The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 12, 1906, Image 4

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On Fridoy evening, April 13, the
young peoplo ot tbe Valley Christian
church will bold a baskot nodal at tbe
Barrett school Iiouho. A procure for
the evoninn's entortuininmit is arrang
ed. All are cordially invited and
every body present will have a good
Guy IouBmorp,havliiK taken to him
self a wife, thought h wanted a milk
cow, bo tiny purchased a nice cow
from 0. M. Camp for tbe sum of $10,
Charley (Jump had the minfortune to
got bin foot criiHhed on l'riday of iant
wuok, which will lay him tip for a few
Kockford received f-om U. P. Shoe
maker, ten tack a ot very line npuds last
wnoK. Mend some more, if. 1'.
P. Purko, Guy Crapper and W. Da
vis were busy hauling a car load of
hay into liarrott diHtrict. You can
awn where it was unloadod, R. P. i,
No. 2, 11. H. li.
We are pleanud, yea, more than
pleased, to be permitted to report
through tbo columns of the Glacier
that tbe Kov. Jenkins has returned to
his old home on tbe Jericho lane.
We are informed that tbe reverend
gentleman will take up tbo evangelis
tic work, and we wish him God speed
with an abundant Biiooess in tbe good
work of saving souls.
Nick Cascrato swapped bin sorrel
horse with the Mr. Reynolds for his
bay mare. Now there wan a condition
to this trade. Kaon one was to take
the exchanged horse and work them
for a few duya and, If each party was
Hat lulled, then tbo swap was complete.
Now this seems to me to be a very fair
way to trade nones so that each party
In benelltted by tbe trade.
P. W. Angus has friends and rela
tives now viHitiug at the home and
expect to make quite a little stay, well
it is the right kind of a plane to visit.
J. J. Gibbons has made a purchase
of a new disc, so we natuially suppose
that Alhort will make mince moat of
the laud and chop it up so line that
you oaunot soo anything but just tbe
It wag the writer's privilege to at
tend the iiolmont M. K. church on
Hunduy morning last, and listen to a
sermon delivered by Kev. II. (J. Clark
on tbe using of tbe talent and graces
which come to men. The sermon was
practical and if we used or put into
practico the instruction delivered we
should be much better.
Pleased to report to the readers of
the Glacier that the Hood Kiver Mill
ing Co., has donated 10 barrels of
Hour to the Jap reliof fund.
On Friday, April 20, at the liarrott
school bouse, at 7 p. m., is the day
appointed to vote on the bonding of
the district for 9'i 500 for the purpose
of building a now school hose on the
lower part of the district. Ail should
turn out and voto on this question or
cIhb forevor hold your poaco.
The progressive four hundred met
at the home ot G. M. Wishart last
Thursday evening and was treated to
a talfy pull, lint tbe best of all was
Friday morning when Miss Cooper
found that some of tbe youngsters had
stopped up the chimney and conse
quently she was noked out of house
and home.
J. C. and W. B. Pavideon attended
the spelling nin'ch between Odull and
Pine Grove, Friday night, at the Pine
Grove school house.
The Development league had a
meeting Saturday to make a proposi
tion to W. li. Moore, of Poitlaud, but
will not do so till later on.
Rev. Milligan preached at the school
house Sunday, both morning and eve
ning. The Mount Hood base ball team or
ganized Sunday afternoon ut tbe Lan
gillo park, with J. M. Leuz as mana
ger, George Monroe captain, John
Cooper secretary and treasurer. They
will have a basket social and a dance
Friday night, April l.'i, at the Mount
Hood hall. There will lie a lap supper
of good things for those who are una
ble to get a basket. Everybody is cor
dially invited. Come and help the
boys along. Tbey insure you will have
a good time, and furtbeimore, tbey
will show you how to play ball when
they get practiced up.
O. Fredenburg made the trip to the
city of Dee, Monday, to register some
of the loggers who cannot get off handy.
li. E. liat inner moved to Dee from
G. C. Buff's place Friday.
J. H. Phelps has been on the lick
list the last week, but is able to be out
once more.
Miss Lizzie Cooper is home for a
short vacation from Monmouth, where
she has been for some time.
Kemenber the big dunce and roclal
tomorrow night. 'Ibe best of musio
that money can obtain will be in or
der. Every one come and bring your
menus, iney will enjoy it.
A. Kiihnke and wife name np to
their ranch Saturday for a few days.
Im.I,,,. Tul... nt Th. 11, ,11., .,.,.1
commissioner Hibbard, of Hood Kiver,
made a tour through Mosler one day
last week, examining the condition of
the county roads.
Mr. Diuilo came up from Vaucouver.
Wash., on Monday of last week to
transact some matters of business with
Mr. Geo. Chamberlain.
Mr. Jno. Evans has disposed of his
farm of 100 on the mountain for the
comfortable sum of four thousand dol
lars. Mr. Evans will remain on the
place, having assumed tbe manage
ment of the same.
J. K. McGregor, manager of the
Mosler Trading Co. mercantile busi
ness, made a business trip to Portland
on Tuesday.
M n' II.,, Ion.. n Dkmnl. A.I. la
... . . i minuu, 'i. . , vi,.' u , , . w 1 ... , in
the guest of his brother, W. D . Hud
Mr. Kaud.a real estate man of Port-
laud, accompanied by his wife, came
up from Portland on Saturday's eve
ning train. They spent the Sunday
driving through the country viewing
the scenery and vaiious places of interest.
The many friends of Kev. J. B.
Hpight regret to learn that he Is lying
in with typhoid lever at his home in
Hood Kiver.
Mrs. Tyler with her daughter. Miss
Lottie, returned on Thursday from
an extended trio to Grass Valley,
where they have been with son of
Mrs. Tyler, who has been 111 with pneu
monia. Mrs. Rozella Jones, who has been
employed in the Food River hospital,
is spending a few weeks with her par
ents, Mr. aud Mrs.-Amos Root.
Mrs. W. A. Husbands aud brother,
Mr. Leo Root, were passengers on
'Veduesday's train for Hood River.
Not a little enthusiasm is being
manifested in tbe Sunday School in
M osier over tbe creation of a library
fund. The starting of a library in tbe
Sunday School is a problem which has
long been in contemplation and is
one that greatly occupied tbe Interest
of Sunday School workers. Notwlth
standing tbe fact that tbe library
question has held such a hearty recog
nition, there baa been no decisive is
sue brought to bear until our worthy
superintendent, G. u. Carroll, started
the movement in proper order by ap
olot'ng a committee consisting of
rs. Alex Stewart, Miss K. Davenport
and Miss Dollie Mosier to solicit
lunds, which committee after a week's
soliciting, brought in the following
report, Mrs. Stewart, collected 11.60,
Miss Davenport H.&O. Mist Mosler,
117.00. With Sunday School funds
already in the treasury and promise
or future donations, tbe fund in tbe
aggregate will reach (40. Although
this la but small beginning, tbe zeal
and enthusiasm which pervades, give
promise that a good library will have
been placed in Mosier ere the lapse of
many niontba.
A very convincing lecture on equal
suffrage was delivered on Saturday ev
ening at the Baptist oburoh by Miss
Chase, of New Hampshire. Miss
Chase Is a very fluent speaker aud
brings out her points in a very dear
and concise manner, thus holding
her audience with rapt attention. Af
ter the leture, an equal suffrage sooie-
ty consisting of fifty-nine members
was organized with E. J. Middleswart
as chairman aud Miss Dollie Mosier,
On Sunday of last week, the Meth
odist Sunday School was reorganized
in Dlst. No. 8, with J. W.Weidriok av
In the reoent Eilers Piano word
contest, just closed, Miss Irene Pish
er, daughter or a. I). Fisher, was one
of tbe successful contestants, having
won in it 970. Miss Irene is a bright
young girl and will, no doubt, appro
priate the money to most profitable
Mr. Lockman and family are now
living within a few minutes walk of
the center of the town in tbe house
vacated by Thomas Lacey and family
at the time Mr. Lacey ti ok charge ot
the new store ut Udell.
Last week James English bought of
Dane Kemp the bBy mare Dane has
bad since she was a oolt and one of
the bost In tbe valley. We understand
Mr. English has since sold tbe team,
of which this was one, at a good figure.
Mr. Olson is clearing land at bis
new home.
Mrs. Mae Hnll-Ehrck is in ber place
as teacher in the primary room after
several days absence because of a se
vere case of eye trouble.
The Ladies' Aid of Odell have for
I y i mumy inmi..m. iriniJ lax
I A Question of Life or Death
Destroy the insects or they will de
stroy your Fruit, Flowers and Foliage
mmmmm IihiiJ
Why not have your rose bushes, Iiouho plants, sinnll fruit, etc., free from all
aphis, codlin moth, fungus growth and other pests ? If this is done they
will look bright and clean and healthy, so they will be a source of pleasure
and profit to you.
Watt's Formaldehyde Tree Soap
is a compound scientifically prepared from the most powerful Germicides
and insecticides known to the horticultural world.
It comes in one-pound bars, neatly wrapped, with full directions for use.
Any desired amount of spray can lie made at one time easily and quickly.
1 1 cost s but i5 cents per bar- Use it once and you will use no other
As watch specialists
When the nerves are weak
everything goes wrong. You
are tired all the time, easily
discouraged, nervous, and
irritable. Your cheeks are
pale and your blood is thin.
Your doctor says you are
threatened with a nervous
breakdown. Me orders this
grand old family medicine.
i 9or m(iM tlisn vt sin I hmvm iiwd Avnr'a
Snraaparlllft tti mi f.tnnW It U n (fraud tonte
ut all tlmi, and n wonderful iii"tiriii for im
pure Diooa," v. r. noi.r. muvvm. t.uitii.
J O. A YKtl CO.,
VhwpH. M:i.
Weak Nerves
Keep the bowels regular with yor'a
Pllla, Just one pill each v -
sale neat well made gunbonnetg at the
low price ot 25 ceuts.
Laut Friday niubt the aeoond and.
at it resulted, the flnul upell of the
series between Odell aud Pioe drove
took place at Pine Grove ichool bouse
with seven apelleri for Odell and eight
for Pine Uiove. At the finish Odell
had Ave spellers. Pine Orove none.
Prof. Wiley of Hood River pronounced
iu a most satisfactory manner. Ev
erything was fair, oourteoug and
pleaHant and so far as the writer
knows there is good feeling between
the two districts. Now, when there
is not so busy a time, we may try
Mr. A. Woods' new house is nearlng
Mrs. Crockett and family with the
exception of one son are again resi
dents of Odell and all are glad to wel-
oome tnem.
Thomas Lacey bas land staked for
moie orchard.
ine f oics-ioung Dorse maiket was
reinforced by the arrival of Wallace
Young with nine horses last Friday.
L. A. K. Clark is clearing land foi
the Glacier man.
There will be a program appropriate
tor the day next Sunday in the chuioh
at Odell.
Lace Curtains and
Curtain Goods
A good line of Nottingham
Lace Curtttna in white,
per pair, 7 jc to 8)4-00
White Brussels, per pair, 7.00
Kcru in Nottingham, beau
tiful patterns, per pair, 4-00
Large single curtains for
single door and window,
each, 5-50
Curtain goo'tain Fish-Nets,
Nottingham!, Savins anu
IJ to 35c
Table Linen
We are showing some extra good
values in Table Linen at from
45c to $1.00
Some extraordinary fine Linen Dam
ask, 72 inches wide in beautiful pat
terns at
$1.25 and $1.50
Also Nottingham to match.
Ladies' Waists
An extraordinary pretty
line of White Waists, em
broidered fronts and lace
trimmed. Are beautifully
made up find extraordi
nary good value for the
price at which we are offer
ing them.
White Goods
Our line of White
is well assorted.
12 to SOc
Glasgow Linen, -25 to 40c
Irish Linen, 30 to 50c
Colored Linen in Blue and
Tan - - - - 22c
A large variety of mercer
ized White Goods 25 to40c
A fine line of Percales, 31 inches
wide, in Blues, Reds, Blacks and
At Ten Cents
These are prettv patterns and very
Low Priced
Men's Underwear.
Men's Women and Chil
dren's Light Underwear
ranging in prices.
Ladies' garment - lOe
Union Suits, 50ctoS1.25
Men's nnderwear per gar
ment, 25 to 9LOO
The new Guaranteed Shoes for
Ladies in Oxfords. This is the
Latest Novelty
in leather for shoes. Also a variety
of stylet of
Low Cut Shoes
in Kid Try pair of cushion sole,
New Patterns
Our new patterns for April
are here
The Peerless Patterns
Dress Goods
In all our line of Mohairs,
Brill iantiens, SuitingSj
Meltons, Albitroses, Serges
and all dress goods we
are offering exceptionally
low prices.
A word that means much to the ones
who carry a watch. It is especially
applicable to
Laraway Watches
For increasing sales demonstrate their ability to ren
der perfect service
The Watchmaker and Jeweler
"Lo! tie conquering heroes come,"
sans toe triumpnant Udellltes as tnev
wended their way homeward after the
spelling match Friday evening. 80
tar as the victory was concerned, it
was a complete walkover for them.
A large crowd came over from Odell
and Prof. Wiley of the Hcod River
schools, with some of his teachers,
were out in iuu lorce.
There is vme talk of Pine Grove
meeting Odell In a cypher! jg match
in the near future. We much admire
this perseverina spirit shown by the
community and here take tbe oppor
tunity to remind our readers that
bull-dog tenacity of time wins. So,
neep a nangin- on.
The writer enjoyed a most pleaant
visit at the home of L. 1. Dover! . of
Odell, Saturday and Sunday. Mr.
Boyed baa one of the prettiest homes
in the vulley, arruneed with all mod
ern conveniences, and the beauty tf
the surrouudiug is exoeeded only by
toe Dospitality or the host and hos
Mr. Kohler bought one of the Dav
enport homes Saturday. It is a tine
large animal weighing about 13.'SU
Along with the other improvements
going on in the neighborhood, the
fine Grove store has put iu two new
cash drawers of the alarm pattern.
Mr. and Mrs Kenshaw came up from
Portland ou lat Saturday. They are
at present tlio guests or Mr. aud Mrs.
The hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Taylor were made glad ou last Tuesday
morning ly the arrival ol a baby fiirl
at tneir Dome.
K. 1). Hackett went to Portland ou
lust Saturday where he will lemain for
an lndennlte time.
Mi. Renuhaw state! that his dauuh
ter, who lives in Portland, recently
bought a dozen apples from a fruit
dealer in that city for which she paid
i!) cents. Tbey were represented to
ber as being Hood River Spitzeobergs,
but, on further inspection, proved to
be lieu Davis. Is not that ohtiiuing
money ou raise pretense r
W. T. Kddv. englueer for the Hood
River Irrigation dixtriot, has been out
wth a party sinoe March 2i)th. lookins
up a route rroin the Dead Point ditch
from a point near the Ralph Jarvis
aud Oalbreath places north to a point
above tbe O. A. lliokle and Jack
lllnns places. They have run two
lines aud are confident that they will
be able to find a good route for the
upper ditch. The contractor has about
SKI men at work north of Uadley ( Jap
the expect to complete the ditch to
Ditch creek and then move camp to
point near the Ralph Savage place,
convenient to ueaa roiut.
There was quite heavy frost in this
neighborhood on Tuesday morning.
The farmers in this vicinity are at
present almost too busy to be sociable.
Rev. and Mia. H. C. Clarke, after
spending the winter iu Illinois, re
turned to Belmont on Friday of last
Miss F.lsie Middleawartx soeut Sun
day with her sister, Mrs. Rowland.
Mr. and Mrs. Rurtmess attended
ohurch services at Monominee Suu
Mr. Meicbant and family have
moved into camp.
Mrs.Kutz is visiting with her sister,
nan. f orces.
The box social at Monominee, held
tor tbe benefit of the church, was a
decided Buccess, more than $45 being
realized trotu the sale 01 the boxes.
The night watchman bas moved bis
family, aud is now living in cauip.
r or the future there will be strict
justioe done in Rathton, as it has a
"Judge ' all of its own.
Mrs. Dickinson had a severe attack
of heart trouble Monday evening. At
present writing she is somewhat bet'
. John Evans ia ona broad smile these
days, all on the coming of a wee baby
Mr. Calkins has moved on the Mor
ton farm, the Morton family going to
nood Kiver to make their home.
Walter Ross has gone to Lyle, Wash
ington. Mr. Stamms and family visited
friends in tbe valley Sunday.
Mrs. A. J. Synder and little daugb
ter are visiting ber parents iu Wash
Ruth Morton attended tbe box so
cial Friady evening, being the guest
ot Miss Mildred Ross.
A step in the right direction. Tbey
have turned tbe dance hall at Menom
inee into a ohurch, and will now hold
Sunday school and divine servioes
there every Sabbath. Let the good
work go on.
The ghost party and basket social
was a grand sucoess. The baskets
were auctioued olf by Mr. A herns.
Mr. Olgon is moving on bis homestead
aud bas rented bis house to Mr. Jones,
wno win cane possession in a lew days.
Rev. Mcintosh is in our vicinity
Miss Walters, of Pine flat, has been
sewing for Miss Williams aud Mrs.
Dean for tbe past week.
W. II. Dean was in (Joldendale last
week ou business.
Mr. Uuler, of Trout Lake, was also
a (Joldendale visitor.
Mrs. II. Lndigaus.ofiTrout Lake, has
lust returned rrom the uid Country,
where she has been visiting for the
past few months, bringing with ber a
young lady friend.
A oousin of Miss Williams is visit
ing here at present.
Harry Aherns, mother and sister.
of Portland, came out for a few day's
Mrs. W. II. Deau received a if GO
oredit bill lrom tbe word contest put
out by tbe Kiler'a Piano House of
Mass Meeting at I'nderwooil.
The public interested in the ad
vancement and development of this
place are requested to meet in the
school house on Sunday at 2:.'t0 p. m.,
for the purpose of organizing a league
or society for the afore said purpse,
concerning public welfare. Ladies are
reqested to come.
If you ever boueht a box of Witch
Hazel Salve that failed to give Biitisfac
tion the chances are that it did not
have the name "E. C. Dt Witt A Co."
printed on the wrapper and iireswd in
the box. Thcoriitinal DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve never fails to eive satisfac
tion for burns, sores, boils, tetter crack
ed hands, etc. For blind, bleeding,
itching and protruding Piles it affords
almost immediate relief. It stops the
pain. Sold by Williams Pharmacy.
Protest Against the I'nderwood Saloon
Last Sunday a mass meeting was
held at the Underwood school bouse
to discuss the saloon question, and a
resolution was adopted asking the
couuty I'ourt to revoke the liquor li
cenae of the present saloon, and refuse
to issue a saloon license to any one in
the petition will be circulated for
the purpose of getting as many signers
as poBsioie.
F. S. STANLEY, Pres.
E. L. SMITH, Vice-Pres.
E. 0. BLANCHAR, Cashier
V. C. BROCK, Asst. Cashier
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus $30,000.00
We offer yon i he facilities of a well managed and
well equipped bank. The interests of patrons receive
Here's Your Chance
Whn t is the use of suffering' when the pain can be -
removed easily and quickly with one of
Clarke's B. 4 C. Plasters
We guaranty them to do the work
Only Twenty-five Cents at
Try one of them ,
V .11
jooc-l- , iif "ij?r"o
I'ont tie a cold or a cough up in your
i-vsiem ov waning a remedy that binds
the bowelH. Take Kennedy's Laxative
Honey and Tar. It is different from all
other cough syrups. It is better It
opens the bowels-expels all cold from
tne system, relieves coughs, cold, croup
whooping couvh, etc. An Ideal remedy
for young and old. Children like it
Sold by Williams Pharmacy.
" Hi
1000 acres select apple land, best location in ..
"IB,U iUVtT vaney; smaii prices on 5, 10 or 40
acre tracts by owner. Buy where you can real
ize advancing Vttlue8 ou your improvement8
Lots in W inaiiH City are profitable investments.
I ou can reach this place by rail.
W. R. Winans
ijiJ"? ' mco county, Oregon.
p . - I- v- 4-i
At Republican Primary, April 20, 1906
"I hereby Dlrdte Ihe dfod'a nf Oman
great rwluollon of Ihe ncmioiM out of the
office. If elected, and I declare upon my honor
that I shall mk neilber to perpetuate old
abuae of tbe office nor enimge Id new achemei
to loot the treaaury." WHIM 8. Duulwav.
"Wlllli 8. Duulway la a man of te-llnj In
tegrity and thorough knowledge of the print,
log buslneea." Poitlaud Labor Press.
WallulainSpEShll81!611 e CoJumbia Valley between
theSeof wShleir0f irrigated land, in
laiia, vesretaoies. fm ts rf all hh , ; ' 1 r. . """
SSSfSf8Kfe nW abu,ndantly watered and hnds ?with perSSl
ZVl Sa,e at reasonable and liS SS??I
bSsTop -tuated andtpieS
mMr. low prices to per-
cominfftown. '1CbS nouses m m thrivin?.
For detailed particulars and Aaan- i.-i. , , .
trr. A, 60w-S,0 MARION BLOC S E ATTtE , WAS H.