The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 19, 1906, Image 2

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' " iinuwl every I iiureiioy by
AKIIItK O. MOB. Publisher.
ferns el subscrtptioo-l.M year imi paid
k adranoe.
It is tho duty of all voters to get out
at the primaries tomorrow and vote.
Tbe result of the primaries In many
Instance will decide the election.
Hood Klver bus many interest at
stake, and not tbe least of these la the
fate of Cascade county at the band of
tbe next legislature. Unless Mr. Jayne
is returned, we start iu with a handl
cap. With his election half the battle
is won. He should receive every vote
in favor of county division. Personal
prejudices should be cust aside if any
there be, and turn out a solid vote for
Mr. Jayne. Hood Klver also has a
candidate for the groat oiiice of Uni
ted States Senator. It will be an
honor to Hood Kiver to send Mr,
Smith to (:iie sonata. We need every
tote in Hood River. Do not lot per
Bona bnsluess keep you from the
If the people of Wasco county be
lieve they should exercire the right
with the rest of tbe people of the state
to say who shall represent them In tho
United States Senate than they should
be sure that tbe legislative servants
they send to Salem to carry out thoir
wishes bold the same belief with them
es! ves as a matter of conviction. Hon.
A. A. Jayne announced bis candidacy
on that important point because be
believes ours is a government of the
people, and he was the first of all
those now in tbe Held for legislative
honors in Wasco county to do this.
Others came in at the eleventh hour
a sort of a deathbed repentance prop
ositionand took Statement One. Iu
the oontest for the nominations for
the legistlature the supporteis of the
primary election law and believers iu
tbe election of U. S. Senators by a
direct vote will do well to remember
who are with them as a matter of con
viction on these mattors.
Entertained at Alt. Hood Hotel.
The Cascade Literary Circle, being
guests of Mr. Hall-Lewis, Monday ev
ening, wore delightfully banqueted
at the Mt. Hood hotel. The first part
of tbe evening was interestingly spent
in reading the last two acts of the
tragedy of Julius Caesar. Kev. Haines
carrying the part of Cassius, Mr. Hall
Lewis the part of Hriitus, Prof. Wiley
the part of Marcus Antonius and Mr.
Everett that of Octaviiis; other mem
bers having tho minor parts. Each
member, there being twenty-eight pre
sent, responded to roll call with a
choice qui taMon from the play, Mr.
ltartmoss' being an amusingly sugges
tive one "This night we shall dream
we have feasted with Caesar,"
brought down the bouse.
After a short discussion of contem
poraneous history, tho company was
led to tlie dining-room, and with Miss
lilauohe Harbison at the piano, gather
ed about tho long table whioh was
bountifully and tastefully spread and
decorated with potted ferns and tulips
and beautifully' lighted with red ta
pers. After the delicious refreshments
there were a number of short speeches
by Mr. liartmuss, Mr. Hull-Lewis,
Mrs. Jeuks, Prof. Wiley and Miss
Hoadley. Mr. Hall-Lewis suggested
that the work for tho snminer months
be some sort of outdoors study of the
natural resources of Hood Kiver valley,
All pre (en t declared it to have beeu
tho most interesting event of the sea
son. The next meeting to be arranged
and announced by the literary direct
ors. Will (Serve Dinner Friday.
Tbe Hospital Club will serve dinner
and supper for 2,"o per meal on elec
tion day, Friday, at K. of P. hall.
Tbe proceeds of these meals will be
used for charitable purposes iu con
nection with the local hospital.
Tho Hospitid Club is a permanent
organization which was formed to
show ipprociation of a homo institu
tion, and to assist in emergencies by
giving such aid as tho club can coin
maud and In all ways to show Interest
in and give cheer to those who may
come to tho hospital for care. Ours is
a prosperous community set in i
charming locality and the club coufl
deutly depends upon a generous pat
ronage ami hearty-cooperation in all
their intelligent efforts to make the
hospital an added attract iu to the va
ried resour"es of our town.
Any contributions to tho Ublo sent
to the K. of P. Hall on Friday will be
welcomed by the ladies In charge ol
tho work.
A membei of the Hospital Club.
Hood Kiver Apples llrlnir a Dollar
Shepard &. Franz aro In receipt of
n letter from tho Franklin-Hampshire
I ruit l Irowers Association, of lAy
den, Mass., In which they state
"Home of your Hood Kiver apples are
selling or 7fo to 91 a dozen in our best
eastern cities."
At the Churches.
Methodist Preaching at II a. m. and
8 p.m. Sabbath school 10 a.m.; 1
worth league 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
J humility evening. All cordially invit
ed. . C. Evans, pastor.
St Mark's Episcopal Church. Holy
Uimimmiinti at n o clock ; morning
prayer at 11, ami evening praver at
7 :.'!(.
U. 11. Church Sabbath school, !):)."
preaching, II a. in.; Junior services uu
ilrrilio leadership ol airs. Mhe lieeler,
H p. m. ; Christian Endeavor meeting,
t:.iU; sermon hy pastor, i :.I0. All are
invited to any and all of these services.
(J. M. lieeler, pastor iu charge.
Ilaptist church Sunday school 10
a. in.; preaching 11 a. in.; Junior II.
V.P. V., II p. m. ;evening service, 7.!M.
Hclmont M. E. Church. 11. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Hclmont: Sunday
school at 10a. in.; Class meeting at 11
a. in. ; Kpwoi th League 7 p. m. ; preach
ing every Sunday evening and I'd Sun
day in month at 11 a. in.; Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7. 110 p. m. Services at
Pine (irovesanie as above except preach
ing, which is on 1st and lid Sundays at
11 a. in. Crupper. 1st and .Id Sundays
at 3::iU; Sunday school at 2:30. Mourn
Hood. The mh Sunday at U a.nt. ;
Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Valley Christian Sunday school at
10a. in.; pleaching at 11; V. P. S.
C. E. ht ti.lSO p. tn.; preaching at
7:110. Chalk talk every Sunday even
ing. We extend a cordial Invitation
to all to attend the services of tbe
day. W. A. Elkius, pastor.
News was received here yesterday
morning that an earthquake occurred
at San Francisco at 5:17 a. iu., de-
strovina half of the city and that tbe
balance of the city was burning. All
wires were down, and only n eagie re
ports could be obtained by way of the
cable at Hong Kong. It was reported
tbat 250O were killed, most of tbe big
buildings demolished, and tbe ground
sunk four to live feet. Many bore
bave friends and relatives in the city,
and were anxiously awaiting news,
but few particulars oould be learned
up to the time of going to press.
A Tribute to Mr. Jayne.
Editor Glacier: The Importaul duty
of placing in iiomiuHt'ou candidates
t.i be voted for at the general election
In June next will occur on Friday of
tbe present week, and voters should
calmly and without prejudice select
from among the numerous at i rants
those hestetiiupped with good i liarao
ter. cannbilitr and special llti.CfB tor
tbe oOIce to which they aspire. The
most sane iuduuient should be exer
cised in choosing nominees for tbe
ttato legislature, i' tbe commercial
interests and general welfare of tbe
people are more directly affected by
the work of our legitdatois than by
any other official iutluence.
There are but conipmnuely few
men able to u.ea the itiqiiliuu.outii ol
a sucoessul member of our state law
making body, and it is not the part
of sane judgment to vote for a : audi
date simply because you wish to do
bim honor as a triend, or to gratify
his personal vanity. It should be
known beyond doubt that be is pos
sessed of real legislative ability; that
he understands tho phraseology of law
sufficiently to enable bim to diaft bis
bills and to intelligently interpret the
various measures presented for consid
erate ; a ready use of language to ob
tain the best results in urging bis
bills in committee and before the main
body; a broad knowledge of general
business affairs; thorough understand
ing of parliamentary practice; and
in addition a personality tbat will se
cure for bim the respect of his associ
ate members. With these requisites
he will be able to achieve tbe best re
sults obtainable, and his constituents
will feel a pride in having a represen
tative able to cope with those of the
more pretentious counties of the state.
In our townsman, Hon. A. A.
Jayne, is found these requisites in
full rounded measure, and tbe voters
I Hood Klvor ana tbe valley, wno in
the event of bis election will be tbe
beneficiaries, should experience more
than oommon pleasure iu having the
opportunity to extend to bim their
heartiest support.
His work in tbe last session ol tbe
legislature his first term is well
known, and those who believe in tbe
principle of a square doal, and whose
narrow vision is not obstructed by
the fog of petty prejudice will concede
that he was influential and popular
among his associates, active, alert and
conscientious, discharging bis duties
with rare lldeflty and retlecttng cred
it upon the county which be so ably
Common justice and sound business
principles will suggest his return.
Ibis valley should support tilra as i
unit, and thus aveit the possible dig-
astious accident of placing in uoinlna
tl on tbe least desirable of Ive candi
Pine drove, April 16, 1000.
Death of W. V. Johnson.
News was received yesterday of the
death of W. V. Johnson, which oo
cor red at Crystal Springs Sanitarium,
at t'oitland, Wednesday morning
Carl Johnson, a sou, loft on train I
and brought tho remains back to
Hood River today, ami tbe funeral
wi 1 occur tomorrow afternoon at the
M. E. church at one o'clock. There
mains will be laid away In Pine drove
cemetery by the sldo of his wife, who
died last July. S. E. ltartmoss has
charge of the funeral arrangements.
the deceased leaves four sous aad a
daughter to mourn bis loss: M. J., of
Moro, (.'ail and (Jortrude, of Wlulock,
Wash., William, of Heppuor, and Or-
rin, of Echo.
Of his children, three daugters bave
preceded their parents to the llreat
The deceased came to Oregon in the
fall of 1HH1 from Deer Lodge, Mont,
ami to Hood River iu 1H!U from Sher
man county and has resided here until
a few months ago, when his health
failed and he wetit to Portland for
Mr. Johnson was one ot tbe pro
gressive farmers of this section, and
also a shrewd real estate man. Through
his thrift and deals he accumulated
considerable property.
Found, a gray macintosh. Owner
can have same by calling at the Pine
Urovejstore and proving property.
Frank Stanton Is the proud posses
sor of a beautifully matched team ot
Very appropriate Easter services
were held at the church Sunday morn
The funeral services of Mrs. (Iraee
Campbell Staner were held at the fam
llv residence Friday. The remains
were laid to rest In Idlewild.
Cop, Hendricks called at the Pine
drove store Sunday.
Miss Perry is staying up on the
mountain with Mrs. lioy Jackson.
Mr. Koliler is having bis orchard
And still the watch ooutest at the
Pine drove store goes on. Save all
your coupons and at the end of six
months the one holding the most gels
the licautlrul gold watch on .hibltlon
Iu the show case.
Ralph Shelley, of Odell, has receiv
ed the appointment of forest ranger.
He reports for duty at Long Prairie.
The Pine drove store has iu stock a
good supply of staple drugs, fresh and
wholesome. Kemember a coupon on
the watch is given with every 'Sta pur
chase of any merchandise iu stock.
Mr. Parmalee is looking for a man
and wife to move Into his bouse. He
is willing to give anyone a good lay
out that wishes to raise berries.
Roy Jackson moved up on bis home
stead last week.
The voters of the district have been
straightening out and tilling up tbe
road between the store and Charley
Well's. One kink thev have straight
ened out just above the Laraway place
makes a decided improvement.
Jerome Wells called at the store
Monday moiuing. He is slowly im
There will be a dance Friday night
at Odell given by Peter J. Mohr.
Men'l Shirts, very handsomely figured, colored repo in a-sorlcd ri-lom, detiched ceffs full siz i 500
Men's Dress Shirts, made f woven colored percale, verv Hue, .i'i,! rfr, ci, 'Inc I. -. r-lii.e bla k
stripes, each , tUp
Men's Soit Collar Shirt 4, of ligjit green finish in white, crcuu m: tan ruu.r, aarra- Inl jier
manelit finish pongee, made with tii iocl(et, four superior poarl buttons O't (rout and l ew facing, .
lined collar and cuffs, double itii lie I all over, each OOp
Men's Worh Shirts, of good strong materia', (roin 250 tO $1.50
Boys' Dress and Work Shirts from 260 tO 760
The largest stock in the city to select from
and at the most reasonable pri es
Tt . CA T Loc Do you not need a new Dust Robe for your bujrgy ?
JL vlvSl, XV.OJD6S We have some very pretty ones just now, nicely
embroidered dusters, assorted, patterns, 'each 600. Good servicable dusters,
with floral center, assorted patterns, 900.
t "
I nr1if WneVtciVkl Aitlitc 2.00 op to S9.00. Ready-made White and Col
ladieS WaSnaOle OUllS ored Washable Linen Outside Skirts, Sl.50-S3.50
lingular Sleeting of Common Council.'
Tbe Common Council met Monday
evening and transacted routine busi
ness. Mr Moise, of the sewer committee,
lecommended that tbe sewer be not
extended over tbe creek to Paradise
avenue, as the expense would be much
more than tbe amount of assessments
against the property to be reached.
The city Kecorder v as therefore in
structed to accept f! per 50xl00-foot
lot on the Prat her, Upton and Jacobs
propertks that will not now be reach,
ed by tbe sewer.
The Mt. Hood Telephone Co. were
given a frai.cblse Identical with the
fiancbise given the Paciflo States com
pany several months ago.
The judiciary committee reported
against bonding the city to take oare
of delinquents on the sewer assessment,
as there has been but one application.
is, Ultnger submitted a communica
tion to the council, stating that bis
child bad fallen on a broken sidewalk
nearly two years ago aud broken ber
leg, which cost him nearly $200 aud
requested tbat the council take some
action reimbursing bim. As several
members of the council who were fam-1
111... n.Uk tl.. !- 1 1 I.. I
mm vvmu ,uo viiuuuiBiinuuoi buuuguti
that the city was not liable, tbe mat
ter was laid on Ihe table.
Tbe city recorder was instructed to
send a bill to Mr. Clark for 1(1.60, for
tearing down has barn tbat had been
declared a nuisance, and whioh Mr.
Clark refused to move.
The following bills were allowed and
ordered paid : ....
Marshal's salary for March, ij.ijO ;
Norton & Smith, (loo; sewer estimate,
5,082.52; W. Uayces, C5o; Kleotrio
Light Co., 5.75 for lights and 24.43
for making connections with flush
tanks; T. 11. Williams, 45c; N. J. De
void, l.fjO. ,:-
Note the Kate of the Apple llloom.
K. II. Shepard, nianagor of the Ap
ple Growers' Union requests that fruit
growers iu the valley note the date of
the blooming of the different varie
ties of apples, and also the period of
full bloom, and report tbe same to
him at bis otllce.
It is a r eoog ul zed fact that many
varieties of apples will bear better if
helped In tbe fertilization period by
other varieties. This is especially
true of so-called "shy bearers. Most
of tbe cheap varieties of applua are
very prolific, aud while a few trees of
tills kind planted with the high pi iced
kind will help to fertilize, aud there
by Increase tbe yield, of better apples
whioh bloom at the same time, it will
not be necessary to plant the cheap
varieties or fertilization purposes, A
systematic record of the date and
period of tbe blooming period will
materially aid In the selection ot the
best varieties to plant together.
Tne protltahlo commercial varieties
that are now being grown tn the valley
are the Yellow Newtown, Spitzeuberg,
Ortley, Arkansas Muck, Wagner,
Hyde's King, Delicious, Winter Ba
nana, Jonathan aud llaldwiu. Tbe
date aud period ot bloom on all these
should be caret clly noted by as many
as will take tbe trouble to do so, and
the result reported to Mr. Shepard,
This will make a valuable record that
will be of material aid to every one
growing apples.
NKH A I'M I. 8, IHUtl.
liHiin and DlwHinnUi SI IA.fl1K.ir7
tlvcnlraftH secured mid nrwH'arwl
t'nllml Httttes lluiuu to mmhiiv circu
lation Premiums on IT. H. txmds
tloiuls aad wvurlttea
Furniture and fixture
lue from suite Hunks aud bunkers...
Pne from unproved reserve NxentA.-..
a,.-;. mi
iH ir
1,1c". oo
fheckH and oihercaKli Items.....
Note of ol her iihIIoiihI taluk
Fractional imiier currency, nickels
mid cent
Specie R,6as.flt)
Ijcgul tender notes y.toiUH)...
Itfileniptlon fund with t'. S. Itviomr-
tr (ft iter cent ol circulation)
Capital Hhtck paid In
Pndivlded profits, leM eiiteiuteii and
tuxea la
phhi ..
National. Hank notca outstanding..
iidlvldual deinwliamihleci to check
IH'mand ccrtlncateaof dctawttt
Time certificates ol dcpoall and Sav-
tniea leturtment , 8M.flW.7it-
Cashier aclieckaoutstaudlng If.llftJI
Total IIHS.I87.S4
State of Oregon. County of Wasco, a!
I. K. . Hlanchar. caahler of the attovit
named hank, do solemnly nwcar that the
Htmvc statement la true to the best of mj
knowtcdseand belief.
t.. o. HL,.NCIi.K, Caahler.
Cokkkit, AlteM: J. c. Allmworth. K. I-
.Hmlih. John W. Hinncha, IMrectora.
SultMntsHl and sworn to before ntf.Lhlal.tih
dayut April, him.
a. i . mick, Notary Public.
For Male of Oregon.
Men and Boys' Dress Shirts
While wa are not able at tho present time to display
our excellent line 'if men and boys' dress and work
shirts, nevertheless we have one of the very best
assortments in the city to select from.
To the Farmers
I Hood River Milling Co. 1
At high noon Wednesday, April 11,
at the Episcopal church, at Tbe Dal
les Rev. H. C. Collins united in mar
riage Mr. Percy T. Shelley and Miss
Blanche R. Wilson, of Odell, a very
few friends being present. They left
Thursday morning for Hood River
valley, where the groom baa a fruit
farm. The bride is tbe daughter of
M. Wilson, who was formerly in busi--)
ness iu The Dalles, but is now proprl
etor of tbe Pine Grove store. She is
a g- aduate of Cbehnlis high school and
also attended normal school, being a
successful teacher during recent years.
Mr. Shelley is a son of Rev. Troy
Shelley and young man of flue char
acter.'. No Cards.
Department of tlte Interior, Tolled State
ljind Otllce, The Dalles, Ore.. April 111, ItKKi.
Notice I hereby given that the following
named settler hiui tiled notice of hla Intention
to make llnal proof In support of hla olHlin,
and that autd jintof will be made before the
IteglHter and Iteoelve' at the land otllce in
the I 'alien, ort'Kon, on June lat, lUW, vl:
of The nnllea, ore., on H. K. No. 1S0M for the
Ion, NWij NWlnd N)4 8W4, aectloD 4,
townahtp ! north, ranireS east, W. M , baaed
eta Improvements, residence and cultivation
of the HK4, section !SI, townahlp 1 south, range
16 esHt W. M., on which homestead entry No.
WI was made and final certificate No. !13
was laaucd July. is, ism, under the act of April
is 1WH.
lie namea as wltneaaea to prove hla contin
uous residence upon and cultivation of the
lwt ttbuve-dcHcrlbed land :
Johii Detlen, The Halle, Oriyon ; J. W.
Meaaenxer. r. Hear and Carl Peel., all of
Moro, OreKOn.
l-nuM Keg-later.
Department of the Interior, I'nlted Stale
l.unu otllce, The Dalli, Ore., April IS, ltaxi.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named aettler la fifed notice of his lutein Ion
to make flan I proof In support of hla claim,
aud that wild proof will be made before the
Kcglmer and lUnwIverhit The Dalles, Oregon
ou May 21st, 1'JUl, via :
of Moaler, OreKoii, on H. K. No. (Wits, for the
lota 1, K. .1, and 4, section 2S, towuslrp 2 north
range 11 earn, vv. ,w .
He name the following wltnessea to prove
htieonllnuoua rcthleucc upon and cultlva
tion of aaid land, via .-
Iwl l Umtdwln, William K. Huakev.
Ueoixe v. Iliukey, Wm. W. Htephenaon, all
of Mostor, Ore.
al mil . Register.
For the nut ten days we can sell you
for 2,400. You enn't make
a mistake if you buy this
property for $2,400.
Remember for only ten days at this
prioe. Investigate at onee. Seven
room bouse, large halls and closets,
two large lota, magnificent view, finest
location In the City.
71 Sixth St., PORTLAND. ORE.
r air
A certain concern has
a lot of Stale Feed they
cannot sell anywhere
else and they are trying
to unload it on you.
Stale feed is dear at
any price. For best re
sults get your feed from
us-fresh from the mill.
Hotel Opening.
The Wau-Uuin-Ouin Hotel will be
ooened Tuesday, April 24. The hotel
has been thoroughly renovated and
fitted up (or summer boarders.
K C. Rand, Prop.
All kinds of fresh and cured meats
hare advanced, but we are still selling
at the same old jiriees, and will con
tinue to do so. ours for business, Mc
Guire Brothers,
Department of the Interior, United Htatea
Land Office, Tbe allea,Oregoa, Apr. 10, m.
Notice la hereby given that the Ibllowlng
named aettler has Hied notice of her Intention
to make final proof In auitport of her claim,
and thai said proof will be marie before
oeorge T. rrather, U. H. Ijinil Commlsaloner,
at hla office In Hood Klver, Oregon, on May
iutu, imAi, vie ;
ol Hood Klver, Oregon, on H. K. No. 90SH lor
me NK'i NVt '4, lot 1, section 1;HK'4 HWi,
ana uu i, aecuou is, township 1 south, range
lun. vv . m.
one names me following wltneaaea U) prove
ner oontinuoHa residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, via :
Jamea K. lieeae, Kuaaell lioblu. William H
Uribble, and Kobert Leasure, all of Mount
hoou, Oregon.
12-ml0 Register
Department of the Interior, United Stale
Lauuuiiice, Tlie l)allea,Uregon, April a, 1WW,
Notice la hereby given that the Ibllowlng
named aettler boa filed notice of hla Intention
to maae final proof In anunort of hla ciuim
and that aaid p oof will be made before Oeoi ge
i. rruittr. u. a. iiiiimiaaioner, ai Ilia office
Iu Hood Klver, Uregou, on Mjy 1,'tth, 1IHK1, viz :
of Hood River, Oregon, on H. K. No. 12820. for
the K'i aectlon 24, Utwnahip 2 north
range 9 eaat. and lota 2 and S. section 19
Hiii j ? norm range lueaat w. M.
tie namea the following wltneaaea to prove
hlx continuous residence noon and cnlii.-a.
tlon of eald land, via:
Kdward H. II art wig, Harry A. Hackctt,
Ralph .larvla, Andrew A. Jayne, all of Hood
River, Oregon.
al2m!0 Ueglaler.
Department of the Interior, United Htatea
Land Office, Tbe Dalle, Oregon, March 10
istrt. Notice la berebyglven tliat tbe follow
ing named aettler baa filed notice or hla in
tention to make final proor In support or hla
claim, and that aaid proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at The Dallea
Oregon, on May 7th, WM, vli. :
of Vlenlo, Oregon, on H. K. No. 1297,1, for lota
S and 4, N' N F.'.4, aectlon 4, and lot 4, ae-tlon
:t, lowuahlp2. N., range K, W. M.
He namea the following witneaaea tn prove
hlacontlnuoua residence upon and cultiva
tion of aaid laud. via. :
Krnar Wllla, Portland, Oregon; 8. W. ( ur
ran, V lento, Oregon; Thnmaa Helle, Vlenlo,
Oregon; M. F-ategaard, Vie to, Oregon.
Mr. Ulli MICHAKL T. NOLA.v'. Register.
United Sutea Land Office. The Dalit. Oregon.
March 10th ltnax-Notiee ia hereby mrn that the
following named aetttar aaa lilad ootiee of hia in
Untkin to make final proof In aepport ec hia chum
and that aaid proof will be made before Um Rea
iater and Keceiver at The Dallea, Oregon en April
19th. ItHlS.
of "ood River. Oregon, on H. E, No. 748. for the
SENy',W'4NK'4. NWSE'.andNfcSW
Sec ft, Tp. 1. N.. R 11, R. W. M
He aamae the following witneaeea to prove hia
continoua reaidence upon and cultivation of laid
land, via: John Weat. of Hood River. Onvon.
Emit D. Weat; of Hood River. Oregon. William H
Davia. of Hood River. Oregon. John W. Davis, of
Hood River, Orejron.
Attorney-Hw and Notary Public
J. M. BCHMELTZER, Sec.-Treai.
Notary Public
..Hood River Land..
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts,
Collections, Conveyancing and Surveying
We are prepared in a special manner to handle all
kinds of business in any of the above lines and haVe.
a lnrge list of improve.! lands and city property
from which to make your selection for a fruit ranch,
a stock farm or a home in the city. . "
With an Extensive Correspondence
We are able to handle your prop ; .
erty advantageously and will be
pleased to hav you list same with us
The president of the company is the city engin&jry.
and is prepared to do surveying and civil engineer
ing work of all kinds. Abstracts furnished and
opinions given on property titles. " " "-
Collections a Sd ecialtv. Phone Main 141':
For Sale
Foi Male-Early Koae potaktee. 8. F. Blythe,
fnonewxi. mm
For Rale-Fanltlea Grubber,
or B. F. Shoemaker.
Bee Howard
For Rale Buff Orplngtona and BuB Leg
horns very fine; egga per eettlng, Orplngtona,
11.00: Leghorn, Tftc. Mrs. Anna Anderaon,
Hood Klver, I'hoee 12711. ai
For Hale-Full blood Plymolh Rock egga.
per aettlng No. 1. 10, 01.8 : No. 2, tl.iO. Our
atock la well known and needa no comment,
but will aav we guarantee aatlafact iou. Mra.
Bray ford, Kockford, It. F. D. No. 2. inlO
For Hale Neatly new Fanlfleaa G-nhblng
Machine No 2, for aale at a bargain, 126 leet
extra cahv. nho wood chopper camp, two
tenia enn moil, enareni f ruit tumpany,
noon Kiver. mm
For Sale Fmicv egga for hatching. Hlngle
como. nrown i.rirnorn ana narrea riymoutn
Hock, p n headed hy a bird that won a
prize at Lewi and Clark Fair, hgga II
aeuiug. tun. t&. .1. ptcnoiaon.
For Bale Keg for hatching from pure bred
prnce winning narreti ri niooili nocka. Aim.
1. J. Ward, flume W. MU
Cow for fsale Fine fresh cow: aim one com
ing freah aoon. inquire Wm. McReynolda,
on v. r.. Thomas I'liw, I'hone lists, ali-ma
For Hale Team, weuonand Harneaa. Hmall
team, aelght i hont IKMi each. Hlx year old
both good worker end one a gtajd Middle
horse. T. A. Countryman, near Barrett School
nouae. al2-ms
For Hale A miill urmn of home, well
matehed. bright ailver baya four and five
yeaiaoiu. reriecny gentle either with man
woman or chlhlnn. Will work either
aingle or double and a t rue aa steel. My rea
aon fur aclllng litem ia I need a heavier team.
Will be wild cheap fo a good home, or would
trade for a heavier team. Ilrayford, Kockford
more. aiz-mn
I"i0 IU wardr-1 oiler a Handing reward of S0
ior iniormauon leaning to tne a r rent and con
viction of t he nnrtv or Dartlea who mallcion.
ly cut down tree In my orchard between
Hood Kiver and MoHler. F. O. Mtuar. M16
Bulla tor Hervlce-I keen two bulla at niv
plauefor reivlce. Any one winding theuae of
name muat pay at tne ume aervice la rendered.
Service, SI. I alt) do dehorning at 2 per
iitmu. oruuo r raux. norm oeuuoni. a.novi
For Rent l-rootn cotUire in Itlnwora' oHrtt.
tlon. Free water, la per month. Mra. H.J.
nouerit. niHlf
For Hale email honae and lot. linnA l.
tlon. 45'). Mra. 8. Tate. Hood River Helaht
Knr Ma 1 w A MnH ram n. ... v.
tvturh t 1 llt lha Tu. .... , '
w -1 - . mil v. i i. i nra
be bought cheap. Apply to Oregon Lumber
I V. .ltLw.ttt.1 l) - D . . . .
vw., - .... .nuuu ni,u ui i-rrj. in i tl
. - - . -iuiih ii i 1 1 mi. nooa
poet office, mile fro o echool.on main road
12 aorea cleared. 4 ocrea voune orchard a h.v
, nr Un la jn , ... .
t acre atrawberrlea, good house, 2 cows and
calves, good team and all new tools go with
the place. For particulars
aauretw jonn
vauuuera, mu uooa, ore.
farm for Hale-Having more land than I
can profitably farm, I will sell from five to 20
acres ai a oargain tl taken now. Located 1V4
mllea from town of Hood River. All tinder
cultivation. Address owner, box 27, Fort-
i-iuu, . . al2-mi
t-orHale-Inveatlgatethls. I am obliged to
Kit, ana will sell at your own prloe a piece, of
uiuu .uu unun buu otner improvements, V
mllea from Hood River. If you want to buy
at vour own prloe address Box UU. Hcod, itsuh. ai2-ma
A!,.,"MKour poo,n iou". pantry and closet,
."Lf'iJSli?" Iawn "nd Cllv water. Price
. "" uowu oaianceon terme.
Roy F. Dean.
Inquire of
WAUNA MSTA la nine mllea from Hood
River on the north bank of the Columbia
river. Out ofthl beautiful place 1 am now
offering two 20 acre tracta with orchards and
one 40-acre tract with building, orchard, Held
and oaaiiire. (Jet on at Hewitu Landing (one
corner of the place) and see for yourself. The
fact Is Hood Klver Is nine miles from Wauna
v 'Bt- T. R. COON,
"r32 Lyle, Wash.
For Hale 175 per acre. Twenty-four acres, a
few rods from the Barrett school bouse. In
quire of E. M. tamp, Hood River. Ore., or D.
0. Hill, Corvallls, Ore. M18
Wanted To hire a itumn nulir hit a. u
E. U K lemer, R. F. D. No. 1. in 10
Wanted Been Ree ifnanu..... k
atating kind of beea, number of colon ea.prlee!
.1. 1 U tl.kln 1 ,i n . '
w neii. itiewav w 1 1 le or aee tn nnA.-M .i,i
" - " e..iu, Hum IVIVtjr. ur,
Wanted -To let mnirat tn cnt Kin .
wood at Dee for tl per cord. J. M.Hnrlira.
Wanted, s vonne ladv in net. hiHm ii
and do cnllectlne. Annlv in i. u u,
office. Oak and Fourth ata. Phone 1491. a
Wanted to Sell or Trade-Two Inta a itiiai
and40xlW. onealx-nxim house and tour-nxim
antage with fruit on place. Box 508, Hood
mver, vireajon.
Wanted A middle as-ed man ee frnii ...
five mllee OOt. flood wajrM and a aM.'. Inl.
Call at ti lacier office.
Wanted Old rubber, brass, e
Inc. bides and fur. tall or a
Easterly, Hood River, rtd No. 2.
i. C.
wanted-Od rubbers. I will be In Hood
Riwrevery Hatnrday. Call on or address li.
C. Laaterly, Hood Klver; r I d 2. jl
Notice to Contractors Healed bids arc
wanted to move, al-er and repair the real
denceof John L. Henderson, of tbieelty, and
will be received up until noon on Thursday,
April 19, at tbe office of owner. For plans and
specifications are tbe architect. P. II. Hall
Lewis A Co., Davidson building. allml
Vice President and Manager.
Deportment of the Interior, United HUtea
Land Office, The Dallea, Oregon, Maroh 10.
1906.-A sufficient contest afflday U having
been filed tn this offloe by Andy M. Beatty,
contestant, against bomesUod entry No. 12H0,.
mode March 10, MKB, for K1W, aeotion 2, .
township I, south, range 10 E. W. U., by -James
F. Wait, con tea tee. In wbioU It St.
alleged that said James F. Walt baa entirely
abandoned said entry for six monlns last
post and tbat there are no Improvements
thereon; thot said alleged absence was not dan ..
to bis employment In the army, novy -or n-a-r,
line corpa of the United Htatea In tlmeof wo;,
Hold parties are hereby notfled te appear, re.
spona and offer evidence touching aaid all-, ,
gallon at 10 o'clock a, m. on May 4, 106, beforn
Oeorge T. Prather, U. 8. Commlsalonar, at
his office In Hood River, Oregon, andU-ot
final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m.
on May 11, 190H, before tbe Register and
Receiver at the United States Land Offlca
In The Dalles, Oregon. i f
Tne sola contestant noving, inproim uiiv
filed February 27. 19011, set forth fiu
ihich ihnw that, after dne dill Irene nerson
Hmtm of t Mi. notice cannot be made. II
hereby ordered and directed that-such notion
be given by dne publication.
United Htatea Und Office, The bailee, Ore
gon, March 17, loa. Notice Is bereby iiyen
tbat In eompllance wltb tbe provisions of tne
a. I of Congress of June S, 1K!,-'endued. ')An.
Aet for the sale of Timber Land In ttieBtouwyr
California, Oregon, Nevada, and WaaliiagKlV
Territory,'' aa extended to oil tbe public land
statea by act of August 4. 1892, the fotlowiug
named persons have on this day tlled.n uu.
office their sworn statement, to-wll:
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 2HM, (or til pur
chase of the NEHHW, and Lot 2, eeclkm S3,
townahlp 2 north, rang cost, and LouJ-and
3, section 4, township 1 north, ranee f east,
of Portland, county of MultinSniah, aiuVera
Oregon, awora statement No. 28A3, lor the pafi
chaaeof theH NWS4, Jt4 W Lot
lseetlon 33, township t north, raugra t,oat,
That they will offer proof to show that tbe
land sought la more valuable for the Umber
or stone thereon than lor agricultural pur-
Ewes, and to establish tbelr claims to said
nd before the Register and ReoetVar at the
Land Office In The Dalles, Oregon, on, May ,
They name the following witnesses : John
A. Humiord. Patrick Hart, and Ltl . ,H.
Campbell, of Portland, Oregon; 0. L. Morse
and William F. Band, of Hood,,, Jtlver,
Oregon. -i
Any and all persons claiming adversely any
of the above described lands are requiwted lo
Die their claims In this offlca on or befota tbe
said 261 h day of May, 190S.
m22-ml MICHAEL T.. NOLAN. Register.
Timber und Act, Jane t, lfnu.l L
United Htatea Land Offloe, The Dalle. Ore
gon, March S. 1906. Notice la hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congreaa of June t, 1878. entitled "An act
for the safe of timber lands In the state of
California. Oregon. Nevada and Woahlnxton
Territory, as extended to al I tbe Public Land
mates oy oct or August 4, um
LOUIS H. CAMPBELL.";'. ! '.-
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office bis
sworn statement No. 2K.17. for tbe nurcbaM
of the NEW of section 21. In township i B, N.
range u. w. M., and will offer proor to enow
that tbe land naught I more taluablelor it
Umber or stone than for agricultural pur.
poses, and to establish bis claim to aotd
land before the Register and Receiver at The
Dallea, Oregon, on the nth day of May. Haw.
He namea as wltneaaea Louis Morse. Hood
Klver, Oregon; W. F. Rand, Hood Klver Ore
gon; P. Hart, Portland, Oregoi.;. JtAo A.
hum lord, Portland, Oregon.
Any and all ueraons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their elalms In thla office on or before eald
2Mb day of May WOO.
M22 all! MICHAEL T. NOLAN.RaurfteT.
Timber Land Act. Jane t, 1878. - -
United Htatea Land Offloe, Tbe Dallea, Ore
ton, Feb. 13. 1908. Notice I hereby given tbatt
n compliance wltb the nrovisiona of the oe
of oongreaa uf June 8, 1878, entitled "An let for
the aale of timber landa In the atatee of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington. Ter
ritory," aa extended to all the pablle land
"la tea by act of August 4, 1892, Mary B. Tick.
ner. of Portland. COun tT at Multnomah. aOtta
Oregon, has thia day filed in thia office her sworn
aUlement No. 2824, for the purchase of the NWK
of Section No. 84. in Township No. 214.. Ramra
No. E., W.M., and will offer proof to ahow that
the land sought is more valuable for ha tisaksr or
stone than for agricultural purposes, aad tn en
tablish her claim to said kind kef are the Baarietet
and Receiver at The Dallea. Orezan. en tkel Hat
day of Mar. 1906.
bhe namea as. witneaeea: Fred Fraatschy. of
Hood River. Orea-on. 1. F. Reason, of Hani nine
Ortxron. Nile C. Olaen, of PeetoaweVOmron. L
L. Tickner. of Portland. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming1 adversely tb
above described lands are TSai nested to gin
their claims tn this offloe on or before the sold
21st day of May 1808.
ml&mi7 MICHAEL T. NOUiN, Register.
Department of the Interior,' Unlletf lltatea
Land Office, The Dallea, Oregon, March It,
19Ufi.-A sufficient contest affidavit having
been tiled In IblsfofTleeby Algera H. Tigley,
contetmnt,ai(lBt bomeatead entry No, lai6,
made Mayi, ltms, for ion l and 2, l N K!
sec. 8, tp. 1 n, range a, K. W. M hy Willie tX
Carrier, contealee, ia which It la allead that
said Willie . Carrier bawakiled unewablUht
hi 'eaidenca or make any lonBrovenieaia
upon said land, having totally otmdiMHied the
same for the period of two yean last past ;
tbat aaid alleged absence was not da lo hi
employment to the army, nayvy or aiaH&e
corpa of the foiled Htatea 1n1lme of war.
Bald parties are hereby notified to appear,
respond, and offer evidence touching aula
allegation at 10 o clock a. m. on May t. 1WS,
before tbe Kegiater and Reeelrer at lb United
Htatea Land office In tbe Dalles, 0 regon.
The aaid contestant having, In tiroW si.
davit. Died March 24, Uu, sat forth fseti
which show that aiterdoe diligence pereonat
servlea of Ibis notice eaa not e maata, It ia
hereby ordered and dlraoted (bat a neb aeUea
he given by do and proper pabllcailoa.
Bag later.
B - lgne, Oregon lan Bnlldlnc, Portia ad.
Ore., auy. tor oonteetauV .