This Store Does Not Open on Sunday. That Day we Rest NEW GOODS RELIABLE CRARflS that fine fealher-s DO MAKE DUE BjBiP AND FINE FEATHERS 9 A ,E FINE MEN AND WOMEN LOOK TINE. WHO DOES NT WANT TO LOOK. FINE? WE ALL DO: , .jf" TmWWWXV$H . FINE FEATHERS fitft j. vTVV . 1 tovi:.r Wot t ii Bojtct bTTwn co. cmtato I i 151 l i ja. xs A MAY WE TELL YOU A FEW FACTS AfcoVT CLOTHE3? WE HAVE MADE A .STUDY OF THE CLOTHING BVJINEJJ, .SEARCHING THE MAR KETS FOR. WHAT .SHOULD GIVEoUR CUJToM IKS MOST SATISFACTION. WE LoNG SINCE LEARNED GIVING GOOD VALUES BUILT BUSI NESS. WE DO NOT CARE TO DO A GET-RICH-QUICK CLOTHING BUSINESS. WE ARE HERE T 3 STAY. THE SA:AS PI:CC OF cLoTil MAY B MADE UP POORLY OR MADE UP WELL. Ill EITHER CASE IT WILL LOOK THE SAME BE FORE YOU "PUT IT ON" BUT THE FIT AMD NON-RIPPING QUALITIES WON'T BE IN TH SUIT. THESE ARETWO THINGSWELooK OUT FOR YOU, FIT AND WEAR. YOU MAY KN jW IF YOU GET A SUIT FROM US IT WILL F!'f VO -IOLD ITS SHAPE. Wi HAVE CDi'tl::.) To FIT SLIM, NUDUM AND FAT ?ZO?L, Aill) TO FIT SLIM, MEDIUM AND FAT PURSES. FOR EXAMPLE A WELL-MADE SUIT FOR $4.00. OUR MEN'S SUITS COMMENCE AT $4.00 AND UP TO $30.! OUR BOY'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS$2.r5TO $15.00. OUR BOYS' KNEE SUITS FROM 48C TO $7.50, WE Do SHOW YOU CLOTHINC WE ARE PROUD OF. RESPECTFULLY, FRANK A. CRAM. The UP-TO-DATE STORE ; BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. ( v '. . .-. , , ' i Money to loan. E. II. Hartwig. Mr. Bartmess is on a cash basis. Hunt carries a line of paints? ' Fresh Olympla and Eastern oysters at the Gem Candy Kitchen!' r ' See that dandy line of Folders at the Deitz Studio. All the latest styles Photos at the' DeiU Studio. , Don't forget Alcorn' phone number is 961. . ;. Everything up-to-date at Alcorn's. Place your order for a nice chicken for your Sunday dinner with Mctiuire Bros. Clarke will. make it easy for you to buy a'dianiohd. Consult him about it. Cranberries at McDonald's. MapleSyrup and New York State Bukt5TJw at Jackson's. ' - - "Be wise' and get your Photos at ttie DeiU Studio. Watch Clarke's watches gj?y. Bulk New Orleans Molasses at Jack son's. ' j. Hunt canSfoix aneketf Paint or Calsuminejpr yoarAny timet Fresh Col vmbia river salmon at Mc Ouire Bros. The Enterprise says that the. values have taken a sudden drop id While Salmon property sines the assessor made bis appearanoe. .. 'Justreocivedat M&DonuIdH, half ton clover seed. Call on Hunt's Paint Wall Paper All kinds of feed "for poultry at Jack ton's. Something new Puffed Rice C,andy, at the Gem Canday Kitchen. Three pounds halibut 25c at McUuire Brothers. , iYhP,Mtif!Pv6r and gar(,e" SfJacliSoVa. ... n f 'Thei Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh cfondv every day. U Mcfluire'Brbs'. make their own .leu f fard under their own brand. For Rule bv Emporium. Fifteen acres jtwo miles southwest of Hood River,' 10.. teres in cultivation, mostly orchard, due land, 300 per acre. I Cometo the Deits,ndio for first cliifs 1 Photos.? DdJiHulff, hntqet j.oiir I photos npw'af the Doit's Studio. 1 - v For Hflln bv Eniiiorium. Ten acre! Kcdiiclion in Flour and Feed. Special 'CRBli price ..onFlour and Feed at warehouse. Bran $14 per toni'slirfts. $16 per ton; Hour, $4 per barrel. D. ilobonaJd.. Roy F. Demi has a neat little home for sale. For rent by Kmporium. Nice furn ished room for gentleman. $10 per mouth. Rev. Mr. Baldridgo, of Seattle, will preach at Unitarian church Sunday, April 22 and April 29. Fresh fish halibut, salmon and smells, at Mctiuire Bros. Newest, best fishing tackle at McDon ald's. . Walk-Over shoes for Men, at Vogt Bros. If you want cracked com for chicken feed-go to McDonald. .. For eale by Emporium. . Ten room .cottage and' lot, seven blocks from depot, :IIood Rive. Newh;-.repaired, new foun dation, wfldd hbrelapter, newly painted patent bath and toilet connected with sewer, good location. $1WK) cask. - Iittuce, cabbage, rhubarb, asparagug at Mctiuire Bros. If you want to buy or sell roal estate go to OntliHuk ic Otteu. Money to loan , on lirsc mortgages, ami hcis and legal Supers' carefully prepared Notarial work of all kinds. Ha'it mackcriiknaluion and wh.te lisli, at Jackrou's. . Fre'h creamery bullcr and ii'.vly laid Hood liiveruuttf Hi Mi Unix 's. ! ..Are.'nt t tii'ne." Hn: jmpular vi-r- diftof the I Hit z I'hell'S. It is to your int" e-i.t . refer to .Mr Barlinei's' ad under fli 'rt - -y-lcin. McDotiall sell hnn-..!ii'ii;. .It .will pay you in .ei prices' i',"HiLlii'iH blue buying. ....... If you Mk'iit ''!''. t'i lo k o.i tl.e liriglit"biiti.'i.f liieTivi'ie ami iet'ltt'rUc tit your eyes to a pair of via, liw apparatus' tor lentil. g ej ef is o( the be t . and most euuiiil.jie. : Fitsh White SitiiiRiti aspaiiit't:H at McGuiro Bros. Father time ha3 left some good time pieces at Clarke's. Begin the uen with a clock, that ki;eps perfect time. New cablinge at Mctiuire's, Stiip guonjg about Where to order vour meat-, but phone 71 Mctiuire Bros. ill W Mm ffckJ iTrandc eceYl f Kincaid & I I The polls will be open tomorrw af ternoon. Bo sure aud vote. R. H. Wallace and family spent Sun day in Portland. Mrs. E. O. Blanehar visited friends in The Dalles Monday. The Morgan brothers weut to Port land Friday to stay over Sunday. F J. Farley, of The Dalles, was in Hood River las. week looking after his campaign. Mrs. H. T. DeWitt, of Ingles, Ore., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker. J. L. Dawson, agent for the Paoiflc Coast Pipe Co. was in Hood River Fri day on business. . Mrs. Dr. Edgingtou went to Wasco Monday to visit friends and attend to business matters. C. V. Dakin aud Bert Kent have fin ished their work at The Dalles and re turned Thursday. A. Keller, piesideut of the Eastern Oregon Brewing ,Co., of The Dalles, was in Hood River Thursday. '" W. J. Campbell and - wifejtpame up from Portl nd to attend the'funeral of Mr. Campbell' sister Friday.. ... Nelson Entry came home the first of the week from Condon, where he has been doii g a job of lathing. Auks Unto r'ni nd is r.gain carrying the r il Ik IN- tovl, u iter a lay-oil for i -e i ! i i cci ni.ut of sickness. A i" ii ' ' Km:ii belonging to L. H. Hi j' i i & i n aou a short run on the t .1 S.'.'. .. ii..y, but did not do much (Jumi'k e W. V. Di'din, of Seattle, arrived iii Hood Hi .i I ndav and will remain with Iks t'.d her for a time on bis ranch near tn u Tho Kutt i prise, fails to state that two While Sitl nou appraisers on tho same cate. J. P. i'.KBU Bnd fc. U Zeiglur, ih ere uot allowed to testify, Your vote at the primaries tomorrow may be more important than a vote at the general eleotioa. Don't miss it. The Jubilee Singers will give the last concert number of the lecture course, April 27. This will be a high ly enjoyable and entertaining concert. J, D. MoCully and wife, of Joseph, Or., are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Sbaw, and looking after bis ranch on the East Side. For sale by Emporium. Twenty acres on Methodist lane, four miles southwest from Hood River, small house, some land cleared. Only $a000. There will be a danoe given at Odell, Thursday evening, April 27, by Kent Lodge o. 181, l. u. v. r. uoou order and good music. Tickets, in cluding supper, $1.50. C. A. Sehlbrede candidate for the Republican nomination foi governor . 1 I ha Imnn T IWO , . . i l ........ I jiracis uninipruveu, nuo.w'oi w", I on hand anil stnouy rresn, ami wny r 'niles soutn nom noou ruvei, hi, i jcaune we have the money to buy ti 'Ine.r acrej.. , w 'J For saTe Viy'Etnp4mm. 'A'Cne UiO , acre fruit and stock farm, one and one half miles from White Salmon- Twenty-one acres orchard, 20 acres-apples ilostly standard, 80 acres Timothy pas ' ture, plenty water, farming implements -nd stock go with the place. $10,000. $1 unleash il who-Ulftil retelitl.V irur-or-en enip mj m as head stenographer on Keith's Maga zine and Western Camera Notes, has decided to open a puBUtf stenographic office with W. J. Baker & Co., oppo-ite the postfflee, wherejifaittyeaa, el to do all kinds of stenographic work at reHsoilwble. pf.ff. anoi oiiiimi, i ..I"....",' , lot . " A Bargain Will f sell seven room eiaht' lots for 1,800, house with, seven rooms and lot ror $l,d00. This offer wiH not be made house with Also another and lot for eit be Hi me uber the date. April 27, is whu the Dixie Jubilee concert com nanv amears at the opera house un der the auspices of the Congregation al 1 adits Aid Society. St. Mark's guild will hold their an nual business meeting for the election n officers ou Weduenday, Apiil 18th, at -1M ii. m.. at the residence of Mrs. A. A. Juyue A lull attendance is de- siitd. Wm. McMurray. assistant geueral Wu always have a good supply , u.-snnier agent, and R. M. Hall, gen- i i t.ii.. c i. .4 ...l.., 'J. . i ...ii-! i. i l a. erai aoveriisiug Hgeui ui iuo kj. iv. u N., accompanied by their wives, were passengers on No. 2 Saturday enroute to trie eastern part oi toe siaie. Soman Cox reports that the (Sold Run Mining Co. have about complet ed the trail to the mine and are now busily installing thoir machinery. As HOou;aa the machinery is in they will begin work sinking the shall. The past month has been uufavo.- able for fruits .sud vegetables iu south ern Indiana and it is estimated that peaches are injured at least 10 per cent. Pears and apples promise an abundant crop and a prosperous trucking season is looked forward to. RevJr W. Jenkins, for three years pastor of the First Christian church, has resigned , moved his family to his ranch at Hood River, and will engage iu evangelistic woik soon. During his ministry here more than 300 have joined tho church, a fine largo parson age erected, aud a $12,000 church building completed. Athena Notes. wilb and when we are short we have a place whunu vie can getnV For sale by Emporium. Five farms incite bodv, 320 'acres, 5 improvements Cleared lainl with each, 7 miles from White Salinen mi (ioldeudale road, plenty of water, $;it per-acre.. Can be ; sold in sepita'e trai ts fur M days only, i Terms easy. -TV Special JSulicc If you want, to make money, get a job in a mint. If yon want to save money trade with us, we do not belong to any meat 'trust, tmr to the Butchers Board ii.'i'rade. . Here is where to get the best of everything to eat at the very lowest prices, because we d'scountall bills and can give values no other can offer. . Yours for business, Mctiuire Bros Rem. .. Wednesday April 11, Mrs. Beatty a girl. to Mr. aud Vote tomorrow. C. D. Morgan drove over from Mo tier Saturday. . Don't fail to vote at the primaiios tomorrow. C. A. Bell made a business trip to Portland this week. Frank Chandler and son, Will, vis ited Portland Wednesday. Your vote is needed at the primaries tomorrow. Clarence Gilbert spent a couple of days iu Portland the first of the week. Tomorrow Is a legal holiday on ac count of the goneral electin, aud the banks will be closed. E. T. Neal. of Alnsworth, Iowa, was in Hood River Tuesday looking up a busiuess locattiou. Mrs. Ogilvle and daughters, of White Salmon, left for Portland yes r visited Hood River Saturday. He is terday afternoon to spond a few days, an old friend of W. P. Andrus who C. O. Roberts arrived from Pott speaks very highly of Mr. Sehlbrede. hind Wednesday, and wiil remain a few A representative of a large eastern days bofore golug east to Duy wooi. handier of cured fruits Is authority Trl Chrisman was iu tho valley for the statement that there will be this week looking after bis political fenoes for the nomination for sherilt. The Woman's Alliance will give a 10c tea Wednesday afternoon, April a, at Mrs. Cunning's. All are cordially invited. The Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. have ordflia for VW.UOU.UUU leet OI lies aim a strong eastern and foreign market iu 1SH.H for dried prunes grown in me Pacific Coast states. Judge liake and S. Bolton were down from The Dalles Saturday look ing after their Hood River ranch. Thev have set out 1. uu apple trees this spiing.but areuudecided whether timber. and started sawing this week. IU Ot-'t uuv Biianwcii.o. J " A i" I .....Ur arlin flHIllfi , I A. " "v . j - HOC. 1, ilunHI Mnf iuu nuivnil - ... . i iimi n lruui iidvidi iwuu Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Staoey, of Wei-1, t Coyle 00ttage on Sherman ger, ldano, are visiting hobs buu family. Mrs. Staoey and Mrs. Ross are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Staoey will visit Portland, Seattle and tbe Northwest Territory bofore their re turn The brood of young chicks that en joyed a brief residence in the show window of (JlarK'a drug store oas oeen replaced by au old mother hen and a brood of ducks, ine motner ana tani ilv aie doing well and attract a good deal of attention. Titos. Erwiu, of Crookston, Minn., in visitius Jos. Jarvis in the valley. Mr. Erwin is well pleased with Hood River and may horn. He is one Polk rnnntv. Minnesota, and raised the first lushel of wheat In that county. Miss Mary N. Chase, of New Hamp shire, lecturer or the National Worn mi's Suffrage Association, will deliv er uddresses at Pine Grove Tuesday A. C. .Lieuder, here from Havre, into the Coyle cottage avenue. Tbe Mt. Hood Railroad Co. will run a special train from Dee tomorrow at 2:30, and pick up all those on the way who wish to oome in to vote, reiur - iug the same day. W. P. Andrus weut to Portland yes- teiday to do a little political work aud vote. He is one of the olerks of elec tion in that city. Hon. A. A. Jayne has returned from a ten days' trip in tbe eastern end ot the county, and is woll satislled with the polit'cal outlook in that section. Hhnriff Sexton sneut a few days in oonolude to locate Hood River the tirst of too work, atiu of the pioneers of finds be has many irieuas neie uu will rememner mm at mo puuu. Two aud one-quarter acres a short distance from town. All cleared, small house and two inches irrigating water. All for the price or a gooa 101 in town. See W. J. Baker 4 Co. Chas. Waters today received 20,000 :....'',! .'f'. i. : . rrrr ' Cjf1'OlJ'M.'i"''"lP'r''.l' ' r'"'' t.fl-ljrijffi GET IN THE HABIT " OF TRADING AT Ulu "J' lit if: 'Ml- ,i. ; THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES t4' UwXlin.'kn4 Cui' tara make very beautiful music taUtaiW iSttT innf itor-tinitfu Heei our window disjrlayif fine instru . roents. Little Prices. ' . i ' BaeJill CrOXMls. Hats, Balls, Mitts, Gloves, Masks, Heel Pistes, Hcore Books Everything for the ball plaver.. Little Prices. i hi "' ". " HI 1 ' ) I . i HminncHl. (iood qual- fc. prtt Weaves and color. ' " $1.25 to $3.50. 'Thin UndeW3r. Yeu tlfcwin le maiwiuaJMia- cwuge. A ery nice 'stock here fo select from, garments from .,1-' , jocio?i.a7. )Ladie' elts. -Very pret ty new styles in sills, satin anil leather, black and brown,. 50c. Vhite'SValstt. Pome beautiful pnes jn this lot, $l.o0 srtd $2. valm's, '98fr. CKildrens Cap. White Conliirov, with gold band and embroidced shield. Vcryjirctty. Overall 5uit fur little '"tits' in brown, bine aljut gray , they ave clothes and look cute.' $l.UOasuit. ' . ... . I - :J' ' Garden Tools. We can save you moneyon shovels, spades forks', etc., just come and see. Onion Set. We have -plenty of them, best grade stock at a little price, 12 l-2c T, Garden Seeds iu bulk or packages. We have a large selec tion of the best varieties. . - - Little Prices Reclining Chairs for porch or lawn. Durable, Com-f lortable and ornamental. Fold up when not iu use. - 91.50 eveninn. Aoril 24. Valley Christian trnnt for the Trout Lake country, aud church Wednesday, April 25, Mount De wjii take them to the upper White Hood. Thnadav evening. April 26, and I suimnn valley and nlaut them iu the Frankton Friday evening, April 27. gtreams of that neighborhood. it.,..,., - pssn haa annn ta Hood W. P. Campbell aud wife, of Port klu futlmr in wnrkinff. land, are in Hood River this Wook u ,;'n .mninumunt in HAW mill. Innkiuff for a fruit ranch. Mr. Camp Harry has n ade a record for himself bell sent several daya here a few weeks h mhilA Rnrl wn feel sure of airo and was well pleased with the his success in the new undertaking, valley, Irrigon is sorry to Iobb any of his jm Strauahan traded olt a kicking familv. Irrison Irrigator mnra t Wasco last week for one ot n iniiia f War. Mlton. Ohio. I th oneriest-lookinn buckskin bron i' u .itt, M family Fridav. cho that ever carried a Siwasb, and j ..iii ii n tii in enontrv with now the bovs are wondering which a view of locatina. Mr. Kleplnger party got the best of the bargain, has just spent four months In Homo- -pne ladies of the First Baptist ern California, but was not very favor- Uburch will bold a window sale of use ably impressed with that country as a (qj grumes 0f wearing appaiel pies, permanent home. oakes, etc. in Boyed s hall, across Ti,. .ifn,. nr o nnwananer that has from Holman's. on Saturday, April ,ir,(ori nhniuttn Qillinff. in a mea-l''H. from 10 a. m. to P. rr. Ice cream sure, received a postal card from an will also be served, old subscriber which read as follows: Rev. D. V. Poling, of Tbe Dalles, "I hev tuk vnre Dapr fer leven years, -in 8Xchauue Duloits with Rev. IjII but If vou kant spel eny beter than mnr8. and nreacb at Riverside Con vou bev fer the last to or 3 weeks, wy ffmirutional church next Sunday, in you kin jes stoppit.'' addition to the regular program, will We see in tbe Olacier that Geo. be an offertory solo iu the evening by Prather name over to Washlnaton as Mrs. P. a. Davidson special appraiser ou north bank rail road right of way. We have since been reliably informed that bis test! monv was barred and that the Uolden dale attorneys for the railroad declar ed that "they would have none of Hood River's hot air. "-White Salmon Enterprise. Councilman Bailey had a boat burned Sunday, Dear the railroad bridge. Mr. Bailey has bad a boat on tbe river a couple of years, which be STATIONERY AW are showing a fine lino of Whiting & Ea ton, Hurlburt's Stationery. Also fancy pa por in bulk. Call and look it over. It is sure to please you. BLANK BOOKS Full lino just arrivedLedgers, Journals, Cash Books, Day Books, Desk Blotters, Rec ord Books and everything in tho Memoran dum and Time Book line. Picture Frames made to order at SLOCOM'S W. J. Baker & Co. report the follow ing sales thh week: C. A. Bell to A. Knhnku. house and lot: Burns Jones to Willa Ramsey. 16 acres; N. foster vin to .1. L. Jorgenson, acres; kod ert Chapman to D. A. Plutt, 8 acres. Also 20 acres, names not given. Frank A. Cram started for Berkley, CaL. vesterdav. after Betting word of the terrible disaster at San Francisco, He was uuable to get any word trom bis family: and as they are just across (ioldcit Wedding. Tuesday, April 17, occurred a happy event at tho Artisan Hall, it being the celebtatioii ot the liltieth wedding an niversary of tho wediliiiK' of Mr. aud Mrs. Wiiliaiu Boorinan, attended by nearly till of the children, r ind chil- Iren mid great grand clilioreu or uie worthy couple. A surprise on t"" "Id conpio was successfully cairteu oui oy um Imu ran", anil Iu ordet to provide a place largo enough, tlio Artisan Hall was engaged for the occasion. All as sembled there t two o'clock, aue the old couple invited ouwii. Two lonu lin s tti'i.i torrneil ou euon sido of tho hall, Bi t. W. C. Evins was olllclatiug, and the vener able bride and groom i.. arched up to the altur, followed by .ilisses Caroline Sherruib aud Mabel .Miller, who acted as llower girls. The wedding march wus played by Mrs. r. U. HtiorrelD. After the ceiemouy Mrs. uariton made a neat speech, presenting Mr. Baormau with a pair of gold-bowed spectacles and a gold charm with dia nioncl setting, aim mm. uoormnu wuu goid-liued silver cream aud sugar set. Iheu followed congratulations anu a One lunch, consisting of sandwiches, colfee, cake and ice cream. The wed ding cake was especially good. William liooruian and Laioy I'.iniiy Rand were married at Onalaska, La Crosse county, Wisconsin, April 17, 1H56. They came to Hood ltiver iu 18813, just twenty years ago.and bought the farm uow owned by Frank Chand ler. All of their children reside here and iu tho valley except Mrs. J. H. Ackermaii a d her children, two ol whom are married. ' Tbe children living are: Scott Boormun (step son), Mrs. Klleu Ack erman (of Halera , Mrs. Emma Ellis, Alfred Boorinan, Mrs. Belle Sherroib, Mrs. Minnie Caddy and Mrs. Alice Miller. Two children have died, George aud Emily, the latter the wife of Earl Eastman. There are now living seven children, 32 grand children and 12 great gruud children. Nothing will relieve digestion that is not a thorough digestaut. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure digests what you cat, and allows the stomach to rcst-recuperate-grow strong again. A few doses of Kodol after meals will soon restore the stomach and digistive organs to a full performano of their funtiotis naturally. Sold bv Williams Pharmacy. Annual Meeting Churches and Ministers The tenth annual mooting of the Portland Association of Churches and Ministers will be held ut Hood River, April 24 and and 25. The following program will be carried out : Tuesday Afternoon. 1:.'10 Organization and Business. 1:45 Sounding the Key Note, Rev. R. M. Jones. 2:00 Evangelism. (1) Religious Re vival in History, Rev. D. P. dray. (2) The Need of a Revival, D. J. Treiber. 2 :35 Disotisslon. 2:50 (3) Tbe Human and Divine Elements iu a Revival. (a) Human, Rev. W. L. Upshaw. (b) Divine, Rev. H. M. Smith. 3:25 (1) W hut Shall We Look for in a Revival. 3:45 DIboubhIou. 4:00 Womuu's Home. (a) Incidents in the Life of a Home Missionary, Mrs. Wm. L. Upshaw. (b) Century of Work for Women, Mrs. J. 0. Liiokoy. Tuesday Evening. 9:30-Dovolioiin, Rev. V. T. Cook. 7:45 The Claims of Pacillo Univer sity Upon the People ot Oregon, Pres. W. N. Eerriu. 8 -00 Sermon, Rev. J. J. Staub. 8:30 The World's Masterpieoe, Dr. Edwin L. House. Wednesday Morning. 9:00 Devotional Services A Call to Duty, Rev. J. H. Hopp. 9:15 Business. 9:25 Sources of Power Iu American Life. . .. 9:45 The Greatest Need ol the Northwest, Rev. D. V. Poling. 10:05 Discussion. 10:20 The lmperillod Home, Rev. Daniel Ktaver. 10:40 The Abnso of Fublio Trusts, Rev. J. Morgan Lewis. 11:00 The Type of Manhood Chi 1st Calls for Today, Rev. J. L. Heishnor. 11 :20 Discussion 11:35 The Life that Counts, Rev. It. K. Ham. Benediction. , , , . , , . LI IB IttLUIlV. PUU iu; j'-v uses principally in fishing, and some th u f the 8tlicken city, he was Saturday Night Special. From 7 to 9 p. ni and gun metal, . Shirt Waist' sets in pearl,? il J S5c, 50c and 75c values for 15c time Sunday it was practically ruined by flie. It it thought it was done by some ot tbe laborers cn toe ditch do ing it aocideutly while Intoxicated Tbe boat was worth about $20. A. Hooker arrived PrldaT from Perth, N. D., and will make hb borne in Hood River. Mr. liooker last sum. mer bought a part of the Heogst plaoe. and his family have remained on tbe place all winter, nntil joined by Mr. Hooker. Mr. Hooker was induced to come to this eountry by John Jakku. who formerly lived in fiortb Dakota, and was an 'old friend and neighbor of Mr. Hooker, much worried. Dr. Oavey also left for San Eranoisoo on the same train. It Is to be hoped that more people have escaped injur than was at first reporteud. Cole-Cramer Thomas Cole and Laura Cramer were married Sunday at tbe residence of Mr. Cole's narents at fortlaud. llie groom is an employe of tbe Menom loee Jjumoer uo. ana toe urine was formerly manager for tbe Pact lie States Telephone Co. here, and later emDloved in the postotrJce. liotn tne contracting parties are well aud favor U'.ird m mnnived here Thnrad I Mi known here and their hosts ol of the andden death of Mrs. L. G. friends extend congratulations. Mr. KUnlev. at her hone in Chlnrjewa and Mrs. Cola will leside at Menom- Falls. Wis., mother ol r'.-tt. Stanley. I loee. of the First 'National bank of Hood River. F. 8. Stanley bad just been east as far as Chicago, going from tbeie to New Orleans, and thenoe to I Los Angeles, where be was at tbe time of th4 death of bis mother. He. left at once for Chippewa Falls. Stockholder Meeting. There will be a stockholders meeting of tbe Hood River Baseball Club at tbe office of the Transfer & Livery Co.. on April 23, at 10 a. m. L. E. Moree,pres ident. Slate Treasurer. Although there are six candidates in the Held for State Treasurer it is now conceded that either Ralph Hoyt, of Portland, or E. V. Carter, of Jack son county will be nominated. Mr. Carter says, "If elected 1 will reside iu Suleia aud give the olllce my personal attention." Mr. Hoyt is silent on this point. Mr. Carter says If elected 1 will turn over to the stute every dollar of the interest paid on state funds. This money, from l(t,000to 20,0UO per annum, has heretofore been retained bv the tieasurer. As ill. Jloyt is silent ou tins point also it is fair to assume that he in tends to pocket thiH interest money as has lieen done in the patt. Will you vote for a Portland man and thus oontiiiue this graft? A vote for E. V. Carter is a vote to stop this graft and reduce taxes correspondingly. Ilont tie a cold or a cough up in your system by taking a remedy that binds the bowels. Take Kennedy's Laxative llonev and Tar. It is different from all other cough sirups. It is lietter It opens the bowels-expels all cold from the system, relieves coughs, cold, croup whooping cough, etc. An ideal remedy for young and old. Children like it, Sold by Williams Pharmacy. Vote at the primary election tomorrow. Easier at the Congregational. The Easter programme of the Sun day School was given at the regular morning session and consisted of sougs, recitat'ons, an appropriate an them by the choir, a solo by Florence lirosius, and a pantomine rendering of "Nearer my Uod to lhee" by tne young ladies of Mrs. Cove's class with solo liy MISS l.enu jiorsnuer. nu parts were well done. I tie bouse wasorowuou at iuu uiuiu- ing services of tho church and the irogramme was especially goon. mrs. Jenks proslded at the organ in a very satisfactory manner and reuaereu some line compositions on that instru ment. The anthems by tho quartette choir were appropriate and well ren- lered. Although It is but a short time since i large number of new members were received into tho church, twelve more were received ou this rccasion. Tbe words of tho pastor, I'ev. W. C. Oil- more were well chosen and very impressive. While the evening service was less elaboiato it was good aud well con ducted. Ilainbow Trout fur Lest Lake. Robert Leasiire has just received word from tbe Fish Commission that his request for 10,000 rainbow trout for Lost Luke Iibb been granted, and that the fish will be shipped iuside of sixty days. This will be of interest to sportsmen. Fish are uot very plen tiful in the lake at present, owing to the presence of a lurge number of. wa ter dogs that eat the spawn aud thus largely diminish the natural increase of fish. Some very Une specimens of trout have been takeu from the lake, but young fish are very scarce. Are you buBy? Vote anyway. ,