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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1906)
;!00D RIVER GLACIER ,:, J .MfTT II Ul7 by AWitlUK l. MOH, Publisher. lerms of tubsorlptlon-vl.WI )W Mi pelt te eevsnee. THURSDAY, APKIL 2fi, 11)06. Dowio, 1904 inspired; 1905 retired; 1900 ilred. Tho Dulles seeing to be a uuit wbeu it comes to Totiu,? solid againHt Hood River at elootion time, no matter bow much they rnny tight among themselves. lu most cusps the KopuUhaii nomi nees are practically sure of election The proportion of Republicans to Democrats in tho county aro Hourly four to one, and personul popularity among tho Democratic candidates will have to overcome large odds to carry the election In June. Does the Chronicle refer to the oounty judge, clerk and treasurer in the following? It is a priuoiple in national politics that olllce holders keep out or active participation in the game. This prin ciple should bo applied to stute. and county and even municipal politics. "Pernicious political activity" Is to be diticountoiiunced as well as "olien sive partisanship. "Chronicle. There were only two tickets that could be voted at the primary election Friday. Those who bad registered as prohibitionists, sociiilisls or other parties, excopt republican or demo cratic, or who refused to state, could not vole lit the primaries. A number belonging to parties which had no tickets in tho Held, and who were de sirous of voting at tho primaries, re gistered as either republicans or dem ocrats. The free seed distribution Ly the department of agriculture at Washing ton reached Hood River last week, uud a couple of hundred packages were sunt through tho mails. As nearly everyone here had their gar dens planted, tho bulk of these seeds will be wanted, and it is doubtful if many of those roceiving the free seeds appreciated them. Like many of the leaks by which money is squandered at Washington, the free seed distribu tion should be abolished. This season promises to be one of the most profitable of the strawberry raiser in the history of the valloy. It is probable that there will not be much over half as many crates sblppud from Hood River as lust year, and they will be in big demand. While there Is a greater acroago in the higher eleva tions than last year, which will give a larger quantity of late berries, the crop will be short in the lower valley, as many huve reduced their, acreage, the March frost hurt the llrst crop of blossoms, and many of the patches are on their fourth year's picking. The outlook, therefore, is for good prices. In the relief work done by indivl duals, corporations and societies in aid of the Ban Frauciuco sulfers, up pears lurgo sums donated by wealthy men, but practically no mention is made of the aid givon by the railroads In the work of charity. Yet they hare been among the Hist to contr bute to relief of tho distroHsud. They have placed free transportation at tho disposal of tho destitute, and havo carried freo many cars of provisions to tho stricken city. While it was plainly Until duty to do their share, it should not go unrecorded. Tho public is over ready to condemn the railroad corporations for any griov anco,roa or fancied, lut it be as ready to commend and give credit where credit Is duo. Marshal Olinger reports that several havo refused to pay their poll tax inure is miming the my neels so bad as money to tlx up the streets. Since tho city lias boju deprived of saloon licenses, direct taxation and poll tax aro about the only means of raising money for this purpose. Any one, and especially a citizen of tho city, who will refuse to pay this amount, ami especially those who voted away tho saloon liconses, should bo made to work out the amount on the streets. Mayor lllowera says that all poll taxes will be collected througl tho justice court where those untitled fail or refuse to pay. Klghtli (irailo h. High School. A baseball game was played between tho eighth grade and the high school Just l'riiiiiy afternoon. Ihe high school selected so mo players out of the other grades to ooiiipleto their nine. There were a number of errors made but on the whole it was a good game. ino principal renrure or tho game was the batting hy 1'iof. Wilev. The high school failed to reach Hist base until the filth inning after which they played more vigorously. The lino up was as follows: -iglith tirade High School Chandler c Kiiiitl p Luckey Heinorest Hollowell Hartley U. Tripp Hell Mow S. Tripp Kvinger 1 b I'alee '2b I'rof.Cronse, linker ab l'rof. Wiley ss rf If of (Jesting Ross Karly l'rof. ('rouse. 1'oiit tie a cold or a cough up in your svstein bv taking a remedy that binds the bowels. Take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It is different from all other cough syrups. It is belter It opens the bowels-cxpela all cold from tho system, relieves coughs, cold, croup whooping cough, etc. An Ideal remedy for young and old. Children like it. fold by Williams riinnmtiy. A Civil Service examination for the position of Forest Ranger will be held at Portland, Roseburg, La Oraude and Prinoviile, May 11th, and for Forest Supervisor, May 11th, at all lurgo cities. Only legal residents be tween the ages of 21 ami 10 are eligi Lie. Applicants should apply imme diately to the Civil Service Commis sion at Washington, for Application lorui 10911. i ALL HOME SAFE FROM BERKELEY Frank A. Cram arrived home safe Tuesday evening -ith hie fmiily from Berkeley. Cal. Mi. Cram left a week ago, after news came ot t):o disaster at San Francisco, and arrived there last Thursday, lie found h's family all well, Berkeley so tiered the least of all the towns near Ban Francisco, The shock was felt quite keverely at that place, but about the only damage to buildings was to chimneys, nearly evaiv chimnev in the town was knocked off, and some of the build logs craciied and thaken up, but no fires resulted, and tho daiimg can be easily repaired. Mr. Cram said that the town was thrown wide open to the sufferers across the bay. Rich and poor alike opened their homes and dividod their food, and thousands were caiea lor. Evervtlilnu was freo. Ten thousand people were waiting at the trains at Oakland Sunday night when Mr. Cram and family left, to go north. Relief Work In California. Nevada City, Cal, Apiil 22, 1906. Kditor Ulacier: (ientlemen Think ing you might like to see them, I am mailing you the last Ban I i..ucisco papei. the iiiilletiu, of April 20th, also (Jrurs Valley paper. You will note what people in all t,liee towns are doing for relief Every family is linking and shipping food, and cash boxes are on every corner in every town and at all hotels and poitotllcos. Han Francisco is gone, but a Now York will arise limn tliu You can't keep the Califomians down. C. B McDulfee. Hood River's Supplies Kct'chcil Portland, Ore., April Klrd, 19ii(l Agent, Hood River: 1 have ju.-t if ceived the following niosage from Mr. K. K. Calvin, tieu'l Mgr. or thi Southern Pacific Company. "Please notify all your people who are furnish ing supplies that they are being re ceived in good shape and are all die tributed to the needy through the Army Quartermaster Department. The northwest is doing remarkably well in this emergency." Please ar auge to give this telegram the samt publicity as the one received of Mr. liarriman this morning. J.P.O'llrleu. Cause of the L'ai'lltiiiui'. Professor George Davidson, of t lit Uuiverdty of California, formerly oonnected with the United Statet Ueodetio survey says: "The earthquake ciimo from the north to south, and the only descrip tion I am able to give of its effect to me is that It seemed like a terrier shaking a rat. I was in bed, but was awakened at the llrst shook. I began to count the seconds as I went toward the table where my watch was, being able through much practice closely to approximate the time in that manner. The shook came at 5 :LS o'clock. The first six seconds were the most severe. From that time on it decroased grad ually for about 30 seconds. There was then the slightest perceptible lull, then the shock continued for 60 sec onds longer, being slighter in degree in this minute than in any part in the preceding minute and a half. There wero two very slight shocks, which 1 did not record, at fr.17 and 5:27. At 0 : r I p. m. there was a sharp shook of several seconds. "Regarding the cause, 1 maintain as 1 always havo, that it is the earth brings about contraction which is bound to create a readjustment of the earth surface. 1 have heard talk of the eruption of Vesuvius having con nootlou with this disaster, but that ii rank nonsense. North Dakota Strawberry Man Here. W. K. Nash, of Nash lirns.. Grand Forks, was here Saturday looking up tho berry prospects. Mr. Mien bun dles more Hood Rlvoi berries thiiu any other one firm, being Ihe dlttri- butfng agent for Winnopcg uud a num ber of cities and towns around lirHud Forks. He thinks they can use about 00 cars this year. Ihe transportation question Is making sumo trouble this year. Mi not, N. !., can only lie reached by the Great Northern rail way, and the O. R. & N. cannot ban die the heavy special fruit oars if the Great Northern between hero and Spokane on their passenger trains, and It Is possible that the berries will have to be trnnsfeired at Spokane tor that point. This will add to the expense and also damage the berries somewhat. Association Meeting. The Congregationalists, of Multno mah, Columbia, Clatsop and tho western portion of Wasco counties, met in this city Tuesday aud Wednes day of this week in their tenth an nual session. Ihe specilln name by which this body Is known is the Port land Association of Congregational Churches and Ministers. Rev. Arden M.Rockwood, of the Highland church, Portland, was chosen Moderator, aud l!ev. Ii, 11. Ham. Hassalo Street church, Portland, Scribe, aud George II. 11 line, Assistant Scribe. Six churches were represented by seven pastors aud ten delegates, 'Tho pro gram presented was most interesting aud suggestive, and the discussions lollowiutf were most helpful. A Hue dinner was served by the ladles yesterday at the residence of ev. . I . (iilmore. which was hear tily enjoyed. Hy using two rooms about forty guests wore seated. .Mother's Meeting. A mother's meeting will lie held at the Congregational church, May 1, at II o'clock. Subject "The , home as a safe guard to oui children." cordial Invitation is extended to all mothers, wivesaud sisters with a request to uring a written question. A penny collection will lie taken uii to secure some good literature leaflets to distribute among our young people. Will Have a Fair Crop. An examination of the cherry bloom shows that Royal Aun and other early sweet varieties supposed to lie hurt worst by the cold spell iu March still have enough cheriiesto make a fair crop. Ihe buds on the sunny sides of the limbs wore generally killed, but the buds that were shaded lived through. W. R. Harris had a little almond tree just showing its first bloom when the cold came and he wrapped an old gunny cloth around ii. .Miiioiign rue aimonu is a tender tiee that slight protection saved it and he now finds it set full of young monds. It is probable that a little care might have saved the peaches on tiees small enough to havo been pro tected with little trouble. Forest Groev Times. What good does it do you to eat if vour stnmiti'h fall to ,li.r..t f.u' None. It does you harm rutin's belel -ing, sour rioniRch. flatulence, etc. When the stomach fails a little KoJol Dyspepsia Cure after each meal will di gest what von cat and makes tho stom ach sweet. Williams Pharmacy. P r Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hose , We carry one of the finowt assortments in the line of hosiery to be found in the city, anything you can wish for in Plain and , Fancy hoso, from a full Seamless, Fast Black hose for Ladies at 100 a pair to the best of Silk hose at 800 a pair. 1 Ladies' Fine Lisle Burson Hose Men's Half Hose, Pioneer Brand ! The only bore that is knot to fit without ft seam. Shaped, Seamless and Stainless, in Black, Brown Narrowed ankle and shaped foot. A hose that and Fancy Stripes and Mixtures. Here is an , seldom sells for less than 25V a pair. We bought opportunity to get a pair of hose for about half i a lot of these at a bargain, and have been selling of what they are actually worth. They are on them at 15c a pair, but the above hose f our Bargain Table. Make your choice Jrt. I Special Price for Saturday. - lC Price Per Pair. - "C , Ladies' Gause Vests Ladies' Swiss Ribbed We can save you money on this class of goods. win8 Sleeve Vests, that we have been selling at I We have theeo from 5c ft garment up. Ladies' 13c a garment on Saturday only. i (in Sleeveless vests that we have been selling at 8c a Special Price, each, .... I lC i garment and it bargain at that price, we rf We also have a full line summer weight . 1 will sell Saturday at the Special price, J underwear for children. Uamiltom-brovvh )H0f Hotel Opening. The Wau-Goin-Guin Hotel will be opened Tuesday, April 24. The hotel has been thoroughly renovated and fitted up for summer boarders. & C. Rand, Prop. All kinds of fresh and cured meats have advanced, hut we are still selling at the same old prices, Bnd will con tinue to do so. Yours for business, Mo G u i re Brothers, Notice to Water I'sers Until the new reservoir is completed water users on both the upper and lower systems i re requested not to waste water or du .rrigating. Light & Water Co. Apples Wanted One or two boxes of choice Hood River apples, assorted varieties will do. Will pity liberally for fancy stock. These are wanted to send away as samples. ,1. II, ileilbronner & Co., Hood River, Oregon. New Map of Oregon. Iluekutt Bros., of U rants Pass, Ore., have just published a now and up-to-date map of Oregon, which la complete in every detail, and brought up-to-date. The whole state eoirectly mapped out, giving all postottlcet, giving population, location! by town ship aud range, shows mines, ' timber reserves, Indian reservations, un sur veyed lands, money order postoflices, banking towns aud county seats. The streams and p lncipal wagon roads are also delineated. Every one can afford to have one for the nominal price it is ottered for. (.1. IS. llookett Is here this weok taking orders for the map. The most rational remedy for coughs and colds is Kennedy's Laxative Honey mid Tar. It acts on the how leu as a mild cathartic, ex pels all cold from the system Cuts all phlegm out of the throat, re lieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. An ideal remedy for children -equally as good for adults. Sold by Williams Pharmacy. Work on Davidson Hill. Road Supervisor Woodworth is ex tending the lock bottom on the Dav idson hill to the end of his district, and the top ot the hill will, when com pleted, have one of the best pieces or road lu the valley. Supervisor Masses is also repairing the road at tho foot ot the hill, having graded it iu good shape, aud will gravel the top. It is to lie regretted I hut a rocK nnttoui could not be put on jthe road all the way down the hill, ami mako a perma nent load. It would cost consider able money, but It is the only way to make a pornianeut road in the soft clay bottom. Nothing will relieve digestion that is not a thorough digeslant. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure digests what you eat, and allows the stomach to rcst-rccupernte-grow strong again. A few doses of Kodol alter meals will soon restore the stomach and digistlve organs to a full performancj ol their motions naturally. Sold bv Williams Pharmacy. Kor Hale A small upan of horsen, well ninli'liFit, bright sliver buys four and rtve yiwHohl. i'eriivtly iimitleeltlier with man, woman or children. Will work either ulnult- or double and hk true us nlwl, My rea- Nim ror wiiiiik litem ih i neeu h nenvier warn. Will be Hold ehenp n a good home, or would trade tor a heavier team. Iliay t'ord, Kwkrord Mtiiie, al'J-ma NOT1CK 1'OK Vriil.lCATiON llepartnient of Ihe Interior, flitted State l, ami iitm-e, 1 lie mum, lire., April in, r.ou. Nolleeta hereby ilven that the rotlowlmr mimed wli ler hat nicd police of bis tnb'nttou to mekennat proor In mipport of hta eUtm, and that vld proof will be made before the KcgiHier ami Keeeiver ;ni rue oaiien, Oregon on May Vint, I'.ikl, vl : DAVID M. PI'VAl.b of Moxler, Oregon, on II. K. No. !, for l lis lou I, s. 8. ami 4. xs'tlrui 2S, towimh p 1 tiiirlh j nun.- 11 east, W. M. lie name the follow tin witnesses to prove hlNtimtliiuoiiM residence upon and eulttva' tton of fluid land, vli; Lewis I., (loodwln, William K. Iliiskey deorne W. Iliiskey, Win. W, stephensou, all oi .nosier, i ire. M It'll AKI. T. NOI.AN, am inil liegister. NOTTCK KOR VI BLICATION Department of the Interior, United States Ijimltiltlee, The Dalles, Oregon, Aprils, Hum. Notice Is hereby Riven that the following named act Her has tiled notice of his Intention to inaketlnal proof hi support of Ills claim, and that said p xiof will lie made before Ueorse T. I'rslher, I'. S, tViinmlssloner, at Ills olttcv III Hood Uiver, Oregon, on May l.'nh, WOK, vl: KAH1. K. BAKTMKSS, or Hood lilvcr, Oregon, ou II. K No. 13G0, for theK', KKi,, section 24, township s north range ! east, and lot .' and 3, section 19, town shh, 2 iiorih range aieasi W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous rvsldcura upon and cultiva tion of ssid land, vis: Kdward H. Ilarlwlg, llnrrv A llackett, Kalpli .larvls, Andrew A. Jayuc, all of Hood Uiver, Oregon, MICHAEL, T. XOI.AN, aj.'uilt) Kctjtsier. k n h -r ens HOOD RIVER'S LARGEST AND Shoes and Oxfords Do not overlook the Paris Fair if you contem plate buying u new pair of Shoes, Oxfords or Slippers. There is not a finer assortment in the city. The quality is the highest, prices lowest. Iiet us show you we are pleased to show goods. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD To the Farmers Hood River Milling Co. You Want your hat lo represent the Best and Newest Styles. You want the most for your money. WE WANT the pleasant privilege of dem onstrating to you that we have the correct thing at Money-Saving Prices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, t'nlted Htslea I Jin d entice, The Palles, ore.. April 111, HUM. Notice Is hereby gl.en lliat the following named set Her has tiled notice or his intention lo make unul proof In support of hta claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and llecelvc at Hie land office In '.be Dalles, Oregon, on June 1st, luuti, vis: JOHN JANSHKN of The Ia Ilea, Ore., on H. K. No. 150iU for the lot 4, KWS( NW.and K HWW, section 2, township 2 north, range eaat, W. M , based on Improvements, residence and cultivation of the HK',4, section l, township 1 south, range hi east W. M., on which homestead entry No. 4n was made uud llnal certtneate No. 8213 was Issued J u I ).'.!, lH'.KI. under Hie act of April W.PW. He names ss witnesses to prove hta contin uous residence unii and cultivation of the last above-described land : John Delicti, The Dalles, Oregon; J. W. Messenger, r. Sears and Carl Peels, nil of Moro, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOI.AN, al9-m24 Register. UKPOKT Ob- TlIK CONDITION Ot THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT Hoof) RIVKK. IN THE STATE OF OKEOON, AT THE CLOHK OE UUHI NKHS APRIL 6, 1WM. KKMOCKf'KS. I. ians and Discounts Utl,iilH.(l7 Overdratls secured aud uraecured il,:ki,li utiiieu Htatca Honda to aecur. circu lation Premiums ou V. s. bonds Honds and securities Kurnilure and hxiures Due from state Hiiukinnd Hankers... Due from approved reserve agents.... Checks and other cash Items Notes of oilier nailoiatl banks Kract tonal paper currency, nickels and cents I.AW11 Monky Rkskuvb In hank Viz.: Specie H.6Kft.(R U-gal tender notes S.i'sUM... Redemption hind with It. s. treasur er id per cent of circulation) ,.. S.2S0.0U lSl.M) H. STS.lii S.Mir.MI tWS.Uti M,4IK.US wjii; I, 1X6.00 .50.74 li.rH) Total IIW,4H;.I0 1.IABILITIK.S. t'apltal stock paid hi Surplus fund Undivided prottla, less expenses and taxes paid National bank note outstanding. ... Individual dcpoaliasuhjcct to check lvniand vrtltleatuT deposit Time certificates ol deposit and Sav ings lieparttuent Csshier'acheiksotttstandiug t-'.'i,0l () Mnu.iv 712.89 S.WKI (HI 107,7lW.4i ,27,H7 J.ttS-!l 2J16.34 llf,tS7.3t Total Ktate of Oregon, tVunty or Wasco, as: 1, K. O. Hlanehar, cashier of the atiove named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is trtie Ui the best of my knowlmtgvatid belief. K. O. BLANCHaR, Cashier. Cohrfct, Attest: J. C. Alnsworth, K. L. Smith, John W. Hinrlchs, lUrwiors. Stitisirlhed and sworn to betorj me this 13th dayot April, km. A. 0. Buck, Notary Public. t or state of Oregon. rair I n BEST STORE A certain concern has a lot of Stale Feed they cannot sell anywhere else and they are trying to unload it on you. Stale feed is dear at any price. For best re sults get your feed from us-fresh from the mill. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION p . i i.J"e, ,nterlor, United Ktates HKiJ iiie, orogon, April lu, Notice la hereby glren that the following named settler has riled notice of her intention to make Until proof in support of her claim and that said proof will be made before Ueorge T. I lather, U. . Commissioner, at h's orllce ... ..wu ....u, , v.,,-,,,,, aiay, yo( VIE MARTHA C. HUt'KABAY, vi'r vui,' , No. 9020 lor i i . ? .'4' v section lyjMK1. hw I ' V, "". section m, township l aoiitii, range .... ...... n ,, ,,,wn,K witnesses t prove UI,.nU,..ll..lL 1 net con iniious resmence upon and cultivation James K. Reese, Russell (iobln, William 8 uZ V. ""0ert lAMx". of Mount MICHAEL T. NOLAN, al2-ml0 Register ISOTICK KOR PUBLICATION Land ornce, The Dalles, Oregon. March 10 .. oiic is hereby given that the follow- iiiruaiunimiirriiiu nieu notice of his in tention to make nnal nnul In .,,,.,.. claim, and that said proof will be fore the Register and llevicr ti,. i, Ilmm 7,1. iu., .... . '"", NEI.S NKUSON. of V lento Oregon, on H. E. No. laws, for lot a o.... n ,, r,-4, aeuiion t, anil lot 4, aectlon a, uiwnsnipi:, pi ranges K. W. M He namea the following witnesses to prove - , m j i ra UPU auu iult va tlon of said land, vIe.: Ernar Willi, Portland, Oregon; 8. W. Our. ran, v tento, Oregon; Thomas Helle, Vlento 1 ll'PVI til VI kalumianl VfU i.. . ' p,--.. , ..-..u.iu, tic hi, lirfiriin, Mr. at M b. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION ieuirtuieni or the InU-rlor, Tnlted States uu vuo-e, me iaiiea,oregoa, Apr. 16, IKK Notice Is hereby given that the following . .. . ...c. oi :iis intention to make final proof In support of his claim and mat said proof will be made before me neaisier sum Receiver at 'l a . r. gon, on JuueAth, luuti, vis: ISAAC M. THOMAS, of Moaler, Oregon, on H. E. No. 723, for the NSSK'i. NK'.4 dW, and Htt N K!4, section 2, township 1 north range II east, W M He names the following witnesses to (prove his continuoHS residence upon and cnltiva lion of said land, vis : John Armstrong, Oeorge R. Wood. John, Fdward c. Davidson, all of Mosier Oregon. a mS4 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register WAUNA IsTA la nine miles from Hood KlTcron the north bank of the Columbia river. Out of this beautiful place I am now offering two 20 acre tracts with orchards and one 40-acre tract with buildings, on-hard, field and pasture, (let off at Hewitt Landing lone comer ol the place! and see for yourself. The tact ia Hood Klver Is nine miles' from Wauna ' T. R. COON, Lyle, Wash. Strayed- A small, light colored cow. One horn off and tests are double. R. 8. Coaoon Menominee. Oregon. ml; JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, Pres. J. H. FURGUSON, Attorn?y-at-Law and Notary Public Vice President and Manager. J. M. Ht'HMEI.TZER, 8ec.-Treas. Notary Public ..Hood River Land.. Emporium INCORPORATED Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts, Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying We are prepared in a special manner to handle all 1 kinds of business in any of the above lines and have a large list of improved lands and city property from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch, a stock farm or a home in the city; With an Extensive Correspondence Wr are able to handle your prop erty advantageously and will be pleased to have you list same with us CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The president of the company is the city engineer, and is prepared to do surveying and civil engineer ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and opinions given on property titles. Collections a Specialty. Phone Main 141. For Sale MISCELLANEOUS. Koi Hale-Early Rose potatoes. 8. F. Blylhe, rnoneuixi. m iu For Rale-Kaultless Grubber. Bee Howard or B. K. Shoemaker. 1V8 For Hale Huff Orpingtons and Burt Leg horns very tine; eirgs per setting, Orpingtons, 11.10: Leghorns, 'he. Mrs. Anna Anderson, Hood River. Tho, e 1275. aS5 For Hale-Full blood I'lymolh Rock eggs. peroettinis ml I. iu. i ; : ino. 2, si u. ou stock Is well known and needs no '-iMiimen but will say we guarantee satlsfaetinn. Mm. Brayford, Rook ford, R. F. D. No. 2. mil) For Hale Nearly new Fan'tlesi O ill. blag Maehlne No 2. for sale at a hargulu, 125 teel extra cable, aUo wisirf ehotiera camp, two tens aun toots, f reseei.t r ruti uompaoy, uwki uiver. miw For Sale Fancy eggs for hatching. Hlngle comn. Drown t.eviiorn ana liurrea flymould kocks. p n neaoen ny a ntra mat won prlte at Lewis and Clark Fair. Eggs 11 11 per Mil selling. Airs. r.. .1. mcnoiaon. For Sale Fugs for hatching from pure bred price winning Harreri I'h mouth Rocks. Mrs. J. J. Ward. I'hoiie li:lx. M6 Cows for fale Fin" fresh cow: also one com. Ing fresh soon. iniulre Wm. McReynolda, on j. r.. i nomas nam. rnone is. ai2-ma Kor Hnle Team, wagon and Harness. Kmall team, weight shout two eaeb. Sn years old both good workers and one s gotat saddle norse. i . a. countryman, near liar ret t Ncliool nouse. ali-m;) hoi .sal, v 4 room house; pantry and closet Nice lawn and city water. I'rice, fWalon easy terms, a giHiu nuy. inquire oi ontnank Otten. m!7 ForHale-Mpan of horses, weight 1100 each n u 'r,1,.i.a ... ... ... . w. . ,111 To lease, rent or sell a saw mill. B. R. lucger. inn For Bale-Pure bred nicely mar ed, foi irrier puppies. wiae Kounina, Koute a REAL ESTATE. For Rent 4-rootn 'wttave in Hinvpr.' nrirft. tlon. Free water. W per month. Mrs. H. J r ituwii i, mtf ForBiile-8mall honse and Int. 4ond In. tlon. HI. Mrs. 8. Tate, Hood Illver Heights ror Ma e A mwd r.rm l,.um nf weight 1100 lbs. Too light for logging. Can be bought cheap. Apply to Oregon Lumber -o., cimer hi hihiu uiver or nee. mr22 tf For Snle-40 acres, across from ML Hood ost office, mile fro t school, on main road i acres strawberries, good house, 2 cows and ... ,a.i. .uu mi lOOIS go WHO the place. For particulars address John V.lllhls.. f I tin.,,, ... " e.""'-"'j '"', win sen irom nve to M acres at a bargain If taken now. Located 1 miles from town of Hood River. All under uiti.mnju, auuiOH UWUUf, DOX FOrt- " ai-ms k'ii,!.-lnm.ii..i.,.. i u,, . . sell, and will sell at your own price a piece, of land with Iioiiha u ml h. i ... .1 n miles from Hood River. If you wsnt to buy at your own price address Box .Tft3. Hood Uiver Dnwun .. .. - . - - ai j-in.i A Mia i Four room house, uantrv and h,.i ot Mix l: fi, nice lawn and city water. Price -nu. g.n.1 uown uaiance on terms. Inuulreof Roy F. I lean. Ill2(, For SaleJ75 per acre. Twenty-four acres, a ,c ,c Darren is'lllHll nouse. In 3,ul,r,:.',".K- M- V.mP' Hooi Klver- Ore., or O 0. Hill, L'orvallis, Ore. Mlti For Sale-A one-horse farm wagon, paint not on the wheels, nearlv nw wTu k cheap. A ISo a good set of double harness. E Dinfiuru, niK'siora store. m!7 Wanted. Wanted To sell nr trade .ii,, ..i... piauu ir nuy aoitars cash, or for cow chickens, or groceries. Address Mrs. W. J. Thompson. Dee, Wasco county, Oregon. ml7 Wantd-To hire a sMimp puller by the day. E. L. Kleiner, R. F. 1). No. 1. m 10 Wanted Beea Keen I f Vol, hir an.. 1 tnaell nleusa nrli. V? . ., v. . luB Muuerstgnea, stating kind of bees, nninberofcolon ea mW etc. W. W. Dukln. Hood River n, T,! Wanted To let contrat to cut im '"! l "w for l per cord. J. M. Sprigs. Wanted.! young ladv to set nt .1.1 and do collecting. Apply lo L. O. Morgan's offlce, Oak and fourth its, Phone t-Wl. a' Wanled til flail nr Tm.l. T . . . and -Hlx too. one six-room house and lotir-rooni cottage with fiuit on place. Box i'nM, Hiaal mver, uregou. Wanted 4 mlrlrll ou., n,UK .... .. . Call it Ulacier office: ' n ve ml lea nut !4.hH ..j . . U'linlul IA nhlu KM ilur, htdm and fnr. Call or addrg' oL1! Wanted o:d rnbbera. I win k- i u River every Saturday. Call on or address u C. Easterly, Hotal River, r f d 2. ,uare.u- Wlinled- Fanillv In mnva n . - board niHiiHrr. Work ftir mao part of thi tllllft 4'jsti hV nmm nf lanrl f..- -l-L a. . Cmirnt Clfy Fruit Co. tiood Kiver. mU f 0 Ii WHM I Oiler at an diner M ftr tnrormatton lading lo th nrrpni ,! woI vlction nf ihe Durtv or ittniMvhn..nAi.... ly cut down trees In my orchard betwiaa) ai-vru nun eaiiu nuoirr, r.U.amar. M 16 Rtilhi Inr SrTir I kn tn knii. f - ; tC i "'""'"it me use of ervtce.,f. i alo do debomlng at e pr " Ksasaa-j a lauia, .1UIIH JrilUUO(. KiV-QOVl CONTEST NOTICE Department or the Interior, United States Land Offlce. The Dalles, Oregon, Msreb 10, 1MM.-A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this offlce by Andy M. Beatty, contestant, against homestead entry No. 12XW, made March 10, 1MB, for NE1, section 29, township I, south, range 10 E. W. M., by James F. Walt, con Uw tee. In which It la alleged that said James F. Walt bat entirely abandoned said entry for six montns last past and that there are no Improvements thereon: that said alleged absenoe was not doe to his employment In the army, navy or ma rine corps of the United States In time of war. Said parties are hereby notfied to appear, re spond and offer evldenoe touching said alle gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on May i, IW, before George T. Pratber, a U.S. Commissioner, at his office In Hood River, Oregon, and that dnal hearing will be held at 10 o'clock s. m. on May 11, ltsKI, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office In The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in proper af! da vit, tiled February 27. 1909, set forth facta which s'iow that after due dilllgenc personal service of this notice cannot be made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due publication. MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States 1-aud Offlce, Tbe Dalles, Ore gon, March 17, IK!. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tbe A. tof Congress of June t lie,, entitled "An Act for the sale ofTimber Land in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tbe public land tales by act of August 4, 192, the following named persons nave on this day tiled n this office their sworn statements, Ui-wlt: JOHN A. KUMFOKD, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. IM&t, for tbe pur chase of Ihe NKH y ana Lot 8, section S3, township 2 north, range 9 east, and Lots 2 and 3, section 4, township l north, range t east, W. M. PATRICK HART. of Portland, county of Multnomah, state or Oregon, swora statement No. 2H53, lor the pnr chaae ol the S N W, N-.Vi4 BW and Lot W IM norm, range v cast. That they will offer proofs to show that tbe land sought is more valuable for the timber or stone thereon than lor agricultural pur poses, and to establish their claims to said lands belore the Register and Receiver at the Land Offlce In The Dalles, Oregon, on May . 1 hey name the following witnesses: John A. Rumlord. Patrick Hart, and Louis H. Campbell, of Portland, Oregon; C. L. Morse and William K. Rand, of Hoou River, Oregon. Any and all Dersonsclalmlnflr adversely an v of the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on orleiore the said 2titb day of May, 1906. uia-msi INOLAIS, lleglster. Timber Land Act. June 1. 1871. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. ITnllwt Hlnlu, t .aJ nAu Tl.- .... I l. u . ....v.. ......... ..a.IU v., .Li mSMIICS, vr gon, Feb. 13, 1906.-Notloe Is hereby given that! in compliance with the Drovialona nf tha as of congress of June 8. 1878, entitled "An set for ine saie ui iimuer tanas in tne ststes or Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ntory." as extended to all tha untitle land states by act of August 4, 1892, Mary E. Tick ner, of Portland, county of Multnomak, stats ef Oregon, has this day tiled in this office bar swora Statement No. 2KU. for tha nueehaa af tha VWU of Section No. 34. in Township No. 2N . Range ,, and will offr proof te shew that the land sought is more valuable far its tisnbar ar atone than for agricultural purposes, and te es tablish her claim to said land before the Regut-T and Receiver it The Dalies. Oregon, en the 21st dsy of May. 19116. She names as witnesses: Fred Frautsekr, ef Hood River, Oregon, i. F. Besson. of Hood River Oregon. Niles C. Olson, of Portiaad. Oracoa. L L. 1 ickner. of Portland, Oregon. Any and all neraona elavimtnr adversalv tha above described lands are requested te lite men eiaiius in mis ornce on or before tee saia 21st day of May 1806. ml6ml7 Mil CHAEL T.NOLAN. Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Denartrnent of the tnlarlnp lTnltu.1 ill-la Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, March W, 1906. A sufficient contest affidavit bavlng been tiled In lliiskiffloeby Alcern H.TIniley. contestant.agalnat homestead entry No. 126!, made May?S, luo.'l, fur lota 1 and NEV, sec. 3, tp. 1 b, range , E. W. M., by Willie 3. carrier, contesiee, in wnicn It Is allege that said Willie O. Carrier bas railed to establish his realdnce or make any improvements upon said land, having totally abadnoned the same for the period of two years last past; that said alleged abaencewaa not due to hta employment in the armv. navv nr marina corps of the United states in time of war. Bald parties are hereby notified to appear, respond, and offer evldenoe touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on May i, IMS, before the Heiiater and Receiver at tha ifnllad States Land office In the Dalles, O regno. The said contestant having, la a proper aB davlt. Died March 24, ItKW, set forth facts which show that aiter due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, II ie hereby ordered and directed that sueb settee be given by due and proper publication. aucuA&Ll, 1. -sOLAN, mS Register. B. S. Pagne, Oregon lan Building, Portland, vie, a,ijr. lorcontaaiiuu NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ft stir awl 1 I arAaM sm -v . a Anril H IttkC lsJ; v i :JTI? .k .V7 followm named MtOer bm &cd notic oi hit In tafJMtMMI ta ana La. l t I . a I . ! . . T fn. in sm.jkjt. t nia riaoB IVi tha Saaiwl -a.;ll W- J. a t . 1. ""s Receiver at The Dalies. Oregon en June HENRY L. HOWE 2t,!1!?d,?iT!?r',0r,,n- on H. E. No. 8740, for the SE'.Nt.SW'.NE'4. NW'.SE! aad NE(,SWi See. 8, Tp. 1. N., R 1L E.. W. M He names the following witnesses to prove hie eontmous residence upon and cultivation of aaal ind, Xi.,,ohn-We,t' Hood River. Oregon. Eratl D. West; of Hood River. Oregon. William H . Davis of Hood River. Oregon. Jena W. Davis, ef Hood River, Oregon. MICHAEL T.NOUlN. Register. otice Notice Is hereby given to the public and all dealers In goods that Ike a-t.te of RobaJ. 1 u. ker will not be responsible for any lndeb edneas Incurred, or be liable on any eon tract made by and with any persons other than the ;?KniIn,.,'lrt,", H' i F-rsone otherwise contracting or furnishing gnods, wares o mercbandlse will do so at Uarl own risk. j. u. frary, Administrator.