- v 3k Pi vol; xvii. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, MAT 10, 1906. V u 3s ' t til t 3 ' i 3 52 SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVKK COMMKRCIALCIAIB-Meets very second Mowlnv in each month at 8 p. m.. In the club hsjus er Jackson's Htore. .-. H. V. Davidson, Pre. A. n. IIOB, Secnlury. UOl) RIVER lAilKJhfNo. KC, A. r. anit A. M. Meets Haturday evening on or before wli foil moon. A. 8. Hrowjiits, W. M, D. McDonald, Secretary. . , ' HWDD BIVEB I H API 'EB NO. 87, K. A. M. Beeta Unit and third Friday nights or enes nionlh 1). McDonald, H. P. A. D, Muk, Secretary. HOOD KIVKR t'HAPTER NO. 2ft, O. E. 8 - ateeu second and fourth 1 uesdsy evening of each mouth. Visitors ordialiy welcomed. Mas. T. I. Kinnaiku, W. Al. Mao. Thkkkha Cas'inks., secretary. lake Up IDLEW1IJJE 1X31)0 K NO. 107, I. O. O. F. Meet! la Fraternal hull, every Thursday IgUI. It. U. rARKOTT, H, w, AuJUf NBAL, Mecretary EDEK. ENCAMPM ENT. NO. 48. 1. o. O. F. Regalar meeting secoud and fourth Mondays oi.eacu montu. it. t;, look, u r. B. C. WMITU, Scribe. LAUREL BEBEKAU DEtiBEE LODGE NO. II, I. O. O. F.-Meet first aud third Fridays u eaca montn. Mrs. E. W. ITdril, N. O. Msg. Dora Thomso.n. becrtslaiy. ' WAUCOMA LODGE NO. 80, K. OK P. Meels iu.-K. otP. ball every Tuesday n.glit, Iuoh. F. Johnson, (J. C. ' V. V. Bhovk.-K.oI k. aud B. HOOD BIVEB CAMP, NO. 7,708, M. W. A.- Jseels lu K. of P. hall every Wednesday Blfnii J-J. U. MAYKS, V. U C.U. Dakin, Clerk. MOOD BIVEB CIRCLE NO. 521, WOMEN OK Woodcraft Meets at K. of I', ball on the llrsland Third KrldayB of each month. Lou McKeynommj, (1. N, V. W. McRkynolus, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODUK NO. us A. O. U. W. Meets oral and third Saturdays of each momn: . a. ot.ago, m. w. E. B. Bbadi.kv, Financier Chjchtku ttuuTa, Recorder, OLETX AHHEMBLY NO. 103, UNITED ART Uans. Meet the first and third Wednea- daySi work; second and fourth fc ednesduya Artisans' ball. J. W. Thompson, M. A. C. D. Hbnbub, Secretary. OOljBT MOOD RIVER NO. it, FOR EST KRIS 6Ajlierfca', MeeU second and fourth Mou days lu each month In K. ol V. hall. ' Bknkca F. Fours r.c, unosica, r.c. li ra, C. B. CAN BY 1'OftT, NO. M.Gv A.' B. MEETS AT AV.O.T..W, hall, second and lonrth Halur daVsof each" hloulh altfo'cloek. p. ui. -All UA. B. luembers Invited to meet with us. ' " H. A. Hkinnkb, Commander. Thomas Gosh, Adjuiaut. CAN BY W. B.C., No. Iti MEETS SECOND and fourth Saturdays of each Mouth lu A. O. U. W. haUVat 1! p. m. Ellen Blount, President. GlkTRUDK B. l.NuLtl, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 341)9, B. N. A. Meats at the K, of V. Hall on the second aud fourth Fridays ol eaeb month. Mrs. Caukie Bkosius, O. Mas. Ella Dakin, Recorder. Take Notice of the FAStanley, E L Smith, E. o. Ki.ancbak t-res. vice-rres. I ashler. V. C. BocK, AshI. Caxliier. The First National Bank OF HOOD BIVER, OREGON. CapiL.il and Surplus $:10,(K)0. SNAPS FARM PROPERTY Next week thev may be sold We have sonic snaps it M. pay to look at will J. F. WATT, M.D. .PHYSICIAN AND- SURGEON. Tolopuones: Offlee, 281; residence, 811. BURGEON O. B. 4 N. Co. JR8; MAKY JORDAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. MHees and Rnsldeitce In E. L. Smith Building OTr F.lrst Nat. Bank. Entrance, rear ... of bank, on Third bu r - : t- j'houe 871. - H. L. DUMBLE, PJH;Y8ICIAN AND SUKGEON. Successor io Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered In town or country, ; Day or Night. Telephones: Resilience, 611: Office, 613. Office in tbe llioslus Building. Don't Delay J. H. ileilbronncr & Company Fruit Lands, Real Estate and Insurance Grouml floor new Davidson Bldg. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. PR. J, EDGINGT0N, PKysiciian and Surgeon f Office' ever the First National bank. ,4.0iftije'jfBbn 1433. Bes. pbone 76XI, ;:"0mciif a'ckaoh Block. Offlae phonei Nov liv Besldeuce, No. 5H3. , ,.W..QAyEY:,M.D. Calls promptly .aiwftemi iky -or night. Phbn'M'afn' &81 office' antf residence. V. : ! Sniilli Jluilding. GiaJife j Ajljah ' School ot i Osteopathy ,;KirkavilI, Mo. , Office aud HeffdencS Huxley Oottag, unci ciicrb. Hood River Studio KoR lirst-Class Photographs we have the latest In mounts and ciin en Isrjre your l'hotus in Crayon, I'latinoid or nepia,. HaJlslacllon guuraulerd. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. P. M. HALL-LEWIS & CO. Civil and Architectural -Engineers and Surveyors Mak surveys, plans and mtlmstes for sew er, light and power and railway plants, and furnish, subject to approval, plans, sfwclflca tlons and PKtlmutes for all classes of buildings public, private and mercantile. Hpeclal at tention glvan to economic and slow-burning construction. Accuracy and economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SUVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD R1VKR, OREGON. S.H.COX Contractor and Builder FLAM AMD ElTlstATM FcaJIIJHlI). NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, I'nited State utnd omce, 1 lie vans, ure., April in, imsj. Notice Is hereby given that the following uameu seiner iins 111.4 m nis ltiuullou U mvke final cmofln support of his claim and that mid proof will be made before the Kegisterana neoeiveryii 1 tie nslles, Oregon DAVID M. Dl'VAI.L of Mosler, Oregon, osi u. k. No. tens', for tbe 10 is 1, 2. s, auu i.seciiou s townnh'p 2 north range 11 sm, w. m. ne names tne looowing wiituses to prove nis continuous resiuencv uihui and cultiv lion of said land, vis : Lewis L. (ioodwin, William K. lluskey. vrge w , n usaey, nui. n . niepliemton. of Misiier, Ore. MICH Ala T. NOLAN. al9-m24 Register. NOTICE FOR rUBLK ATlOX lepartment or the Interior, l ulled states Lttua unioe, ins iHiiies,uregoa, Apr. 10, lyuti. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler bss fllud notice of bis Intention to maae nnai prooi in support of hlsclsfm and that said proof Will be made before the Beulster and Receiver at The Ukii... om. ISAAC M. TH0MA8, of Mosler, Oregon, on H. K. No. 9?a, for the I. i rnurA, lr. -4 nirMiu y4 . r,'4t section , uwiinuip i uuniu iniisv 11 esNl, w. .U. Kll FREDERICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnished on all kinds of work Khnnoa- Arnold, Main to. JTllUIlttrJ. Frsdsrlek. V.i-sss SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Ifporalive 1'iiiiiliiitr ami Paper Hanging riaus ftiriilnhed. Estimates pare full V made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect Hftvinur had several years' experience In drafting and building. I would reHi'tfullv solicit a part of the matron ntre of the people of Hi-ukH Ulirum ulm sitttiftlt.lu K.tll.lln.r lUnlt reasonable, a id satlnf action euaranteed. floe at residence uu Heights, JOE WRIGHT CARI'KNTER AND BUlLDEIl IMione 71)9 figures aim estiniates lunuslieil on all kinds of building and contracting. H. SEYMOUR HALL, Surveyor. I am qualified and prepared to do all kinds or first-class land surveying. Accuracy gusr anteed. Those who wis MrNt-class work done address It. r. 11. 2., Hood Klver. I'hone 50x1, : BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in everyrespect. Porcelain Baths in Connection DeBORDE & GREY. ASSOCIATION of McMiiinville. Oregon, will insure your proiierty at til) per eent less cost than any other ins.itution. V. r. KUSS, Special Agent, Uuod Klver, Oregon GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands and tlniqer claims; also relinquishments and land to script. Call on or address, Wm. p. rand, lies. Phone 376. Hood River. Ore. ' i'JloOirBiVfcit,1 t-' Bll YIOIAn! AND 51j RGEOtX , . t l'uoue Central, or 121. fc?D; WPINEO&DVS. Ckown Biurxik Work A'SrmiAi.TY. Olirde ftVer " ' ; ' First Katkinal Bank Telephone Main 311 a H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. :' k.. Sapsotelwl ou Crown aud Hrnlno Work. J'V-JflPete'phoneai "office.' residence, 1046. fficsbvCT Bafik plH.; . . flood Uiver; Ore. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick : For tSale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEEK. ,M:E WELCH, $8titi .VElEIUXARi SCfeUEOS 't'wrKi toao snywotk In ilie veuirln r4iner can ke fouu.l by calling at or pa.nmg to Via lt s drug stole. A'MJA.YKE.: te. a. u ' it ;.;lawyer- .fcifcactli rnrtnflliftl;.. ;Moii(' lX)afae(L i -,..5.0PD RIVER, pReGON. EH. HART WIG; : LAWYER; : .;!. Wlimactlce In AlH'onrU a OAs wirh Oe.I. Culberlson 4 I 0. Col taetiauai Abstracts, Hetlleinent of Kstates. 't i HOOD KIVKK. OKK.trtlN. C. A. DANO Real Estate HOOD RIVER OREGON Intending purchasers would do well to see my list of city and farm property liefore purchasing. He names the Is continuous tlon of said laud, vis lOWitlV WltneNMes Iji .nmv his continuous residence uon mid ctiltlva- John Armstrong. Heorav K. Wnoil John cvaiis, Auwaru k. istiumiu, all o Mosler. urvgou. a26 in34 MICHAEL, T. Kol.AN, Keglster. NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION Department or the Interior, United States Laud omce. The Daltes,Oregon, April 0, lsoti. Notice Is hereby given that the following liamvu BriLicr timm uim huiiwui Ills inieiltlOD to make final proof In support of his claim and that said p oof wl II be made before tieorge T. l'ralher, U. 8. t'onimisslonrr, at bis ottice 111 uiKHt uiver, uregon, on may l.nii, luoa, viz EARL K. BARTsI K8M, of HiMid River, Oregon, on H. K. No. IS830, for tue r.y, r, section m, township north range v east, anu iota x auu a, section IV, town, sill,. 2 north range luoasl W. M. ne names me loiiowing witnesHes to prove nis continuotiu reeiaence nisin and cultiva tion 01 ssia iauu, vis: Edward 11. Harlwlir. Hurrv a ltu..i...i. Ralph Jurvis, Audraw A. Jay lie, all of Houti niver, wregon. M1CHAK1. T. NOLAN, l;-ml0 Hegisler. ITimb-r Land, Act of Junes, HTK NOITCK FOR I'UBMCA I ION United States lurid Office. The Dalles inv gon, Jan. aird, ltM. Notli is herebv iiwn that in coiiipllauce with the provixiousol the act 01 t ougressoi June s, istk, entitled "An act for the ssle of timber lands In the states of California, Uregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extended 10 all the public WALTER Bl'KEI) ort Johns, county or Miiltnoiuah, state of 1 i muii, uas mis uay uieu 111 nils olllce bis sworn statement No. ifJW. for Hie nnrrlia-seuf tne lois a. t, anu b 01 recunn ti, rp. 1 north range V K., W.M. lliat lie win orrer proots to show that the lauus ook,iii are more vaiuauit lor the tint. ber or tone thereon than lor agricultural puriMiM'S, and to establish hit claims to suirl funds before the Register and Receiver at the lann onice 111 ine naiies, uregon, on May Kill, IWKI. He names I lie following witnesses: NllsC. Olson nd Wm. H. llatlmate ol 1'oriluml. nr- K.. ft...,, . . iirjn,M uuimi 111, VirCKOll.aUa Y. 1 ruutM'tl of Hiaid River. Oieifon. Any and all persons claiming adversely unv of the above described lands are remi.uii to tllellielr claims In this ofluw on or beiore said lzin aay 01 nay, vvn. ii ue. beli DiHmlO MIO I L T NOLAN, Register. Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of the I'nited H'att and are in (rood posi tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. J R.JONES, Dentist Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. Treatment of ilipeutieii tee th and gums. Ollkf lWii liuildini;. Phone 10153. .v : EPUTS & PERBK " Attorneys at Law v ' " jj;';; BrosTrts .RniWIng - ' 'MOOD RIVER, OREGON. W. A. Morgan & CO. I ... ,Vcj(so In Oanyer dc llactby ! Heavy ami Light Drawing I ami Tf am Work, etc. I Phone 1121. HOOD RIVER, OK. j0bil4.EtANI HEXDEUt-OX ATTORN KY AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO . . T-AKV H1 rH.lf and ItKAL ,.. iXTATE AUKNT. 4rotlly,eart a residenlof O egon and Wash 1 Ibgtoti. Has had many years experience in Real Estate mstters, as abstractor, searcberof utlesand agnt. Hstfsfactlon guaranteed or 'noAa'rge.' ' - - F. G. COE Carpentering Pbone 571 JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am pri'paivd to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. I'fimber Ijand, Act Junes, 1K78.I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Mutes Land Olflce. The Dalles. Oregon, January In, IIXXI. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with tbe provisions 01 tne acesn congress 01 June u, 1K78, entitled 'ah act lor ine sale 01 timber lauds In the lilies 01 l a 1 1 lorn m. Ilruuii. Nevada and WashiiiicUin Tcrrlloi v." as extended to all the public Iniid stiitin by net of August i, 1W2, 1IAV1II KOULKhS of Id tla ml, county of iMiiltn imah, state of uregon, lias 1111s nav mcl in th soft his swoni siutemeul N 1 27isj, for the purchase of .1... tl'l V'l.'l V ,1 I L-l. k,, tlon lownsliip I nortli, range V K.. W. M. 1 lint he will offer proof to slwur that Hia lands sought are more valuable for the Mm. ber or stone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish bis claims to aula land before the KeglxUtr and Receiver at the land office in 'Hie Dalies. Oreaou.on Muv 10th, MM. He names the foitowtni; w tnesses; Nils C. Olson, C. W. Kmbody, hVnjainlu K.Fisher, of I'ortlunii, Oieuon, uiul Joun E. Hedges, of iiniaim, MitKiiu. Any and ail iiei'Mons claimlns! ariverm.lv nnj 01 tor uiiic-ui'w'iiih'u ntuiis are retpieMt ed to Hie their claims In this olllce on or be fore tnesatu iuiii 11. iy 01 .uay, lll. niHinlU 11 1(11 A hi, T. NuLAN, Register, (Timber Uind. Act June , 1878 NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION. United Suites Land utile, The lHilles.Ore- gon, JAn. litru, ihui. Mitlce Is hereby alveii that in cnmplisnce with the provisions of the act of congress of June i, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber laada In the states of t aiiiornm. uregiui, nevsaa and W ashington Territory," as ex tended to all the public Laud msies uy aci ui Aiigusu, irvz, IIUKLAH OCTAVIA RoLLKKTON of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Uregon, has this day Hied In this office bis sworn statement ro. aan, for tne purchase of liie lots 10 anu n, section ,11, lot 4, section Htt. tp. 2 N., H. v KhhI and lot 4, section b. To. 1 north, ran e 9 K W. M. That she will offer proof to show the lands light are more valuable for the timber or stone tnereon than lor agricultural purposes, 1 nd to establish her claims to said lands tierore tne itegisier anu iteceiver at the land omce in ine tianes, uregon, on May 12, liiou Hlie names the following wllnesaea: Nils C. uison ami w. it. namgate or fortland. ore - FRUIT PESTS AND REMEDIES DESCRIPTION AND TREATMENT liken From a Iiullt-tin on On-hurt! Prattle. Complied by F. A. Iluntl.7. Hi. r. . me oaQ j me ciouie 1ms twoonie go generally distributed to the fruit sec tions of this state tlitt moat growore of tree fruits are familiar with its destructive effects. It may be found on uu Kinds or fruit trees, and on na tive trees contiguous to the infested .. 1 1 1 . . . uiuuarus uui is mosr, uotloenlile on apples and pears. When prexeut 011 a Ocarina tree it alwavs attacks the truit, causinK conspicuous rod blotches. Most persons do not like to eat scaly fruit. Raw animal matter nasinot come to be a coveted relish when served upon f,esh fruit, or otherwise. The Ban Jose Scale in broods at stated intervals, as is the !,0H l! durmu the winter, babit of some other insect, it lives w"ter or early attack is maile upon the young twigs in ine spring uy tne larvae ( woims boring into the tips. A late brood in feats the fruit, aud it is the late var letles of fruit thut indicate the great est loss 10 tne Iruit-grower. The adult is a small dark-gray moth wnien reacnes maturity In August and later. The moths lay their eggs in tiio crotches of tbe smaller branches. ueu the eggs hatch the lurva bore into the liark aud tbere remain until trie following spriug. ine kerosene emulsion spray will leslroy the worms If thoroimhlv an plied late in the winter or earlv snrlmr. lu treating for this pest it Is advisable to use an elbow on the end of the spraying rod. aud direct the sprity uiwiiwaru into tne ciotofies witu non. siderable foroo. A. II. Apple Scab, ily W. 11. Lawrence. This is tho most destructive disease or the apple that occurs in the stato, Ine tuugtis that causes the disease ha two stiiges the winter stuge whiuh lives in the dead aud decaying leaves luring tho winter and the summer stage which lives on the leaves aud u u it during the summer. Ilie form in the dead leaves contln Some waiter upeea ot hi, joiiiis, uregon; r. Kraut scby of Hood Klver, Uregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of tbe above described lands are request ed to file their claims lu this office on or be- lore tne aaiu izui uay oi may, tuna. M1CHAKL T. WOI.AN, m8m 0 Register, WE WANT LAND We ba- e buyers waiting ior suitable locations in the fruit belt. List your property with u". We are 'ocated at the hub and give special at tention to the Hood Uiver district. Portland projierly to trade for fruit LANGILLE & RAND 73 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. I have a new steam wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general tfain work. FRED HOWE. Phone 121. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i'nited Htates Ijtnri tiffin. Th liaiiu March '.ill, lux). Notice is hereby iclven ih-7 in com nuance wnn tne nrovisious .if ti.a a..f oi congress ui June 3, ibis, entitled "An act for incBHiviti iimuei imiius in ine states of Cali fornia. Oregon. Nevada, and W .in icinuii;, xtciiuu io so ine puDiio land states by act August 4, 18V2, PAUL P. McCULLY, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of wim"". low tiim uay uieu in mis noli, i.ia sworn statement No. IXii, tor the pnrchase of , In township I, range Seast, W. M and will' offer proof lo show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber and stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to ssld land before tbe Keglster and Re ceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on tbe lh day of May, 190J. ' He names as witnesses: Nllei C. Olsen, Port. Isnd, uregon ; Kred Krautt hy, Hood River. Oregon; George Hantlley and Davit Foulkes Portland, Uregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the tbove described lands are requested to file their claims In this offli on or before the 2Mb dayof May, ItMl MK HAKL T. NOLAN, i"m-' Register. NOTICK TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of tbe mate of Oregon for Wasco County. ' In the matter of tbe estate of Phebe Jonea. defeased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court for Wasoo t'ouu ty, Oregon, administra trix of the estate of Phebe Junes, deceased and all persons having claims against the ssld estate are retiulied to present same wltb the proper vouchers attached, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, at the office of Poo Is Derby. Hood River, Oregon. " , , , . t V.7.HK R. JONE8, Administratrix of the esutte of Phebe Jonea, deceased. bated and first published Mtrch lit, lmt FOUT8 A DKRBV, Attorneys for Administratrix. mrougb the winter ou biauchos and twigs from the Infant Btage to that of fun aeveioptneut. rue scales us oh served during the dormant season tire irom about a thirty-second to nearly one-eigni oi an men in diameter. lheyareof a crav sh color, noitrlv olroular in shaiw, and almost Hat, with a pointed, slightly raised center ot lighter color. They devour tho vital forces of a tree to such an extent that It ceases to be Drolltublo. and will tin any aie if lett untreated. jwginning witn tne first warm weutner in May tne scales commence to multiply and so continue to in urease turougn ine seasou. rue moling are corn anve and Ueeome immediate ly active in their doHtructive work ol sucking the juioes from tho plant. it is uot a uimouic mutter to run iroi aud even to eradicate this est from an orchard, by use of th suL phur-liuie spray properly prepared aud cnorougniy applied. Ihe writer of this article has used tbe sulphur-lime snrav in June with exoellent success hv amilvtnu the standard formula made up to one hull sirengtu. y, A. II Oyster-shcll stale. ine uyster-Hiiell scale, so common west of tbe Cascade niountain-i. bus a different life history from that of the San Jose Scale. It winter in the egg stage, tbe egg lieing protected until hatobed lu tbe warm stirinu weather, by the shell or doad covering of the old scale. Otherwise thev are imuar in men destructive liulntH The same treatment annlies to both Mr. E. S. Ridge. Fruit lusoector for Pierce county, and nianr others as well, testify to tbe effectiveness of the sulpbur-lime spray for the Ovstor Sbell Sonle, when this solution is made and used properly. F. A. II Apliift, lllack and (reen. Tbe aphis which attacks the foliatre of tbe apple is usually of a Jiuht creen color, aud those found on the plum and other stone fruits are commonly lack. Many kinds of plants are in tested with aphides of varying shudus green me-glng to b ack. ihe females give birth to living younu tnrougn tne summer. iNonr the close of the warm season eggs are deposited on tne twigs, and these hatch the fol lowing spriug, and so oontlutin the cycle of development. Aphides citute injury to young trees, uurserv stock. and newly set grafts, principally by oinoertng or destroying leaf action Ihe oommou remedy is kerosene emulsiou used as a spray. The remedy nave round uest by exteimivo pruc ioe is a preparation of uiootino. a bv product iu the mauufucttire of tobacco for the trade. This is a syrupy liquid put up and sold in one and live gallon cans, and exteusively used us a sheep dip for ticks, aud by greenhouse meu to kill insects intent tig tender plants. It i offered to the trade under the names, Sheep Dip, Rose Leaf, Kluok Lear, Niootiuide and other trade names. The oost is $1.00 to $1 i'i per gallon and Is diluted with about 75 parts water for .application. A strong tob icco tea made from the refute of cigar factories and used as a spray is an exoellent substitute for the com merci'l nicotine products. A thorough spraying with sulphur lime solution before tbe foliage starts will destroy tne eggs, thus we gain an other important advantage iu the use of this valuable remedy which is con sidered tbe standard for scale insects. F. A. H. spring: capsules are formed inside the loaves. ctioii: capsule oontains ntimoious spores. About tbe time the leaves ou the apple tree begin to unfurl in spring and inter these spores escape irom tue capsule and float about iu the air. Some of tbeni lodge ou the leaves, ilowers and fruit. If they ger initiate they will cause the parts to be oomo diseased. The summer stage then makes its appearance lu a fen lays iu the shape of small, usuallv nearly circular, dnrk, olive green col ored oioccnes. inese blotches are composed of numerous short stalks on t tie tips of which summer spores are borne. The suuimor sporer, ma ture at ouce and drop otf. It thov lodge ou the leaves and fruit of the same tree or a neighboring one thev will cause new areas to become dis eased. Very shortly a secoud crop of tminnior spores is prodtiood by the fun gus in tho new areas which in tin n drop otf. Some of them are carried tiy the wind and other agents to the leaves and fruit and thus spread tht disease more widely. Summer spores mature in such a short time and are produced in such abundance that th itiBBiids of scabby spots appear iu the course of a few days when condi tions are favorable. As the parts ma ture the new blotches become less fre quent and finally cease to appear. tho greater number of them npponr luring the inteivnl of time between the tin folding of the loaves and a few days after the petals have fallen. The reason that the fungus no longer pro- luces new diseased areas Is perhaps due to the epidermis (skin) of the leaves becoming somewhat thicker and tinner and thus more resistant so that tho fungus is unable to make entrance. bmco tho fungus that causes , the disease winters in the doad leaves it is evident that the destruction of as tunny of the fallen leaves as possible will materially lessen the number of winter spores to be set flee iu the spring Plowing the leaves under iu tho iiiiliimn is perhaps tho easiest method of getting rid of a greater tiuinliei of mom. I his will not alto gether prevent the disease. The trees must be sprayed every year. beveral sprays have been used lu combatting apple K'U i but none bus giveu as good results us properly pre pared liurdeaux mi.Utiio. Two appli cations applied on the proper dates are sullloieut lo hold the disease In check. The first application must be made just before the tlower buds ouen aud the secoud just utter the petals have fallen. THE RESERVOIR IS COMPLETED WILL HOLD 284,000 GALLONS Valuable Improvement Mario at tho Spring bj the Water Coin-pany. Woolly Aphis. This insect Is rarely found anywhere except on apple trees. It is most com mon in the Coast Region, though iu other sections It is sometimes ipiiti; numerous. The white cottony sub tance which forms a coveting and protection to tbe soft-bodied insects beneath, appears so conspicuous that its presence is readily observed. It attaches itself to rough places iu the bark, in openings caused by wounds, where branches have been cut oif. and about tbe buds aud fruit spurs ou small branches. It impairs the vital ity of the tree when allowed to de velop in considerable numbers. The sulphur-lime spray helps to keep it in check, but kerosene emulsion is a more effective remedy. Pure kerosene applied with a paint brmli to the trunk and main branches where it is found seems to result in no injury to tbe tree and will kill the insects. It is a difficult pest to eradicate. It is said that a "root foim" of woolly aphis attacks the roots of ap ple trees. Borne authorities claim the so-called root form is eutirelv a differ ent insect, and it is named the "ap ple-root aphis. While not as com mon as tbe w lolly aphis working iu tbe tops, it is even more destructive when found. (Jails which resemble crown gall are produced on the small roots by its attack. A remedy recom- ended for this it to remove tbe earth from around tbe base ot the tree aud treat with kerosene emulsion. This pest is likely to be introduced on nursery stock and serves as a warning to tbe planter tor close insertion. F. A. II. The Peach Twlg-Ilorer. This insect has come to be a serious pest in some of tbe peach-growing communities in tbia atate. The first llliukiot Canker, liy V. 11. Lawrence. Hlackspot Canker is a disease of the apple tree, lu importance it ranks next to the apple wab. It is very prevalent aud destructive in Western Washington in localities where tbe rain -full is considerable during the latter part ot autumn and early win ter. The disease is caused by a para sitio fungus. The fungus lives iu tbe bark for about a year aud then dies, liefore it dies it forms spores, the greiiter number of which are distri buted from October to late December or a little later, these spores are carried about by tbe wind and some of them lodge on the bark of apple tres. ihe moderately low tempera ture and plenty of moisture usually present in xvovomner and later are conditions most suitable for gormina tlon. Uu germinating the fungus en ters the bark. Occasionally by the end of a week new cankers make thoit appearance. Ihey are about the size ot a pin head, circular, somewhat sun ken, aud nearly black. They increase slowly in diameter but the fungus penetrates the bark into the sap wood beneath. When the troe begins to leave out the cankers increase rapidly iu diameter and are mature In size bv the lust of June or a little later. Ma ture cankers are usually oblong and vary in size from '4 of an inch to ti inches long by 4 of an inch to 5 in ctiet in width. Frequently they ap pear to be much larger. As a rule these larger ones are the result of two or more smaller ones merging to gether. The cankered bark becomes Iry and brittle and sopaiates from the living, leaving a Unsure. It remains ou the tree for a time and then falls out, leaving a scar. About tbe time the cankers are full gtown the epidermis (skin) on tbe cankers become slightly roughened by the formation of pustules just beneath It. hacli of these pustules contains numerous spores which when distri buted will cause the new cankers to appear. Hiuce tbe spread of the disease is caused by spores aud the spores germinate ill November it follows that the way to prevent the disease is to prevent the germination of the spores. This can be done by spraying the trees with double strength Bordeaux mixture about the first of November to kill the spores ou the bark. Under ordinary weather conditions there will be suUiideut spray on tbe bprk to kili spores that may lodge on it for a short period of time if the work has been done properly. To catch the spores tbat are distributed later in the season spray a second time with double strength Bordeaux mixture making the application thorough so (Continued on page 8) The news that tbe new leservoir at the spring, which supplies tbe lower part of town with water for domestio use, is completed, and tbat tbe water will now be available for Irrigating, will be welcome to the consumers of the water. The reservoir will be filled to about one-third its capacity today, and af ter thirty days will be filled another third, aud at tbe end of sixty days it will be ready to hold '284.000 sallnna of water. The oompany have put a heavv con crete wall entirely around the springs, comprising an area of 80x1-25 feet. At its deepest part, the water will be 11 feet deep when the reservoir is full. and at the outlet it will have a 10-foot head. A large filter bag been nut in. consisting of a square box of cement, tilled with clean gravel, so tbat everv drop of water going into the service pipes will have to pass through tweutv- six feet of gravel. This will prevent any impure organ io matter getting in to the pines. Ihe old bottom of the stir I hits was dug out to the depth of several feet aud a new coating of olean gravel put into the bottom, and in digging out for the work two more large springs were uncovered, which Hushed out from the bottom, thereby increasing the flow of water very materially. Around the concrete wall there will be built an 8-foot fence, oovered with tlue mesb poultry nettimr. to nrevnnt any animal getting to the water, and also to catch leaves and flying debris from falling luto the reservoir. Trees thut were too close have been cut down, so that no fall inn leaves or wigs can get in. and the around will be terraced up around the snrlnsa and made into a park. No expense has been snared to make the job permanent, and besides improving the sanitary condition of tbe springs, the reservoir will serve to greatly increase tbe water supply in the day time when it is most needed, by storing the overflow at night, which heretofore escaped. the reserve will also be drawn no on o replenish the upper spring, by '.nsuiiiuig an eiectrio pump, and pumping Into the upper system. The power will be supplied by the elootrio plant of the oompany. It was expected to have the work completed long before, but the scarci ty ot men, and the requiring more time than was contemplated at the be ginning, has made the delay. P. M. 1 lull-Lewis bus supervision of the work. Serious Accident on A or t It Bank. Saturday afternoon about two o'clock, while tbe blasting gang were emptying :V kegs of powder into sacks, preparatory to putting in blasts, the powder ignited. The foreman, C. E. Vincent, was so badly burned that he diod the next morning, while three others, whose names we were unable to learn, were very seriously burned. Ihe powder ignited with a ereat pulf of flume, setting lire to tbe cloth ing of the men, which did the damage. The foreman bad his back to it, and the flames setting tire to bis ooat iu the back, he was unable to put It out until he was veiy badly burned. The hair aud face of tbe others were burned, but they shut their eves in voluntarily, so tbat none were blind ed. They wore badly burned about the chest and bands, however. ihe men were removed to ciimn aud Drs. Krosiiis, Uumble and Watt sum moned, who dressed the wounds, after which they were taken to the camp hospital at Collins in tbe launch be longing to the mediotl department. v. h. V Indent has a wife and fam ily iu Portland and she was notified. arriving at Collins in tbe evening. Many Walnuts Planted. Au event of hoi tieul turn! Impor tance took place at Salem two weeks ago when a nursery company planted enough walnuts grown ou grafted trees to eusuro the raising of 1 '25. 000 trees. There is a natural tendency to compare tho wulnut-planl lug boom now under way iu Oregon with the prune-planting boom of fifteen years ago. A comparison, however, of the mutter published at the present time with reference to the walnut industry with that published fifteen years ago as to the prune Industry will quickly convince anyone tbat we are proceed ing in a veiy sane way now as com pared with the prune-piauting days. The pruno-pluutiug boom came at a time when nearly everybody was moie or less craxed by the spirit of specula tion and noarly anyone could be In duced to believe marvelous stories of sure proflts to be realized. There la vory little danger of over-planting of walnuts at tbe present time. The dan ger u that many will plant trees of th wrong kind or plant in tbe wrong place. Those who take any pains to inform themselves as to the walnut in dustry before buying trees can not fail to have their attention called to these points. There is no way of pro tecting those who go blind in such matteis and the only sympathy tbey deserve is that liestowed ou all who are so foolish as to think they know so much already that they do not need to learn anything. The systematic aud organized sale of a great quantity of trees of uniform type and specially suited to this oouutry will in itself in great measure protect even this class in the matter of trees. Oregon Agriculturist. Postmaster Itolilietl. G. W. Touts, postmaster at Kiverton, In., nearly lost bis life and wis robbed oi all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For 'M years I bad chronic liver complaint, which led to a severe cane of jaundice that even uiy linger nails turned yellow, when my doctor prwcrilied Klectric Bitters, which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Bure cure for billlons nt'Hs, neuralgia, weakness and all stom ach, liver, kidney and bladder derange ments. A wonderful tonic. At Cbas. N. Clarke's drug store. 60 cents. i ! " - I ' 1 Hull i Mlirf" 9