The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 19, 1906, Image 6

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    HOOD iiVEiikciTHTmsDAY,' APRILl 0 1908
T i
Our Prices Sell tlie Goods
- J ; . Cv
Republican Candidate for United States Senator.
Jonathan Bourne, Jr., candidate before the Republican primaries for the
nomination of United States Hcnator In ConKroM, for the long term commencing
March 4th, 1907, was born in New Iledford, Mass., February 23d, 1855; was a
member of the clam of 1877 at Harvard University j came to Portland May 10th,
1878; was a Republican member of the Oregon Legislature in the session of 1885
and the extra session of 1880; was one of Oregon's delegates to the Republican
National Convention of 1888 and Oregon's member of the Republican National
Committee from 1888 to 1892, and a delegate to the Republican National Con
vention of 1892; and was elected as a Mitchell Republican to the Oregon LegMa
ture in 1890.
Mr. Iionrno has been moro prominently Idnetilled with the development of
the mineral resources of Oregon than any other man In the state, having expen
ded in the last twenty years over (1,000,000 of his own money in the acquisition
and development of Oregon mines.
While Mr. Ilourne has had his residence and main office at Portland since
1878, ho has had another office at New Bedford, Mass., and has carried on the
business of his father's cstute since 1889, which makes him familiar with many
of the large interests and leading men of the Kast. These qualifications, in con
junction with his tremendous euergy, origlanilty, executive ability and exper
ience in bumncNS and political affairs pre-eminently qualify him for making an
able and influential Senator for the State of Oregon.
Mr. Bourne has always favored extending the direct power of the people over
their government as fur as possible He was one of the leading spirits in the
Initiative and Referendum movement from 1890 until it was approved by the
voters at the Juno election In 1902. In l'.K)4 he was a member of the executive
committee of the Direct l'riinary Nominations League, and holds the same pos
ition with the People's Tower League at this time. In all theso movements he
has been one of the few to guarantee the necessary expenses of preparing and
proposing their measures to the people.
de says that the choice of United Btutes Senator should be by direct tote of
the people, and that the Legislature should he compelled to elect the man the
Dec-Die select. To accomplish this revolt, he is championing Statement No. 1 of
the primary elections law as the only method by which public opinion may be
crystallized and made effective upon the Legislature.
In his petition for nomination he says;
"If I am nominated and elected 1 will, during my terra
of office, favor:
Republican 1'oliticen.
Amending National Constitution for People's Election
of United St ates Senators.
Publicity Political Campaign Expenses.
National Control of Corporations in Interstate Com
Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Wages
make Good Citizens.
Legal Limitat ions Labor Hours forj Safty on Railroads.
Parcels Post, including Rural Delivery.
Pure Food Laws.
Liberal Appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast Defen
Bes, River and II arbor Improvements, including Coluni
biaand Willamatto Rivers, Coos, Yaquina and other
Oreiron Harbors. Celilo Canal. Government Canal at
o ' '
Oregon City.
Fair tfluiro of Irrigation Fund for Oregon.
Loyal Support for Successful Candidates.
Rigid Enforcement Statement One.
Roosevelt for Second Elective Term.
I desiro that the following statement be printed after my
name on the nominating ballot:
Square Deal Store
"Honest Goods and Square
. . Deal for Every Han" . .
I carry a 'full lino of Groceries, Flour and Feed and our
prices are right. The best tools that money can buy are
none too gooil for Hood River orchards, and 1 am in a
position to supply you
Mitchell Wagons and Busies a Specialty
Acme Harrows, Disc and Peg-Tooth Harrows,
Chilled and Steel Plows, Planet
Jr. Cultivators, and Seeders,
Meyers Spray Pumps and the Best 7-Ply Hose
in the Market.
De Level Cream Separators, Guns,
Amunition and Fishing Tackle
Yours for Business
Phone 741
d: m'donald
3rd and River Street.
Hood River, Ore.
Four IiohU will ply the waters of the
Uppur Columbia between I'elio and
Kennewick to White Blutfs, when
construction contracted for ia com
pleted. titwanjer W. S. Ladd, wblob la un
der CJiihtrnctiou at llon.mily Rapida,
w ill receive her machinery In 10 days,
.tiid ' ill go in to service between tbe
moutb of Snnlce river and Frieat
Rapids, op tbe Columbia.
Local capitalists at Wenatobee have
ifiven orders, for a boat to be built at
Pasco, to inn over tbe aarue route.
She will re 135 feet long.
The steamer Oerome, wbicb was
wrecked at Hommily Kapida last fall,
baa been transferred to tbe W. H.
Ladd. Tbe bulk of the Oerome Ilea
it Hommily Kapida.
Within 10 daya the open river com
i Ittee will let a contract for tbe con
tiuotionof iti new boat, wbicb will
run from Colilo to Kennewick. The
route of tbia steamer will be extended
to Lewitton when tbe water serves.
81 e ill be 105 feet long and 32 feet
Slet ;ner Columbia, lying at Blalock
Mind, will bave a new hull built, and
a ill then go into service from Celilo
to Kenuewick.
lu addition to tbeie, It la rumored
that the Kamoi steamer Norma, now
chartered to the O. H. & N. company,
and running Letweeu Lewiaton and
Kiparia, will extend ber route dpwu
to Celilo.
Thia rapid Increase of tbe upper
river trattlo ia due to the wonderful
growth of tbe oountry. In order to
make river traffic leasable, tbe people
bave raised a fund of ttWO, wblob waa
expended witbin tbe last few daya in
blowing tbe rocks out of Hommily
Rapida. Following tbia, commodious
wbarvea are being built at Kennewiok
to accomodate tbe business.
Irrigation in tbe aand wastea around
tbe moutb of Snake river ia principal
ly responsible for tbe boom. Settlers
are coming In rapidly, and are con
fronted immediately by frieght rate
of 1115 a ton to Portland or Seattle.
By river tbe rate la about 115 per ton.
All tbia activity la bringing iuto
promlneuoe the canal worka at Celilo
and tbe operation of tbe portage rail
way. Captain Daughman, - of the
steamer llauuaford, says that on the
present atage of the river, if tbe canal
waa open, a oargo of 500 tons oould go
direct from Portland to Lewistoii, and
a ourgo of 1000 tons could be brought
down. Chronicle.
Living Indoors ao much during (he
winter months creates sort of a stuffy,
want-of-ozone condition in the blood
and system neutrally. Clean up and
net ready for fpring. Take few
harly Kisers. These lainnua little pills
elense the liter, tomacli and bowels
and give the I iood a chance to purify
itceli. ihey relieve headache, sallow
complexion, etc. Hold by Williams
Fruit Crop rur 1908.
A careful estimate of the probable
fruit orop of Oiegon for tbia year
made by tbe State Board of Horticul
ture, placea the percentage of orop in
the various districts as follows: -
First dtstr.ot applea 95. peaches 30,
peara 75, prunea 05, cherries 00.
Mocond district apples au, 'neaones
25, pears (XI, prunea 100, cherries 10, '
Third, district applea 05, peaches
50, peara 80, prunea 100, cherrlea 50.
Fourth district apples 05, peaches
75, peara 75, piuuea 95, cherries 50.
Fith district apples 95, peaches 75,
peara 60, prunes 100, cherries 80.
Cherries were affected by tbe cold
spell more than any other fruit. ,
Prunes suffered little, wbilo apples
were hurt Just enough to make lesa
work necessary in thinning out the
fruit on tbe trees. Peara likewise
were not severely damaged but peaches
suffered much in most parte of the
Multnomah and Clackamas couutlea,
which are tbe banner cherry sections
of Oregon, suffered most, and In con
sequence hardly any of tbe fruit will
go to the caunei lea thia year. Jack
son county aud liood Kiver, suffered
but little. Many tender peach buda
were nipped around Aahlaud.
The estimatea make do allowances
for cold ralna, wbiob might yet do
damage to tbe tender buds and blos
soms. As usual, the prune crop shows
up better than any others.
The commissioners predict only a
slight rise In price from the damage
to the fruit, but aay tbe oauneries will
Dr. Cooper's Nine Cs.
Is a wonderful medical discovery. Af
ter thirty-live years of active practice,
and having treated many hundred cases
of catarrli and other throat and lung
diseases, Dr. Cooper discovered the med
icine called tho "Nine Cs."
The "Nine Cs" will cure any curable
case of Catarrh, Asthma or Consump
tion that baa not passed to the luit
stages. It is a great remedy for hoarse
ness of public speakers. It Is a sure
remedy for croup and a great benefit in
wnooping cougn.
The remedy ia pleasant to use, even
for children, and ia sold by the drug
gists in Hood Kiver, under a guarantee
to benefit the patient or the money re
funded. This medicine waa formerly
ni a mi fact u led in Villisca, Iowa, but will
now be manulactured in Hood Kiver.
Big Wdlnnt Orchard.
Fred Groner, tbe well known farmer
aud mill man of Scholia, ia preparing
to engage extensively in the growing
of Knulisb walnuts. He already has
20 acres of trees planted, some of
which bave come into bearing, and is
now getting ready to put 80 acres
more. He bad couuty fruit Inspector
Harris down there Tuesday looking
over the situation and showlug bis
method of grafting tbe walnut, wbiob
baa been very suoeessful where others
have failed. Mr. Harris says Oroner's
orchard site Is au Ideal one for waluut
growing, being rolling bench land
above the river. Mr. Uioner baa
thousand aore farm well improved.
runs a mill aud tile factory, rldea In
au atomobile aud ia one of the most
progressive citlzena of tbe county.
Forest drove Times.
Caught (old While Hunting a Burglar
Mr. Wm. Thns. Lanorgan, provincial
Constable at Clmplieu, Ontario, says:
"I caught a severe cold while hunting a
burgular in the joresl swamp l ast mil
Hearing: of Chamberlain's Cough Kenv
edy I tried it, and after uping two
bottles, 1 was completely cured. Ihu
rented v ia intended esiwtsiailv forcouizhs
and colds. It will loosen and relelve a
severe cold in lesa time than any other
treatment and is a favorite wherever its
superior excellence has become known.
ror sale by Kier and cats.
And the Quality is -OK?
When you need
anything in
Dry Goods, Clothing or Shoes
Don't forget that it is to your interists
to examine our stock before buying
Rivcrvicw Rarlt and Idlcwilde Additions
Easy Grades, Tine View and Good Water
Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill
Office next to Waucoraa Hotel
and Manufacturers of nil kinds of
; VI
liigheBt 'rices Paid for High Grade Fruit.-"
To the Voters of Baldwin Precinrt.
The registration books for Baldwin
precinct are now open. I will be pre
pared to register you at any time at
Uribble's store. O. Fredenbunr.
Rotary Public
. (Joldcn Wedding,
'taet Wednesday Mr. aud Mrs. J. L.
Thompson of The Dalles, parents of
Miss Annie Thompson, ceaoner hi me
Pine Urove school, celebrated tbelr
golden wedding. Tbe following ao
count la given by tbe Chronicle:
Fifty yeara ago In Lowell, Massa
chusetts, John Lenox Thompson, then
a young man of a4, and Miss Margaret
Kosley, In her.ipth year, took upon
themselves the marriage vow pro
nounoed by levv Theodore Edison, an
Episcopalian minister. There they
lesided until 1808 aud tbelr flrst child,
Addia, now Mrs. C. L. liicbmond of
Condon, waa boru. Coming to San
Franciso In the year mentioned, they
made tbeir borne there but a abort
time, when they oame to Dallas, where
they resided two years, reaching Tbe
Dalles in 1871. Since that time tbeir
Uvea bave been known to older real
dents. Four children, beside the eld
est, came to bless tbeir union Carrie,
who died when but a child, Annie,
now teaching In Hood Kiver valley,
and Laura and 'Lena, ' who bad the
pleasure of being with their parents
on tbe auspicious occasion Wednes
day. '
That their frlenda might bave the
opportunity ot celebrating with them
and extending to them congratlationa,
the young ladies , invited a number of
old friends and neighbra to an in
formal reception and throughout tbe
afternoon at least fifty called to ex
press their falioitatloua and with tbem
still many mora such sappy returns
of tbeir wedding day, aa well aa to hope
that for tbem the sunset of life may
Indeed be golden. ' These oongratula
tiona were .also expressed in many
pretty goldeu gifts.
Though tbe fifty yean have not been
without the struggle wbiob always
comes to sturdy young people wbo
start out to make tbelr way in life,
the years set lightly on Mr. and Mr.
Thompson, who, while they bave
reaobed the agea of 74 and 69, might,
so far aa appearance goes, he celebrat
ing tbeir both birthday Instead of
wedding auuivertary. Way they Jive
to celebrate many more under aa fav
orable circumstances.
Charles a. Johns for Senator.
Some of tbe reasona why be will be
nomiuated for governor. He is a man
of convictions and Ideas aud baa the
oourage to exprese them. He will op
pose tbe granting of perpertual fran
chises, aud as to tbe question of set
vice, believes, that municipalities
should control' publio utilitiea and
that tbey ehuild be a source of public
revenue. Haaajwaya been fair and
just to labor both in hia private and
offlolal business, and from principles
stands with Kooaevelt ou that que,
tion. Has made bia own campaign,
at bia own expense and with hia own
money, lie will treat the publio lands
aa a sacred trust and will appoint a
Land Ageut that wiU not speculate
or nroflt bv virtue of . bia omoe and
will .not have any adjuuets to or
around his office. Will give Eastern
Oregon a square deal. Hat aot made,
and will not make any promisee aa to
appointments, in that matter, if
elected, will consult aud respect ' the
wishes of his political mends, r re
fer defeat to the tacrine of hia in
tegrity and official honor.
Stevens n Will Have a Rank.
Stevenson is going to have a bank in
tbe near future. ihU matter was de
cided on last Tuesday. W. II. Moore,
ot tbe Oregon Savings bank, of Port
land, baa been looking over tbe Held
for about two weeks and has come to
the oouclusion that they can find no
better plaoe than Stevenson. The
bank will bave a oapital stock of f25,
000 and la backed by some of tbe most
reliable men of Portland, . who are
praotlonl bankers. Pioneer.
Advertised Letter List.
Coop, Mrs. Wm. ; Dillon, Mrs. O. A.;
Freeman, Mrs. ; Hodge, Ettle Mrs. ;
Mason, Mary E. j liunnell, John;
Champlin, John; Cbristanaen, Nels;
Lawry, Vert ; Lyeake, A. L. ; Motion,
Couer; Moriauo. llertardino; Olson,
John II. ; Shipman, Wm. ; Stemhouer,
Ueo. Wm. :
W. M. Yates, P. M.
The only one which shows the amount con
tuined therein without opening it. This beau
tiful and bank may be had in Hood
Uiver only at .......
The First National Bank
Call and secure one an I start a savings ac
count that will be a perpetual source of satis
faction to you.
The most rational remedy for coughs
and colds is Kennedy a Laxative Honey
and Tar. It acts on the bowles as a mild
cathartic, expels all cold from tbe system
Cuts all phlegm out of the throat, re
lieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough, etc. An ideal remedy for children
-equally as good for adults. Sold by
WllliaiuH Phurniacy.
For Kent.
For a long term of years, south ball
of Block 8, Park hu ret, and three acres
east of PurkhurBt. V . J. Baker A Co.
Offices and Rooms.
The very beet for rent in Smith Block
Will Irt contract to clear SO acres of land to
tviponslble partln. About IA acres old ilaah
Ins. Mumptall rotted out, and enn he cleared
wnn a gooo. warn ana nana gruDOin. A. 1,
Moe, Glacier office.
Apple. Shippers
Your shipments, large or small, re
spectfully solicited. We can get you
good prices. Prompt returns, fcend for
shipping stamp,
Commission Merchant,
Portland, Ore.
White Salniou-IIood Kiver
Two big sail boats, two
big perfectly safe gasoline
launches and two big ferry
scows. Expert sailors in
charge. Boats leave at all
Licensed Ferrymen.
Chamberlain's Salve is good for any
disease of the skin. It allays the itch
ing and burning sensation instantly.
I or sale by Kier & Cass
U. S. Commissioner Notary Public
The Oldest Insurance and
Real Estate Agent in town
Insurance Loans Abstracting
Hood River, Oregon
.New Harness Shop.
Stock of new goods of the best quality on the market.
Everything reliable and all work guaranteed.
Spray Your Trees and Bushes
Every owner of fruit trees or bushes is required by law to spray
them to prevent the spread of scale and kill injurious pests. If you are
not equipped to do this work, write us for illustrated catalog descri bing
up-to-date Spray Pumps all the way from 75c to $75.00, also the pr oper
sprays to use. Tell us bow many trees you have and we will tell yuu
about what kind of an outfit vou will need.
I Announceme
Season bf 1906
Our eralo of charges for services aa Architects or Engineers, during
the ensuing season, will be as follows
I'lans, details and specifications for new buildings, 2 per cent of to
tal cost, based upon the AVRAGc of bids received, where total cost
cannot be determined. For alteration to old buildings, 6 per cent.
General supervision of works, which will include the survey of build
ing lines and setting of grades, and drawing of contract or bond, and su
perintendence to completion or acceptance new buildings, 2 per cent;
alterations, 6 per cent, or full services for 5 per cent of actual cost.
On engineering works, surveys, etc., $10.00 per day aud expenses, or
as provided under special agreement for large projects.
Transportation to and from works outside of city limits, and tbe em
ployment of necessary help at expense of client.
Ch Tges are based upon the total cost of all works forming part of
construction and permanent equipment of any buildings in connection
with which the Architects render service.
The rules of The American Institute of Architects, governing the
practice of Architects, provide that
"All drawings and specifications, as instruments of service, shall be
the property of the Architects, And must be returned lo them upon o ni-plt-tiou
of works," and, "fees are successively due, as works are
completed, unless otherwise stipulated in agreement."
We make no charge fot consultation or preliminary
sketches, and guarantee economic and faithful service. -
Davidson Building ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Bood River. Ort.
i 1
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8 51
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