The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 19, 1906, Image 4

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Miss May MiiMltwwiirtciuiio up from
lluoil Uivor on 1'iiiluy ovi'iiiiiK to
spend Kaster with her ptiient.s.
Mixflea (Jraco huc livrtroHN Coil re
turned from n brief vinit to Hood
Kivor on Friday of luct wt-uk.
Uoo. Ireland nnd 1'niil Evniis worn
piisei.iRors on J'Vidn.v'o evening train
for Tlio UalleB.
MisH Agnes (iulovum, teHchor in
Dint. No. f2, lilt on Saturday's early
train for Portland, to which i laco the
wi nt to spend Kuster witb her parents.
Geo. Clmndii'i'lain and l'hil Winaiin
n ude a trip to Tiio JJalles over the
mountain on Saturday.
Ou Friday Alex Stewart drove over
tie mountain to The Dalles. Mr.
Stuwart has au elegant team of horses
which ho takes plemiire in driv
ing, and as 1111 uJt.oriiiit.ive toi trans
put tatiun, lie has in it a convenience
tube envied by those of im who arc
lem fortunato, ivptieiiiily at such a
time when the railroad scliedule trains
do not coincide with our convenience
fur travel.
Miss JJollie Mosier lias rented the
M. J. Mosier estate, of which elio is
administratrix, to Mr. Thomas. Mr.
Thomas is a thoroiiKh-Roinfi farmer,
and will, no doubt, prove very effici
ent in the niiiiiiiKuiuuiit of the I arm.
The little child 01 h. T). I'isher.who
was kicked by a horse one day last
week, we are pleased to report to be
Miss DoJIio Mosier was a passenger
on Friday's evening train for The Dal
les, to which place she went to upend
Faster with her sister, Mrs. F. 1 Tay
lor. Mrs. Geo. Woods ami daughter, Ma
rion, have returned from The lalles,
alter an extended visit with K it.
Woods and family.
Mr. Wilson and family, who liave
spent the winter lu town, moved to
thoir homestead on Saturday ot lust
Owing to the unsettled conditions
of the present location of the acliool
bouse lu Dist, W, no elfort was made
by the teacher, Miss Gulovsou, and
her pupils, to beautify the school
grounds on Arbor day, havin this
feellna of insecurity that, should the
uow build inK be placed ou a d liferent
location, their labor would bo wrought
in Tain. Jiy way or inversion, uow
ever, a lona walk was taken up Mosloi
creek, whore, in the study of the
dilforeut forms of plant life and the
shells and pebbles along the creek, the
children were hro-'Kht very noar to
nature's heart, which advantage
alfordod them the opportunity of
broadening their minds ami thus oiler
lug now idoiis and suggestions for fu
ture school work.
Peter IlenuiiiK was a passenger ou
Monday early train from The Dulles.
Easter Sunday was observed by the
Sabbath school of Udell with a pro
gram which, though short was pro
nounced good. Sickness prevented
the attendance of some who wore to
take part in the exercises.
Thomas Lacey purchased a hoi so oi
Kolts & Young, home dealers,
n A Question of Life or Death
Destroy the insects or they will de
stroy your Fruit, Flowers and Foliage
Why not have, your rose bushes, house plants, small fruit, eta, five from all
aphis, codlinnioUi, fungus growth and other pests ? If this is done they
will look bright and dean and healthy, ho they will be a source of pleasure
and profit to yon.
Watt's Formaldehyde Tree Soap
is a compound scientifically prepared from the most powerful Germicides
and insecticides known to the horticullural world.
It conies in one-pound bars, neatly wrapped, with full directions for use.
Any desired amount of spray can be made at one time easily and quickly.
it costs but 25 cents per bar- Use it once and you will use no other
rtr irtv-r Vm n'm mnti MufmHir W
As watch specialists
A word that means much to the ones
who carry a watch. It is especially
applicable to
Lara way Watches
For increasing; sales demonstrate their ability to ren
der perfect service
The Watchmaker and Jeweler
James Eggert has planted more or
chardpeach, cherry and apple treoc
He also has the scale for logs gold to
Tbo Oregon Lurrl-er Co., about 4H.U0O
Win. Eiui'k lib ' been plantii.g tiees;
also butchered ami sold a tine beef.
John Ktoegrr has been planting
trees, among them come English wal
nuts. James Englis bought a new team
and brought it from The Dalles.
Frank Strang lias 15,000 tree graft
ed and set out. He sold to The Ore
gon Lumber Co. l.'I,000 feet cf logs.
Thursday. April 20. will be the 87th
anniversary of American Odd Fellow
ship, and that day will be l lL.nj.Jy on
served by a ceromony to be observed
at the celebration of the nuniversay or
the order. This ceremony includes a
history of the order, aprroprluto
music prayer anil au addicts, me
Object of Odd Fellowhip," to be de
livered in the Odd Fellows Hall at
Odell on Thursday evening, April '20.
Oild Fellows ami their luu.ilies, Ke-
bekahs and tbeir families mid those
interested iu the (rder c- 'cirin. in-
i urination concerning the older, are
expected to come ami bring lunch. I
On Friday eveuliig. April 2"t!i, a
dance will be givou by the Odd I'el
Johs ii: their ball lit Odill.
Edward Cusbn:au bought a h of
O. 11. Hartley.
Mrs, G. W. Lafferty is in poor
luukb. Dr. Sl.uw U attending her.
It is hoped she will soon be vM.
Mr. Dunn bought of Mr. Knox 14
acres of land in Dukes valley.
Next Friday night, Apiil H the
drama, in winch Ln-lb hpb U a lead
ing part, will be given at Odell school
house followed by Ice oieani and cake,
served by the Ladies Aid. Admis
sion, free; refreshments, a reasonable
price, 'the McDutl'ee doubling quar
tette of Poatlaud will sing.
Mr. Percy Shelley and Miss Illanche
Wilson were married last week. May
liappiuess and prosperity be theirs
through life, is the wish of their
L. D. Strong sold the colt advertis
ed in last week's Glacier to Kd Jucob
seu. Mrs. Poole is sick, quinsy is
thought to be tlio disease, Hope to
be able to record her well at next
John Crosby has had hard luck, lino
of bis horses was cut by barbed wire
some mouths ago and is not able to
work. Mr. Galligan bad the tame
trouble and both men have bad to pro
cure horses from others while the'r
own vtaud idle.
Mr. Olsou expects to be ready to
plant trees next Friday. He thinks
he will set five acres this spring.
11. G. lloardman and family expect
to move Wednesday to Green Point to
work iu the woods. His wife, with
the help of Violet Masiker, to board
the uieu,
Iu all directions may be aeen the
smoke of halt lo. Not man and man,
but man and the great trees, and the
sound of blasting is not unlike that of
cannonading. The big trees must give
place to smaller ones that will be full
of fruit. Many homes to be where
there were few.
iney hi
eeii fri:
mid I
m McDimald.
We are having some fine weather at
present, and if it does not rain soon, j
there will be a cry for water, but 1
guess we can just cry as we can't get
It until the ditch is ready.
Hansen t Thomson aie running
tbeir sawmill here at present and have
got several thousand feet of lumber
piled up in the yard. They lire cut
ting pine, and whew it is dry it will
be sbippe' to The Dalles, where they
have a box factory, and the lumber is
manufactured into fruit boxes and bee
There is plenty of call for men and
there is no excuse or any one being
idle. The mill is running short-handed
aud they saw awhile and go out and
pile up the lumber.
The fields are green and tbe trees
are leafing out aud it Is spring with
till her beauty.
We were surprised one day last week
to meet Mr. Olinger witb a petition
for another vote ou local option. T bin
has been voted ou two different timet
in Hood River and carried each time,
and now there is a cry for auothei
trial. I don't think that our town or
valley baa been hurt in tbe least by
local option, and there has been some
settled here, who perhaps would not if
we had not bad local option. Our
town and valley are prospering under
exiting conditions but still there is
a cry for ram-shops. Some claim that
there is more liquor drank than there
would be if we bad ealooaa in our
town, but I think this Is false, for if
this was tbe case, the wbolesnle liquor
dealers would not be spending thou
sands of dollars fighting tbe local op
tion law. This burts tbeir trade and
this is tbe reason that they do not
hesitate to put up tbeir money to fight
it, to keep it from carrying.
Spring work is nearly done. A few
have early garden up. The cold spell
did not seem to Inju e the fruit any
at this place. Early fruit is just com
ing in bloom, and ifjwe have no severe
frosts, will get a full crop of early
fruit. '
W. ('. Dodge, John tiled aud Waiter
Masse y are in tnwu working at carpeu
tor work for Louis lioyed.
Oscar Cameron is hauling cedar
posts from Weygaudt'a on China Hill
for J. P. Tbomsen. Mr. Tbomsen is
having a good substantial fence built
around a part of bis farm, which will
improve the place both in looks and
Grandpa Dodson got big foot quite
badly bruised last week by a heavy
bale of bay falling on it,
Milton Blngaman, who has been
laid up several weeks with a biokeu
leg, is able to get about again without
tbe aid of crutches. ,
Land buyers were in evidence In
this part of the valley last week. No
aulea were insde exceut 15 acres of J.
A. Knox's pine which was sold to
James Dunn, an uncle ot J. fj. wnisc
ler, for 175 per aore. Mr. Dunn ex
pects to commence Improving tbe laud
Immediately, and will set tbe land out
to fruit trees. There is still lots of
good, in faot the bct,t, apple land in
the valley still u in improved for a good
many homes seekers that can be
bought for prices ranging from $10 to
t:tO per acre. It will pay those who
have small means to come aud investi
gate before buying elsewhere.
ww joaaaaasr
You know the medicine that
makes pure, rich blood
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your
mother, grandmother, all your
folks, used it. They trusted
it. Their doctors trusted it.
Your doctor trusts it. Then
trust it yourself. There is
health and strength in it.
I infrared terribly from HidlgMtjon n4
thin blood. 1 found no relief until I look
Jkyer't HuHimrHIa, four bottlM perm
ueuUj eurd tue."
HIM. w. n. HART, US. AIKO.XV. I.
fl Ota bottle. j. e. atiroo.,
Rich Blood
Ayer's Pills aro gently laxative.
They greatly aid the Sarsaparilla.
It is time that our city fathers do
something in the w of tiavin i a road
opened np proper at tbe crossing at
tbe depot, and a protection to tbe
general public, and tbe O. K. k N.Hy.
Co. should be compelled to fence the
side of tbe embankment leading to tbe
iStiauahan & Bagley arehonse, at
this is a public road and, mutt my,
one of tbe wont dauxerous places in
tbe whole valloy. lue blotting ol
vteam and scruaohiug of whiNtlos on
t lie engine is enough ton'Hre the imi.-I
uuutle teams, uud having no protection
mi tbe embankment tome time unie
thing very cerious Kill bapp u. (Ju
Thurtduy of lui-t neck, the oritur bail
a very clow) call. White waiting tci
a freight train going west, au engine
going east ble " the whia'Je and let off
steam, which scared my horses aud
caused them to plunge down tbe em
bankment, I myself being dumped
under tbe horses and I cannot see Ikih
it was that my life was not crushed
out. 1'be railway company's dootoi
was sent for to examine me, showing
that the company telt some responsi
bility. Now tbe city council, I think,
should take tbe matter up with the
railway oompany before something
more srlous does happen.
Your correspondent was not inform
ed of tbe proper day or date for the
election of bonding the district to
build a new school on the lower part
of Barrett distrot. The day is Satur
day, April 21, at one o'clock, p. ui.
Let every one attend and vote right.
. Mr. Editor, for some time I have
been thinning over tbe matter ot ac
counts of tbe county of WaBoo, and if
ever the books or accounts of our offi
cials are ever audited, no that tbe gen
eral publio would know juntbow they
stand, could not our county commis
sioners so order that the accounts ol
every one who handles the money lor
said county of Wasco tie audited?
Perhaps snme one butter informed
could iiifoi ui us through your valuable
L. Dart says he mail-, soir.u poriidge
witb on km put in the other morning
fur breaklatt, aud having tome let I
be gave tbe cat a feed, but tbe cat
did not take to tbe onions. Presents
Mr. Pug Dog came along and pokes
bis note into I be dish, but be refund
the onions, Dart then su id, "I am
glad, Mr Pug, that there is i on:etl.lug
which you will not eat." Pug then
looked up at Dart as much as to m,
"1 can, "and quietly eut to the dUh
and cleaned up the whole miss. Prd
ty good for a dog Suppose the next
thing will lie dial ti e 1 1 in n ill ju t
go to their uettn aud l,.y eggs i
told that there is no grain, became
tbere are no eggf. Well, thee dun b
creatures do unltrtnud a lot more
than we think they do.
J. H. Shoemaker was op to The Dal
les a few davs hint week attending to
road busluetiK.
It beat the dickens to see how the
wagons are hauling bay from llock
ford. Will have to get another car
CJ. II. Steiuhnlf aud family, a son-in-law
of J. lllouut. have bought a
piece of land from it. it'. Shoemaker
aud are now moved to tbeir new home.
Mr. Stoiuholt is a designer aud en
graver, a workman that is uot aaham
ed of his work. Mr. Steiuholf wanted
to lead a farmer's life, but it ia uot to
be, tor they have sought hi m out aud
he now has a heap of work to do. Well
this ia the result of being a good
workman. Learn a trade and stick to
it. We are please l to welcome such
people to llarrott.
Ike Neulelgb has just sold a span of
nice gray horses, wagon aud harness
to I'riink Davenport's son for tbe sum
of $1!K).
D. Lnbbey has lieen busy during
the past week leveling up some land
on his ranch. (Jreat credit is due D.
L. foi the way he baa improved his
plaoe since he took possession.
Some people talk about paying trib
ute, but we Uud out that tbere is stiU
a Judaa left. Do uot suppose there
will be auy bangiug, biH a dose of
common sense would be well to work
upon the mind so as to keep a person
eveuly balanced.
The home of Audy Deatty aud wife,
on Kockford Ave., is blessed with a
bright new baby gill. Andy feels just
like two daddies uow.
Kockford sold bis delivery team and
light wagon to U. 11. Steiuholf. We
are very pleased to know that the
ponies wilt be treated well at tbeir
uew home. Of course, Kockford wiU
soon have a new team of larger horses
to do the extra work.
Ike Neulelgb packed up bis utensil,
on a broncho pony Monday, preparing
to go on the range, but Mr. Pony did
not foellikejoarryiug the load and took
to bucking iu good shape aud finally
landed all the outllt on the ground ;
but Ikoy was not to be beateu so lie
loaded lliein up again aud the last 1
saw them they were ncaded tor the
Ed Held lug and wife, of Michigan,
aie uow visiting at t'.e home of K. W.
Augus and wife. Mr. Beldiug is a
brother of Mrs. F. W. Angus. We
naturally suppose they will spend a
very pleasant time together.
Kay Densmora baa moved his bag
aud baggage to bis new boms and en
tered ou tbe blissful life a bachelor.
Fay knows get good home
made bread, dourt you, Fy? Yes, of
Nine Pure tuners for Hoed Rim Farm
lly listing your pr perty witbme yon
will secure a quick sale. These pur
chasers are personal friends and wan,
to buy. W rite, giving full description
o J. Adrain Epping, 2d and Morrison
treeu. Portland, Onj. uilS
Lace Curtains and
Curtain Goods
A good line of Nottingham
Lace Curtans in white, '
per pair, - 75ct0$4.OO
While Brussels, per pair, 7.00
Ecru in Nottingham, beau
tiful patterns, per pair, 400
Large single curtains for
single door and window,
each, .... 550
Curtain goo In lii Fish-Kefs,
Nottinghains, Savins and
Swisses, - - 15 to 35c
Table Linen
We ne showing some extra good
values in Table Linen at from
45c to $1.00
Some extraordinary fine Linen Dam
ask, 72 inches wide in beautiful pat
terns at
$1.25 and $1.50
Also Xottinghams to match.
Ladies' Waists
An extraordinary prett.v
lino of White Waists, ein
bmidertMl fronts nnd lnee
tiiiuiiiod. Aro beautifully
ni'HiV up iintl extraordi
nary piml vnlne for ti e
price at which we are offei
inr thetn.
(1. M. V I. 1 1 it uiHile v l iii-li e8 ti i
to i'ritl; 1 d Jid vu k.
Miss Ahrv M. ( have w'll tpeak on
behalf of Wmnun's PnH;Bk ! Mt.
Hood Thursday tubing, Api '1 2U'
The dance Friday night was r irnr!
success, both finniiciHlly and in i lly.
Toe boys were well pleased to f tr
many out, especially tile people In. in
Odell. The boys wish to tbmik ui!
who gave them a helping hand iu tim
of need.
The Development league bad a wi
interesting meeting Saturday after
noon. Mr. Karly, 01 the Mount Hood
railroad, was present and made quite
a talk, but he did not say tbey would
nut iu a loop and intersect at Odell
Ho said they just wauted to extend
tbeir road towards tbe mountain lot
a dbtxnce of twelve miles. 'II. ate
Here a uuinler rf minor sptoches by
d, If 1 rent ones. Mr. Moree, of lloul
Hirer, gave a ter., Interest i"g talk 1.1
the upper valliy. ui d the benefit that
woold te tiermd lioin a railroad.
I ho meetiiii! udjouiticd till the call o!
the president.
J. M. Lenz, our n ad supervisor, has
a crew of men working on tbe load
thee days.
Mi I Izzie Cooper, of this luce,
baa accepted the osltiou as te cher
ln OLe cf the ( ho. Is at Vlnto. She
lias h lite niplon a now and hei many
'rind nir-h l ei tin cess iu bll her uu
der' nk ii km.
Mr.-. Jorn Mohr and ecus,
Mi.-s I 11 n y and Mi-te Lizzie ar
A huh Mull . i. cotLHnlu'i l.y I' 1 .
Stunt 1 n, ipent Hnnday ai IU 1 1 Si it.
A ery interesting program was ren
dered at the school bouse Suudny
which was very appropriate for tbe
A tuiHll boy about ten years old has
been seen running cows witb dogs and
on horseback lately, and very near
ruined one cow, as she was run
through two fences, through brush
and over logs till a neighbor took pity
on the poor dumb animal and made
tbe dois stop. Then, likes neighbor,
he tuined tbe cow out so she could go
home. We think people should keep
their gates shut If tbey do not want
people's stock inside.
Mr. James Cook and family 'spent
Sunday with Mrs. Cook'a parents, Mi.
aud Mrs. D. R. Cooper.
George Thomas la home from Frank
ton, where be has been going to
school. The ball boys are glad to see
him witb them once more.
Everybody is busy with their spring
work iu this neck of tbe woods, and
some are uuabie to get the help they
Fiauk liaker, of Hay Station, Wash.,
is visiting Kalpb Reed.
Ed Helding and wife, of Belding,
Mich., are visiting relatives here.
Mr. Belding is a cousin of Lou and
Lee Morse and a brother of Mrs. F.
W. Angus.
Mrs. Stewart aud Mrs. (irahaui, of
Mosier, were visiting iu Kuthtou last
Mr. Uarton is learning to tide a
Miss Mary Middleswart went to
Moiser Friday eve, returning in ti ne
to go to school Monday morning.
Mrs. J. C. Cameron has goue to
Miobigan, called there by tbe serious
illness of ber aged fatbei.
Miss Eliza Susey is having a tussle
with tbe mantles.
Mr. Follies has a ph mograph, but
we .iuM lather luteu to Mis (trace
as a iLu.-iciuu.
Mr. aud Mrs. Iljurgiu hud Uo lit
tie daughtois, of tinerinnu county,
spent a few da a nith their tutor,
Mra. Forbes.
Mi. Copland acted tho pa:t of tbe
good Samaritan Saturday, a ui gave
fish to :wo needy families In caup.
T.ilks on Osteopathy.
Osteopathic treatment in two cases
ia not uioie nearly alike than the
widely differing first caustt of diseases
no matter if every treatmeut seem
to tbe patieut much like every other
treatmeut. For that matter, so does
every surgical operation seem much
like every other surgical operation, so
far as anesthetic, instruments, blood
How, stitching and dressing are con
cerned : yet people do not fancy that
surgeons give the same treatment f or i
appendicitis, compound fracture of the '
leg, abscess of the liver or tumor ou '
tbe brain. There is no more uniform- j
ity in osteopathic treatment tuu in;
surgical operations. Tbe tud tc lie:
aocomplisnea aetermtnes (lie treat
meat in every cat.
White Goods
Our line of White Good
is well assorted. India
Linen - - - 12 to 30c
Glasgow Lim n, - -23 o 40c
Irish Lineii, - - 30 to 50c
Colored Linen in Blue and
Tan - - - 22c
A largo variety of mercer
ized White Goods 25to40c
A fine line of Percales, 31 inches
wide, in Blues, Reds, Itlsrks and
At Ten Cents
These are pretlv patterns and very
Low Priced
New Patterns
Our hew patterns for April
are here
The Peerless Patterns
F. S. St'AM.KY, I'ii-h.
F. LtWlTH, ic-l'ic.
The First National Bank
Crpl-l and Surplus $30,000.00
We off. i- ynii I lie facilities of .1 well uianneed and
well epi! 1 eil I auk. The interests of patrons reeeive
i M 1 1 W
I si
So why not use o ie
tl:r.t is guarante. d
1000 ncres select apple land, best location in
Hood Uiver Valley; small prices on 5, 10 or 40
acre tracts by owner. Buy where you can real
ize advancing- values on your improvements.
Lots in Wininis City are profitable investment.
You can reach this place by rail.
W. R. Winans
Hood Uiver, Wasco county, Oregon
v X Lr
tt Republican Pi unary, Apiil 20, 1900
iI tifrrhy pM lh prop' of (trejon a
pruul r1utiUm rf the tmormuun coi nf tbt
.irtf . tf elwtwt, kii I I ilerlarr upon my honor
hIhi (f ttirt1v mr iiiricp tn nrw fK-ltetne
l I,l.I Ikali. M' " VI" lllli. K i i ..
"WiltUS, I Hitii -uy U iimu uf ."tc hut iu
trjjrrify iintl Oiwnh kio,lH,p f tbe print,
lug buiuc. ' lMtlu4 LaUr Prom,
Men's Underwear
Men's Women and Chil
dren's Light Underwear
ranging in price.
Ladies' garment - - lOc
Union Suits, 30c to (1.25
Men's underwear per gar
ment, 25 to 91.00
The uew Guaranteed Shuts for
Ladies in Oxfords. This is the
Latest Novelty
In leather fur shoes. Also s variety
of ft les of
Low Cut Shoes
in Kid Try a pair of cushion sols
Dress Goods
In alt our line of .Mohairs,
lirilliniitieiis, Suiting,
M. Irons, Albitrose, S rgea
ai.d all dress roods we
aie offering exceptionally
low prices.
v'. . L1UX K, r,. Ca-hlel
I i IU 1 I ill U I VII
- m .
l'i te !es of very early.
tiiKvli rry iiud fruit land,
nth ;i southern slojie, 1
miles from White Salmon, 1
mile fr.ui iliM-k; plenty of
Muter; 4 aeivs cleared. It's
ijiiviit bargain for $1350,
We have other bargains.
White Salmon Land Co.,
White Salmon, Wuh,
...r. j:
f v