. ,5 a -I : r HOOD RIVER, OREGON, APRIL 26, 1906. 50 VOL. XVII. I ... ' ' u; SOCIETIES. HOOD BIVKR COMMKRCIALCI.UB-Meeli every secoud Mouday In esc h ntoiah al p. m Id Ihe club roomi over Jackson's store. H. Davidson, 1'rea. A. D. Moe, Been Ii.iv. jiOOD KlVtK U'l .K . A. and A. M. Meets Maturd.iy evening on or before orb full moon. A. 8 Hlowkkm, W. M. 1. McDonald, Secretary. UOOD RIVEKfBAIIKK NO. 27. It. A. M. Meets Hnl mid thild Friday mollis of each m, nth 1. McDonald, H. P. A. 1). Mor, Hecretary. HOOD U1VKK CHAFTKR NO.,0. E.H. Merts second and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Vinltore cordially welcomed. MBS. T. J. Kinsaibo, W. M. MRS. Tbekkha Castnkh, Secretary. IDLEWIDDE LODUE NO. 107, I. O.O. r-.-Jneela In Fraternal ball, every Thursday night, it. i. Pa mum', N. U. Ai-lbs NKAL, Secretary KDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4K, I. O. O. F. Regnlar meeting second and luui h Mondays of each month. U. C. look, C. 1'. H CfcMiTH, Hcrtbe. Laurel relink ah ii;ohkk lodoe no. SI, I. O. O. .-Meets til st una ililrd F rlda.v In' each month. Mbs. E. W. Udkll, N. O. Mb. Doha Thomson, secretary. W ACCOM A LOUUE NO. 30, K. OK 1'. tleela lu K. ol V. bull every 1 uesday n.ght. Tuos. F. Johnson, 0. V. 0. Hbock, K.ol R.aud S. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. MeeU lu K. ol l ball every Wednesday ulgul. E. 8. Mavks, V. C. O. U.DAKIH, Clerk. OOD RlVF.RClla.Ui NO.fcM, WOMEN O Woodcraft-Meets at K. of P. ball mi the niat and TblrU Fridays or each month. LOU MCKEYNOLD8, O. N, K. W. McRkynolds, Clera. BlVEhBIDELODUENO. 08 A. O. U. W. Meels Aral and third Saturuays of each month. F. H. BLAOU, M. W. E. R. Bbadi.by, Financier CHiMTitKbuirfit. Recorder. OLETA AH8EMULY NO. UNUNITED ART-lsaus.-Meeu the frrsi aud third Wednes days work; aeooadand fourth Wednesdays Artisans' hall. U. W. Thompson, M. A. C. D. Henkkh, Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FoREWTERS of Amerlca,-MeeU second and fourth Mon days lu each month In K. ol P. ball. BKNKCA F. FoCTS, C. R. F. C. Brosius, F. O. CAN BY POST, NO. 16, 0. A. R.-MEETa AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and lourlh Satur days of each month at 2 o'clock p. in. All O. A. R. member Invited to meet with ua. S. A. Skinnek, Couiuiauder. 'JlioMAS Ooss, Adjutant. CANUY W. K. V., No. 1G-MEET.S HfcXOND aud u.uuli S'aUiioeiBoi tmb Month in A. o. II. . bun at Ji. m. ..... F.i.lkn I11.0UNT, President. Okk i Bt.'iiK li. I.nuLeb, Secretary MOUNTAIN l.OJiECAMP No. 34119, R. N. A. j.txla at lUe k.ol P. Hall on tbuaeooud aud luurili Fridays ol each mouth. Mas. CAKKIK bkosil's, O. MBS. ELLA Dakin, Recorder. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKUEON. Teleiiboncs: Office, M; residence, ml. nllkUEON O. K. & N. Co. MAUY JOKDAN, M. I). Physician and burgeon. amen and ReaWenceln E. I.. Minlth Hulldlug ' ' O'erTlraV NU Kaiik- Jiutiuuce, rear of bunk, ou Third St. . phone 71. . H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGK0N. SucceKsor to lJr. M. P". Bbuw. Calls nromptly answn ?d in towu or country, lay or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 013. Ouice in the llroslua Buildiuf . DR. J. EDQINGT0N, Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National bank. Office phone 1433. Res. phone 7X1, M. F. SHAW, M. D. Oflic'e in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1171. Residence, No. 5H3. " w. gavey. m dT" PHYSICIAN AND tUKOiKON Calls promptly Htixwereil day or niMlit. Plione Mm 681 ollice ami residtni o. Ollice, Wmitli Building. IB. M. H. SMAKI' , DR. EllNA H. MllAK Osteopathic Physicians firadualee of the American School ol Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office and Keeidence Huxley Cottage, Kiver street. Phone U5 - ilooi) Itivnu F. C. BK0SIU8, M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 8 audti to 7 1'. M. R. D. W; PINdTiXS DENTIST Chown lliuixiK Work a Specialty. Office over hirst National Bank Telephone Main 311 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. ' Specialist qb Crown and Bridge Work. Telephones: office, 283; residence, 1045. fflee over Sank Bldg. Hood River, ore. M. E. WELCH, THE XETERISAKY SUKuEON'. Is prepared lo do any work In Hie veterin ary line. He van be found by calling atoi pinning to Clarke a drug store. A. JAYNE LAWYER AbBtracti Furnished. Money Ix))nel. HOOD -RIVER, OREGON. "" E.H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Praotlce In All CourW Office wlrh Oeo. D. Culberuion A Co. Col' lections. Abstracts, Hettlemeni of Ksiates.. F0UTS & DERBSf Attorneys at Law " " Broslus Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOHN LKLAKD HENDERSON ATTORN KY-AT LAW, ABSTRAi TLR, NO TAKV PUHLICaml REAL KHTATE AUENT. For 23 years a resident of O egon and Wash ington. Has had many years experience In Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and-agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or BO eharf e. The Best Farms In the Hood River District AliE LIST! 1) WITH J. li. Heilbronner & Co. We have improved mid uu- ini proved lands that are ..Real Bargains.. Prices range from $20 to $1.50 an acre for uncleared land and from $100 to $500 an acre for cultivated land. Call and look over our list of bargains before buying. Our motto is ; DO AS YOU AGREE J. H. Heilbronner & Company Fruit Lands, Real Estate and Insurance Ground Hour new Duvidsen Bldg. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Hood River Studio First-Class Photographs We have Ihe latest in mounts and can en Isrge your 1'hotos In t ruyo:i. I'liilinold or Hcpla. Halisfarilon guaranteed. W. D. ROGERS, Prop. BON TON ...Barber Parlors... The place to get an easy shave and first-class hair cut. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection DeBORDE & GREY. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEEK. PR.JONS,Dentist Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. Treatment of diseased teeth and gums i MHi Hi'oHiim Buildiniz. Phone 1033. W. A. Morgan & CO. Sueeeiunr to Ganger A Ilurtky Heavy and Light Drayin and Team Work, etc. Phone 1421. HOOD RIVER, OR. .F. Q. COE Carpentering Phone 671 wmm K. O Hl.ANCHAR CHMhler. Caliifr, The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVElt, ORECION. Capital and Surplus, $30,000. P. I. ILL-IMS & CO, Civil and Architectural Engineers and Surveyors Mak surveys, plana and estimates for sew er, lliflit and power and railway plants, and furnlith, subject to approval, plans, speeltlea tlons and eHtlmates for all claxses of bulldlnits public, private aud mercantile. Hpeetal at tention itlvan to economic and slnwburnlng eonstructlon. Accuracy aud economy guar anteed. DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, ORKGON. S.H.COX Contractor and Builder Flam and Estikatm Fdmiiiid. FREDFR1CK &. ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Iitimatai furniibid on all kinds ol work PhAnua' Arnold, Main U. SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Irrcwalive Painting and Paper Hanging Plans fumihed. Estimates care fully made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. E. A. JEROME, Architect Having had sewml veurs' experience In drmiluK and buildiiie. I would respectfully will, il 11 part of i he ratronnire of tlie people ol 1 1 . 1... I IflVMr WHO HniM ll'Plt IMIIIUIIIK. II' rmmblr, a id siitlsfHcti )?uiiriiiil'eil. Of- flee ill residence oil llciithts. JOE WRIGHT CA UP ENTER AND BUII-DEK Phone "(ill Kimircs :md eitimuti'8 fun islied nn all kind- -I Itnilil'1 H "nl contrni'linB. H. SiiYMD R HALL, Mil V I !V' )!,. - '. u l prep uvd Kidoall klndi u;'v..vin. Accuracy ausr- I ! '1 ! of tlr-i-' I anient. T!"s addrevc H. K I' i" o wis' hi-t-ciass work dorie .., Hood Klvi-r. Phone Mlzl. ASSOCIATION of McMiiiiiMll". Oreicoa. will insure your proicrty at 110 per rent less cost than any other iiifl.it ut ton . C. P. KO.SS, Special Agent, Hood Klvi-r, " Oregon GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice apple lands end timqer claims: also relinquishments and hind lo script. Call on or address. Wm. f. hand, It. Phone 37li. Hood Uiver. Ore. C. A. DANO Real Estate HOOD KIV UK OREGON Intending purchasers would do well to see my list of city and farm property before pur chasing. Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of the United IS ates and are in good posi tion to pell vour Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orderH for granite and marble work, monuments tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. WE WANT LAND We have buyers waiting for suitable locations iu the fruit belt. List your property with n eare located at the hub and give special at tention to the Hood Kiver distriet. . Portland properly to trade fur fruit land. LANGILLE & RAND 73 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon WOOD FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also otlier kinds ol wooa. I have a new steam wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FEED HOWE. Phone 121. FJ3.8TAN1.KY, E. I..8MITH, Pres. Vlee-l'ree. V. C. Brock, Aswi iTIuiber Land Act JuueS, IKS) NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Ijind Omo., The Dslles. Or con, Keb. 23, 1BU8. Notlo. Is hereby given that In oompllsniie with the provisions of the act of Uoutfreaaof Junes, ., enuiieu "An act lor the aaieoi imiw wm i i.uiirn.nia .rMjnn. Nevada aud Washlnrton Territory," as extended to all the I'ubllc Liana uttee oy aci w nmu" i, w Al lowing named persona have died In Ibis ofllo. their sworn statemenU, lo wit: JOHN ROBEIITS of Tualiitln, county of Washington, stst. of Oreuon, sworn statement No. T,m, Died In this oftliw Juuuary Uth, 1WB, lor the purchase of the sUNKti of sootlona, and ul sec. 5 twp 1 north, range . . HATTIB M. O'CONNOR of Portland, county or Multnomab. state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 2789, filed Jan- ary is, iw, wr mo 10 and U of section 6, twp. 1 north, rang, i east, W, M. . t ., .t That they will oner proois 10 snow nisi me lands sought are more valuable for the timber or stone thereon than r agricultural pur poses, and to eaiaDiisn tueir ciainis to sam lands before the register and receiver at I lie land ollice In Tb. VMh Oregon, on April , M06. .. . They nam. the following wimesses: jonn K. Hedirea of Sherwood. Oregon: Waller Thompson.of Tualatin. Oregon: Mis C. Olson, of Portlsnd, Oregon; Haiti. M. O'Connor, of Portland, Oregon, ana jonu nuuerui, ui iuai atln, Oregon. Any and all person.etolmlng adversely soy of the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said asth day of April, luoo. Mil ICHAKLT.NOL.AN, Register. ITImbsr Ijind, Aot of Junes, IST81 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION United Slates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore iron, Jan, ilrd, 1H0II. Notice is hereby given iiim in coinnliance with the provlatonsol the aciofCongrossof Jon. 8, IS", enlllled"An set for the sale of Umber lands In the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as exienaea iu an me puuuc land stales byaotot August t. im, WALTKll HI'EED of Hi Johns, county of Multnomah, state or Oregon, has this day Died iu this office his sworn statement no. it. nr mc uurcnaimoi the lots 3. 4, 7 and M of Section II, Tp. 1 uorlh, range V K., W. M. Tliat he will offer proofs to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the tim ber or stone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claims to said funds before the Register and Receiver at the land office in The Dalles, Oregon, on May 12th, lUOtt. , He names the following witnesses: NllsC. Olson nnd Win. H. Bathgate of Portland, Ore gon: John C. Hedges of Tualalln, Oregon, and F. Krustschy of Hood Blver. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely any of the above described lauds are requested to file their claims In this office on or belore the said Uth day of May, ihob. MIC CHAEL T. NOI.AN, Register. Timber land, Act June S, 1H7S.I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nlled Hlatns Lend Office, The Dalles, Ori'iion, January 16, IWHi. Notice Is hereby g en iiial In compliance with the provision of Ihe act of congress of June 3, 1K78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington IVrrilury," ss extended to all the public laud slates by act of August 4, WW, DAVID POULKKS of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of oiego, , linn this day filed lu Ihtsuince his sworn statement No. 27H0, for the purchase of Ihe sV',NK! NW4HKS4 sml N'aHW4. sec lion .', liiwni-hip 1 miftli, range 9 10. , W. M. I'lisl hr- will oiler pn Mil lo sIiqw that the Ian Mitislil are more vtiluiilile for the tf ill bcr 01 stone ilicreou lliau lor agrlcullural puriHises, and to establish his claims to said hind before the Register and Receiver al thjjjRu-l office in Til" Dalles, Oregon, on May 161I1, fiiui " He mimes the following witnesses: Nils ..I .1 Ik' .. liu..l..n.l L' ITIul.A. j. VilMIII, V. I.IIIW"U', l-TIIJBHIIU .- . I l.lll , of l'oitlimd, Oregon, aud John E. Hedges, of Tuulallu, Oregon. Any and. all persons claiming adversely anyol Ihe above-described lands are request ed to tile thetr claims In this office on or be lore the said 10th day of May, lwrl. 1118111 10 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land. Act June 8, 1878 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Uiillcd Suites Land Ollice, The Dalles, Ore gon, Jan. 23rd, lHOS.-Notlce Is hereby given that lu compliance with the provisions of the net ul cmii-ress of June 3. 1X78. entitled "An act for the sale of timber luads in the states of l alilornla. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public Land States by act of August 4, ltuvt, 1SUKI.AH OCTAVIA ROLLESTON of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. Wi, for the purchase of the lota 13 and 14, section 31, loi 4, section m, I p. 1 N-, It. t) East and lol 4, section t, Tp. 1 north, ran e B E., W. M. That she will otlcr proof to show the lauds 4 light ure more valuable for the limber or stone I hereon than for agricultural pui poses, lid to establish her claims lo said lands before the Register and Receiver at the land office In The Dalles, Oregon, on May 12, MM. Hhe names the following witnesses: Nils L Olson and W. H. Baltigale of Portland, Ore.; Waller Hoeed of Hi, Johns, Oregon; K. Kraut schvorilood Kiver, Oregon. Any and ail peimns claiming adversely any of Ihe above described lands are reuel ed loll le their claims In this office on or be fore the said mill day of May, 1MM. MICHAEL t. NOI.AN, m8m 0 Register. NOTICE OF Fl.VAL SETTLKMEFT Nniica in hnrehv viven that the undersigned executor of the estate C. J. W. Black, decesed, Inn filed his tlnal accouni ami report in uuirl cMiuie with the cleric of the County i;ourt of the state of Oregon, for Wasco .-THintv. Oreuon. an I thai Monday, the 7th day of May, WW, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of sHldday, at. me county court room at the county court house, In Dalles I lly, Wasco County, Oregon, nas neen nieo by the court as the time and place for hearing said resrt. All persona Interested In said hi.u nrchrrabv uoillled to appear at said time and place and show cause, If any there be. why said report should not be approved and an orfler made discharging said executor and exonorating his boniismeu. Dated this 7th day of March, lWM. ROHWELL HHELLEY, Executor of the Estate of J. W. Black, d weaned wli. al K OTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'nlled States Land office, The Dal lea, Ore,, March M, 19l. Nollce Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe provisions of the aot of congress of June 3, ltHS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber Isnds in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all lb public land slates by act August 4, WW, i PAUL I' MCCUI IX, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale of Oregon, has this dar filed In this olttce his sworn statement no. ow, ir wir purcnas: oi Lot 4. sec. t, I-ols 1 ana , ana r,:i Nf.y,. sec. in towns i n I. rsnneveaat. w. M.. ana will oner proof to show that the land sought Is more vaiuunie ior in tiniovr anu stone i.iiuu for agrlcullural purposes, ana to esiaousn ins claim to said land before the Keglster and Ke- celver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the aith day nf Miv. l(.Ni lie names as wiintfwws: mica j. uisu, rurv Isnd, Oregon ; Kred Frautchy, Hood Kiver, Oregon; George Hau lley and Davis Koulkes, PortlHnd. Orevon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the shove described lands are requested lo tile their claims In lliisoltlce on or before the Mh day of May, WW MlCnAe.LT, NOLAM, in'JD mJl K!gister, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In theCountyCourtoftheHlate of Oregon, fnr Wasco CountV. In the matter ofWe estate of Pbebe Junes, Notice la hereby given thai the undersigned has been dulv appointed by the County Court for Wasco County, Oregon, administra te x of Ihe estate of Fhebe Jones, deceased, and all Demons bavlng claims against the said estate are requlied to present same with the proper vouchers attached, within six months from the date of the first publication of tbia notice, al the office off ou(a Derby, llood ttiver, uregon. Administratrix of tbe estate of Pbebe Jones, Dated and first published March 1R, lent. KOUTH DKRBY, Attorney! for Administratrix. FRUIT PROSPECTS VERY BRIGHT BERRY DEMAND EXCEEDS SUPPLY Hood River Apple Crop PrmnUes be the Largest In the IIMtiry of the Business. to Secretary Shepard, of the F'ruit Orowera' Union, and H. V. Davidson, the Davidson F'ruit Co., are teceiving double their usual Inquiries for straw berries for this season of the year. The North Dakota agent for llood River berries was here a few days ago, and said that he could handle an in creased amount, and inquiries are coming in all along the line for Hood River berries. The Hood Rirer crop for this year is estimated at not over 80,UHJ crates, and may not run over TO.OW, There were shipped out hint year 10S,000 crates, go that the shortage will be '2T to 35 per cent. This is due to sevenil causes. The'soasou of HH)4 was uiiKut lsfactory, as by a combination of cir cumstances, our berries were late and arrived on the eastern markets in competition with the berries from nearly a)l the heavy bony districts of the Mississippi and Missouri river points, aud while the fruit of these sections are much inferior, yet they served to lowei the maikets at ail points. This served to diacourage ' many of the Hood Hirer growers, aud tbey reduced their acreage, by plow ing up the old patches and not setting out new ones to take their place. TIiIk year finds the acreage at least iw acres less than iu VM. In the upper valley, both iu the Mt. Hood and Crapper sections there hut been some increase in the acreage, but It has been more than offset by re ductions in the valley. Thore will be more lute berries, about the same amount of early berries, but fur less quantity to ripen in middle of the berry section. This fact, however, will no dot. bt be of pecuniary advan tage to the strawberry growers of the entire valley, as it will serve to dis tribute the crop over a longer period, muke it easier to obtain pickers dur ing the height of the seusou, make it easier for the ehippeis to handle the crop, and less apt to cmise a glut of the d liferent murkets at any time. Reports of the crop In Missouri and Coiorudo are nouiewhat conflicting, but from the most reliable Miurces it is reported that the crops in those dis tricts will not be heavy. The Califor nia crop will be short. The strawber ries in the latter state are largely iu aonfrol of the Japs, and thoj are dis placing strawberries with grapes to a large extent. These three points come most largely in competition with llood Kiver berries, and these fuvoralilo cnu ditiont still further strengthen the market. If the conditions noted at the pre sent time are maintained throughout the season, prospects era for n very ptosperous seas n this year tor llood Kiver strawberry growers. lbe apples are beginning to lilooin, and almost without exception, the bloom is very heavy all over the val ley. The orohards are now a very pretty eight. The orchards ure be Coming a mass of bloom, aud the trees have the appearance ot Doing covered with snow, so thick are the blossoms while their fragrance makes a drive over the valley at the present time a pleasant one indeed. Many of the orcuurds are beginning to bear this year, aud as tbey are mostly of the Spitzen bergs and New tow is, there well be four or five times as many of these varieties this year as last, while it is estimated that the Entire crop of commercial tipples wi be fully 1711,110 boxes, agaitiMt tjti.uou lust year. Talks on Osteopathy. Though the blood is kept in motion throughout its course by the heart, its distribution to various purta of the body is regulated by the vessels carry ing the blood. Surround ing every ar tery, particularly the smallest ones, oalled arterioles, as a middle coat, are circular muscle libers which are supplied by nerves called vasomotors. These vasomotor nerves are of two kinds "diiBtoiB" and "constrictors." In the spinal cord are various oeuters which control the action of these nerves aud the consequent cali ber of the arteries which they supply, thus regulating the amount of blood Bow through these vessels iu different parts of the body, liy means of a proper amount of nerve force being conducted by these fibers to the mus cular coat of tho arteries, the latter are kept in a normal state of vigor oi tone; but, should disturbances occur through pressure or irritation to a vasomotor center, or any of tbe vasc motor fibers, the arteries iu the pait under control of nerves emanating from tbia center will suffer likewise and tbe amount of blood will of ne cessity be either luoreased or dimin lsbed. Tbe basic principle of Osteopathy is. that any deviation from the nor mal circulation in any part of the bod; marks the hour when disouse begins. Cold Killed Off Rabbits. One of the advantages of the snow and cold weather in March is the de struotion of rabbits. There was no feed left which tbey could get at ex oept bay stacks, aud where tho farm ers were vigilant in putting out poi son for them they were practically ex terminated. Many people report that there are no rabbits to be seen where tbey were formerly tbe menace of the community. In 1888 and again in 1800 the seveie weather killed them off so thut a rail bit was a rare sight, but they have been multiplying tor years with little interruption except the rabbit drives gotten up to kill them. Klucl.foot Re publican. Fruit Grower's Ix-hange No Mnnoply Says Court, According to a decision handed down by Judge Monroe of the Super ior Court of California, a fruit grow er who becomes a member of a fruit exchange, signs tbe'.bj. laws and agrees to sell bis product through the ex change only, most comply with tbe obligation or pay tbe peualty provid ed by tbe by-laws of tbe organization. Incidentally, the Court ruled that the California Fruit Growers' Ex change is not a monopoly, and Is not operated in restraint of tiade. The case in point was that of the Pomona r iuit (i rowers Exchange against Mrs Williams, a fruit grower, who became member of tbe organization and then declined to sell her crop through the exchange and wns eued by it to recover the Imp sed peualty of SO cents per box on the 600 boxes which she sold to another fruit exchange The principle iuvolved in the decision is of much importance throughout California, aa many similar cases are pending. Found Counterfeiter's Outllt. While blasting out stumps on the right of way on tho west side of the Hum recently, the workmen found a complete counterfeiter's outfit, in cluding tools, a dark lantern, moulds, a lathe and an electro plating outfit, says tbe Washougal Sou. It had evi dently been buried a number ot years as the box wblcb contained it Dad en tirely rottod away aud all the tools were nearly eaten up wltu rust. Old residents say tnat about ten years ago couterfeiter was captured iu this vicinity and "sent up" for a uiimliei of years, lu all probability this was his equipment. threeTMsent FROM HOOD RIVER A large car, capacity 00,000 pounds, was loaded Willi suck ol l 'otutocr and Zi package of bedding, blanket and useful supplies, for the San Fran-1 isi'o sulterers and lei l Here i iiursdu in a special train that came through! from Ihe east with provisions fron cities east of here. Hood Kiver has re spomled noblv in the time of trouble as she always does, and the contribu tions keep coming, liy Monday then were lliiS sacks of potatoes contributed and bought, and two additioiinl eais went shipped Tuesday. Tho Hood Kiv er Milling Co. had a car of flour on truck in tliestrk ken city at the time ol ihe disaster, and tliey ordered by win ten barrels turned over at once to tin relief committee. The Hood Kivei committee soliciting funds and mone here met with a hearty responie from rich and poor alike, and but fnw refus als. Many here also hud relatives and friends in Han Francisco w ho are in lUtresc, mid have contributed lurgelj tn their needs in addition to the general subscription. The last report ol tlie committee hows the follow ing contributions : Cash T14U.2! Potatoes, :i.r;i sacks '.'11.80 111 packages, consisting of blan kets, bedding, Hour, etc 104 So il) sticks Hour, from llood Kiver stock in San Francisco 40.00 Total f7tt.30 Death of K. (1. Weildle. K. 0. Weddle, ajoiing man employ ed by the Oregon Lumber Co. at Dee, whs brought to the Hood Liver hospi tal lust week gulfering fom typhoid fever. He had been sick tor a uouple of weeks, ami wns teiy bud when brought here. He giaduiilly grew woiie until Wednesday night, when he died. The funeral was held from the undertaking parlersof J, K. Nich ols, and the remains interred iu Idle wild cemetery Sunday. He had one brother here, also employed at Dee. K. U. and O. K. Weddlo oume from Floyd, Via., two nun. ths ago aud se cured employment villi the Oregon Lumber Co. at Dee. Their parents weie contemplating coming to this country to make thier home, but it was decided that the boys come out first and see how they liked the coun try. The deceased was about eighteen years old and V. H. la about twenty. The untimely death of the younger brother, so far from home, iu a strange hind aud among strangers, is very sad. The local lodge of Wood men of the World, appreciating this fact, turned out to the funeral in the chapel of Nichols' uudertnking . par lors, with their wives anil brought a profusion of flowers. Salmon Canning Ileglns. Visitors out to Seufort'a cannery this morning found six'y Chinese at work canning salmon, tho tlrst for this soason. The catch has been very sniiill so fur, but about a thousand pounds being ready tor the knife this morning. It is tbe intention to can in tbe morning and in the afternoon keep the force at work making cane until the run increases sufficiently to make it nooessary to keep the cannery busy all day, which will probably be the case bv the first of May. For a month past thirty-five men have kept the machinery hot making cans, and iu consequence HUO.OOO cans were ready before I tie season opened Chronicle. Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable. A happy home is tho must valuable nossession that is within the reach of munkind, but you cannot Injoy its com forts if vou are suffering from rlieuina tism. You throw UHide business cures when vou enter vour home anil you can lie relieved from those rheumatic pains ulso bv ami v ntf ( hamlierluiu s l'uin llulni One aonlicatiiiii will give you relief and Its continued use for a short time will brini! about u permanent cure. For sale by Kier and Cass. Increased Flow of Sulphur. It is reported that the sulphur spring in Ashland is flowing ten times its usual Quantity of water since the earthquake at San Francisco Wednes day morning, lue leguiatorin n. u Whiled's iowelry store stopped run niiiu at exactly 1!) seconds after the time the earthdiiuke was reported to buve been first felt. Medrora lribuno. (rip (julrkly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during tlie severe wnlter weather both my wife and my self conducted severe colds which speed ily develots'd into the worst kind of la grippe with nil Its miserable symp toms," says .Mr. J. S. Egleson of Maple Landing, Iow a. Knees and joints ach ing, muscelssore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a double dose of Chan." berlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knocked out tlie grip." Sold by Kier & Cass. RESULT Or THE PRIMARIES CAKE NOMINATED FOR SENATOR Hoed llivrr Jtcpulillcaii Candidates Defeated Except for County Commissioner. Tbe following are the Republican nominees. Senator, short teim, V. W. Mulkey. Senator, long term, H. M. Cake. Congressman, First District, W. C. Hawloy. Congressman, Second District, W, K. KUis. tloveruor, James Withyoombe. Secretary of Stato, V. W. Keusou. State Treasurer, O. A. Steel. Supreme Judge, Robert Kakin. Superintendent Public Instruction, J. II. Ackerman. State Printer, W. S. Duuiway. Attorney-Ueueral, A. M. Crawfoid. Labor Commissioner, O. P. Holf. Kepreseutatives, J. F. Hendricks and P. W. Kuowli s. Sherilf, Levi Christnau. County Clerk, Simeon Bolton. County Treasurer, M. Donuell. County Commissioner, II. J. Hib bard. Surveyor, A. V. Molir. Coroner, C. N. Uurget. Justice of the Peace, John Lelaud Henderson. Constable, E. S. Ollnger. Preoiuct Committeeman, I). Mc Donald. The primary election was of consid erable interest to llood Kiver, espec ially for U. 8. Senator and repieeeuta tive. The campaign was fought hard, aud the result shows that Hood Kiver is disposed to stand together on the county division question. Notwith standing the opposition that devel oped to Mr. Jayue at home from the prohibitionists aud fiom minor per sonal reasons in some quarters, his cote iu Hood Kiver is very satisfac tory. Although The Dalles crowd, and especially the Moody faction had paid workers iu the field here, they accom plished little. Mr. Juyne was beaten in the city of The Dalks, aud shows their unmistakable attitudo on the county division, question. The vote also proves beyond a doubt that tbe majority, and the almost unanimous sentiment iu llood Kiver is in favor of county division. The only candidate that The Dulles is willing to give Hood Kiver la oouuty couunissiuer, and that office was decided between two llood Kiver men. In the oaso of tho United States Senatorship, Mr. Smith did not re ceive the support that wua expected, but still polled a good vote iu the en tire county. Had he made a vigorous canvas of the state like his competi tors it is very probable that he would have been nominated. As it was, be polled u very heavy vote, with a late canvas, which was due to bis popular ity and his unquestioned qualifica tions for the office This should be a source of much gratification to him, second only to his receiving the nom ination. There was no competition among the Democratic candidates, and very little interest was taken among the Democrats in the election. There was not a contest for a single office. Supplies Needed. Portland, Ore., April 23rd, 1906. Agent, Hood Kiver, Ore. Mr. Harriman wires me this morn ing as follows from Oakland Pier, April 2lird, HRXS: To J. P. O'ltrlen, Portland. "Having gone over tbe situation lu San Francisco, I am deep ly impressed with the neoessity of un interrupted forwarding oi loou siunr with which to feed the two hundred thousnud homeless people. The Situa tion Is well organized and tlie United States quartermaster department is receiving aud distributing through its channels aud through tne various relief associations, all supplies us fast as they arrive, bnt tbe fact should be uiado public lu an quarters mat it will require continued euori on tne part of every one to keep supplies coming. The railroads are of course handling ull sueu supplies witnout chaigo and the people must respond to calls for relief, K. II. Harriman. 1 wish that you would give this in formation wide publicity through your local press una any other means accessible. J. P. O'lirien, V.P . Advertised Letter List. April 10, 1000. Hai nes, Mrs. S. T. ; Fogleson, Mrs. II. ; Micholson, Miss C. J. ; Sldener, Mrs. Mary (2); Steinhilber, Kttie; Wood, Mrs. 8. M. ; Allen, M. ; Row ark, Oscar E. ; Day. Tom ; Denney, liryan ; Donovan, T. II. ; Elmon, Chas. ; Ford, Master Walter; Ford, Walter; Oarriuan, E. E. ; Uobin, P. ; Humfleet, Jno. ; Ingram, L. M. ; Keer, J. A. ; Knight, Wm. W. ; Koughlin, W. K., Esq. ; Landozle AleBte (In care of Gilbert & Joplin Camp) ; Luxburg er, W. R. ; Mockley, J. K. ; MoKenzie, Mr.; Morton, Huburt; Olinghouse, John; Portland Lumber Co; Kaglione, Domenico; KeumbOeo. ; Thornton. E. I); Vaug, Jim; Wuguer, John, l'.; Wihiou, H. W. AprilShd, HXHi. Anderson, Mrs. Emelia; Jackson, Mrs. Jack; Musgrove, Mrs. Oertrude, Penerell, Mrs. Rose; bluck, L. C. ; Champlin, John ; Dugood, Jus.; Oil mor, U. O. ; Newman, N. O. ;j Kader, Paul; Smith, Frauk J. Wm. M. V ites. P. M. j Suffered fur Five Wars with Kidney and Liver Trouble. "I suffered for five years with kidney and liver trouble, which caused severe pains across the back and a blinding headache. I hud dyspepsia and was 10 constipated that I could not move my bowels without a -athartic. I was cured by Chaiiiberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for six months," says Mr. Arthur S. Strick land, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale by Kier and Cass. McDonald sells house paints. It will pay you to get prices from him beforq buying.