The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 12, 1906, Image 7

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- vs.. ti : ' nvrim- I
V - : U':'' ffM' ftfefc THAT IN THE 5PRING, ABOUT
"':' :v ttWI imir Come out in new clothed
f ife 77 I"1 make U5 look poor.
' ' : tl ' ' -Xn! Oi aoTHCJ ON. WE ARE OUT OF
fl . .. '"v' W (psDATE. BUSTER BROWtf
1 .;1 Jl
OO gvygi frrg-Tff g;3.!gaa ffgggiaca y-r- i c
Money to louu. E. II. Hartwig.
Mr. BartmeBS ia on a easti basis.
Hunt carries a line of paints.
Freeh Olympia and Eastern oysters at
tbe Gem Candy Kitcben.
See that dandy line of Folders at tbe
Deitz Studio.
All the latest styles Photos at tbe
Deitz Studio.
Don't forget Alcorn's phone number
,.is !Xil..
Shoes half soled while yon wait in
20 minutes. All work first-class and
guaranteed. Ladies' sewed eoles and
(). Sullivan's rubber heels ft specialty.
Donovan's Shoe Shop, opposite Wil
lianm' pharmacy. "' '
Everything up-to-date at Alcorn's!
Step in and see Alcorn in his new lo
qution .
If you want always to look on the
bright side of life, come and let Clarke
fit your eyes to a pair of glasses. His
, .apparatus for testing eyes is of the best
and most complete.
Clarke will make it easy for you to
buy a diamond. Consult him about it.
Say, just try a roast put up by Alcorn.
"V- Try oln' Cascade butter. Every roll
guaranteed. Alcorn's market.
. Cranberries at McDonald's.
. Maple Syrup and New York (Slate
' Tiuck Wheat at Jackson's.
Be wise and get your Photos at tbe
Deitz Studio.
, 'Watch Clarke's watches no.
Bulk New Orleans Molasses at Jack
son's. Hunt can mix a bucket of Paint or
Calsomine for you anv time.
- "Are'nt they riioe" th 'populnr ver
dict of the Deltz Photos.
Call 'on Hunt's Paint & Wall Paper
Co. and get sample can of Chinamcl.
All kinds of feed for poultry at Jack
son's. Somethimr new Puffed Rica Candy,
at the tiem Cmiday Kitchen.
Throe pounds halibut 25c at Mctinire
Brothers. . .. .
Alcorn's meat market is now located
in the old Wood & Smith building.
Vetch, grass, clover and garden seeds
at Jackson's.
Tbe Gem Candy Kitchen makes frefh
candVevery day.
' If yon want to buy or sell nal estate
f(0 to Ontliank & Utten. Money to
loan on Drst niortpauex. .Aosiracis
and legal papeis ourefully prepared.
Notarial work of all kinds.
Come to ih" Deitz Studio forllrst ehiss
J'botos. Don't put it. off, butgetyonr
' phnlos now at the Deiiz Studio.
Mrs. Carrol Smith, of MiimciipolN,
" who until recently has le"ii enipli i d
as hettd.Htenngiapber on Keith's Mac i
zineand Western Camera Notes, ha.
(lecilel to open u public sten'iiriapbic
ollk'C with W. J. Baker & Cm., pp"il''
the post'dliee, w beresbe w ill be phas
ed to do all kinds of stenographic work
. nt reasoii ible prices.
Father'time has left some good time
pieces at Clarke's. Begin tbe new year.i
with a clock that keeps perfect tune.
New cabbage at McGuire's.
A Bargain.
Will sell soren room house with
eight lots for 1,800 Also another
house with seven rooms nod lot for
81,000 This offer v ill not ho made
agnin. R Band.
Sunbonnets. FreiUe
tiaieJS here. Get voiir face und.T
one of our sunb'iiinets. They are
complexion "savers. 15c, 20c, '2.'c.
Perfumery. Delicate
in dainty packages for Easter
time. 10c, 15c, 25i
HandKerchlefs. A spe
cial lot of einbr i lei-ed handker
chiefs for Easter. Sheer Whito
Lawn, regular 25c values tut 15c.
"Summer Dress Goods
Diinitie. Lawns and Organdie in
the new prelty patterns, loc per
White Lace Glove for
Easter. Mercerized 1-esle, snap
fasteners, 35c; elbow length silk
mitts in jjiire white, EOc-
.Saturday Night
C t . . . m n t i. mmh-tn. , ilk mill T til W ir
Boy F.
Dean has a neat little home
for sale.
We are preparing to ship a car load
of drain tile. Those interested would
do well to see us immediately. Norton
& Smith.
Fresh fish halibut, salmon and
smelts, at McGuire Bros.
Newest, best fishing tackle at McDon
ald's. Fresh creamery, butter and newly
hdd Hood River etjgs at McGuire's.
'"-McDonald sells house- paints. It will
I pay you to get prices from him before
McGuire Bros, make their own leaf
lard under their own brand. '
Walk-Over shoes for Men, at
If you want cracked corn for chicken
feed go to McDonald.
Before purchasing your Easter suit,
look over the swell line of nobby and
new styles at Vogt Bros. Prices un
equalled in the city.
Just received at McDonalds, half ton
clover seed. '
It is to your interest to refer to Mr
Bartmess' ad under tbe new system. '
Biggest line of Easter neck ware ever
shown in Hood River, at Vogt Bro:.
Midway Chop House Changes Hands.
S. M. Walton and !' C. Thornton
have purchased tb.. business of the
Midway Chop House and also the
fnrnituro and fixtures of t lie rooming
house in tie Pratucr Hut, and will
conduct a lirst-class restaurant and
roomii g house in those two places,
under the linn name of Walton &
The new tirrn will run first class es
tablishments at. moderate prices and
solicit the piitiniinge of the public.
No pains will l o spared to make the
business first class in in every partic
ular. Spekniie-Cnliimhla To Be In Operation
In 11)07.
Now York, March 31. A syndicate,
composed mostly of Washington-men,
is stated to be behind a unique and
moat Interesting railroad proposition
of Wasliinntuu. The plan, now well
under way and with contracts let all
the way, is to create a new rail and
water route from Spokane to Portland
via the Columbia river and the rails
ot a new line now under contract be
tween Si okaue and Kingold's Bar, a
poiut on the river about half way be
tween Pasco and White Bluff ferry.
The comiit'iy is organized along the
lines of the Oivgt.n Kairload & Navi
gaiiou com i uy m the hitter was orig
i'li lly created, there are to be about
loM liiihs of steam railroad, standard
guugn, equipped for freight and passen
ger service, built of medium weight
rails and e-piipped with new and up to
date loco motives and curs.
Nearly One Thousand Registered.
The registration books for the rl
ninries were closed in Hood River
Monday, and nearly 1,000 were regis
tered. The six notaries who registered
voters for the city and valloy ieport
as follows:
(ien. T. Prather, 415; A. W. On
thauk, 200; HarUig & Culbertson,
18.'); Roswell Shelley. 12 ; O. Freden
berg, 79; E. llnvyford. !). Total, 980.
Ribbon Special. A spe
cial l .l ot liiii-v neck ribbons. 2'a
inches wide, Pmk, While. Nile.
Green, Cr am and Blue, 15c per
Pretty Glassware.
v.:iu lung to biighteii up your
Easter tnhle. Salad IhiwIh,' Cake
slates, lion Bun Dishes, Table
Set-, It -ii tit i nil patterns. Little
Prices. '
Easter Novelties. P.ab
bits, Chickens, Faster Cards, Egg
Dve, Easier Crockery, Easter
Belb. e c. The prettiest show in
the city.
Booth's for Seeds, lhe
largest collection of Hulk seeds in
the city'. The ver? heft seeds we
know of. The little prices do the
rest. We sell a great many seeds
Moni'y Hived by buying your
mid feed from McDonald.
From 7 to 9 p. m. we will sell beautiful colored
glas Fruit and Flower Bowls, worth 40 cts , for
The UP - TO
First Oi der For Strawberries.
The Fruit Growers' Union Monday
received ita first standing offer of the
season for strawberries. This offer
came from far away Montana. In the
communication received was a very
complimentary rdfeieuce to the flue
quality of tbe beiries grown here and
also one saying that they were re
ceived in better condition than any
fruit shipped to that section.
At the Churches.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep
worth League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially invit
ed. W. ('. Evans, pastor.
St Mark's Episcopal Church. Holy
Communion at 8 o'clock; morning
prayer at 11, and evening prayer at
U. B. Church Sabbath school, i):45;
preaching, 11 a. m.; Junior services un
der the leadership of Mrs. Ellie Beeler,
3 p. m. ; Christian Endeavor meeting,
6:.'!0; sermon by pastor, 7:30. All are
invited to any and all of these services.
G. M. Beeler", paslor in charge.
Valley Christian Sunday school ut
10 a. in. ; pleaching at 11; V. P. S.
C. E. at G.30 p. m. ; preaching at
7:30. Chalk talk every Sunday even
ing. We extend a cordial invitation
to all to attend the services of the
day. W. A. Elkiua, pastor.
Lutheran Serices will bo held again
next Suuoay, April 8th, at the Advent
church. Sunday school at 2 p. m. ;
English preaching and confirmation at
3 p. ni. II. J. Kolb, pastor,
W. A. Wood will preach at Odell
next Sunday both morning and even
ing. Belmont M. K. Church. H. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday
school at 10 a. m. ; Class meeting at 11
a. in.; Eprth League 7 p. in.; preach
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun
day in month at 11 a. m. ; Prayer meet
ing Thured.y 7:30 p. in. Services at
Pine Grove same as above except preach
ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at
11 a. m. Crupper. 1st and 3d Sundays
at 3:30; Sunday school at 2 :30. Mourn
Hood. The 4th Sunday at U a.n t. ;
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Baptist church Sunday school 10
a. m. ; preaching 11 a. m. ; subject,
"Putting Away Sin." Junior B. Y.
P. U. at 3 p. m. ; evening service at
at 7:30, subject, "The Model Yjiuug
The Christian ohurch will hold its
regular services at the K. of P. hall
next Sunday both morning and even
In J. A cordial invitation is extended
to all services.
Union Rev. Troy Shelley will
preach at 11 :J0.
Riverside Cougregational W. C.
Gilmore pastor. Sunday school at 10
a. in. Worsnip and preaching at 11.
Subject, Jesus preaching the kingdom
of God. Special music by quartette
choir, conducted by Mrs. Gertrude
Sletten. Kvening services for young
people at 0:45, p. m. Song service
and address, 7:30.
The manager of the Farmers' Irri
gating Co. was Instructed at tbe di
rector'! monthly meeting not to give
any water to stockholders that have
not paid their maintenance fee and
tbe interest on notes.
By order of directors.
M. II. Nickelson, Sec.
Hardware. Why not buy
Hulls, Washers, Sarews, Hinaes,
Sand paper, Files Hasps, Door
L"cks, Spring Hinge, nd hun
dreds of other needful tilings here
at what the hardware man don't
sell thtm for Little Prices.
EishinfJTacKle. Every
thing lor the Fisherman. Lines,
Poles. Reels, Flies, Sinkers, Sal
mon Eggs, Baskets, leaders,'
Hooks id every description, Re
pairs for fish rods, etc. Little
' Garden Tools. You can
make a neat saving by getting
vour fools here, Shovels, Spades,
Hoes, Rakes, Garden Forks, Po
tato Hooks, etc. . Little prices.
Town and Country Ladie's New Ciolf Shirts
just arrived. New Silk Petticoats.
3 Cm
John A.
renal colic.
Wilson ia quite ill with
Rev. J. B. Splght ia under the care
of a physician.
Mra. Del Rand la up from Portland
for a few days,
M. V. Rand, of Portland, was in
town this week.
All kinds of timepieces at Clarke's.
Come and look at some of them.
Mrs. II. L. Dumble is spending a
few daya in Portland this week.
C. Il.Stranban made a business trip
to Portland the Brat of tbe week.
J. M. Hostetler, of The Dalles, was
a visitor in Hood River Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Newton Clark, of
Portland, visited Hood River over
The Hospital Club will give a hot
dinner and supper at the K. P. Hall
Friday, April 20.
Work was resumed on the new Udd
Fellows block Monday, tbe joist lum
ber having arrived.
Geo. D. Culbertson is out again af
ter being laid up about four weeks
with typhoid fever.
The Ladies Aid and Missionary so
ciety of the U. B. church will meet in
tbe church toaay (inursuay) ac i
J. J. Lnckey hag installed a new tire
shrinker that is a great labor saver,
besides doing the work in a first-class
John II. Law was over the first of
the week from bis ranch at White Sal
mon and reports that be has ten acres
ready to set out to trees.
M F. Jacobs came up from Portland
Monday to spend a few days looking
over his interests and shaking bands
with old neighbrs.
H. L. Howe erne in from Walla
Walla the first of the week and will
spend some time on his claim out
near the Pine Grove district.
Geo D. Culbertson i Co. report the
sale of a bouse and three lots on River
street from J. Tbornton to Mrs
Haynes. Consideration, SUOO.
Mr. Silas H. Soule, of Soule Bros.
Piano Co., Portland, who was in
Hood River last week, returned today
to deliver a beautiful piano to Mrs.
M. M. Fewel.
Mr. and Mrs. H, Peugh left for
Por IhikI Monday, to remain for a few
weeks. Mrs. Peugh has been quite sick
and it is hoped the change will benefit
hei health.
R. D. Shelley left, Thursday, for
Unalaska, Alaska, where be will spend
the mi miner as manager of a large
business house at that place. He will
return in the fall.
A IS month's old baby of J. M.
Spriggs fell and broke its right arm
Monday while playing. The child is
getting along nicely and no serious
results are feared.
The Fewel house that stood next to
the Transfer Co. livery bam was
moved up River street the first of the
week, to make room for the new depot
of the Mount Hood Railway Co.
Mrs. Clark, of Menominee, nearly
cut oft her index nugor with an ax,
Monday, while chopping a piece of
meat. The wound was carefully dressed
and it is thought the finger Joan be
E. A. Franz bad tbe misfortune to
come in contact with poison oak
across tbe river recently and as a re
sult has been suffering quite severely
from this virulent poison. For several
days be was confined to the house but
is now able to be about again.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alger, of Omro,
Wisconsin, arrived on No.S Saturday,
and will visit their daughter, Mrs. S.
P. Rolrjb. on tbe east side until fall.
They are immensely pleased with this
country and iuteurt to make Hood
River tbeir borne In a lew years.
C. G, Roberts leaves for Idaho and
Utahin a few days to buy wool. He
will be gone until rail, when Mr. and
M-s. Roberts will be at borne at tbeir
ranch at Tanglewood. Mrs. Roberts
will snend the summer at tbe bedside
of ber son, who lies ill at a bospital tn
Portland with bip disease,
J. M. Wright baa tbe oontraot for
erecting the new reilderoe for Dr. M.
A. Jones, and will begin the super
structure next week. It bas a tery
sigh'ly location west ot Dr. Dumble's
place, and will be a valuable addition
to tbe residences in that section of
Tbe new sewer is getting well along
towards 'completion, although it will
take some time yet to complete tbe
upper portion. Uak and River streets
are completed so that connections are
now being made on those streets, and
Columb a street will be ready lor con'
necting by tbe end of tbe week.
Rev. H. C. Clark returned Friday
from Kinderbook, 111., where be was
called last fall on account of tbe death
of bis mother, and remained through
tbe winter to aid bis father, wbo is
ouita feeble. He was accompanied on
bis return by his consin, Mr. Graoe
Kobeler, of Barry, 111, wbo wiU visit
hnra this anmmAr. Mn Knhfllflr mav
decide to locate nere.
Leslie Butler had business in The
Dalles Wednesday.
S. J. Frank made a business trip to
Portland Wednesday.
J. H. ileilbronner made a business
trip to Portland Friday.
A. M. Root was over from Mosior
Wednesday trading with Hood River
J. J. Miller and family moved from
Portland to tbeir ranch in the Mt.
Hood country Saturday.
O. E. Gabriel and family of St.
Johns, Wash., who bought tbe W. G.
Dodsou place recently, took possession
tbis week.
The Hood River Laud Emporium re
port tbe sale of a lot in Spangler's
Subdivision from Ira F. Cantrell to
Mrs. A. F. Curtis.
J. Gerdes 1b getting bis hotel addi
tion well under way, and when com
pleted and tbe unsightly outbuildings
removed, will make a great improve
ment in the looks of that corner,
John Wallin moved to Tacoma,
Wash., Tuesday, where he has the oon
traot for a 17,000 residence for Caspar
Sands, au old North Dakota friend.
Mr. Walliu may conclude to remain In
Tacoma permanently.
Tamp Osburn has signed with the
Athena, Ore., base bali team this sea
son, and last Sunday pitched a whirl-
wiud game with that team against tlio
craok team of Walla Wulls, striking
out ten men and winning the game by
a score f 3 to 2.
Mryou liruner, of Rockfurd, 111., a
traveling salesman, is spending a few
days iu Hood River visiting with
friends, and is so well pleased with
tbe country that be purchased five
resident lots on the hill and will be
come a resident of Hood River.
Tbe river is rising very rapidly since
tbe weather turned warm, the melting
snows in tbe mountains being the
cause. There Is every prospect lor
pretty high water this year, as the
snow fall Is heavy along the headwa
ters of the Columbia and Snake rivers.
Common labor is very scarce, and
i great demand. The demand for
laborers on tbe railroads and the mi
merous construction work in this part
of the country is taking all the surplus
belp, and It is especially ilitllcult lo
Hud men to do odd jobs in the city.
Dr. M. A. Jones baa installed a now
gold roller which he uses iu rolling
gold for ciowu work. It is a powerful
little maoh'ne, and will roil out a
lump of gold to the thickness of a
shout of paper in a short time. He
has also installed a new dental engine
of the latest uiuko.
Nothing will relieve digestion that it
not a thorough digestant. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure digests what vou eat, And
allows the stomach to rest-recuperate-
grow strong again. A few doses ol
Kodol after meals will soon restore the
stomach ami digistive organs to a full
performance of their funtions naturally.
Sold by Williams Pharmacy.
Col. Dunn, collector of internal rev
enue for this district with ofllce at
Portland, was In town Saturday visit-
nil Chas. 1. Karly. Mr. Dunn while
here in company with Mr. Early made
a pleasant call at tbis otllco and in
formed us that be started out in me
as an aspirant for priutorial honors,
but was not long in coming to uie
conclusion that toe bent of bis mind
was in auotber direction.
Perrv Wina. a resident of The
Dalles, came very neat being drowned
Saturday evening. Mr Wing is em
uloved on the norm name road ai
Twohv Bros camp No. 2, ami with
two companions was boarding tne uu
dine, when, he says, the boat was
carelessly pulled out too soon, letting
the gang plank slip from the dock in
to tbe watei, with Mr. Wing aboard
It. Tbe bout proceeded on its way and
If tbe unfortunate man could nave
made use of bis wing he would have
flew away, but instead he floundered
about iu tbe cold water, finally mak
ing tbe shore with difllculty. Uhron
The Hood River EJectrio Ligth and
Power Co. are making quite extensive
repairs to their reservoir. The place
will be enlarged sumcieuiiy 10 iaie
in the smaller Bluing and will bold,
wben completed, i0,0(0 gallons ot
water. It will be thoroughly walled
up witb heavy concrete and a large
filter put in that will prevent any for
eign substance that mlgtit get in in
string from getting into the service
pipes. This will not only improve tne
water but increase tne supply, ine
land around tbe spring will all be
fenced and tbe grounds fixed up and
laid out into a little park, lhe work
is under tbe supervision P. M. Hull
Mne Purchaser fur Hood River Farms
Ry listing your pr 0 perty with me yon
will secure a qmcK sale, inese pur
chasers are personal friends and wan
to buy. Write, giving full description
to J. Adrgin Epping, 2d and Morrison
streets, Portland, Ore. ni'-'H
Hazelwood butter, the butter of
butters, 60c. ileGuire Brothers.
2ven's Clotlxiaag:
Hats f Tv
Riffht I
i wllys V HMV ! 1
see J tW I
Cram f Mf
first tiafr-wv I
Wo are showing a fine lino of Whiting & Ea
ton, llurlburt's St at ionery. Also fancy pa
per in bulk. Cull and look it over. It is
sure to please you.
Full line just arrived Ledgers, Journals,
Cash Books, Day Books, Desk Blotters, Rec
ord Books and everything in the Memoran
dum and Time Book line.
Picture Frames made to order at
V. A. Jones came up from Portland
Tuesday and went out to his ranch iu
the Mt Hood country.
A. V. Buck is now with Geo. T.
rather in the lu-urance business and
is also prepared to do notary work.
D. D. Ilronsou, forest iiii-i ictor of
tho Cascade Reserve, was in Hood
iiver the ilrtt of the week iu the dis
charge of his duties.
F. H. I'ettitt and vile, of Portland,
came up to Hood Hivr on tbe bout
Wednesday. Mr. l'ellittls organizer
for the Woodmen ol tho World.
One McHride, a ". obo," was locked
p by Marshal Ganger Friday,aud re-
mbiirsed the city I'-r his keep by
working on the sliti-u three days.
The ladies aid tocieiy of the Con-
regnt'oual church will hold their
next monthly tea on Friday afternoon,
April 13th, at the residence of Mrs. U,
11. Vaughan.
The family of John Fdoholtz arrived
yesterday from Villisca, Iowa, and
moved out to the uooper rancn.
where Mr. Eicholtz has been employed
to work the place.
Mr. and Mra. E. O. Blaunhur enter
tained a number of friends at a musi
cal ut their residence lust evening.
I'he rooms were very tasteiully deco
rated and refreshments were served.
A. L. Rulnike and wife of La
iraude, have been spending a few
ii ys in Hood Uiveraml at their rancn
at Mt. Hood. They iuteud to make
Hood River their future home.
John Lelaiid Henderson is preparing
to more bis house buck from the street
and make oxteusive repairs that will
lit it up with all modern conveni
ences. I', m. liull-Liewis is miiKing
the plans.
There will be a meeting of tho Rod
and Gun Club ut the Ilou Ton barber
Mhnn TiiHMdav evenintf. April. 17 at 7
30, to reorganize the club and discuss
the appointment of a game warden for
Hood Kiver. All interested are re
quested to be present.
Goo. T. Prattler bas been called as
an appraiser in land condemnation
proceedings along tbe right-of-way of
the north bunk road, and is 'busy this
week viowlug the laud in the neigh
boihood of Lyle, uud attending court
at Goldendale.
Several applications have been made
to tbe sower committee to extend
the sewer outside of tbe present sewer
district i ' certain localities, and it
is probable tbe extension will be made
where all the property owners reachod
by such extension are willing to pay
the regular assessment.
Bv the end of the present week the
Columbia street sewer will be com
nleted. and possibly State street. But
little rock was encountered on State
street, but more trouble is expected
on Sherman avenue. So far, however,
the cost is coming well within the cs
W. J. Baker and Co. report the fol
lowing amount of business the past
week. A. M. I'u nn lug to L. it.
Smith, ti wires. Two lots on the hill,
G. 10. Williams to Mr. Bruner. Three
lots on the bill, Dr. Broslus to Mr.
liruner. Twenty-two acres or w. J.
baker's place, to Mr. Nuneumuker.
The Cascade Literary Society will
meet Monday evening, April l(i, with
P. M. Hall Lewis at the Mount Hood
botoL Roll call answered by quota
Hons from Julius Ceasar, tbe reudiug
of wbicb play will be finished at this
meeting. Members are requested to
uotifv Mr. Hall-Lewis two or three
days in advance if not able to be pres
Stockholder Meeting.
There will lie a stockholders meeting
of the Hood River baseball Club at tbe
ofllce of the Transfer A Livery Co., on
April 23, at 10 a. ui. L. K. Morse, pr-
It was "Otherwise."
John Leland Henderson visited Ste
venson, Monday. While there he met
Amos Underwood, who happened to
be in towu. While in tho county
clerk's otUoe Amos glanced over the
records reminiscentiy and said that
they reminded him of the time when
he moved the county seat. Tbe coun
ty was first located at tbe lower Cas
cades, but two out of the three com
missioners wanted it at Stevenson,
where it now is. The two were deter
mined to move it, so the commissioner
who was opposed started for Vancou
ver borsebuok to get an injunction
from tbe court. Before be could get
back, bowover, Amos and bis partner
had the oounty property loaded onto
a flat bout and it was safely landed at
Stevenson. The judge at Vanoouver
was very indignant and demanded au
explanation. Amos wrote "Whenever
the county ollloials have reason to be
lieve the records are in danger front
tire, flood or otherwise, they have
power to remove the same to a place of
safety. We give as our reason for the
removal, 'otherwise.'
The county seat was allowed to re
main at its new location.
Kinloiscs Vinl go Cake.
The blu'h esteem in whiob II. M.
Cuke is held as a senatorial oandidute
iu the southern part of the Willamette
valloy is evident from the following
appearing in the Western Oregon, of
Cottage Grove, iu its issue of Marcb 8:
Hon. H. M. Cuke, of Multnomah
County, has announced that he is a
candidate for United States Senator
ami asks the people's support at tbe
primaries, and it siiccesslul, be will
lie on the Republican ticket for the
June election against senator ueariu.
Mr. Cake is a member of the Portland
Commercial Club, aud of the Oregon
DeveloDiiient Leauuo. and bas been an
ofllcer of the club, but bofore entering
noon his political campaign, be re
signed the presidency of the club aud
became simply a private. Mr. uaae is
successful business man, roclaliy
strong, and otherwise availube. ISO
candidate now before the people for
neuator is more worthy of support and
this would probably be true were the
number increased to a dozen.
Death of llatlle U. Campbell Steuer.
Wednesday morning at thiee o'clock
Mrs. Hattie Grace Cumbdl Steuer
passed away at the home of her moth
er, Mrs. 1'. Kj. ttioe, anu uroiuers,
Messrs. Campbell.
Tho deceased bad been a suuerer
with consumption for about five years,
and had travelled to vailous plaoes iu
the United States and Europe in the
hope of eftecting a cure, and had been
with her mother and brotheis in Hood
Kiver valley for 18 mouths. For the
past few months sho has been grad
ually failing, and giadually lost
strength up to the time of her death.
Hattie Grace Campbell was bom
July 10, 1873, iu Oskaloosa, Iowa, and
was married mj meKiueu nwitpi, ou
ruary '22, 1880. llnr husband was in
New York City ut tho time of her
death, where he has extousive business
interests, beiug proprietor of the Du
plex Folding Pail Co.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank the many kind
friends and ueighbors, and especiully
Mr. Keea aud tbe Odd Fellow Broth
erhood, for their kind assistance dur
ing the sickness aud death of my be
loved husband. Mrs. Jessie McCrory.
Tbe funeral services will be con
ducted from the residenoe at Pine
Grove Friday about noon, and the re
mains interred in Idlewilde cemetery.
Rev. H. C. Clark will oonduct the
A niece and nephew ot the deceased
lie in Idlewilde, and it was ber wish
before she died to be laid beside,
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