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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1906)
T7TT I , LISTEN, WATOI, THE GREATEST MERCHANDISE CARNIVAL EVER HELD IN HOOD RIVER n Will Occur at Frank A. Cram's Up-to-Date Store in a Few Days I STOP, LOOK. V V JL ii mini imr u Cram's "Strawberry" Carnival Begin'saving your pennies now, and in a few days'they will be worth dimes to you, for the doors of this i store ' will aoon be open on the Greatest Price-Cutting Carnival ever held in this section of Oregon. Watch for it wait for it If .you have a single want in the w,i a; iL offri ; tli nwatpst Buvinsr Opportunity since Hood Kiver became a town. luciiucuruioc mic, vuu tcwuiui anuiu iu nnou - ..... n i i -r- mMK. t tlm r.l.1s:f inliniiitiintrt nf tlU'HO Dill'tS. It Will be i chance for the Special salesmen have been hire. ml special merchandise bought for this occasion. " wu from roof to cellar. Wait and you will not be disappointed. I frugal minded, a chance for the poor, a v, hut for the rich, for this store will be one glorious place of 'X' attend this Tl.irt v Davs Carnival, and we are going to see that J n,.. mi.; t to t,in ,1 t.lm for our oDenmsr date. e expect thousands 01 p(op u uluhu u w '"j v ' tvJ eniro I each one leaves this store with more goods for the least money than was ever before handed out at the pnee in ' " F Neckwear Ladies' Suits Underware, Shoes, Gloves, Notions, Linings, Ribbons, Shirt Waists, Skirts, Hosiery dies' C oaks Childr clothing, Boys' Ovrcoats, Clothing, Overcoats, Shirts, Gent's Hats, Neckwear, Blankets, Redding, Cwtataj Sf S. later wife all ?he Slars. WATCH FOK IT. in fact, if you nave a want in any line, wait tor tiie uaimvai. a coiupiete iiuiiuuua-iii . - . y Store Closed Thursday and Eriday-Marking Down Goods. FRANK A. CRAM; BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. ! Money to loan. E. II. Hartwig. Mr. Bartmees is on a cash basis. Hunt carries a line of paints. Fresh Olympla and Eastern oysters at the Gem Candy Kitchen. See that dandy line of Folders at the Deitz Studio. AH the latest styles Photos at the Deitz Studio. Place your order for a nice chicken for your Sunday dinner with McGuire Bros. Clarke will make it easy for you to buy a diamond. Consult him about it. Cranberries at McDonald's. Maple Syrup and New York State Buck Wheat at Jackson's. Be wise and get your Photos at the Deitz Studio. Watch Clarke's watches go. Bulk New Orleans Molasses at Jack boii'b. Fresh Columbia river salmon at Mc Guire Bros. Father time has left some good time pieces at Clarke's. Begin the new year with a clock that keeps perfect time. Just received at McDonalds, half ton clover feed. All kinds of feed for poultry at Jack- Son's. Something new Puffed Rice Candy, at the Gem Canday Kitchen. Three pounds halibut 25c at McGuire Brothers. . ,. Vetch, grass, clover and garden seed at Jackson's. The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh candy every day. McGuire Bros, make their own leaf lard under their own brand. For sain hv Emnorium. Fifteen acres two miles southwest of Hood River, 10 acres in cultivation, mostly orchard, fine land, 1300 per acre Come to the Deitz Studio for first class Photos. Don't put it off, but get your photos now at the Deitz btuuio. For sale bv hniDoriuin. len Reduction in Flour and Feed. Special cash price on Flour and Feed tracts unimproved, fine level land, three j rom 1(J R miles south from Hood River, at M"; will aUo be s per acre. For sale by Emporium. A fine IliO acre fruit and' stock farm, one and one half miles from White Salmon. Twen hard. 20 hch-s apples mostly standard, 80 acres Timothy pas ture, plenty water, funning implements . and stock ko with the place. 10,t'00. Terms cash. Mrs. Carrol Smith, of Minneapolis who until recently bus been employed as head stenographer on Keith s Maga-1 zineand Western Camera Notes, has i decided to open a public stenographic ..nice with W. J. Baker & Co., opposite ; the iHistotliee, where she will be pleas-1 ed to do all kinds of stenographic work at reasonable prices. Lettuce, cabbage, rhubarb, asparagus at McGuire Bros. If you want cracked corn for chicken j feed go to McDonald. Fresh fish halibut, salmon and smelts, at McGuire Bros. Newest, best fishing tackle at McDonald's. at warehouse. Bran $14 per ton; shirts, $10 per ton ; Hour, $4 per barrel. D. McDonald. For rent by Emporium. Nice furn ished room for gentleman, f 10 per month. For sale by Emporium. Ten room cottage and lot, seven blocks from depot, Hood River. Newly repaired, new foun dation, wood fibre plaster, newly painted patent bath and toilet connected with sewer, good location. $1000 cash. If you want to buy or sell real estate go to Outhutik & Otten. Money to loan ou first mortgages. Abstracts i and legal papeis carefully prepared. Notarial work or all kinds. Sait mackerel, salmon and white fish, at Jackson's. Fresh creamery butter and newly laid Hood River egge at Mctiuire s. "Are'nt they fine," the popular ver dict of the Deitz Photos. It is to your interest to refer to Mr Bartmcss' ad under the new system. If you want always to look on the bright side of life, come and let Clarke fit your eyes to a pair of glasses. His apparatus for testing eyes is of the best and moat complete. Fresh While Salmon aspa'aus at McGuire Bros. New cabbage at McGuire's. Ston LMies-inir. about where to order vnur meat-, but phone 7;il Bros. We always have a good nn liiunl mid strictly fresh, and Because we have the money to tiny It with and when we are short we have a a place where we can get it. For sale hv Emporium, live farms iu one boilv, '320 icn s, 5 improvements cleared hind with eieH, 7 miles from While .Silmeii on liuhl lule road, plentvoi 'water, $:0 p-r a-re. Ca! be sold in sep na'e tracts f .'A) days only. Terms easy. The ladies of the First Baptist church will hold a window stile of use ful articles of wearing appaiel pies, pakee, etc in Boyed's hull, across from tlolmuu's, on suiurimy, npri ni. to p. m. ice cream served. Among those who purchased fine pianos this week from Mr. Silas H. Soule, of the Pottlund bouse of Soule Bros' Piano Co. are two of Hood Riv er's leading merchants, D. McDonald and John R. Niokelaen. For cule hv Emporium. Twenty acres on Methodist lane, four miles southwest from Hood Ri cr, small house, some land cleared Only $2000. Money saved by buying otir and feed from .McDonald. At Uie (.'lunches. Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep worth League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. All cordially invit ed. W. C. Evans, pastor. St Mark's Episcopal Church. Holy Communion at 8 o'clock; morning prayer at 11, and evening prayer at 7 :30. U. B. Church Sabbath school, 9:45; nreacbincr. 11 a. m.: Junior services un der the leadership of Mrs. Efiie Beeler, 3 n. m Christian Endeavor meeting, (Will! sermon bv pastor. 7:30. All are invited to any anil all of these services. O. M. Beeler, pastor in charge. Baptist church Sunday school 10 a. m. ; preaching 11 a. m. ; Junior B. Y.P. U., 3 p. m. ; evening service, 7.30. Belmont M. E. Church. H. C. Clark, pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Class meeting at 11 a. m. ; Epworth League 7 p. in. ; preirch ins every Sunday evening and 2d Sun day in month at 11 a. m.; Prayer meet ing Thursday 7:30 p. in. Services at Pine Grove same as above except preach- imr. u-bieli is on 1st and 3d Sundays at 11 a. m Cranner 1st and 3d Sundays at. 8:3ll: Sini'lav school at2:30. Mourn Hood. Tim 4th .Sunday at U a.n t Sundav school at 10 a. m. Vail" t in M 'nn Sunday school at McGuire 10 a. in.: I nM'l.iii ut 11; I. r. !-i C. E at (i :'." p. iu. : preaching at 7::V) ( ii 1' t ilk every Sunday even int Ufli'M- nil I corniai nivmn.n u upplyitohil to ut pf.d tho services of the why ? I day 'V V I'.lkins. pastor. U i ii 1 hnrch Services at K. of P. I i . the lir.-t, third, fourth and fifth Sin di - f each no nth. Services at Odell the s i'd Sunday of each month, W. A. WOOD, Pastor. Ijutberan -Services will be held again next Sunday, April 22. Sunday School at 2 p in. ; English preicbiug and commuuion at 3 p. m. II. J. Ko!b. Union Rev. Troy Shelloy will preach ut 11 :30. Riverside Conerecational W. C. Gilmore pastor. Sunday school at 10 n. 111. Worsnui and preaching at ll. Special niusio by the quartette clmir, conducted by Mrs. Gertrude Sletten. Evening services for young iiBimle. nt 6:4". D. m. Song service Hii l Hddress. 7 :30. Usv. Mr. Tate, or tne valley, win L. 1 1. Morgan la nursing a sprained ankle. George Stranahun made a bualneaa trip to Portland Monday. W. S. Ilelmer, of Mt. Hood, wenl to The Dallea Monday evening. Mrs. H. P. Davidson vieited Port land the laat of the week. Mrs. E. W. Jones, of Portland, . U visiting her sister, Mrs. H. L. Dnmble. M. H. Nickelson haa been quite ilck with erysipelas, but is improving. V . U. Warreui and wife, of Port land, visited Hood Kiver rnuraaay. C. B. Young, formerly operator at the depot, is now day oiem ai tue an., Hood. Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles, was a passenger on WO. i, moDuay, going west. Mrs. P. S. Davidson, sr., left last week fCT Coeur d'Alene, iaa., vo visit her sons for a few weeks. J. E. Rand, II. J. Hibbard, Lee Morse and Oscai Stranahan made a trip to The Dalles Saturday. Mrs. J. II. Nelf, of The Dalles, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Blythe for a few days. Mrs. J. DeBorde left for Portland Monday ou No. 1 to visit friends and relatives for a few days. George Slocom went to Myrtle Creek Saturday afternoon to stay over fcujday with friends. Hort Stranahan went to Portland Tuesday to purchase more rigs for the Fashion Htaules. Oriu Backus, engineer for Paget s Clark in charge of the sewer woik, was here Saturday. S. A. Kuapp is setting out apples and pears ou uia rauuu juu. .uuw u town. Mrs. Chas. Servas, of Portland, who has been visiting ber sister, Mrs. l. Biodeur, for a couple or weeks, re turned borne Monday. I.' A .TnroniA. architect, has just com pleted plans for a 2,500 residence for k'ac .1 Ii. Hertihuer. which will be erected on his property ou the bill, G. P. Cramer, who has been staying iu Hood River for a couple mourns, expects bis family this week irom Baker City ana will mane noou iwvor their f'lture home. W. J. Baker soeut Sunday at Arllng toB. While tnere ne looaeu hi buiuv Mrs. C. G. Roberts left agaiu for Portland yesterday afternoon. O. P. Dabnev oaiue up from Port land lat week to assist bis t-ou in the Big Second Hand Store for a snort time. Mr. Dabney has a large busi ness also in Portland. Win. Vanderoock, who has beeu staying at the Schiller farm iuthe val ley for a few weeks, was taken back to Portland Thursday. Mr. Vunder cook Is very Biok with Bright's dis ease, and bis recovery is doubtful. Mrs. Roaoh, teaoher in the Hood River schools, received word Saturday that her brother, Ned Gates, was in jured in the San Francisco hoiror, and had been brought to Portland fur tree.tment. She left for that place Sunday to attend him. Dr Shaw went to The Dalles Satur day to assist iu an operation for ap pendicitis ou Mrs. May Davidson. Mrs. Davidson is a daughter of S. M. Waiton of the Midway Chop House, and wife of Derry Davidsou.employed on the White Salmon ferry. Sho ral lied well after the operation, but yes terday grew much worse, and her re covery is doubtfuL Miss Anna Wall, who has beeu the matron in oharge of the Hood River Hospital sinoe its establishment here last summer, has resigned her posi tion on account of ill health aud gone to Spokane. Miss Annra Syke, an other nurse, also leu wun iVllHH mi for Spokane. A., L., aud E. T.Wlnans were called home from Goble, Ore., Thursday ou account of the lerious illuesa of their mother. The old lady is 83 years old nnrl haa heart trouble She was taken onita 111 Urn first of the week, but re- . nncnrfld 1' rldav ana was auie iu uo about the bouse again. The dinner and supper given by the l! inn of the Hospital Club at the iv. of P. hall, Friday, was a decided suc cess. The ladies gave a flue iprtad, nnrl ttiA affair was liberally patron ized. Over $00 was cleared. This fini.1 udll ha used for the beuetlt of the Hood River Hospital. The Fashion Stables hve moved the buiding recently occupied by It. D. Gould, the plumber, next to theii barn, and will use it for a carriage house. The ground has beeu exca vated under the building and will be Httari nn with stalls for horses. The addition was made neoessary by their r STATIONERY Wo are allowing a line line of Whiting & Ea ton, Hurlburt'B Stationery. Also fancy pa per iu bulk. Call and look it over. It is sure to please you. BLANK BOOKS Full lino just arrived Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Day Books, Desk Blotters, Rec ord Books and everything in the Memoran dum and Time Book line. Picture Frames made to order at SLOCOM'S ltjv. iui. lain, jl wu ".ri tOH. Willi IDerB lib lUUttrju oi oumv , . . proucbBttbe Congregational church t lu the 0OUntry which he has increasing Business. Snuday morning Services at the Unitarian church nrxt Sundav at 11 a. in.. J. A. Bald- ridge, ot Seattle. Wash., minister. flour Tnnio. "The Intuitional in Rollgion." Both the ratioual and ine spiritual Special Jiotiee. If you want to make money, get a job in a mint. If von want to save money trade with u ',' we Ho not belong to any meat trust, nor to tlm Butchers' Board of Trade. Here is where to get the best of everything to eat at the very lowest prices, because we discount all bills ami can give values no oiner can oner. Yours for business. McGuire Bros. A Bargain. Will sell seven room house with eight lots for $1,800. Also another boose with seven rooms and lot lor $1,000. This offor will not be made again. R Rand. Cant. Harrv Olsen run his gasoline Iminnh onto a snau Saturday and bad the aid of the Hood River ltr wtvins crew to save his craft Thn launch sunk near shore ut the landing below the depot, ana dim KtrmmliKii took a team dowu aud If you are looking for a nice little home cheap, call on Onthank & Otten. They have just the thing. R E. Harbison and wife, accom panied by R. K., junior, left on this morning's traiu for a week a visit to I Mr. Harbison's brother, J. ft. naroi I son, who resides at Tangent, Ore. listed. Mrs. P. P. Pouts has been quite sick with beart trouble, being confin ed to her bed for ten days, but is now able to be around the bouse. Inn & Innrn la fliA nrnnd father of sides of the religious lire wii oepiain- twin gins, who arrived at bis bouse puUed tne boBt ashore. The damage ly and simply presented. All are cor- w edneHday evening .April 18. Mother K runaired and the boat continues dially invited. hI1(j twing are doing well. t narrv the Underwood uiuil us usual. Pat Hri inlent will bold services at . II. Pane was uo from Portland a. -h HitRMillo has been exner St. Mary's church Sunday, April 2Jtb, Friday to make arraugeuieuta to raise enoed jn keeping men at work on the at 10:30 a. m., and at the residence Ibis warehouse and put it in shape for th bauk roHI thut one contractor morning, handling fiuit this season. working out from Arlington sent to ThaOaanndA Tdterarv circle will meet Minnesota for ninety workmen, it with Mrs. Button at ber resiaenoe these become dlsaatisnea, ne says ne u Friday eve. May 4. Pull programme employ Japs. Chronicle. will be given in next issue. "Not so you can notice it," is tne K. V. uould went to rrinevuie rauu- answer tnac nanermen are kiviok wubu tnukA nrransnmenta for put- l.alrad if thev are catchlnif any salmon ting in a beating plant and also tbLuoe the open season began. The nliimblua lor a new notei ai river is tailing ana lew vi ine wueew ulaco. Thr will bt, a sDecial meeting ol Hood Kiver Chapter No. 27, K. A, M nt Mason e. HalL Saturday even ina All members are ureed to be present. By order or tne 1 n. x-, A tea will be given on Wednesday afternoon. Mav'i at the borne 01 Mrs. B. K. Savage, by the ladies 01 nt. Mark's church. Their friends are of John A. Mobr Monday April SO, Bt 8 o'clock. Born. On April 14, to Mr. and Mt Rogers of Belmont, a son. To Mr. aud Mrs. W. L. Owen, Mt. Hood, April 10, a girl. C. E. at I Be sure aud get one of those new mans of Oreaon. which Iibs just been nnblishod bv Hockett Bros., of Grants Pass. U. B. Hockett is taking orders in Hood River this week. are in the water. Seufert has but one whioh is "doing any business to mention. Chronicle. T.u N. Bentlev and wife, son and fatbei have moved here from Loh An geles and will make their home iu Hood Kiver valley, mr, nenuey is a oousin of Frank Chandler. They bought a ranch out ou the m- sine laat fall and will move 011 10 tne juace GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES Lap Robei. It will soon be li,tv. Tliev'll save vour clotties coming to town. S0C.75C, $1.1 Straw Hats for the kids, Mexican shape, bound rims, make a good sunshade, light weight and neat appearing Fifteen Cents WorK Gloves .Now is the time yon ueed tnem. ne .- save your hands many si-rat.che-' J oft- CI CA Dair Notions. You can find hun dreds of articles here that are use ful. Pin, needlep, hair combs, storking darners, tatting shuttles, knitting medics, pinking irons, 1 dress stays, dress shield-', etc Eirtlday Cards. Sun dn ch 'i l cards, and reward ot merit cauls. You like to know where V"U can g.t them. We Iivp verv tirettv lot to select from Little Prices Flower Seeds. A very 1 ol lection to choose from. We have plenty of nashirtiot s, ! th t ill 'Hid dw arf little Prim Cut Price Garden Tools. See our window full of nionev saving chain es on there nuefiil articles. Ladies' Hose. l'iain black and lace stripe effects. We take pride in the values we n offering at 15c. 2Sc, 3Sc Pair Butter MaKers' Sup plies. Churns, butter molds, ladh s, butterpaper, butter prints, wooden bonis, milk pans, strain ers, nails, butler jirs, etc. . Unit Prices Berry Growers Sup plies. Wagon covers, ticket punches, cash lioxes, rubber stamps, ink pads, markingcraynn blank ls'ks, etc. Little Prices Camp Outfits. The eei- son will soon Ih here. We've got everything you need at prices le-s thsti the otiier fellows. Near Cut Glassware. Hard to tell it from the genuin'j, ami costs one-fifth .as much. cordially invited to be present. Rndnev Hillman. commission mer c.lmnt of Salt Lake. Utah, was in the I oil v Saturday. Mr. Hillman is mak nn a tour or tne racino cobhi uuu points in the inteiest of bis business. tlen. Haacke. of Mosier. was In ll.o nitv Monday on business. Ut. Haacke says that cherries were hurt some bv the March freeze, due bu other fruit is apparently uninjured, and will have a good crop. Herman Struck, son of Ludwig Sturck, who lives a mile from town, olo8e Bnd very arrived home Tuesday from Sau Iran- flt to' butcher. Cisco, wuere ne was u muuem o u art school. Mr. Htrucs: was noi in jured, being one of the fortunate sur vivors. J. L. Joraeuson. wife and sister came up from Portland Monday and moved out to tbe l'ostevin Place, six of which he rece itly purchased, Mr. Joruenson is recently from ine Last. S. A. Keir reports that the libraiy next fall. Mr. Bentley bus taken the formanship of the I ran 7, building, under Mr. Moyea, tne couirac.i or, and will complete tbelbuilding. Col. Hartley brought in a bunch of Hve cows from Washougal l'riday and sold one to Dad Pouts. Dad got t wo milkmgs from the cow and then sold here at a proHt of 117.00, without tak ing her bome. Mr. Hartley says that beef cattle are very scarce, jiio nu merous camps around here, and es pecially on the north Lank of the Co lumbia are buying up the beef pretty few are leit mat are Dr. Brosius attended the sick in the various camps on the .North lianK road from White Salmon to the Dulles Thursday. The medical department of the construction crew have a launch of their own, and it is a nne metiioa of conveyance from one camp 10 ine other. Ibe launch made the trip Thursday In Ave hours, making seven teen stops. Tne uoctor biso went to Portland before Dis leturu. Onthank & Otten report the follow Ina sales of real estate: U C. Stepti Saturday Night Special. Sheet music. A special lot of pretty waltzes.two-Meps, etc. Publisher's price 50c, nf this sale Ten Cnts. in his drus store is anite well patron i7Al. While there bas been some fall' I . . z 1 a. . I &L... 1 I tnm KUkL-u IVnJ,""T;T.7h.h: .ns-on. having sold bis city property lucio I... K.nht Ka (turn Hrown uronerty. winter montns. " . n,;tin.n n,l will Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dano left yes- mo ou to bis new home. Mr. tnrdav overland for Klamath rails, Rrown baa ourcbased a bouse of Ceo. Ore., to be eone a monin. iuej wm waau and will move it unto a lot iiur- I drive from here to Tbe Dalles and then I CUBged by himself. They have also so south from there. Mr. Dano bas -old iffDt fine city lots aud a real- driven to Klamatn ueiore. ana nis 1. denoe belonslnir to nouert r.auu iu is a pleasant trip. I Dr. J. r . Watt. W. B. Strowbridge has just com pleted new sif,ns of undertaking par lor windows ot J. K. NicholH. R A. Huntley, commissioner of horticulture lor the state of Washing ton was iu Hood Kiver Tuesday. I'rauk A. Cram has engaged the soi vices ot1 Mr. llrass, of Portland, to at tend to his advertising, mid will start a progressive campaign along that lino, lie his also engaged 1. K. Levy of San Francisco, who will have charge of tho dry goods dopurtnieut. A "strawberry carnival" sale has been inaugurated, 1111 1 an extra force of clerks secured Peter Smith received fatal injuries in a runuway acciiient ai irout uane Mouduy, from which he died at uine o'clock in tho oei.iiig. Mr. Smith leaves a family to mourn his loss. The funeial was held at Z.M yesterday ni tornoon at Trout Lake. J. B. Nich ols had charge 01 the funeral arrange- meuts. H. J. Onger, of North Yakima, is in the city with a view to locating here. Mr. (lager intends to work hure for a vear before investing, aud as he has several years' experience iu fruit in North 1 ultima, wuere ue owns a fruit ranoh, he will I ave no difficulty in rinding plenty of work. He is much pleased with the looks of the valley. Mrs. Eva Hull, daughter of B. F. Helen and wife of J. Ii. Hail, former ly of Hood Kiver but now living ut Lylo, Wash., was brought to the Hood Uiver hospital last week, suffering from typhoid fever, nor condition is very critioul, but she has sliowu some improvement the last few days, and hopes are eutertained of her re covery. The ladies of the Hospital Club wish to thank those who so kindly contrib uted aud patronized the dinner and supper that was given last Friday. The next meeting of the club will be held Monday, May 8, at tbe residence of Mm. Levi Clarke. Everyone inter ested In the work of the club are most cordially invited to attend and be oome members of this permanent or gauization. Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford will lec ture at M. E. Church this evening on Wona j'b Suffrage. She is a practical, brilliant woman who has long been olantiHnil with the reforms aud phil anthropies of her stute, and is orlo ot the finest lecturers on the American iilut.f.irm. She was formerly presi dent of the Colorado Federation of Woman's Clubs. Come and Hour what Woman's Sulfrage has done for Colo rado. Admission free, freewill 011 erinx. MnrU K. Thomas proved up 011 his hnniAHtHBil Tuesday before U. S. Com ttiiyuionor ('rather. Mr Thomas has a viiluuble claim just east of the i'ine Cpuva kuibool. Mr. Thoinus lius Dcen rlriintr nnlllA cariienter work for Mr Davis, who bought the Carl Oilinore flluPA ut. fine (irovo. and iu using u chisel while ceiling up the porch, hit it a glancing blow, which cuuseu 11 10 full, striking him on the bridge 01 tliA nose. It cut a deed gash and laid bim up tor couple ot days, nut 110 serious injury resulted. N. B Harvey, proprietor of the Mil waukee Nurseries, was in the city Mouday finishing his delivenes 01 trees for this season. He says that they have sent out V),im trees this season, a large uuinl-er of which came to Hood Kiver. iseany nun 01 men sales of apple trees iu the Willamette valley have teen Spitzeubergs, tbe balaiiLe being the ordinary varieties. They have put out a good many cher ries in Eastern Oregon, and also Bold many prune trees in various localities. Mr Harvey says that tbe valley hat "gone crazy" on English walnuts. Th rlantini! of these tiees has been I very geneial in that locality. Coo. P. Kuowles went to Portland yesterday nlteruoou. I Jos. Kuroher, recently from Califor nia, spout a few days lu the valley this woek looking for a location. Ho was much pleased with the valley, and may oonolude to looate here. Ceo. H. Hime, secretary of the Ore gon Histirionl society, was a delegate from Portland to the ministers' meet iug here this week, and loft yesterday noon for Pendleton. F. Blythe brought In a ben's egg S. yesterday that was as large as a tur key's egg. aud saysjhat he Is devel oping 1-tier hen fruit out on bis ranch by feeding the poultry outs onoe day. The sewer gang, lu diggiug under the water pipe on Sherman avenue, Monday, ullowod it to oave down and oome apart, whioh caused a shutting off of the water for a oouple of hours while It was being repaired. Tim Brodeur, employed at Snow & Upson's black' mlth shop, has had to nn it work for a few davs on aooount of sciutio rheumutism. He Is muoh improved aud expects to go to worn again next week. H. F. Davidson ii putting up now awnings on the south and west sides ot his cement building, which will add to the looks of the building as well at to the comfort of the touants. Chus. Kneoht, of Albany, Ore., an old friend of B. E. Golf, spent a couple of days here this week. Mr. Kneoht was formerly of the firm of KtiAnllt & Miser, ut Albauy. aud is lookiug for a business location. He was much pleased Wltu lioou mver. Cleric Dak in, of the local oamp or M. W. A., received an order this ween for 1,000 to pay the death olaiin of J. U. Johusou, who was killed in the val ley a mouth ago while blowing stumps. ...r ... 1 t 1 - - it... 1 .1 . Hie mouoy will oe puiu to wie muui, Mrs. Anna Johnson. JoeWilsou says that his olHoe is any where on Oak street from the Paris Fair to tho Oregon Lumber Co., and if not fouud. subscriptions for the re- loif fund can bo left at either bank, who will receipt for the same. Miko Welch, the veterinary sur geon, is the ouiy iiceuseu oiiu iu this end or tne county, auu i u ing Kept pretty busy, not only In this valley, but across the river, and frequently has calls in the eastern part of the county, us well as up and down the river ou the north bauk. Axel Kahm is awaiting the sale of his beautiful ten-acre ranch a mile from town, so that be can move out to his quarter section adjoining the Kordeu place and develop it. Mr. Kahm haa an ideal home where bo now lives, and it should not wuit long for a buyer. Miss Mue McMuhon, of Hood Kiv er, Ore., waa ono of the fortunate winneis of a prize credit certificate in the mammoth publicity word con test recently couductod by Eilors Piano House, the popular piano uud orgau dealers of Portland, but being unable to take advantage ot this cor nn.ut unit transferred it to W. B. Coulter, or Hood Kiver, who applied it toward the purchase of a beautiful llobart M. Cable piuuo. The Electric Light aud Water Co. expect to have their new reservoir completed by the Hrs'. ot the month, or nearly so, aud will have pleuty of water for irrigating oy iubi. wiur. W hile fixing the reservoir about ball of the water escapes, so that it iB mak ing a shortage iu the supply for do mestio use on the upper system. itn the new improvement, however, tb surplus water can lie stored so that during the night, when very little is being used, it can accumulate for use rlnrinu the day. aud there will be ample for all purposes.