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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1906)
THE PROPER TIME ; FOR SPRAYING Man Inquires have come in the put few days as to the best li-un to pray. It demonstrates that our fiuit growaia aro taking inoro interest in thmatter tbaji usual, ami the in foieuation vbicb these In-t pofUd through htiidy and obseivation can gWe, will be followed quite generally. Last year the percentage of good apples raised in Hood Rivrr valley, whioh were free from worms and which graded No. 1 in o-v particular, has oarer been eqni lied ii auv other fruit growing local it , and is the best re cord ever made here. The difference iu returns from Hrst grade apple, compared to wormy fruit. is a meat iocentative to using every precaution and 'he most improved methods of spraying. .Below we quote from papers read at toe Northwest Fruit Growers' Aesoci ation at-La Oran e by J. L. Carter and E. H. Shepard. which will be of Interest at tjbis time," and on another page, is the able paper read at the same meeting by Prof. Hall of Utah. Hood River methods differ in some respeo from those of other looalities, experience having fouud that local conditions require certain methods that gjjYft, betty results. The value of early spray in killing the ooailfl moth that enters the bios-oneivd- of,the youna apple, cannot b TSverestlmated. It is probably the most important time for spraying. The right time- for'this epray is illus trated in the accompanying engraving. The first picture shows the blossom in full bloom, when the ends of stamen are turn baok; This period ia too early. The next period is too late, when tb 4flalyx' cup ia closed. The proper time then, as shown in the picture to the extreme left, is when the stamen ends are partly cloned, so aa to form a cup. The spray will en ter tnls oup, and as the stamens close, it holds the poison, Any codlin moth that has entered this blossom end of the apple must feed on this poison and die. The poison is there, and it cannot fan ffb do its work. Thipefioaf the forming of the open calyx cup occurs about a week after the bloseon falls, sometimes earlier and sometimes later, depend ing largely on the weather and the ntpid or slow growth. The right time can be easily determined by examin ing the blossoms, keeping a close watch, and be ready to spray when the time ia right. ' By J. L, Carter. ' "At the beginning of the part en in mar aeveral-af the leading apple grow ers of Hood River valley begun using what is termed th new spray, or ar aenaMf lead ; . the results, - without exoeptibn, have been very satisfactory. The Swift's preparation of this epray was used, with from 4 to 6 pounds to one hundred gallons of water. True, good results have come from the thor ough use of arsenate of lime; but, think; "Better results have, and will come, from the. thorough use of the X Too Karly faeuate of lead.'-Vttfr'.rl.efoie l:i:t lUOSt tuoroiigu lescs were iiihou in threeiytfereut localities in the stntu of Ohio by ,pr.oteoors of the expeii nient station upon t'ho comparative iuetiUha-waspr"y; the results werjfu'i5piitfe(t'cl'oc.idedly" in favor of the lei.d';"that Is. a much larger ptr cnHlkVt4'ftBit was Secured from tie same number of specimens cxperi menfcstf'wafv'frem tbe latter material. Sotod may aeH', 4has it other special advantages? Yes: it is much more easily prepared,. as there, is no black ing of lime uor boiling of poiaou; there bj no clogging of nozzles, as the preparation cftutaius, no gritty sedi-menti-anothee." and more important consideVatiTrh', i the ease with which the apples.aie wiped, the cot.t not be ing one-dialf much as when the other spray is used, Two thing?, however, which were claimed for it, did not prove trnewith me viz: Tht it would not precipitate, and that it gaveorliciut relor to the foliago to determiue.. bttt. - Ptt't had betu apTfyed. ' ItTbeeds'to be stirred the eamaa.bheiv sfirays. otherwise it settles and prevents uniform di?lri butiooThe color -imparted ty tho foliag-rl ,aaaroly . perceptible, but this fault may be easily overcome by the addition of a little lime to the mixtures . . . : .''HpSf -often shall the spraying be done is aa iniportaut question, which might fcejiiwered by saying: at least often enough to keep tho fruit so coverel wit i a coating ot spray as to cause the death of the insect attemp ting to eat his way into t. "With the arsenate of lime spray it was formerly thought that every tb eftVeeks during the summer, up to with in two weeks of picking time, was often enough; others preferred to eurayjiiery two. weeks, and some as often as every ten days. It is claimed that thfitirseiihte -of lead spray is hot so easily washed off or diluted by rain as are other sprays ; and hence, that there is -not need ot its being so pited so often, I am, however, cou aiderably iu doubt upon this 1 tter point. The frequent rubbing of the leaves over the fruit, caused by the action of the wind, ruUs tf the apray, thus leaving the fruit exposed to the Bttack of pests. A rainfall of any considerable amount, as soon as dried oaV'4!tould, be followed by a spraying ia.orria to. warrant safety." By E. H. Shepard. "Spraying is now practically a defln te science, and y untiring en ergy and eternal vigilance eveiy or ohardist can grow a clean crop of ap ple. From the success achieved last year with Bve and six sprayings with arsenate of lead,' we are convinced tout this number of sprayings is sntlicient, if properly done at the folloiug times, to insure a clean cop. Once before the blossoms have fallen ; text ten days after, and two weeks after tor W fix- IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE AT L4d Phone 521 ; OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT IN SPING AND SUMMER WEIGHTS Consisting of Mohairs, Henriettas, Siscillians Panamas, Eolieenes, Silk Plaids, Kaki Silks, Organdies, Mulls, Violes, Ginghams, Linens, OF THE VERY LATEST PATTERNS AND DESIGNS IS IfcTO"W COMPLETE That now mi it you had contemplated buying for some time can be purchased from us in a Batisniciory way, you getting the very best quality of goods at the lowest possible prices. The amount of Dress Goods we have-sold in the past three weeks is sufficient evidence to us that we have The Right Goods at the Right Prices and the people are appreciating this by giving us their liberal patronage We sell tho McCull Pat terns, one of tlie best stand nrd patterns on the market, a pattern you ran rely upon, and one that most everyone. the iirst brood. Two spraying" two weeks apart are sulHeient for the sec ond brood, the timo to be determined by brooding onges. Should there be a third or partial brood, give one H( i ray i in: and determine the time iu the same manner. 1 do not mean to say that a Jess numlii . r of sprayings would not be kullicicnl, but 1 do mean to say that spraying as 1 have outlined it will give and has given us practically clean apples with less than two per cent of worms." Living indoors so much during the winter months creates sort of a stuffy, wunt-ol' condition in the blood and system generally. Clean up and get ready for spring. Take a few Karly Iiisers. These famous little pills dense the liver, stomach and bowels and give the blood a chance to purify itself. They relieve headache, sallow complexion, etc. Sold by Williams Pharmacy. Salt Mackera fish at .laek-oii's. and Kahtern While v -A : 4 2 4 i f V S i,v IBS,", 4 wi.tC nig fit JPcrioJ W hat ihe IV. aa Nil h of Jlarv V. C l!rn;i'i A Wherover Mrs. Iirudfoid's nun e i. known, it is u syuonym lot brilliant, successful work, as a speaker she iauktt with a email group of women who have uou national fame; as an organizer hi r executive ability is marked; her skill as a parliamentart an in known iu eveiy elate and the people of Coicrado not need to be told that alio is an ideal presiding cttlcer. h'or several jeers she was'at the bead of the Woman's Clubs of Colorado as Vice-President and President of Colo rado Federation of Woman's Club. At present, fcho is the (Jenoral Fedeiation Secretary for Colorado and the Na tional Oigmizer of the National llusiness Woman's League. Mrs. lirndfo d has taught, spoken and or gnnized ui thiity states and is also well known as u writer. New York Herald. At the Ii.ii.-h meeting last night Mr?. Hradford, as many times before, pro-fonodlru.'pio.-ed the great audience ivith the clesiui'ss of her thought, the closeness of her logic and the beauty of her Knglish. Uocky Mountain Ne.vs, Denver, Colo. One of the most attractive personal ities attending tho National American Woman's Suliu-go Convention is Mrs. Mary C-. C. iiradfoid of Colorado The sulijcct of her address was "Tho Vision of Freedom." It was a i: as terly effort ttioug in thought and beautiful in expression. Washington Post. The first sensation of the Uienuial Session of tho General Federal iou ol Woman's Clubs occurred yc.-terday morning whin Mrs. Mary C. 0. Hiad fjul, ol C..!u :!'!, gave the fraternal greetings of the National American Woman's Sult'rage AF-r.ciatiou. The speech' was very short but beautiful, inspiring and convincing, liort ot all, Mrs. Bradford has a voice and knows how to use it. It is full and sy ! pathetic, anl her enunciation makes every word carry so thut the most distant listener loses nothing that the savs. St. Louis Dispatch. If you ever bought a box of Witch llaxel Salve that, failed to give satisfac tion the chances are that it did .not havftbe name "E. ('. DeW'itt & Co." printed nn the wrapper and pres-ed i.i the box. Theoriginai DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve never fails to (rive satisfac tion for burn, sores, boils, tetter crack ed hands, etc. For h'itel, bleeding, itching and pn trudiug Piles il affords almost immediate relief. It stops the pain. Sold I v W illiams Pharmacy. Pay Your Io? Tax. Marsh-d danger gives notice that after May 1st, be will impound and destroy all di gs ou which the tax has not been paid. He proposes that none shall escape, so if you want to save your dog, see that you pay the tas by the above date. HOOD lilVERlGLACIEB, THURSDAY, Free AND PATTERNS 15. SNAKES OF SARAWAK. file Python Are Enornioua and F en Plara and Children. In the Sarawak Gazette is an article on the Bnakeg of that part of Borneo. Of the poisonous reptiles It says: "The cobra (Naja tripudluus) Is a black snake which raises its head to strike when Irritated, at the same time ex panding the hood at either side of the Deck. It spits at Intruders and hisses like a cat, whence it is known as "ular tedoug puss;" In some parts, too, as "todong mata harl." The word "te dong" In Sarawak Is apparently ap plied to all huge snakes which Malays consider to be poisonous, and, as our Malays are but 111 acquainted with these animals, quite a liumlxT of large but harmless forms are designated by this term. The hamadryad tXnja bun garus) is a brown snake, considerably bigger but rarer than the cobra. It is rather shy, but wt.eii cornered, like the cobra, It raises its bond and ex pands the h)od before striking. Its food is chieliy other snakes. "Less (iaug.Tiiu.-i than these najas are the vip-r.j. of wlii.-h the most common specie.! is the green viper, which reaches a length of two feet or more. The head Is large and shaped like an ace of spades. This creature is a tree snaUe and very sluggish. The 'biiiigarus' are of several species, one, Bungurus fasciatus, of length up to four led, being black with yellow rings. H is called the 'ular bnku tebu' (sugar cane Joints) by natives. There are also sea snakes of many species, The tail of a sea snake Is flattened and oarliUe." Sarawak has other snakes: "Of the pythons there are two species. Py thon reticulums grows to an enor mous size, over twenty feet. It is very fond of pigs, but varies its diet by various animals, including even children. The oil of this snake Is used by Malays us an embrocation for bruises. The other species of python, Python curtus, Is interesting In that its llesh tastes like that of fowl at least, so Dyaks say, and they are au thorities on snake flesh, for Uiey cat a number of the largo snakes." POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Some people are simply acting nat ural when they are kicking. Do the right thing by all of your friends, and you haven't anything but the core of the apple left. People with real troubles do not care as much for sympathy us they do to have their trials as Inconspicuous as possible. When a man says that he has not a friend In the town where he lives you can depend ou it thut the town Is not to blame. Don't forget thut your actions are measured as critically all through life us Is the borrowed butter you return to a neighbor. With all due consideration for the sober second thought, we notice that the longer we aim the more liable we are to miss the mark. Atchison Globe. Fronde's Youthful Terrors. Of the youthful hardships endured by James Anthony Froude a biogra pher says: "Conceiving thnt the child wanted spirit, Lfurrell, his elder broth er, once took him up by the heels and stirred with his bead the mud at the bottom of a stream. Another time he throw him into deep water out of a boat to make him manly. Hut he was not satisfied by Inspiring physical ter ror. Invoking the aid of the preternat ural, he taught his brother that the hollow behind the house was haunted by a monstrous and malevolent phan tom, to which In the plenitude of his imagination he gave the name of Pe ningre. Gradually the child discover ed that Penlngre was an illusion and began to suspect thut other ideas of Ilurrell's might be Illusions too." The Firing LUard of Jnvn. The curious little animals known as flying lizards (Draco volans) are only found in Java, and their strange ap pearance Is supposed to have been the origin of the dragon of the mediaeval eastern Imagination. The reptile Is like an ordinary lizard, but is provided with folds of extensible skin which are spread out by the long ribs and enable the animal to glide through the air from tree to tree In pursuit ot the Insects on which It preys. When lying prone on the mottled surface of a bough. It is an excellent example of "protective re semblance," as It is most difficult to be Men, aateaa It mores. HUGGINS & CO. Dry Goods Shoes Groceries Ladies' and Gents' FURNISHINGS Delivery uses. With every dress pattern purchased of us you get a MeCall pattern free. We have a large stock from which to makoyour selection A STORM IN THE JUNGLE. K Comes With a Roar Lilt That of a Giant Waterfall. Teopie who have never been In a Jungle talk of the sky as a painter talks of the horizon or a seafaring man of the offlug as if when you wanted to see It you only need use your eyes. But In the Jungle you don't see the sky at least you only see a few scrag gy patches of It overhead through the openings In the twigs and leaves. Nei ther do you feel the wind bolwing, nor get burned or dazzled by the sun, nor even see that luminary except by mo mentary glimpses about midday, from which It follows that a Jungle man does not usually pretend to be weatherwtse. If ho does he Is even a greater hum bug than the rest of the weather proph ets. On the afternoon about which we are speaking I remember setting forth on my walk in the still glow of the tropical calm and wondering rather at the Intense stillness of the surrounding forest. Then the air grew cooler and the green of the foliage In front seemed to deepen, and presently there was a sound as of a giant waterfall In the distance. Waterfalls do not, however, grow louder every second, whereas the noise in front did so. Then there was a loud, angry growl, as of a dozen lions. A minute more and the whole jungle began to roar as if fifty squad rons of heavy cavalry were coming up at n gallip. Then came a drop of r.i n and a peal of thuii Uv which seemed i make the world stop. Then t'le :t:vu beg .:. The t' above t'arkt-ms': the tvoe. '..(. civ ; the brush vood be-ie.i,'i li s e I a-.d b,"-'-ed it.-cli'. A ';e:se of r:i .i ivo; s hi n ted out the c-UTow view. I .own it cnr.'.i'. fJoa';:n -!' I' ni.:i the tlein.': leavei under which on tie I f r refu striking the ktusa and s ::i l with i.: '. lions of i i::i l!m !s. d.i.OIng furlou against the leaves us if they were ..u many host lie shields, streaking tho uir with Innumerable perpendicular Unci und hurling Itself down with the force of bullets. In such a downpour one may as well walk and get wet as stand still and get wet. L'ufortunutely one did not know where to walk to. The "circumbendi bus system" presupposes the fact that the wagon wheels and bullock tracks can be seen and noted, but when the cart track Is no longer a cart track, but "all turned to rushing waters," such tracks cannot be seen, and unless you have a pocket compass you may as well try to fly as to get back to where you came from. When one reads of travelers lost -In the backwoods, they always steer by the miiii mid probably very badly bvt when there is in sun whot are you to d 7 -s! ir! l'iv. Brun Th.tti. During the South African war an Im mense atone monument was removed at Cape Town during the night, and no one knows to this day by whom or why It was taken. Some years ago, In broad daylight, a clever and bold gang of thieves carried off a valuable fountain fourteen feet high from Uzbridge with out exciting the suspicion! of any one and quite recently an omnlbua waa calmly removed, bone and all, while standing unguarded outside a public house In London and bat never been een or heard of since. It would teem, Indeed, that It la often far easier to tteal a big thing than a little one. London Telegraph. Plat-In Him. "Young man," began the dignified gentleman In hlnck dress, "have yon fully considered the future? Have you made provisions for the hereafter? It It not time" "Pardon me one moment please, but are you a minister or a Ufa Insurance agent?" Milwaukee Sentinel. Lksi.ii!, President J. W. Thai., Vice President. Truman Putter, CaBhier Capital Fully Paid, $50,000 We are too modest to advertise that we are tlie oldest and largest Bank in Hood River valley, and we would not want to say that ours is the best bank, but we do not hesitate to say that we are pretty good people Our business is growing all the time, and we want to keep it growing, so strangers are welcome when prop erly identified The same courteous treatment is ex tended to the customer with a small account as is accorded to his neighbor with a large balance, for you can never tell how largo a small account will grow. BUTLER BANKING CO. APRIL 26, 1906. Don't Forget -THK- Wben you wani iirst-class work done at home. All kinds of Laundry Work and Cleaning Lace curtains, 50c; blankets und carpets, 25c to 50c. Phone mSHl Clan Fabrlck, Prop. SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers Special attention given to making and repairing Grubbing Tools and Loggers' Tools EXPERT HORSESHOERS MOUNT MOOD MOTEL ot ,fU!?!uvs '' ravel : Farmer WphiyMrMii5! Kan Doctors Are I'lizlcd. The reinnkahle recovery of Kenneth Mclvcr, of Vanceboro, Mo., is tlie Btilt iecl of much interest to the medical fraternity and a wide circle of friendx. He says of hid case : "Owing to severe inflamation of the Throat and conges tion of the Lungs, three doctors gave me up to die, when, bb a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Dis covejy and 1 urn happy to sit.v it suvi d my life." CurtBthe worst Coughs and Colds, Hroucliitis, Tousilitis, Weak Lungs Hoarseness, and l.a Grippe. Guaranteed at Chas. N. ('iiuke's ding store. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. $2,400 For the next ten days we can sell you "THE FIRS" for $2,400. You can't make a mistake if you buy this property for ftLVlOO. Remember for only ten days at this price. Investigate at once. Seven room house, large halls ami closets, two large lota, magnificent view, linist location in the city. LANGILLE & RAND, TUSixtli St., PORTLAND, OHIO. ESTABLISH KI) liMHJ INCOKI'ORATKI) l!H)r) Shoes for Men "Just as good" means there is something better. Don't be con tent till you've seen the Walk Over Shoes $3.50 and $4.00 Right in Shape, Style, Fit VOGT BROS. Hood River, Oregon Patronize Home ...Industry... Our Work cannot be ...Excelled... CLARENCE F. GILBERT, New List of Real Estate Bargains ". .1. Ihiker k Co, offer the following flood propositions iu real estate this week : fi'J acres, lict ween '.'.' and ,'10 ucres cleared; 1J acres in hearing orchard, 15 in strawberries und clover. Ilouso and burn. This is 11 giiud biy. Trice for a h"U time, If.VMI. I!0 acres f miles out. L'"i acres cleared, 2i) iu orchard 5 of which is in full hear ing; standard varieties. Price, If'.KHH), TO acres -I miles out. -!) acres cleared, Hi in orchard, 1- in full Inuring, l-iic i s meadow hind. All ne essnry buildings mi place. Trice per acre, fJOO. Wi acres (ij miles out, Unimproved. No waste land. Trice, $10 per acre. 120 acres i.' miles out. All necessary buildings, good well and springs on place. This is an unusually good buy. Small orchiinl mid all kinds of small fruit; 4!) acres cleared. Trice per acre, I1)!); terms to suit purchaser. We call special attention to one 10 acre tract, all cleared; about two miles from tow n. Trice, H-l'-TiO. We have a number of o, 10 and L'l) acre tracts that are bargains. Soino good propositions iu n-ard to laud from tho Mount Hood ill r-trict. Com and see us about it. Also land in Mo Bier, While Salmon and liingcn. We have line alfalfa ranch in P.aker county, another in Morrow; also prop erty in the Willamette valley to es chanire for Hood U ver realty. Houses and lots for rent or sale in nil parts of Hood River. Collections made, insurance written in your choice of three companies. NOTICE roll Tt'lil.ICATION lK-iintneiit or the Interior, I'nlterl htiiles I.iinii lillli-e, Tin- Hal lex; llreion, March Kill, l!Hi. Nolle-Is ln-rehv ylM'll that Hie lollow I il if linim-il w-llli r lias llled notice or Ills In tuition to make tln il .roor In uiKirt of Ins i-liiliii, ami tluit Mtlil nrool w ill lie liuetit 1m lore t Ms,, r. l'ri,ili,-r, I . M I'onmiissloner, nl ln ultii-e III lloo'l Itlver, oreiem, on April, 1!'., vl. : MAHK K. TIIo.Yt.VH ofllooil Hiver, iiri-non. II. K. No. sm lor the Klj Ml-;1,, SW',j X K'4. Nee. HI, mill N'W'.M;1,, Heel ion J'.l, town-hie 2, N., riinye 11 V.. V. .f. Me naineii the loliowlni! itnessi-s to prove his continuous resoli-nee ujion and cultiva tion ol shIiI land, vi. : I'eler ishIkiiihii and Jens P. Hanson, Hood Hlver, Ori-Kuii. uii!, all MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Uegihter. If You Want 20 Acres of tho host 4-j'pnr-()ld Spitzenberg & Newtown Orchard that over laid outdoors, mil or write to SHEPARD & FRANZ. Do You Want a Home in the rapidly rising community of Mount Hood? Can furnish you any size ranch you desire on terms to suit. Call on or write owner R. J. McISAAC. Mt. Hood. ! 01 ! :5l Manager Home Seekers, Attention As I am about to take up a profession which necessi tates my going East for some time, 1 have concluded to sellniy two farms in Hood Hi ver alley. 1 will sell 10, 20, :H) or 50 acres. This place has two houses, and can be divided. All close in. Also 10 acres near Mosier, with 10 acres bearing fruit. New house, chicken house, all fenced, good water. I will give good terms and long lime. Land to Lease 10 acres, all cleared ready for crop. Good hou.-e, barn, chicken yard and good water. Also 40 acres adjoin ing, brush land, good place for goals or cows. Will take work for rent. La ml to trade for residence properly in Hood Hi ver. 10, 20 or ."0 acres. Ml good apple land. For particulars wo H. M. ABBOT, At Millinery Store MILLINERY We wish to announce to the ladies of Hood Kive that we will have a special line of Easter Millinery. Call and see them. Apprentice wanted. MODERN MlLLNERY, Jackson Building