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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1906)
HOOD EIVEE GLACIEETHUESDAY, APEIL 26, 1906 CORRESPONDENCE. BAEEETT. The following persons contributed goods for tbe sufferer at San Francis co: Potatoes Mr. Peeler, 10 sacks; E. Brayford, 2; Cochran, 6; J. Moore, 5; J. Wlckham, 3; II. Moore, 3; J. B. Castner, 5; C. W. Keed, 3; U. Wil son, 5; i. is. Sboeniaker, u; I. If. Uinricks, 2; W. S. Crapper, 2; C. Chandler, 2; E. M. Camp, 2; J. F. Curnes, 2; J. 11. Shoemaker, 5; L. II. Arensen. 1; O. . Cabtner. 5; T. U, Siiiith, 1; J. F. llelme, 1; J. E. Mc- Uralb, 1; r. J. Sberreio, i(;uountry dihi), 1; J. J. Gibbons, 4; W. Davis 4, Flour J. Jackson, 1 sack ; it. F. Ead elinen. 4: Mrs. A. Howe, 2: Kev El kins. 1. Mrs. li. 11. Eadttliuan, 1 quilt, 2 blankets. Other names will appear In next issue. The election held on Saturday. April 21, for the purpose of bonding the school district lor $25,000 to build a school house on tbe lower part of the district whs defeated : so now tbe kid wagons will have to be run or the promoters will have to emigrate to a more suitable location, where scuool houses are thicker on tbe ground. itockford purchased a very flue team of bay horses and in the purchasing of the horses a new Main light wagon came with them, but as Itockford has no use lor the wagon, it will be sold oboap. The horses were tieatod to a brand new set of harness, so Kock ford is up to date and on the road for business. We are Informed that the Ureen Point store is being run by F. Daven port. Well, Frank will give them good goods and lots of ogs, but the way the team goes, it looks as though they cannot have eggs to boil but most likely they have mashed eggs de livered in bad order. It is timo we had our work oom floted on Kockford Avenue which was commenced some two months ago. Now we are no kickers, but really this road is now left in bad shape, and we would very much like to see our road supervisor up this way. as tbe work must be done and we will help. We attonded services at the Valley Christian church on Sunday morning lust and bad the pleasure ot listening to the Unv. Elklns expound the Scrip tures. We were pleased to hear the roverend gentleman not afraid to de nounce sin and hypocrisy, In the church and out. It is truly said, if we are not entirely Tor Christ, we must tie against him. We notioe water is now running in the farmers' irrigation ditch. It is time water was running in the II. R. . Co.'s ditch if we are to have any this year. PINE GEOVE Mrs.nnd Mr. Will Johnson and Miss Flora Williams came down from llepp norlust week. Mrs. Johnson and Miss Williams are daughters of Mrs. Gros ser. Miss Wllliums will remuiu all summer. Miss Rose Williams returned j home home from Portland Sunday. She spent u week with her siHtor, Mrs. liolou Chirk, who has been quite ill. Mr. Shough left for Willamette val ley Friday to dispose of some property he has there, lie will return this we k and go immediately to John Day. hoping that the change will ben efit his wife, who is suffering from lung trouble. Everyone is busy and news are scarce. It will greatly I'ulo ..ur cor respondent if tti oh) Iih jug in their possession items of Interest -.. ill leave same at the Pine Grove Store, for your humble set ibe is far too busy to go hunting for news. Unless she re ceives the co-operation of tbe neigh bors, the Pine Uove items are tery apt to consist, us did the old man's lettei, of the following: "Howdy do. All well. Good liye." So stir your selves and boom Pine Grove. Furn ish the facts nud the writer will see that tbe editor gets them with all tbo frills and furbelows possible. When we read of the awful San Francisco disaster we are thankful we live in Pine Grove with rugged Mt. Hood guarding one end of our peace ful valley and stately Adams standing sentinel over the other. Spring is here with her birds and blossoms and all Nature seems to say, "Come." When the cares of life press heavily upon us, then we follow the poet's advice: "If thou wouldst read a lesson that will keep Thy soul from fuiuting und thy heart from tleep, Go to the woods aud bills. Mo tears dim the sweet lock whioh Nature wears." ODELL. A force of men and teams under the direction of Frank Mastee have been doing excellent work on tbe rnuds. Dune Kemp purchased a horse of Folts Sc Veuug, pinprletors of the horse market of Odell. James Eggert went to The Ditl'es last week on business. Frank Strang aud Wilson liros. huve been planting trees for Chas. Tucker. Miss May Masiker bus gone to teach a term ot sohool about 25 miles from The Dalles. We have iu our midst those who are anxiously waiting news from thot-e near and dear whose homes were in Han Frnnolsco. Mrs. Lockman's father and mother, as well as one or more brothers and a sistor and their fami lies, resided there, and at this writing Lockman has had no word concerning them. She bus the sympathy of all iu her time of trial and heartfelt wishes thut word, when it does come, may be good news. Mr. Lockman's mother came from Edgar, Neb., arrlv'ng here Friday niorniui to visit her son. Mrs. Poole is Improving after a se vere attuok of quinsy. Mrs. Lafferty is slowly gaining strength. Odell contributed 17 sacks of pota toes to the relief of San Francisco sufferers. W.G.Ehrok hauled the pota toes to Hood Hirer. A good many voters were out to the uriinuries. Tbe Mt. Hood K. It. run a speolal for tbe accommodution of voters, going down and back in the afteruoou. The assessor is making the lounds now and those who are rich would willingly change places with the poor und the poor are satisfied to be poor for the timo being. The social given by the Ladles Aid at the school house Friday night was well atteudod. Receipts, tl!).00, to be used for articles Deeded for the church. Shades for windows first is the plan. Because of unavoidable circumstanoes aud much to the re gret of the management and all con cerned, tbe program as advertised was not rendered, but as the Aid has not before failed to make good its promises, people will readily forgive. The park south of tbe Little White store is now ready for the use of tbe people for socials, picnics and the like. Mrs. Hoswell Shelley has a beauti ful bed of flowers blooming, byaoinths and tulips. It is surprising how quickly they respond to care and en couragement. . - Kev. II. C. Clark, of Belmont, preached to a good audience in tbe Union church Mt Odell Sunday after noon. His subject was, "The Spirit ual Increase.'" Text, Matthew 25, 2!). A talk full of good thoughts. The prospects are good for a saw mill to be placed on one of two plaoes: The one owned by Mr. Pratber, known as the old Divers place, or the one occupied by James Eggert. A dauoe was given by P. J. Mohr, of Pine Grove, in tbe bull at Odell last Friday night. MOUNT HOOD. K. J. Molsaao hat been hauling lumber for bis new house whioh will be erected in the near future. W. S. Keeling has been employed the past week by the Mount Hood Telehone company, fitting the polen for their new line, whioh will go to Hood Kiver by the way of tbe Bel mont district. Miss Anna Mohr oalled at tbe Rush home last Monday. Mr. Benson, who has been staying with K. J. MolBaao for some time past, will go to work at Dee. Mr. Benson is a first-class carpenter, but was somewhat delayed going to work by his baggage being mislaid. J. Vautbiers has moved hit house up near the road and will be settled down iu a few days. Captain Dukes, of ilooa Kiver, did tbe work. Tbe primary was well attended at Ibis place Friday but a large number failed to get to vote. A number of the young fellows from here attended the dance at Odell Fri day night, but one failed to dance. Walt Parson is working or O. Fred enburg. Oscar Is getting quite a much and will prove up about July 15. The latest from this place is on an unknown gentleman, lie left Hood Hiver, walked all the way to Mount Hood to work, aud when he called for his time he found out that be hud been charged one doll ir, the regular price coming up by stage The "Ddhoou" Davidson came up to his hoii.i-t-tead for a while and ex pects to pluiit some potatoes soon. A new cook arrived at the Ilelmer hotel one day lust week. The rainbow trout which were granted Robert Leasure's request, were planted iu the west fork ana lake fork, as there was so much snow they could not get into the lake. II. A. Grey, Walter Grlbble and George Cooper took tho fish to their new homes. Don't forgot Miss Chase tonight, who will speak at the hall on behalf A Question of Life or Death Destroy the insects or they will de stroy your Fruit, Flowers and Foliage Why not have your rose bushes, house plants, snmll fruit, etc., freo from all aphis, eodlin ninth, fungus growth and other pests ? If this is done they will look bright and clean and healthy, ho they w ill he a source of pleasure aud profit to you. Watt's Formaldehyde Tree Soap is a compound scientifically prepared from the most powerful Germicides and insecticides known to the horticull ural world. It comes in oue-pouud bars, neatly wrapped, with full directions for use. Any desired amount of spray can be made at one time easily and quickly, it costs but 25 cents per bar- Use it once and you will use no other i'iihJ HEIR CASS SMITH BLOCK C UEIJA11LE DRUGGISTS 11 3 WATCHES That Keep Time The Mark of Mejrit The Symbor of Reliability Your Safeguard in Buying a Time Piece is this ARAWAY'iS The Watchmaker and Jeweler Who Can Make Your Watch Keep Time SMITH BUILDING HOOD RIVER er's Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then I boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. N ftaturtilti trtrni tti. Cuban war, t waa . perfect wrack. Mr blood waa bail, and in, health wat Runa. a fear boltlei of Ayer'a Saiwpullla eonipletelr cored m." II. U. IKiauLiu. Mcrmnlon, fa. f 1 M a bottle. for j r. arsitco. T.ow.11, Mma Impure Blood BRAGG & CO. SPECIAL SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY 2:00 TO 4:00 P. II. Aid the Sarsaparilla by keeping the be we! a regular with Aver'8 Pilla. of Woman's 1 Buffrags. Everyone should attend,' at we are sure it will be a great treat to moot of as. Loot, strayed or exchanged by a.ime one unknown, baggy wbip that by mistake was up in tbe wrong buggy which belonged to the Davidson's of Mt. Hood. Owner can have same by proving property. Call or write W. li or J. C. Davidson, Mount Hood. Oregon. Frank Noble Is working for Jesse uaviuoou and sou helping clear land for 11. J. Malsaao. WHITE SALMON. A. P. Smith is erecting a building north of bis store, which will be oo oupled by Ray Imbler, who will put in a stock of dry goods and notions. Wagons are constantly passing through White Salmon loaded with strawberry crates. The prospects for a crop are very bright. While tbe freeze in March set berries back a week, yet no damago was done to plants or blossoms, nor has any dam age been done to any fruits. The new aoncrete building for the White Salmon Valley Bank is pro gressing. Editor Glnder, of the Enterprise, has been sick for several days, and A. J. Lender, of Hood Kiver, is helping got out tbe paper. A. W. Mohr, of The Dalles, by draulio engineer, with a crew of sur veyors, is busy surveying a line and taking elevntions for tbe new water works and irri gation system of White Salmon. The new system, when com pleted, will deliver 4,000,000 gallons of water per day, for domestic pur poses, and will cost uut less than 140,000. FROM THE ENTKKI'RIHB. Mr. Corey and family left last Sat urday sor their run eh at Pine Flat nfttr spending the wluter in White Salmon. They leave many frionds here who will be glad to see them return to town again next fall. We nndarstiind that the blucksinith shop will now be mov ed out to Pine I Jut as we saw the blaoksmlth start out ftitti them. R. li. 1 in blur, of llood Hiver, was a White Salmon visitor today, where lie is making nrrntiKoii)mlg to establiHli dry goods store His first coindgn nieut of goods a l ived tlis mornii k and he hopes to open his store for busiueeri about May 1st. The survey for tho proponed new water system for the town and lie surrounding country was commenced on Tuesday of Ibis wek. Mr Mohr, a olvil engineer from The Dalles, 1ms charge of the wnik. lie has made a preliminary exsnitnal inn of the route and is now at work Kith a crew of four men taking tbe levels, lie be lieves this Buck creek proposition is a practicable one and will furnish an abundance of the Hnebt water iu the world. Saturday, April 28, tho Urange will hold its monthly social in the park. All oome, bring your lunch aud babies aud have a good time. Good fishing Is the biggest attrac tion on the banks of the White Salmon these days. We bav bad several visi tors from Hood Kiver lately. N. P. railroad ofiloiala were visitors in Underwood on Monday and Tues day looking after the interest of the oompnny and it is presumed that SCO loot track will be laid out aud a water tank built at the butchery grounds on Olson Ureek. A. 11. Jewett h is just completed the setting or an oronard or about twelve acres ot cherries on the trai t of land purchased by Dr. Jewett of South Da kota. We understand that Dr. Jewett aud bis family will make their home iu our midst early iu the summer. On All Wool Dress Goods, Suitings, Serges, -and Albatrosses. Don't miss this opportunity. - Ladies Collars-Turnovers, Stocks and all Lace Collars for this sale at half price. Not more 3 than two collars to any one customer Elite Pettycoats--The best fitting and most sensable garment made. : $3.50 garments for $3, f 2.75 garments for $2.3 3, $2.50 garments for $2.15 DRESS SKIRTS For this Sale will make Special LOW Prices Ladies' White Waists 75c waists 600, $1.00 waists for 800, $1.25 waists for $1.05, $1.50 waists for $1.15, $2.00 waists for $1.65, $2.50 waists for $2.10, $3.00 waists for $2.45, $3.50 waists for $3.00 c R. B. BRAGG dl CO.e AT A- BARGAIN 10 acres of very early strawberry and fruit land, with a southern slope, 1 miles from White Salmon, 1 mile from dock; plenty of water; 4 acres cleared. It's a great bargain for $1350, part cash. We have other bargains. :itc Salmon Land Co., White Salmon, Wash. CRAPPER. Mrs. O. A. MoUurdyand daughters, Ellen and Alice, went to Portland on last Saturday Zacbary Jampsa, of Perth, N. D., accompanied Mr. Hooker to lloo' Kiver. lie Is father to Mesdames Hooker, Jakku and liroei. The school closed on Thursday of last week. Tbe Misses Phillips and Chapiu did excellent work in the sohool, made many friends, and greatly endeared themselves to the hearts of tbe Crapperitos, both young aud old. Mrs. Brosi. after speudiug two weeks visiting iu this neighborhood, returned to the east side on Wednes day of Inst week. Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Haokott and son Teddy came down fro n their homestead on Friday of last week and returned on Saturday. Strawberry culture iu this neighbor hood is being pushed to the limit. mere is a great scarcity ol Help in this vicinity aud tbe tanners hardly have time to say "hello" to each othtr when they meet. "mosierT Mrs. Wni. Johnson spent Thursday of last week in Hood Kiver. Mrs. W. A. Husbands was a passen ger ou Saturday's evening train from llood Kiver. 0. A. Cramer, who has beeu visiting his mother, Mrs. D. A. Cramer, went to The Dalles on Sunday evening. Mrs. Jan. Smith, of The Dalles. spent a few days in Mosier last week, visiting riends. miss natnoriue Davenport was called to The Dalles on Thursday last through the illness of ber sister, Mrs. E. li. Wood. Mrs. Parish was visitor to Hood River on Saturday. Frank Dinger, acoompanied by bis mother and Mrs. 11. C. Porter, drove over the mountains to The Dalles. ' Tbe ladies returned by boat on Kri- j clay, Mr. (linger having returned witb his team over tbe mountain. Mrs. C. J. Phillips, who has been in Portland for the past wiuter aud spring moLtbri, ltturued home oo Thursday of last we k. Miss Anna Phillips, who is attend ing school in 'Ibe Dulles, speut Satur day and Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Phillips. Mrs. Huxley aud sou were passen. g'rsfrom llood Kiter ou Saturday's evening train Allen Wright, acoompanied by his son, came up from Portland, ou Sun day, to look after the interests ol his fruit farm. Mrs. E. J. Middleswart, who has been quite ill since last New Year, Is improving souewhat aud her physi cian offers her much encouragement or a future entire recovery. U. D. Morgan and family paid a vis it to Hood Kiver one day last week, having driven over the mountain. Services are being Lelil In the Bap tist cbuioh, Tbey are annouuoed to ooutinue throughout the week. Key. Moore, pastor of the Christian oburoh at Mood Kiver, is announced to speak in the Baptist church on Thursday evenlug of this week. Picnic Dinner for Fine Grove Grangers Owiug to the absenoe of our Urange reporter, only a short report of our urange meeting will be given. ibe open discussion of current event topics were principally aper tainlng to the recent earthquake. Mrs. Hunt read an excellent paper upou Womau's Suffrage. Some of tbe points brought out were: The inius tice in giving tbe ignorant or vicious red, white or black man tbe right to vote aud denying it to tbe well-reared, well born aud law-abiding woman; that taxation without representation is as much tyranny today as it was in 1774; that women need not neglect tbe home to cast their ballots once or twice a year; that there is more illit eracy among men in the United States than among women ; that the saloon element is opposed to Woman's Suffrage because it knows full well that nisnt women are against tbe sa loon's destructive influences. At our next meeting both sides of the question will bo discussed. The atHrniative poiuts will be brought out by Mrs. J. Jar vis, Mrs. E. Hawkes and E. Lage. Tbe negative side of tbe question by Ed Hawkes, Mrs. Jas. Taylor and Carl Ualligan. It was decided that oar next meet ing will be a a all day session. All Grangers are to meet at tbe ball at 10 o'clock, May 5, with light hearts but heavy basket. We most cordi ally iuvite the Orangers of Fraukton to spend tbe day with us. At 2 o' clock the literal y program begins, at wnien time the doors will be thrown open to the public. Come all. lay aside your cares for a few hours and act ac quainted witb your neighbors. Entertains His Friends. Friday eveniug Paul Trieber enter-1 tained a number of his friends at his home on tbe Heights, the occasion be ing his birthday. A very eniovable evening was spent playing games and singing, after which refesbments were served. Tbe guests shook hands with their host and wished him many more such uppy occasions. F. S. STANLEY, Pres. E. L. SMITH, Viee-Pres." E. 0. BLANCHAB, Cashier V. C. BROCK, Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Capital and Surplus $30,000.00 : We offer von the facilities of a well managed and well equipped bank. The interests of patrons receive our careful attention. I iT rTiTTIT tliilHal 0 n IS THE TIME FOR SPRING REMEDIES So why not use one that is guaranteed. ...ASK US ABOUT IT..... 0 OC30C CLARKE THE DRUGGIST Miw3 I CaatsMMkWIWIt 3C 0 WINANS CITY 1000 acres select apple land, best location ia llood River Valley; small prices on 5, 10 or 40 acre tracts by owner. Buy where you can real ize advancing values on your improvements. Lots in Wimnis City are profitable investments. You can reach this place by rail. W. R. Winans Hood River, Wasco county, Oregon. MONEY IN IRRIGATION ur n ,0urHpertie3,arlocatedm the Columbia Valley between Wallula and Pascothe lowest elevation of any irrigated lands in the State of Washington and are especially adapted to raising aU falfa, vegetables, fruits of all kinds, berries, grapes and figs. They produce the earliest berries and vegetables in the Northwest These properties are now abundantly watered and lands with perpetual water rights are on sale at reasonable prices and liberal terms t' induce eany settlers. t The new town OF Attaua lies in the center of this most fertile district and is at the junction of three railroads, the N P the Washington & Columbia River, and the 0. R. & N. Besides these unexcelled railroad shipping facilities, the Columbia River lies at our nnnr. Alls is !o mnet lun:A.ii. ..'..i. j ... i , V. t . .TConuiuuj suuaiea ana spienaid business opportunities are offered. puiu i ne company will sell choice lots at very low prices to per- sons who will erect homes and business houses in this tlmvme: ' coming town. MU""1i'-: .T l1!1 P18" and descriptive literature address -: ' THE COLUMBIA CANAL COMPANY DEPT. A, 509-510 MARION BLDG. SEATTLE, WASH.