school
banners which were carried In tbe pro
cession befrsj the-service.' This ban
ner was 'adorned wltfi a very fierce
looking Hon, with terrible claws uud
teeth, while undei-iieath.hliu was the:
legend. "Suffer little children to come
nnto me."
v - '
Am Afghan Cn.tom.
An Afghan Is. bound by custom, to
grant a stranger 4vbo crosses his thresh
old and claims protection any favor
be may ask, even at the risk of hit own
life, Yet apart from this be Is cruel
and revengeful,: neW forgiving, a
wrong and retaliating at the .firstfop
portunlty, ; .-.
i Tm Ob to Brae.
"He's bragging tbat be doesn't owe a.
cent to any pjon la the yzpry'J" . . v,
"WeU'lie nfedn't brag tnat bo does
not owe me-ILr ; - :
"WBy.not'....'- -
Tin doing 'the bragging for that"
Omaha News.
Kot moneybut the love of It, Is the
root of ovU. The right use of money
brings only good, '
A Coo Reo-lasta.
Smytbe I Intend Harry for the bar.
Would you '.advise his beginning on
such old works as Coke and Black
stonef Tompkins Xo. I would begin
by grounding him even further back.
Bmythe-Indeed! . In whatT Tomp
kins Tbe Ten Commandments.
piTlalo of Proata.
Lltlgint-Yoa take nine-tenths of the
judgment? Outrageous! Lawyer I
fnmlsbad air tbe skill and eloquence
and legal learning for your cause.
Uftgant Bnt I furnished the cause,
fyf iy4;h- anybody could do tbat!
It Baa Much to Do With "Wtaalaaj
Success la LIfo,
The mental attitude which we al
ways hold toward our work or. our aim
has everything to do with what we
may accomplish. If you go to your
work with the attitude of a slave who
goes lashed to his tusk and see in It
only drudgery; If you work without
hope, seeing no future In what you are
doing beyond getting a bare living; If
you see no light ahead, nothing, but
poverty, deprivation and hard work
all your life; if you think tbat you
were destined to such a bard life, you
cannot expect anything else than tbat
which you look for.
If, on tbe other hand, no matter bow
poor you may be today, you can see a
better future; If you believe that some
day you are going to rise out of bum
drum work, that you are going to get
up out of the basement of life Into tbe
drawing room, whero beauty, comfort
and Joy await you; if your ambition Is
clean cut and you keep your eye stead
ily npon the goal which you hope to
reach and feel confident that you have
the ability to attain It, you will accom
plish something worth while, The di
rection of your effort will follow your
eye. If that looks up as well as on,
you will climb.
That one quality of holding persist
ently the faith in themselves and nev
er allowing anything to weaken tbe be
lief that somehow they would accom
plish what they undertook has been the
underlying principle, of all great
achievers. The great majority of men
and women who have given civilization
a great . uplift started poor and for
many dark years saw no hope of ac
complishing their ambition, but they
kept on working and believing that
somehow a way would be opened.
Think of what this attitude of hopeful
ness and faith has done for the world's
great Inventors how most of them
plodded on through many years of dry,
dreary drudgery before the light came,
and the light would Lever have come
but for their faith, hope and persistent
What If they had listened to their
advisers! Even those who loved them
tried to beg them to give up the fool
ishness of coining their lives Into that
which would never be practical or use
ful. We are enjoying today thousands
of blessings, comforts and conveniences
which have been bequeathed us by
those resolute souls who were obliged
often to turn a deaf ear to the plead
ings of those they loved best as they
struggled on amid want and woe for
many years. Success.
Negroes consider Christmas day the
best In tbe year for a wedding.
Christmas was first celebrated as a
feast of the Christian church about the
year 190 A. D.
At Culdaff, In Ireland, the game of
kamman, a sort of hockey, Is played on
Christmas day.
A leaf from Christmas decorations Is
preserved in Yorkshire as. a remedy
against toothache.
Scottish servants each endeavor to be
the first to draw water from the well
on Christmas morning.
It Is an old Irish superstition that
gold should not be paid away on
Christmas day nor silver lent.
Christmas day at Cape Town is usual
ly celebrated with picnics. The tem
perature averages 82 degrees.
On Christmas morning in Norway
very gateway, gable or barn door la
decorated with a sheaf of corn fixed on
a tall pole In order that the birds may
eat from It their Christmas dinner.
To Hake a Canary Sine
Generally any kind of soft, sibilant
noise will tempt a bird to sing. A ca
nary hung In a kitchen will usually
start bis song tf he hears, say, the friz
zling of a frying pan. We utilize spe
cial devices to tempt the shy singer,
who Is perhaps rendered the more bash
ful by finding himself In novel sur
roundings. For this purpose we em
ploy whistles and song organs, which
artificially reproduce the "tours" of the
roller. This latter method Is found to
be irresistible when all other plans have
failed. The bird feels apparently tbat
be Is being challenged and forthwith
responds to the challenge by pouring
forth the best of bis song. London
Vulcan, tbe god of ancient black
smiths and metal workers, was lame
In consequence of a pretty hard fall
he had In his early days. Jupiter and
Juno bad a row, and Vulcan sided
with his mother against the old gen
tleman, who promptly kicked him out
of heaven. He fell for a whole day
and lighted on the Island of Lemnos,
broke his leg and received as severe
a shaking up as though he had tumbled
down an elevator shaft, sculaplus
set his leg, but having only Just receiv
ed a diploma did a poor Job, and for
long time Vulcan went on a crutch. -
,' fj. All Bt the Head.
Glass stands first of elastic sub
stances, pearl Is the heaviest of animal
substances, mercury Is the heaviest
liquid, the heaviest woods nre pome
granate and lignum vitae, cork U the
lightest . wood, and platinum Is the
most ductile metal, capable of being
rawo so fine as to be Invisible.
, He, Will See Them,
"A prominent oculist says be never
saw a. pair of perfect eyes," said the
wqpian who reads the newspapers.
'That," replied Miss Cayenne, "mere
ly proves1 that the prominent -oculist
was never In love. Washington Star.
. The way to fume Is like the way to
heaven, throiigb much tribulation
White Salmon-Hood River
Two Vg sail boats,, two
big perfectly safe gasoline
launches and two big ferry
scows. Expert sailors in
charge. Boats leave at all
Licensed Ferrymen.
Treating Wrong Disease.
Many times women call on their famllj
physicians, suffering, as they Imagine,
one from dyspepsia, another from heart
disease, another from liver or kidney
disease, another from nervous exhaustion
or prostration, another with pain here and
there, and in this way they all present
alike to themselves and llieir easy-going
and Indifferent, or over-busv doctor, sep
arate and distinct diseases, for which he,
assuming them to he such, prescribes his
pills and potions. In reality, they are all
only fymvttmu caused by some uterine
disease. The physician, ignorant of the
rati of suffering, encourages this prac
tice until large bills are made. The suf
fering patient gets no better, but probably
worse, by reason of the delay, wrong
treatment and consequent complications.
A proper medicine like Or. l'ierce's Fa
vorite Prescription, directed to Uie caum
would have entirely removed the disease,
thereby dispelling all those distressing
symptoms, and instituting comfort in
stead of prolonged misery. It has been
well said, that "a disease known is half
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a
scientific medicine, carefully devised by
an experienced and .skillful physician,
and adapted to woman's delicate system.
It is made of native medicinal roots and
is perfectly harmless In Its effects in any
rendition of the nyiitem.
As a powerful Invigorating tonic "Fa
vorite Prescription " imparts strength to
the whole system and to the organs dis
tinctly feminine In particular. For over
worked, "worn-out." "run-down," debili
tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers,
seamstresses, "shop girls," house-keepers,
nursing mothers, ana feeble women gen
erally, l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Is the greatest earthly boon, being un
equuled as an appetizing cordial and re
storative tonic.
As a soothing and strengthening nerv
ine "Favorite Prescription " is unequaled
and ls.invaluable in allaying and sub
duing nervous excitability, irritability,
nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration,
neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea. St.
Vitus's dunce, and other distressing, nerv
ous symptoms commonly attendant upon
functional and organic disease of the
uterus. It induces refreshing sleep and
relieves mental anxletv and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate
the stomach, liver and bowels. One to
three a dose. Litsy to take as candy.
Nature's Wondrous Handiwork
Through Utah and Colorado
t'antle Hate, Canon of the Grand,
Black Canon, Mar'l all and Ten
nessee Pa.-ie. iitui the World
Famous Uoyal (iorge.
Kor descriptive nnrt illustrated pamph
lets, wrlU: to
W. C. McBRlDE, General Agent
lSlTMid sireet, fOKIXAND, OR.
A i-i Imi I l l-'iiu of Mails.
liool) K1VKK.
I'll.' I'liKintfli i- iMipen d. illy between 8 a. m.
.out r . in : XuiinHy irom VI lol o'clock. Mall
In) iiH I. -I r hi II Al i in., 8 10 m. and
'in in.:i"i i'i w .--it, hi y m ii. in. h no ! p. in.
I In-1- r
It. V. I iuiiIoh No. I and 2
f In
IK- Ml
-! (! t S.:m i. in. Mail leaves
I.b.iI. daily in Win.; arrives 111.20
I'nr rii'li-moiii, Wii.. dully except Sun
'u i l .ii.. iitr'1 hi II n. in.
Iir M nil - 'in n Wi, nil., dully tit 12 in.;
UITirr ill 11 H. 111.
e,i liiver, dailj ut; arrives at
I i".
Kur Muslim, Trout Lake and Ouler, Wasli.,
ilaliv al T..' a. in.; aritVH 5 p. in.
K r, Kulda and Gilmer, Wash.,
dailv in 7.3(1 a. in.: arrives at 5 n. in.
ror I'lne Hat and Hnowdvn, Wash., at 1 p.
m. rui-s lays and Saturdays; arrives same
days at l'i in.
Fur Ulnuf n. dally at 4.45 p, m.; arrives at
8.46 a. in.
0. R. & N. TIME TABLE.
East tamnd
.No. 1!, Chicago Hneclal, 11:40 a. m.
No. 4, Hiaikane r Iyer, 8::S p. ni.
No. , Mall and Express, 10:42 p. m.
No. 24, Way Freight, 12:15 p. in.
No. 22. r'ast Freight, 4:06 a. m.
West bound
No. I, Portland Special, 3:511 p. m.
No. H, 1'ortland Hyer, 5:l a. m.
No. 5, Mall and Express, 4:42 a. id.
No. 2,1, Way Freight, :25 a. m.
No. &i, Fast Freight, 1:06 p. m.
amd union Pacific
3 Trains to the East Daily
Pk.nn..k I..lln.u o.nnH..a nnA (n.,vla
Rleeplnir cars dally to Omaha. Chicago, Hpo
kne; tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas
ftiy: tnronen rniimnn lonrisi sleeping car
(iiersontially conducted) weekly to Chicago.
Reclining chair cars (Heats free) to tbe East
Portland, Or.
Chicago Salt ljik.. Dim,
Fortland Ft. W orth.Omaha,
SMClal Kanaka CUT. Sk
:16 a. m. ! LoniB,ChlcagoDd
la I Itakk
At antla
1:15 pa
Fait tAk. DanT.r,
Ma. M.
H.Wurlh. Omaha,
Kanaaa cur. Ml.
Lotila,i blcagoand
Walla tt alia, Uwla-
St. Paul
faat Mall
lilop. m.
ton, 8 pkaii, Wal
lace, till I roan
Mlnu.aiiolla, Ht.
Paul, Imluih.Mil
vauk.., Chicago
ana aut.
River Schedule.
way points, mnncetlni
with siwimpr for II - net
and North Hc-ach atram
cr HaskrIo. Ash aire!
00 P. M
'00 P. M
7:09 A. M.
dock (water per.)
FOR Davtnn, Oregon
City and Yamhill Klv
er nofnta. Asb atret
dock (water per.)
6:90 P. M.
fill c ur lutnu , . u a i .
Idaho, and wav tMilntal Mnnriav l-ftl p M
from Itlparla, Wash. Wedn'd'y j Tuenday,
Friday. Thurartay,
I Sunday.
Freight House . m. to 12 noon: 1 to 5 c,
m. No freight received or delivered after 6
p. m.
Passenger Depot Hour for delivery of ex
preaaaud baggage will beg a. m. t(ll 6 p. ip.
General Paaaenger Agent, Portland, Ur.
W. H. BOYLE, Agent, Hood River.
..We., A rtnlnt?
Want rMMiW43
From now on vt
look Tor u Ix'ttci'
market in Tort land
SHU to
Pioneer Fruit and Produce Dealers
Wood For Sale
All Kinds at "owest
Market Price.
Prompt delivery, phone. Slur raj KtJ.
Best line of Cigars in
the City
Also handle line of
Pipes, Tobaccos and
Fishing Tackle
Hunts Paint .
j Wall Pap
Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH
Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, Gilts
and high Grades, From 1 0c up. A full stock of room
molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of
novelties in Framed Pictures. 0ALCIMO, the
latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order.
Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc.
Phone G71. First and Oak Streets.
Increase Your Profits
What'. th ua of (sins to all the cipena. of a praying and tKn hava poor
fruit? Th secret of .ecurlng clean, fancy fruit i. in apraylng thOronaJHlr with
high, n, areiaur., Th. hind men hava cldom don. thi. becaua. th.
(tjrjj pump, ran ao
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Stock Grown on Full Boots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will hare and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all tbe standard rarieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitcen
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
SSSfSISSaS 50c, 60c, 75c $1.00, $1.50
Men's w 50c.
Mount Hood Brr,4
Wood consumers will find it to their advantage to
call on us. Have on hand
1500 Cords of Dry Slab Wood
Prices have not been advanced.
Oregon Lumber Co.
Hood River, Oregon.
nara, out tncy ao it eaauy
By Using Bean
Magic Spray Pumps
bwauaa thtf . Ja.l thirl th lah.r.
In the Spring Rests the Secret
Th. increaa. in profit from aecurinc fancy fruit will
alone pay for th. outfit, and the troubl.
1 feature, found axcluaively In th. two .ilea of BMk
Msic pump, merit your hnmadiate Investigation.
; t aeema almoal too good to b. tru. that all th. new
Improvement, can b. had in on. pump, but It i tru
and you will understand why wh.n you ace a Magic
in operation.
W !( f ihM msip la slack
u will Sloans' t. hw th U 7.
R. II. WEBER, rrop.
Evergreens, Rosea and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation.
Coe's Addition
Cheap for Cash or on
your own terms.
Now is the Time to Buy.
Phono Farmers 1233.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Froe Delivery. Phono 931 q HOOD RIVER, Oil.
..Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Dry floods Ammunition Boots nnrt Shoos
Hardware Granitewnro
Hay Grain Flour Feed Full lino of Groceries
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
We have just received a car load of
Water Pipe
Direct from the factory. We are selling it at wholesale
prices. We can save you money. Also have a full line of
fittings and the largest stock of garden hose in the city.
Flies, Flies, Flies
It will soon be Fly-time and then you will want
Screenes in a Hurry
Place your order now and be sure to have them in time.
I will make any kind of screen you want, painted any color
you want, and hung any way you want. Prices aro
all right. Call at shop or phone 571.
F. G. COE Carpentering
and Lots