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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1906)
HOOD &IVEB GLACIER, THP&tiDAY, APRIL 26, 1B06 H 0 vrith OYAL Baking Powder The United States Agricultural Department has issued (and circulates free) a valuable report giving the results of elaborate experiments made by and under the direction of the Department, which show the great saving from baking at home, as compared with cost of buying at the bakers. All bread, cake, biscuit, crullers, etc., are very much fresher, cleaner,cheaper and more wholesome when made at home with Royal Baking Powder. ROYAl lAMINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. AVERAGE HUMANITY. ROY SLOCOM ARRIVES FROM SAN FRANCISCO Roy Sloem arrived Monday veiling from Han Franoiwio and ii still Buffer ing from the shook of the terrible dis aster and naming his kneo which was injured liy falling walls. Mr. Sloooui ran out of the boarding boose where he stopped at the seoond shook, and just as he roaohed the street a church which stood aoross the street tuniblod down, and the fall ing bricks bounded and knocked him down, where he lay unconscious, while his companions thought him dead, lie soon recovered and made bis way down town, where he was . pressed in to service on the putrol, given a gun and forced into duty. He worked until Saturday, when his knee and leg, which was injured by the falling bricks, compelled him to quit. lie had to help clear a way to the water front, with millionaires, tramps and fellow suiferers, (for every man was pressed into service, regardless or station,) and finally got out of tho city. Mr. Klocom says that there is no in. nil a thing as exaggerating the hor ror of the situation. The dust and ashes from the tires fell in great clouds over a mile from the burnlns build- lugs, while the roar of the flames aud tho crash of falling walls added uew terrors to the scene. The place was a living ueii. The sutferlng of the sick aud lu jured in the parks, women trying to care tor the infants and young child rim, wits a pathotio sight. IN one who passed through the ter rible event will nover efface it from their memory, or care to witness an other. The lea of Greenland. The largest innss of ice in tho world la probably tho ono which tills up near ly the whole of tho interior of Green land, where It has accumulated since bofore the dawn of history. It is be- lioved to now form a block about OOOy 000 square miles In area and nvcrag. ins a mile and a half in thickness. Ac cording to these statistics, the lump of lco Is larger in volumo than tho whole body of water lu tho Mediterranean, ond there Is enough of it to cover the whole of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irolond with a layer about even miles thick. If it were cut into two convenient slabs and built up equally upon the entire surface of "gallant little Wales" it would form pile more than 120 miles high. There la Ice enough In Greenland to bury the entire area of tho United States a quarter of a mile deep. London Globe. CHINESE ART IN STONE. A Dowry on Approval. A curious custom prevails among Roumanian peusauts. When a Rou manian girl la of a marriageable sgc, all her trousseau, which hag been care fully woven, spun and embroidered by ner mother and herself, is placed In imiuiea wooacn box. wncn a young man thinks of asking to bo allowed to pay his attentions to the girl he Is at liberty at first to open the box, which la always placed conveniently at huud, ana examine the trousseau. It (he suit or Is satisfied with the quantity and quality of the dowry he makes a for mal application for the girl's hand, but If, on the contrary, the trousseau dot not please blm, he is quite at liberty to retire. ( Bast Examples and Some of Its Greatcat Defect. The spirit of purely Chinese art In stone Is shown in -work such as the freat monolith figures of animals and warriors which flunk the approach to the tombs of the Ming dynasty and in the perfectly plain structure designed for the tombs of the present dynasty. These are composed of enormous blocks of stone brought with infinite labor from distant quarries over rosds and bridges which ore hardly capable of sustaining ordinary cart trafllc and have always to be speclully prepared to prevent the great weights causing their collapse. The same admiration for the employ ment of huge blocks of stone is seen In the case of the bridges over the riv ers along the coast of South Fukicn, where the stone slabs used in t.e con struction occasionally measure sixty feet in length and are estimated to weigh nearly 120 tons, and the bridges themselves have a length of 1,000 to 2,000 yards. In almost all cases where the build ings are not of solid contraction the weight of the blocks employed has placed a strain upon the supports which the architect's skill was not competent to provide against, and with the lapse of time the melancholy spectacle Is seen of slabs falleu from their places and of noble and costly structures approaching ruin. In some cases the Interdependence of the arches leads to the same result. One notable Instance of this occurred during Colonel Gor don's campaign against the Tslplngs, when to allow of tho passage of his small steamers it was necessary to make a gap in a bridge of over twenty arches, and arch after arch collapsed Immediately after tho passage of his small flotilla. London Saturday Review. Moat People Are Not Verr Goad Mor Yet Verr Bad. What do we mean by n good man or a bad one, a good woman or a bad one? Most people, like the young man in the song, are "not very good, nor yet very bad." We move about the pas tures of life in huge herds, and all do the same things at the same times and for the same reasons. "Forty feeding like one." Are we mean? Well, w have done some mean things In our time. Are we generous? Occasionally we are. Were we good sons or dutiful daughters? We have both honored and dishonored our parents, who in their turn bad done the same by theirs. Do we melt at the sight of misery? Indeed we do. Do we forget all about It when we have turned the corner? Frequently that Is so. Do we expect to be put to open sharue-at the great day of judg ment? We should be terribly frighten ed of this did we not cling to the hope that amid the shocking revelations then for the first time made public our little affairs may fall to attract much notice. Judged by the standards of humani ty, few people are either good or bad. "I have not been a great sinner," said the dying Nelson; nor bad he he bad only been made a great fool of by a woman. Mankind Is all tarred with the same brush, though some who chance to be operated upon when the brush is fresh from the barrel get more than their share of the tar. The biography of a celebrated mau usually reminds me of the outside of a coast guards man's cottage all tar and whitewash. Essays of Augustine Blrrell. Midway Chop House HOOD RIVKR, OK EG ON WALTON & THORNTON, Proprietors Good Rooming Housec in Connection Everything First Class and prices moderate. Badapest. "Americans know absolutely nothing of one of the greatest cities of all Eu rope," said a roturned traveler. "I re fer to Budapest Do you believe it has over three-quarters of a million inhab itants and is foremost in many of the arts and sciences? Take my word for it. Why, It has a university with near ly 5,000 students and 230 professors. The trolley was developed in Buda pest. Most of the population Is Mag yar. Buda has the finest Jewish syna gogue in the empire. The Danube, di viding Buda from I'est, is a beautiful stream, spanned by magnificent bridges. The largest electrical works In all Europe are In this wonderful city ."New York Press. DESK FANS BRACKET FANS All styles for ollires, rtnres, rwtui rants strong breezs at little owl Let tin have your fan order early. Sun Kruncinco stock destroyed and shipments must come from St. liouls Hood River Electric Light, Power & Water Co. ! Satisfaction JA.F0LGER6c?? CpFFEg Sold on Merit No Prizes No Coupons No Crockery J. A. FOLCER & CO. Established 1050 SAN FRANCISCO A LARGE STOCK OF Easter Perfumes GIVE YOUR STOCK SOME OF ...Williams' Condition Powder... Guaranteed the best on the market. If not satisfactory money refunded. PRICE 25c This splendid Stock Food as re!! as nil First Class Pure Drug iw found at Hood Fiver's Greatest Drug Depot WILLIAMS' PHARMACY CHARLES HALL, Proprietor. Bartmess' Furniture Store ON A CASH BASIS Richardson Bros. Blacksmiths Horseshoeing a Specialty All repair work neatly and promptly don. Corner of Oak and First Streets HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Eureka Meat Market McOL'IUK ItUOS., 1'rnpe. Drillers In Frwdi hihI Cured Meals, f jird I'oullry, I'rultHitml Vegetiililes. Free Delivery. Phone Main 35 Maa Ilia Talat. "I never saw a man so entirely de pendent on his valet." "Quite lielpless without him, eh?" "Quite helpless. Mabel told me that When he came to propose be brought uls valet with him." "What was that for?" "Why, when be reached the proper place his valet spread a hemstitched handkerchief on the floor for him to kneo! tpon.H-Cloveland Tlaln Dealer. Diplomatically Pat. "I am afraid you are absolutely gov rned by your wife." "No," answered Mr. Meektou, who had, been reading the foreign news, Tm not absolutely governed by her, bnt I must admit that I am very much within her sphere o' influence." Wash ington Star. A Choice of Evils. Lanilludy Would you advise me to end my daughter to a oookluK school or to a music school? Boarder (reflee- aveiy)-Well. I think I d send her to a cooking school. It msy be more fatal In Its results, but It Isn't anything like an baI.v. larr. "It seems strange," said Deacon Mayberry as be counted the money after church, "that a large congrega tion can be so small'-rhlladelpbii TalatTsr'i J AO iiuman power Is a compound of time and patlenc Baliao. Am This Bank Free In ili Rink of Proverbs we find this advice; "Tiuin up a child in the way he should go, a il hen lie in old he will not depart from ii." The advice of King K,oinon may cor tuinl.v be applied to the hoy or girl who, hy means oi h iinnie recording Mile receives, (luring his minority, practical lessons in thrift and savings. One of our Home Savings Hunks which you can have FKKK upon opening an account with one dollar or more, if in your home, is a constant appealing educator, teach ing the habit of csving nilently, forcefully, and nut to be denied. Savings Department First National Bank reduction' of ten per cent on almost ll household hoods A Large Line of New Spring Goods MATTINGS and CARPETS At prices never before quoted if 30 The Hood River Bakery pur- jj chased 200 barrels' of our Golden' Crown Flour Oct. 1, 1905. They have just placed another order with us for 100 barrels more. At Mr. Williams' Bakery can be found f the best bread in the city, and it " is made from our Golden Crown fl flour. The bread speaks for itself. J Our White River and Golden Crown flour 1 1 can be found for sale at all the lending gro- k cers. Try a sack. Once used, always used fl For Sale By STRANAHAN & BAGLEY Hood River, Oregon DC J) WHITE SALMON VALLEY BANK Capital $25,000.00 NOW OPEN FOlt GENERAL BANKIXO BUSINESS. Cakleton Lewis, Pres. J. A. Byrne, Cashier. officers : C. M. Wolfard, Vice Pres. W. II. Moore, Carleton Lewis directors : C. M. Wolfard, J. A, A.H. Byrne Jewett, MILLINERY Come to us for (ingestions for Your Suit fiat EASTER VEILINGS All Shades - - All Style Knapps HF Mnlleiible Iron Beds, gimranteed against breaks by the factory for 25 years, and yet cheaper than the cast beds. We get them direct from the Last. Call and look t hem over. S. E. BARTMESS Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc. Undertaker and Embalmer. New Location. We are now located in the Smith Building, in the room lorinerly occupied by. I. L. Hand, where we will be pleased to see all of our old customers as well as new ones. This large and well-lighted store has been fitted up with the best and most complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour and Feed ever displayed in the City. Fresh Vegetables received daily. Call and inspect our stock. SPOT CASH GROCERY WOOD & SMITH MHOS., Proprietors. R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attends! to. S. J. FRANK Dea'cr in Harness S: Saddles AH Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON Buy Your Fruit Boxes AT THE Hood River Box Factory and Patronize Home Industry. Best Quality Lowest Price Home Made Phone .Main 71 A LETTER I wish to say to all our old friends and custom ers who for so many years came to our shop for their meats, that it is useless for me to introduce Wood Bros., our successsors, as their 18 years in the butcher business in Wasco county has made them so widely known that an introduction is un necessary. Being- honest, capable business men, they have the means and ability to rwn a business as it should be run, and in a way that will be a credit to our city. I expect to stay with the new firm for awhile, and will be glad to see you all at the old stand. 1 will guarantee that you will get just as much meat for your money, just as courteous treatment and just as prompt service as can be had in the city. We will have a full line of everything good to eat for the Spring trade. Respectfully yours, E. S. MAYES. Hotel Waucoma A First-Class House Moderate Rates Good Service Farmer's Dinner 25 cts P. F. FOUTS, Prop. I Hood River NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on A NEW RANGE The Big New and Second-Hand Store is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything n Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable. Come in and be convinced that we can 5AVE YOU MONEY. Phone 1053 0. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.